View Full Version : Laptop fan

12th May 2013, 17:32
I suspect the fan on my wife's laptop is going kaput. It's on pretty much all the time now but is sounds like it spins slowly, or at least erratically, with a disturbingly grinding noise.
The laptop itself feels abnormally warm to the touch.

Sorry, I'm by no means a hardware techie. Is it reasonably easy to have the fan replaced? Would it be a DIY? Or is the fact that the fan is always on a symptom of a bigger problem?

I've seen advertised "laptop cooling" pads to help dissipate heat. Will one of these do the trick, or is it just a temporary fix? Does anyone have any experience with these?

I await the flood of knowledgable(?) replies... :mark: Thanks.

12th May 2013, 17:42
What is the maker / model of your laptop?

It's always a good idea to remove the laptop cover so the fan is exposed and they attach the vacuum cleaner hose on it.
Dust and dirt can cause overheating problems.

donKey jote
12th May 2013, 19:52
^what ody says:
make sure the fanny is clean first and then worry about overheating :andrea:

Brown, Jon Brow
12th May 2013, 20:11
I'm a huge fan of laptops

donKey jote
12th May 2013, 20:15
cool !

13th May 2013, 14:40
Where's Daniel when you need him? :p :

Ody, the laptop is made by MSI. Certainly not a "brand" name, nor is it a top of the line machine, but it's behaved quite well for the ~3 years that the wife has owned it.
She's just purchased one of those cooling pad thingies and it seems to have made a difference. The fan is engaging noticably less, although still doesn't sound good :erm: .

donKey jote
13th May 2013, 17:11
who need's Daniel ? :p

Send it to us, we'll sort it for ya :andrea:

13th May 2013, 17:44
:s mash:

13th May 2013, 18:20
Computer cooling isn't rocket science by any means. The problem with laptops is that they have a million different ways the cases open. Usually it's just dust in the entire system limiting flow, or a fan going south. Both easy to fix if you have enough confidence to get the case open.

If you don't want to open the case, often a long soft bristled brush can clean the fan from the outside, and care with some air pressure can get a lot of the other crap out.

13th May 2013, 22:41
When did you clean it last time? You should do it every now and then otherwise to much crap accumulates in there and you get what you have now.
Clean it and see if it helps. If not you can buy a new or a 2nd hand one and change it, it is no rocket science.

14th May 2013, 16:10
When did you clean it last time? ...

:erm: ...

14th May 2013, 19:15
:erm: ...

You mean you still didn't clean it since yesterday?!

16th May 2013, 23:14
Where's Daniel when you need him? :p :

Ody, the laptop is made by MSI. Certainly not a "brand" name, nor is it a top of the line machine, but it's behaved quite well for the ~3 years that the wife has owned it.
She's just purchased one of those cooling pad thingies and it seems to have made a difference. The fan is engaging noticably less, although still doesn't sound good :erm: .

Get a Mac!

I'm still alive, just busy working etc etc.

Buying yet more cars that I don't really need.

The scene outside Daniel towers last weekend......


Cleaning all the fluff out of the fan will help, if the fan is dead then buy another one and replace it :)

17th May 2013, 09:19
Get a Mac!

I'm still alive, just busy working etc etc.

Buying yet more cars that I don't really need.

The scene outside Daniel towers last weekend......


Cleaning all the fluff out of the fan will help, if the fan is dead then buy another one and replace it :)

I bet the neighbours love you!

A laptop fan will probably cost no more than £5 on fleabay. When you have the case open, clean out all the fins on the processor heat-sinc, but dont try to remove it unless you have some spare paste to re-attach it.

Grinding noises and erratic speeds from a PC fan generally mean it is 'bombay ducked', so bet to replace it sooner than later.

17th May 2013, 09:21
rocket science.

Brain sugery - it's not rocket science, is it? ;)

17th May 2013, 12:43
The scene outside Daniel towers last weekend......

I can see two ferries, so it should be renamed as Daniel docks :p :

17th May 2013, 22:11
Brain sugery - it's not rocket science, is it? ;)

Nope, whatever that is! :p

17th May 2013, 22:12
Get a Mac!

I'm still alive, just busy working etc etc.

Buying yet more cars that I don't really need.

The scene outside Daniel towers last weekend......


Cleaning all the fluff out of the fan will help, if the fan is dead then buy another one and replace it :)

What cars? I see no cars there.

18th May 2013, 17:36
Some credit should given for having Italian cars and not panzerwagens :up: ;)

27th May 2013, 06:27
I read the thread title and thought, what a jerk..being a fan of laptops....well its schmenke we are dealing with!

I await the flood of knowledgable(?) replies... :mark: Thanks.
you know that's what always happens around here don't you? :erm:

27th May 2013, 21:11
...you know that's what always happens around here don't you? :erm:

In hindsight, I don't know why I bothered :p :