View Full Version : Cleveland kidnapper..

10th May 2013, 10:51
Should he get the dead penalty ?

10th May 2013, 10:58
Dead penalty is unfair, I say lock him in a cell and throw the key into the sea...

10th May 2013, 11:03
Dead penalty is unfair, I say lock him in a cell and throw the key into the sea...

No, he should not get "dead penalty", because it costs the taxpayers too much money.

Indeed, locking him up for life costs too much money.

Instead, we should follow Great Britney's example and give him $10,000 to sue those women for disrupting his life and causing him to lose income :rolleyes:

Plus, he had to feed them all this time, and he should be reimbursed for that as well

If those young girls had not been walking around just asking for trouble, none of this would have happened :dozey:

donKey jote
10th May 2013, 11:37
If those young girls had not been walking around just asking for trouble, none of this would have happened :dozey:

Or, indeed, if they had had a gun :andrea: :dozey:

10th May 2013, 11:39
Instead, we should follow Great Britney's example and give him $10,000 to sue those women for disrupting his life and causing him to lose income :rolleyes:
Britney Spears is handing out cash??!! :eek:


10th May 2013, 11:40
Should he get the dead penalty ?

Death penalty or not, the fact that he'll spend the rest of his life in jail is a certainty.

10th May 2013, 12:41
Or, indeed, if they had had a gun :andrea: :dozey:

amen. It also would have saved the taxpayers much money that will otherwise be spent on lawyers

And all this time, i been telling your momma, you have a little bit of sense and balls....

10th May 2013, 17:29
Release him into the general prison population.
It would be the equivalent to the death penalty, without the moral hand-wringing, and it would save taxpayer money to boot.

10th May 2013, 21:35
In this case I rather like the traditional KKK method. Take a large log, place it in a fire until one end is burning well. Remove the log from the fire and check it is continuing to burn. Take a large staple and use it to attach the offender to the log by his goolies. Give him a well-sharpened razor. Then leave him to decide what he cuts as the log burns down: his throat or his ...

11th May 2013, 17:45
Should he get the dead penalty ?

In a New York second !!! He should be escorted from trial to execution without even a sandwich!!!!!!

11th May 2013, 20:04
I beg to disagree - that's far too humane!

20th May 2013, 16:35
Instead, we should follow Great Britney's example and give him $10,000 to sue those women for disrupting his life and causing him to lose income :rolleyes:

Sorry, I don't get this :confused:

Anyway, back to the subject.

We have a POS in the UK who is currently being tried for Murdering and doing Hell knows what to a 5 year old girl. I think this evokes the same sort of feelings as our good old Cleveland Kidnapper.

Do I want to see him suffer pain and agony. Of course. I would like to see him slowly dissolved, feet first, in a bowl of acid.

However, something stops me from endorsing the death penalty. I don't know what it is but it's the thought of there ever being a mistake.

If I was Aprils Father, I would swing for Mark Bridger. I would gladly throttle him with my bare hands but trying to look at it dispassionatly is very difficult.

The beauty about being a private citizen and not a Law maker is that I have the freedom to scream for his balls to be ripped off without actually having the responsibility for doing it.

22nd May 2013, 18:30
In this case I rather like the traditional KKK method. Take a large log, place it in a fire until one end is burning well. Remove the log from the fire and check it is continuing to burn. Take a large staple and use it to attach the offender to the log by his goolies. Give him a well-sharpened razor. Then leave him to decide what he cuts as the log burns down: his throat or his ...

Hahahaha, have not heard 'goolies' mentioned in years'

23rd May 2013, 05:01
Sorry, I don't get this :confused:

Anyway, back to the subject.

We have a POS in the UK who is currently being tried for Murdering and doing Hell knows what to a 5 year old girl. I think this evokes the same sort of feelings as our good old Cleveland Kidnapper.

Do I want to see him suffer pain and agony. Of course. I would like to see him slowly dissolved, feet first, in a bowl of acid.

However, something stops me from endorsing the death penalty. I don't know what it is but it's the thought of there ever being a mistake.

If I was Aprils Father, I would swing for Mark Bridger. I would gladly throttle him with my bare hands but trying to look at it dispassionatly is very difficult.

