View Full Version : An attempt on President Obama's life thwarted

17th April 2013, 17:51
A letter containing the poison risin was intercepted at a mail checking station at the white house. Another letter to a senator was also received. Thank God they intercepted both letters.

Evidently, they have a suspect. This seems to be the MO that the FBI and Secret Service know pertaining a certain individual.

Before any of us jump to conclusions that it was a right wing organization that was behind the attempt the senator is a Republican.

17th April 2013, 17:53
Oh Sh!t isn't Ricin Banned???

17th April 2013, 18:43
Oh Sh!t isn't Ricin Banned???
So are guns many places. ;)

17th April 2013, 18:54
EDIT: Actually, the post I made here was unnecessary. Apologies.

17th April 2013, 20:00
Oh Sh!t isn't Ricin Banned???

Yes but pressure cookers aren't.

You can actually walk into a Wal-Mart and buy a Pressure Cooker with no waiting period....Not even a background check.


17th April 2013, 20:00
So are guns many places. ;)


17th April 2013, 21:55
Yes but pressure cookers aren't.

You can actually walk into a Wal-Mart and buy a Pressure Cooker with no waiting period....Not even a background check.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I understand that in many states you can also walk into a Wal-Mart and buy enough cartridges to fill your pressure cooker with explosives.

Brown, Jon Brow
17th April 2013, 23:07
Correct me if I'm wrong. I understand that in many states you can also walk into a Wal-Mart and buy enough cartridges to fill your pressure cooker with explosives.

Maybe that's where Tesco went wrong with Fresh&Easy ?

17th April 2013, 23:31
Of course you can always do it the Irish way and use fertiliser or weedkiller (if you can get the right ones).

17th April 2013, 23:44
Of course you can always do it the Irish way and use fertiliser or weedkiller (if you can get the right ones).

And if you can obtain generous funding from parts of the US.

18th April 2013, 00:05
Of course you can always do it the Irish way and use fertiliser or weedkiller (if you can get the right ones).

Do what the "Irish way"?

18th April 2013, 04:11
We should ban pit bulls before one of them is seen buying a pressure cooker.

18th April 2013, 07:40
I hope the attempt on Obama's life was not linked to his support of expanded background checks on fire arms purchases. That would be very ironic and sort of prove his point for the need wouldn't it? Why any senator would not support such a requirement is beyond belief!

18th April 2013, 07:48
And if you can obtain generous funding from parts of the US.
It was pretty laughable that Irish American's thought they were being loyal to a land far away by donating money to a terrorist organisation. The same group who bombed Manchester, Coventry, Warrington, and London to name a few, as well as the countless pub bombings and murders of British servicemen. The same group that lynched fellow Irishmen because they didn't share the same religion and supported a north and south divide. I hope those that donated are ashamed of themselves now they realise what they were supporting.

18th April 2013, 07:50
Do what the "Irish way"?
'Mary Roseside - you have 30 minutes'

18th April 2013, 07:53
I hope the attempt on Obama's life was not linked to his support of expanded background checks on fire arms purchases. That would be very ironic and sort of prove his point for the need wouldn't it? Why any senator would not support such a requirement is beyond belief!

Regardless of who did it, linking a nutter doing such a thing to a large group of people is rather absurd IMO. Nutters will be nutters.

As for your comment on the Irish Americans, little chance they feel much shame. Being a number of people in politics contributed to those same groups, they have made attempts to sweep the truth under the carpet as much as possible. They often use double standards here in the US once it's found politicians took part.

18th April 2013, 08:30
Regardless of who did it, linking a nutter doing such a thing to a large group of people is rather absurd IMO. Nutters will be nutters.

Indeed, but then again I didn't make the statement in your interpretation. That particular nutter we can assume/speculate tried to make a very different point to the actual one that was made however. That was my point.

As for your comment on the Irish Americans, little chance they feel much shame. Being a number of people in politics contributed to those same groups, they have made attempts to sweep the truth under the carpet as much as possible. They often use double standards here in the US once it's found politicians took part.
Well it will never be forgotten by those affected. Sometimes the desperation to cling to heritage clouds one's judgement when dealing with the cold hard reality, I can accept. If they feel no shame, then that is truly sad.

