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16th January 2007, 22:48
It's probably splitting hairs, but the morons who give out negative Rep for no reason can do this because of the way it's been implemented. That said, it must really suck to be one of those morons. Can you imagine what a wretched life they live? Perhaps they merit our pity rather than condemnation.
It's the way the software is run :) Basically it's anonymous so people can legitimately give out bad rep and not worry about revenge - rep. That said I think it would be best for all concerned if it was just disabled on this forum.

16th January 2007, 23:16
That said I think it would be best for all concerned if it was just disabled on this forum.


17th January 2007, 03:46
Came back to the forums after a few months, and I find this rep thing a bit weird. I would say I have to agree with those asking for it to dissappear.

17th January 2007, 03:52
Came back to the forums after a few months, and I find this rep thing a bit weird. I would say I have to agree with those asking for it to dissappear.

tinchote, your sig says so much about F1.

17th January 2007, 04:15
Is Andrea among the missing?

17th January 2007, 04:31
can't we do away with this concept totally,does this mean that you can give negATIVE REP to a person when you don't agree with his posts...

17th January 2007, 06:23

This is interesting. The last three times I checked my point value, it was 88, 4, and 92. What makes it interesting is that the list of Rep did not change, yet the system displayed three different numbers.

Mark in Oshawa
17th January 2007, 07:27
No kidding Mark! You even have the courage to admit to being a Leafs fan! :s hock: :p :

It aint as dumb as being a Habs fan when you live in CALGARY!!! I will accept it though if you admit to me you actually are from Montreal. That I can accept, but no other reason should be tolerated for brain damage. There is enough of us Leaf's fans out there now cluttering up mental wards....

Brown, Jon Brow
17th January 2007, 10:34
Is Andrea among the missing?

Yeah!! I'm missing her dominatrix charm :erm:

17th January 2007, 14:49
Yeah!! I'm missing her dominatrix charm :erm:

I hope she's just on vacation. She is the heart and soul of this forum.

17th January 2007, 16:06
...I will accept it though if you admit to me you actually are from Montreal. ....

Born and raised :D
Moved to Calgary in '01, but no matter where I live my allegiance will always be with the red, white 'n blue :D

Ian McC
17th January 2007, 19:39
Came back to the forums after a few months, and I find this rep thing a bit weird. I would say I have to agree with those asking for it to dissappear.

Welcome back Tin :D

19th January 2007, 15:34
The REP feature has turned the forum into a complete farce. There is a thread in Chit-Chat about the hanging of Saddam. There are a group of pro-Saddam fascists who post negative reputation for every message that does not support their pro-Saddam position. Mark in Oshawa (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/member.php?u=81295) had his reputation dropped to below negative two-thousand. The same thing is happening to me, over and over. Helen B restored my REP score to about 100, and today, thanks to the supporters of Saddam, it's below negative three-hundred.

That said, the REP is so far meaningless. But this is not the way a friendly forum should be run, and I ask Mark the Admin to shut down the REP system entirely.

19th January 2007, 17:26
Yes, I was also surprised to see Mark in the red a few days ago. He seems now to be thoroughly in the green, though.

And given that you're thoroughly in the red, I'd say that the rep system has produced just the right results for the two of you. :\ So maybe it's not so bad after all.

19th January 2007, 17:36
tinchote, your sig says so much about F1.

I agree. It's the way I've been feeling about rule changes since 98.

Welcome back Tin :D

Thanks! :)

19th January 2007, 17:43
To be honest, I've always found your sig very annoying, Tin. :p : Shouldn't it be "Stupid rules => stupid consequences"? ;) :)

19th January 2007, 18:11
In the wee hours of Thursday morning, I've become the firts member to break the -10,000 rep points barrier.

19th January 2007, 18:26
To be honest, I've always found your sig very annoying, Tin. :p : Shouldn't it be "Stupid rules => stupid consequences"? ;) :)

You are so right. It's done now :D

19th January 2007, 18:31
:up: :D

19th January 2007, 18:34
what i dont understand is the comments on my bad rep for

"anti american comments" where i simply stated i dislike certain things in the room 101 thread..and other people have also stated similiar if not worse things in that thread


"ill-informed and non factual rant" for a post that i copied/pasted from another forum about the uk road pricing, in which the petition link got removed.

I dont particularly care about the rep, but when people make comments like that when they aren't true, it makes me wonder about some people in this world.

Best leave this thing OFF...permantly.


19th January 2007, 18:55
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=177785#post177785) 19th January 2007 12:31 PM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_balance.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:48 AM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:42 AM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:11 AM rat

Do these 4 bits of rep from some halfwit leave any doubt as to what I feel should happen? :) Personally I'd love for the functionality to be there but as people aren't intelligent enough to use it responsibly it should go unless Mark can hopefully find out how to see who is giving out rep in this way and deal out bans to people who are particularly bad offenders.

19th January 2007, 19:04
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=177785#post177785) 19th January 2007 12:31 PM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_balance.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:48 AM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:42 AM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:11 AM rat

Do these 4 bits of rep from some halfwit leave any doubt as to what I feel should happen? :) Personally I'd love for the functionality to be there but as people aren't intelligent enough to use it responsibly it should go unless Mark can hopefully find out how to see who is giving out rep in this way and deal out bans to people who are particularly bad offenders.

I wouldn't worry about it so much if I were you. People like that usually end up having very little rep power, so they can't really hurt yours. Your rep is still rather good, isn't it?

The system isn't perfect, but it does work in a way, I think.

19th January 2007, 19:21
I'm not worried about my rep. Just the fact that some idiot can just irritate people with complete anonymity

19th January 2007, 19:30
I'm not worried about my rep. Just the fact that some idiot can just irritate people with complete anonymity

He can only irritate you if you choose to be irritated. :) You could just as easily just dismiss him as a loony. ;)

19th January 2007, 19:30
There are a group of pro-Saddam fascists who post negative reputation for every message that does not support their pro-Saddam position.
Have you ever stopped to wonder whether much of the negative rep you're receiving is, in large part, due to your comments quoted above and below :confused:

Well, the cowards continue to pour negative points on me for disagreeing with their support of their beloved dictator, Saddam, the Butcher of Bagdad. I see from your "red" rep, the cowards have been after you too. Well, we have a phrase that covers this. Perhaps you've encountered it in your travels into the lower 48. So to E**, I say, f*** you if you can't take a joke.


P.S., It was once believed that if you put 1,000,000 monkeys in a room with typewriters, they would produce the great works, given enough time. The Internet proves that notion wrong. With only a few exceptions here, those monkeys cannot come up with an original thought. I'm glad to see you and Gannex are persevering here, but I am tired of slumming.
Accusing members of this forum of being fascists, cowards and comparing many of us to monkeys is hardly likely to improve one's reputation is it?

Anyway, as you consider the rep system "meaningless" I wouldn't worry about it as much as you appear to.

19th January 2007, 20:10
He can only irritate you if you choose to be irritated. :) You could just as easily just dismiss him as a loony. ;)
He or she is not a loony :) He or she is a halfwit and obviously has problems :)

19th January 2007, 20:44
He or she is a halfwit and obviously has problems :)

Yes, that's rather what I meant by "loony". :p :

19th January 2007, 20:57
He or she is not a loony :) He or she is a halfwit and obviously has problems :)
It looks like there are at least 4 people who don't like you Daniel.
By displaying the rep you have given more people an example to follow. :eek:
All they have to do is put "rat" in the comments & they know they have hit a nerve,
they also realize you will be going off about it & they will enjoy that too. :s hock:

19th January 2007, 20:59
Well there were already 3 instances of rat in there this morning before I posted that ;) But I'd still be surpised if it's only 4 people that don't like me :)

Anyway it's clear that it's not 4 people though..... 1 or 2 at max :)

19th January 2007, 21:53
Accusing members of this forum of being fascists, cowards and comparing many of us to monkeys is hardly likely to improve one's reputation is it?

When someone consistently support fascism, it does not require a Mensa to surmize they are a Fascist. I'm sorry you think I compared you to a monkey, I had the fascists in mind.

19th January 2007, 21:57
Well there were already 3 instances of rat in there this morning before I posted that ;) But I'd still be surpised if it's only 4 people that don't like me :)

Anyway it's clear that it's not 4 people though..... 1 or 2 at max :)

There are (unpublished) time limits on giving out rep, as well as the inability to give rep to the same person in a row -- there may be more involved than you realize.

19th January 2007, 22:00
Yes but the fact that the rep is all the same means that it's one person who has more than 1 account. This I guarantee to you.

