View Full Version : Spyker to sell advertising space on eBay

6th April 2007, 19:57
Are they in F1 to race or what?


6th April 2007, 20:22
Are they in F1 to race or what?

Yes, and for that you need money Ioan.

6th April 2007, 20:30
Yes, and for that you need money Ioan.

Ultimately, it's a means to an end.

6th April 2007, 21:16
Ultimately, it's a means to an end.

Well, you could say that about all teams, with the exception of Williams.

N. Jones
6th April 2007, 21:23
They are a small team looking to get money anyway they can.

The thing that baffles me and teejay is why they have higher prices on the engine compartment space that the nose-cone.

6th April 2007, 21:38
They are a small team looking to get money anyway they can.

The thing that baffles me and teejay is why they have higher prices on the engine compartment space that the nose-cone.

well, obviously because it is much more easy to see than the nose cone. To see the name on the nose cone, you would have to almost have a top-down camera. And the space is bigger on the engine cover.

7th April 2007, 00:50
Are they in F1 to race or what?


I think it is a great idea...

7th April 2007, 02:19
Initially it sounds like a good idea. But then you think that in F1 - sadly, to me - a lot is about glamour and perks, and is makes it hard to think of them going up the team ladder.

7th April 2007, 02:28
Initially it sounds like a good idea. But then you think that in F1 - sadly, to me - a lot is about glamour and perks, and is makes it hard to think of them going up the team ladder.
It is all about the glitz and glamour, but I see this as involving the little guys and gals of the world in something pretty massive...although, your still going to have to have some pretty serious wedge to win the bidding to get your name on the car... ;)

7th April 2007, 03:18
Don't even think the big guys would be interested in bidding on this, at about $3,750,000.00 us to start for just that little bit of real estate on the engine cover. I can't imagine anyone bidding on this. (but I do have it in my watch list just in case I dig in my couch and suprise myself...)

I do see potential in this concept though. A team could put up a little spot on their car for a one off race deal with a low start, no reserve auction, and donate the proceeds to charity.

Garry Walker
7th April 2007, 13:40
i think they wont have any bidders at all LOL

7th April 2007, 13:52
I'm really starting to question Spyker, this is a blatant example of corporations taking over F1 teams from those that have a clear and undiminished passion for the competition, not the $$$. It makes me question Bernie sometimes as well.

F1 is a sport, not a business.

7th April 2007, 15:32
F1 is a sport, not a business.

You might be wrong. F1 is the fastest moving publicity exercise maybe.

7th April 2007, 15:41
Well, was checking out their auctions again, and I'm glad they have added some items that normal people might be interested in (shirts, hats, etc...)

But auction caught my attention:

Can you beat Christijan Albers? If so, bid on a day of karting with Christijan Albers for 10 persons. The ultimate opportunity to show your skills on the track!

http://cgi.ebay.ca/Race-vs-C-Albers-Kart-and-Meet-Greet-EASF1GD_W0QQitemZ200096746025QQcategoryZ2876QQrdZ1 QQcmdZViewItem

and even more funny, the fine print:

If it is evident that the transport company or the recipient is not responsible for any damages caused, a replacement of the product – if possible - will be made for the account of Etihad Aldar Spyker Formula One Team, provided the return shipment is accepted.

awwww my Christijan Albers race driver is broken, he keeps getting beaten that Sutil guy, how long will it take for them to send my a new one? :cheese:

7th April 2007, 15:55
They're selling off a 2007 show car (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Spyker-F1-F8-VII-Showcar-replica-1-1-EASF1GD_W0QQitemZ200096349572QQcategoryZ2876QQrdZ1 QQcmdZViewItem) (basically, the outer shell of a car) as well, with an opening price of €75000. No takers as of yet.

7th April 2007, 16:48
I'm really starting to question Spyker, this is a blatant example of corporations taking over F1 teams from those that have a clear and undiminished passion for the competition, not the $$$. It makes me question Bernie sometimes as well.

F1 is a sport, not a business.

then you would know that they are a small team that doesn't have a BIG manufactuar backing them up, so they need money to survive.

by the way "passion"? how can you have passion when you are to lazy to build an own car?

7th April 2007, 20:49
Gjalie :up:

Spyker needs money and they're being creative, last time I checked they weren't owned by any big corporation and as pointed they have more passion for the sport compared to Super Aguri