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4th March 2015, 06:45
I have seen these somewhere but cannot remember :s

4th March 2015, 19:48
clue: they appear as a backdrop in many many cowboys and indians movies

4th March 2015, 20:58
It looks very similar to the hoodoos in southern Alberta, where many movies were filmed (including Unforgiven and Legends of the Fall) but the terrain in that image doesn't quite fit.


4th March 2015, 21:34
Agree it looks similar, and you are on the right continent, but it is not Alberta nor the Hoodoos

4th March 2015, 22:05
Is it in Arizona?

4th March 2015, 22:09
Or Utah?

5th March 2015, 00:25
it is in Arizona - now what is it called?

If we cant get the name today I will throw it over to Gadjo for the next question.

Clue 2. Named after something from nature that it kind of resembles.

5th March 2015, 06:21
Mushroom Towers?

5th March 2015, 16:11
Is that Monument Valley?

5th March 2015, 19:55
Mushroom Towers?

Close enough - they are known as the Arizona Toadstools.

Take it away Storm :)

6th March 2015, 07:21
Is that Monument Valley?

I have a feeling that Monument Valley was based on Radiator Springs. :P

6th March 2015, 18:55
I won't be online over the weekend, so if anyone else wants to have a go...also not sure I deserve the q

9th March 2015, 06:25
Nobody else was around either? I'll come up with a question later when you lazy asses have woken up.

9th March 2015, 09:01
We could have asked a question, but we are busy trying to think of something Anfield doesn't know. That takes a while:D

12th March 2015, 19:49
C'mon Steve be brave! :)

13th March 2015, 00:21
Or to think of ANY question. You don't want it solved immediately but you don't want to post something so obscure that it kills interest.

13th March 2015, 06:30
Is it in Arizona?
:kiss: :angel:

13th March 2015, 06:34
Danny Boy, Sorry!

13th March 2015, 08:43
:kiss: :angel:

:wave: :kiss:

13th March 2015, 08:50
OK, it's Friday and we'll not see anfield until Monday. So it's your chance to answer this rather simple q that I guess was already asked ( by me, I'm afraid...) . So, what and where is this?

donKey jote
13th March 2015, 21:42
The recently reopened caminito del donkey, in donkeylucia. :bandit: :andrea:

13th March 2015, 22:14
Is that the Via Ferrata in the Dolomites?

donKey jote
13th March 2015, 22:59
No :andrea:

13th March 2015, 23:06
The recently reopened caminito del donkey, in donkeylucia. :bandit: :andrea:

You may ask a new Q

donKey jote
14th March 2015, 11:59
this beautiful stone lady... what's her name and where's she from? :andrea:


14th March 2015, 14:20
Her name is Billy's missus and she has a very special place in your heart.

donKey jote
14th March 2015, 17:15
your turn again ;) :kiss:

15th March 2015, 20:02
didn't we have this question a few weeks ago? I thought Gadjo had posed it?

15th March 2015, 20:11
Yeah....It's like in football. I cross and it's also me who score with a header. :laugh:
It's not my turn anyway..-.

16th March 2015, 01:48

16th March 2015, 07:11
:stareup: :angryfire ;)

18th March 2015, 02:49
dud post

21st March 2015, 07:48
I think that wasn't a geographic q so I dare to continue the game.

What's the name and where is this fairy tale town?


22nd March 2015, 14:09
Now this at least is Turkey? Capadoccia?

22nd March 2015, 16:17
Yes Turkey
No Capadoccia.

Try again.

22nd March 2015, 17:45
Can't see he image very well sweetie, but it looks kind of like Watts Towers in enchanted South Central L.A.

22nd March 2015, 20:15
Gorra.... something or other?

22nd March 2015, 20:38
Yes. Goreme. :p

Ask a q.

22nd March 2015, 23:51
Ina similar vein... Where and what is this place


23rd March 2015, 06:47
Batu Caves?

been there many many years ago, stupid monkeys on that staircase frightened mrs Storm to death :s

so actually did not see anything properly (nor was there any religious inkling on our part - but the natural part was interesting)

23rd March 2015, 07:52
stupid monkeys on that staircase frightened mrs Storm to death :s


23rd March 2015, 20:04
Batu Caves?

been there many many years ago, stupid monkeys on that staircase frightened mrs Storm to death :s

so actually did not see anything properly (nor was there any religious inkling on our part - but the natural part was interesting)

It is Batu Caves in Malaysia.

Your question please Storm :)

30th March 2015, 00:33
R U there storm?

