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9th April 2014, 06:28
yep those are the ones and your order are correct as well.

OK what's the name of the largest North flowing river in North America and what body of water does it empty into..?

Bonus points for every Province or Territory you can name that the whole system passes thru.

9th April 2014, 06:38
What's the use of getting bonus points? :confused:

9th April 2014, 06:49
What's the use of getting bonus points? :confused:

You win MORE! More is always better than less! If you go shopping you see a bottle of dish wash soap and it says "25% More free" that's a lot better deal, right... Only a cynic would ask "How can it be 25% free-er than free?"..
"You can't think like that!
What would happen if everybody thought that way?" <----bonus points for the name of one of greatest books ever written that that is a quote from

And extra Geographic Bonus points for naming the island where that epic bit of logic was uttered.

9th April 2014, 07:06
Aha!.... Win more points but get only the right to ask the next Q :confused:

Same if I win with the right answer and have 7 skittles shot down.

9th April 2014, 10:45
OK what's the name of the largest North flowing river in North America and what body of water does it empty into..?

Bonus points for every Province or Territory you can name that the whole system passes thru.

My guess that the water body is the gulf of St. Lawrence and that the river have the same name; S.T Lawrence?

9th April 2014, 14:36
The St. Lawrence river flows generally west to east.

I believe this is a bit of a trick question as, by volume, I would guess it’s the Mackenzie River flowing from Great Slave Lake into the Beaufort Sea, contained entirely, I believe, in the Northwest Territories of Canada.

By length, it might be the Red River that flows along the North Dakota – Minnesota border (not sure of its source), through Manitoba and empties into Lake Winnipeg.

9th April 2014, 20:46
What is the Athabasca River? I think it flows north into Lake Athabasca

9th April 2014, 21:06
By largest do you mean greatest flow or greatest length?
Not that it matters as my knowledge of North American rivers can be written on a [small] postage stamp. And none of the ones I know flow north!

9th April 2014, 22:44
What is the Athabasca River? I think it flows north into Lake Athabasca

That just made me think of the Peace River which originates somewhere in British Columbia and also (I believe) flows into Lake Athabaska. Although, I think this might flow in a more easterly direction...

9th April 2014, 23:09
By largest do you mean greatest flow or greatest length?
Not that it matters as my knowledge of North American rivers can be written on a [small] postage stamp. And none flow north!

Large, like in looking at a Vogon spaceship hovering over all London, "Man that's LARGE"..

Long is like....LONG....

10th April 2014, 03:21
Well, the Red River does get quite large sometimes. http://stundenbower.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/winnipegfloodmap51.jpg

10th April 2014, 08:14
Thanks for clarifying. Is the answer the Niagra River?

10th April 2014, 08:56
The St. Lawrence river flows generally west to east.

I believe this is a bit of a trick question as, by volume, I would guess it’s the Mackenzie River flowing from Great Slave Lake into the Beaufort Sea, contained entirely, I believe, in the Northwest Territories of Canada.

Best so far... I was thinking of the complete complex...Makenzie/Slabe/Peace.

Want to go for Bonus Points?

10th April 2014, 14:23
Typo. You mean Slave.

So, you are refering to the complete system with interconnected rivers, including the Great Slave Lake.

As for bonus points, I believe the provinces and territory have already been mentioned.

12th April 2014, 11:54
Best so far... I was thinking of the complete complex...Makenzie/Slabe/Peace.

Want to go for Bonus Points?
I wish you would make up your mind what you do mean!

When I asked whether you meant greatest length or if you meant greatest flow you emphatically said you did not mean the length, i.e. you implied you meant flow volume. You did not say that you meant the catchment area, which it appears is what you were looking for judging by this response.

12th April 2014, 18:38
I wish you would make up your mind what you do mean!

When I asked whether you meant greatest length or if you meant greatest flow you emphatically said you did not mean the length, i.e. you implied you meant flow volume. You did not say that you meant the catchment area, which it appears is what you were looking for judging by this response.

Oh I know what I meant and Schemke got the MAIN answer good enough.
You want to ask a question about greatest flow, go ahead. Schmenke seems to have disappeared.

12th April 2014, 19:22
The St. Lawrence river flows generally west to east.

I believe this is a bit of a trick question as, by volume, I would guess it’s the Mackenzie River flowing from Great Slave Lake into the Beaufort Sea, contained entirely, I believe, in the Northwest Territories of Canada.

By length, it might be the Red River that flows along the North Dakota – Minnesota border (not sure of its source), through Manitoba and empties into Lake Winnipeg.

More North-North East (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Grlakes_lawrence_map.png) but not really west-east. ;)

12th April 2014, 21:22
Oh I know what I meant and Schemke got the MAIN answer good enough.
You want to ask a question about greatest flow, go ahead. Schmenke seems to have disappeared.
You may know - but I didn't. Hence I asked for clarification. (Admittedly I didn't think of catchment area, only of length and flow).

13th April 2014, 17:01
Ok, I suspect this one will be answered fairly quickly...

If you were to sail due north from Tahiti what would be the first land mass you would encounter?

13th April 2014, 17:26

13th April 2014, 17:49
Ok, I suspect this one will be answered fairly quickly...

If you were to sail due north from Tahiti what would be the first land mass you would encounter?

Well I know the approximative location of Tahiti in the Polynesia region of the south Pacific, but exactly where Tahiti is and what
other islands that are nearby is more difficult to say but my guess is Hawaii.

13th April 2014, 18:49
What is a land mass? I mean there might be a tony atoll somewhere around the French Polynesian area, or increasing in size Hawaii is north or failing that its probably Russia.

