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15th March 2016, 12:46
Maybe a silly question for some, but which drivetrain are the big teams using? Like gearboxes etz? We have XTrac, Sadev, Quaife or do they use own developed technics?

15th March 2016, 13:05
I don't know for WRC teams but what I can remember is listed bellow

Fabia R5, S2000 - X-Trac
208 T16 R5, DS3 R5 - 3MO
207 S2000 - Sadev
Fiesta R5 - Sadev
Fiesta S2000 - X-Trac
Punto S2000 - Sadev
Punto S2000 Evo - X-Trac
Satria S2000 - X-Trac
Focus WRC - Ricardo

15th March 2016, 19:10
Mikko Hirvonen ‏@MikkoWRC (https://twitter.com/MikkoWRC) 20m20 minutes ago (https://twitter.com/MikkoWRC/status/709801236132925440)
Summer is coming!! Getting ready… :) #NeedABiggerWorkshop (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NeedABiggerWorkshop?src=hash) #AmericanBeauties (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AmericanBeauties?src=hash) #WorkInProgress (https://twitter.com/hashtag/WorkInProgress?src=hash)


23rd March 2016, 01:35
Janvanvurpa get down from there you absolute madman !!!!


10th May 2016, 21:45
anybody fancy a legendary 205 t16?

13th May 2016, 09:25
Andreas Mikkelsen "So, I learned a lot last weekend while joining Audi Sport and the Audi Sport TT Cup. A proper false start was one thing! ‪#‎LeagueofPerformance‬"



Jarek Z
13th May 2016, 13:34


That's one of the best onboard videos ever! :D

Grundo Farb
18th May 2016, 07:49
Someone made a post the other day about the decline of specialists in Rallying which made me think. How many drivers actually did enough rounds to really be in a position to challenge for winning a World Drivers Championship. For whatever reason I looked back to 1995:

Year Number of rounds Number of drivers doing all rounds Winner
1995 8 4 (3 drivers also did 7 rounds Colin Macrae
1996 9 4 Tommi Makinen
1997 14 3 Tommi Makinen
1998 13 6 Tommi Makinen
1999 17 7 Tommi Makinen

2015 13 9 (Paddon and Prokop did 12) Ogier

Now my stats might be a bit out of kilter but the question I'd like to ask people, is it harder to win a WRC drivers championship today than it was in the mid 1990's. Does it make the drivers of today more impressive or not? Too many other variables?

18th May 2016, 09:41
Too many variables. The champions of each time/year/period are the best with what was there at the time. Some like Loeb for example didn't have as much competition but he will always be one of the greatest. That he had less competition says more about how good he was, and how he made the gap bigger. The specialist has gone because a more complete driver is now what is required. Drivers in central Europe, fr, de, tend to start on tarmac, while drivers from Finland start on gravel. Now they are expected to learn both. The drivers now want the championship as much as the manufacturers used to. Now both want to win, and all of the time. 2017 will see some very different approaches to win because of the greater competition. Every point will count

23rd May 2016, 16:58
Grab a beer, pull up a bar stool it's time to listen to Julien tell us a story https://youtu.be/03E6k0fFuwc?t=1545
then let's charge our glasses and drink to Marie Pierre Rossi. MPR has been with Citroen racing since 2001 including being the PR person for Seb Loeb. Merci Marie Pierre merci

27th June 2016, 19:32
https://scontent-bru2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13537716_10157145988655441_1181252545527041806_n.j pg?oh=6d921f124e3e9566457f74ce4aa01a12&oe=57FC9FA5

1st July 2016, 11:05
anybody knows if Motorsportmonday stopped publication. they still have last week issue on their website.

2nd July 2016, 01:49
Last Monday they sent an email saying that they had some technical issues and this week's edition would be late.

7th July 2016, 14:26

14th July 2016, 10:05
Many wishes to Mikko Hirvonen who got married yesterday

https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13697091_1060432907343396_2546699917036879190_n.jp g?oh=c08978bca4f1fa08f6cf0062c58e4bf4&oe=582CAA4B

14th July 2016, 11:14
With Linda Martins, who he met during his time at Citroen I suspect.


14th July 2016, 14:50
@world at it again.. What a beautiful fake lens flare in that corner created in Photoshop....

14th July 2016, 21:04
With Linda Martins, who he met during his time at Citroen I suspect.


wasnt married previous? i have the impression that i had see photo with his kids?

15th July 2016, 00:49
wasnt married previous? i have the impression that i had see photo with his kids?

Me too. Did wonder myself. His second wife then?

the sniper
15th July 2016, 04:29
https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13697091_1060432907343396_2546699917036879190_n.jp g?oh=c08978bca4f1fa08f6cf0062c58e4bf4&oe=582CAA4B

Stupid dog "pro" photographer? Too many flowers... Hopeless.


15th July 2016, 05:07

15th July 2016, 08:13
"They had to get out and walk after another M-Sport/ Ford mechanical failure....." ;)

15th July 2016, 09:37
Stupid dog "pro" photographer? Too many flowers... Hopeless.


You don't like the fake lens flare? Looks like that tree in the corner is really shining bright. :)

15th July 2016, 12:39
You mean mountain? :D

the sniper
15th July 2016, 18:16
You don't like the fake lens flare? Looks like that tree in the corner is really shining bright. :)

Fake lense flare? Nah, those are the headlights of a rally car going around a hairpin on the top of that hill, the real subject of photograph! This is stupid dog pro photographer art from a PET in Finland... surely?

16th July 2016, 03:22

16th July 2016, 10:47
with Jost Capito leaving WRC to go to F1 it seems like a good time to listen to listen again to the words spoken from 0:54 seconds about who are the world's best drivers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzv6zRDHeww&index=11&list=PLWkc6zGuAUBYiaAABc2vJhUsUDxel0Wre

23rd July 2016, 18:25
@ 2:00 Hannu Mikkola’s advice to Michele Mouton how to put out a fire in her car.:)


22nd August 2016, 10:54

https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14055094_10154493465504973_5622968033926132838_n.j pg?oh=c14a2e0fc60f72c5389ec6d3037b6f2e&oe=58148ABC

23rd August 2016, 12:24
Meeke sky jumping

Grundo Farb
25th August 2016, 07:41
The change to AP4 regs in New Zealand and Hayden are having really positive effects in New Zealand rallying.

AP4 really has made a difference.


26th August 2016, 19:37
Guys i can't open the last issue of the motorsportmonday.Am i the only who face this problem?

26th August 2016, 20:49
Guys i can't open the last issue of the motorsportmonday.Am i the only who face this problem? try from this link. Edition 179 is the latest http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk//launch.aspx?eid=5393dcaf-3a1b-49e8-b477-e178047f820d

26th August 2016, 21:25
Does anyone have invite to racingfor.me?

27th August 2016, 12:37
Mads Østberg ‏@MadsOstberg

IT'S A BOY! We're happy and proud to announce that the Østberg family will have a new member in February 2017

27th August 2016, 20:37
WinnieP ‏@tweetwinniep 16 Αυγ

Did not know @krismeeke did uni and got an engineer job at @MSportLtd ��
Every day's a school day @absolute_rally

3rd September 2016, 14:53
For anyone with a few hours to kill and a technical interest in cars (and has an interest fabrication and things well done on very Rally centric build), here you go:


giu canbera
8th September 2016, 04:41
Why are we seeing lots of privater teams/drivers" entering RallyCross series and WorldRX races and theres almost no one doing the same with WRC? Is the WRC program That expensive or is just lack of interest? It'd be pretty cool to have, lets say... someone bringing a Clio or a Peugeot (just exemples) for a race or two, having a decent run, who knows...

8th September 2016, 08:18
In my opinion it is a lot more difficult to succeed as a privateer in WRC, mainly because the events are hundreds of kilometers long and You drive only against the clocks. It's very difficult to be on par with big manufacturers in such scenario.

8th September 2016, 08:39
Plus if you're a privateer in WRX you get far more screentime and exposure for sponsors. Anyone who watched the Loheac coverage last weekend could see that. WRC Promoter could learn a lot from WRX.

8th September 2016, 09:48
Plus if you're a privateer in WRX you get far more screentime and exposure for sponsors. Anyone who watched the Loheac coverage last weekend could see that. WRC Promoter could learn a lot from WRX.
Maybe also compare those privateers performances to those of the current privateers in WRC. Petter Solberg sure got a good exposure during the years he was a privateer in WRC... And apart from once in Monte Carlo, I think Robert Kubica also got a decent exposure, according to how the results were.