30th March 2015, 06:50
yes I am...I don't have a question though :uhoh:


identify -

ps: no peeking at the link as I have not bothered changing it but linked it directly

30th March 2015, 20:52
I have seen this... somewhere, and by the size and splendor of it I should be able to place it. I am guessing it is in India, judging by the design and what looks like white marble, have to think some more

31st March 2015, 07:40
you are close (marble + India) but that architecture is not exactly the classic Indian/Moghul designs. I have been to this place and it does look magnificient but it was closed for renovations that day :(

looking for a name and/or location (which should be easier, infact the name is the easiest to "guess" ;) )

31st March 2015, 08:49
but that architecture is not exactly the classic Indian/Moghul designs.

Perhaps the architect was a sahib.:p
It doesn't look like a "mandir" anyway. Maybe it's a governmental building.....

31st March 2015, 10:56
right on both counts.

31st March 2015, 20:51
If it is India I am guessing Victorian? Maybe it is a monument to Queen Victoria?

1st April 2015, 07:14
maybe I should give it to you.
It is indeed the "Victoria Memorial Hall" built after Queen Victoria died. Location?

1st April 2015, 08:03
This anfield is really impossible........:angryfire:
I bet he knows even the name of my street. :p

1st April 2015, 21:07
maybe I should give it to you.
It is indeed the "Victoria Memorial Hall" built after Queen Victoria died. Location?

Don't have the faintest idea where it is, near Mumbai?

1st April 2015, 21:59
New Delhi?

1st April 2015, 22:56
Pushkar? :p

1st April 2015, 23:09

1st April 2015, 23:10
New Delhi?

Don't remember seeing it during the Commonwealth Games from a couple of years ago

2nd April 2015, 03:13
I bet he knows even the name of my street. :p
Little Laura Lane! :sailor:

2nd April 2015, 07:19

Spot on.
Kolkata used to the British capital of India at the start of their rule..

2nd April 2015, 09:32
Little Laura Lane! :sailor:

Wrong. That's probably somebody else's. ;)

6th April 2015, 22:22
Simple question to get things moving.

Where is the dryest place on Earth?

6th April 2015, 23:21
I don't remember the name, but it's in the middle of Antarctica.

6th April 2015, 23:36
At least nine people are dead after 14 years worth of rain caused severe flooding in what is known for being the driest location in the world.*

*Non polar

6th April 2015, 23:58
I don't remember the name, but it's in the middle of Antarctica.

Right area, but not really in the middle of Antatctica

7th April 2015, 01:26
My guess was Death Valley.

Death Valley even has the nicely named place of Badwater Basin. It makes me wonder what's there if they want to scare everyone.
This sounds like a job for some meddling kids in a hideously painted van.

7th April 2015, 02:27
Right area, but not really in the middle of Antatctica
It's been a while since I read about it. Maybe not the middle, but on a plateau perhaps? It doesn't snow at all there though it's as frigid as any other place on the continent.

7th April 2015, 03:06
It's been a while since I read about it. Maybe not the middle, but on a plateau perhaps? It doesn't snow at all there though it's as frigid as any other place on the continent.

Close enough Starter. It is actually Ross island (Scott Base) relative humidity is way lower than the Gobi desert

7th April 2015, 04:54
Keeping with the theme, What is the coldest inhabited place on earth? By "inhabited" I mean people regularly living there, not just scientific research stations.

7th April 2015, 05:30
Keeping with the theme, What is the coldest inhabited place on earth? By "inhabited" I mean people regularly living there, not just scientific research stations.

Being I couldn't for the life of me remember any of the names had I seen them, I'm going to kill this question quickly by saying Russia is the coldest inhabited place on earth. My reasoning being it's most likely some little tiny village or something in Russia, but it would still be Russia, so I'm right! :laugh:

7th April 2015, 06:24
"Keeping with the theme, What is the coldest inhabited place on earth?"

Oh that's easy - 11 Downing St.

"If the poor don't want to pay the increase on VAT, they can eat their pasties cold"
- George Osborne, 23rd May 2012.

7th April 2015, 14:08
Being I couldn't for the life of me remember any of the names had I seen them, I'm going to kill this question quickly by saying Russia is the coldest inhabited place on earth. My reasoning being it's most likely some little tiny village or something in Russia, but it would still be Russia, so I'm right! :laugh:
You need to do a little better than that. While it's true the answer is a place in Russia, there are lots of other cold places like Alaska, Finland, Greenland, etc. At least give me an area of Russia.

7th April 2015, 21:58

8th April 2015, 00:49
Sold. It's a town called Oymyakon.

Your turn.

8th April 2015, 01:09
Sold. It's a town called Oymyakon.

Oymyakon, Oymyakon, Oymyakon Clementine.
You are frozen in Yakutia; I'm dreadful sorry, Clementine.

8th April 2015, 01:38
Oymyakon bet that the women there are running around with their high-beams on most of the time. :angel:

8th April 2015, 04:55
What the f&*$ is this, and where in the world?


8th April 2015, 06:59
I saw this somewhere recently...stalagtites in ...? Chile?

