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Alfa Fan
19th May 2013, 18:14
You mean child porn isn't around?? Could have fooled me.

Maybe you have come across it, but I certainly haven't. Guess it depends on the parts of the internet you frequent.

20th May 2013, 04:19
In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the
United States .
In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan.
In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32
people in Virginia Tech.
In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner
shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killing 6 others.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a movie
theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza shot and killed 26
people in a school.
One could go on, but you get the point, even if the media does
Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns.

SOLUTION: It should simply be illegal for Democrats to own guns.
Best idea I've seen.

Quiet. You will get the leftists all worked up and wanting to start shooting and goosestepping-again :eek:

Can not beleive this thread is still going. The same old whiners from great britany and europe making the usual BS arguments because they are jealous and lack the balls to stand up for themselves when it really matters :rolleyes:

No wonder it was so easy for the nazi gossesteppers to march all over.....

Big reason why there has been 200 plus years of more freedom in this country than any other country, and that is the private ownership of guns.

The only reason that ANY freedom survived in Europe was because of american blood, and like a spoiled punk child who does not have the good manners and backbone to say thank you, all we hear is more jealousy.

Well as to you who dont live here, I say mind your own business.

And to those who aint happy, I say get out of here :dozey:

20th May 2013, 04:32
Straw man argument.
No, the shoe doesn't fit, however over here we do have opinions and we like to make them known, especially to those who think they know us better then they know themselves. :laugh: :laugh:

The shoe fits so well, that you are whinning too loud

20th May 2013, 04:34
I'm sure most Europeans will never understand it, but I suppose its because our cultures are often a lot older than that is the US and we've worked at them a lot longer. After all its a fairly new country by world standards built up on immigration with hundreds of nationalities contributing to its modern society.

I may never understand your culture surrounding guns, but obviously that will not devalue my opinion. It's clear there is a lack of understanding from yourselves in regards to European culture too, so it's reassuring this isn't one sided.

It was the same culture that once made great Britain to be great.......but that culture has since faded from your collective memory. Tis the path of most great cultures

20th May 2013, 04:44
Hey , cowboy , how many pistols is enough pistols ?
Can y'all actually have too many ?

More than you can count in a couple of days.

But to be serious, you can never have too much of a good thing, fur sur enuff :D :bounce:

what beats a :ninja: every time ? Colt 45 or if you got too old, a good load of buckshot

20th May 2013, 04:49
Hard to answer. That's like saying you want to choose between a sports car and a pickup truck; a long range rifle and a shotgun have almost nothing in common. If you're into long range shooting (or want to get into it), get a rifle. But I promise that you'll spend way more on just the scope for a true long range rifle (a Barrett, for instance) than all but the nicest shotgun.

Have you thought about building a rifle? Get yourself a good action from a trashed Remington 700 or an older Mauser in good condition and you'll have something to build off of.

need to be careful, because the action could be a bit worn in the area of the lugs, making it difficult to get a uniform headspace so the load bears equally on the lugs.

And too much headspace can also be a bit of a problem.

Otherwise go for it

need to be careful, because the action could be a bit worn in the area of the lugs, making it difficult to get a uniform headspace so the load bears equally on the lugs.

And too much headspace can also be a bit of a problem.

Otherwise go for it

But long range shooting is a bit more serious and requires great concentration to do it right. On the other hand, shotguns all the more fun to use, if you like to shoot skeet or sporting clays, which is alot of fun.

20th May 2013, 05:40
Quiet. You will get the leftists all worked up and wanting to start shooting and goosestepping-again :eek:

Can not beleive this thread is still going. The same old whiners from great britany and europe making the usual BS arguments because they are jealous and lack the balls to stand up for themselves when it really matters :rolleyes:

No wonder it was so easy for the nazi gossesteppers to march all over.....

Big reason why there has been 200 plus years of more freedom in this country than any other country, and that is the private ownership of guns.

The only reason that ANY freedom survived in Europe was because of american blood, and like a spoiled punk child who does not have the good manners and backbone to say thank you, all we hear is more jealousy.

Well as to you who dont live here, I say mind your own business.

And to those who aint happy, I say get out of here :dozey:

amen brother i will glock to that
wish s&W made a 10mm m&P oh well a few bucks to austria for the freedom and safety aint all bad

20th May 2013, 07:56
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The shoe fits so well, that you are whinning too loud

Too much moonshine?! LOL

20th May 2013, 07:56
The only reason that ANY freedom survived in Europe was because of american blood
Neither USA would have become so influent without flowing some blood in other parts of the world.....

and like a spoiled punk child who does not have the good manners and backbone to say thank you, all we hear is more jealousy.
I'm jealous only when my love interest looks to other women. Otherwise, I'm simply envious.

