View Full Version : GeoGuessor

19th May 2013, 15:31
GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! (http://geoguessr.com/)

Has anyone seen this? It takes the Streetview from Google and puts you in a random place and sees if you can guess. It's mildly addicting,and a lot offun to try topick up where you are from context. (signage, cars, vegetation,etc.)

Try it out.

donKey jote
19th May 2013, 19:02
cool :up:

donKey jote
19th May 2013, 19:20
11123 my best so far :s

20th May 2013, 00:15
Addictive isn't it! :up:

20th May 2013, 14:19
It's odd how close you can get with just a hunch, I think Last week best I got was around 13500, mostly because one of the places was a at a hotel in Finland. :)

I'm most proud of getting undersea place on Pacific ocean just 500km wrong :D

21st May 2013, 14:20
Addictive isn't it! :up:


Similar to donks, my best is just over 11000 :s .

My worst was incorrectly guessing a location in Australia when it turned out to be in Spain :uhoh: .

21st May 2013, 14:31
For some reason I keep mixing up some parts of Australia and South Africa, if there aren't any cars nearby, the scenery looks pretty much the same

21st May 2013, 18:36
I've done the same. It should be possible to follow a road far enough to find a [legible] sign that tells you where you are - but it doesn't always work.

21st May 2013, 19:00
First try 8606. Good game!

21st May 2013, 22:48
10144 for first go. Spain is NOT in Mexico :bigcry: It was all going so well as we'll :(

Think I need a bigger screen than a iPhone

donKey jote
22nd May 2013, 19:45
I got within 400m on my very first pic, featuring a coloured ice-cream cone I had taken a photo of in Seoul last November :D

Then I mixed up Spain and South Africa - easy to do... I remember boring the pants of my colleagues when we were there, going on about how much the countryside around Jo'burg reminded me of the Meseta :p

Alaska vs Scandinavia are other big failure modes, as are Portugal vs Brasil, or even Brasil vs Thailand for a particularly devious streetview from Brasil featuring a sign post with Thai characters :laugh:

22nd May 2013, 20:28
This is really cool, but my lack of ever leaving the US is killing me. 5928 is my best so far.

22nd May 2013, 20:30
It's good isn't it :D . You learn were street view is and isn't.

Yellow line down road. North America.
Bit tropical looking; Brazil
Dessert looking but white line on road. Australia. Or sometimes South Africa!
Russia pops up occasionally to confuse things and I've learned to spot Japan too!

22nd May 2013, 23:44
I struck lucky and got a collection with lots of signs about. Any advance on 29539? :cool:

23rd May 2013, 00:55
It's good isn't it :D . You learn were street view is and isn't.

Yellow line down road. North America.
Bit tropical looking; Brazil
Dessert looking but white line on road. Australia. Or sometimes South Africa!
Russia pops up occasionally to confuse things and I've learned to spot Japan too!

I think Canada and Norway also have yellow lines.

Anyway my first attempt: http://i.imgur.com/7Zz5dJO.jpg
My best guess: http://i.imgur.com/LwtF7q1.jpg

For A I instantly recognized it as Sweden but chose between slightly more north of where I live and the area of where it actually was.
For B, there was a weburl on a pub or store that ended with co.uk but expect that it looked like a typical British fishing village
but it was quite hard to figure out if it was the English east coast or the Welsh coast.
For C, it was a view of an long straight Australian dessert road so I basically picked a random road in South-Central Australia and picked it with 166km
For D, looked like a random mountain road in Norway but it turned out to be Western Canada.
For E it was about the same situation as D, could have been Sweden judging by the nature and the road
but the farm and the power lines did not look Swedish so i guessed at Minnesota since the nature there is very similar to Sweden.

23rd May 2013, 00:57
I got within 400m on my very first pic, featuring a coloured ice-cream cone I had taken a photo of in Seoul last November :D

Then I mixed up Spain and South Africa - easy to do... I remember boring the pants of my colleagues when we were there, going on about how much the countryside around Jo'burg reminded me of the Meseta :p

Alaska vs Scandinavia are other big failure modes, as are Portugal vs Brasil, or even Brasil vs Thailand for a particularly devious streetview from Brasil featuring a sign post with Thai characters :laugh:

Not only Alaska but the entire region around the great lakes are very Similar to Sweden, Norway and Finland.

donKey jote
23rd May 2013, 07:54
Yes, "been there" aswell but unfortunately Alaska is even further off :laugh:

23rd May 2013, 09:14
I think Canada and Norway also have yellow lines.

Which is why I said North America! Mexico also has yellow lines, mostly along the side of the road. Most of the rest of the world uses white lines.

23rd May 2013, 13:49
We actually use both white and yellow. Yellow between lanes flowing in opposite directions (typical two way highway), and white to mark lanes flowing in the same direction (divided highway or shoulder). So if you cross a yellow line, you know you're facing oncoming traffic.