8th September 2016, 10:37
Imho, RX are a lot easier to enter due to technical regulations. Do they need to do all the homologation work like in WRC? Cars are simpler to some degree. Also, as mentioned previous, events are held on closed and very similar tracks, so no logistical challenges and testing all around the world. It quickly adds up the expenses.
Yet there are no such difference in team size and budget, so we have a lot of even teams you can try to match. Not like VW in wrc, where you need to be international mammoth company to rival them.

8th September 2016, 12:10
Maybe also compare those privateers performances to those of the current privateers in WRC. Petter Solberg sure got a good exposure during the years he was a privateer in WRC... And apart from once in Monte Carlo, I think Robert Kubica also got a decent exposure, according to how the results were.

Well technically Petter Solberg is a privateer now in WRX. So obviously coverage increases with good results - in any sport. But in the last WRX round they were showing real local privateers and full races featuring their cars. More TV time in one two-hour broadcast than maybe Al Rajhi gets in an entire season. And let's be honest the only reason he gets airtime is when he crashes - which isn't really something you can pitch to sponsors.

They also show dedicated broadcasts for support championships on social media. Really next-level stuff. But this is a separate debate I think.

8th September 2016, 12:16
And let's be honest the only reason he gets airtime is when he crashes - which isn't really something you can pitch to sponsors.

You're so right, but I think this is just a tendency in promoting the sport. Ogier got airtime in NORF when he actually - spun.

8th September 2016, 12:30
Well technically Petter Solberg is a privateer now in WRX. So obviously coverage increases with good results - in any sport. But in the last WRX round they were showing real local privateers and full races featuring their cars. More TV time in one two-hour broadcast than maybe Al Rajhi gets in an entire season. And let's be honest the only reason he gets airtime is when he crashes - which isn't really something you can pitch to sponsors.

They also show dedicated broadcasts for support championships on social media. Really next-level stuff. But this is a separate debate I think.

WRC is clearly oriented on the manufacturers and their marketing needs and as such it gives them most attention. Major manufacturers don't use RX to some greater extend as their marketing tool and therefore it's not so much oriented on them.

8th September 2016, 15:03
You sure? So if VW won't get top 5 result in some rally, they'll still get the airtime proportion equal to the the proportion budget they spend in WRC? Hmm, I don't think so....

8th September 2016, 15:30
You don't seem to understand but whatever.

8th September 2016, 18:03
You sure? So if VW won't get top 5 result in some rally, they'll still get the airtime proportion equal to the the proportion budget they spend in WRC? Hmm, I don't think so....


8th September 2016, 18:40
I agree, I don't understand wrc at all. Just watch it for fun.

8th September 2016, 21:05
I agree, I don't understand wrc at all. Just watch it for fun.

Oh come on, I wanted to see some battle over here.

8th September 2016, 21:16
wait for it I guess

giu canbera
9th September 2016, 00:39
hmmm interesting talk. Tnx guys
But... what could WRC learn from WRX? Its totally different.
I just watch those three 30min highlights from WRC on RedBullTV (or at my local cable tv [Brazil - FoxSports] during the week after following results on twitter.
Im about to sign WRC+ to see how it is. But I dont think I have free time during weekends to watch it for more than... 1hour? (yes, working on weekends)
IDK how WRC could improve its product on TV or internet. Its complicated...

9th September 2016, 07:50
IDK how WRC could improve its product on TV or internet. Its complicated...

To be honest, it's rather easy. They just need to start fixing their mistakes.

1. Redesign the website and fix the built in delay of splits. WRC+ perks should be the live tracking, entire collection of onboards, previews/reviews/specials and live broadcasts.

2. Better coverage of the feeder categories.

3. Fire the live broadcasts director or the producers who came up with that hideous idea to include random interview segments to live stages.

4. Rethink the entire internet marketing (from used photos to posted official videos/onboards to actually endorsing fan generated content)

5. Improve on filming locations. Currently the only film crew who gets awesome shots is the crazy helicam guys. Drone is nice but I still think it's more of a gimmick when it comes to filming stage action. Obviously onboard camera positions aren't great either.

I really don't know what they should fix first.

9th September 2016, 08:23
The onboard camera position is largely caused by new FIA safety requirements after one accident when the camera got loose (I think it was with Bertelli).

9th September 2016, 18:41
The art of braking, with Jari-Matti Latvala


9th September 2016, 21:23
The onboard camera position is largely caused by new FIA safety requirements after one accident when the camera got loose (I think it was with Bertelli).

That'a rubbish because it's quite easy to secure them a little extra to keep that from happening.
They used the smaller bullet one in Breen's car in Finland which seems to have a little lower frame rate than the big one in the front window but still ok. What brand was it again?

You can see it all the way at the top, just get it 10 cm lower. Maybe they could add a little piece to the roll cage to make it easier to mount with no extensions. Roll cage in Mats Lysen's RX car was perfect, just straight on with the Gopro roll cage mount.

(Listen with headphones, it's so good!)

9th September 2016, 21:46
The onboard camera position is largely caused by new FIA safety requirements after one accident when the camera got loose (I think it was with Bertelli).

How can the position of the camera affect the fact that it got loose ? usually when something is getting loose if because of the support not the position.

10th September 2016, 00:49
30 days WRC+ for FREE if you sign up this weekend on wrcplus.com using Promo Code SUMMER16

10th September 2016, 12:07
That'a rubbish because it's quite easy to secure them a little extra to keep that from happening.
They used the smaller bullet one in Breen's car in Finland which seems to have a little lower frame rate than the big one in the front window but still ok. What brand was it again?

You can see it all the way at the top, just get it 10 cm lower. Maybe they could add a little piece to the roll cage to make it easier to mount with no extensions. Roll cage in Mats Lysen's RX car was perfect, just straight on with the Gopro roll cage mount.

(Listen with headphones, it's so good!)

I just described how the situation is. Last year in Barum scrutineering FIA stewards moved cameras in many cars because of that.

How can the position of the camera affect the fact that it got loose ? usually when something is getting loose if because of the support not the position.

They want to have cameras in positions where they can't hit the crew when they get loose.

It's not that I agree with that. I just wrote the reason why the camera positions are often rubbish in onboards.

10th September 2016, 12:17
Time for someone who smells money to make some system that can be approved by FIA... :) Onboard videos where the camera is placed more to the back of the car are so much more enjoyable to watch. You get the feeling of the car in relationship to the road 10 times more than when the camera is sitting just behind the windscreen. I don't understand why the promotor is just leaving things like they are right now...

10th September 2016, 12:39
But what if one of those big mounts in the front screen came loose in a crash, probably weigh 10 times more than the small one.
When i look at the pics of Lefebvre's car now it maybe even did come loose, any info on that?
So in my opinion putting a camera in the middle of the car is safer.

10th September 2016, 13:24
They want to have cameras in positions where they can't hit the crew when they get loose.

how can you control where the camera goes when it gets loose ? no matter the postion...

Mk2 RS2000
11th September 2016, 08:12
I just wrote the reason why the camera positions are often rubbish in onboards.

In one of his question and answer sessions earlier this year Hayden explained the simple reason as to why we can no longer see onboard through the screen shots taken from a camera mounted behind the seats like we used to.

Basically the current car is quite restricted in the cockpit size and the current seats with all there inbuilt safety features take up pretty much the full width of the cockpit and as a result you cannot get a shot through the screen.
It is as simple as that.

With the 2017 car there is more interior width available and once again we should be able to get to good old through the screen shots that everyone enjoys so much.

11th September 2016, 09:29
If they want to put a gopro between two seats they are able to do it, they can put pressure on the FIA or find some kind of agreement and with the best engineers in the world they will find a space for a 10cmx10cm camera.
The fact is that they don't care too much and don't understand why it is important.

11th September 2016, 10:09
The promoter of our championship normally keeps placing the camera behind the crew even with modern cars but as I said last year on barum FIA stewards forced them to move nearly all.

But it seems that this year it was more relaxed. I checked the onboards both from ERC and national field and far majority of them is with the camera behind the crew (including top drivers).

omer yetis
13th September 2016, 16:27
how about FIA made a new clause for the roll cages to add one simple gussets where the finger camera will fit/mount in...

21st September 2016, 21:58
i am trying to find at net this Cowan interview but havent succeed so far.
any idea where to find it? Thanks in advance.


giu canbera
22nd September 2016, 03:04
(Listen with headphones, it's so good!)

Weird... It doesnt sounds like a 4cyl engine..

22nd September 2016, 21:53


want comment from NOT.

22nd September 2016, 22:50
Weird... It doesnt sounds like a 4cyl engine..

That's the 5 sylinder one

22nd September 2016, 23:07


want comment from NOT.

Somebody has to warn poor latvala or it can be painful


23rd September 2016, 01:13
i am trying to find at net this Cowan interview but havent succeed so far.
any idea where to find it? Thanks in advance.



