View Full Version : Wine sniffing.

race aficionado
23rd March 2013, 17:44
Okay, to continue with the weekend random thread creation, who other than our dear Pino is a wine sniffing expert?
I for one go with the affordable price and the cool label design.

I think it's cool when people actually know about wines and snicker at the pretentious ones.

23rd March 2013, 17:52
race amigo, don't expect many replies, American and British people prefers beers :crazy: :p :

race aficionado
23rd March 2013, 18:00
Then we will soon expect a beer sniffing thread. :)

23rd March 2013, 18:22
I wouldn't tell anyone that I'm a wine connoisseur but I like a good red or a rose. If you eat at nice restaurants its amazing how many nice wines you can find that are under £30 a bottle. Having said that, I've only tended to drink those by the glass as I'm usually having a pairing wine with a taster menu when I've drank the nicest wines I've ever tasted. Its always an intention to buy a bottle at some point later but usually revert to a bottle from a supermarket which costs between £5 and £15 depending on occasion.

23rd March 2013, 18:27
I love a nice bottle of red with a meaty Italian pasta dish. You can get a decent bottle for around £7 to £9 but I don't claim to be a connoisseur either. After reading this thread I might be tempted to get a bottle in out of the utility room to warm with the top off for a bit. Looks like a merry night ahead :p

Dave B
23rd March 2013, 18:37
I spent Wednesday in France sniffing (and tasting) wine to bring back! I've got several cases of some lovely stuff for comfortably under £2 a bottle (a nice Chilean Merlot whose name escapes me right now), and a whole range of prices upwards for there.

If you're near London, I'd recommend Vinopolis' tasting lessons; they're good value and you learn a huge amount about how to taste wine properly. I'm sure other local alternatives are available!

23rd March 2013, 18:51
3 wine lovers already :up: anyway here's what I am drinking at the moment http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/03/24/ara6eve3.jpg

An excellent red wine from South Italy for almost everything :lips:

race aficionado
23rd March 2013, 18:56
Nice label. :)

donKey jote
23rd March 2013, 19:00
I've only got this: :dozey:

prefer Marqués de Riscal though...

23rd March 2013, 19:16
Just about to open this lol. I can imagine it tastes awful but giving it a go!
I've made it family safe :p

donKey jote
23rd March 2013, 19:21
arrrgh you donkey, don't drink cooking wine !! :arrows: :p

23rd March 2013, 19:23
Donkey's Campo Viejo is always a fail safe Rioja in our house but their rose was such a disappointment.

23rd March 2013, 19:25
Yep tastes rank! That'll go in a lasagne later in the week lol.

23rd March 2013, 19:43
I drink 1-2 glasses of red wine every day but only on the cold season.
I'm not a refined drinker like you, I prefer the home made drinks and I buy them directly from producers.

donKey jote
23rd March 2013, 19:44
Donkey's Campo Viejo is always a fail safe Rioja in our house but their rose was such a disappointment.

I don't do Rose I'm afraid... far to refined for this donkey :p

(apart from the odd Mateus if I feel like an alcopop lemonade in a restaurant :arrows: )

23rd March 2013, 19:56
I like Rioja too but I get headache every time I drink it, dunno why :s

donKey jote
23rd March 2013, 20:38
I like Rioja too but I get headache every time I drink it, dunno why :s
plonk does that wherever it comes from :andrea:
happens to me with Chianti :s

24th March 2013, 19:33
Supermarket '3 for £10' is our usual. If it bites we use the rest for cooking and it goes on the black list. If it tastes reasonable then we buy half a dozen which lasts until we get bored with it.
The annoying thing is that Asda say what the original price was but never put the right wine above the price tag - typically a £4 wine is above the 'was £6.50' labele and the £6.50 one is hidden away in a corner.

race aficionado
25th March 2013, 15:43
Speaking of wine labels ....

25th March 2013, 16:42
I'm partial to Robert Mondavi red wines, (Napa Valley not coastal) but they are a little pricey.
Otherwise I’m down for a decent Bordeaux, or a quality Chianti.

Dave B
25th March 2013, 19:21
I'm partial to Robert Mondavi red wines, (Napa Valley not coastal) but they are a little pricey.
Otherwise I’m down for a decent Bordeaux, or a quality Chianti.
He always gets called Robert Mugabe by mistake in our house! I've bought a few of his 2009 Cabernet Sauvignons t'other day, one of which might go in the loft for a few years.

Since 2010 we've been stashing away a bottle of red every birthday, xmas, or anniversary; to be opened three years down the line. We only just cracked open our first one in January this year, for Susy's birthday, and it had matured nicely. It was the dog's birthday last week (any excuse!) and we've got a 2007 Chasse du Pape which has been up there a while - I'm assured it's as good as a Châteauneuf du Pape for a fraction of the price - we shall soon find out!

Here's what the collection looked like earlier:



25th March 2013, 19:44
I like Rioja too but I get headache every time I drink it, dunno why :s

If you can't run with the big dogs "Stay on the Porch"

donKey jote
25th March 2013, 19:48
Since 2010 we've been stashing away a bottle of red every birthday, xmas, or anniversary; to be opened three years down the line. We only just cracked open our first one in January this year, for Susy's birthday, and it had matured nicely. It was the dog's birthday last week (any excuse!) and we've got a 2007 Chasse du Pape which has been up there a while - I'm assured it's as good as a Châteauneuf du Pape for a fraction of the price - we shall soon find out!

Here's what the collection looked like earlier:



you have a dog called dave, honey?

25th March 2013, 19:51
I don't know too much about sniffing but I am a hellava expert on drinking.

Benziger estates wines from Sonoma are outrageous

26th March 2013, 14:06
donkey's fav

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6FsIgmKnrjM/S-c77FnprzI/AAAAAAAABbM/7mY24L-svCM/s400/beFOODled_food+blog_uncorked_Spanish+wine_red+wine _El+Burro.jpg

Big Ben
26th March 2013, 14:15
I drink coca cola. I don't sniff it at all and I don't shake it too much in my glass to preserve the precious bubbles.

26th March 2013, 14:23
I drink coca cola. I don't sniff it at all and I don't shake it too much in my glass to preserve the precious bubbles.

People might think I also drink Coca Cola because I keep the wine in plastic pets of soft drinks. :laugh:

26th March 2013, 14:29
I drink coca cola. I don't sniff it at all and I don't shake it too much in my glass to preserve the precious bubbles.
I haven't drunk Coca Cola for a few years now. I try not to drink things containing aspartame, plus I've seen the effect on my cousin in regards to too much soft drinks! He's over 20 stone! :eek:

1st April 2013, 12:29
Killer red wine from N. Greece. Very rich!


donKey jote
1st April 2013, 12:35
I was very tempted by a Protos Gran Reserva 2004 at the Spanish shop the other day. Unfortunately my missus saw the price and gave me the big rolleyes :(

13th June 2013, 10:07
Thanks for this information ....................