19th January 2007, 22:26
You tell them Daniel, it's all a conspiracy ! ;) :laugh:
Where's agwiii ? I bet he knows President Bush is involved in it too. :laugh:

19th January 2007, 22:31
Yes but the fact that the rep is all the same means that it's one person who has more than 1 account. This I guarantee to you.

Hmm. Just another reason to end the rep system.

19th January 2007, 22:32
You tell them Daniel, it's all a conspiracy ! ;) :laugh:
Where's agwiii ? I bet he knows President Bush is involved in it too. :laugh:

Bush? Nah, I this reeks of Pelosi!


19th January 2007, 22:34
Forum Poll: Should the REP system be removed from this forum?

1. Yes

2. No

Moderator - please implement this forum poll.

19th January 2007, 22:35
You tell them Daniel, it's all a conspiracy ! ;) :laugh:
Where's agwiii ? I bet he knows President Bush is involved in it too. :laugh:
I don't get what your problem is Stan :rolleyes: Unless 3 people got together to make the same negative report at the same time just for the fun of it I can almost 100% guarantee that it's someone with 3 or 4 accounts who logs in just to give people bad rep a number of times. Is that concept hard for you to understand? :confused:

19th January 2007, 22:42

People should just use it properly or do one.

19th January 2007, 22:43
I love watching this obsession. :laugh:

19th January 2007, 22:51
I think some people would be happy if the negative rep was removed.
That way they could say whatever they wanted without getting red rep. :laugh:

Brown, Jon Brow
19th January 2007, 22:54
I think that it should be kept. It will keep order in the forum.

19th January 2007, 22:58
Love your sig Jon Brow. :laugh: :up:

19th January 2007, 23:18
On her breats? Jon what school did you go to?

19th January 2007, 23:19
It will keep order in the forum.


19th January 2007, 23:24
Yes. The rep system adds nothing of value to the forum. This forum was previously just fine without it.

Brown, Jon Brow
19th January 2007, 23:29
On her breats? Jon what school did you go to?

Well it took you over a week to notice :o

It's not my folt I can'r spell (I blam Tonie Bler)

20th January 2007, 00:03
Forum Poll: Should the REP system be removed from this forum?

1. Yes

2. No

Moderator - please implement this forum poll.

Moderator - please create the poll.

20th January 2007, 00:07
This is almost too cool. I've gotten several red Reps from the Finns for disagreeing with the Rep. Seems rather circular or even RCI.

20th January 2007, 00:08
I love watching this obsession. :laugh:

:laugh: Is that your obsession? :laugh:

20th January 2007, 00:29
I wonder what Daniel will find tomorrow. :laugh:

Tune in tomorrow for the continuing episode of "As the Stomach Turns" or
the show better known as "The Life of Daniel". :laugh:

20th January 2007, 00:39
I get no rep.
BOOORING! http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/r8dno1/aok/hand/00.gif

20th January 2007, 01:17
I wonder what Daniel will find tomorrow. :laugh:

Tune in tomorrow for the continuing episode of "As the Stomach Turns" or
the show better known as "The Life of Daniel". :laugh:
Why don't you get a life Stan................

20th January 2007, 01:24
See you tomorrow Daniel. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/r8dno1/aok/hand/00.gif

20th January 2007, 01:33
Why don't you get a life Stan................

Maybe he's like you. :) Why whine about rep if you say that you don't care about it?

20th January 2007, 04:48
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_balance.gif Rep 20th January 2007 06:26 AM Have a rep!

Get a rep! :D ;)

20th January 2007, 05:05
Yes. I don't see anything good coming out of it.

20th January 2007, 07:31
I remember the last vote that was majority ruled still hasn't taken into effect yet,

so I say keep it

20th January 2007, 08:10
I don't get what your problem is Stan :rolleyes: Unless 3 people got together to make the same negative report at the same time just for the fun of it I can almost 100% guarantee that it's someone with 3 or 4 accounts who logs in just to give people bad rep a number of times. Is that concept hard for you to understand? :confused: RaceFanStan is just miffed that his precious alter egos were banned. :p :

20th January 2007, 09:10
See you tomorrow Daniel. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/r8dno1/aok/hand/00.gif
Stop trolling like Fred did or you'll go the way of Fred........

donKey jote
20th January 2007, 13:02
oooohhhh that was a BIG handbag :p :

Alfa Fan
20th January 2007, 13:16
Anyway it's clear that it's not 4 people though..... 1 or 2 at max :)

Thats wrong, and I know for a fact.

And what are you complaining about? Your one of the highest repped on the forum (undeserved). Do you think this continual bitching about reputations doing you any favours?

btw, I already expect you to bad rep me for this post - so don't use that as a comeback!

20th January 2007, 13:26
Thats wrong, and I know for a fact.

How do you know that? Are you part of a group that agreed to give Daniel a bad rep with the same comment only minutes apart?

Alfa Fan
20th January 2007, 13:30
No, just its far more likely that Dan's inflamatory posting would result in similar bad reps than any particular vendetta against him.

20th January 2007, 13:34
No, just its far more likely that Dan's inflamatory posting would result in similar bad reps than any particular vendetta against him.
Do you seriously think this was a coincidense?

http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=177785#post177785) 19th January 2007 12:31 PM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_balance.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:48 AM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:42 AM rat
http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifMultiple accounts (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=176784#post176784) 19th January 2007 03:11 AM rat

Alfa Fan
20th January 2007, 13:35
There's no proof thats the rep he even recieved.

20th January 2007, 13:38
I remember the last vote that was majority ruled still hasn't taken into effect yet, so I say keep it

For some reason, the Moderators are ignoring the request for a poll on this subject.

20th January 2007, 13:38
So you think he forged four rep posts and then complained about them in the forums? :p :

20th January 2007, 13:39
Forum Poll: Should the REP system be removed from this forum?

1. Yes

2. No

Moderator - please implement this forum poll.

Moderator - please create this forum poll. Thank you.

20th January 2007, 13:45
So you think he forged four rep posts and then complained about them in the forums? :p :

Just another reason for a vote on the use of Rep.

Forum Poll: Should the REP system be removed from this forum?

1. Yes

2. No

Moderator - please implement this forum poll.

Captain VXR
20th January 2007, 13:59
I reckon it should be removed, I could give anyone bad rep for no reason and they would get red squares saying that they are not trustworthy etc.

20th January 2007, 16:53
Thats wrong, and I know for a fact.

And what are you complaining about? Your one of the highest repped on the forum (undeserved). Do you think this continual bitching about reputations doing you any favours?

btw, I already expect you to bad rep me for this post - so don't use that as a comeback!
What are you on about? :confused: Do you understand the rep system works? The rep that's given to me is private and until I posted it on the forum no one else knew about it and "rat" is not something I'm commonly known as so it must be a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge coincidence that 3 different people logged on within 37 minutes of each other and decided to give me the same obscure bit of rep.

I am quite highly repped because a lot of good hearted sensible people who I won't name have been kind enough to cancel out the bad rep which I've been sent. This kind of shows that more people like having me around than don't like having me around. Oh and I haven't given you negative rep and I won't give you negative rep. If anyone signs any negative rep as being from me it isn't.

Oh and how do you know for a fact that the negative rep isn't from 1 or 2 people if you weren't one of them? :laugh:

20th January 2007, 16:57
So you think he forged four rep posts and then complained about them in the forums? :p :
[Sarcasm directed at Alfa Fan]Thanks Janneppi for giving me the idea to forge negative rep and then post it on the forum so I can get positive pity rep from other people :laugh: Now that I know that I can do this my life will feel so much more worthwhile. In fact I'll just go into the loungeroom now and dump my girlfriend because I get all of the love I need from my green squares :love: [/Sarcasm directed at Alfa Fan]

But seriously though Janneppi thanks for pointing that out :p I owe you a makkara and a beer if I see you in Finland this year ;)

20th January 2007, 17:31
No poll so I'll just have to type:


The feature should be removed IMHO. Can anybody name 1 good thing that has come out of it yet?

20th January 2007, 18:24
Threads merged and poll added :)

20th January 2007, 18:32
No poll so I'll just have to type:


The feature should be removed IMHO. Can anybody name 1 good thing that has come out of it yet?
We have had a refreshing thread to went our hatred for the fellow man. ;)

Mark in Oshawa
20th January 2007, 18:34
Agwiii, I see they havent put your poll up....

Notice something else. Almost two weeks ago, I was 2nd lowest in the points, now Iam 1631 points to the positive? Was I an idiot then and a genius now? No...people play games with this, and I can take you to a forum on here where about 6 of the most prominent posters do nothing but shine each other's apple. It is the same forum where I had a dispute with on of these sad posters and went into my slide. It is a childish and silly schoolyard game they play, and why give idiots like this the power to think they need?

