View Full Version : John Watson's comments on Hamilton - Ditch the dog and decide

4th June 2013, 12:56
Watson: Ditch the dog and decide | Planet F1 | Formula One News (http://www.planet-f1.com/news/3213/8755091/Hamilton-Hip-Hop-Or-F1-)

Former F1 driver John Watson has urged Lewis Hamilton to leave Roscoe at home and, while he's at it, to decide if he wants to be an "F1 driver or a hip-hop star."

Hamilton joined Mercedes at the start of this season and has often spoken of the freedom he has been given by the team.

"Now I don't really care if people have problems with my tattoos," the Brit said in Monaco. "I can have as many tattoos as I want because I love tattoos.

"I can walk and dress and speak the way I want."

And he can take his dog to the races after Bernie Ecclestone granted Roscoe a paddock pass.

Watson, though, fears Hamilton has gone too far and has urged the 28-year-old to think about what he really wants from life; to race in F1 or to be a hip-hop star.

"There is no place for a dog in the F1 paddock," Watson, a five-time grand prix winner, told the Express newspaper.

"For one thing, it is not fair on the animal. It might be in luxurious surroundings, but an engine firing up is like a firecracker or bomb going off for a dog. It's not right.

"It just shows that Mercedes are bending over too far to please Lewis. There is absolutely no way McLaren would have allowed it. Lewis wanted more freedom from McLaren and he has got that, but it can go too far the other way.

"Lewis has to decide if he wants to be an F1 driver or a hip-hop star. At the end of the day, you have got to respect the job that you are doing.

"He went to Mercedes with the reputation of being the man who would get the job done. Niki Lauda took the credit for getting him in there.

"Niki is a experienced former driver who won three world titles. You don't do that just being quite nice and he should be there trying to help Lewis work his way through the problems and point out what Mercedes expect from him.

"If your life was on the line and it was all down to one lap, you would back Lewis over Nico every time. But it is just not happening for him at the minute and he needs to start working out why."

The Brit also called on his compatriot to respond to the challenge laid down by his team-mate Nico Rosberg, who raced from pole position to the victory in Monaco while Hamilton dropped from P2 on the grid to fourth.

"Lewis needs to respond now and quickly resolve the issues. If you keep getting beaten by your team-mate then you damage your own commodity.

"Other competitors then spot that you have a flaw and they will dismiss you. Very quickly you are off their radar and when that happens it is very difficult to recover."

I don't get it. Why have former F1 drivers recently become so annoying? Why does he care? I have never seen the dog during Friday practices. So, the engine noise being a bomb theory doesn't really hold up. The only time I ever saw its pictures was during the media day on Wednesday at Monaco. I also don't get the "Hip-Hop" star jibe. Is it because of the tattoos or the way he carries himself, which is his own damn choice. A lot of other F1 drivers have tattoos, I don't see them attacked by has-beens. I didn't know you have to look and act like a farmer to become a multiple world champion.

In this case, is it envy because Lewis has achieved something in the sport that Watson never did? I don't think he's in a position to lecture somebody who's won more championships, four times as many wins and almost 15 times as many pole positions. IMHO this also-ran should just shut his hole and get back to whatever he's been doing.

4th June 2013, 13:24
Watson is entitled to his opinion and its often an opinion I like to hear, but this is kind of opinion we are seeing more and more in the tabloids. I would have thought with all John's experience he would know drivers need a healthy balance of normality with them at race weekends and having a dog in the paddock with him is hardly a distraction. I certainly wouldn't say Hamilton's struggles with the car by being a couple of tenths off his team mate are anything to do with the clothes he wears, the dog he owns and the number of tattoo's he has. It wasn't long ago Alonso got a massive tattoo on his back and was sleeping with as many women as he could, yet Ferrari didn't come under fire and his commitment wasn't questioned. They are just young men enjoying life in one of the best professions on earth. Less of the sour grapes. :)

4th June 2013, 13:35
Its all because he hasn't won a title recently.

Its easy to lay into Lewis when he has had a bad couple of seasons. If he wins a title no one would give a toss what he's doing outside F1.

Just an easy target. Poor from John Watson basically calling him uncommitted.

donKey jote
4th June 2013, 13:36
It wasn't long ago Alonso got a massive tattoo on his back and was sleeping with as many women as he could,

:eek: how many was that, 1 ? ;) :andrea: :p :s ailor:

4th June 2013, 13:41
how many was that, 1 ? ;) :andrea: :p
I shouldn't give any more detail (not that I have any) as its based on rumours but there was a gagging order supposedly in the paddock during the 2011 season that restricted journalists questioning his rather energetic activities with several beauties.. No Donkey's though you'll be relieved to know :p :)

4th June 2013, 16:09
Methinks the dog may have lifted his leg on someone's wheel...