13th April 2014, 18:49
If sailing north of Tahiti you would have to watch out for Caroline Atoll also known as Millennium Island. When sailing you seldom sail in a straight line there is more zig zagging due to the direction of the wind.
You could argue as a coral atoll it is not 'land' technically, but your yacht/ sailing vessel would run still aground. You require a marine chart for other subsurface reefs and be mindful of uncharted reefs.

13th April 2014, 18:59
If sailing north of Tahiti you would have to watch out for Caroline Atoll also known as Millennium Island. When sailing you seldom sail in a straight line there is more zig zagging due to the direction of the wind.
You could argue as a coral atoll it is not 'land' technically, but your yacht/ sailing vessel would run still aground. You require a marine chart for other subsurface reefs and be mindful of uncharted reefs.

Yeah but the operative word is Land MASS.

Like Alaska is a MASS and that's what you'd prolly hit. dress warm.

13th April 2014, 19:07
Yeah but the operative word is Land MASS.

Like Alaska is a MASS and that's what you'd prolly hit. dress warm.

I think you right. I was torn between Russia and Alaska/USA.

13th April 2014, 20:29
Yes, janvanvurpa is correct, land mass refers to a sizable chunk of land, and Alaska is what I was looking for. Specifically, the landing spot would be just south of Anchorage.

14th April 2014, 01:43
Yes, janvanvurpa is correct, land mass refers to a sizable chunk of land, and Alaska is what I was looking for. Specifically, the landing spot would be just south of Anchorage.
Hence the city's name? :p

14th April 2014, 07:37
"You can't think like that!
What would happen if everybody thought that way?" <----bonus points for the name of one of greatest books ever written that that is a quote from

OK, nobody got the bonus points but you can't leave us like this ( I mean in ignorance....) . Please tell us the name of the book.

14th April 2014, 15:48
Yes, janvanvurpa is correct, land mass refers to a sizable chunk of land, and Alaska is what I was looking for. Specifically, the landing spot would be just south of Anchorage.

I drove up in Feb.1985 with a customer in a great winter car"SAAB 96 with the mighty V4---3500km snow the whole way...-53 in Yukon where I got to change a water pump..But my guy said the name of the place was (un)officially---are ya ready?
Los Anchorage because if the 50km radius of non moving rush hour traffic twice a day.

I have called it that since that day.

14th April 2014, 21:16
OK, nobody got the bonus points but you can't leave us like this ( I mean in ignorance....) . Please tell us the name of the book.

The book is Catch-22 by Joseph Heller...the dialog was he's in the airfield mess hall and he is panicing because he's a bombardier sitting in the node of a B25 with just 6.25mm of flexi-glass between him and all the German flak going off all around and he says he wants to get medical discharge because "They're trying to kill me!!!"

His comrades are all very realxed and tell him "They're not trying to kill you Yossarian, they're trying to kill everybody! You can't take it so personally"
He says "But I'm a person aren't I? They're trying to kill me"

They then say "You can't think of it like that. What would happen if everybody thought that way?"

Yosarrian answers logically "Then I'd be be crazy to think otherwise!"
That book may be the best book of the last century.

15th April 2014, 05:42
^also a book I own and still haven't managed to read entirely...perhaps you need to be an intellectual (or bored out of your wits) to enjoy this "classic" of the last century.

15th April 2014, 20:40
Are we asking questions or talking about books?

15th April 2014, 20:45
Are we asking questions or talking about books?

Talking about books it seems? ;)

15th April 2014, 20:51
Talking about books it seems? ;)

OK - have you read The Cat In The Hat. It's about a cat who wears a hat and I think he eats some Green Eggs and Ham with an elephant called Sam :)

15th April 2014, 21:37
No, but I did read Janet & John and read Peter and Jane with my kids. But neither are in the same class as The Cat in the Hat. Then there's The Village with Three Corners.

15th April 2014, 21:53
or the classic of all classics Badjelly the Witch with the stunningly classic line 'Stinky poo stinky poo, knickers, knickers, knickers!"

16th April 2014, 01:41
^also a book I own and still haven't managed to read entirely...perhaps you need to be an intellectual (or bored out of your wits) to enjoy this "classic" of the last century.

Hmmmmm. Perhaps one needs to have a fine appreciation of the absurdity of life....after all most of what we do is from one point of view absurd..
War is one thing, business mania---which is the real story in the book, is another...

Now, new question: What do Darhadïn Bowl , Selenga, Ozero Bajkal, and Karskoje More all have in common?

16th April 2014, 04:48
I know that both Darhadin and Selenga are in Siberia and that Ozero Baykal or Baikal (I am assuming Ozero Bajkal is a alternate or more correct spelling of the same thing) is the largest (by water volume) and deepest fresh water lake in the world is in Siberia, but other than that I am so far stumped and I have never heard of Karskoje More, but if it too is a body of fresh water I am guessing it is in Russia as well

So to link them, are they all part of the same river system. i.e. The Selenga River is sourced in the Darhadin Bowl in Mongolia, flows into Ozero Baykal before emptying to the Arctic sea via Karskje More?

16th April 2014, 07:32
I know that both Darhadin and Selenga are in Siberia and that Ozero Baykal or Baikal (I am assuming Ozero Bajkal is a alternate or more correct spelling of the same thing) is the largest (by water volume) and deepest fresh water lake in the world is in Siberia, but other than that I am so far stumped and I have never heard of Karskoje More, but if it too is a body of fresh water I am guessing it is in Russia as well

So to link them, are they all part of the same river system. i.e. The Selenga River is sourced in the Darhadin Bowl in Mongolia, flows into Ozero Baykal before emptying to the Arctic sea via Karskje More?