As for what you're saying, this guy tells it all:


20th May 2013, 07:58
It was the same culture that once made great Britain to be great.......but that culture has since faded from your collective memory. Tis the path of most great cultures

All those great cultures are fading way because they were built on violence. You could have figured that out by yourself, but didn't, so you are going the same way sooner then you'd think.

20th May 2013, 08:35
The only reason that ANY freedom survived in Europe was because of american blood, and like a spoiled punk child who does not have the good manners and backbone to say thank you, all we hear is more jealousy.
We say thank you every November but not 'just' to America, but to all the countries that fought hard and gave their blood to win the Second World War. The arrogant and uneducated don't get thanked I'm afraid. ;)

20th May 2013, 08:40
There are a lot of dead people who shot a Grizz and didn't get the job done.

I love it when the "hunter" becomes the prey :D

20th May 2013, 11:00
We say thank you every November but not 'just' to America, but to all the countries that fought hard and gave their blood to win the Second World War. The arrogant and uneducated don't get thanked I'm afraid. ;)

The problem is that some Americans think that the country of North America 'IS' the World.

Fortunatly, the Allies, made up of the UK, Aus, Poland, France, Canada, Mexico etc, managed to defeat the Axis powers and we remember and give thanks to all that have fallen in conflict or defended our rights and ideals on Rememberance day. We remember the Allies including the USA, South Africa, Russia, Brazil and Eihiopia amongst others for their contribution and sacrifice, regardless of size. For many it was ultimate.

The UK lost about 451k people in WW2 and the USA slightly less. That is a massive loss but pales against the 25M from the Russia or the 15M from China. Or we could look at the loss in Poland where 1 in every 6 of the population were killed during the conflict. Can anyone really imagine what that would have been like? I can't.

So, on the Aniversary of the cesation of WW1, the War to end all Wars, I remember the Military and Civillian casualties of all conflicts and give thanks that the sacrifice of so many people means I can write this post.

The fact that 'some' Americans foolishly believe that the mighty US of A swept across the continents 'kicking ass' and restoring peace perhaps says more about their naievity than anything anyone else could write. That's the problem when you resort to Hollywood for your education in History.

Brown, Jon Brow
20th May 2013, 12:19
Hollywood is pretty accurate


20th May 2013, 12:35
Hollywood is pretty accurate


:laugh: LOL :laugh:

Excellent :D

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 12:54
With respect, you did say that. It was a while ago - Post 209.
Yes I said it but not with the intended (hey I can read into others posts what they are saying since others do the same to me) sarcasm and "yeah right" attitude ioan did.

20th May 2013, 13:43
The fact that 'some' Americans foolishly believe that the mighty US of A swept across the continents 'kicking ass' and restoring peace perhaps says more about their naievity than anything anyone else could write. That's the problem when you resort to Hollywood for your education in History.
I hadn't wanted to enter this particular pissing match, however the TRUTH is that without first the material support and then the direct involvement of the US, the entire world except the western hemisphere, would be speaking either German or Japanese today. And you know it. Well, maybe a little Italian too.

20th May 2013, 14:01
I hadn't wanted to enter this particular pissing match, however the TRUTH is that without first the material support and then the direct involvement of the US, the entire world except the western hemisphere, would be speaking either German or Japanese today. And you know it. Well, maybe a little Italian too.

Did the Germans push into Ghana? I must've missed that. I suppose this was after the battle of Yamoussoukro when Field Marshal Didier Drogba launched an attack up the flanks, penetrated the defence and made a lightning strike or Blitzkrieg.

Also, the RAF only acknowledged 11 US crew in the Battle of Britain... obviously those 11 men saved Albion.

Brown, Jon Brow
20th May 2013, 14:09
I hadn't wanted to enter this particular pissing match, however the TRUTH is that without first the material support and then the direct involvement of the US, the entire world except the western hemisphere, would be speaking either German or Japanese today. And you know it. Well, maybe a little Italian too.

Excellent. But I think you need to update your movie collection.


The truth is that Germany could never have realistically invaded the Soviet Union. The Nazis couldn't even manage 25 miles across the English Channel, never mind a country 6000 miles across.

