View Full Version : WTF wireless power!?!?!?!?!

5th April 2007, 16:55

5th April 2007, 17:41
It's probably based on electromagnetic induction like a normal transformer, but the secondary coil is built in to the battery or the device itself. I think this hints to that solution:

"Motorola is the first device manufacturer to sign up; initially the charging adapter [b]will be in an extended battery pack, but it will be built into some phones in the future.[b]"

I think electric toothbrushes use the same technology. At least I can't see a galvanic (metal) contact between my toothbrush and its charger.

5th April 2007, 18:02

I can't wait to hear about people feeling "warm" when they stand between the charger and the device(chargee?).