So close.. and Karskje More is Kara Sea but maybe closer to --if we had it in English---Kara-ish Sea.... Missing one element.....

16th April 2014, 09:29
All are receding?

16th April 2014, 14:34
Are we now taking about hair lines?

16th April 2014, 17:11
No - drying up like the Aral Sea. Maybe I should have said "shrinking"

16th April 2014, 18:13
nope. it is water they share, what water goes from Mongolia all the way to Kara Sea, via Baikal?

16th April 2014, 20:39
yenisey river system?

16th April 2014, 21:04
nope. it is water they share, what water goes from Mongolia all the way to Kara Sea, via Baikal?

Djingis Khan river?

17th April 2014, 00:57
yenisey river system?


or maybe GOAL!

Kinda like the Mackenzie River system its HUGE but few know its name....

Your go.

17th April 2014, 00:58
Djingis Khan river?

Ding Johan Flodet?

17th April 2014, 01:58
In terms of its' geography What two slightly strange records does the Maldives hold?

17th April 2014, 03:20
In terms of its' geography What two slightly strange records does the Maldives hold?
It's the world's lowest country above sea level (saw that on a nature show) and I have no idea what the other one is.

17th April 2014, 14:29
Dunno. Largest number of islands?

17th April 2014, 18:51
I think it is that Maldives have the lowest "highest point".

17th April 2014, 19:36
I think it is that Maldives have the lowest "highest point".

That's the other thing.
Starter got half right so he can ask half a question.
You got half right so you can ask half a question.
Co-operation now is the key..
där ser du. jämlighet i aktion!

17th April 2014, 19:37
It's the world's lowest country above sea level (saw that on a nature show) and I have no idea what the other one is.

Half right. see above.

17th April 2014, 22:39
That's the other thing.
Starter got half right so he can ask half a question.
You got half right so you can ask half a question.
Co-operation now is the key..
där ser du. jämlighet i aktion!
Where in the world is the ...(take it from here BleAivano).

donKey jote
18th April 2014, 16:20
No, but I did read Janet & John and read Peter and Jane with my kids. But neither are in the same class as The Cat in the Hat. Then there's The Village with Three Corners.

donKey jote
18th April 2014, 16:23
OK - have you read The Cat In The Hat. It's about a cat who wears a hat and I think he eats some Green Eggs and Ham with an elephant called Sam :)

donKey jote
18th April 2014, 16:25
Sorry for the OT, but I was at my parents' and just had to go up to my old room and see if my old books were still there after >40 years:bandit: :andrea:

18th April 2014, 20:16
:stareup: Dr Seuss was one of my San Diego dawgs Donkey! :sailor: :angel:

18th April 2014, 21:43
Ah, but donks, did you find the old, ah, publications hiding under your bed? :p:

donKey jote
18th April 2014, 23:16
I threw them out with Billy's missus years ago :andrea:

19th April 2014, 18:26
Where in the world is the ...(take it from here BleAivano).

deepest ocean depth?

We want name, (approximative) location and depth

19th April 2014, 19:50
I think it is.....don't know the official name. In romanian we call it "Groapa Marianelor'' - meaning the Marianas' Hole and it's located in Pacific Ocean. Don't know its depth.....

20th April 2014, 16:23
I think it is.....don't know the official name. In romanian we call it "Groapa Marianelor'' - meaning the Marianas' Hole and it's located in Pacific Ocean. Don't know its depth.....

yes it is the Marianer trench, but location needs to be a bit more specific (which part of the Pacific.)

20th April 2014, 21:33
yes it is the Marianer trench, but location needs to be a bit more specific (which part of the Pacific.)

Oi Oi Oi pojken you have to spell it right. Challenger deep, Marianna trench, souf of Guam, Western Pacific okej? duger det?

20th April 2014, 22:22
Oi Oi Oi pojken you have to spell it right. Challenger deep, Marianna trench, souf of Guam, Western Pacific okej? duger det?

yes that is good. But how deep? ;)

donKey jote
20th April 2014, 22:30
yes it is the Marianer trench, but location needs to be a bit more specific (which part of the Pacific.)
The bottom ? :andrea:

21st April 2014, 00:19
yes that is good. But how deep? ;)

As my e-steamed amigo Donkey brayed so accurately it goes ALL THE WAY down.. You want 36,000 fötter, cirka 11000 meter, eller svenska mil?

21st April 2014, 00:21
how would a steamed donkey smell?

21st April 2014, 13:28
how would a steamed donkey smell?
Nearly as bad as an unsteamed one?

21st April 2014, 20:51
In terms of its' geography What two slightly strange records does the Maldives hold?

Sorry everyone I forgot that it was Easter, and I had to be computerless for four days :(

21st April 2014, 23:38
As my e-steamed amigo Donkey brayed so accurately it goes ALL THE WAY down.. You want 36,000 fötter, cirka 11000 meter, eller svenska mil?

close enough. ;)

22nd April 2014, 04:56
close enough. ;)

We could do it in versts...
Somebody else ask the question--I am very ill with pulmonia..pobre mio.

22nd April 2014, 14:35
Mind if I throw one in, as I was just reading about this geographic curiosity...

There are three recognized “triple islands” in the world, that is, an island that is on an island that is itself on an island.

Name the countries where they are located. Hint two are in the same country (so you only need to name two countries :p: ).

Bonus points if you name the area, or the main (largest) island.

Double bonus points if you name the books on which these islands were written. Joking... :mark: :p: :dozey: .

22nd April 2014, 14:48
I don't know the islands but I can name the books.....

