View Full Version : Sayonara, good friends!

6th March 2013, 02:01
I'm sure this account will be banned as well, so I'd just like to wish a very sad farewell to all the wonderful people I met in my short time (four days if I remember correctly) on this forum. I originally stated that I wished to stay for several years, but apparently Mark is so full of himself that he likes to ban random people, making it impossible for me to stay much longer. I wish you all goodwill and I am sure that the majority of you people are wise enough to see through Mark's weak allegations.


Joey Zyla

Valve Bounce
6th March 2013, 02:56
I'm sure this account will be banned as well, so I'd just like to wish a very sad farewell to all the wonderful people I met in my short time (four days if I remember correctly) on this forum. I originally stated that I wished to stay for several years, but apparently Mark is so full of himself that he likes to ban random people, making it impossible for me to stay much longer. I wish you all goodwill and I am sure that the majority of you people are wise enough to see through Mark's weak allegations.


Joey Zyla

Sorry, I don't. I fully support Mark, because it has been my experience here as one of the very long attending members, and Mark doesn't ban anyone unless he has a very good valid reason. Maybe you could have a better time at another Motorsport discussion forum. Good Luck!

6th March 2013, 03:23
So, who is this other user that I supposedly am?

6th March 2013, 03:44
I fully support Mark!
Hail Mark!


6th March 2013, 04:07
Considering Mark is more or less akin to an evil dictator, a picture of Adolf Hitler or Kim Jong-il would be more fitting. :|

"Joey Zyla is to be executed for opposing our great leader's views on whaling."

actually "Joey Zyla is to be executed because our great leader has decided to accuse him of cloning himself."

6th March 2013, 04:27
"Joey Zyla cloning himself."
Hail Joey!


6th March 2013, 04:27
Hail me!!!