No, the system needs to be explained and the nuts and bolts of it have to be known by all posters, and then we can vote if we need it.

I vote to toss it....I don't need feedback from people to make me feel good...I know in reality I have respect from my family, friends and co-workers. Coming on here for someone to kiss my tush over something I say doesn't require a method of accounting....

20th January 2007, 18:45
I see a monumental amount of people have voted so far!

Rep shouldnt be removed, its basically a way of someone saying if they agree or disagree with you, the same as they would in posts, and you cant remove posts can you. Its probably just being used a little bit childishly by some members without the guts to say 'hold on a minute, youre wrong'. So anyone getting rep such as this, forget about it and rise above it.

The main thing I dont like though is how we can no longer see a persons rep without looking at a profile. So if someone makes a crude remark you have to go into their profile to see if everyone recognises thats what they are like as a person, or whether it was a slip of the tongue and should be ignored that time.

So it should be put back on the main thread page as well as on profiles.

20th January 2007, 19:12
I see a monumental amount of people have voted so far!

Rep shouldnt be removed, its basically a way of someone saying if they agree or disagree with you, the same as they would in posts, and you cant remove posts can you.
IMO rep should be more about what kind of a person you are on the forum, not who you agree with.

The main thing I dont like though is how we can no longer see a persons rep without looking at a profile. So if someone makes a crude remark you have to go into their profile to see if everyone recognises thats what they are like as a person, or whether it was a slip of the tongue and should be ignored that time.

So it should be put back on the main thread page as well as on profiles.
I already use a nifty little tool to keep up with how i fview people, it's my memory.
I have formed my opinions on people based on their post and general assholyness, it's much more accurate than to look at what someone's multiple account supported rep meter shows. :D

20th January 2007, 20:07
Stop trolling like Fred did or you'll go the way of Fred........
I'm not trolling, I am just daring to disagree with you. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif :laugh:

Alfa Fan
20th January 2007, 20:14
As expect, Daniel has negative-repped me. Only twice though, must have been feeling generous.

Alfa Fan
20th January 2007, 20:17
Come on guys, that was pathetic! I'm still miles behind RaikkonenRules. You'll need to do better than that :)

20th January 2007, 20:23
As expect, Daniel has negative-repped me. Only twice though, must have been feeling generous.
As expected someone else negative repped you and you've blamed me :laugh:

20th January 2007, 20:43
Have you noticed JonBrow(n) has made it to page 1 ?
I think he was buried in the red rep not too long ago.
Good turnaround Jon ! :laugh: :up:

20th January 2007, 21:09
The REP system is juvenile.

Robert Ryan
20th January 2007, 21:52
The Forums are for the discussion of the subject of the thread..period.

20th January 2007, 22:00
I can't vote until "I can't believe any adult human being would actually take rep seriously anyway." is added to the poll.

20th January 2007, 22:02
I can't vote until "I can't believe any adult human being would actually take rep seriously anyway." is added to the poll.

That would be the same as "I don't care," which is the same as not voting. Your point is noted.

20th January 2007, 22:06
The Forums are for the discussion of the subject of the thread..period.

Thank you! The Moderators will penalize anyone three demerit points for "Taking thread off topic".

20th January 2007, 22:13
Two minutes ago, my score was +3, it is now -1052 --- and there has been no change is the Rep posts at all! This thing is clearly bi-polar!

20th January 2007, 22:37
I don't care.

donKey jote
20th January 2007, 23:10
I can't vote until "I can't believe any adult human being would actually take rep seriously anyway." is added to the poll.

Voting "I don't care" is not the same as not voting, or else the current poll results need adjusting:
YES: 0.1%
NO: 0.1%
"I can't believe any donkey would actually take rep so seriously anyway.": 99.8%

On second thoughts, I vote it stays... it's certainly bringing out the best in some people :)

21st January 2007, 00:47
Voting "I don't care" is not the same as not voting.

In terms of removing or not removing REP, it is the same thing since one vote more to remove would require the removal, regardless of how many do not vote, vote they don't care, for for Don Key Jote, Erki, or anything else. Hey - you're old enough to know this, you're not one of the child posters here! :laugh:

21st January 2007, 01:22
Vote all you want people, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
Look at the top vs side poll, side won but where is the user information but on top.
Polls are totally useless if the results are ignored.
Yeah, people get to say what they prefer but the bottom line is the poll decides nothing. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/s.gif

21st January 2007, 04:42
Yeah, people get to say what they prefer but the bottom line is the poll decides nothing.
Unless there is anarchy!!!

21st January 2007, 11:30
Unless there is anarchy!!!

There already is.

21st January 2007, 11:38
Vote all you want people, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
Look at the top vs side poll, side won but where is the user information but on top.
Polls are totally useless if the results are ignored.
Yeah, people get to say what they prefer but the bottom line is the poll decides nothing. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/s.gif

Just curious, but why do you have such a low opinion of the Moderators?

21st January 2007, 11:49
Vote all you want people, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
Look at the top vs side poll, side won but where is the user information but on top.
Polls are totally useless if the results are ignored.
Yeah, people get to say what they prefer but the bottom line is the poll decides nothing. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/s.gif

Mark has the last word in everything here, and I garantee that he doesn't get any influence from poll results ! :p :

21st January 2007, 12:13
Mark has the last word in everything here, and I garantee that he doesn't get any influence from poll results ! :p :

Tragic on two counts. First, that this could be true. Second, that you find it humorous.

21st January 2007, 12:27
I thought these polls are here just for venting. :confused:

21st January 2007, 13:07
I thought these polls are here just for venting. :confused:
It does seem as though they are viewed in certain quarters as a political campaign :crazy:

21st January 2007, 14:47
Tragic on two counts. First, that this could be true. Second, that you find it humorous.

Youve been poll axed ahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

21st January 2007, 16:02
I have voted, even though the poll won't change anything, they never do. Its just another thing that won't get changed and that we will have to live with.

21st January 2007, 18:53
Tragic on two counts. First, that this could be true. Second, that you find it humorous.

Agreed. I don't really believe that a website that thrives and relies on its users should ignore them on certain topics like this.

Hazell B
21st January 2007, 19:34
As expect, Daniel has negative-repped me. Only twice though, must have been feeling generous.

He can't have done - you can't just keep repping the same person. Not that I'm standing up for any one person here, mind.

Still not understanding why it bothers some people so much. It doesn't hurt, doesn't mean anything and it's not important. So many members moaning about getting rep without names, yet I bet you've all sent plenty yourselves :rolleyes:

I still like rep. I hope it stays.

21st January 2007, 19:41
Just curious, but why do you have such a low opinion of the Moderators?
I hold the moderators in high esteem, they have a tough job !
The moderators deal with unruly posters & at the same time do what they are told by "The BOSS".
"The BOSS" doesn't care much about polls, it is HIS forum & HE makes the decisions. :s

race aficionado
21st January 2007, 21:04
It's my experience with Mark that he does listen to advice. Just look at the process that we have been through with the new forum look.
And like Pino correctly says, he is the boss, the one that started and made this forum of ours possible so yes, he should have the last word.

21st January 2007, 21:10
He can't have done - you can't just keep repping the same person. Not that I'm standing up for any one person here, mind.

Well if I wanted to I could have used Caroline's account to negative rep him twice. But I didn't though :)

22nd January 2007, 01:52
I don't get the reasons for the reputation thingies. If I think someone has posted something good, or bad for that matter, I'll either tell them via PM or on the actual thread in question.

If someone wants to post a reaction to what I've said in the same way then that's fine by me, if they want to just click on a box and give me some sort of points without putting their name to it then so be it.

If I end up by the end of 2007 with -20,000 rep points then my life will still go on :)

22nd January 2007, 04:52
I hold the moderators in high esteem, they have a tough job !
The moderators deal with unruly posters & at the same time do what they are told by "The BOSS".
"The BOSS" doesn't care much about polls, it is HIS forum & HE makes the decisions. :s

What is any forum without users? What happens when the users are ignored?

22nd January 2007, 04:55
Mark, I give you credit for being willing to be a lightening rod for what you believe. Not all people are like you -- they are not fortright. Many live lives controlled by their fears. Those who strike at you with anonymous negative Res are to be pitied, for they are not worthy of you.

How nice - I got negative REP from Jon Brown for this post. LOL

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 09:56
Agwiii, naming anyone who reps you, good or bad, isn't really in the spirit of the thing is it?