22nd April 2014, 16:43
Iceland and Greenland.

22nd April 2014, 20:55
I would guess one or two are in northern Canada with maybe the Philippines being the other?

22nd April 2014, 22:13
Two are in Canada, yes, but only one in the north. The other is on a relatively well-known island.

The other is in the Philippines, yes. I don't expect anyone to name the island (arguably :erm: ), so you can read about it here:

I still want the name of the Canadian island though :arrows:

22nd April 2014, 23:03
As a Canuck, I believe that Manitoulin Island is the one you're looking for.

22nd April 2014, 23:11
As a Canuck, I believe you are wrong. At least not the island I'm thinking of.

Think further east.

22nd April 2014, 23:23
The only other obvious choice is Newfieland

22nd April 2014, 23:27
Yes b'ye!

The other island is Victoria Island, Northwest Territories. More reading here:

Either anfield5 or edv have a go :) .

22nd April 2014, 23:30
I was thinking the lake in a lake thing with Manitoulin Island....not the island on an island thing!
Silly me!

22nd April 2014, 23:36
edv can ask, he/she (sorry I have no way of knowing :)) seems to know I was just guessing at two countries with heaps of islands

23rd April 2014, 00:42
We all pretty much know that the 4 longest rivers are the Nile, Amazon, Yangtze and Mississippi.

But what are the 4 largest rivers measured by *Discharge* ?

23rd April 2014, 01:00
Amazon I think is number one

23rd April 2014, 01:25
Didn't think anyone would guess the Orinoco. You're not googling are you?


23rd April 2014, 01:59
The Volga?

23rd April 2014, 02:02
Not Volga


23rd April 2014, 04:17
Didn't think anyone would guess the Orinoco. You're not googling are you?


No, if I was I probably would have got all 4 :). For whatever reason geography is a topic/subject that seems to stick in my mind quite well. Plus Orinoco is the name of my favourite Womble

3rd by volume - how about Niger?

23rd April 2014, 05:38
Not Niger


23rd April 2014, 13:30
How about the St Lawrence?

23rd April 2014, 13:55
Not the St Lawrence


23rd April 2014, 14:16
What's the name of the river that flows trhough Bangladesh and empties into the Bay of Bengal? I can never remember its name :mark: .

23rd April 2014, 15:00
The answer is either the Rio Negro or the Ganges.

23rd April 2014, 15:42
The correct answer is



..so somebody pose a Q.

23rd April 2014, 15:53
The correct answer is



..so somebody pose a Q.
Anfield5 got three of the four, so it goes to him.

I would have bet, between my two, that it was the Rio Negro. I remembered that one of the largest rivers in the world was a tributary of the Amazon, but couldn't remember the name until this morning. The Ganges was just covering my bet :rolleyes:.

23rd April 2014, 17:06

Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of :mark:

23rd April 2014, 20:40
OK. Name the 11 U.S. States/Commonwealths that start with a vowel.

23rd April 2014, 21:00
Alabama, Ohio, Idaho, Utah, Iowa, Arizona, Arkansas, Alaska............

23rd April 2014, 21:01
Utah ...that's 12 I think

23rd April 2014, 21:34

23rd April 2014, 22:36
You are correct edv I do have 12 on my list, unsure why I said 11.

I though that may be too easy for any of you State side people, but it was the only thing I could think of this morning:)

BleAivano good effort but Albuquerque is a city in New Mexico

23rd April 2014, 23:48
You are correct edv I do have 12 on my list, unsure why I said 11.

I though that may be too easy for any of you State side people, but it was the only thing I could think of this morning:)

BleAivano good effort but Albuquerque is a city in New Mexico

Weird, I always thought that it was an own state, but I do remember now that I have visited Albuquerque airport in FSX.

24th April 2014, 01:24
Here's a world map in 3 colours.(sorry about the little red bits..)

What does this map represent?


24th April 2014, 03:48
A wild guess but does the pink indicate Communist countries

24th April 2014, 04:53
Well, you're on a track.
The theme is indeed geopolitical.
My interest in this map is mostly what the GREEN countries represent.

24th April 2014, 06:48
I can't see the map.

24th April 2014, 07:58
3rd world countries or those part of NAM?

blue and pink = America+Allies (Nato + more?) and Soviet Bloc

24th April 2014, 15:38
Excellent answer, Storm! You are correct.

I was trying to learn more about what the term '3rd World' meant and I found this. I had always thought that it was the 'old' world, the 'new' world and the '3rd' world.

Turns out the name '3rd world' is a term originating during the Cold War Era, referring to countries non-aligned with either NATO/WEST or Soviet Bloc/Warsaw Pact/EAST.

I also thought that '3rd' world referred to under-developed/poor/colonial countries, but I was wrong.

So Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, etc are all 3rd world countries!

Your go, Storm

24th April 2014, 17:19
usually third world is used as a derogatory term for poor, under-developed countries like mine - as you said - most people think it has to do with having 3rd class facilities.
India, Egypt and Yugoslavia were actually the driving force behind NAM....a fat load of good it did for the development of those countries though. :p:

I will come back with a Q soon, unless someone else already has one, please have a go.

24th April 2014, 17:33
usually third world is used as a derogatory term for poor, under-developed countries like mine - as you said - most people think it has to do with having 3rd class facilities.
India, Egypt and Yugoslavia were actually the driving force behind NAM....a fat load of good it did for the development of those countries though. :p:

I will come back with a Q soon, unless someone else already has one, please have a go.

24th April 2014, 17:45
Ok, a question in the style of edv


donKey jote
24th April 2014, 17:49
Wotsitstan ?

