View Full Version : Baa Baa Red Sheep

5th April 2007, 21:49
This was the headline story on my local paper today. Went online and found another photo and a video clip just to prove it isn't fake. :s Next to the M8 Motorway are three grass pyramids (designed to make the bleak farmland look a bit more eyecatching) and on them they have unleashed some red-painted sheep. :crazy: It's sheep-friendly paint apparantly, so don't worry if you are a sheep fan. :p : The farmer says when they are sheared, he might paint the next ones pink.


As for someone taking a video of sheep, that's probably not an uncommon occurance round these parts..... :mark:

Brown, Jon Brow
5th April 2007, 23:16
Well my brother is a sheep farmer and he put's red paint on the belly of the Tups (Rams for anyone who lives south of Manchester or in a town) so he knows which sheep are going to have lambs, as they leave a red mark on the back of the Ewe after they have done their business. Are you sure these sheep havn't had an orgy? :s

Ian McC
6th April 2007, 09:18

Some people have too much time on their hands.

Hazell B
6th April 2007, 09:24

Some people have too much time on their hands.

Wise words :p :
My mate Malcolm uses red, orange and purple for a week each on his tups so he even knows when the ewes were covered. It's like a step back into the sixties at times :eek:

As for painting sheep, I'd say they make better sponge rollers myself .....

6th April 2007, 14:20

Some people have too much time on their hands.

It's probably somewhat better that he spent his time painting the sheep, than other activities with sheep

6th April 2007, 18:12
THAT IS BRILLIANT! I cant stop laughing! id love to be there to see that

Ian McC
6th April 2007, 18:28
It's probably somewhat better that he spent his time painting the sheep, than other activities with sheep

And what would they be? :s ailor:

Hazell B
6th April 2007, 20:27
McC, have you no imagination?

Clipping them so they're shaped like privet bushes, of course. :rolleyes:

6th April 2007, 22:59
And what would they be? :s ailor:

Teaching them karate so they can kill all world leaders and finally give freedom to all sheep across the globe.

7th April 2007, 17:01
I hope no one crashes by looking twice at these red sheep! I know it would distract me if I hadn't previously heard about them!

Hazell B
7th April 2007, 19:30
Teaching them karate so they can kill all world leaders and finally give freedom to all sheep across the globe.

Katate isn't exactly a sheep's forte.
They're red hot at Twister though :p :

7th April 2007, 22:48
Katate isn't exactly a sheep's forte.

That's just what they want you to think, you wait. The terrorists aren't the threat, it's those pesky sheep!

First it all starts with Kiwi gravy and then we've had it ;)

Hazell B
9th April 2007, 18:24
Thanks for the warning Drew.

I'll keep a sharp eye out ;)

9th April 2007, 19:27
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was going be another "Political Correctness gone mad" threads!

9th April 2007, 19:31
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was going be another "Political Correctness gone mad" threads!

Me too!

(Those stories are hardly ever true, by the way — and they tend to get recycled several years after they happened, if there was once some truth to them.)

Anyway, thank goodness it wasn't. Painting sheep red is one of our few remaining freedoms.