View Full Version : Hydrochloric Acid

Hazell B
6th April 2007, 21:00
What's the best thing to use to clean out two tubs that used to contain this acid? They're soaking with just plain water at the moment as washing up liquid made them into something like a volcano :p :

Hayden Fan
6th April 2007, 21:29
I think that is the best thing to do. If you hope to use them to bath in, I think that day is over.

Brown, Jon Brow
6th April 2007, 21:30
Alkaline to neutralise it ;)

donKey jote
6th April 2007, 21:50
Yep, chuck in a couple of batteries, see if that helps :p :


6th April 2007, 22:39
Has anyone seen Mr. B lately? :confused: :D

7th April 2007, 00:32
Well sodium hydroxide solution (you'll find it in household bleach) would neutralise it to form a solution of common salt. That's probably the safest bet - but you'd need to know how much HCl was left in the baths first.

Failing that, using Potassum Hydroxide wouldn't be a disaster.

7th April 2007, 07:23
Whatever you do, use eye and face protection and rubber gloves.

Captain VXR
7th April 2007, 08:53
Magnesium and fire hehe :D

7th April 2007, 11:33
Petrol and a match?

Works on most things ;)

7th April 2007, 12:34
Has anyone seen Mr. B lately? :confused: :D
They say he's on a holiday, but that might be a cover-up:


7th April 2007, 18:50
Yeah use sodium hyroxide and you'll produce sodium chloride and water. Just don't use too much of it or it can make chlorine gas(I think)

Hazell B
7th April 2007, 19:18
Has anyone seen Mr. B lately? :confused: :D

Classic, he liked that one.

Thanks for the advice folks. The tubs just had details of what they used to contain and were slightly damp inside, so a fairly basic clean should sort them out.