3rd October 2016, 21:44

Entertaining mostly if you speak scandinavian, but it is subtitled ;)

3rd October 2016, 22:47
In one of his question and answer sessions earlier this year Hayden explained the simple reason as to why we can no longer see onboard through the screen shots taken from a camera mounted behind the seats like we used to.

Basically the current car is quite restricted in the cockpit size and the current seats with all there inbuilt safety features take up pretty much the full width of the cockpit and as a result you cannot get a shot through the screen.
It is as simple as that.

With the 2017 car there is more interior width available and once again we should be able to get to good old through the screen shots that everyone enjoys so much.
ds3 wrc onboard:
fiesta wrc onboard:

so clearly there is enough space to place the camera between the seats, even in the current wrc cars.

9th October 2016, 16:05
In one of his question and answer sessions earlier this year Hayden explained the simple reason as to why we can no longer see onboard through the screen shots taken from a camera mounted behind the seats like we used to.

Basically the current car is quite restricted in the cockpit size and the current seats with all there inbuilt safety features take up pretty much the full width of the cockpit and as a result you cannot get a shot through the screen.
It is as simple as that.

With the 2017 car there is more interior width available and once again we should be able to get to good old through the screen shots that everyone enjoys so much.

It's not just the position, the width of camera lens is also crucial. Most of the modern ones are extremely wide and objects are so unreal that the human brain feels sort of "unhappy" and rejects it subconsciously. In Formula 1 in recent events they put an experimental "narrow" camera behind driver's shoulder and the result is amazing, the action is much more direct and influental.



want comment from NOT.

I am pretty sure this bitch doesn't simply stay at home alone when he is abroad at events.

9th October 2016, 20:49
Come on man, it's 2016, bit less of that please.

9th October 2016, 20:51
why the hell are you saying so? Whats the purpose? How are you feeling when someone calls your wife so?...i dont get it, i just dont get it...

9th October 2016, 21:54
Somebody has to warn poor latvala or it can be painful


I've always suspected that, somehow, our dear Jari Matti could actually not be that much disappointed in that case.

giu canbera
14th October 2016, 23:09
watching SS1 from Barcelona... Wouldnt be good for WRC to have "more stages" like these SS1 in the middle of the cities? Like.. 4 stages inside cities? Just for the Promotion, TV, close Public? (SS1 are not my fav stages, but the format is excellent for TV, specially for 2017 cars. They are looking soooo eye-candy haha)

14th October 2016, 23:34
No no no no no no no no.


15th October 2016, 07:05
No no no no no no no no.



15th October 2016, 09:20
excuse me barman can we arrange free drinks for Lisa. Nightmare of a morning she has had but she battled thru. In anyone deserves a drink tonight it is Lisa. I will pay for the first round, who will pay for the second round.

15th October 2016, 10:12
watching ss1 from barcelona... Wouldnt be good for wrc to have "more stages" like these ss1 in the middle of the cities? Like.. 4 stages inside cities? Just for the promotion, tv, close public? (ss1 are not my fav stages, but the format is excellent for tv, specially for 2017 cars. They are looking soooo eye-candy haha)
yessss!!!1!!1! Your right pls!!!1! More show no boring.

15th October 2016, 10:20
watching SS1 from Barcelona... Wouldnt be good for WRC to have "more stages" like these SS1 in the middle of the cities? Like.. 4 stages inside cities? Just for the Promotion, TV, close Public? (SS1 are not my fav stages, but the format is excellent for TV, specially for 2017 cars. They are looking soooo eye-candy haha)


15th October 2016, 11:16
watching SS1 from Barcelona... Wouldnt be good for WRC to have "more stages" like these SS1 in the middle of the cities? Like.. 4 stages inside cities? Just for the Promotion, TV, close Public? (SS1 are not my fav stages, but the format is excellent for TV, specially for 2017 cars. They are looking soooo eye-candy haha)

You're watching the wrong sport, rallycross is more for you ;)

15th October 2016, 11:39
watching SS1 from Barcelona... Wouldnt be good for WRC to have "more stages" like these SS1 in the middle of the cities? Like.. 4 stages inside cities? Just for the Promotion, TV, close Public? (SS1 are not my fav stages, but the format is excellent for TV, specially for 2017 cars. They are looking soooo eye-candy haha)
Sure, make very wide and powerful cars struggle on narrow slalom stages, averaging 50km/h, a speed most fans topped on their way to the SSS. Having the ceremonial starts in the city centre has more impact I believe. If someone wants to see rally cars drive by at 50 km/h, they should go and watch them in villages and cities between stages...

Rally Power
15th October 2016, 13:04
Street stages can be spectacular and huge publicity for the sport (like this year Porto stage in Portugal Rally). But they should be run as a pre event mandatory stage, with no influence on rally classification.

18th October 2016, 09:11
Fun fact:

I've checked out some driver's Facebook page (Latvala, Paddon, Neuville and Mikkelsen) and no one congratulate with Ogier on his title win lol.
Is it the same on Twitter?

18th October 2016, 10:35
Fun fact:

I've checked out some driver's Facebook page (Latvala, Paddon, Neuville and Mikkelsen) and no one congratulate with Ogier on his title win lol.
Is it the same on Twitter?

Ostberg did it on facebook i think.

18th October 2016, 13:17
Fun fact:

I've checked out some driver's Facebook page (Latvala, Paddon, Neuville and Mikkelsen) and no one congratulate with Ogier on his title win lol.
Is it the same on Twitter?

Think doing it in person is more effective.

24th October 2016, 17:10
Everybody one minute clapping for our fellow member SubaruNorway for his fair play


25th October 2016, 18:50
Everybody one minute clapping for our fellow member SubaruNorway for his fair play


Would never take credit for someone else's work, poor source checking by the VW PR person there ;)

3rd November 2016, 13:45
Nicky Grist ‏@nickygrist · 9m9 minutes ago

Job opportunity at Nicky Grist Motorsports. Due to expansion we need a sales, stock & shipping co-ordinator. Send CV to info@nickygrist.com

7th November 2016, 12:19
Just noticed that France is now on par with Finland, 14 drivers' titles (7 different drivers for Fin, 3 for Fra) and 136 rally wins by World Champions on each side.

8th November 2016, 11:12
BILLIOT Jérémie ‏@planetemarcus
#WRC Yes VW denied this fact..but rumour grow up about Red Bull will work Polo Wrc 2017 #WaitAndSee

8th November 2016, 11:19
BILLIOT Jérémie ‏@planetemarcus
#WRC Yes VW denied this fact..but rumour grow up about Red Bull will work Polo Wrc 2017 #WaitAndSee

I hope it will not happen.
Red Bull is ruining football and F1 with their brand centered teams with no soul or history. I hope they will go away.

8th November 2016, 11:45
I hope it will not happen.
Red Bull is ruining football and F1 with their brand centered teams with no soul or history. I hope they will go away.

Less cans sold, less money for marketing.

8th November 2016, 14:55
Ok. Now I have to survive a another night in Croatia.. beer suggestions?
Thanks, suggested beer in France was good, the one with numbers :)

8th November 2016, 16:24
Ok. Now I have to survive a another night in Croatia.. beer suggestions?
Thanks, suggested beer in France was good, the one with numbers :)

What town? Zagreb? Medvedgrad in Ilica is good (Medvedgrad beer). Or take Pan, you can find it any bar...

8th November 2016, 23:20
What town? Zagreb? Medvedgrad in Ilica is good (Medvedgrad beer). Or take Pan, you can find it any bar...

OK Thank you! Pan was good. I am in a Split, for a meeting.

9th November 2016, 03:43
Pan is nice!

9th November 2016, 09:15
OK Thank you! Pan was good. I am in a Split, for a meeting.

I love Split. I'm there every summer. Go to Bačvice for a night life if you'll be few more nights there...

9th November 2016, 17:51
I love Split. I'm there every summer. Go to Bačvice for a night life if you'll be few more nights there...

I was in a PUB,.. I do not know the name.. anyway, we had a dinner and a lot of beer undeground the hitorical palace and then we walked towards the hill and on the west side of the seaside Riva, was that pub, quite OK :) Beer was much better than Krombacher here in Franfurt.. I managed to get in priority Lounge (free beer, vine cheese and some german vurst :):):)) together with one Finn, whose last name is Hänninen, very nice guy :)
Split is nice, colour of the sea is great and gravel shores look interesting.

9th November 2016, 18:11
Yeah, great and very old town. Every bar on Riva is good until midnight. And if it was sunny, it's hard to find better place in Croatia (except Dubrovnik maybe). Also we say that most beautiful women in Croatia come from Split. Glad that you like it. :)

13th November 2016, 13:50

WRC facebook page is advertising this.