24th April 2014, 18:03

24th April 2014, 18:06

Sure looks like it to me. (and North is even at the top! :) )

24th April 2014, 19:34
oh yeah..

bonus blah blah for the thingie coming out at the right corner...

yes I forgot to add that no craftiness like edv's stuff ;)

24th April 2014, 19:40
I would guess the Khyber Pass

24th April 2014, 19:42
oh yeah..

bonus blah blah for the thingie coming out at the right corner...

Don't know about the thingy but perhaps Sikhia?

Anyway new question.

This is an unofficial flag of a small region somewhere in Europe. Name the region and what country it is located in.


24th April 2014, 20:39
Basque region of Spain/France?

24th April 2014, 20:40
Basque region of Spain/France?


donKey jote
24th April 2014, 20:54
Some swedish isle ?

24th April 2014, 21:59
Some swedish isle ?

Yeah, the three crowns would seem to indcate so.

Perhaps the Aland Islands?

24th April 2014, 22:05
Some swedish isle ?

Well "sort of", more part of an island rather then the island itself ;)

Yeah, the three crowns would seem to indcate so.

Perhaps the Aland Islands?


24th April 2014, 23:47
Yeah, the three crowns would seem to indcate so.

Perhaps the Aland Islands?

No, no, no --Here is Åland's flag (and the same sentance in the language of 99.9% of the locals)
nej nej nej ---här är Ålands flagga

That should give you a hint about who they are, what they speak...and should be easy enough to read.

The flag in the question comes from someplace where the locals could once understand the imported language..but is a made up thing from modern times.

25th April 2014, 00:00
No, no, no --Here is Åland's flag (and the same sentance in the language of 99.9% of the locals)

Well, 'no,no,no' is english, I presume.
So is the Island the UK?

25th April 2014, 02:24
The Faroe Islands?

25th April 2014, 02:53
The Faroe Islands?
Nej nej nej detta är Føroyar flagga:


And I'm not saying what Føroyar means cause it'll be a good question.

The flag is a fictitious flag for some BIG part of a BIG island that was last a "kingdom"--and thereby needin a flag, ya know---over 1000 years ago... Just pre-dating the well known "Tre Kronor" (three crowns) of Sweden by 500-600 years.

25th April 2014, 09:19
The Faroe Islands?

Nope they're Danish.

and edv is on the right way...

25th April 2014, 10:21
One of the islands that are part of Denmark: Sjaeland (Zealand) perhaps?

25th April 2014, 11:15
One of the islands that are part of Denmark: Sjaeland (Zealand) perhaps?


also Edv is right about the country which is the UK, although if you want to be picky, the island is not named UK. ;)

25th April 2014, 17:13
The Shetlands?

25th April 2014, 18:21

25th April 2014, 19:47
Is it the main island of the UK, namely Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)?

25th April 2014, 21:05
Is it the main island of the UK, namely Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)?

Yeah that is correct.

25th April 2014, 22:04
Mercian flag?

25th April 2014, 23:13
Are we looking for a county in England?

25th April 2014, 23:45
Did D-Type not answer correctly?

26th April 2014, 03:05
Did D-Type not answer correctly?

He's close and thinking correctly, but wrong kingdom. Hint...where did they first land?

26th April 2014, 04:54
I understand it is famously cold!

26th April 2014, 07:55
Mercian flag?

Not Merica itself although the region we are looking for once was a part of Mercia.

Are we looking for a county in England?

No it is not an official county, more of an informal region.

Our region also have an university which has taken it's name from the region.

26th April 2014, 09:15

26th April 2014, 09:55

Nope not Northumbria.

donKey jote
26th April 2014, 11:36
Our region also have an university which has taken it's name from the region.

gotcha... a mate of mine is a senior lecturer there, works on climate change :eek: :vader: :devil: :sailor:

26th April 2014, 12:53
Well, there's a University of East Anglia (I think)

26th April 2014, 13:01
Well, there's a University of East Anglia (I think)

We have a winner. :champion:

East Anglia is correct: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Anglia

26th April 2014, 18:38
Ok. Flags again.

There are three 'supra-national' flags, ie recognised entities larger than a country. Name them.

26th April 2014, 19:18
Ok. Flags again.

There are three 'supra-national' flags, ie recognised entities larger than a country. Name them.

Not sure what you mean but I would guess that it is like European Union, Nato, United Nations, African Union. Olympic Committee...?

26th April 2014, 19:52
European Union and United Nations are correct. NATO and the Olympic Committee have limited objectives, while the African Union is too loosely structured.

26th April 2014, 20:04
Red Cross?

26th April 2014, 20:22
Arab League?

26th April 2014, 20:29

26th April 2014, 22:07
Red Cross/Crescent/Crystal and Gay are again limited objective. The ties between the different Arab League countries are too loose and ill defined.
The third flag is for a group of countries which have one main political thing in common in addition to as a set of trade and tariff agreements. The organisation is better known than its flag.

27th April 2014, 02:44
die rote fahne!
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFoK0fW_3apn02i5kimmg2q2UQ0SSQ3 fvKWTqFOAawT-WJ53Xlfw

World wide symbol centuries old:

A symbol of defiance all the way back to the late 1200s

Meaning of "No Surrender'....which of course is the only way society has progressed--- all thru the centuries...

27th April 2014, 08:46

27th April 2014, 09:33
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade?

27th April 2014, 17:19
Union Jack?

27th April 2014, 18:38
Not the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - I don't think that has a flag.

Not the Union Jack (nowadays!)

donKey jote
27th April 2014, 18:46
gotcha... some sort of common flag...