I'm sure Jon sends out plenty of good rep too. At least he signs it :up:

22nd January 2007, 09:59
I'm slightly confused at the rep I was given for this post:

The only race seat Mario Illien has available is on his MotoGP bike :p

You often used the hear that a particular driver was "hard on the machinery" when there weren't electronics to manage these things, but it's unusual to hear it now.

Now I'll admit the first part wasn't very funny, but still...Unfortunaltely I have no clue as to why rep was given because the rep-porter gave no reason.

Ah well :crazy: perhaps a case of rep-alitis.

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 10:01
Well if I wanted to I could have used Caroline's account to negative rep him twice. But I didn't though :)

Hadn't thought of that. Of course if you did, you'd be banned for using multiple names and it's hardly worth it!

Which leads me to ask something of Mark and the mods.
Can you tell who sends rep to anyone and what colour it is? For example, could I PM and demand to know who red repped me and actually find out? If so, I think it wrong if the information is passed on. However, to use it to make sure somebody isn't downing somebody else would be okay I think.

22nd January 2007, 10:11
Hadn't thought of that. Of course if you did, you'd be banned for using multiple names and it's hardly worth it!

Which leads me to ask something of Mark and the mods.
Can you tell who sends rep to anyone and what colour it is? For example, could I PM and demand to know who red repped me and actually find out? If so, I think it wrong if the information is passed on. However, to use it to make sure somebody isn't downing somebody else would be okay I think.

In theory, yes. In practice, not at the moment as the control panel is broken.

Personally I wouldn't give the information to anyone who asked. If only because it's too much effort :p

Brown, Jon Brow
22nd January 2007, 10:15
How nice - I got negative REP from Jon Brown for this post. LOL

Really!! I don't remember. Maybe someone signed it pretending to be me :mad:

22nd January 2007, 10:15
not to be complaining....but there's a guy with 15 posts and he has a huge rep,i am not complaining but isn't this a case for abusing the system....

just sort the member's list by reputation and the fella is there in the second page,maybe he's a re-registered member.....

22nd January 2007, 10:17
not to be complaining....but there's a guy with 15 posts and he has a huge rep,i am not complaining but isn't this a case for abusing the system....

just sort the member's list by reputation and the fella is there in the second page,maybe he's a re-registered member.....

Just the age-old adage of quality over quantity ;)

22nd January 2007, 10:20
funny i tried searching for his posts,couldn't find any,but he seems to be a re-registered member....

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 10:22
Personally I wouldn't give the information to anyone who asked. If only because it's too much effort :p

Can't fault the work ethic there.

Feel free to hand mine out, hell even post it openly.

22nd January 2007, 12:47
not to be complaining....but there's a guy with 15 posts and he has a huge rep,i am not complaining but isn't this a case for abusing the system....

just sort the member's list by reputation and the fella is there in the second page,maybe he's a re-registered member.....
Yes SmokeFan20 is an old friend, he was ozzman 5000 in his previous life. :laugh: :up:

22nd January 2007, 13:02
Can't fault the work ethic there.

Feel free to hand mine out, hell even post it openly.

Well I've figured it out now. Some of the comments left by people are funny :p

But it's easy to see who the children are.

22nd January 2007, 13:45
Well I've figured it out now. Some of the comments left by people are funny :p

But it's easy to see who the children are.
Well I'm happy now. At least if someone wants to send abuse or have multiple accounts Mark is going to know :)

On that note I vote that rep stays :)

22nd January 2007, 13:53
I'm slightly confused at the rep I was given for this post:

Now I'll admit the first part wasn't very funny, but still...Unfortunaltely I have no clue as to why rep was given because the rep-porter gave no reason.

Ah well :crazy: perhaps a case of rep-alitis.


The rep you received is just one of the many symptoms of the failure of the rep system. Kill it.

22nd January 2007, 14:01
Agwiii, naming anyone who reps you, good or bad, isn't really in the spirit of the thing is it?

I'm sure Jon sends out plenty of good rep too. At least he signs it :up:

I disagree. Among other things, I object to the secrecy of the system. Mostly, I disagree with the existence of the system. It is like having a comfortable chair with a broken spring that pokes you in the ass. If the rep system was limted to people with your character, there would be no problems. However, its not. Look at Mark from Oshawa's situation -- thousands of negative points. This forum should be a fun place to discuss autosports with other fans. If someone wants to be polemic, then that often stimulates discussion. However, the rep system adds absolutely nothing to this forum, and only damages it.

22nd January 2007, 14:36
...It is like having a comfortable chair with a broken spring that pokes you in the ass...
No bad thing really. It reminds you to get up out of that comfortable chair from time to time :p

22nd January 2007, 16:22
who Cares! Life Goes On!

22nd January 2007, 16:29
Agwiii, naming anyone who reps you, good or bad, isn't really in the spirit of the thing is it?

I'm sure Jon sends out plenty of good rep too. At least he signs it :up:

Hazell B

I thought I replied to you, but I guess I did not. Must be CRS.

Is making public a unilateral secret disparagement in the spirit of the forum? I think the rep system itself is not in the spirit of the forum because of the secrecy.

The beauty of the open forum is that you can -- within limits -- write whatever you wish, disagree with anyone -- or agree with anyone. It's very Lockean and democratic in operation.

Philosophically, the secret rep is anti-forum. So, back to your original question, I think that to a) not sign rep or to not identify secret rep to the forum is not in the spirit of things.

Your thoughts?

22nd January 2007, 17:20
Fighting to try and get rep banned and then giving negative rep out in response to a joke is being slightly hypocritical dont you think agwiii?

Make your mind up.

22nd January 2007, 18:38
Fighting to try and get rep banned and then giving negative rep out in response to a joke is being slightly hypocritical dont you think agwiii? Make your mind up.

I think you misread something, viperman, or have confused me with someone else.

22nd January 2007, 18:52
I think you misread something, viperman, or have confused me with someone else.

My apologies to agwiii, you are not a hypocrite.

I can now see the drawbacks of rep, its not such a big deal to me but you can see how easily it can almost cause arguments. Someones given me negative rep and quoted directly from a post I made to agwiii earlier in the thread, making it seem as though it was agwiii himself.

22nd January 2007, 18:56
My apologies to agwiii, you are not a hypocrite.

I can now see the drawbacks of rep, its not such a big deal to me but you can see how easily it can almost cause arguments. Someones given me negative rep and quoted directly from a post I made to agwiii earlier in the thread, making it seem as though it was agwiii himself.

Thanks - you show that you are a man of honor. I posted a positive for you and signed it with my SIG here.

This is a great forum and it should be about OPEN discussion, and not about secret ways to disparage and demean. Keep everything open - no secrets.

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 19:53
Hazell B

The beauty of the open forum is that you can -- within limits -- write whatever you wish, disagree with anyone -- or agree with anyone.
Philosophically, the secret rep is anti-forum. So, back to your original question, I think that to a) not sign rep or to not identify secret rep to the forum is not in the spirit of things.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts are that you can and should still post your thoughts in the open forum, just like before the relaunch. However, adding rep means you've also got the chance to express glee or horror another way. For example, it stops me posting loads of thread-clogging " :laugh: " posts when I find somebody funny. Some choose to send out bad vibes, and let them get on with it I say. If it makes them feel big and tough to bad rep somebody secretly, good luck to them. They are pretty sad individuals, and I somehow think they know that :laugh:

So far I've not been offended by any bad rep, just laughed at it or felt a bit sorry for the sender. If and when I get it reasonably, I'll take that on the chin too. Then again, I quite enjoy a scrap :p :

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 20:01
Well I've figured it out now. Some of the comments left by people are funny :p

But it's easy to see who the children are.

To stop all the bickering, I have an idea that might just work :)

What's the chance of you, Mark, saying you can post either a list of who's sent what percentage of rep (eg. Hazell sent 50% positive and 50% negative during 2007) or that you will post a list of the people who've sent most to the least negative and positive rep (like the current who's gained what list)? Obviously you wouldn't post where any of it went.

Simply knowing the bad reppers will be shown for all to see would put some of them off I would hope.

Sounds like work, yet I have a feeling that just saying it can be done will put some of the petty ones off. Worth a try?

donKey jote
22nd January 2007, 20:06
My thoughts are that you can and should still post your thoughts in the open forum, just like before the relaunch. However, adding rep means you've also got the chance to express glee or horror another way. For example, it stops me posting loads of thread-clogging " :laugh: " posts when I find somebody funny.

(sorry to clog up the thread, I've got to spread it around first ;) :p : )


22nd January 2007, 20:11
To stop all the bickering, I have an idea that might just work :)

What's the chance of you, Mark, saying you can post either a list of who's sent what percentage of rep (eg. Hazell sent 50% positive and 50% negative during 2007) or that you will post a list of the people who've sent most to the least negative and positive rep (like the current who's gained what list)? Obviously you wouldn't post where any of it went.