8th April 2015, 15:48
Yeah, I've seen that before too. Largest underground crystals of some kind. Mexico?

8th April 2015, 16:47
Read about this about a week ago. It's one of the most dangerous places on earth. The cave of crystals in Chihuahua, Mexico.

8th April 2015, 21:51
It is the Cave of Crystals in Chch Mexico. :) Awesome place

8th April 2015, 22:46
Text deleted as I was a couple of pages behind.
Those crystals are incredible!

9th April 2015, 00:16
Text deleted as I was a couple of pages behind.
Those crystals are incredible!

Yes, they certainly make the amethyst I wear look a wee bite pathetic :)

9th April 2015, 08:12
new Q gadj

9th April 2015, 08:51
No. schmenke said before me.
It's his turn

9th April 2015, 20:22
Quickie: Match the cities to their altitude:

A) Caracas, Venezuela
B) Nairobi, Kenya
C) Bern, Switzerland
D) Santa Fe, USA
E) Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
F) Calgary, Canada
G) Kathmandu, Nepal

1) 1,728m
2) 513m
3) 2,213m
4) 1,298m
5) 909m
6) 1,046m
7) 1,284m

9th April 2015, 21:52
Quickie: Match the cities to their altitude:

A) Caracas, Venezuela
B) Nairobi, Kenya
C) Bern, Switzerland
D) Santa Fe, USA
E) Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
F) Calgary, Canada
G) Kathmandu, Nepal

1) 1,728m
2) 513m
3) 2,213m
4) 1,298m
5) 909m
6) 1,046m
7) 1,284m
G = 3
D = 1
C = 4
E = 7
A = 5
F = 2
B = 6
Wild guesses all.

9th April 2015, 21:52
got a feeling it is not as obvious as it seems i.e. most people would guess Kathmandu as highest.

1728 = Nairobi
513 = Bern
2213 = Santa Fe
1298 = Kathmandu
909 = Caracas
1046 = Calgary
1284 = Ulaan Baatar

10th April 2015, 00:09
Well done afield. All correct. Yep, I never realized Santa Fe was at such an altitude, and Bern was so low.

Told you it was a quickie :p: .

10th April 2015, 01:46
I would have expected Kathmandu to be higher than Nairobi

10th April 2015, 03:53
I had a perfect score going until I got one right. Damn!!

10th April 2015, 05:26
Kathmandu and Ulaan Baatar were a guess, I knew their altitudes where almost the same, and Sanat Fe was the only one left that could have been at 2213

16th April 2015, 21:54
Oops it was me every one was waiting for DOH!!

Which national flag(s) have the most colours on it (them)

16th April 2015, 22:33
South Africa, Seychelles, Comores, Antigua, Central African Republic.....

17th April 2015, 01:07
they ONLY have 5 colours each, good effort, but more colours please

17th April 2015, 01:17
South Africa has 6. :stareup:

17th April 2015, 02:27
How about:
I don't know what the answer is but I know why.
Logic tells me that it's got to be some flag with a whack-job shield on it.

Officially San Marino has 12 colours on its flag.
Mexico might have as many as 16 on its flag.
Fiji has anywhere between 7 and 16 on its flag.
Belize? I have no idea. It's got to be 12 plus.

If anfield5 has the answer, I want to know why.

17th April 2015, 02:33
The answer I have is Mexico with 16. Why do I know, I looked it up and cross referenced with several different sources and this is the answer I came up with :)

17th April 2015, 10:20
so we waited ages for question and now we got one, it's already been answered before I even saw it? :erm:

19th April 2015, 04:32
Where is the shortest street in the world?

19th April 2015, 21:54
I heard something about this recently. I think it is basically a doorway to a hotel somewhere, and it is shorter than the height of the door.... something like that, have to think about the where for a bit.

21st April 2015, 05:33
something is in the dark recesses of my mind that it is named after a Dickens character????

21st April 2015, 14:36
Good question Rollo, I'll guess The Vatican.
I do know where the shortest dirt road is, it's on Uranus (not yours)!

27th April 2015, 03:05
I heard something about this recently. I think it is basically a doorway to a hotel somewhere, and it is shorter than the height of the door.... something like that, have to think about the where for a bit.

something is in the dark recesses of my mind that it is named after a Dickens character????

This is the closest anyone has got.

Ebenezer Place, Wick.

The owner of the hotel was instructed by the council to put a street name on the shortest side of the building for postal purposes; so, they put it on the side with the front door. Ebenezer Place, which only has one address, is 6ft 9in long.

27th April 2015, 21:59
Where has anfield disappeared?
(That's not a geography Q).

27th April 2015, 22:30
Where has anfield disappeared?
(That's not a geography Q).

Sorry guys n gals, been really unwell for the last 5 days. Thought it was just something I ate, but 5 days later I still can't hold any food or fluids (other than water) down. :(

I will think of a question asap.