27th April 2014, 19:36
Yes it's the flag of an organisation of several countries that have a lot in common. Unlike the UN and the EU, the flag of this organisation is not well-known although the organisation is.

27th April 2014, 19:52
OAS - Organization of American States?

27th April 2014, 20:46
Gay are // limited objective.
Maybe to you fella? :sailor: :dork:

27th April 2014, 20:58
Commonwealth of Nations

27th April 2014, 21:31
I don't think the OAS has a flag - possibly because the members do not have enough in common to ever have occasion to fly a common flag.

This has gone on long enough - feel free to use Google etc

27th April 2014, 21:32

I am sure there are a similar to EU-Union in South America but what they are called and if they have a flag?
I have no idea. So lets called them South American Union.

27th April 2014, 21:48
Commonwealth of Nations

That's the one I had in mind see http://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/flag-registry/?flagtype=Supra+Flag

They only list the three while Wikipedia include a few more - but, let's remember the Flag Institute are a British organisation

28th April 2014, 01:51
What slightly odd thing do the flags of Paraguay and Moldova have in common?

28th April 2014, 07:10
Don't know about Paraguay but Moldova a blue yellow red flag and has an eagle with a cross in the beaks and holding an olive branch, a sceptre and a shield.
The shield has a head of "bour" ( aurochs) which is a symbol of Moldova, sun, moon and a flower.

28th April 2014, 10:46
That's the one I had in mind see http://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/flag-registry/?flagtype=Supra+Flag

They only list the three while Wikipedia include a few more - but, let's remember the Flag Institute are a British organisation

What slightly odd thing do the flags of Paraguay and Moldova have in common?

Hey didn't I have two rights? EU+UN?

28th April 2014, 18:25
Hey didn't I have two rights? EU+UN?

It's the final one that matters. After I said they were correct, I assumed that every subsequent poster had included them but not said so.

28th April 2014, 18:27
What slightly odd thing do the flags of Paraguay and Moldova have in common?

The shape (ie the aspect ratio)

28th April 2014, 21:12
(1)It's the final one that matters. After I said they were correct, (2) I assumed that every subsequent poster had included them but not said so.

(1) I disagree. For a multiple answers question most correct answer should be the winner.

(2) Yes because I already answered them correctly which means that they can "steal" my answers.

So for multiple answers questions, the poster with poster with the most unique correct answers should be the winner.

If tied, the poster who give his/hers answer first should be the winner.

28th April 2014, 21:46
The shape (ie the aspect ratio)

No they are not uniquely similar in this way

29th April 2014, 06:09
So for multiple answers questions, the poster with poster with the most unique correct answers should be the winner.

If tied, the poster who give his/hers answer first should be the winner.

I agree with this too..
anyways I have no idea about the flag except perhaps they both have an animal/bird and/or a plant on it?

29th April 2014, 11:44
I set the question and judged that the person who answered the last and most difficult part should be the winner. If you think about it, with a multi-answer question the first few are easy it's the last one that's difficult. To take a recent example: all knew the highest mountain in Asia, Africa, and the Americas and most knew Europe(as now stated) and Antarctica - but who knew Australasia? Should the winner be the person who answered the easy four or the one who answered the most difficult?

If there is a tie and nobody can answer the final most difficult part then it's a different story.

29th April 2014, 16:10
We’re getting way too serious on this thread.
I think in general we can all agree that the one who answers most of the question correctly gets to post the next question, but why don’t we try to allow the original poster to confirm before we jump onto the next Q, even if it means waiting a day or two :) .

As to the current Q, I have no clue :mark:

29th April 2014, 17:40
I know that some flags have a zig-zaggy edge. Are these them then?

29th April 2014, 21:53
We’re getting way too serious on this thread.
I think in general we can all agree that the one who answers most of the question correctly gets to post the next question, but why don’t we try to allow the original poster to confirm before we jump onto the next Q, even if it means waiting a day or two :) .

As to the current Q, I have no clue :mark:

pas de toute, mon sewer This IS serious:
I think the certain way to settle it is this:

No a good geographic question would be "from what country do you think the winner will be from?

29th April 2014, 23:04
No a good geographic question would be "from what country do you think the winner will be from?
Monaco? Or perhaps the US with both Las Vegas & Atlantic City?

29th April 2014, 23:43
Not jagged edges, or a bird on them.

30th April 2014, 23:05
To keep things moving and hopefully get back to the light hearted fun type thing that this was meant to be, I'll provide the answer and ask hopefully a simpler question.
The flags of Paraguay and Moldova are the only National flags in the world to have different obverse and reverse sides. (the back and the front of the flags are different from each other)

New Question (remember to play nice :))

What does this map show i.e what is the significance of this circle?

30th April 2014, 23:16
Does it have something to do with a Pacific geothermal or earthquake zone?

30th April 2014, 23:20
Does it have something to do with a Pacific geothermal or earthquake zone?


donKey jote
30th April 2014, 23:43
it's the rough size of the moon superimposed on the earth?

1st May 2014, 01:09
Where Flight 370 could have reached

1st May 2014, 03:26
donkey and d-type - Nope and Nope

1st May 2014, 04:33
Including China and India, I would hazard a guess that it represents the location where the majority of homo sapiens inhabit the earth?

1st May 2014, 08:10
^yeah I think so too..

1st May 2014, 21:54
Including China and India, I would hazard a guess that it represents the location where the majority of homo sapiens inhabit the earth?

Close enough. More than half of the worlds human population lives within that cirlcle

2nd May 2014, 02:59
:stareup: I thought that is what I said? :confused: ;)
I don't have a question ready so I'll pass to.......Storm.

