View Full Version : Back to the future for McLaren

19th March 2013, 14:57
McLaren in Nöten: Kommt das alte Auto zurück? - AUTO MOTOR UND SPORT (http://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/formel-1/mclaren-in-noeten-kommt-das-alte-auto-zurueck-6791149.html)

rumors are abound that Mclaren are opening the door to a possibility of using last year's MP4-27, possibly as soon as Spain if things don't get better
they already did this radical move back in 2003,and it worked out for them, finishing 2nd with Kimi

This makes sense to me since they have a great baseline with the car,can make the necessary upgrades and then still focus n 2014, rather than adding more bandaid's to a dud

19th March 2013, 15:13
Its a good base line for them as last years car was a very good car, but not necessarily in the hands on the driver who drove it last year and is still at the team. It all hinges on whether Jenson can get to the bottom of his tyre issues stemming back to last year, or whether last years car suits Perez better. I still think its early to decide this after one race weekend as this years car could still evolve into a top 5 machine.

19th March 2013, 17:32
What would be the point anyway. They've spent a year developing the 2013 car.

The Black Knight
19th March 2013, 17:56
This also makes me ponder the reasons why Lewis left McLaren. He would have been involved in the 2013 development up until such time as he announced her was moving. He would have known that McLaren were taking a huge risk by not taking an evolutionary approach and, not that McLaren are struggling, it makes Lewis appear a lot smarter than he previously seemed. McLaren never learn from their mistakes. They are the most brilliant yet most idiotic team on the grid at times. It suggests to me that Lewis learned from McLaren's mistake in 2009.

19th March 2013, 19:30
Interesting idea. If they can get it developed upto 2013 standard they might be able to challenge for a top 3 place in the Championship. Better than maybe a 5th.

20th March 2013, 21:11
But each time they have produced a dud car, in 2004 and 2009, they did go on to sort it out well and win races and be competitive in the second half of the year. I think they can do it again. In fact I can see Jenson being much happier with his balance and doing a good bit of winning later on.

They'd better sort it as a matter of urgency as they're making my team suck in FGP. :mad:

20th March 2013, 22:56

I agree as well that Mclaren are always a team that can comeback.

20th March 2013, 23:08
Any resemblance to the Pout as being clever with his move to Merc is purely coincidental :vader:

20th March 2013, 23:13
Meanwhile, elsewhere...

McLaren 'not considering' 2012 car reprise | News | Motorsport.com (http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/mclaren-not-considering-2012-car-reprise/)

21st March 2013, 00:32
Meanwhile, elsewhere...

McLaren 'not considering' 2012 car reprise | News | Motorsport.com (http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/mclaren-not-considering-2012-car-reprise/)

stubbornness and pride cometh before the fall

21st March 2013, 03:04
Even if they did go back to the 2012 car there's no guarantee that it will be quicker than the 2013 car once they modify it to suit the 2013 regulations. I know the rules have been pretty stable but there have been changes to things like the exhaust. Will the rear of the 2012 car work with a 2013 spec exhaust? If it doesn't McLaren will have wasted a lot of time on a dead end. I think they'd be better off spending their time making the 2013 car better and if by mid-season the car is still a turd switch development to the 2014 car.

Wasn't the reason they went back to the previous year's car in 2003 because the MP4-18 (I think) couldn't pass the crash tests? It also couldn't turn more than a handful of laps with breaking if I recall correctly. I think Kimi was rather lucky to get so close to the title in 2003 as he only won once compared to Schumi's 6 wins.

21st March 2013, 07:16
I think the McLaren slide will continue beyond this year. First, it's hard to believe that after spending a lot of resources on 2013 car, they will go back to 2012 car some time mid-season. By then most teams, except for runner ups, will start working on 2014 car, and McLaren should do.

With no title sponsor, no top pilot, and lackluster results for a couple of past years, I think McLaren will be ripe for a takeover by some manufacturer again (Honda, VAG, etc)

21st March 2013, 11:21
:laugh: @ Zako :D

I think that's the dream of non McLaren fans and pure fantasy.