28th April 2015, 00:03
Name the seven hills of Rome

28th April 2015, 02:43
Name the seven hills of Rome

Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy and Doc?
Axlerod, Bartholomew, Cornelius, Dexter, Eustace, Ferdinand and George?
John, Paul, George, Ringo, Huey, Dewey and Louie?

Ha ha no.

Romanus septem montibus:
Collis Quirinalis, Collis Viminalis, Collis Capitolinus, Collis Esquilinus, Collis Palatinus, Collis Caelius et Collis Aventinus.
Collis Vaticanus non Collis Roma.

28th April 2015, 03:56
Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy and Doc?
Axlerod, Bartholomew, Cornelius, Dexter, Eustace, Ferdinand and George?
John, Paul, George, Ringo, Huey, Dewey and Louie?

Ha ha no.

Romanus septem montibus:
Collis Quirinalis, Collis Viminalis, Collis Capitolinus, Collis Esquilinus, Collis Palatinus, Collis Caelius et Collis Aventinus.
Collis Vaticanus non Collis Roma.
Isn't that one also known as Vesuvius?

28th April 2015, 04:06
Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy and Doc?
Axlerod, Bartholomew, Cornelius, Dexter, Eustace, Ferdinand and George?
John, Paul, George, Ringo, Huey, Dewey and Louie?

Ha ha no.

Romanus septem montibus:
Collis Quirinalis, Collis Viminalis, Collis Capitolinus, Collis Esquilinus, Collis Palatinus, Collis Caelius et Collis Aventinus.
Collis Vaticanus non Collis Roma.

Well done Rollo :)

28th April 2015, 06:26

29th April 2015, 04:44
How many lakes are in the Lake District?

How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hordes got bored?

29th April 2015, 07:06
wild guess, 57 ?

(I have been to the Lake District on my only ever trip to the UK, so I should know better :( )

29th April 2015, 16:19
How many lakes are in the Lake District?

How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hordes got bored?
Which Lake District? There are several.

29th April 2015, 19:46

I am going for the angle its a trick question. The other bodies of water are called something else.

29th April 2015, 22:14
most of the 'lakes' are not called lakes, they are called waters ot tarns. I think Steve is correct with 1 (Bassenthwaite Lake)

29th April 2015, 22:51
Ha. I thought I had heard that somewhere. :D

God, now the pressure of thinking of a question.

29th April 2015, 23:10
I don't have much time these days. so an easy one.

Which country has the oldest national flag still in use? (Bonus points if you know how old it is)

29th April 2015, 23:32
Ha. I thought I had heard that somewhere. :D

God, now the pressure of thinking of a question.

I was only agreeing with you mate, I didn't set the question, Rollo did :)

30th April 2015, 06:46
most of the 'lakes' are not called lakes, they are called waters or tarns. ...
also 'mere' ala Windermere?

30th April 2015, 07:55
Sorry Anfield and Rollo. My bad.

If I am right, just take the flag question. As I wont be around for a while.

Sorry guys:p

30th April 2015, 13:35

I am going for the angle its a trick question. The other bodies of water are called something else.

The answer is one and it is Bassenthwaite Lake and because it has the same water lever all over and isn't intruded by seawater, it's also technically the only actual lake in the Lake District.

30th April 2015, 13:44
Which country has the oldest national flag still in use? (Bonus points if you know how old it is)

You're going to tell me that it's the Dannebrog of Denmark which fell from the sky after King Valdemar prayed before a battle in 1219.

Legally the adoption date of the Cross of St George for England happened in Time Immemorial which at law ends on 6th Jul 1189.

30th April 2015, 20:24
You're going to tell me that it's the Dannebrog of Denmark which fell from the sky after King Valdemar prayed before a battle in 1219.

Legally the adoption date of the Cross of St George for England happened in Time Immemorial which at law ends on 6th Jul 1189.

Yes I am. :p Thats the answer I had. Take it away again

1st May 2015, 01:56
I remember this story because I read it in a Scandinavia and the World comic.

I am in New York City attending a conference when I get a phone call from my friend Lenny The Liar from Liarfield who always lies.
He tells me that his cancer has disappeared and that he's not in the hospital, that he never wants to see me again and especially that he never wants to see me before the end of the week because he's going to live forever.
I ask Lenny for the address to the hospital and he says that it's on Washington Avenue and that he doesn't remember the State Capital that it's in.

To where should I book my plane ticket to see my dying friend? Why?

1st May 2015, 02:17
Did Lenny tell you he always tells lies?

If he did, then he was lying about telling lies which means he tells the truth, so if he tells the truth and said he always lies, then he always lies, but he cant always lie, because he was lying about that, meaning he must be telling the truth.....

1st May 2015, 02:19
Did Lenny tell you he always tells lies?

