View Full Version : Found a signed tire

4th May 2013, 03:31
My brother found a signed tire on a trash pick up day and I was wondering if any one knows who the signature belongs to

Valve Bounce
4th May 2013, 03:44
My brother found a signed tire on a trash pick up day and I was wondering if any one knows who the signature belongs to

The guy who threw the tyre away?? I'm just guessing here,and it may even belong to Hamilton or Bunsen.

4th May 2013, 08:47
give us a clue? (Hint - a picture may help the process)

donKey jote
4th May 2013, 08:58
or a link of some sort ? :andrea:

4th May 2013, 11:04
Oh I'm sorry, it was me. I'm rather a bit forgetful these days and so I sign all my tyres just in case one of them turns up.

Please return my tyre to the following address:

Andy Rollo
GPO Box 9990
Sydney NSW 2001

4th May 2013, 16:18
Do you happen to have the other three Rollo? :p :

donKey jote
4th May 2013, 16:32
Billy's missus has a spare tyre or two :andrea:

5th May 2013, 08:36
My brother found a signed tire on a trash pick up day and I was wondering if any one knows who the signature belongs to

To get half a chance of an answer here, you should take a photo of it and then post it!

5th May 2013, 12:21
Do you happen to have the other three Rollo? :p :


Oh blast, cuss, dang and pooh-pooh. My motor conveyance is now suspended on cinder blocks. I shall have to cry havoc!

6th May 2013, 12:24
Billy's missus has a spare tyre or two :andrea:

Not always, sometimes she runs out of them when business is good. :(

Speaking of rubbers, did you ever figure out why your middle name is :eek: Pirelli :eek:

11th May 2013, 10:37
I think it belongs to Martin Gunning.

He sounds like the kind of bloke who lives somewhere, does something and signs tyres. I'd return it or he'll get angry.