18th April 2013, 12:30
I got that you were not linking the nutter to a group Henners, and as such was just reinforcing that nobody else should either, unless or until proven as fact.

As for the second point, I think between the lack of truthful media and the attempts at cover up, there is probably a good sized portion of the US that has never dug down to the truth. Like yourself I'd feel sorry for any individual involved that doesn't regret their decision and have some shame in taking part.

18th April 2013, 13:06
I got that you were not linking the nutter to a group Henners, and as such was just reinforcing that nobody else should either, unless or until proven as fact.
That's fair enough. I did state it was speculation on my part in the first place due to the timing of the attempt. If we had a thread full of 'lets wait and see' it would be rather boring lol. Just trying to add a little spice to the proceedings much like those who were attempting to suggest pressure cookers were as dangerous to the general population as carrying a gun. Sarcastic as it was, they are hardly designed with he same purpose in mind. Any object can be dangerous with a creative imagination.

As for the second point, I think between the lack of truthful media and the attempts at cover up, there is probably a good sized portion of the US that has never dug down to the truth. Like yourself I'd feel sorry for any individual involved that doesn't regret their decision and have some shame in taking part.
I grew up in an era where although many of my family were Irish, it was also always in the back of your mind that any innocent trip to the shopping centre or pub could potentially turn nasty. A good friend of my uncle lost his daughter in the Birmingham pub bombing, whilst my father also had a telephone exchange bombed which he was in charge of. The violence and murder of the IRA was never far away and became an almost daily news topic through the 80's and 90's. I take your point about Irish Americans being lied to but hopefully they are aware of the truth. The truth here is that the vast majority of Irish people were deeply sickened and embarrassed by what a faction of their countrymen had done, so any support from across the ocean was misplaced in the extreme. Lets hope the peace process remains for many more years. :)

18th April 2013, 14:07
It was pretty laughable that Irish American's thought they were being loyal to a land far away by donating money to a terrorist organisation. The same group who bombed Manchester, Coventry, Warrington, and London to name a few, as well as the countless pub bombings and murders of British servicemen. The same group that lynched fellow Irishmen because they didn't share the same religion and supported a north and south divide. I hope those that donated are ashamed of themselves now they realise what they were supporting.
I don't see that as being much different than Jewish Americans sending money to Israel when the government there is busy annexing land and throwing people off of their property to build settlements.

18th April 2013, 14:28
I don't see that as being much different than Jewish Americans sending money to Israel when the government there is busy annexing land and throwing people off of their property to build settlements.

Well, there is one significant difference: one is a country, the other was a terrorist organisation.

18th April 2013, 14:47
Well, there is one significant difference: one is a country, the other was a terrorist organisation.
American muslims sending money to Al Qaeda would have been a better comparison.

18th April 2013, 15:20
Well, there is one significant difference: one is a country, the other was a terrorist organisation.
I fail to see the difference since actions speak for themselves.

18th April 2013, 17:00
It was pretty laughable that Irish American's thought they were being loyal to a land far away by donating money to a terrorist organisation. The same group who bombed Manchester, Coventry, Warrington, and London to name a few, as well as the countless pub bombings and murders of British servicemen. The same group that lynched fellow Irishmen because they didn't share the same religion and supported a north and south divide. I hope those that donated are ashamed of themselves now they realise what they were supporting.

Man, all those words and not one mention of Bloody Sunday(two of them) Shankhill butchers,Operation Motorman,
internment without trial and the Gibralter slayings. Oh, lest we forget the people who were innocent but spent years in jail why a coverup was taking place.

Now all of us here in the US did not contribute to the the funding of anything. Certainly, I did not. I am not or will I ever pardon the events listed by Henner.

They were unconscionable and should be deemed so by all rational people. Tragic losses that were needless.
What you are doing incorrectly is painting your own country (government) as blameless in all of this. Responsibility for the actions of these groups can be shared.
Subjugation for years, people were bound to react.

18th April 2013, 17:23
Subjugation for years, people were bound to react.
Years? Surely you meant centuries?