The beauty about being a private citizen and not a Law maker is that I have the freedom to scream for his balls to be ripped off without actually having the responsibility for doing it.

I understand. I would be happy to terminate him, with extreme prejudice, for you. Unfortunately, they are not asking for volunteers

23rd May 2013, 05:03
In this case I rather like the traditional KKK method. Take a large log, place it in a fire until one end is burning well. Remove the log from the fire and check it is continuing to burn. Take a large staple and use it to attach the offender to the log by his goolies. Give him a well-sharpened razor. Then leave him to decide what he cuts as the log burns down: his throat or his ...

you mean the KKK as in the Klan?

Never heard of such behavior from them, although they probably done worse without any justification except to be sicko *******s.

23rd May 2013, 05:06
Sorry, I don't get this :confused:


Tony Martin, where Great Britany gave the criminal scum who was merely wounded, some $10,000 to sure him because he only wounded the scum instead of killing him.

23rd May 2013, 10:57
Tony Martin, where Great Britany gave the criminal scum who was merely wounded, some $10,000 to sure him because he only wounded the scum instead of killing him.

OK, lets get some perspective on this.

Tony Martin is a violent, dangerous rascist. He had previously had his firearms certificate revoked for fireing on the vehicle of somone stealing Apples from one of his tree. I am sure you will defend shooting at someone for scrumping but that sort of thing is not allowed in this Country thankfully.

Now, the night in question, he lay in wait for the scumbags that set out to rob him and fired a shot at them. This gave them second thoughts and they legged it so he shot them while fleeing in the back, Murdering one of them. This was the outcome of a Jury of his peers who had the option to convict him of Manslaughter but choose Murder instead.

Tony Martin is not some poor hard done by Farmer that's been victimised by the state and I have no sympathy for the two Criminals that broke into his Property. Pikey Scum that had it coming to them, but the way it happened was illegal and Justice was served to both parties. Some of it legl justice and some of it rough justice.

As for the Legal Aid issue, I don't agree with it at all. In fact, the Legal Aid system needs to be re-looked at as IMHO, if you enter someone property with the intention to commit a serious Criminal act, then you shouldn't have a Legal recourse against the owner for Compensation. If the owner commits a criminal act, then it's up to the State to act but the original criminal shouldn't get rewarded for it.

23rd May 2013, 11:14
I find the fact Billy has mentioned Tony Martin as an example again amusing to say the least. I educated him about the case on another thread and received no acknowledgement. I doubt you will either Knock-on as it renders his point null and void.

23rd May 2013, 11:44
I wasn't aware of that mate. I thought he was merely ignorant of who he really was :)

23rd May 2013, 12:00
I find the fact Billy has mentioned Tony Martin as an example again amusing to say the least. I educated him about the case on another thread and received no acknowledgement. I doubt you will either Knock-on as it renders his point null and void.

I wasn't aware of that mate. I thought he was merely ignorant of who he really was :)

Naw, boys and girls, they closed it down before I got around to it.

Here in Texas, when they started legalizing the carrying of concealed weapons, the murder rate involving robberies and other acts of violence between people who do not know each other has been dropping like a rock.

Same for burgularies.

It is clearly from the fact that scum are afraid that if they attack the wrong person, they will get shot dead. :D

Martin's house had been broken into repeatedly, and all your local police did was sit around with their thumbs up their buttocks....until Martin started shooting the scum, and the police acted like you posters and started prosecuting the poor Mr. Martin, instead of the scum

Then you give the scum 10k to go sue Mr. Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Better read your own newspaper articles

Shooting both of them, either dead or otherwise, in any situation of breaking into someone's house or trying to run out the door, is perfectly legal in Texas. :D

Missing or wounding them is considered a waste of good ammo :(

23rd May 2013, 12:05
This was the outcome of a Jury of his peers who had the option to convict him of Manslaughter but choose Murder instead.


Bad laws and stupid people on a jury who have no real sense of right and wrong is a deadly combo.
My goodness what is in the water that you people drink or is it a case of bad genectics?

23rd May 2013, 12:47
Bad laws and stupid people on a jury who have no real sense of right and wrong is a deadly combo.
My goodness what is in the water that you people drink or is it a case of bad genectics?
We tend to be generally a logical group of people who don't condone lynching, nor do we alter the law to suit individual cases. There wouldn't be a postman or delivery man alive in this country if we had the mindset you display here.