A DVD about 2016 season. lol, DVD, they're stuck in '90s. Poor us.

Rally Power
13th November 2016, 19:16
’16 WRC awards voting. http://www.wrc.com/en/wrc/news/headlines/page/25--25--.html

14th November 2016, 14:37
You can download the WRC seasons of late in HD from Duke Video. About 3-4GB each in 1080.

25th November 2016, 23:57

Fast Eddie WRC
29th November 2016, 18:24
An interesting piece about the new WRC 2017.. "Are big wings really the answer ?"


30th November 2016, 20:24
The article is quite poor. They should focus on better quality instead of spamming.

Fast Eddie WRC
30th November 2016, 23:11
The article is quite poor. They should focus on better quality instead of spamming.

Why poor ? And what spamming ?

Rally Power
1st December 2016, 00:24
An interesting piece about the new WRC 2017.. "Are big wings really the answer ?"

It may seem an interesting piece but what’s the real point of it? Why bother to question the new regs long after they were decided and just a couple of days before their implementation? Is the guy secretly wishing something to go wrong in order to came out and say: “I told you so…”? Honestly, I don’t get why rally fans sometimes are so keen undermining their own sport. A new WRC era is just about to start: let’s enjoy it and hope it will become a golden one!

Btw, the new regs were a manus choice lead by VW, not by the promoter. The aero kit and the active diff aren’t superfluous: they’re necessary to use the extra power in an efficient way. And once for all: these cars are spectacular and their ‘wow factor’ is vital to bring global attention to WRC.

1st December 2016, 03:48
Spam spam spam, it's everywhere. People sharing this garbage on the internet!

giu canbera
2nd December 2016, 01:32
the comment session in this drivetribe link its pretty... "wrc".
Everybody complaining about how WRC promote and present the series... Saying redbull should do a better job, like how they do with the SOAP BOX RACE or Global RallyCross.
But NO ONE knows have any decent idea or suggestion.

I believe theres one person who said "They should have some Sprint events.. some Endurance Events.. cuz all 13 races are the same nowadays".. He has a point, right?

Im super new to WRC, only my 2nd year watching, but Im a huge fan of the cars, the drivers.. and the full stages on WRC+ and the Highlights on RedBullTv.. I dont know what they could do for MORE. Its a hard sport to promote around

2nd December 2016, 12:13
My Spanish is not good enough to be certain of translation. General theme seems to be Nico Rosberg thinks Rally is too dangerous and does not have big enough balls to try rally but he might like to do rallycross. Any fluent Spanish speakers on the forum able to check translations https://www.facebook.com/autotvperu/videos/10157925007560624/

2nd December 2016, 12:48
My Spanish is not good enough to be certain of translation. General theme seems to be Nico Rosberg thinks Rally is too dangerous and does not have big enough balls to try rally but he might like to do rallycross. Any fluent Spanish speakers on the forum able to check translations https://www.facebook.com/autotvperu/videos/10157925007560624/

Yup, he said rallying it's to dangerous, even more than F1. And that he likes to "fight" with other drivers on track. He said that maybe rallycross could be for him one day. As NOT would put it, who cares about ladyboys opinions :P

Rally Power
2nd December 2016, 15:20
Yup, he said rallying it's to dangerous, even more than F1. And that he likes to "fight" with other drivers on track. He said that maybe rallycross could be for him one day. As NOT would put it, who cares about ladyboys opinions :P

Funny to see this talk appearing almost at the same time than today’s announcement. We may not like the F1 circus and their pop stars drivers, but it’s fair to say that Rosberg seemed a nice fellow on this interview. His retirement is a shock, but motorsport is a powerful addiction and see him returning in a couple of years wouldn’t be a surprise. Anyway, best luck to him and his family.

4th December 2016, 12:15
Im not up to speed on the new regulations. Ive Heard exiting things said about it. What I fear is we turn back into WRC 1997-2010? era with high Tech cars that was looking increasinly less spectacular like on rails. Are these fears unfounded at the moment?

4th December 2016, 12:27
Im not up to speed on the new regulations. Ive Heard exiting things said about it. What I fear is we turn back into WRC 1997-2010? era with high Tech cars that was looking increasinly less spectacular like on rails. Are these fears unfounded at the moment?

they are exactly the same as in those years, i think you should stop following the WRC altogether.

7th December 2016, 14:15
my best wishes for the small health problem had Rallyper.Drink ouzo= no problem for ever with stomach

Rallyper ‏@Rallyper · 2h2 hours ago

Right at this moment on hospital for Sudden pain i stomack(?). However it stopped as fast as it came. Feeling good.


7th December 2016, 17:02
well wishes Rallyper

Rally Power
7th December 2016, 18:03
Not the best place to hear silly season news Rallyper...get well soon mate! ;)

7th December 2016, 18:23
Get well soon Per!

8th December 2016, 08:48
Best wishes Per. Is this a result of hearing that Latvala is likely with Toyota.
I just hope the crashes are entertaining of those of Sainz.
https://youtu.be/PiJwxbGLeJM (Sainz - Australia '91)

8th December 2016, 10:53
they are exactly the same as in those years, i think you should stop following the WRC altogether.

WTF is your problem?

8th December 2016, 11:43
WTF is your problem?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with him. He is just N.O.T.

8th December 2016, 11:44
WTF is your problem?

problem ? i have a lot of problems kid not just one.

8th December 2016, 13:58
There's absolutely nothing wrong with him. He is just N.O.T.

N.O.T is the main reason i read this forum. Hilarious.

8th December 2016, 14:52
problem ? i have a lot of problems kid not just one.
Seems like you have plenty. Inside your head.

Sent fra min XP7700 via Tapatalk

8th December 2016, 14:55
Man! Just read all quotes to me and I´m redden. Thanks for all warm regards!

It wasn´t that bad. The ache was diaspearing when I was lying there. However doctors wanted to check and found nothing. My heart is well also. Intestins are such on 60+ ers, with the problems following, the doctor told.

So tonight back to work and nightshift. Then weekend off.

Thanks mates!

Btw: that photo doesn´t make me look shape ... Looks like weighting 100+ kg´s .. Which I´m not. Only 79. Must look at photo before tweeting ... ;)

8th December 2016, 15:09
Man! Just read all quotes to me and I´m redden. Thanks for all warm regards!

It wasn´t that bad. The ache was diaspearing when I was lying there. However doctors wanted to check and found nothing. My heart is well also. Intestins are such on 60+ ers, with the problems following, the doctor told.

So tonight back to work and nightshift. Then weekend off.

Thanks mates!

Btw: that photo doesn´t make me look shape ... Looks like weighting 100+ kg´s .. Which I´m not. Only 79. Must look at photo before tweeting ... ;)

I'm always shocked when I see photo too...wha?

"Wait? did I get another grey hair? How did that happen?"

and "where did 30kg come from so suddenly? I don't understand?"

Friska upp sig, Pelle..

Rally Power
8th December 2016, 15:20
It wasn´t that bad. The ache was diaspearing when I was lying there. However doctors wanted to check and found nothing. My heart is well also. Intestins are such on 60+ ers, with the problems following, the doctor told. So tonight back to work and nightshift. Then weekend off.

Glad to hear it Rallyper! Yep we all have to get a bit careful, but that 60+ers talk doesn’t suit you: Petrolheads are forever young! ;)

Fast Eddie WRC
8th December 2016, 15:50
N.O.T is the main reason i read this forum. Hilarious.

Personal insults, sarcasm, borderline racism, mental illness references... hilarious ? NOT.

8th December 2016, 15:53
Glad to hear it Rallyper! Yep we all have to get a bit careful, but that 60+ers talk doesn’t suit you: Petrolheads are forever young! ;)

Maybe its the fumes and we're not young, just light-headed..
Its not yet 0800 here and I just tried to wake my little Natasha.. I lay down and give her a little wiggle and hug to wake up..
20 minues go and I realise I fall asleep. While I'm asleep!
So I wake and ask "How did a little girl only 9 use her super-sleepy-powers to make me sleep?"
Little girls 9 and 11 keep you forever young.:love:

8th December 2016, 16:03
N.O.T is the main reason i read this forum. Hilarious.

In his join date you can see the year 2000 and I can't believe he is trolling people from back then and still doing it after many years. You have to respect him for achieving such result. lol.

Rally Power
8th December 2016, 17:51
Maybe its the fumes and we're not young, just light-headed..
Its not yet 0800 here and I just tried to wake my little Natasha.. I lay down and give her a little wiggle and hug to wake up..
20 minues go and I realise I fall asleep. While I'm asleep!
So I wake and ask "How did a little girl only 9 use her super-sleepy-powers to make me sleep?"
Little girls 9 and 11 keep you forever young.:love:

That's great janvanpura! Enjoy the most of it; teen issues won’t take long ;)

8th December 2016, 18:09
In his join date you can see the year 2000 and I can't believe he is trolling people from back then and still doing it after many years. You have to respect him for achieving such result. lol.