2nd May 2014, 07:08
I don't have a question, so anybody else wants to have a go?

2nd May 2014, 11:43
Here's a quick one.

Borders between countries either follow geographical features like rivers and mountain ranges, or they are straight lines drawn on a map.

This particular border is essentially straight lines on a map but it has a marked 'kink' around a particular geographical feature. An apocryphal story says that this is because one monarch gave this feature to another as a Christmas or birthday gift.

(1) Who were the two monarchs?
(2) What is the geographical feature?
(3) What are the two countries the border separates?

To avoid any confusion, I will consider this is solved by the person who provides the last piece of the answer not the person who provides most pieces.

2nd May 2014, 12:09
That's strange....
During history monarchs fought to take territories from one to another. It's for the first time when I hear of such a gift. Probably a king who was in love with a queen from the neighbourhood.....:p

2nd May 2014, 12:21
No, the two monarchs were related and their countries were at peace with each other. I don't think they had ever been to war with each other. Before that time!
The border was not between the two countries that the monarchs ruled.
There is some doubt whether this actually happened or whether the border was simply agreed in a treaty.

2nd May 2014, 18:28
Could this be about the old Hashemite royal families of Iraq/Jordan? (although I can't imagine what the geographic feature might be at the 'kink')

2nd May 2014, 20:37
No - wrong continent, both for the geographic feature and border, and the countries the two monarchs lived in..

2nd May 2014, 21:38
Hmmm. Is it the border between England and Scotland?

2nd May 2014, 21:47

The border in question is on one continent while the countries the monarchs ruled are on another. And neither is Asia.

2nd May 2014, 21:51
Old world monarchs with new world colonies?
Could it be the goofy little notch in the border at the southern tip of Colombia giving access to the Amazon? Spanish/Portuguese monarchs?

2nd May 2014, 21:51
Straight line borders are only in Africa and between USA and Canada. I tend to think it's the latter and the monarchs were british and french. Continuing to speculate the geographical feature is Niagara Falls. Ha, ha. I think I've drunk a bit more.:confused:

2nd May 2014, 23:26
Not either of the Americas. Not a waterfall.

3rd May 2014, 17:37
Is it that odd kink on the border between Egypt and the Sudan, that extends the border of Sudan into Lake Nasser?

3rd May 2014, 20:43
Not that one. Egypt was never really a colony that European powers could mess about with.

On reflection, rather than a 'kink' I could hve said a 'step'

3rd May 2014, 22:27
Is it about the Brits and the Germans (Victoria & Wilhelm) re the border between Tanzania and Kenya around Mt Kilimanjaro ?

3rd May 2014, 23:05
Yes that's the one! Your question

3rd May 2014, 23:07
As one website puts it

1884 - Harry Johnston, a 26-year old British explorer makes an agreement with Chagga chief Mandara to acquire absolute rights to 15 square km of forest near Taveta, north of the mountain.

1885 - Dr. Carl Juhkle, a member of the GDK, a German colonization society concludes 10 treaties with the Sultan of Zanzibar placing the territory around Kilimanjaro under German "protection".

1886 - In the complex web of 19th century geo-politics Britain, Germany, and France step towards war over this, but a treaty is reached. Each power is granted the rights to a port: Mombassa to the Brits, Dar es Salaam to the Germans, with the French consolidating positions in Madagascar. The Sultan kept control of Zanzibar and not much else. When negotiators worked out the border between Kenya and Tanzania, the 1884 and '85 Johnston and Juhkle agreements were held to be binding. Thus Taveta is in Kenya today, and the border near Kilimanjaro has a kink.

The author concludes with:

There is a story that the boundary is kinked because Queen Victoria gave Kilimanjaro to her grandson (the future Wilhelm II) as a birthday present when the Kaiser complained that as well as the most spectacul;ar falls and the largest lake in Africa she had two snowy mountains ... while he had none. The gift, the story goes, caused some realignment of the boundary. This hoary old legend, which must have come from some humorist's pen, is often presented as solemn, unquestioned fact; but there is no truth in it.

I prefer the legend to the truth.

I threw in Christmas in case I needed to give a hint based on Kilimanjaro looking like a Christmas pudding from some directions.

4th May 2014, 01:10
Well, it was a good guess only ... Mt K. just stood out as something big that a border just skirted around.

4th May 2014, 01:12
OK Here's one:

Assuming that the centre of the interior of the Earth is located at a single point:
Where on the Earth's surface should you stand to be the farthest distance from that point?

4th May 2014, 03:47
Dude, are you talking about the top of Mt. Chimborazo?

4th May 2014, 05:00
It truly is the highest point on Earth.

Your go Mr. Nuvalari

4th May 2014, 05:34
What European city is this?


Extra credit:

What country would you be in if you were in the town of Rectum? :dozey:

4th May 2014, 11:57


donKey jote
4th May 2014, 13:54
Teehee :andrea:

4th May 2014, 17:05
Is the city Paris?

As for the bonus Q, is it on Uranus?

4th May 2014, 18:18

4th May 2014, 19:00
Is the city Paris?[
You are off by approximately 635 Kilometers.

As for the bonus Q, is it on Uranus?
That is probably true, but I was thinking about a town on planet earth :sailor:

4th May 2014, 22:14
Rectum is in the Netherlands.

As to the city. You I think said 600+ km from Paris and looking at the circular centre it is certainly old. I would guess it is in Italy, but it isn't Rome, so how about Turin?

4th May 2014, 23:28
:stareup: Right on the Rectum! On the city you have to travel a wee bit further....east.