4th June 2013, 17:02
Watson is entitled to his opinion and its often an opinion I like to hear, but this is kind of opinion we are seeing more and more in the tabloids. I would have thought with all John's experience he would know drivers need a healthy balance of normality with them at race weekends and having a dog in the paddock with him is hardly a distraction. I certainly wouldn't say Hamilton's struggles with the car by being a couple of tenths off his team mate are anything to do with the clothes he wears, the dog he owns and the number of tattoo's he has. It wasn't long ago Alonso got a massive tattoo on his back and was sleeping with as many women as he could, yet Ferrari didn't come under fire and his commitment wasn't questioned. They are just young men enjoying life in one of the best professions on earth. Less of the sour grapes. :)
I'd hardly call "as many tattoos as I want because I love tattoos", "a massive tattoo on his back" and " sleeping with as many women as he could" a healthy balance of normality for any person driver or not. What they are are distractions from the task at hand and doing it just because they can. Their choice to live life as they wish, but it lowers my opinion of them as people I'd care to know.

4th June 2013, 17:46
I'd hardly call "as many tattoos as I want because I love tattoos", "a massive tattoo on his back" and " sleeping with as many women as he could" a healthy balance of normality for any person driver or not. What they are are distractions from the task at hand and doing it just because they can. Their choice to live life as they wish, but it lowers my opinion of them as people I'd care to know.
I'm sure they think very highly of our opinions. You may think they sit in their race suits 27/7 waiting for their next chance to get in the car, but the reality is they have lives away from F1 too. If I was in their position I'd be enjoying life and the perks it throws when you have their status. You're probably of the older generation Starter.

4th June 2013, 18:24
I'm sure they think very highly of our opinions. You may think they sit in their race suits 27/7 waiting for their next chance to get in the car, but the reality is they have lives away from F1 too. If I was in their position I'd be enjoying life and the perks it throws when you have their status. You're probably of the older generation Starter.
Having lives away from F1 is a good thing but it is not the same thing as acting stupid. Not that F1 drivers have a lock on that of course. Been known to indulge a time or two myself. :p

4th June 2013, 18:33
Having lives away from F1 is a good thing but it is not the same thing as acting stupid. Not that F1 drivers have a lock on that of course. Been known to indulge a time or two myself. :p
I don't think either Fernando or Lewis are acting stupid. Having a few tattoos or in Hamilton's case owning a pet dog are hardly wild activities, lets be honest.

4th June 2013, 20:48
I don't think either Fernando or Lewis are acting stupid. Having a few tattoos or in Hamilton's case owning a pet dog are hardly wild activities, lets be honest.
Just wondering how all the young folks with tattoos all over usually visible parts of their bodies will be looking when they hit their 50's and up and tats are a fad long passed into history.

4th June 2013, 20:58
Just wondering how all the young folks with tattoos all over usually visible parts of their bodies will be looking when they hit their 50's and up and tats are a fad long passed into history.
I doubt anybody really cares at that age as they'll be grey and wrinkly. A few faded tatts on the arms are the least of their worries. I remember my Mum saying to my Brother when he had his first tattoos, 'what are they going to look like when you're 80?'... He responded with 'what am I going to look like when I'm 80?!!'..... So true lol.

The Black Knight
5th June 2013, 11:42
Just wondering how all the young folks with tattoos all over usually visible parts of their bodies will be looking when they hit their 50's and up and tats are a fad long passed into history.

I don't understand peoples issues with tats. I've 7 of them. Why does it bother people so much?

It's kind of along the same lines as people who take umbrage with others for wearing shades. Some people are so stupid.

5th June 2013, 13:19
It's kind of along the same lines as people who take umbrage with others for wearing shades. Some people are so stupid.
I posted a thread here once to discuss people's sunglasses choice and was shocked at the reaction. I had absolutely no idea there were people out there who were anti sunglasses! It all seemed to boil down to far too much thought going into it by opinions that those who wear them are somehow posing or wasting their money. All these years I've been wearing them because I hate squinting in the sun and the headaches that follow, completely oblivious to the judgements of others. Thankfully that thread is lost now and its not something I would share again. I have no problems with tattoo's as they are the choice of the individual and don't offend anybody, unless they are deliberately offensive through their content. Weird how easily people can be judged by those who are narrow minded.