Simply knowing the bad reppers will be shown for all to see would put some of them off I would hope.

Sounds like work, yet I have a feeling that just saying it can be done will put some of the petty ones off. Worth a try?

I think the best thing to do would be to reconfigure the rep system (if possible), so as to make it like the private messaging system. Where everyones name comes up regardless. That way if you get bad or good rep for any particular reason you can take it up with them and then possibly the mods. That would save all this open bickering about it. Because I have a feeling its staying anyway.

Or Mark could just come on here and say 'everyones got to sign rep from now on or youre punished', if he can see who is giving rep all the time.

I think my idea would possibly be clearer, although Hazells may well be much easier to do.

Either way I think something may soon have to be done, as Ive said before Im not personally too bothered but it gets to the point where its unavoidable.

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 20:11

(you knew that was coming :dozey: )

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 20:14
Or Mark could just come on here and say 'everyones got to sign rep from now on or youre punished', if he can see who is giving rep all the time.

I hadn't thought of that - it beats my idea by miles :up:

22nd January 2007, 23:26
Um, see post #189 :mark:

23rd January 2007, 00:54
Um, see post #189 :mark:

Now THAT, is a good idea! ;)

Alfa Fan
23rd January 2007, 00:56
The rankings are so stupid now.

Apparantly RaikkonenRules is the worst member of the forum, and real illusions the 5th worst. And me, Real Illusions and 306 Cosworth on the last page!

I'm not complaining about my rating, maybe I deserve, but I know for sure none of the others I've mentioned do.

On the flip side, check out the top repped people

RacingFanStan? Hazell B? Come on! Obvious forum favourites I see. Carl Metro? Dan? and Bezza? Are they 20 squares better than those I mentioned before? No.

In fact, I see most of them posting the sort of post likely to attract -ive rep. Me thinks they spend most of their time repping each other. Seems to me to very much a "club" of people constantly repping each other.

How can someone who has posted 20 times be amongst the best 20 members?

23rd January 2007, 01:01
Where is the ranking thing?

Back to rep, someone has just negative repped me for the comments I made on the mobile phone driving thread in chit chat, all of which were completely legit and most of which were agreed with!

Oh and of course it was left unsigned.

Children :rolleyes:

23rd January 2007, 02:52
UK v Australia thread in the f1 forum 20th January 2007 10:00 AM

this was the reason for the negative rep that i was given

We looked to find ONE POSITIVE thing you have written. Sorry, but you are just a nasty little prick.

isn't that funny or what

1-Make it compulsory for people to sign their REP
2-Remove the REP thing altogether

23rd January 2007, 06:47
The rankings are so stupid now.

Apparantly RaikkonenRules is the worst member of the forum, and real illusions the 5th worst. And me, Real Illusions and 306 Cosworth on the last page!

I'm not complaining about my rating, maybe I deserve, but I know for sure none of the others I've mentioned do.

On the flip side, check out the top repped people

RacingFanStan? Hazell B? Come on! Obvious forum favourites I see. Carl Metro? Dan? and Bezza? Are they 20 squares better than those I mentioned before? No.

In fact, I see most of them posting the sort of post likely to attract -ive rep. Me thinks they spend most of their time repping each other. Seems to me to very much a "club" of people constantly repping each other.

How can someone who has posted 20 times be amongst the best 20 members?

how do you see these results?

Alfa Fan
23rd January 2007, 09:45
Click on Members List and then click on Reputation and it sorts the forum by reputation.

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd January 2007, 09:55
Why has Alfa fan got such poop rep?? :s

Alfa Fan
23rd January 2007, 10:00
http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Rep (http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=179615#post179615) 22nd January 2007 05:33 AM boohoo
http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Rep (http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=179297#post179297) 20th January 2007 05:41 PM another one of your "facts", mr "know it all"
http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Rep (http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=179297#post179297) 20th January 2007 05:32 PM :mark:

Are amongst the latest reasons. None of them had the courtesy to identify themselves.

23rd January 2007, 12:34
RacingFanStan? Hazell B? Come on! Obvious forum favourites I see. Carl Metro? Dan? and Bezza? Are they 20 squares better than those I mentioned before? No.

In fact, I see most of them posting the sort of post likely to attract -ive rep. Me thinks they spend most of their time repping each other. Seems to me to very much a "club" of people constantly repping each other.

If there is such a club then I certainly have not been included into it. So far I have given three positive and one negative reputation points out, all of which I signed and told the receiver why I gave that reaction. I also noticed for the first time this week that I've received several points, some have been signed, most have not. I can honestly say that it's not something I have taken much notice of, or made much use of so far.

I was quite amused to find I got negative rep for my previous post on this thread:

I don't get the reasons for the reputation thingies. If I think someone has posted something good, or bad for that matter, I'll either tell them via PM or on the actual thread in question.

If someone wants to post a reaction to what I've said in the same way then that's fine by me, if they want to just click on a box and give me some sort of points without putting their name to it then so be it.

If I end up by the end of 2007 with -20,000 rep points then my life will still go on.

Sad that it was signed ok live on, but then again I guess I asked for it in a roundabout way :s

Alfa Fan
23rd January 2007, 12:37
http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Rep (http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=179615#post179615) 22nd January 2007 05:33 AM boohoo
http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Rep (http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=179297#post179297) 20th January 2007 05:41 PM another one of your "facts", mr "know it all"
http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Rep (http://btccpages.motorsportforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=179297#post179297) 20th January 2007 05:32 PM :mark:

Are amongst the latest reasons. None of them had the courtesy to identify themselves.

Somehow this post attracted negative rep :/

Alfa Fan
23rd January 2007, 12:40
Haha, I'll catch you yet RaikkonenRules, I'm racing up the -ive rep standings. about 10th now, despite the positive reps I got for the Clio results :/

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd January 2007, 14:39
I thought that rep was a good thing. But it seems that it is causing lots of confrontation between the pro-rep allies and the anti-rep central powers . Maybe be we should use a rep system similar to the one in the Tentenths forum were only moderators and adim can give out negative rep ;)

Alfa Fan
23rd January 2007, 14:56
4 more -ives lol, -5000 points. I'm now the fourth worst on the forum apparantly :)

23rd January 2007, 15:06
I thought that rep was a good thing. But it seems that it is causing lots of confrontation between the pro-rep allies and the anti-rep central powers . Maybe be we should use a rep system similar to the one in the Tentenths forum were only moderators and adim can give out negative rep ;)
I've been thinking of a system where rep is given by a panel of judges.
Sort of like jury duty, every member in their turn would take part in a small group, and decide on rep suggestions from members.
Sort of a unholy alliance of Nobel peace prize commitee and Idol judges.
For a rep to pass, it would need for example 3/5 votes from the panel.
A very complicated way to screw up the forums. :D

I have too much time on my hands. :)

23rd January 2007, 18:50
Originally Posted by viper_man http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=181224#post181224)
My apologies to agwiii, you are not a hypocrite.

I can now see the drawbacks of rep, its not such a big deal to me but you can see how easily it can almost cause arguments. Someones given me negative rep and quoted directly from a post I made to agwiii earlier in the thread, making it seem as though it was agwiii himself.

Thanks - you show that you are a man of honor. I posted a positive for you and signed it with my SIG here.

This is a great forum and it should be about OPEN discussion, and not about secret ways to disparage and demean. Keep everything open - no secrets.

Hi Viperman and all:

A forum coward posted negative REP for this posting, with the cowardly note of "eat red."

Alfa Fan
23rd January 2007, 18:53
2nd worst now :D Not long until I displace RaikkonenRules

donKey jote
23rd January 2007, 21:08
A forum coward posted negative REP for this posting, with the cowardly note of "eat red."

man, you do seem to enjoy flogging dead cowards :p :

getting a bit tiresome, but of course I know I don't have to read it :)

come to think of it, you don't have to read your rep either ...
let alone publicise it ...
I doubt many people care too much about what your latest rep was or how your rep count is ...

as Charly from Klausejoke (you know, the guy who invented internet forums) famously said:
"don't feed the polls" :s mokin:


23rd January 2007, 21:11
Yes DJ but you don't HAVE to read it because morons aren't trying to piss you off. Key difference there :)

donKey jote
23rd January 2007, 21:33
and succeeding, it would appear :)

Hazell B
23rd January 2007, 21:51
Yes DJ but you don't HAVE to read it because morons aren't trying to piss you off. Key difference there :)

To be fair, some of those with masses of red rep are the antagonistic types who can be rather rude for no good reason, but only some. I think we're all still capable of knowing who's who and what's what :p :

I get the red stuff too. Oddly in almost equal quantities as the green, though I'm guessing from members who haven't got many points themselves so it doesn't register highly.