I don't know, man... Using his logic, a failure is a failure and it actually makes it worse that it's been so long without any improvements.

8th December 2016, 19:50
That's great janvanpura! Enjoy the most of it; teen issues won’t take long ;)

A good friend who I helped get into rally by supplying the suspension, the gearbox mounting and the flywheel and clutch and a pile of work--and then I co-drive for him on his 1st event was telling me a couple of years ago stories of having fun with his 12-13 y.o. daughter and he said "but then she's 14 in a period of less than 6 months I went from being "the coolest Dad in the whole world POFF! like that I became the dumbest dad, IN THE WHOLE WORLD...I even asked he how that happened and she answered "See?"...

So I brought that up with my girls and we discussed that "How could my friend Al Kun (official rally name is "Alperti Kunkanen") in just 6 months change from being coolest Dada to worlds dumbest dad?" and we discussed it...They said that couldn't happen...and "we're not like the other families, we're a special case"

I said I would remind them now and then of the story and for them to remember this..That way, if it begins to happen, I can remind them that I'm still the same, whatever that is...and really not "the dumbest in the world"..

9th December 2016, 15:47
......was telling me a couple of years ago stories of having fun with his 12-13 y.o. daughter and he said "but then she's 14 in a period of less than 6 months I went from being "the coolest Dad in the whole world POFF! like that I became the dumbest dad, IN THE WHOLE WORLD...I even asked he how that happened and she answered "See?"...

Its called puberty.

9th December 2016, 17:20
Seems like you have plenty. Inside your head.

Sent fra min XP7700 via Tapatalk
He has pretty much all the letter combinations in the psychology dictionary both forwards and backwards.

9th December 2016, 17:24
In his join date you can see the year 2000 and I can't believe he is trolling people from back then and still doing it after many years. You have to respect him for achieving such result. lol.
If you've actually read his posts, there is like a break somewhere around 2012-13 where he basically became the retard he is today. Something very traumatic must have happened around then.

Considering the collapse of Greece around that time I bet he became unemployed from his long time job or something.

The other Greek members survived with their sanity intact though so he must have been a weak specimen to begin with.

9th December 2016, 17:27
If you've actually read his posts, there is like a break somewhere around 2012-13 where he basically became the retard he is today. Something very traumatic must have happened around then.

Considering the collapse of Greece around that time I bet he became unemployed from his long time job or something.

The other Greek members survived with their sanity intact though so he must have been a weak specimen to begin with.

i was banned back then thats why. I never worked in greece in my life, is the university of oxford good enough for you ?

9th December 2016, 18:24
i was banned back then thats why. I never worked in greece in my life, is the university of oxford good enough for you ?
And here I was sure you were Greek.

Mk2 RS2000
9th December 2016, 20:12
As a reflection on some I know who have attended its hallowed halls I offer the following statement one of them made to me:
The University of Oxford is where one can learn more and more about less and less until one knows everything about nothing.

9th December 2016, 20:30
As a reflection on some I know who have attended its hallowed halls I offer the following statement one of them made to me:
The University of Oxford is where one can learn more and more about less and less until one knows everything about nothing.
That's a classic. That was the joke made about those who continued in academics in my university as well (when everyone else graduated and found work).

10th December 2016, 11:53
And here I was sure you were Greek.

He is Greek, but moved to England in 2012. (Right, NOT?)

10th December 2016, 13:51
If you've actually read his posts, there is like a break somewhere around 2012-13 where he basically became the retard he is today.

Do you realize you read his posts of 3-4 years ago? Why you bother? You are nice guy and I think too intelligent for that.

10th December 2016, 14:57
Do you realize you read his posts of 3-4 years ago? Why you bother? You are nice guy and I think too intelligent for that.
I have read this forum far longer than I have been a member. I am not crazy enough to stalk NOT. That'd be mental hospital level crazy almost.

10th December 2016, 15:36
It's funny that the two rally forums I regularly read have both gone mental while waiting for news that would end this extreme silly season.

10th December 2016, 15:38
What is the other forum? :)

10th December 2016, 15:39
What is the other forum? :)

The Estonian one - rallifoorum.ee

Rally Power
22nd December 2016, 13:40
Xmas in style: https://vimeo.com/196415107

Merry Christmas Everyone!

22nd December 2016, 13:55
A very merry Christmas to one and all.

22nd December 2016, 14:29
Merry Christmas and happy new year mates!!

26th December 2016, 20:53
Anyone bored on Boxing Day give this quiz a try. I got a disappointing 47. Pressure got to me :(


27th December 2016, 13:13
all the liveries so far


27th December 2016, 14:44
Anyone bored on Boxing Day give this quiz a try. I got a disappointing 47. Pressure got to me :(


42... A few silly mistakes, mainly missing out Alen :-) Also the system did one mistake for me: on other Nordic drivers it didn't allow letter like ä or ö, but on this one it would've demanded it.

27th December 2016, 18:45
What do you consider to be each drivers most outstanding single stage performances of 2016 ?
Kris Meeke on Ouninpohja 1 where he won by 13 seconds over JML would be one
Hayden Paddon's power stage win on El Condor - Copina 2 would be another.
Can other forum members make suggestions for other drivers

27th December 2016, 19:04
I would go with Breen RZ23 Lempää in Finland, which is his only fastest SS in WRC to date

27th December 2016, 19:46
What do you consider to be each drivers most outstanding single stage performances of 2016 ?
Kris Meeke on Ouninpohja 1 where he won by 13 seconds over JML would be one
Hayden Paddon's power stage win on El Condor - Copina 2 would be another.
Can other forum members make suggestions for other drivers

I agree with those. Let's honor the champ though - the PS in Sardegna, probably there are many more, but this stands atm.

27th December 2016, 19:55
I agree with those. Let's honor the champ though - the PS in Sardegna, probably there are many more, but this stands atm.
I would say that Sadegna Power stage was Kevin Abbring's stage of 2016. It was Kevin's first WRC points which he earned by finishing 2nd on the PS by just 0.6 second behind Seb Ogier.
Not sure I would rate it as Ogier's best stage, but I am willing to be corrected on that.

27th December 2016, 20:01
What do you consider to be each drivers most outstanding single stage performances of 2016 ?
Kris Meeke on Ouninpohja 1 where he won by 13 seconds over JML would be one
Hayden Paddon's power stage win on El Condor - Copina 2 would be another.
Can other forum members make suggestions for other drivers

i think those two are the best ones, it was not a single stage but IMO last day in wales was impressive from Tänak with winning all stages and Świętajno 2 stage in Poland.

27th December 2016, 20:02
I would say that Sadegna Power stage was Kevin Abbring's stage of 2016. It was Kevin's first WRC points which he earned by finishing 2nd on the PS by just 0.6 second behind Seb Ogier.
Not sure I would rate it as Ogier's best stage, but I am willing to be corrected on that.

That's Your right, anyway out of curiosity which is Your's?

27th December 2016, 20:10
any French speaking mate care to sum up what are they talking,specially Auriol Sainz Delecour?
ita about Toyota restrictor cheating back at 1995

27th December 2016, 20:24
That's Your right, anyway out of curiosity which is Your's?
Very hard to identify one stage in particular for Seb Ogier, as you said so many to choose from. Maybe something from Seb's totally dominant first morning in Corsica

27th December 2016, 20:31
Very hard to identify one stage in particular for Seb Ogier, as you said so many to choose from. Maybe something from Seb's totally dominant first morning in Corsica

So in Your logic a driver must be dominant to pick a best stage of the year to him? Ok, Meeke was kind of dominant in Finland (for one reason or another), but how was Paddon dominant in Argentina? He only won because of this very last stage.

27th December 2016, 20:38
So in Your logic a driver must be dominant to pick a best stage of the year to him?

No, that's not what he said.

27th December 2016, 20:42
Ah, sorry I didn't understood fan's logic. My apologies.

27th December 2016, 20:43
So in Your logic a driver must be dominant to pick a best stage of the year to him? Ok, Meeke was kind of dominant in Finland (for one reason or another), but how was Paddon dominant in Argentina? He only won because of this very last stage.

No I am not saying a driver must be dominant for it to be his personal best stage of 2016. I was simply saying Ogier's best stage may have come from his dominant morning in Corsica.

All drivers will have had a stage that stands out as "their personal best stage" for 2016. What was best stage for Camilli, for Bertilli, for Ostberg, for LeFebvre, for Mikkelsen etc. Would love to hear from lots of forum members particularly those who closely follow a particular driver.