20th May 2013, 14:10
I hadn't wanted to enter this particular pissing match, however the TRUTH is that without first the material support and then the direct involvement of the US, the entire world except the western hemisphere, would be speaking either German or Japanese today. And you know it. Well, maybe a little Italian too.
Imagine how difficult it would have been for americans who had come to visit Europe. None of us would have bothered to learn english....

20th May 2013, 14:35
I hadn't wanted to enter this particular pissing match, however the TRUTH is that without first the material support and then the direct involvement of the US, the entire world except the western hemisphere, would be speaking either German or Japanese today. And you know it. Well, maybe a little Italian too.
The war couldn't have been won without the help of the US, but it was won as a joint effort not off the back of one country. This 'its thanks to us you aren't speaking German' attitude is insulting in the extreme. I don't think the likes of Great Britain have to constantly thank the US because quite frankly the war was won by all the countries that fought on our side. Much like the conflicts of today. Iraq and Afghanistan couldn't have got as far as they have without allied support.

20th May 2013, 14:46
This 'its thanks to us you aren't speaking German' attitude is insulting in the extreme.

Why do you think so? Either them if they stayed silent and don't have implied in the war today wouldn't have the power and influence they have today. :devil:

20th May 2013, 14:49
Why do you think so? Either them if they stayed silent and don't have implied in the war today wouldn't have the power and influence they have today. :devil:
Sorry I've read that sentence a few times now and don't get what you mean.

20th May 2013, 15:02
Imagine how difficult it would have been for americans who had come to visit Europe. None of us would have bothered to learn english....
And you wouldn't accept American Express either. Oh the horror. :D

20th May 2013, 15:05
The war couldn't have been won without the help of the US, but it was won as a joint effort not off the back of one country. This 'its thanks to us you aren't speaking German' attitude is insulting in the extreme. I don't think the likes of Great Britain have to constantly thank the US because quite frankly the war was won by all the countries that fought on our side. Much like the conflicts of today. Iraq and Afghanistan couldn't have got as far as they have without allied support.
Not expecting you to thank us daily or kiss our feet either. It just would be nice if some of you didn't use every opportunity possible to dump on the US.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 15:08
The war couldn't have been won without the help of the US, but it was won as a joint effort not off the back of one country. This 'its thanks to us you aren't speaking German' attitude is insulting in the extreme. I don't think the likes of Great Britain have to constantly thank the US because quite frankly the war was won by all the countries that fought on our side. Much like the conflicts of today. Iraq and Afghanistan couldn't have got as far as they have without allied support.
Oh yes, LeBeau and Newkirk contributed greatly to the victory over the Germans. That said, Klink and Schultz weren't much for adversaries.

20th May 2013, 15:12
I hadn't wanted to enter this particular pissing match, however the TRUTH is that without first the material support and then the direct involvement of the US, the entire world except the western hemisphere, would be speaking either German or Japanese today. And you know it. Well, maybe a little Italian too.

Well, lets piss a little and try not to get any on our shoes, shall we ;)

There was significant opposition to the US getting involved with the War and a desire to supply both Germany and the Allies with goods. Fortunatly Roosevelt didn't support Germany and realised that if Britian fell, then he would be next in the advance.

Roosevelt was quite canny. He had to fight a Political system and media that wanted to keep out of it. First he implemented the Lend Lease act and then provided Escorts for 'their' supplies in the Atlantic. When a US warship (cant remember the name) was attacked, it strenghtened Roosevelts position and helped silence the critics, isolationists and pro-German opposition. Finally, when Pearl Harbour was attacked in '41, America had no option but to come onside with the Allies. They were fighting a front on their West flank and if Britian fell, they would have a second front on their Eastern seaboard as well.

So, America was hardly proactive in supporting the Allies and only joined to protect their ass. It was hugely beneficial to the Allies that they provided the goods across the Atlantic and eventually did join the effort but lets not suger coat it to suggest the good old Yanks bailed out our posteria and appreciate that they were instead covering their own.

To underestimate the value America brought, pre and post Pearl Hrbour, would be foolish. To ignore the reasons they entered and deny the sacrifice the rest of the Allies made to protect Americas Eastern seaboard while half the Country favoured sticking their heads in the sand is unforgivable.

20th May 2013, 15:20
Sorry I've read that sentence a few times now and don't get what you mean.