Thing is, I'm not here moaning endlessly about it and crowing about my points being low or high ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd January 2007, 22:17
50/50 in the poll. Very interesting ;)

23rd January 2007, 22:29
2nd worst now :D Not long until I displace RaikkonenRules

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I refuse to give up my crown as the forum Bad Boy to the likes of you. :(

Actually on second thoughts take it, I'm on the way back up anyway (-8000 now was -10000) :D

23rd January 2007, 22:35
50/50 in the poll. Very interesting ;)

52/48 to yes. Thanks to my vote :D

Alfa Fan
24th January 2007, 00:14
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I refuse to give up my crown as the forum Bad Boy to the likes of you. :(

Actually on second thoughts take it, I'm on the way back up anyway (-8000 now was -10000) :D

Unfortunatly your so crapply repped your +ive rep you give out is just shown as neutral!

24th January 2007, 03:38
man, you do seem to enjoy flogging dead cowards

As always, my friend, you are very funny. Thanks for your (occasionally) dark humor. Let me buy you a nice lager.


24th January 2007, 05:56
-1593 points for me..... :D and just for posting the rep thing here,i'd rather be evil........... :D

24th January 2007, 05:59
and i can see that i am in great company too ... :cheese: ,going to overtake you soon agwii :D

oily oaf
24th January 2007, 06:23
man, you do seem to enjoy flogging dead cowards :p :

getting a bit tiresome, but of course I know I don't have to read it :)

come to think of it, you don't have to read your rep either ...
let alone publicise it ...
I doubt many people care too much about what your latest rep was or how your rep count is ...

as Charly from Klausejoke (you know, the guy who invented internet forums) famously said:
"don't feed the polls" :s mokin:


AH Donks, you are a long faced quadruped after my own heart sir.
May your morning carrot be long and succulent and may all your riders be nubile young nymphets who due to a debilitating attack of short term memory loss have neglected to don undergarments. :cat:

24th January 2007, 13:30
now, i only once recieved any rep at all (positive, which was nice) when the whole rep thing was first discovered. i know i don't post that prolifically, but i've recieved nothing since, which doesn't particularly bother me, but it seems that the best way to get rep (+'ive or -'ive) is to post on the Rep thread, rather than posting insightful or inflammatory stuff elsewhere?

is this a bit confused, are people looking out for posts by people who post here to give bad rep too or am i looking into it far too much?

24th January 2007, 20:11
and i can see that i am in great company too ... :cheese: ,going to overtake you soon agwii :D

Maybe you're on to something. If the nasty thing stays here, we should have a contest to see who reaches -10,000 first.

24th January 2007, 20:28
Maybe you're on to something. If the nasty thing stays here, we should have a contest to see who reaches -10,000 first.

Already been done by none other than myself. :D Then I manged to get a run of good reps and went back to -8000.

24th January 2007, 20:30
Already been done by none other than myself. :D Then I manged to get a run of good reps and went back to -8000.

So we just set the bar lower. First person to -100,000 -- or break the bank!

25th January 2007, 09:03
Not really :) I'm flattered that you have an obsession with me :)

25th January 2007, 10:29
Talking to yourself again, Daniel? :p :

25th January 2007, 14:49
Hi Viperman and all: A forum coward posted negative REP for this posting, with the cowardly note of "eat red."

The coward is at it again! This time the coward added more negative with the comment of "still hungry." The sickest element of what should be a great forum is that cowards are allowed to participate.

To the coward: You have my pity.

Mark in Oshawa
25th January 2007, 15:16
I bet the polll is sliding towards the keeping the rep points cause some trolls on a certain section here are having a campaign to keep it....

25th January 2007, 15:25
I bet the poll is sliding towards the keeping the rep points cause some trolls on a certain section here are having a campaign to keep it....

Mark - we can create a thread that lists the cowards. There is nothing the cowards fear more than openness and having the light of truth shine on them. Come to think of it, that is also what fascist dictators fear. No wonder the cowards support Saddam and others like him. These forum cowards are to be pitied, Mark. They lack ethics and values. They are quite the opposite of you, Gannex, Viperman, and most of the others on the forum.

Alfa Fan
25th January 2007, 16:28
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I refuse to give up my crown as the forum Bad Boy to the likes of you. :(

Actually on second thoughts take it, I'm on the way back up anyway (-8000 now was -10000) :D

-7549 point(s) total

Latest Reputation Received

Looks like your about to be displaced as forum "Bad Boy" by the likes of me. The negative rep keeps pouring in!

Hazell B
25th January 2007, 16:30
I bet the polll is sliding towards the keeping the rep points cause some trolls on a certain section here are having a campaign to keep it....

I don't fully understand what you mean, but if you're saying those of us who want it kept are having a campaign, all I need ask is aren't those who want it gone also campaigning constantly and far more loudly? ;)

25th January 2007, 17:51
-7549 point(s) total

Latest Reputation Received

Looks like your about to be displaced as forum "Bad Boy" by the likes of me. The negative rep keeps pouring in!

Are you going to go on and on like this forever, updating everyone of your rep values when no-one really cares? It's getting a bit tedious now...

25th January 2007, 20:09
Are you going to go on and on like this forever, updating everyone of your rep values when no-one really cares? It's getting a bit tedious now...

A couple of halfwits think it's clever to help me get to -10,000. :mad:

Oh and also some good rep because someone wants Alfa Fan to be the worst. :p :

donKey jote
25th January 2007, 21:13
if anybody else wants to anonymously "feed the donkey", I prefer to eat greens :p : :laugh:

25th January 2007, 21:18
But if you feed the donkeys, they become too fat to leave. :p :

25th January 2007, 21:21
-7549 point(s) total

Latest Reputation Received

Looks like your about to be displaced as forum "Bad Boy" by the likes of me. The negative rep keeps pouring in!

Your just 700 points ahead now. OMG your actually going to pull this off :p :

donKey jote
25th January 2007, 21:28
But if you feed the donkeys, they become too fat to leave. :p :

says who, AFF ? (another fat finn) :uhoh: :p :

too late for that anyway :D

26th January 2007, 00:12
(another fat finn)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

Hazell B
26th January 2007, 00:33
if anybody else wants to anonymously "feed the donkey", I prefer to eat greens :p : :laugh:

No more red carrots for you then, my boy.

Now giddy up and run off some of that belly :p :

26th January 2007, 07:49
says who, AFF ? (another fat finn) :uhoh: :p :

too late for that anyway :D
Hey now, i'm not fat, just in posession of a aerodynamic belly. :D

26th January 2007, 10:31
I wasn't aware the rep thing was still going.

I remember the little green balls when the forum started again. I think I sent a couple of positives but lost interest when it wouldn't let me post a second to RaceA for 2 splendid posts after each other.

As it's a Friday, and I'm feeling rather lazy, I am going to go and explore this whole rep thing. Human nature dictates that my vanity and curiosity overcome my natural dismissive tendency to "not give a toss" ;)

However, I will vote for "Yes" for the simple fact that it seems like some childish little club that some members play little political games with. Do we need people whining about people giving them a negative comment?

ps. I'm not aiming this at anyone in particular so pleaseeeee don't bad rep me :laugh:

26th January 2007, 10:51
However, I will vote for "Yes" for the simple fact that it seems like some childish little club that some members play little political games with. Do we need people whining about people giving them a negative comment?

Hang on a minute. They seem like a really good idea all of a sudden. Whay would anyone want to get rid of such a clever and honest system.


Good lord, do we really need it and is it possible to disable this feature :rolleyes:

Brown, Jon Brow
26th January 2007, 10:59
I've neen give negative rep for my tsunami thread.

Shame :(

26th January 2007, 12:57
I must admit, I've never really used or understood this function but it is very easy to give feedback to someone without having to do a PM or whatever. I hate it when people keep quoting post after post with just a :up: smilie instead of writing something original.

This is not a bad way of giving some individual feedback and I might change my mind of rep now I understand it more.

26th January 2007, 13:09
stopped looking at my reputation points cause i don't think i need to...

26th January 2007, 13:14
stopped looking at my reputation points cause i don't think i need to...

Precisely. If someone wants to give an opinion on what I post they can either be man/woman enohg to do so on the thread where the post is or via PMs. I don't see the need for another system which could easily be open to abuse and obviously upsets a few people in the process.

26th January 2007, 14:03
I've neen give negative rep for my tsunami thread.