No. Lenny is adamant that he always tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

1st May 2015, 02:32
If he did, then he was lying about telling lies which means he tells the truth, so if he tells the truth and said he always lies, then he always lies, but he cant always lie, because he was lying about that, meaning he must be telling the truth.....

1st May 2015, 06:30
so everything he said is a lie?

1st May 2015, 10:22
If everything Lenny says is a lie, then he is in hospital in a state capital that does not have a street called Washington Avenue. Honolulu?
If on the other hand Lenny tells the truth and Rollo always lies the answer is the same.

3rd May 2015, 04:10
in a state capital that does not have a street called Washington Avenue.

Not only does the state capital not have a Washington Avenue, it can not legally have a Washington Avenue.



Only 49 more to go :P

3rd May 2015, 06:42
Rollo, is it The Commonwealth of Virginia?

3rd May 2015, 21:49
If he said he was in a state capital, then he isn't, he isn't even in a state, so he is in Washington D.C.

5th May 2015, 21:42
ROllo, Rollo, where fore art thou Rollo?

7th May 2015, 03:25
More hints:
The names of Jefferson St, Independence Drive, Fittipaldi Place, Appaloosa Avenue and Waikikamukau Mews also wouldn't have been allowed by law in this city either.

Lois Lane and Sesame St would've been though.

7th May 2015, 05:41
William Wilson (short story) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wilson_(short_story)) ;)

7th May 2015, 15:54

14th May 2015, 01:20
What's happening here? If after so much time nobody knows the right answer I think Rollo should tell it to us and ask another Q

14th May 2015, 01:48
What's happening here? If after so much time nobody knows the right answer I think Rollo should tell it to us and ask another Q

The answer is Salt Lake City. Regulations in Salt Lake City prohibit street names longer than 8 letters long.
There could never be a Washington Avenue Salt Lake City because "Washington" has 10 letters.

New question:
Brian, Florence and Dylan are going to a football match. Their friend Dougal took his sweet time to get there because he bought some sugar lumps on the way. Ermintrude showed up and then... Zebedee arrived.

Which football team do they support?

14th May 2015, 02:06
I know it doesn't make sense but today everybody seem to support Juve

14th May 2015, 03:12
they are all characters from the Magic Roundabout, so I would guess Swindon

14th May 2015, 04:25
they are all characters from the Magic Roundabout, so I would guess Swindon

And you'd be right.


Furthermore, you can see The County Ground where Swindon Town FC play, from The Magic Roundabout.


14th May 2015, 07:07
Too local for anybody else to know it, ofcourse such things do not apply to anfield ;-)

14th May 2015, 21:45
Sorry in advance - Sticking with a football theme. Where would you be if you entered a stadium in one country to watch the game in another?
NB. you are watching the game live it is not a trick question (there might be more than one answer - not sure about this)

15th May 2015, 01:09
Monaco play in the French league. Is that what you mean?

15th May 2015, 03:46
Monaco play in the French league. Is that what you mean?

Not what I mean. Monaco play in Monaco which is one country. In the way you mean there is also Berwick who play in Scotland and the Wellington Phoenix who play is Australia.

What I am thinking of is where you physically enter the ground in one country and watch the match in another

15th May 2015, 07:33
What countries would share such a "friendly" borders..unless these are "fake" (only football) countries like Wales/NI ;)
Do you need to carry a passport for such a game?

Does the Vatican have a football ground? :erm:
Where popes play :p:

15th May 2015, 09:04
What I am thinking of is where you physically enter the ground in one country and watch the match in another

"Marcher Sound - Number One In Chester and that's official"

Chester City played at the Deva Stadium which kind of straddles the England-Wales border, I think. It's named after the Deva Victrix which was the original Roman fortress which eventually turned into the city of Chester.
I remember it as a pathetic ground with steel fencing around three sides and if the ball went over the fences, it landed in open fields.

The problem is that they fell out of the Conference Premier because they went into administration; so unless there's a replacement team playing at the ground, the answer might be wrong.

16th May 2015, 21:52
You would be in Chester. The entry to Diva Stadium is in Wales, while the pitch and stands are in England

16th May 2015, 21:54
Oh and Chester City didn't just fall out of the Conference, they ceased to exist, but Chester FC was formed instead

17th May 2015, 03:52
If I am correct, then this is the next question.

Every single night, the BBC mentions the name of a place that was a republic for two whole days and then wasn't any more.
Where is this place, why does the BBC name call it every night?

17th May 2015, 06:21
since I don't listen to the beeb daily, I will have to guess wildly - do you mean the country became a republic and then went back to being..say a monarchy?

like Australia almost did?

17th May 2015, 07:39
since I don't listen to the beeb daily, I will have to guess wildly - do you mean the country became a republic and then went back to being..say a monarchy?

Actually yes.

like Australia almost did?

Also like Australia, this place held a referendum. It declared itself as a republic but this was annulled.