Try a few times more. :devil:

20th May 2013, 16:31
There was significant opposition to the US getting involved with the War and a desire to supply both Germany and the Allies with goods. Fortunatly Roosevelt didn't support Germany and realised that if Britian fell, then he would be next in the advance.
True. As a multi-ethnic nation, there were a large number of folks of German descent living here.

To underestimate the value America brought, pre and post Pearl Hrbour, would be foolish. To ignore the reasons they entered and deny the sacrifice the rest of the Allies made to protect Americas Eastern seaboard while half the Country favoured sticking their heads in the sand is unforgivable.
Protect our eastern seaboard?? Hardly. U boats sank ships within eyesight of towns along the shore. America wasn't interested in getting in a war because the Great Depression was still in full swing here and people had other things on their minds.

I never said there wasn't great sacrifice on the part of millions. I said you couldn't have won without us.

20th May 2013, 16:55
I never said there wasn't great sacrifice on the part of millions. I said you couldn't have won without us.
Nobody has ever disputed that Starter. You guys couldn't have won the war without the help of your allies either so let's get a sense of perspective here. Why do some Americans feel the need to slip in what you say in your last sentence when talking about this? It comes across as very self indulged and blinkered.

20th May 2013, 16:58
Try a few times more. :devil:
I've given up. Not to worry though :)

Brown, Jon Brow
20th May 2013, 16:58
I never said there wasn't great sacrifice on the part of millions. I said you couldn't have won without us.

You didn't. You implied that the UK would be under Nazi rule if it wasn't for the US.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 16:58
Well, lets piss a little and try not to get any on our shoes, shall we ;)

There was significant opposition to the US getting involved with the War and a desire to supply both Germany and the Allies with goods. Fortunatly Roosevelt didn't support Germany and realised that if Britian fell, then he would be next in the advance.

Roosevelt was quite canny. He had to fight a Political system and media that wanted to keep out of it. First he implemented the Lend Lease act and then provided Escorts for 'their' supplies in the Atlantic. When a US warship (cant remember the name) was attacked, it strenghtened Roosevelts position and helped silence the critics, isolationists and pro-German opposition. Finally, when Pearl Harbour was attacked in '41, America had no option but to come onside with the Allies. They were fighting a front on their West flank and if Britian fell, they would have a second front on their Eastern seaboard as well.

So, America was hardly proactive in supporting the Allies and only joined to protect their ass. It was hugely beneficial to the Allies that they provided the goods across the Atlantic and eventually did join the effort but lets not suger coat it to suggest the good old Yanks bailed out our posteria and appreciate that they were instead covering their own.

To underestimate the value America brought, pre and post Pearl Hrbour, would be foolish. To ignore the reasons they entered and deny the sacrifice the rest of the Allies made to protect Americas Eastern seaboard while half the Country favoured sticking their heads in the sand is unforgivable.Yet the most relative piece of evidence supporting America's reluctance to entering WWII is the one you completely failed to mention. America was still trying to come out of the Great Depression. Not only that, the US was in a state of isolationism just like the time leading up to WWI under Wilson's policy. Japan declared war on the US on December 7th, 1941. The US entered the war officially on December 8, 1941 with a declaration of war against Japan in response to the Pearl Harbor attack. The US was officially brought into the European theater of war on December 11, 1941 when Germany and Italy declared war on America in accord with the agreements that Germany and Italy had with Japan as those three countries were allied. December 13, 1941 Hungary and Bulgaria declared war on the US. You also failed to mention the fact that the US had already fired upon a German U-boat and suck a Japanese midget sub prior to entering the war. Also, you conveniently left out/failed to mention the fact that the US had provided material support for Britain through the Lend/Lease program and the fact we had made available other military hardware and supplies to Britain before that Lend/Lease Act was passed in 1941.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 17:03
You didn't. You implied that the UK would be under Nazi rule if it wasn't for the US.That is pretty much widely accepted as being a near certainty seeing how when the US entered the war the British were alone in fighting Germany in Western Europe. The USSR was being beaten badly by the Germans on the Eastern Front as well. That would change at Stalingrad and begin the long campaign of driving Germans out of the USSR and back all the way to Berlin. Who else was fighting Germany besides the British on the Western Front? The Free French was much to small of a force to be of militarily significance.

