View Full Version : People you'd most like to meet

11th December 2006, 00:37
Who who would you most like to meet, face-to-face, for a conversation? Pick anyone, dead or alive, who has inspirted you or you would like to quiz.

Personally i'd like to meet:

Bob Marley
The man was a legend, and I'm sure that he would have been a great guy to speak to and learn from. His music is still so strong, even today.

George Bush
Because I'd like to ask him some very taxing questions concerning the Iraq war, America and the world.

Jeremy Clarkson
Because I'm curious to know how he'd mock me :dozey:

Jessica Alba
Deja-vu! Seriously, given the chance I would'nt pass on it, although this thread is supposed to more general than my other one


11th December 2006, 00:42
Russell Brand
James May
Noel Gallagher
Will Self
Stephen Fry

Hazell B
11th December 2006, 00:42
Everyone's going to say him, so I'll start the ball rolling.
Stephen Fry.

Schmenke, but don't tell him ;)
George Clooney (sp?) No idea why, as I don't find him attractive or anything, but I'd like to have a beer with the guy.
Simon Cowell. Throw in Anne Robinson and I'll take the pair of them on, so long as Gordon Ramsey waits his turn. My partner thinks they should all ask me to write their put downs. :D

11th December 2006, 00:55
A few people on this forum
Race engineers and designers, most notably Colin Chapman, Bruce McLaren, Caroll Shelby, Jim Hall, and Smokey Yunick
David Richards
Mario Andretti
Sir Stirling Moss
The Stig
Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson
Leonardi Da Vinci
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
Hunter S. Thompson
Douglas Adams
Oscar Wilde
Max Moseley

11th December 2006, 01:24
Billy Connelly & Spike Milligan - Both at the same time, although I fear I'd need an ambulance with oxygen supply after about ten minutes.

Barry Sheen - Was the reason I started riding bikes and was my hero as a schoolboy.

Thomas Chippendale - His mastery of the art of furniture design, whilst maintaining functionality in my opinion will never be surpassed. The sometimes ornate, yet simplistic design of some of his works is beyond compare and I'd like to have a chat with him.

Adolf Hitler - Strange but true. I'd like to try and understand what made him tick.

Clint Eastwood - It would make my day :D

11th December 2006, 01:31
Peter the Great --- Russian czar who founded St. Petersburg
Elizabeth --- the Tudor queen who ruled from 1558 to 1601
Alexander the Great
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
Alice Roosevelt Longworth

11th December 2006, 01:38
Barry Sheen - Was the reason I started riding bikes and was my hero as a schoolboy.

I once basked in Barry's glow for but a mere few minutes :) With his passing I felt priveliged to have done so even though I never said a word or asked a deep and meeningful question. He was just a nice guy :)

11th December 2006, 01:41
I would most like to meet and quiz:


Most popular TV Hosts who help people with problems of all sort and send them for treatment or help them in need.

Jeff Gordon:

Most Famous Racecar and 80 Milllion in earnings, and is very inspirational and involved in quite a few Charities and Foundations.

11th December 2006, 02:14
Who who would you most like to meet, face-to-face, for a conversation? Pick anyone, dead or alive, who has inspirted you or you would like to quiz.

Personally i'd like to meet:

Jeremy Clarkson
Because I'm curious to know how he'd mock me :dozey:


yes :laugh: :up:

Jessica Simpson and Ashley Simpson: so I can shoot them and laugh for being so Retarted

Carlos Mencia: just to see what he says

Sebastien Loeb: get to do some off-road rally fun

11th December 2006, 03:14
Jeremy Clarkson
Colin Chapman
Adrian Newey
Terry Pratchet
Jacob C. Holm-Lupo
Daniel Gildenlow
Peter Gabriel
John Myung

11th December 2006, 03:37
Jesus Christ. Are you on the level or is this more cult crap?

11th December 2006, 03:41
Who me?

11th December 2006, 08:12

11th December 2006, 13:56
1. Nelson Mandela
2. George Bush
3. Tiger Woods
4. Michael Schumacher

11th December 2006, 16:17
1. Douglas Adams - he wrote such funny and out-there books, he must have been a really interesting person to talk to.
2. Tom Wolfe - another of my favourite writers.
3. The Dalai Lama.
4. Kay Petre - a Brooklands-era racing driver and a personal hero.

11th December 2006, 16:59
1. Alan Shearer
2. Alain Menu
3. Jeremy Clarkson
4. Michael Schumacher
5. Murray Walker

11th December 2006, 17:04
I'd like to add another to my list:
Ayrton Senna
I would love to have known what made the guy go so fast, and how he was as a character. His status today may be legendary, but I would love to have been able to meet him to see how he acted in real life.