17th May 2015, 21:45
Berwick? The UK used to be (for a short time) Certain statutes pertaining to England and Scotland were worded as "England, Scotland and Berwick-upon-Tweed.. Berwick only signed a peace treaty with Russia to end the Crimean War a few years ago (mid 90's I think)

19th May 2015, 00:34
Berwick? The UK used to be (for a short time) Certain statutes pertaining to England and Scotland were worded as "England, Scotland and Berwick-upon-Tweed.. Berwick only signed a peace treaty with Russia to end the Crimean War a few years ago (mid 90's I think)

Berwick has changed hands more than a two quid coin but it was never a republic in its own right; nor is it mentioned on BBC Radio every single night.

19th May 2015, 01:58
Worth a guess though :)

19th May 2015, 01:58
Being 12000 miles away from Aunty B. Do you mean BBCTV, BBC RADIO, BBC World News or any/all of the above?

19th May 2015, 02:44
Being 12000 miles away from Aunty B. Do you mean BBCTV, BBC RADIO, BBC World News or any/all of the above?

Also being in the remnants of empire "Where the whales and sharks are having their larks, ten thousand miles away" I can tell you that it's both on BBC Radio 4 domestically and the BBC World Service.
I hear it just before morning tea, out here in ol' Sydney town.

19th May 2015, 04:22
I know there was in Independent Republic of Crimea for a few months before the USSR split and Cimea reverted to the Ukaraine, but I doubt that would be heard daily on Aunty B.

Same for the Faeroe Islands who separated from Denmark for a brief time. Although Faeroes might be mentioned in a shipping forcast?

19th May 2015, 06:06
Same for the Faeroe Islands who separated from Denmark for a brief time. Although Faeroes might be mentioned in a shipping forcast?

The Faeroes is the answer; it is mentioned in the Shipping Forecast, every night.

On 14th Sep 1946, an independence referendum was held in the Faroe Islands and got a 50.73% "Yes" vote.
On 18th Sep 1946, the Faroe Islands declared their independence as a republic.
On 20th Sep 1946, Denmark declared that the declaration was invalid.
On 24th Sep 1946. King Christian X dissolved the Thing.

19th May 2015, 21:47
Took me time to realise you were not looking for part of the British Isles :)

20th May 2015, 05:12
and still the Faroe Islands play as a separate team and get hammered....

20th May 2015, 22:54
Sorry - trying to think of a question that is not too easy, but not impossibly hard either hmmmmmmm

22nd May 2015, 00:49
I'll ask another question because it's hilarious.

Which country has a Big Thing?

24th May 2015, 21:50
erm.. can you specify 'thing'?

25th May 2015, 00:53
erm.. can you specify 'thing'?

No. :D

Lots of countries have different kinds of "things" but only one country has a "Big Thing".

25th May 2015, 10:49
Brobdingnag :p

25th May 2015, 13:51
Brobdingnag :p

The people there would have a very big Big Thing (and the people of Lilliput and Blefuscu would have a tiny Big Thing). :D

The Big Thing is real.

Other countries near it also have Things.

25th May 2015, 21:41
Tony Abbott is a big *@#$, does this count?

26th May 2015, 02:09
If Tony Abbott was born in this country, he might very well be in the Big Thing.

26th May 2015, 03:16
That cryptic clue could indicate that it is a parliament or government thing?

26th May 2015, 05:47
yes, seems that way doesn't it...or its a specific building which houses the govt offices

1st June 2015, 13:17
parliament, government, thing?

Technically, all three of those things are things.

1st June 2015, 13:19
or its a specific building which houses the govt offices

The translation of the name of the building where the Big Thing meets... is the Big Thing Building :D

2nd June 2015, 21:52
I am at the stage of simply naming every country one by one, so we can move on :D


2nd June 2015, 23:21
I am at the stage of simply naming every country one by one, so we can move on :D

In any order? Peru.

3rd June 2015, 00:12
In any order? Peru.

I was going more or less alphabetical...


3rd June 2015, 01:21
I am at the stage of simply naming every country one by one, so we can move on :D

Oh come now. Depending on what you call a county, seven of them have Things - they're mostly Scandi.

3rd June 2015, 02:38
Surely not the Faroe Islands again :)

3rd June 2015, 09:13
I'll blow this open because I'm bored with it.

Iceland has - Alþing - The Law Thing
The Faroes have - Løgting - The Law Thing
Åland has - Lagting The Law Thing
Greenland has - Landsting - The Land Thing
Denmark has - Folketing - The People's Thing
The Isle of Man has - Tynwald - The Thing in the Meadow


Norway has - Storting - The Big Thing.

Someone else go now.

