View Full Version : So, what are your plans for this weekend?

25th May 2013, 20:54
I hope this is the right forum to post this one on. Here in the U.S., it is a long, holiday weekend. Memorial Day Weekend. Memorial Day, is Monday and is the day sat aside to honor those who have fought and paid the ultimate price for our nation. It is also the cumulation of two weeks of racing events here in the States. What are your plans over the weekend?

For me, the weekend will be a bumber. I had planned on being in Charlotte, for the World (Coca-Cola) 600. That has always been my family's tradition for this holiday. I had tickets to the race, but sold them a couple of weekends ago, due to being told that we would have to work this weekend. Since I would not be able to attend, I sold them, to off-set the money loss of holding onto unused tickets. Yesterday, we were told that we would only work Saturday. Today, we went to work and were sent home after 1/2 a day and told we would be off tomorrow and Monday. :( So I was forced to give up my tickets in return for 4 hours worth of work for the entire holiday weekend! :( This killed the enthusiam that I had built up for this weekend. So my plans for this weekend are, watch the Nationwide race (on right now). Tomorrow, I probably won't get out of bed until about an hour before the start of the World 600, tomorrow night. I'll watch the race, but it will not be the same as being there, as I would have been, had the situation not turned out to be what it has. Monday, Memorial Day, I will do what I always do each year, honor my "brothers in arms", both past and present, that gave their lives in the service of our country. That will most likely be the best day of this weekend. As it has turned out, not much of a weekend, it certainly would have been better, had I been able to follow my original plans. Oh well, such is life, I guess.

What are your plans for this weekend?

25th May 2013, 21:02
Went for a nice long ride through the country today with the wife and will grill some kabobs and drink some sangria tonight. Off to Summit Point tomorrow for a rallyX and just chilling on Monday.

25th May 2013, 22:42
Its supposed to be red hot here tomorrow (18c!!) so my mate is getting his mini swimming pool out and bring his tv outside and watch the monaco gp. Tomorrow is going to be awesome :-)

25th May 2013, 23:11
I am going to Brands Hatch to see some old classic GP cars.

Ranging from 1930s-1950s

Then 60,s 70s and 80s.

Plus a demo from a 1990 Lotus Lamborghini.

So I will then watch the Monaco GP in the evening.

26th May 2013, 00:49
Today was warm and sunny, drove up to Scotland and stopped in Edinburgh to meet up with some former colleagues, had a 'large Scottish breakfast' which cheered me up no end :D Then arrived at my parents house and slept most of the afternoon/evening, only interrupted by a curry. It has been a good day :cool:

Tomorrow I am taking my mountain bike and doing an orienteering event about an hour from here, I'm totally new to it so it'll kill me but will hopefully be fun - then I can relax for the rest off the week as I'm not at work.

26th May 2013, 10:01
I have workers fixing my bedroom so I'm gonna blow up.

26th May 2013, 19:18
Bank holiday in UK this Monday. It makes no difference to me as I work part time (Wed - Fri) so it's just like any other Monday - I don't have to get up and go to work - Yippee!.

I've had a pile of bricks in the garden for a couple of weeks telling me they want to be turned into a wall. I've been telling them "Not while it's raining". Today the sun is shining so I made a start and laid the first 50 bricks. I've been reminded why I don't like bricklaying - It takes skill, so the end result of my efforts is never totally satisfactory. And, bricks are quite heavy and you do a lot of work bent over so it takes it out on your back. So I'm typing this with a straight back that would do credit to a sergeant-major. Hopefully the ache will ease tomorrow so I can carry on.

26th May 2013, 20:16
If only every weekend was three days long!

27th May 2013, 02:14
Well, I got up at 0500, normal for me, guess my internal clock is broken, from years spent in the Marine Corps. I get up at 0500 ever morning, regardless of whether I have to work or not. I was pretty bummed and pretty pissed at the situation I was in, having to cancel my plans. Stayed up about an hour, then tried to go back to bed, but could not go back to sleep, sun was too bright!. :( Was pretty upset by then. :mad: Thought about taking the Harley out for a ride, but decided against it, in the mood I was in, with the attituded at I had, it would not have been wise, would likely have dropped the bike. My head just wasn't into it. I had a couple of cups of coffee and wandered between facebook and several racing websites until 1000. Finally decided to go outside and do the yardwork. Did that, got done around 1500, really didn't hurry to get it done took several breaks. Got done with all of it, put the mower, edger, weedeater and hedge trimmer away, took a shower, got cleaned up. Plopped down in front of the television and turned it on, just in time to catch the pre-race NASCAR shows. Now watching the Charlotte race. Would FAR prefered to have been there, as originally planned, but I guess the day wasn't a total waste. Oh well. Tomorrow is a different day. I'm more than ready for this day to be over!

28th May 2013, 11:44
Getting out of bed can be hard, but once you're ready I do like being up and about early on. Yesterday I was out on my bike by 8.30am which meant I had time to do over 40 miles and be back for lunchtime and meaning we had the full afternoon to do other things.

(Only drawback is that leaving before 9am it can be rather chilly but it warms up later on)

28th May 2013, 15:04
The schmenke kids are invariably waking us up early anyways. Doesn’t mean I have to like mornings :dozey:

28th May 2013, 17:00
I went on a bike tour over the weekend. 200 miles or so across Wisconsin, complete with lawbreaking behavior:

Steve Boyd
29th May 2013, 22:40
While many in the USA were spending the weekend thinking of the sacrifices made during times of conflict there were a significant number doing the same on Merseyside, England. The region was hosting the final official commemoration of the Battle of the Atlantic. This was the naval campaign that ran for the entire duration of WW2. May 1943 marked the turning point in the battle so that is why the event was held over the weekend. Allied convoys & anti-submarine operations were controlled from an underground command centre in Liverpool that remained secret until 1975. Liverpool was also the main port through which food, raw materials and military equipment were brought to support the war in Europe which is why the event was based in the city. More than twenty naval vessels, including HMS Bulwark flagship of the Royal Navy, Russian destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov, HMCS Iroquois from Canada, ORP Kosciuszko from Poland took part.

30th May 2013, 07:05
While many in the USA were spending the weekend thinking of the sacrifices made during times of conflict there were a significant number doing the same on Merseyside, England. The region was hosting the final official commemoration of the Battle of the Atlantic.....

I'm impressed. In my country nobody "think" about such things. They are too eager to get such a holiday to glow the barbecues and to drink beer.

donKey jote
30th May 2013, 20:24
I went on a bike tour over the weekend. 200 miles or so across Wisconsin, complete with lawbreaking behavior:

why lawbreaking? It looks more like you're exiting, not entering :andrea:

2nd June 2013, 04:59
Múi giá»

2nd June 2013, 06:48
Múi giá»

2nd June 2013, 08:01
Múi giá»