20th May 2013, 17:04
Countries do help out in times of war especially material supplies. Do you guys know how much weaponry Britain supplies America with now in modern times? I think you'd be quite surprised just how much we export to you guys. If we ever win the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, I won't be bringing my children up to challenge every American to say thank you on our behalf lol.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 17:12
Countries do help out in times of war especially material supplies. Do you guys know how much weaponry Britain supplies America with now in modern times? I think you'd be quite surprised just how much we export to you guys. If we ever win the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, I won't be bringing my children up to challenge every American to say thank you on our behalf lol.Post a link so we can see just how much has been exported to the US.

20th May 2013, 17:13
I never said there wasn't great sacrifice on the part of millions. I said you couldn't have won without us.

This is the attitude that winds people up.

It was a collection of resolute Countries including America that defeated the Axis powers. No, the Allies probably couldn't have won it without America, or Russia, or Great Britain or the rest of the tens of thousands of service personnel from other Countries.

If The Battle of Britain was Lost and Operation Sea Lion had of succeeded, you can bet that America would have fallen not long after. Why then do some Americans feel that they are owed this eternal debt of gratitude. Why should the rest of the world kowtow down and offer thanks for 'saving' us.

In reality, the Allies 'saved' your ass until such time as you could no longer avoid your responsibility and pull your weight. Thankfully Roosevelt had the brains to 'ease' America in because if it weren't for him, you would be speaking Japanese in Washington. The UK would have fallen and then the Atlantic and Pacific Theatres would have followed.

So, when Americans expect some sort of praise for coming in a winning the war for us poor old limeys, excuse me if I laugh. All the Allies did their bit and deserve thanks but it was touch and go whether America would do the right thing or remain isolated.

Brown, Jon Brow
20th May 2013, 17:13
That is pretty much widely accepted as being a near certainty seeing how when the US entered the war the British were alone in fighting Germany in Western Europe. The USSR was being beaten badly by the Germans on the Eastern Front as well. That would change at Stalingrad and begin the long campaign of driving Germans out of the USSR and back all the way to Berlin. Who else was fighting Germany besides the British on the Western Front? The Free French was much to small of a force to be of militarily significance.

Accepted by whom?

Operation Sealion (the planned German invasion of Britain) had been postponed by Hitler before the lend-lease deal had been signed. If the US hadn't become directly involved then the western front would have been a stalemate. Germany couldn't invade the UK, the UK couldn't launch a counter-attack.

Brown, Jon Brow
20th May 2013, 17:17
Post a link so we can see just how much has been exported to the US.

We basically gave you these Languishing in Arizona, our once-mighty fleet of Harriers... sold for the price of just ONE of their US-made replacements | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2153741/Languishing-Arizona-mighty-fleet-Harriers--sold-price-just-ONE-US-replacements.html)

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 17:17
Accepted by whom?

Operation Sealion (the planned German invasion of Britain) had been postponed by Hitler before the lend-lease deal had been signed. If the US hadn't become directly involved then the western front would have been a stalemate. Germany couldn't invade the UK, the UK couldn't launch a counter-attack.Any one of a number of WWII historians, you know, the ones who are vastly more knowledgeable then those of us bantering away on an internet message board acting like we are know it all keyboard jockeys.

20th May 2013, 17:19
Post a link so we can see just how much has been exported to the US.
The fact you are requesting a link just goes to show how little recognition we get in this department yet don't demand praise. No I'm not going to post a link, if you were interested you'd do your own research. I don't feel obliged to prove anything or back up the claim.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 17:24
The fact you are requesting a link just goes to show how little recognition we get in this department yet don't demand praise. No I'm not going to post a link, if you were interested you'd do your own research. I don't feel obliged to prove anything or back up the claim. Or is it more along the lines you can't back up the claim you made? You made it, you prove it.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 17:29
We basically gave you these Languishing in Arizona, our once-mighty fleet of Harriers... sold for the price of just ONE of their US-made replacements | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2153741/Languishing-Arizona-mighty-fleet-Harriers--sold-price-just-ONE-US-replacements.html)Thank you for posting a link. I wouldn't call the 116 million pound price tag "gave them to you".

Brown, Jon Brow
20th May 2013, 17:32
Thank you for posting a link. I wouldn't call the 116 million pound price tag "gave them to you".

£116 million? For a plane that cost around £20 million to build each I think you got a very good deal.