10th June 2015, 00:19
I am looking for a question, brb

10th June 2015, 00:23
Name the countries that have a territorial claim to parts of Antarctica

10th June 2015, 06:01
Don't have a clue.
Probably those who explored the continent like UK, France, Norway.
Maybe USA cos they claim everything.
Maybe some southerners like Argentina and New Zealand.....

10th June 2015, 16:11
Maybe USA cos they claim everything.

We don't claim much cold stuff! :laugh:

Your other guesses seem about right, and I couldn't guess any closer. But I do remember that it's 5 or 6 countries at least, and kind of a scattering across the globe.

10th June 2015, 17:46
I'll blow this open because I'm bored with it.

Iceland has - Alþing - The Law Thing
The Faroes have - Løgting - The Law Thing
Åland has - Lagting The Law Thing
Greenland has - Landsting - The Land Thing
Denmark has - Folketing - The People's Thing
The Isle of Man has - Tynwald - The Thing in the Meadow


Norway has - Storting - The Big Thing.

Someone else go now.

Alþing in Island does not mean "law".. It is obvious that it means all

Law descends from Lag or lagu, so you see Lagting and Løgting Swedih and Faroes are later developments of the ur-language spoken by more or less everybody up in the north--
alla=al= all

law (n.) (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=law&allowed_in_frame=0) http://www.etymonline.com/graphics/dictionary.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=law)Old English lagu (plural laga, comb. form lah-) "law, ordinance, rule, regulation; district governed by the same laws," from Old Norse *lagu "law," collective plural of lag "layer, measure, stroke," literally "something laid down or fixed," from Proto-Germanic *lagan "put, lay" (see lay (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=lay&allowed_in_frame=0) (v.)).

10th June 2015, 21:41
Don't have a clue.
Probably those who explored the continent like UK, France, Norway.
Maybe USA cos they claim everything.
Maybe some southerners like Argentina and New Zealand.....

UK - correct
France - correct
Norway - correct
Argentina - correct
New Zealand - correct.

Looking for two more to make the 7

10th June 2015, 21:48

10th June 2015, 22:43
Australia - correct

1 more

11th June 2015, 02:08
Alþing in Island does not mean "law".. It is obvious that it means all

Yes. I bow humbly before your stick of correction.

Law thing would be Lögþing in Íslenska.

11th June 2015, 02:16
New Zealand - correct.

Hey bro'. No constitution, no Country. You can't have one. Not even ow. Those are the rules... that I just made up. Chur! :D

"The Commonwealth" shall mean the Commonwealth of Australia as established under this Act.
"The States" shall mean such of the colonies of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia, including the northern territory of South Australia...

- Section 6, Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900

By the way... hurry up and get your Red Bands off our flag. Yeah, nah bro, get your own. That'd be heaps cool.

11th June 2015, 06:32
So the one more is the not so obvious one?

11th June 2015, 10:57
So the one more is the not so obvious one?

it is fairly obvious geographically speaking

11th June 2015, 11:03
Hey bro'. No constitution, no Country. You can't have one. Not even ow. Those are the rules... that I just made up. Chur! :D

"The Commonwealth" shall mean the Commonwealth of Australia as established under this Act.
"The States" shall mean such of the colonies of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia, including the northern territory of South Australia...

- Section 6, Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900

By the way... hurry up and get your Red Bands off our flag. Yeah, nah bro, get your own. That'd be heaps cool.

Dark blue field, union jack in top left and southern cross. NZ in use since 1869, adopted 1902. Cheap copy as used in Aus designed (well copied of NZ in 1901 (yes 12 years later) and adopted in 1908,

11th June 2015, 15:22

11th June 2015, 16:54

Edit: I actually wrote that without seeing schmenkes post as this is from the app..of course its a moot point if this answer is wrong!

11th June 2015, 21:34
it is Chile. We have the seven. 5 for Gadjo... and two others :)

11th June 2015, 22:06
it is Chile. We have the seven. 5 for Gadjo... and two others :)
No offence but your counting sucks. :s

11th June 2015, 22:51
No offence but your counting sucks. :s

5 for Gadjo
New Zealand

2 others


didn't count USA since it was incorrect

12th June 2015, 04:39
:eek: who said Australia?

12th June 2015, 06:56

13th June 2015, 13:42
:eek: who said Australia?

Yeah should be... STRAYA!

14th June 2015, 10:08
Well, with or without Australia I'm still the winner so let's continue the game.

What and where is this?


14th June 2015, 10:13
Well, with or without Australia I'm still the winner so let's continue the game.

What and where is this?


14th June 2015, 21:34
:eek: who said Australia?

I dunno some one did :D. What has that got to do with counting?

14th June 2015, 21:39
Forget it.......

15th June 2015, 00:39
What and where is this?

Hur hur hur, "Angkor What" is this?

15th June 2015, 01:07
re the question. I know what it is, but I will hold off answering the question, in case other wish to have a go

15th June 2015, 07:26
looks like SE Asia, but don't think it is A Vat

15th June 2015, 08:03
here's a new pic

15th June 2015, 15:06
Oh... I know what it is now.