The MP4-28 has teething problems but the best team in the world to get it sorted is McLaren. It's going to be hard but we'll get there.

21st March 2013, 13:14
I think that's the dream of non McLaren fans and pure fantasy.

The MP4-28 has teething problems but the best team in the world to get it sorted is McLaren. It's going to be hard but we'll get there.
I do hope McLaren sort things out. But not before Lewis has won a couple of championships with Merc and returned. :D

21st March 2013, 13:55
I think the McLaren slide will continue beyond this year. First, it's hard to believe that after spending a lot of resources on 2013 car, they will go back to 2012 car some time mid-season. By then most teams, except for runner ups, will start working on 2014 car, and McLaren should do.

With no title sponsor, no top pilot, and lackluster results for a couple of past years, I think McLaren will be ripe for a takeover by some manufacturer again (Honda, VAG, etc)

I think they've gone through worse than this before (e.g. mid 90s). They should be strong enough to stay around the top.

21st March 2013, 14:36
I think they've gone through worse than this before (e.g. mid 90s). They should be strong enough to stay around the top.

Yes, McLaren has gone though bad times, such as mid-90s. What I am saying they may see something like this again. Even big teams sometimes take a nose dive do pretty badly. Besides post-Senna McLaren, Ferrari before Schumacher came was a joke for years. McLaren's problem in the 90s was: lost Senna and lost Honda engines. It took a while to rebuild. I think something like this could happen again. 2013 season already looks bad. Now imagine the 2014 car is bad or Mercedes engine is bad or they don't find a new title sponsor, and the same could start to repeat again.

21st March 2013, 21:06
Even if they did go back to the 2012 car there's no guarantee that it will be quicker than the 2013 car once they modify it to suit the 2013 regulations. I know the rules have been pretty stable but there have been changes to things like the exhaust. Will the rear of the 2012 car work with a 2013 spec exhaust? If it doesn't McLaren will have wasted a lot of time on a dead end. I think they'd be better off spending their time making the 2013 car better and if by mid-season the car is still a turd switch development to the 2014 car.

Wasn't the reason they went back to the previous year's car in 2003 because the MP4-18 (I think) couldn't pass the crash tests? It also couldn't turn more than a handful of laps with breaking if I recall correctly. I think Kimi was rather lucky to get so close to the title in 2003 as he only won once compared to Schumi's 6 wins.

Could you elaborate on the exhaust regs. As far as I know they're same as lqst year.

Ferrari ran year old cars at the start of the early 2000s and won races.

The MP4/17D had bits from the '18.

The was the year Honda had a dog of a car and Super Aguri had Honda's car from the previous year which was regarded as better.

23rd March 2013, 16:40
SomersF1: McLaren's stuttering start (My initial thoughts on the MP4-28) (http://somersf1.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/mclarens-stuttering-start-my-initial.html)

23rd March 2013, 18:58
I do hope McLaren sort things out. But not before Lewis has won a couple of championships with Merc and returned. :D
Not a McLaren fan but don't hope it will take them that long to sort things out
Because Hammy winning a couple of championships with that Honda in disguise could take forever :D

N. Jones
24th March 2013, 04:01
McLaren in Nöten: Kommt das alte Auto zurück? - AUTO MOTOR UND SPORT (http://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/formel-1/mclaren-in-noeten-kommt-das-alte-auto-zurueck-6791149.html)

rumors are abound that Mclaren are opening the door to a possibility of using last year's MP4-27, possibly as soon as Spain if things don't get better
they already did this radical move back in 2003,and it worked out for them, finishing 2nd with Kimi

This makes sense to me since they have a great baseline with the car,can make the necessary upgrades and then still focus n 2014, rather than adding more bandaid's to a dud

Oh No! This would not only run my FGP charger but it would darn near destroy 80% if the filed that choose Perez!

Still, this looks like a fun season.