20th May 2013, 17:37
Nobody has ever disputed that Starter. You guys couldn't have won the war without the help of your allies either so let's get a sense of perspective here. Why do some Americans feel the need to slip in what you say in your last sentence when talking about this? It comes across as very self indulged and blinkered.
Thought I was very clear, in post #272, as to why I even commented.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 17:39
£116 million? For a plane that cost around £20 million to build each I think you got a very good deal.
Well that must be the resale/scrap price on 72 jets that are 40 years old. I'm sorry but I couldn't find a trade-in value for a 40 year old Harrier in my Kelly Blue Book or N.A.D.A price guide.

20th May 2013, 17:43
Thought I was very clear, in post #272, as to why I even commented.
Because you feel we find any excuse to dump on the US? It was actually an American that trolled this thread in the first place by criticising my country and dragging it off topic! Don't pull out the hard done by card. Hopefully this thread is heading for closure.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 17:54
Because you feel we find any excuse to dump on the US? It was actually an American that trolled this thread in the first place by criticising my country and dragging it off topic! Don't pull out the hard done by card. Hopefully this thread is heading for closure. Yet by the way post #2 of this thread is written, it surely wasn't meant to take that path, was it? Oh wait, who is the author of post #2? Odd that the one making the allegations is the one who initially made acts being alleged.

20th May 2013, 17:58
Yet by the way post #2 of this thread is written, it surely wasn't meant to take that path, was it? Oh wait, who is the author of post #2? Odd that the one making the allegations is the one who initially made acts being alleged.
Posting a topic about a state bringing in gun control measures? Hmmm I predicted the outcome of the thread based on past experience. I didn't say anything controversial, it was done well after that ;)

Good try though.

PS: at least the article was loosely on topic. Billy's subject change about the Brits in WW2 was blatant flaming for no good reason.

20th May 2013, 18:04
Yet the most relative piece of evidence supporting America's reluctance to entering WWII is the one you completely failed to mention. America was still trying to come out of the Great Depression.

WW2 was what got you OUT of recession. Don't you know the basics of your Countries history?

How Did World War II End the Great Depression?: Echoes - Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-16/how-did-world-war-ii-end-the-great-depression-echoes.html)

Not only that, the US was in a state of isolationism just like the time leading up to WWI under Wilson's policy.

This is what gets on my nerves. A lot of American politicians had a NIMBY attitude to what they saw as a European issue. If Jpan hadn't of attacked, I doubt you would have got directly involved.

Japan declared war on the US on December 7th, 1941. The US entered the war officially on December 8, 1941 with a declaration of war against Japan in response to the Pearl Harbor attack. The US was officially brought into the European theater of war on December 11, 1941 when Germany and Italy declared war on America in accord with the agreements that Germany and Italy had with Japan as those three countries were allied. December 13, 1941 Hungary and Bulgaria declared war on the US.

So what? We were talking about before they entered. Thanks for posting irrelevance??

You also failed to mention the fact that the US had already fired upon a German U-boat and suck a Japanese midget sub prior to entering the war.

Wow, remind me to petition the worlds population to have a National Day to honour America for these acts of bravery.

Also, you conveniently out/failed to mention the fact that the US had provided material support for Britain through the Lend/Lease program and the fact we had made available other military hardware and supplies to Britain before that Lend/Lease Act was passed in 1941.

Now I didn't. Did you even bother to red the post of mine that you quoted??

First he implemented the Lend Lease act and then provided Escorts for 'their' supplies in the Atlantic.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 18:29
WW2 was what got you OUT of recession. Don't you know the basics of your Countries history?

How Did World War II End the Great Depression?: Echoes - Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-16/how-did-world-war-ii-end-the-great-depression-echoes.html)

This is what gets on my nerves. A lot of American politicians had a NIMBY attitude to what they saw as a European issue. If Jpan hadn't of attacked, I doubt you would have got directly involved.

So what? We were talking about before they entered. Thanks for posting irrelevance??

Wow, remind me to petition the worlds population to have a National Day to honour America for these acts of bravery.

Now I didn't. Did you even bother to red the post of mine that you quoted??WWII didn't bring us out of the depression. By the late 1930's the US was already on a path to economic growth, slow growth but growth none the less. The attitude they had (you term it NIMBY but that is a clearly false use of the term NIMBY) was the proper attitude to have at the time. Why should have America thrown itself into a war that wasn't on our continent nor against us? So, in your opinion, America is damned to hell for not getting involved earlier then we did? If so, then no Britain ever has the right to say one bad word about America "sticking their nose in" on any foreign related issue the minute it starts to develop. As to the comment about calling the world to have a national day to honor our bravery, you want to mock us for taking actions in the Atlantic and Pacific prior to entering the war? How much of an arrogant statement is that to make. The smug attitude of yours needs adjusting. Also, as far as irrelevance, I posted that to show you that we entered not to "protect our asses" as you claim. We were drawn in by an attack and a declaration of war by first Japan and then by Germany and Italy. Don't let real history get in the way of your opinions.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 18:32
Posting a topic about a state bringing in gun control measures? Hmmm I predicted the outcome of the thread based on past experience. I didn't say anything controversial, it was done well after that ;)

Good try though.