Shame :(
Same here :laugh:

"only women bleed" :laugh:

26th January 2007, 14:05
Interesting facts :
182 posters have positive reputation
46 posters have negative reputation
the rest of the posters have NO reputation (most are inactive)

26th January 2007, 17:01
I'm actually finding it quite useful looking at the feedback now.

Donks has pointed out that I stuck up for Ben when I didn't realise I was always at loggerheads and someone else pointed out that a post would make a good signature. As you can see, I agreed.

Have completely changed my mind on this rep thing and think it's great.

Can I just add that I find it useful to know who I'm getting feedback from so just include your initials please. Hopefully, letting people know you've repped them will be considered "forum polite" like writing in Caps is considered shouting.

As for Carls point, I don't like sending loads of PM's but find it obvious to send a quick rep to someone. (With a KO on, of course). Yeah, some people will abuse it I suppose but they will soon get bored. If someone posts a good reply that you agree with but cannot add to, why not give them a private :up: ?

Mark in Oshawa
26th January 2007, 17:37
I don't fully understand what you mean, but if you're saying those of us who want it kept are having a campaign, all I need ask is aren't those who want it gone also campaigning constantly and far more loudly? ;)

Hazell, When I made this post, I did it to see what would happen. Almost immediately two negative slags were made at me and messages left on my rep board calling me as whiner. Fine, lets keep it then, but my point in kicking up a fuss was there was little children out there that take this a lot more seriously than they let on, and they know who they are, and I know where they are. 99% of the people I know on this forum or debate with I have no issue with, but a few like to stir up crap and they started it when I was driven below 4000 points to the negative. I haven't changed my style or my opinion in the 4 years I have been on this forum, and yet all the sudden because I disagreed with a few select people, Iam a bad guy? I wanted to bring it to the people, and now we are having a vote.

Hey, I was buried in negative rep,and it didn't change what I said, but to those little children out there doing all the negative posts, I felt you had to be called out.

The really weird part is, I was all in favour of the rep system when it first started. One of my first posts on this new forum was to extoll its virtues, and then I promptly gave no rep to anyone for about 2 months!!!! I forgot all about it, and it was only by accident I looked to see where my points were, and I was -4200!!!

The Rep point system and how it works should be explained on a sticky note for everyone, and then let everyone go. Those who care about rep will do what they have always done, and those who could care less will ignore it.

If people thought I was whining, fine, but when I brought this up I was -4200 points and now Iam over 2000 points to the positive. Someone is agreeing with me more than disagreeing with me. I made my point....now everyone go back to sleep...

26th January 2007, 17:55

There will always be the little cliques on here that try to manipulate situations. However, reputations are not how many little greenies or reddies you get but how you manage yourself and respect others.

On that front, even if we don't always agree, you are right at the top mate. Just ignore the power-crazed on what is a pretty insignificant forum with no power or influence other than to provide a platform for discussion.

Quite funny really :D

donKey jote
26th January 2007, 18:12
As for Carls point, I don't like sending loads of PM's but find it obvious to send a quick rep to someone. (With a KO on, of course). Yeah, some people will abuse it I suppose but they will soon get bored. If someone posts a good reply that you agree with but cannot add to, why not give them a private :up: ?


got to spread it around a bit ;) :p :

Mark in Oshawa
26th January 2007, 18:32
KO my man, you and I are not that far apart, and if everyone on here treated each other's ideas with respect (even when they didn't disagree) then we would be fine.

Really, most of the people with neg points are not bad people either, I just think they didn't fall in with the cliques.. Exposing the cliques for what they are is really my goal. Hate cliqquy stuck up people who wont listen to other people's ideas.

Thanks for the pat on the back KO.....

Hazell B
26th January 2007, 19:40
... if everyone on here treated each other's ideas with respect (even when they didn't disagree) then we would be fine.

Hate cliqquy stuck up people who wont listen to other people's ideas.

If everyone did treat other's ideas with respect, rep would continue and not be dumped. Then those who wanted it would have it to look at and those who dislike it could just not bother at all. Agreed?

Sorry, but that last section's simply a guess on your part. The system can't allow rep to be sent to just a select few - as we've already talked about endlessly - so the 'clique' would be more a stampede :p :

While I will happily admit to sending positive rep to two people knee deep in the red stuff (even though I didn't know either of them) I'm pretty sure 99% of the forum members won't just send negative out for the same reason. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Can't we just keep it and forget it if we wish, or use it if we wish?

26th January 2007, 20:06
I'm actually finding it quite useful looking at the feedback now.

Yes, I received some negative rep for my Bill O'Reilly thread. They gave some points I hadn't considered and were brave enough to tell who they were. I agreed with them, and can hopefully adjust my behaviour from now on.

Mark in Oshawa
26th January 2007, 22:29
Yes, I received some negative rep for my Bill O'Reilly thread. They gave some points I hadn't considered and were brave enough to tell who they were. I agreed with them, and can hopefully adjust my behaviour from now on.

Eki, for all the shots I have given you, I must admit, you take them well. You are not the problem on here, although when I cross swords with you, it might seem it.

27th January 2007, 02:08
Exposing the cliques for what they are is really my goal. Hate cliqquy stuck up people who wont listen to other people's ideas.

Does that make you a flasher? LOL

Here ya go - exposing them and -5221 points!

27th January 2007, 05:49
Does that make you a flasher? LOL

Here ya go - exposing them and -5221 points!

Way too cool. This post got the intelligent remark of "flash this" and more points! I'm closer to my goal of -10,000 with -6,773!

Interesting that ONE coward is able to generate 1,552 points! Curious! It has the appearance of some being able to manually enter a numeric value. I wonder ...

27th January 2007, 09:19
I'm so depressed. Someone called me a drama queen :bigcry: Oh I can't take it any longer. I can't stand not being the most popular person on this forum. I'm leaving :laugh:

Hazell B
27th January 2007, 16:28
....the 'clique' would be more a stampede :p :

Thinking about it, while it's not so much a clique, there would be cases of rep being sent to somebody (anybody) just to 'spread it about' so that a favoured person can then be sent some over and over.

It's like being inducted into a clique but not knowing about it :p :

That's just a thought - NOT an attempt to enter said group or start one up by the way :)

27th January 2007, 17:01
If everyone did treat other's ideas with respect, rep would continue and not be dumped. Then those who wanted it would have it to look at and those who dislike it could just not bother at all. Agreed?

Hazell B - yes, you are right, but "IF" is the biggest word in the English language.

Mark in Oshawa
27th January 2007, 17:39
I'm so depressed. Someone called me a drama queen :bigcry: Oh I can't take it any longer. I can't stand not being the most popular person on this forum. I'm leaving :laugh:

I can tell you are verklept about it....why if you cry any longer you will be dehydrated!!!

It is all rather silly aint it?

27th January 2007, 18:22
Thinking about it, while it's not so much a clique, there would be cases of rep being sent to somebody (anybody) just to 'spread it about' so that a favoured person can then be sent some over and over.

It's like being inducted into a clique but not knowing about it :p :

That's just a thought - NOT an attempt to enter said group or start one up by the way :)
I don't know of the existence of an actual "clique".
However friends will take care of friends and that is human nature.

Hazell, you are one of the most positve people on the forum.
You make intelligent posts & you are very likeable.
It should be apparent that you will receive a good bit of postive reputation. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/thum/a1u.gif

I do like it when people who give me postive rep sign their "gift".
In gratitude I always return postive rep back to them, however I sometimes do forget to sign it.

As to negative rep, I don't care who they are.
If they are bold enough to sign it, they should realize I will get even. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/orn/evil.gif

donKey jote
27th January 2007, 18:49
Thinking about it, while it's not so much a clique, there would be cases of rep being sent to somebody (anybody) just to 'spread it about' so that a favoured person can then be sent some over and over.

I send donkey points to favoured people over and over when I like their posts. I also "spread it about" to people I like (not just anybody :p : ), when I'm feeling amorous :D


donKey jote
27th January 2007, 18:56
is there a way to see how promiscous one's been?
I can't remember all of their names ;) :p :

Mark in Oshawa
27th January 2007, 19:16
As someone who has received Donkey points...it truly is an honour.....

Mark in Oshawa
27th January 2007, 19:17
Donkey, if people don't sign, you have way of truly knowing, but I always have an idea based on the time and by following the posts after....