The Black Knight
5th June 2013, 13:47
I posted a thread here once to discuss people's sunglasses choice and was shocked at the reaction. I had absolutely no idea there were people out there who were anti sunglasses! It all seemed to boil down to far too much thought going into it by opinions that those who wear them are somehow posing or wasting their money. All these years I've been wearing them because I hate squinting in the sun and the headaches that follow, completely oblivious to the judgements of others. Thankfully that thread is lost now and its not something I would share again. I have no problems with tattoo's as they are the choice of the individual and don't offend anybody, unless they are deliberately offensive through their content. Weird how easily people can be judged by those who are narrow minded.

I hear ya brother. I was the same for years. Especially since I was in a car accident when I was 18 it affect my sight and sunglasses were one of the only reliefs I got from the sun for a long time. I had one girl I knew come up to me one day and say she wouldn't have the guts to do what I was doing. Completely oblivious to what she was on about, she said "Walk down the street in sunglasses". I was so dumbfounded, yet slightly infuriated, by her statement that I kept quiet. I guess people will always pass judgement. The way I see it though is so what if they do? That's their own issues coming to the fore. Let them off, judge me away and I will carry on without it bothering me. In my opinion a lot of it comes down to jealousy. Then again, who am I to judge them back? ;)

5th June 2013, 14:43
I don't understand peoples issues with tats. I've 7 of them. Why does it bother people so much?

It's kind of along the same lines as people who take umbrage with others for wearing shades. Some people are so stupid.
This thread is already too far off topic, so this will be my last post on this subject.

Tattoos don't bother me, you assume too much there. I just think it's silly to make what is a mostly permanent alteration to your body in pursuit of a fashion fad. That's, IMO, a case of not thinking much further than the end of your nose. Especially when a few years down the road most of these folks will be sitting in front of an employer interviewing for a job. How are those visible tats looking then? So sports people going heavily into fashion fads don't do a whole lot for me. Take a look at the NBA and NFL players over here who wear them everywhere on their bodies. It would be nice if they spent that much effort on their game performance.

So stupid is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to a subject like this. Personally, I prefer not to bow at the altar of the latest, coolest fashion.

The Black Knight
5th June 2013, 15:41
This thread is already too far off topic, so this will be my last post on this subject.

Tattoos don't bother me, you assume too much there. I just think it's silly to make what is a mostly permanent alteration to your body in pursuit of a fashion fad. That's, IMO, a case of not thinking much further than the end of your nose. Especially when a few years down the road most of these folks will be sitting in front of an employer interviewing for a job. How are those visible tats looking then? So sports people going heavily into fashion fads don't do a whole lot for me. Take a look at the NBA and NFL players over here who wear them everywhere on their bodies. It would be nice if they spent that much effort on their game performance.

So stupid is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to a subject like this. Personally, I prefer not to bow at the altar of the latest, coolest fashion.

Actually I wasn't assuming anything about what you were saying as I hadn't read your posts in this thread but I had seen people mention tattoos as I skimmed down through it and I straight away knew people were complaining about Hamilton's :)

Is getting a tattoo really a fashion fad? Genuinely, much like wearing sunglasses, I'm wasn't aware if it truly was. I ignore all that stuff. I got them because I like them. I don't think there's anything fashionable about it. I don't have them in areas where they would be visible were I going for an interview or in my every day work attire but some day when I retire I very well may do.

You're welcome to your opinion of course but if people didn't judge then it wouldn't matter what was tattoo'd to me body ;)

5th June 2013, 15:47
Especially when a few years down the road most of these folks will be sitting in front of an employer interviewing for a job. How are those visible tats looking then?

That depends on how shallow the employer is, letting a couple of harmless tattoos distracting him from the talents of the applicant. Besides, one can always wear a long sleeves shirt hiding those tattoos if they're such a big problem. This is just old, regressive thinking I'm afraid.

Take a look at the NBA and NFL players over here who wear them everywhere on their bodies. It would be nice if they spent that much effort on their game performance.