They named after when Sauron the Terrible built his tower in North Yorkshire.
It has a theme song too.


15th June 2015, 21:41
it is in Indonesia and is called Borobudur

15th June 2015, 22:36
It is.

16th June 2015, 00:20
What 'Western' hemisphere city has the largest land area?

16th June 2015, 07:20
Ciudad de Mexico?

16th June 2015, 15:33
Isn't it New York?

16th June 2015, 21:35
not Ciudad de Mexico only 1485 square km
nor New York only 1214 square km

the one I have is more than 2 times bigger than these two in area combined

16th June 2015, 21:56
Sao Paulo?

16th June 2015, 23:06
not Sao Paulo only 1523 square km.

don't necessarily think along the lines of population :0

16th June 2015, 23:11
Santiago de Chile

17th June 2015, 00:16
Santiado only 641

17th June 2015, 00:38
Anchorage is more than 1700 square miles in size.

17th June 2015, 00:42
Buenos Aires, considering its suburban related cities? The metropolitan area is so big and exceeds the city itself at north (up to Tigre), west (up to Luján) and south (almost up to La Plata).

17th June 2015, 02:56
not Anchorage - biggest yet at 5079 square kms (1961 sq miles)

17th June 2015, 02:57
Not Buenos Aires - only 2033 square km

17th June 2015, 03:00
as a clue Rollo is probably a lot closer than he thinks

17th June 2015, 03:19
I bet that it's something like Beaver or Circle. Something with a population of 26 in one room where half the floor is missing, and they're all huddled together in one corner for fear of falling but with an area of 25 godzillion square miles.

17th June 2015, 06:44
pretty weird having a huge size and not many people in it...maybe its the permanent base in Antarctica :s

17th June 2015, 21:41
It is a proper city and is not obscure in any way it has an area of 7036 square km and a population of 0ver 32000

18th June 2015, 07:21
I thought of a city after rollo's answer, now I just googled that particular name and I think that's the one you are talking about. But I still feel I cheated :s

18th June 2015, 15:09
I thought of a city after rollo's answer, now I just googled that particular name and I think that's the one you are talking about. But I still feel I cheated :s

I just Googled my guess and it was wrong as well. It was close though!

But my Google search indicated that someone has already answered with the correct city. Maybe Google is broken, or maybe Anfield5 missed one?

18th June 2015, 15:18
... Maybe Google is broken, ...

The internet is never wrong! :o

18th June 2015, 21:53
I just Googled my guess and it was wrong as well. It was close though!

But my Google search indicated that someone has already answered with the correct city. Maybe Google is broken, or maybe Anfield5 missed one?

I have seen
Mexico City
New York
Buenos Aries

did I miss one?

biiiiiig clue it is in Alaska

18th June 2015, 22:28
I have seen
Mexico City
New York
Buenos Aries

did I miss one?

Sao Paulo ? :laugh:

18th June 2015, 22:53

18th June 2015, 23:34


Juneau is the largest Western Hemisphere city by area.

19th June 2015, 17:04
The world's steepest cable car, with a maximum gradient of 42 degrees, is found in what country?

20th June 2015, 01:35
The world's steepest cable car, with a maximum gradient of 42 degrees, is found in what country?

What's a cable car? I'll see your 42 degrees and raise you 10.

Discover the thrill of a 52 degree incline riding the steepest passenger railway in the world, the Scenic Railway.

Australia :D

20th June 2015, 23:08
Nope, sorry Rollo, as interesting as that sounds that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a cable car, i.e. a condola that's suspended from a cable.

22nd June 2015, 07:12
perhaps a clue?

22nd June 2015, 16:32
Attached is a pic...

23rd June 2015, 00:13
Rio di Janiero ?

23rd June 2015, 01:10
Nope. Wrong part of the world.

24th June 2015, 01:24

24th June 2015, 15:23
Nope. Wrong part of the world.

24th June 2015, 16:09
Hong Kong?

24th June 2015, 20:26
Although HK has one of the longest cable cars in the world, it's not the steepest.

More-or-less right part of the world though.

24th June 2015, 23:34

25th June 2015, 02:32
~200 Countries.

The steepest "cable car", i.e. a gondola that's suspended from a cable... is an elevator. They're 90°

25th June 2015, 06:36
Macau then? :p:

25th June 2015, 15:23
~200 Countries.

The steepest "cable car", i.e. a gondola that's suspended from a cable... is an elevator. They're 90°

Smart@ss :p: .

Attached is another pic.
The cable car was opened in 2003.
D-Type is heading in the wrong direction.
Not Macau.

26th June 2015, 07:10

27th June 2015, 17:08
Not China, but close.
This country is also home to an F1 event (um, big hint there...)