PS: at least the article was loosely on topic. Billy's subject change about the Brits in WW2 was blatant flaming for no good reason. Yet that attitude did nothing but set the tone for the way the thread was to go. Controversial is not how one views their own statements but by how others receive them. It was a very good try and the sadder thing is that it succeeding in outing you as the one that started the derailment with your own statement.

20th May 2013, 19:17
Cool down! There are too many uses of the word "you" in recent posts [/moderator]

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 19:23
Cool down! There are too many uses of the word "you" in recent posts [/moderator]Should I be obliged to point out the signature that the poster I am quoting is using as a signature line yet that same poster is complaining about the use of the word "you"?

20th May 2013, 19:27
Yet that attitude did nothing but set the tone for the way the thread was to go. Controversial is not how one views their own statements but by how others receive them. It was a very good try and the sadder thing is that it succeeding in outing you as the one that started the derailment with your own statement.
Hardly. The topic of this thread is about Gun control in California. I posted a link to measures being taken in another state. I did not derail the thread by changing the subject to WW2 just to have a pop at Americans. I predicted the topic of gun control would get out of hand due to confrontational individuals like yourself who got personal on the now closed thread. The debate on that thread incidentally was heated but civil until you decided to start insulting everyone who didn't agree with you. even those arguing the same point as you were embarrassed by your conduct. You set the tone and are now trying to deflect attention by suggesting once again I must add, that I am a troll. Do yourself a favour and tone it down, you haven't been here a month yet and already you are getting confrontational and dictating how others should feel towards topics you don't share their views on. This is a discussion forum and you'll find from time to time that not everybody has the same view. We discuss, debate, share opinions in an adult manner without fishing for reactions. I think it is about time the mods did us all a favour on this particular thread. We should have a rule that forbids discussion about guns, religion, mobile phones, Americans, and basically anything that causes a flash-point. Close it for goodness sake :rolleyes:

20th May 2013, 19:37
WWII didn't bring us out of the depression. By the late 1930's the US was already on a path to economic growth, slow growth but growth none the less.

Again, your posts contradict each other. You claim that the reason America was reluctant to enter is because you were coming out of the Great Depression and then claim (correctly) that it was because America were isolationist and didn't want to get involved in wht was perceived as a European conflict.

The attitude they had (you term it NIMBY but that is a clearly false use of the term NIMBY) was the proper attitude to have at the time. Why should have America thrown itself into a war that wasn't on our continent nor against us?

Do you know what NIMBY means?

So, in your opinion, America is damned to hell for not getting involved earlier then we did?

No. I get annoyed that some Americans seem to think the rest of the WW2 Allies owe them this huge personal thanks for coming in and winning the War for us. I merely pointed out that the War was coming to you whether you liked it or not and it was the efforts of the Allies prior to Pearl Harbour that protected your Eastern flank. If we had of fallen, America would have been attacked on 2 flanks and probably faced a third Theatre from the South. Is this really difficult to understand or do you disagree with it. If so, WHY?

If so, then no Britain ever has the right to say one bad word about America "sticking their nose in" on any foreign related issue the minute it starts to develop.

I judge everything on it's merits and am as critical about my own Country sticking it's nose in as about America. As I have pointed out, you were already in the war but just didn't know it. Thankfully, FDR had a bit more forethought and was working as hard as he could to support the Allies, often against Congress and the media.

As to the comment about calling the world to have a national day to honor our bravery, you want to mock us for taking actions in the Atlantic and Pacific prior to entering the war? How much of an arrogant statement is that to make. The smug attitude of yours needs adjusting.


Also, as far as irrelevance, I posted that to show you that we entered not to "protect our asses" as you claim. We were drawn in by an attack and a declaration of war by first Japan and then by Germany and Italy. Don't let real history get in the way of your opinions.