5th May 2014, 00:44
East from Turin would be Milan or Venice, but it isn't Venice because it isn't coastal, so I would guess at Milan?

5th May 2014, 03:04
Correctum! ;)

5th May 2014, 03:35
What is the only flag of a sovereign nation that has a seagull on it?

6th May 2014, 02:14
Clue - the flag looks like this

6th May 2014, 02:36
One of the Pacific islands? I don't have a clue which one though.

6th May 2014, 03:46
One of the Pacific islands? I don't have a clue which one though.
Your are in the right area.

6th May 2014, 15:48
Papua New Guinea?

6th May 2014, 19:08


Isn't it one of the larger countries if taken by square area including sea?

One of my favourite flags. Colour and a nice picture.

6th May 2014, 21:54


Isn't it one of the larger countries if taken by square area including sea?

One of my favourite flags. Colour and a nice picture.

Correct Steve. It is Kiribati. Based on LAND area it is one of the smallest countries in the world (800 square km), but if you consider the spread of ocean between the islands is spread over 3500 km

6th May 2014, 23:07
Sticking on a theme.

Who does this flag belong too?


6th May 2014, 23:26
Also in the Pacific?

6th May 2014, 23:50
Working on it. I know Burundi has red Stars of David on it, but this certainly isn't Burundi's flag...

I know it is not a national flag

The diagonal stripe tends to suggest West Africa, but that is just a complete guess.

7th May 2014, 09:49
Also in the Pacific?

Working on it. I know Burundi has red Stars of David on it, but this certainly isn't Burundi's flag...

I know it is not a national flag

The diagonal stripe tends to suggest West Africa, but that is just a complete guess.

Nope to either so far.

A slight clue. It was part of a one country until a few years ago and now it is part of another country.

7th May 2014, 10:45
Crimea? :p

7th May 2014, 10:55
Is it the occupied/annexed Jordan West Bank?

7th May 2014, 11:06

I am away for the next 4 or 5 hours so when I come back this evening I will see if anyone has it and if not give another clue.

7th May 2014, 18:47
Right then. In order to keep the game moving a more in depth clue.

This place (which the flag belongs to) was until 2010 part of an autonomous Country that is not is Europe. However this place is now a municipality of a Country that is in Europe.


7th May 2014, 20:25
No clue. The only area I can think of is that enclave in the northern tip of Morocco (across from Gibralter) that belongs to Spain. I can never remember its name :mark: .

Good Q though :)

7th May 2014, 20:47
Nope. To be honest, I am great with flags but when I came across this one I was unfamiliar. I will give another clue soon, maybe try and think about regions of the world where lands are part of European Countries.

7th May 2014, 21:44
Think about a region that has British/French and Dutch territories still today. As well as indepent nations.

7th May 2014, 21:49
From the clue I would suggest an Island state in the West Indies

7th May 2014, 21:53
From the clue I would suggest an Island state in the West Indies, Possibly one of the Islands in the Saint Eustatius group, I know there are three of these with St Eustatius being the largest, can't remember the names of the other two at present.

7th May 2014, 22:20
Think about a region that has British/French and Dutch territories still today. As well as indepent nations.
British/French Guiana , Surinam.......:confused:

7th May 2014, 22:39
Shot in the dark... Zanzibar?

7th May 2014, 23:34
From the clue I would suggest an Island state in the West Indies, Possibly one of the Islands in the Saint Eustatius group, I know there are three of these with St Eustatius being the largest, can't remember the names of the other two at present.

This is closest so far.

Follow Anfields workings and steal his thunder. :p

7th May 2014, 23:34
British/French Guiana , Surinam.......:confused:

Correct region Gadjo.

Follow up on Anfields guess.

7th May 2014, 23:38
From the clue I would suggest an Island state in the West Indies, Possibly one of the Islands in the Saint Eustatius group, I know there are three of these with St Eustatius being the largest, can't remember the names of the other two at present.

I think one starts with a 'B", but I think I am thinking of Barbuda which is a completely seperate thing, and one is Serba, sarba, saba or something similar

7th May 2014, 23:46
But then the 'Dutch' part of you clue has me thinking further west around Curacau or St. Maaten to the North

8th May 2014, 02:30
This is closest so far.

Follow Anfields workings and steal his thunder. :p

Please do by all means :)

8th May 2014, 03:26
Bonaire, Aruba and Curacao were all part of the Netherlands Antilles so is it one (or all) of them??

8th May 2014, 03:30
Bonaire, Aruba and Curacao were all part of the Netherlands Antilles so is it one (or all) of them??

I think you are right, I have an inkling the island flag of Bonaire is the one. The flag for the Netherlands Antilles is basically a red and white cross on white.

8th May 2014, 04:27
I think you are right, I have an inkling the island flag of Bonaire is the one. The flag for the Netherlands Antilles is basically a red and white cross on white.
I was there, Curacao, in '86 for the F3000 race through the streets of Willamstaad. Had a great time. The three islands were all different. Curacao was the commercial center; Aruba the vacation island and Bonaire was the "sporting" island with great snorkling, diving and fishing. Haven't been back since though I've thought about it plenty of times.

8th May 2014, 12:28
Bonaire, Aruba and Curacao were all part of the Netherlands Antilles so is it one (or all) of them??

Correct it is the Flag of Bonaire.

Bonaire along with the others was part of Netherland Antilles a autonomous Country in the Caribbean and since the Netherland Antilles have been dissolved it is now a Municipality of Netherlands. Strange stuff.

Bonaire's flag it is so take it away Starter.

Unlucky Anfield you done all the working and were about to get there I think.