I never quite understood this. How does getting a tattoo anywhere on your body affect a person's mental concentration, athleticism or overall performance in any way, shape or form? :confused: Some of the best athletes in the world have at least one or two tattoos and some are heavily tattooed. I am simply dumbfounded at the notion that tattoos can serve as a distraction. How?!? :-/

5th June 2013, 15:58
Perhaps Hamilton is rolling his sleeves up during a race to check out how good the heart, cross and saint looks on his arm? :p

I can't see how this is distracting him from the profession he has chosen to be honest. I just think its fans looking for an excuse to find fault and air what they perceive is a superior opinion. There is nothing wrong with being young and following fashion. I wear trends I like and we all buy certain brands that we can afford. It doesn't distract me from my job and neither does it for these guys.

5th June 2013, 16:04
Just had a thought too. Webber lives just outside Oxford and has several dogs. Michael Schumacher kept dogs all through his career and even brought them into the paddock on occasion. Kimi, Button, Alonso, Hamilton all have tattoo's and that's not to mention all the other drivers who might just have one or two themselves.

Are we looking at an epidemic of total distraction creeping through the grid!!! :eek: :D

Puts this all into perspective really and John Watson should know better.

The Black Knight
5th June 2013, 16:21
Perhaps Hamilton is rolling his sleeves up during a race to check out how good the heart, cross and saint looks on his arm? :p

I can't see how this is distracting him from the profession he has chosen to be honest. I just think its fans looking for an excuse to find fault and air what they perceive is a superior opinion. There is nothing wrong with being young and following fashion. I wear trends I like and we all buy certain brands that we can afford. It doesn't distract me from my job and neither does it for these guys.

Me either, except when I pass a mirror in the bathroom and check out my fine ass :p

5th June 2013, 16:44
Me either, except when I pass a mirror in the bathroom and check out my fine ass :p

Well, your ass will have to wait in line, because my ass is just hypnotizing.

Oh and my hairstyle, the way I gel it up, if I catch a quick glance of it in the monitor reflection, I'm zoned out for hours. One of the reasons why my company's revenues dipped 12% last year.

5th June 2013, 17:51
About the only part of Watson's quotes I can be bothered to respond to is the bit about the dog being scared by the noises, which is actually a fair comment. Certainly you're not allowed to bring dogs into any British racing circuit (on the punters' side anyway), even guide dogs (good as they are, they can't keep lap charts).

The only ex-F1 driver whose opinion I'll listen to on the distraction of dogs is Bruno Senna ;)

Oh yes, and it's a tad unfair to pick up on an honest mistake like this (but hey, this is the internet) but is this going to be the new "I'll give it 110%"?:

You may think they sit in their race suits 27/7...

5th June 2013, 18:19
Certainly you're not allowed to bring dogs into any British racing circuit (on the punters' side anyway), even guide dogs (good as they are, they can't keep lap charts).

I don't know the policies at other circuits but I know guide dogs are allowed at Brands Hatch.

5th June 2013, 18:50
Oh yes, and it's a tad unfair to pick up on an honest mistake like this (but hey, this is the internet) but is this going to be the new "I'll give it 110%"?:
That is either a typo or I genuinely didn't realise there was only 24 hours in a day. I won't say either way and you'll all have to guess that one :p

Think we need a GP guys, we're talking about Hamilton's private life again!! It was bad enough in the off season. Unfortunately I'll miss the next race as I'm going away for a friends 30th Birthday and will be partying hard on Sunday night, well hopefully. I'll check back here for the result and watch the race back on iPlayer later in the week. :)

5th June 2013, 19:54
IMO, I'd rather see more drivers being themselves, stepping out a bit, doing what feels good to them and letting it show (without going "too far" - whatever that means), rather than acting like the polished corporate robots that we've become accustomed to. How would Phil Hill or James Hunt do in this brave new world of political correctness? I doubt they could stick around for very long.

Mia 01
6th June 2013, 00:17
Lewis needs to beat Nico this wekeend, he has never been outqualified four times in a row as I know of or beaten in the race four times in a row before. Nico must be one of the top two drivers.

But perhaps Lewis will be the master of the race (a tiny chance).

6th June 2013, 01:25
How would Phil Hill or James Hunt do in this brave new world of political correctness?

I know what James Hunt would be doing:
"What are your immediate plans now?"
"I shall be getting drunk!"

This is the same James Hunt who before the Japanese GP, dropped his overalls and took a leak in front of the grandstand, who went round the back of the garages to make a donation to the kingdom of vom.
Lewis' dog seems tame in comparison.

Mind you, this is the same John Watson who only got to drive a car with the number 1 on because Niki Lauda had suffered a wrist injury in Belgium on the Friday.