That said, some give neg rep and don't post. Most people dont' sign....I do but I only give positive rep anyhow...

donKey jote
27th January 2007, 22:09
As someone who has received Donkey points...it truly is an honour.....

welcome to the clique :wave: :D

err maybe I have been spreading it around a bit too liberally :eek: ;) :p :

donKey jote
27th January 2007, 23:24
who was that ?? :s hock:

that was massive ! :kiss: :love: :hug:

(as the actress said to the bishop) :p :

Hazell B
27th January 2007, 23:57
How the ruddy hell would you know about Bishops? :eek:

donKey jote
28th January 2007, 00:05
I don't :confused:
I've come across a few actresses though, as the bishop... nevermind :uhoh: :p :

Mark in Oshawa
28th January 2007, 00:06
Donkey if you are pulling a manure spreader behind ya, it is ok, it is still sweet smelling right?? RIGHT?????

OH my...what is that smell????

Hazell B
28th January 2007, 00:15
I've come across a few actresses ....

I'll keep setting them up, you keep knocking them in ;)

As for knowing who you've repped - I have no idea. Memory span longer than a goldfish would be my best guess, along with the forum saying you can't send that person any more.

28th January 2007, 04:51
...err maybe I have been spreading it around a bit too liberally :eek: ;) :p :

You slut!

:p :

Ian McC
28th January 2007, 10:58
Nothing wrong with spreading a little luuuuv round this forum, group hug everyone? :D

Hazell B
28th January 2007, 15:06
.... group hug everyone?

Maybe later, after my bath's washed away all the stable smells :s

28th January 2007, 15:32
Maybe later, after my bath's washed away all the stable smells :s

You always make me smile with your great attitude and warmth towards all others, Hazell B.

I nominate you to be a Forum Moderator, and propose a POLL to determine if others also feel this way.

28th January 2007, 17:02
I agree Hazell would be a great moderator ! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/thum/bravo.gif

Ian McC
28th January 2007, 17:19
Hazell rules! :D

Alfa Fan
28th January 2007, 17:28
No offense, but she faaar too opinionated to be a moderator!

28th January 2007, 18:38
If Hazell became a moderator, I'd be banned in an instant!

28th January 2007, 19:10
Does Hazell want to be a mod or why is this under discussion? :)

For what it's worth, I never thought Pino would make a good moderator. I thought he was too biased and, well, just too crazy a member to ever become an effective supervisor. But I was very much wrong, and Pino is now certainly one of the best IMO. I guess it's really essential to...
- have a great interest in the topics discussed,
- be warm-hearted and generally well-disposed towards the fellow-forumers,
- have quite a lot of spare time.

Everything else can be learnt over time. ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
28th January 2007, 19:20
No offense, but she faaar too opinionated to be a moderator!

And andrea isn't/wasn't :s :erm:

28th January 2007, 19:27
Does Hazell want to be a mod or why is this under discussion? :) .....
Would you rather hear people cry about the red rep they received or talk about something positive ?
Hazell is one of the shining stars of the forum & her posts don't irritate everyone.
I am surprised that Hazell isn't on top rung of the rep ladder, she is the best in my book ! :D

28th January 2007, 19:29
No offense, but she faaar too opinionated to be a moderator!
EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion, even you. :laugh:

28th January 2007, 19:33
Would you rather hear people cry about the red rep they received or talk about something positive ?

Now you've mentioned it, I do love the smell of Agwiii crying about his red rep in the morning. :p : :D

Brown, Jon Brow
28th January 2007, 19:47
No offense, but she faaar too opinionated to be a moderator!

And andrea isn't/wasn't :s :erm:

28th January 2007, 21:06
my god this is still going on :p :

are we all still 5 year old bitching when bad rep comes and crying to mommy :p :

everyone grow up, who really cares if you get good/bad rep. someone abuses everything in life and its no different. you can choose to ignore it or accept it, try and control yourself then when you type, don't say anything bad about Ferrari and you'll be fine :p :

28th January 2007, 23:06
And andrea isn't/wasn't :s :erm:

Andrea was and I hope still is, a fantastic moderator. I miss seeing her posts.

29th January 2007, 11:13
Andrea was and I hope still is, a fantastic moderator. I miss seeing her posts.

Now, that is something I agree with.

I think all the Moderators here do a fantastic job in the face of some difficult decisions.

I am now loving rep to respond with comments and ideas that might not be too relevant to a thread in general. Even if someone disagrees with me (Gannex ;) )

As for negative rep, I don't mind receiving it if it's warranted and constructive. However, it is useful to know who it comes from to understand why someone feels like that.

I've only given one negative and that was because someone got a thread closed because of some blatant Trolling and yes, I did sign it ;)

Usually, if I receive negative rep, it's just an insult with no way of knowing who it's from. Pretty meaningless really but all part of the rich tapestry of an open forum :up:

29th January 2007, 14:04
Andrea was and I hope still is, a fantastic moderator. I miss seeing her posts.

Absolutely! The character of this forum changed for the worse when she left.

29th January 2007, 14:05
Now, that is something I agree with.

Finally, a reasonable statement from you. Congratulations, you see to be following your own advice and becoming more mature. Good job!

29th January 2007, 14:09
Hazell is one of the shining stars of the forum & her posts don't irritate everyone.


Hazell B
29th January 2007, 16:37
Somebody's taking the widdlywee here, right? You're having a side bet on how fast this turns into smut/a fight/tears beforee bedtime, yes? :p :

I'd be a dreadful moderator!

29th January 2007, 17:02
<snip> I'd be a dreadful moderator!

Hazell B - Many of us think you would be a great and fair moderator. Are you saying that "If nominated, you would not serve?"

Hazell B
29th January 2007, 17:10
Do I have to answer that? :eek:

I'm saying that it's up to whoever asks people if they want to be mods or not and that, if I was asked, I would almost 100% say no. I'm far too quick tempered, would certainly be a disruptive infuence and frankly dislike a certain mod on here after that person blatantly lied about me, so wouldn't get on well in the mod's forum.

For the record, I wouldn't ban anyone, even Beans, just for the fun of it. I'd wait for them to dig themselves nice and deep into the poo first :p :

29th January 2007, 18:05
Do I have to answer that? :eek:

I'm saying that it's up to whoever asks people if they want to be mods or not and that, if I was asked, I would almost 100% say no. I'm far too quick tempered, would certainly be a disruptive infuence and frankly dislike a certain mod on here after that person blatantly lied about me, so wouldn't get on well in the mod's forum.

For the record, I wouldn't ban anyone, even Beans, just for the fun of it. I'd wait for them to dig themselves nice and deep into the poo first :p :

Hazell B - Your post proves my point, not yours. You recognize your areas of weakness (we all have them), and I'll bet you a nice tall Guinness that you would bend over backwards to be fair, something we're not seeing much of with the loss of Andrea.

Brown, Jon Brow
29th January 2007, 20:09
You have no choice Hazell B. You are the choosen one, did you not read the small-print when you joined the forum.

If you are nominated to become a moderator, you must do so.

It's kinda like jury duty, unless you admit to being prejudice to all races, there is no escape ;)

Ian McC
29th January 2007, 21:16
I see this thread has managed to make it to 3 stars!

race aficionado
29th January 2007, 21:24
what a close race that poll is.

where do we bet?

I just hope that motor racing gives us some similar close racing this year.

Go JPM!!! :D

:s mokin:

29th January 2007, 21:32
You have no choice Hazell B. You are the choosen one, did you not read the small-print when you joined the forum.

It's kinda like jury duty, unless you admit to being prejudice to all races, there is no escape ;)

Hysterical! :laugh: Jon Brow Brown - abso(you know)lutely hysterical! Brilliant!

oily oaf
30th January 2007, 07:21
I too am somewhat dismayed to learn of Andrea's departure from these hallowed portals :(

Nice girl. Shame about her football team :mad:

Being of an enquiring mind (bloody noseache) I wonder whether anyone could enlight me as to the reason for her trip into the cyber void.

In short. Where Andrea?

Brown, Jon Brow
30th January 2007, 10:22
I too am somewhat dismayed to learn of Andrea's departure from these hallowed portals :(

Nice girl. Shame about her football team :mad:

Being of an enquiring mind (bloody noseache) I wonder whether anyone could enlight me as to the reason for her trip into the cyber void.

In short. Where Andrea?

Maybe she has been banned :eek:

I do miss her so!! :bigcry:

Captain VXR
30th January 2007, 18:52
This p1$$e$ me off - bad rep and the comment - Forum Big Brother 26th January 2007 04:01 AM i hate cats! WTF did some tw4t give me bad rep for saying I like cats??? Mods please remove the bad rep points as I did nothing wrong, abusive or insulting; or atleast find out who that chicken/scumbag/troll/chav was :mad: At least I sign my rep and don't chicken out unlike this idiot. If I find out who you are, you'll get bad rep from me for getting me unjustified bad #£%&ing rep