18th April 2013, 18:00
I fail to see the difference since actions speak for themselves.
So what is your opinion of my comment above yours? Are you suggesting the IRA are comparable to Israel but not Al Qaeda? Governments are corrupt in many ways but I'm sorry terrorist organisations specialising in murdering innocent people for their cause are the lowest of the low.

18th April 2013, 18:04
Years? Surely you meant centuries?

Starter, yes I did, but I deliberately left it at years for fear that my reply was based upon ancient history.Thanks for pointing out the centuries.

18th April 2013, 18:12
So what is your opinion of my comment above yours? Are you suggesting the IRA are comparable to Israel but not Al Qaeda?

Exactly — and I say that while also being extremely critical of Israel's actions.

18th April 2013, 18:13
Man, all those words and not one mention of Bloody Sunday(two of them) Shankhill butchers,Operation Motorman,
internment without trial and the Gibralter slayings. Oh, lest we forget the people who were innocent but spent years in jail why a coverup was taking place.

Now all of us here in the US did not contribute to the the funding of anything. Certainly, I did not. I am not or will I ever pardon the events listed by Henner.

They were unconscionable and should be deemed so by all rational people. Tragic losses that were needless.
What you are doing incorrectly is painting your own country (government) as blameless in all of this. Responsibility for the actions of these groups can be shared.
Subjugation for years, people were bound to react.
Both sides were guilty of wrongdoing no doubt. That does not justify terrorism IMO. I am not painting 'my' Country as blameless in all this at all because my country is part of both sides. Its a bit difficult to sympathise with terrorists at the same time, especially if they are bringing terror to people many miles from the troubles and targeting people for the sake of it. I didn't suggest all American's contributed to funding this form of terrorism either, but condemned those that did willingly.

The difference we have here is my country is directly involved in both cases. Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain of course at present with some supporting this and others not so much. My relatives would much rather have a united Ireland and I tend to agree with that. Whether or not Southern Ireland would be happy with this is open to debate. We both have links through family and my opinion is no more invalid than anybody else's.

18th April 2013, 19:17
Both sides were guilty of wrongdoing no doubt. That does not justify terrorism IMO. I am not painting 'my' Country as blameless in all this at all because my country is part of both sides. Its a bit difficult to sympathise with terrorists at the same time, especially if they are bringing terror to people many miles from the troubles and targeting people for the sake of it. I didn't suggest all American's contributed to funding this form of terrorism either, but condemned those that did willingly.

The difference we have here is my country is directly involved in both cases. Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain of course at present with some supporting this and others not so much. My relatives would much rather have a united Ireland and I tend to agree with that. Whether or not Southern Ireland would be happy with this is open to debate. We both have links through family and my opinion is no more invalid than anybody else's.

That was a very thoughtful and decent response. I , like you do not condone any civilian targeting by these organizations, but they did do that. It was horrific and one must wonder what type of person and what kind of belief one would have to have to do what they did. Both sides, loyalist and nationalist.
The only reason I replied as I did was it seemed too one sided and the British army was present but you did not attribute any blame at all to anyone but the IRA(Provisional).
I understood that you did not mean all Americans. You are correct in the fact that some were gullible enough to send money.
Actually, my wife and I were on vacation there (Ireland) in the early 90's. We were in Killarney Co.Kerry. We had rented a car so we were not on the usual tourist coach rides that are so boring.
While we were there we went to a tavern for a drink. This place was huge and we had a young New York girl that accompanied us. We were there shooting the breeze about one thing and another when the doors opened and in swarmed a bus or two of American tourists. They got seated and this is the absolute truth. No sooner were they all given a drink when a guy gets up on a stage and gives a right arm fist closed salute and stated he was hoping to get money for the prisoners families. The New York girl asked me what this was all about and I told her. The guy was a PIRA guy.
She thought this was great and opened her wallet. We left.
I distinctly recall all the cheering. I also recall the helpless victims of what I consider the worst atrocity inflicted upon the innocent;the bombing of the WW1 veterans gathering for services rendered during the Great War. Many of course were killed. That was barbaric. Old men were the target. Why? This was in Enniskillen(sic)The idiots should have read a little history and known that over 50,000 Irishmen served with the British army in WW1.They were not confined to Northern Ireland. They were also from the South.