23rd May 2013, 12:49
OK, lets get some perspective on this.

Tony Martin is a violent, dangerous rascist. He had previously had his firearms certificate revoked for fireing on the vehicle of somone stealing Apples from one of his tree. I am sure you will defend shooting at someone for scrumping but that sort of thing is not allowed in this Country thankfully.

Now, the night in question, he lay in wait for the scumbags that set out to rob him and fired a shot at them. This gave them second thoughts and they legged it so he shot them while fleeing in the back, Murdering one of them. This was the outcome of a Jury of his peers who had the option to convict him of Manslaughter but choose Murder instead.

Exactly. Excellent post. Couldn't agree more. In no way should that man be held up as any sort of example or role model. The rule of law must always take precedence.

23rd May 2013, 12:50
Bad laws and stupid people on a jury who have no real sense of right and wrong is a deadly combo.
My goodness what is in the water that you people drink or is it a case of bad genectics?

Genetics as bad as those that cause one to mis-spell 'genetics'?

23rd May 2013, 12:52
We have a POS in the UK who is currently being tried for Murdering and doing Hell knows what to a 5 year old girl. I think this evokes the same sort of feelings as our good old Cleveland Kidnapper.

Do I want to see him suffer pain and agony. Of course. I would like to see him slowly dissolved, feet first, in a bowl of acid.

However, something stops me from endorsing the death penalty. I don't know what it is but it's the thought of there ever being a mistake.

If I was Aprils Father, I would swing for Mark Bridger. I would gladly throttle him with my bare hands but trying to look at it dispassionatly is very difficult.

The beauty about being a private citizen and not a Law maker is that I have the freedom to scream for his balls to be ripped off without actually having the responsibility for doing it.

I've said this in another thread, but I'll repeat it: I am troubled by the view that, rather than imposing the death penalty, putting someone like that in prison would somehow 'do the job' on the grounds that he's likely to (in effect) be lynched. No doubt some of the same people would simultaneously complain about prison 'not working'. Is it any wonder when violence is not eradicated from the prison environment?

23rd May 2013, 22:31
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer today:

Apparently, creating a special hamburger to honor Charles Ramsey was just the beginning.

Now, the hero in the rescue of four kidnap victims held captive on Cleveland's West Side for roughly 10 years will enjoy free burgers for life.

More than a dozen Northeast Ohio restaurants have pledged an offer of a burger anytime Ramsey wants to stop by and dig in. AMP 150 at the Marriott Cleveland Airport; Washington Place Bistro and Inn in Little Italy; Fahrenheit restaurant in Tremont; Market Garden Brewery, Bier Markt, Bar Cento and Nano Brew in Ohio City; Welshfield Inn in Troy Township; Hodges and Pura Vida in downtown Cleveland; 87 West at Crocker Park in Westlake; Orchard House restaurant in Brunswick; Flour restaurant in Moreland Hills, and the Allegheny Grille in Foxburg, Pennsylvania, have joined in the offer.

Good for him! Hope they're all within bicycling distance!

24th May 2013, 01:47
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer today:

Apparently, creating a special hamburger to honor Charles Ramsey was just the beginning.

Now, the hero in the rescue of four kidnap victims held captive on Cleveland's West Side for roughly 10 years will enjoy free burgers for life.

More than a dozen Northeast Ohio restaurants have pledged an offer of a burger anytime Ramsey wants to stop by and dig in. AMP 150 at the Marriott Cleveland Airport; Washington Place Bistro and Inn in Little Italy; Fahrenheit restaurant in Tremont; Market Garden Brewery, Bier Markt, Bar Cento and Nano Brew in Ohio City; Welshfield Inn in Troy Township; Hodges and Pura Vida in downtown Cleveland; 87 West at Crocker Park in Westlake; Orchard House restaurant in Brunswick; Flour restaurant in Moreland Hills, and the Allegheny Grille in Foxburg, Pennsylvania, have joined in the offer.

Good for him! Hope they're all within bicycling distance!

I hope they soon realize that a burger is best when consumed with a good beer! :)