11th December 2006, 17:22
Mark Rothko
Jeff Buckley
Tim Burton
Stephen Hawkin - I think I'd make him cry with my questions
Brandon Boyd (obviously)
Heikki Kovalainen (though I've sorta met him a few times in my stalking days...) ;)

11th December 2006, 17:41
there are a few people that i would love to meet they are:

jenson button for the way he drives
jeremy clackson as he can make me laugh
Richard hammond just because he is the hamster lol
matt neal because he is the champion of the touring cars
tom chilton because he has driven along with the best team in 2003

11th December 2006, 18:19
Colin Chapman just to ask him a few bits of advice on setting up my car and why on Gods Earth he put one of the Chassis struts soooo close to the Steering universal joint. Do you know how much time and how many bits of skin I've lost off my knuckles?

I've had the ultimate pleasure of meeting the great Mr Walker but was so overcome with awe at the presence of the great man that I cornered him in the pit, babbled incoherently and thrust a race ticket under his nose to sign. I would love to have a proper chat with him one day.

I wouldn't mind meeting Elvis as I think there's nobody that knows more about Burgers. Could be useful.

And of course, I would love to meet Stellios or whatever his name is. Have I ever told you about CheesyJet!!! I'll rip him a second a-hole. :D

11th December 2006, 18:25
The bloke who invented toilet paper :up: . I'd really like to shake his hand... umm... :erm:

11th December 2006, 18:30
The bloke who invented toilet paper :up: . I'd really like to shake his hand... umm... :erm:

Couldn't resist it :D

Joseph Gayetty invented toilet paper in 1857. His new toilet paper was composed of flat sheets. Before Gayetty's invention, people tore pages out of mail order catalogs - before catalogs were common, leaves were used. Unfortunately, Gayetty's invention failed. Walter Alcock (of Great Britain) later developed toilet paper on a roll ( instead of in flat sheets). Again, the invention failed.
In 1867, Thomas, Edward and Clarence Scott (brothers from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) were successful at marketing toilet paper that consisted of a small roll of perforated paper . They sold their new toilet paper from a push cart - this was the beginning of the Scott Paper Company.

11th December 2006, 18:31
The bloke who invented toilet paper :up: . I'd really like to shake his hand... umm... :erm:

I'd like to meet that idiot who scrunches :s

11th December 2006, 18:35
I'd like to meet that idiot who scrunches :s

I think that it's the fairer sex who scrunch while us single taskers are more logical when it comes to toilet origami ;)

11th December 2006, 18:46
Couldn't resist it :D

Well, there's a business idea that went down the toilet...

11th December 2006, 23:07
Would definately like to meet Scarlet Johansson :cheese: Also Michael Park (the kind of guy you could imagine will be so easy to get on with if you just went down the pub with him), Al Pacino, Stevie Ray Vaughn (as long as he had a guitar with him), Alan Davies, the bloke who presented the Accidental Angler which has been on BBC2 in the past few weeks (anyone who has that much of a love for a hobby without being boring is worth talking to) and also Jesus (to find out if he exsists, if he was 'magic' and to absolutely slate him for having so many people blindly worshipping him on the basis of an old book which has been translated more times than swear words in Babel Fish)

12th December 2006, 03:49
Kyle Wellwood
Mats Sundin
Kimi Raikkonen
Ron Dennis
Lewis Hamilton...

12th December 2006, 08:16
People I would love to meet (or would have liked to meet):

Ayrton Senna
Bruce Dickinson
Jeremy Clarkson
Sir Frank Williams
Alex Zanardi
Diego Maradona
John Petrucci
Roberto Baggio

A few others from our forums as well !

12th December 2006, 08:33
People I would love to meet (or would have liked to meet):


Same for me mate :up: It will happen don't worry ;) :s mokin:

12th December 2006, 09:04
John Petrucci
Steve Vai
Kurt Cobain
Barry Sheene
Ayrton Senna
Michael Schumacher
Alex Zanardi
Niki Lauda
Mark Webber
Adolf Hitler
Jeremy Clarkson
George W Bush (maybe)
Roger Waters
Nelson Mandela
Tank Man

12th December 2006, 09:30
Same for me mate :up: It will happen don't worry ;) :s mokin:

You want to meet yourself? :erm: :p :

12th December 2006, 14:05
You want to meet yourself? :erm: :p :

Well, at least he will find true love :p : :D

12th December 2006, 14:15
They sold their new toilet paper from a push cart - this was the beginning of the Scott Paper Company.

And from then on I bet they were a flush with money...

12th December 2006, 14:43
there are a few people that i would love to meet they are:

jenson button for the way he drives
jeremy clackson as he can make me laugh
Richard hammond just because he is the hamster lol
matt neal because he is the champion of the touring cars
tom chilton because he has driven along with the best team in 2003

should I feel good that I have actually met all them?

I would love to meet
Will Hoy
Leonard Nimoy
Steven Spielberg - what an imagination

12th December 2006, 21:27
Totti's wife http://www.adslgr.com/forum/images/smilies/hmmm.gif

12th December 2006, 21:43
Well, at least he will find true love :p : :D

or is it Trulli love? :p :

12th December 2006, 22:21
James Allen

12th December 2006, 22:23
Leif Ericson so i could tell him to stay there and dont move and dont let the other white men come!