27th December 2016, 20:49
No I am not saying a driver must be dominant for it to be his personal best stage of 2016. I was simply saying Ogier's best stage may have come from his dominant morning in Corsica.

Ok I read what You wrote, just didn't see any particular reason to pick this or that, except the mentioned "dominance". As I already said, my apologies.

27th December 2016, 21:20
Ok I read what You wrote, just didn't see any particular reason to pick this or that, except the mentioned "dominance". As I already said, my apologies.
No apology needed. We are all in the forum because we enjoy rally and like to share thoughts with one another :-)

27th December 2016, 21:24
Anyone bored on Boxing Day give this quiz a try. I got a disappointing 47. Pressure got to me :(


This one pissed me off to no end.

It refused to accept Dani Sordo... I'll be honest, I had no idea he was actually called Daniel. It also refused to accept Miki Biasion and Massimo Biasion because it wanted it in the stupid format Massimo 'Miki' Bisaion. As a result I lost a lot of time and only got 30 :(

...athough I doubt I would have scored over 36 because there were a lot of names in the 70's and 80's that I didn't recognize.

27th December 2016, 21:31
This one pissed me off to no end.

It refused to accept Dani Sordo... I'll be honest, I had no idea he was actually called Daniel. It also refused to accept Miki Biasion and Massimo Biasion because it wanted it in the stupid format Massimo 'Miki' Bisaion. As a result I lost a lot of time and only got 30 :(

...athough I doubt I would have scored over 36 because there were a lot of names in the 70's and 80's that I didn't recognize.

You don't need to write full names. Last usually does - Loeb, Ogier, etc. Though it has some quirks, like Tomi Makinen & Timo Makinen is not the same family name:crazy:

I lost over minute to figure out Waldegard is not "Valdegard", but that was my own problem.

27th December 2016, 21:41
No apology needed. We are all in the forum because we enjoy rally and like to share thoughts with one another :-)

That's fine. But when You get some debate over some opinion, You expect some arguments against it. I got only 1 and assumed I was wrong to accept other's opinion. That's why I apologized.

27th December 2016, 22:09
No I am not saying a driver must be dominant for it to be his personal best stage of 2016. I was simply saying Ogier's best stage may have come from his dominant morning in Corsica.

I think also in Sweden we could find some very good stage from Ogier.

As for the others, the stage of the year is for me Paddon's El Condor in Argentina. He gave 10 (T-E-N!) seconds to the world champion who is steps ahead of all the other drivers, in the same field and in only 12 kms in the last and decisive stage of the rally. It has my convinced vote.

27th December 2016, 22:14
any French speaking mate care to sum up what are they talking,specially Auriol Sainz Delecour?
ita about Toyota restrictor cheating back at 1995

They basically say that the cheating was very well masked. They explain the system and say it is the biggest cheating in the history of the FIA.
Auriol says he didn't know anything about it but did noticed the difference in power. Sainz and Delecour can't really believe the drivers didn't know a thing about it.
Rumours were that the difference was about 30-40 BHP, but nobody knows exactly (accept for Toyota I presume :p )

27th December 2016, 22:27
I think also in Sweden we could find some very good stage from Ogier.

As for the others, the stage of the year is for me Paddon's El Condor in Argentina. He gave 10 (T-E-N!) seconds to the world champion who is steps ahead of all the other drivers, in the same field and in only 12 kms in the last and decisive stage of the rally. It has my convinced vote.

There is no question how well he did, I kind of wonder though what happened after this to him. Was it some kind of 1 show off, then everything goes how it usually goes, or was it some kind of "wow, how the heck did that happened, I'm confused"?

No need to talk about Ogier anyway. He did his 90% well on the rallies, when he needs to push, we can encounter it.

27th December 2016, 22:54
This one pissed me off to no end.

It refused to accept Dani Sordo... I'll be honest, I had no idea he was actually called Daniel. It also refused to accept Miki Biasion and Massimo Biasion because it wanted it in the stupid format Massimo 'Miki' Bisaion. As a result I lost a lot of time and only got 30 :(

...athough I doubt I would have scored over 36 because there were a lot of names in the 70's and 80's that I didn't recognize.
I'm sorry to tell you, but only typing the last names was enough. :)

Edit: sorry, Stefan was quicker with his response, didn't see it.

27th December 2016, 23:11
I'm sorry to tell you, but only typing the last names was enough. :)

He is Nordic, can do just fine with Finnish and all other (Nordic) names well.

27th December 2016, 23:13
Rumours were that the difference was about 30-40 BHP, but nobody knows exactly (accept for Toyota I presume :p )

I am almost sure it was much more than this.

28th December 2016, 08:35
I am almost sure it was much more than this.

That is what they say in that video ;)

28th December 2016, 09:02
That is what they say in that video ;)

we ve seen that 1mm at restrictor at grN evos is about 20 bhp.
go figure that with this cheating, the air mass could inlet to turbo, was much much more, than from the difference of 2-3mm at restrictor ιincrease.
It is a massive difference,and no way drivers couldn't understand/feel that their cars suddenly had a huge power increase.
32mm restrictor evo = 300 bhp
33mm restrictor evo = 320 bhp
36mm restrictor evo = 360 bhp

28th December 2016, 11:05
FIA technical man in the studio say they increased the restrictor with 25%, theoretically increasing the engine power with 40BHP.
As I say, this what they say in the video, I haven't got the technical knowledge to agree/disagree :)

28th December 2016, 14:39
Except Toyota engineers at that time nobody knows exact values, but for sure it was a lot of advantage. And very nice trick.

28th December 2016, 15:11
10 months until we see Kalle's WRC debut? http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/127583/evans-rovanpera-already-quick-enough-for-wrc

the sniper
29th December 2016, 03:00
10 months until we see Kalle's WRC debut? http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/127583/evans-rovanpera-already-quick-enough-for-wrc

I look forward to seeing him on his WRC debut at Rally GB! I believe that'll be a couple of weeks after he turns 17, so he can drive here then.

29th December 2016, 09:17
About Kalle. I was thinking, where in Europe (except Latvia) can driver of his age compete with top machinery like R5? In Czech republic can driver compete in "Youth cup" for drivers between 16-18 years, but only with slow 2WD (like old N1 cars) and if I remember well, there was chance to drive in GB when you were 17, but I´m not sure. Thank you :)

29th December 2016, 10:10
About Kalle. I was thinking, where in Europe (except Latvia) can driver of his age compete with top machinery like R5? In Czech republic can driver compete in "Youth cup" for drivers between 16-18 years, but only with slow 2WD (like old N1 cars) and if I remember well, there was chance to drive in GB when you were 17, but I´m not sure. Thank you :)
Estonia has no limitation as well.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

29th December 2016, 10:16
Estonia has no limitation as well.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

Isn't it 16 for sport rallies?

29th December 2016, 10:39
Isn't it 16 for sport rallies?
Oh you could be right bcs I remember Kert Uus driving when he was 13, but I guess it was only in rallysprints.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

30th December 2016, 13:16
this clip looks a like action movie in the beginning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWfoyx5T3Es

4th January 2017, 22:04
So maybe it's time for a little poll. How many offs this season will have:

4th January 2017, 23:05
So maybe it's time for a little poll. How many offs this season will have:

A lot
A lot
Less than we expect. I think Tanak will be one of the surprises this year.

10th January 2017, 14:19
A Michelin guide to edit rally videos.

1) Put random piece of videos with some random slow motion and some B/W from time to time and a calm music.
2) Close up to tyres and other slow motions
3) Break of 1 second with silence
4) Music louder with car leaving the start point
5) Close up to tires and slow motions while car is in the stage
6) Alternate with jumps and landings with close up to tires and slow motions
7) The end

10th January 2017, 14:28
They use to be really good... then all of a sudden.... bam. Quiet bad!!!!

10th January 2017, 15:01
A Michelin guide to edit rally videos.

4) Awful crappy music louder with car leaving the start point

Fixed 4) for you

10th January 2017, 17:48
A guy re uploading a lot of the test videos if someone wants to send some copyright claims, already removed two of mine.

10th January 2017, 18:28

10th January 2017, 23:34
Fixed 4) for you

lol that's right. thanks mate :D

Rally Power
11th January 2017, 21:23
So maybe it's time for a little poll. How many offs this season will have:

a) less than usual; no real pressure for him this season.
b) same as usual; on the podium or in the ditch.
c) zero? after '16 the Belgium is once more on top form.
d) a lot, not easy to have ogier as a team mate.
e) not hard to predict that Bertelli, Prokop, Al Qassimi and others second level drivers will be off most of the time. '17 cars are wild beasts and should be for top drivers hands only!