23rd May 2013, 14:30
... Yellow between lanes flowing in opposite directions (typical two way highway), and white to mark lanes flowing in the same direction (divided highway or shoulder). So if you cross a yellow line, you know you're facing oncoming traffic.

Did not know that :mark: .

Anyhoo, achieved a new high score at 13k and change. would have been a lot more if it weren't for guessing what I thought was a seaside spot in Portugal when the correct location was in South Korea :erm: .

23rd May 2013, 14:32
We actually use both white and yellow. Yellow between lanes flowing in opposite directions (typical two way highway), and white to mark lanes flowing in the same direction (divided highway or shoulder). So if you cross a yellow line, you know you're facing oncoming traffic.

I know, but in the UK and most of Europe (except Ireland) we don't use yellow at all except for 'no parking'.

23rd May 2013, 14:43
I struck lucky and got a collection with lots of signs about. Any advance on 29539? :cool:

Naw, 20619. Was doing OK till they put me in the middle of a Desert. Guessed Mexico but was Arizona.

23rd May 2013, 16:23
25161. Getting closer :D

23rd May 2013, 17:37
I got within 400m on my very first pic, featuring a coloured ice-cream cone I had taken a photo of in Seoul last November :D

I managed to get within 182m on my latest go. http://i.imgur.com/ZSbVaQh.jpg Total score: http://i.imgur.com/e48ybDg.jpg

23rd May 2013, 17:48
I struck lucky and got a collection with lots of signs about. Any advance on 29539? :cool:

It's cheating if you more than five steps and use google to locate the signs :D

23rd May 2013, 17:55
It's cheating if you more than five steps and use google to locate the signs :D

I suppose there's 2 wy of doing it. Either Google or 'freestyle'.

I didn't have the option on the iPhone as it wouldn't let me do anything apart from spin around but heading off down a road to discover a new habitation is quite fun an not as easy as you think. Give 'cheating' a go :D

23rd May 2013, 17:58
It's odd. My iPhone allows me to "wander" but not so with my android tablet. All I can do is spin around at a fixed location :s : . Needless to say, my scores are better on the iPhone :D

donKey jote
23rd May 2013, 18:07
you guys can wander? :eek:
that's like boobling in the other Geo thread :laugh:

23rd May 2013, 18:43
It's cheating if you more than five steps and use google to locate the signs :D

I take more then five steps but I don't use google.

For my 182m match i moved around allot found some shops, one had web url at the
top of the window which led me to the right country then i managed to get to a riverside street which
had a large advert on a fence which gave the name of the town.

From that point it was just matter of finding the right river and Brazil have many rivers. ;)

23rd May 2013, 20:06
Moving at all is cheating ;)

25th May 2013, 19:55
I t lookas if it repeats after a while - I've seen a couple I recognise

25th May 2013, 20:45
I've noticed that its only main roads. You never see a residential cul de sac.

27th May 2013, 12:13
I t lookas if it repeats after a while - I've seen a couple I recognise

They have had a problem with the location randomizer:

GeoGuessr ‏@geoguessr 19 May (https://twitter.com/geoguessr/status/336225627713699840) New version out, with better randomization and hopefully an end to the "repeating locations" issue.

28th May 2013, 04:58
Thanks, lots of fun in between games of Scrabble

30th May 2013, 17:32
My currently highest score is 23910, http://i.imgur.com/A8GvIY6.jpg
My currently closest guess is 64m, http://i.imgur.com/CQ61HmS.jpg

Also I learned this round that South Africa have white center lines but yellow side lines.

2nd June 2013, 15:35
New personal best, 19500, few steps in one place and only rotating in other four places. Got lucky with Palermo when a local tourist buss was behind the camera car :D , only 700 meters off the right place.

3rd June 2013, 22:42
I had an infuriating one today. Four locations identified easily. Including one that was the entrance to Universal Studiosin Orlando. Ten the 5th was in Russia in a town with loads ofsigns etc - but nall in Cyrillic script. I guessted at somewhere near Moscow and it turned out to be somewhere in Siberia. End of brilliant score :mad:

4th June 2013, 00:25
I had an infuriating one today. Four locations identified easily. Including one that was the entrance to Universal Studiosin Orlando. Ten the 5th was in Russia in a town with loads ofsigns etc - but nall in Cyrillic script. I guessted at somewhere near Moscow and it turned out to be somewhere in Siberia. End of brilliant score :mad:

my top score one was similar although not as extreme as yours.

Started really well with three that were quite easy (one within 65m and the others within a few km)
then i got one semi-diificult in Germany which I was some 200-300km wrong at. The final one though
was initially a bit tricky to even know what country it was.

It looked desert/prairie like , which could be many places in the world but then I noticed some road signs with text in Dutch (or more likely Afrikaans)
which made me realize that it was South Africa but I was never able to figure out exactly where I was so I took a wild guess at
the areas around Cape town bit it was way wrong as it was in the northern areas of SA.