No, you have posted some facts that everyone knows about the attack on Pearl and subsequent declarations of War. If anything, this backs up my claim that you were in the war but didn't know it.

donKey jote
20th May 2013, 19:50
I'm just glad I ended up speaking German and not Russian like dj, so thanks America (US) :cheese: :andrea:

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 19:56
Hardly. The topic of this thread is about Gun control in California. I posted a link to measures being taken in another state. I did not derail the thread by changing the subject to WW2 just to have a pop at Americans. I predicted the topic of gun control would get out of hand due to confrontational individuals like yourself who got personal on the now closed thread. The debate on that thread incidentally was heated but civil until you decided to start insulting everyone who didn't agree with you. even those arguing the same point as you were embarrassed by your conduct. You set the tone and are now trying to deflect attention by suggesting once again I must add, that I am a troll. Do yourself a favour and tone it down, you haven't been here a month yet and already you are getting confrontational and dictating how others should feel towards topics you don't share their views on. This is a discussion forum and you'll find from time to time that not everybody has the same view. We discuss, debate, share opinions in an adult manner without fishing for reactions. I think it is about time the mods did us all a favour on this particular thread. We should have a rule that forbids discussion about guns, religion, mobile phones, Americans, and basically anything that causes a flash-point. Close it for goodness sake :rolleyes: HA! Give me a break. If anything, your (notice not you but your) attacks at me have done more damage then anything else. If anyone needs to cool down, show some respect and stop being a dictator, I suggest that one should look in the mirror first to see what one is. As a matter of fact, I'll defuse the whole situation: welcome to the iggy list. When respect is shown it will be given back.

mr nobody
20th May 2013, 20:02
Again, your posts contradict each other. You claim that the reason America was reluctant to enter is because you were coming out of the Great Depression and then claim (correctly) that it was because America were isolationist and didn't want to get involved in wht was perceived as a European conflict. Huh? How does the fact we were already coming out of the Great Depression be attributable to WWII pulling us out of the Great Depression? Also, NIMBY means Not In My Back Yard. That is used when you don't want something moving into the area you live in. Things that would be NIMBY would be a strip club in a neighborhood of single family homes, a tire reclamation plant in a senior living neighborhood, Yucca Mountain, any Nuclear power plant (in the opinion of US citizens) and expressways.

20th May 2013, 20:10
I'm just glad I ended up speaking German and not Russian like dj, so thanks America (US) :cheese: :andrea:

And I regret I hated the russian classes.
These days it seems to me that this language doesn't sound that bad.

20th May 2013, 20:14
As a matter of fact, I'll defuse the whole situation: welcome to the iggy list. When respect is shown it will be given back.
That is a sensible course of action and I'd appreciate it if I remain on that list thanks very much. Not that you can read this, but thank you all the same. Spooky last line I must add. I got that in a PM once. :eek:

20th May 2013, 20:17
And I regret I hated the russian classes.
These days it seems to me that this language doesn't sound that bad.
Most German's I know speak better English than me so maybe it wouldn't have been all bad? Obviously joking but to get this thread back on track, if America had not have joined the war would we be sissy's and would there be gun control in California?

20th May 2013, 20:20
That is a sensible course of action and I'd appreciate it if I remain on that list thanks very much. Not that you can read this, but thank you all the same. Spooky last line I must add. I got that in a PM once. :eek:

:laugh: Spooky indeed :D

20th May 2013, 20:21
:laugh: Spooky indeed :D
Careful, you are treading incredibly close to the 'iggy list' Knockie :p :D

20th May 2013, 20:28
Most German's I know speak better English than me so maybe it wouldn't have been all bad? Obviously joking but to get this thread back on track, if America had not have joined the war would we be sissy's and would there be gun control in California?

I think the East of America would be allowed to Smoke in Bars and have reasonable beer while the West of America would be building superb, cheap cars and Motorbikes.

If there isn't a long wall down the middle, the US of GaJ would make a hell of a F1 team :D

As for Guns, Japan has very low gun ownership and a death rate per 100,000 people of less than 0.05% so California would be a significantly safer place to hang out for some Sushi.

20th May 2013, 20:30
Careful, you are treading incredibly close to the 'iggy list' Knockie :p :D

Now, why am I shaking deep, deep in my boots?


20th May 2013, 20:36
I'm just glad I ended up speaking German and not Russian like dj, so thanks America (US) :cheese: :andrea:
We may all be wishing that we and our families spoke either Chinese or Spanish before too awful long.

20th May 2013, 20:55
Enough is enough. Thread closed.