11th January 2017, 21:36
I expect more issues for Ogier considering that M-Sport cars have not been known for their tank-like reliability as VW was.

11th January 2017, 23:02
I expect more issues for Ogier considering that M-Sport cars have not been known for their tank-like reliability as VW was.

Thats a fair point, as well as the general mechanical reliability of the VW we've seen Ogier get away with quite a few moments in the last couple of seasons that might have stopped some of the other cars - big cuts or running wide and clipping rocks, ditches etc without taking serious damage. I don't think he will be able to take as many of those chances with the new Fiesta.

12th January 2017, 19:24
On the other hand we have seen Jari Matti breaking the car at times where Ogier have gotten away with doing the same

13th January 2017, 18:41
What's the reason for that?

13th January 2017, 18:53
What's the reason for that?
Well... The Belgian federation wanted to get rid of the WRC cars, in favor of the R5/S2000 cars and the national importers who wanted to use rallying as a marketing tool (see Peugeot Belux, Citroën Belux and Skoda Belgium). We've had many years with WRC cars allowed, but in many years we had only one or two top drivers with top machinery. There wasn't enough competition in the championship as there weren't much drivers with similar machinery. On the other hand spectators like WRC cars, and many organizers of national events protested against it, as they feared losing spectators (so losing income). In the end the federation made up some crazy rules to somehow keep the competition for the championship between R5 cars, and still allow the WRC cars:
- 2.0L WRC cars can still be driven, but not by drivers who have won national or international events in the last 3 years, and not by drivers who claimed a national or international title in the last 5 years...
- 1.6L WRC can still be driven but with a smaller restrictor (so basically it's an RRC with bigger spoiler).

13th January 2017, 19:14
And as Van Woensel won an event last year, he can't drive his car in the national championship anymore.

They should have banned all WRCs from the championship a few years ago. Now they picked some half (typical Belgian) "solution", only creating more problems

14th January 2017, 07:23
I would like to propose a toast to Mintexmemory for creating the "Crystal Ball Time for 2017" thread, great entertainment value.
Best prediction so far is number 5 prediction from Sollitt

14th January 2017, 14:29
Missing Jan Vanvurpa and NOT doing their crystal ball Time for 2017. And want a proper Pickems to be started ASAP.

15th January 2017, 23:23
Evgeny Novikov, what's he up to nowadays?

Is he doing rallies? Is he selling cars? Is he alive?

16th January 2017, 01:42
Russian rally masters - quattro fire - Novikov 2016 - the Lada cars look very retro in the tarmac spec.
https://youtu.be/Oi2HhBWCeyM quattro fire

https://youtu.be/bz8DVS2djO4 Ru rally masters

16th January 2017, 14:13
Russian rally masters - quattro fire - Novikov 2016 - the Lada cars look very retro in the tarmac spec.
https://youtu.be/Oi2HhBWCeyM quattro fire

https://youtu.be/bz8DVS2djO4 Ru rally masters


Literally haven't heard a thing about him since 2013.

16th January 2017, 17:59
Not rallying, but somehow related to it. Hyundai released a "Thierry Neuville edition" for the Hyundai i20. http://www.autofans.be/nieuws/autosalons/36768-hyundai-i20-thierry-neuville-johny-af-fabriek-brussel-2017 I don't think it's beautiful, but it's encouraging to see. Some 10-15 years ago we had a Ford Focus "Duval" edition as well. :)

16th January 2017, 19:02
Tänak's last year car has arrived to estonia, Georg Gross and Raigo Mõlder will ride with it and Tänak's team OTracing will run it

https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/16113010_1374234409274495_3573895887765553825_o.jp g?oh=fa4ce4caa40e51f93b4109091770ab46&oe=5912F26E

16th January 2017, 19:51
Not rallying, but somehow related to it. Hyundai released a "Thierry Neuville edition" for the Hyundai i20. http://www.autofans.be/nieuws/autosalons/36768-hyundai-i20-thierry-neuville-johny-af-fabriek-brussel-2017 I don't think it's beautiful, but it's encouraging to see. Some 10-15 years ago we had a Ford Focus "Duval" edition as well. :)

and a loeb edition C4

all of them useless and a waste of name heritage.

16th January 2017, 20:05
it's OT but it's bar talk: in croatia we had only clio with janica kostelić sign. probably with big seat :D

Grundo Farb
16th January 2017, 22:30
And a Paddon edition Sante Fe in New Zealand... Looks quite good if you want a diesel SUV with big wheels and Brembo brakes.

Fast Eddie WRC
16th January 2017, 23:01
Betting for the WDC 2017

Kris Meeke
Sebastien Ogier
Thierry Neuville
Hayden Paddon
Ott Tanak
Dani Sordo
Jari-Matti Latvala
Craig Breen
Elfyn Evans
Stephane Lefebvre
Juho Hanninen

16th January 2017, 23:33
Not much value with those odds.

17th January 2017, 00:33
The bookies seem very addicted to Meeke.

17th January 2017, 00:59
The bookies seem very addicted to Meeke.
That's where the money is going.

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Fast Eddie WRC
17th January 2017, 11:51
At the start of last Season the odds for Ogier were 2/9...

The bookies clearly dont fancy M-Sport.

17th January 2017, 21:25
https://scontent.fsof2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15977597_573933719459355_8594889669127803467_n.jpg ?oh=b3fc4c6cdc0e13659fe157cb7f5e5d38&oe=5906AAD6

17th January 2017, 23:20
https://scontent.fsof2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15977597_573933719459355_8594889669127803467_n.jpg ?oh=b3fc4c6cdc0e13659fe157cb7f5e5d38&oe=5906AAD6
Dearly missed...

18th January 2017, 07:42
Not much value with those odds.

Double your money on the 4 time champ - bookies have that wrong!

18th January 2017, 15:01
WRC season 2017 just started. I think I´ll celebrate with a beer. Real stuff.

22nd January 2017, 17:16
As RMC is finished, got the idea that I really want to experience it in person next year.
Could any one give me some advice on that? (before i have forgot)
Have got cheap flights to Nice and Grenoble, but no further ideas.

23rd January 2017, 11:41
As RMC is finished, got the idea that I really want to experience it in person next year.
Could any one give me some advice on that? (before i have forgot)
Have got cheap flights to Nice and Grenoble, but no further ideas.

Check out the first 30 pages of the 2017 Monte thread as there are a number of advice posts there.
Fly into Nice as that is where you'll end up if you are going to watch the Sunday stages and car hire is cheapest if you return it to the pick up location.
Have someone 'over 25' in the party to keep car hire and insurance cost down.
Arrive 2 days before the start - you need to recce your spectating routes, the atmosphere in Gap service park is fun and shakedown is a must-see
Look for accommodation in the Gap region as soon as the dates / route is announced.
Make sure you have cold weather clothing with waterproofs too.
Learn how to put snow chains on if you never have done before. (just noticed you're from Riga so you probably have the necessary experience!)

I'm sure other people will have other bits of good advice but good friends that you don't mind travelling with for hours are a pre-requisite.

23rd January 2017, 12:53
As RMC is finished, got the idea that I really want to experience it in person next year.
Could any one give me some advice on that? (before i have forgot)
Have got cheap flights to Nice and Grenoble, but no further ideas.

Definitely RMC is a must see. As I wrote in a previous post, arriving in the stage and walking those historical routes at 6 in the morning with the cold and thin air of France, the fires of fans in the side of the street... That's a unique experience.

Anyway, Mintexmemory has told you already a lot of good suggestions, I would add to go very early in the stages (2 hours before the start, 1,5 maximum) because then they become crowded.

23rd January 2017, 14:59
As RMC is finished, got the idea that I really want to experience it in person next year.
Could any one give me some advice on that? (before i have forgot)
Have got cheap flights to Nice and Grenoble, but no further ideas.

Skip RMC and visit Rally Finland instead. The rally it is.

25th January 2017, 01:17
RMC was excellent for the first time.

Lyon is a key place to fly into as Nice won't have that many Winter types available... downside to Nice but least it's close to the rally and if you have to fly out Monday morning it's best.

25th January 2017, 01:58
Skip RMC and visit Rally Finland instead. The rally it is.

I watch Monte at the world debut of Escort Cosworth. No snow, millions of people, several stages cancelled and insane crowds all of who drive on the roads like WRC heroes.. I had a good time..

But even the crazy French fans i talk with ALL would go even crazier at the mention of seeing WRC in Sweden or Finland..
They know..
They are right..
The North is the home of rally as we know it..

It is also a very high chance of being beautiful weather in summer..Even the rain usually blow thru in 1 day.

If I ever go again it will not to be a continental asphalt rally or to watch guys fight with slicks on snow..
It will be Finland...Ralli Paradis!