18th April 2013, 22:38
He probably just took all the money for himself. Irish (and Scots, based on the cabbie that wanted me to scam my travel receipt and 'give me a cut') are crooks at heart. :p

If I'd gone to any big cities in England I may have the same opinion of them but I didn't.

19th April 2013, 09:29
He probably just took all the money for himself. Irish (and Scots, based on the cabbie that wanted me to scam my travel receipt and 'give me a cut') are crooks at heart. :p

If I'd gone to any big cities in England I may have the same opinion of them but I didn't.

You must be one of those that puts a smiley face or whatever that is when insulting (in a boorish manner) two nations. Where were you in Scotland and Ireland that caused you to write such claptrap?

I can see this comment coming from a South Barrington person but not Chicago.

19th April 2013, 09:33
You get Cabbies all over the UK who will take you the long route if they think you don't know the area. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are no different. That doesn't mean there are not honest cabbies over here too, but many will try it on. I wasn't offended by the comment. :)

19th April 2013, 09:53
Theres always going to be the pressure of people threatening your life when you are in a position of power. I suppose it comes with the job! This is why all this infastructure is there to intercept mail etc.

19th April 2013, 16:38
An Elvis impersonator (http://news.yahoo.com/elvis-impersonator-charged-over-poison-letter-sent-obama-010628402.html)??? :rolleyes: I wonder if Obama got a chuckle out of hearing that fact?

19th April 2013, 16:41
You must be one of those that puts a smiley face or whatever that is when insulting (in a boorish manner) two nations. Where were you in Scotland and Ireland that caused you to write such claptrap?

I can see this comment coming from a South Barrington person but not Chicago.
I worked in Dublin for a year with a team having members from Johannesburg Sligo, Belfast and Bristol, in addition to a few other Americans on more permanent expat assignments. I was pretty shocked at how personal (with proper historic references) the abuse between the Irish and English guys were, but at the same time we all worked together, went to lunch together, went drinking after work and watched six nations games together.

The cabbie actually was a real help since the 'Glasgow' airport Ryanair serves is nowhere near said city. I got an earful of American show-tunes (the guy's hobby) all the way into the city. Since I was traveling on expenses for my first few days in Scotland I needed a receipt and he wanted to pad it a bit. I spent another week on my own in a terrible rented Daewoo with warped brake rotors driving all the highlands. Ullapool, Skye, Applecross, Fort William, Thurso, Inverness (with stops at Urquhart and Culloden), Aberdeen and Edinburgh. I dipped a little into England with an overnight stop at Hexham following Hadrian's Wall returning to Glasgow for my return to Dublin.

A year later I took two weeks for a similar trip around Ireland. I think I mentioned before the troubles a car with Cork plates can have in some parts of (London)Derry where there's an opportunity to photograph trains. Other than that a B&B owner making a comment about Israel (probably due to my family name) was the only real moment of discomfort.

If there's one thing I learned working with that group in Dublin, it's to not take things so seriously and enjoy thinking up creative ways to abuse your friends. I don't see it very much here in the US except between older blacks. Just like the Irish they abuse one another in the most creative ways imaginable, but are really enjoying themselves. We Americans can take a lot of things we see way too seriously.

donKey jote
19th April 2013, 18:32
If there's one thing I learned working with that group in Dublin, it's to not take things so seriously and enjoy thinking up creative ways to abuse your friends. I don't see it very much here in the US except between older blacks. Just like the Irish they abuse one another in the most creative ways imaginable, but are really enjoying themselves.

:D :up:

19th April 2013, 21:03
Back on topic people.

Anyone else notice how the press pretty much stopped coverage of this terrorist attack once it was found that the perpetrator is a Left wing, Liberal Democrat who was pissed because he thought the government didn't give him enough?


19th April 2013, 21:09
We Americans can take a lot of things we see way too seriously.

Back on topic people.

Anyone else notice how the press pretty much stopped coverage of this terrorist attack once it was found that the perpetrator is a Left wing, Liberal Democrat who was pissed because he thought the government didn't give him enough?
But sometimes it's unintentionally funny!