12th December 2006, 22:29
i dont know why, but i would like to meet Sif Aradottir.........

13th December 2006, 00:24
Michael Schumacher[/*:m:39mbg2by]
Juan Manuel Fangio (my mum always claimed that he was a mate of hers, but he was winning world championships when she was a baby... it was a wind-up...)[/*:m:39mbg2by]
Florence Nightingale, the founder of the modern form of my profession[/*:m:39mbg2by]
Fernando Alonso[/*:m:39mbg2by]
Emma Gilmour, NZ rally driver[/*:m:39mbg2by]
Michèle Mouton[/*:m:39mbg2by]
Susie Stoddart[/*:m:39mbg2by]
Vanina Ickx[/*:m:39mbg2by]

13th December 2006, 02:26
jennifer lopez and shakira

13th December 2006, 04:47
i dont know why, but i would like to meet Sif Aradottir.........


13th December 2006, 04:54
Google is your friend


13th December 2006, 05:03
Google is your friend


Ah, thanks... well, um, that answers my question, and explains quite succinctly why he wants to meet her... :p

13th December 2006, 08:35
Susie Stoddart[/*:m:2fkryalv]

I've met her. :D

I'm not really bothered about wanting to meet or have met famous people. The only people I'd like to have met would have been all my grandparents. :)

13th December 2006, 13:39
Actually, I wouldn't mind meeting my Father. That could be interesting :D

13th December 2006, 14:38
Oily Oaf
Steven Gerrard
David Cameron
The Queen
Jenson Button

The Beatles (All 4 of them, even Ringo :p : )

13th December 2006, 18:50
jennifer lopez and shakira

I'm with you!

13th December 2006, 21:02
I'm with you!

I'm with stupid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q32JAfaEPbk)!

13th December 2006, 23:01
i can't believe Danica Patrick has not been mentioned yet.... i guess i have to do the honors....

-Danica Patrick

13th December 2006, 23:02
Google is your friend


ummmmm google!

14th December 2006, 00:37
Well I'm going to be incredibly shallow;
Scarlett Johansson,
Elisha Cuthbert

For obvious reasons

14th December 2006, 02:37
there is something about this french woman.....

more pix: http://www.melissa-theuriau.fr/forum/index.php?act=module&module=gallery

14th December 2006, 02:38
Scarlett Johansson,

man, you'll have to fight me for this shallowness!

14th December 2006, 06:43
I've met her. :D

Is Susie's accent really as strong as it sounds on TV? Does anyone know who Janet Fielding is? Her accent isn't as strong as it sounds on TV (I've met her).

14th December 2006, 08:21
It's not a strong accent really. It's a really soft, pleasant West coast accent. :)

14th December 2006, 08:38
It's not a strong accent really. It's a really soft, pleasant West coast accent. :)

Definitely a pleasant accent, that's beyond question. But the strength is debatable and... subjective... I think it's medium-strong.

14th December 2006, 14:07
I suppose it's strong to a non-Scot. :)

14th December 2006, 21:36
Examples? :D

Hayden Fan
14th December 2006, 21:43
Scarlett Johansson,

For obvious reasons

Not shallow, just common for us men.

The Kitten Kat
15th December 2006, 00:25
In all honesty there are a number of famous people that I would love to meet, both dead and alive. However there are people far closer to me who I would cherish meeting with so dearly.

Firstly I would want to meet my Nan, who died when I was 10. She had been ill for years but in her healthy days was fountain of all knowledge and advice - and I could do with those aspects of her personality right at this moment.

Secondly would be a dear friend of mine, Kerry, who died seven years ago - for unrelenting support, advice and just to be there. We were soul mates and part of me has never recovered, even though I know she is still with me in spirit.

Thirdly would be another dear friend and ex of mine, Neil, who died when I was 17 and he was 21. You were a rock m'dear and still missed by us all (and all of the teenage girls at the swimming pool who were just dying to be saved by the hunky lifeguard!) dearly. What I wouldn't give for a couple of hours back so that we could finish sorting out all of the loose ends that were left. I am just glad that we got a couple of hours to talk things through the week before you left us.

15th December 2006, 06:34
I suppose it's strong to a non-Scot. :)

I bet that to a non-New Zealander my accent is strong... but they'd be wrong ;)

Ian McC
15th December 2006, 09:12
I would like to put Jesus and Hitler in the same room, that should be interesting.

16th December 2006, 01:30
Salma Hayek and i in the same room

17th December 2006, 10:55
Salma Hayek and i in the same room

This would be an epic battle...? ;)

17th December 2006, 12:41
Steve Harris from Iron Maiden
Susie Stoddard
Oily Oaf (he cant be that crazy in real life :-)
the mad monk AKA Rev.Limit