(and that doesn't even take into account the friendly Finnish women....if you're married just get a written note from the wife giving permission...oi oi oi)

25th January 2017, 09:58
RMC was excellent for the first time.

Lyon is a key place to fly into as Nice won't have that many Winter types available... downside to Nice but least it's close to the rally and if you have to fly out Monday morning it's best.

Lyon is worse in terms of flight options from Baltics.

25th January 2017, 10:02
Lyon is worse in terms of flight options from Baltics.

Drive. You'll already have winter tires and only need to get snow chains ;)

25th January 2017, 10:07
Have considered that, but seems profitable only with company of 4+. About 6000km worth a lot, even with good fuel economy.
3rd option could be finding a company here and meet already in France, if someone would be interested.

25th January 2017, 11:01
My impression is that Red Bull TV live coverage is shaping up WRC interest to a lot more young people. Anyone?

25th January 2017, 11:47
Have considered that, but seems profitable only with company of 4+. About 6000km worth a lot, even with good fuel economy.
3rd option could be finding a company here and meet already in France, if someone would be interested.

I started in 2010 just driving to those events that were in easy ferry range of UK - Ypres and Germany. In 2011 I advertised on this forum for anyone who wanted to go to Sardinia. Since then I've done Sardinia again, Finland and RMC each time with slightly different group composition. As a result I have made a number of great friends who I meet up with at different events in UK and we share accommodation for WRGB too. Camping in Germany and tourist accommodation in Spain are cheap enough to consider 2 people as an economic group but Monte is best with 3 or 4 people. Agreeing a rendezvous time for flights into Nice from different parts of the world shouldn't be too difficult. Go for it. If I didn't want to go to Sweden next year I would have been interested but I think my next RMC will be 2019. Maybe we should have a special forum 'travel agent' thread so all requests for travel companions can be in one place.

25th January 2017, 12:08
Such topic would be nice, indeed.
And thanks for ideas.

25th January 2017, 14:40
Drive. You'll already have winter tires and only need to get snow chains ;)

Why would you use snow chains if you already have winter tyres...?

Only trucks from south of Europe who are stupid enough to drive on summer tyres in Norway use that.

25th January 2017, 20:33
All depends on the weather and logically the state of the winter tires. And obviously not all tires have the same amount of grip as we know. Chains would only be for the very extreme.

25th January 2017, 21:15
Some swedes by some real shitty tires to save some money. If it is a brand you have heard about on the rental car, it should be ok.
On a other note, it is ONLY nokian hakkapeliita 8 (studded) i use on my cars, atleast the 2WD. On my Subaru it is continental studless, but it is nowere near the hakka 8.
Take a look on the tires before you leave the rental place, it will save you some shit:)

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25th January 2017, 23:27
Why would you use snow chains if you already have winter tyres...?

Only trucks from south of Europe who are stupid enough to drive on summer tyres in Norway use that.

Winter tyres in a number of countries (including UK) just refers to a rubber compound that gives the same (or similar) level of grip at <5deg C on tarmac as a summer tyre would at >18. So on ice and compacted snow such a tyre is equally useless as a summer tyre. Not everyone has a set of studded black things in the garage!

25th January 2017, 23:42
Winter tyres in a number of countries (including UK) just refers to a rubber compound that gives the same (or similar) level of grip at <5deg C on tarmac as a summer tyre would at >18. So on ice and compacted snow such a tyre is equally useless as a summer tyre. Not everyone has a set of studded black things in the garage!
That is why you should look for the alpine marking not only M+S on your winter tyres.

26th January 2017, 01:01
Winter tyres in a number of countries (including UK) just refers to a rubber compound that gives the same (or similar) level of grip at <5deg C on tarmac as a summer tyre would at >18. So on ice and compacted snow such a tyre is equally useless as a summer tyre. Not everyone has a set of studded black things in the garage!

To me M+S also means wider tread even without studs. M+S can´t mean summer tread in one country and winter tread in Scandinavia.

26th January 2017, 06:48
It is no such thing as a all-season tyre. It will be bad in the summer, and dangerous at winter. Nordic wintertyres has a different rubbermix than the european wintertyres, the last one is not suitable at real icy and cold roads.

It is possible to rent proper wintertyres, atleast in norway, it is somewhere close to where the ferry/Wessel from denmark/germany lands in Oslo. Lots of danish tourists rents these when they go skiing in the mountains.
Some want to save some money and use snowchains instead, but that is an ass to drive at not snowcovered roads, and will probably brake when you need them. Its always some tourists blocking the roads up here because of this.

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26th January 2017, 06:55
I'm sure I and SubaruNorway are both talking about winter tires that are used in our region (Scandinavian peninsula, Finland and the Baltics). And those winter tires are very different than what majority of Europeans refer to winter tires. Like Mintex mentioned, those are just a bit softer compound summer tires

26th January 2017, 09:37
Indeed, tire makers produce a lot of different winter tires for almost every occasion. And they clearly differ north european winter tires from the ones suitable for central and south europe.
Northern ones are much softer, with different thread design (many small, soft blocks to get a grip). So called soft winter tires are actually a lot harder, thread resambles a combination of winter and summer tires and their main aim is to offer better traction/stability in cool and wet conditions, not proper snow/ice. Also, most of european countries don't allow studded tires, which are necessity in scandinavia. Even if want to go to Austria, where studs are allowed, I need to somehow drive around poland, where studs are prohibited. That's why i have a dillema, what to choose for next winter, because I like to put a car on track in winter too, when studless tires are sometimes powerless...
Snow chains are useful in situations like monte, where you are mostly on the dry tarmac and will encounter snow/ice only going up in mountains, when you can prepare before it.

26th January 2017, 10:07
Indeed, tire makers produce a lot of different winter tires for almost every occasion. And they clearly differ north european winter tires from the ones suitable for central and south europe.
Northern ones are much softer, with different thread design (many small, soft blocks to get a grip). So called soft winter tires are actually a lot harder, thread resambles a combination of winter and summer tires and their main aim is to offer better traction/stability in cool and wet conditions, not proper snow/ice. Also, most of european countries don't allow studded tires, which are necessity in scandinavia. Even if want to go to Austria, where studs are allowed, I need to somehow drive around poland, where studs are prohibited. That's why i have a dillema, what to choose for next winter, because I like to put a car on track in winter too, when studless tires are sometimes powerless...
Snow chains are useful in situations like monte, where you are mostly on the dry tarmac and will encounter snow/ice only going up in mountains, when you can prepare before it.
I have been driving studless nordic winter tires for the last 10-12 years (RWD, FWD, 4WD, small cars, big cars etc). In our region the conditions change a lot but no real problems experienced. Have been spectating Rally Sweden about 4-5 times - FWD minivan studless tires, RWD minivan studded tires, 4WD cars with and without studs etc., again no issues whatsoever. You have to adapt to the car and tyre combo.

I would take studless winter tires any day - quiet and comfortable tires which are allowed throughout Europe.Universal choice for people who travel a lot. Studded tires only for specific regions - lots of ice, mountains etc.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

26th January 2017, 10:58
I have been driving studless nordic winter tires for the last 10-12 years (RWD, FWD, 4WD, small cars, big cars etc). In our region the conditions change a lot but no real problems experienced. Have been spectating Rally Sweden about 4-5 times - FWD minivan studless tires, RWD minivan studded tires, 4WD cars with and without studs etc., again no issues whatsoever. You have to adapt to the car and tyre combo.

I would take studless winter tires any day - quiet and comfortable tires which are allowed throughout Europe.Universal choice for people who travel a lot. Studded tires only for specific regions - lots of ice, mountains etc.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

I think it depends where you do your driving mostly. I used studless tires (Nokian) for a winter in South-Estonia and never again. If you drive 80-90% in city and main road, then you are probably fine, but I've been situations where you just can't get up to the hill w/o studs. If we are discussing here tourists who don't have any experience in icy conditions, studs will help a lot, but of course, it all starts from driving skills and cautions.

26th January 2017, 13:28
I think it depends where you do your driving mostly. I used studless tires (Nokian) for a winter in South-Estonia and never again. If you drive 80-90% in city and main road, then you are probably fine, but I've been situations where you just can't get up to the hill w/o studs. If we are discussing here tourists who don't have any experience in icy conditions, studs will help a lot, but of course, it all starts from driving skills and cautions.
I have clocked approx 35000 - 45000 km every year, on every thinkable road condition and still think studless are the best option. But yes, you need to understand and apply basic driving skills required to do well on slippery roads.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

26th January 2017, 15:09
So M+S means different things in different countries in Europe?

Studded tyres when driving 2WD. Studless on 4WD and mainly driving on main roads, maybe also for 2WD..