19th April 2013, 21:19
But sometimes it's unintentionally funny!

There is little more unintentionally amusing than the ill-educated American.

19th April 2013, 22:05
But sometimes it's unintentionally funny!

There is little more unintentionally amusing than the ill-educated American.

I am glad that an attempt on the Life of a Sitting US Senator and the President of the United States amuses you two so much as to use it for an ad-hominem attack to deflect the truth.

Air is less transparent than your two.

19th April 2013, 22:23
Back on topic people.

Anyone else notice how the press pretty much stopped coverage of this terrorist attack once it was found that the perpetrator is a Left wing, Liberal Democrat who was pissed because he thought the government didn't give him enough?


You don't think the Boston bombing and the manhunt has had an impact on news coverage? The Texas fertilizer factory that blew up hasn't gotten a lot of coverage either, not anything like it would have in a normal news week. Why the hell is it so many people in America think everything is a left or right wing conspiracy? No Boston bombing this week and the manhunt in the aftermath would have meant that the poisoned letters and the Texas accident were the big news stories this past week.

19th April 2013, 22:23
You don't think the Boston bombing and the manhunt has had an impact on news coverage? The Texas fertilizer factory that blew up hasn't gotten a lot of coverage either, not anything like it would have in a normal news week. Why the hell is it so many people in America think everything is a left or right wing conspiracy? No Boston bombing this week and the manhunt in the aftermath would have meant that the poisoned letters and the Texas accident were the big news stories this past week.


19th April 2013, 22:23
I am glad that an attempt on the Life of a Sitting US Senator and the President of the United States amuses you two so much as to use it for an ad-hominem attack to deflect the truth.

'The truth'? Give me strength.

19th April 2013, 23:15
You don't think the Boston bombing and the manhunt has had an impact on news coverage? The Texas fertilizer factory that blew up hasn't gotten a lot of coverage either, not anything like it would have in a normal news week. Why the hell is it so many people in America think everything is a left or right wing conspiracy? No Boston bombing this week and the manhunt in the aftermath would have meant that the poisoned letters and the Texas accident were the big news stories this past week.

Hmmmmmmm an Assassination attempt on the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES gets put on the back burner but a Sink hole in Chicago that ate 3 cars doesn't? (Yes that was on all of the Major network news)

Even the CNN home page lists things like: Dreamliner cleared to fix battery, Boy Scouts may lift gay youths ban and Date night saved their lives before they mention confirmation that it was Ricin in the assassination attempt.

The fact is most of the pundits were pointing to some right wing person being both the sender of the ricin and the Boston Bomber. Now that they have been proven wrong AGAIN they have buried the ricin Story and are all but ignoring that the Boston Bombing was an act of Islamo-Fascist Terrorism.

Now go ahead and call me names or switch subjects. It is what you guys do.

19th April 2013, 23:18
I am glad that an attempt on the Life of a Sitting US Senator and the President of the United States amuses you two so much as to use it for an ad-hominem attack to deflect the truth.

Air is less transparent than your two.
I'm not laughing at facts. I'm laughing at your posts.

19th April 2013, 23:23
Now go ahead and call me names or switch subjects. It is what you guys do.

What you do is spout mad conspiracy theories without the slightest evidence. The news moves on. That's its nature. Furthermore, to say 'The fact is most of the pundits were pointing to some right wing person being both the sender of the ricin and the Boston Bomber' is nonsensical. For a start, you seem to be suggesting that 'most pundits' were suggesting that one person was both the sender of the ricin and the Boston bomber. I suspect this is not what you mean; if it is, nowhere have I read this suggestion. In any case, you would, I presume, be unable to prove that 'most', i.e. over 50 per cent, of all pundits made any assertion regarding the idea that right-wingers were responsible for both acts. Therefore the very basis of your remarks is, as always, unfounded in fact.

20th April 2013, 00:05
Hmmmmmmm an Assassination attempt on the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES gets put on the back burner but a Sink hole in Chicago that ate 3 cars doesn't? (Yes that was on all of the Major network news)

Even the CNN home page lists things like: Dreamliner cleared to fix battery, Boy Scouts may lift gay youths ban and Date night saved their lives before they mention confirmation that it was Ricin in the assassination attempt.

The fact is most of the pundits were pointing to some right wing person being both the sender of the ricin and the Boston Bomber. Now that they have been proven wrong AGAIN they have buried the ricin Story and are all but ignoring that the Boston Bombing was an act of Islamo-Fascist Terrorism.

Now go ahead and call me names or switch subjects. It is what you guys do.

I don't ever recall calling you names, Anthony. I'm just not buying that there is some conspiracy among news agencies to suppress the ricin story. I've read a few news stories about this week. BTW, haven't heard about the Chicago sinkhole. I've also seen some news coverage of the accident in Texas, but not nearly what I would have seen if not for the Boston incident. An explosion that big and many people killed in it, yet all the news crews seem to be in Boston. A terrorist act like that is always going to trump an accident or whacko sending poisoned letters, especially since the letters didn't do harm to the intended victims. If he had been successful in the poisoning, then I'm sure it would have jumped up the pecking order of news stories.

As for pundits, I generally don't listen to them. Too many agendas and too much bias to take what they say seriously as far as a news story is concerned.

20th April 2013, 21:39
So true. :\

23rd April 2013, 18:29
A fake AP News tweet, claiming that a bomb had exploded at the White House and President Obama had been injured, just caused the stock market to briefly crash. Apparently the AP Twitter account was hacked.

26th April 2013, 15:46
I often wonder about these attacks upon either right wing or left wing thinking. I do know for a fact that one of the sides in a study were found to have no interest in science, no interest in intellectual scrutiny, no belief in anything that is outside their community. Insular and xenophobic. Belief in everything that is preached to them and no question of logical argument to defend any position other than acquiescing to the mob rule mentality if though they claim individuality.

I will leave you to guess about whom I am referring.

26th April 2013, 17:55
I often wonder about these attacks upon either right wing or left wing thinking. I do know for a fact that one of the sides in a study were found to have no interest in science, no interest in intellectual scrutiny, no belief in anything that is outside their community. Insular and xenophobic. Belief in everything that is preached to them and no question of logical argument to defend any position other than acquiescing to the mob rule mentality if though they claim individuality.

I will leave you to guess about whom I am referring.

Liberals! We don't call you KNEE JERKERS for nothing.

26th April 2013, 23:34
I often wonder about these attacks upon either right wing or left wing thinking. I do know for a fact that one of the sides in a study were found to have no interest in science, no interest in intellectual scrutiny, no belief in anything that is outside their community. Insular and xenophobic. Belief in everything that is preached to them and no question of logical argument to defend any position other than acquiescing to the mob rule mentality if though they claim individuality.

I will leave you to guess about whom I am referring.

30th April 2013, 17:38
I often wonder about these attacks upon either right wing or left wing thinking. I do know for a fact that one of the sides in a study were found to have no interest in science, no interest in intellectual scrutiny, no belief in anything that is outside their community. Insular and xenophobic. Belief in everything that is preached to them and no question of logical argument to defend any position other than acquiescing to the mob rule mentality if though they claim individuality.

I will leave you to guess about whom I am referring.

Nope :p

Liberals! We don't call you KNEE JERKERS for nothing.

30th April 2013, 17:44
I often wonder about these attacks upon either right wing or left wing thinking. I do know for a fact that one of the sides in a study were found to have no interest in science, no interest in intellectual scrutiny, no belief in anything that is outside their community. Insular and xenophobic. Belief in everything that is preached to them and no question of logical argument to defend any position other than acquiescing to the mob rule mentality if though they claim individuality.

The findings of the study were clearly nonsense, given that there are plenty of people on both sides of the political divide who have an interest in science and intellectual scrutiny, a degree of interest in matters outside their community, who are open-minded and so forth. Where did these alleged results come from?

1st May 2013, 01:00
They were found in a link that can't be located. It must be true!

donKey jote
1st May 2013, 09:16
Off topic ... maybe :andrea:
E=mc2? Not on Conservapedia - opinion - 11 August 2010 - New Scientist (http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn19303-emc2-not-on-conservapedia.html) :laugh: