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3rd February 2014, 08:10
Brother john just confirmed the Abraham Lincolns quote "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

at first he sounded like a good choice but he really blew it... he was all over the place with wrong decisions at first... but to ban Mirek one of the few people that actually contribute stuff was just plain wrong and stupid. de-mod him now i say.

by the way i still have not found out why or who banned me... but you all treat me like a fleabag dog in here so ok... i forgive you....maybe.


And dear N.O.T. You could see the result when you were banned, everyone... well except for some mod, wanted you back. BTW, you have matured a bit since then, haven´t you? ;)

3rd February 2014, 19:52
Mirek, good for your to discuss this openly.. refreshing.
I read your response to the jerk wishing whoever would crash. Jeezuz it was mild.

If Brotherjohn some how--any how ----thought that your comments were "Lifetime Ban" worthy--then it is clear he doesn't understand his position and clear---as if it wasn't obviously from the first week----that he doesn't have the judgement to decide who should speak and who must be silenced.

Unfortunately it seems as though a lot of the mods do the ban thing exactly as you've described: log on and a stark message "You've been banned. Duration: Lifetime" or some crap...

Not a peep, not one word... And i have received email/pm from several others---thoughtful and amusing guys---who siad the same thing.
Not a word..

So on that point, don't think that was anything extra special, evidently that is the degree of contempt the mods have for the people who write the content which is the point of these "discussion" forums..

Maybe if you tried more cheerleading, you know colorful skirt, some pom-poms and practiced some high kicks like this
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRfG71E7P4_Rstwv2Ms9guaS7tB5nvkS Jzu1RrMml7aD4Q5jzJtAQ

maybe then the Mods would love you more.. :eek:

maybe not. :crazy:
maybe there should be a semi-formalized method like a "re-call" we do in US elections for when somebody has lost the confidence of membership...like 'vote then out" of their position...

Good to see that the decision was rescinded but it should never had happened in the first place without any explanation.

5th February 2014, 04:14
Are there results for Monte Carlo pickems anywhere ?
Actually I probably don't want to see them, I will need to drown my sorrows. Speaking of which way is the bar and is it open for Sweden followers to assemble in yet ?

5th February 2014, 13:08
Are there results for Monte Carlo pickems anywhere ?
Actually I probably don't want to see them, I will need to drown my sorrows. Speaking of which way is the bar and is it open for Sweden followers to assemble in yet ?

Sorry for the delay but Mark isn't responding to Pickem set up requests.
I shall manually have to calculate in the near future if we don't have an auto system (something I haven't had time to do since RMC and something I'd hoped to avoid with over 100 entries!). Sweden too by the looks of it

5th February 2014, 13:08
Are there results for Monte Carlo pickems anywhere ?
Actually I probably don't want to see them, I will need to drown my sorrows. Speaking of which way is the bar and is it open for Sweden followers to assemble in yet ?

Sorry for the delay but Mark isn't responding to Pickem set up requests.
I shall manually have to calculate in the near future if we don't have an auto system (something I haven't had time to do since RMC and something I'd hoped to avoid with over 100 entries!). Sweden too by the looks of it

5th February 2014, 13:10
I think it should not be too difficult if you know how MS Excel works?

Anyway, we will keep waiting patiencely. :)

5th February 2014, 14:05
I think it should not be too difficult if you know how MS Excel works?

Anyway, we will keep waiting patiencely. :)

I´m not good at Excel. but can manage it. If you like you´d put down a programme and join a couple of forum members and we all together could get the PIckems result?

5th February 2014, 14:20
Can help you out as well P with the Pickems. Should be easy to create an excel spreadsheet for it and we can upload it somewhere where can be publicly viewed (google documents maybe?)

5th February 2014, 15:17
Can help you out as well P with the Pickems. Should be easy to create an excel spreadsheet for it and we can upload it somewhere where can be publicly viewed (google documents maybe?)
Thanks for the offer Y, much appreciated. I'm not too proud to admit that beyond simple summation I'm a MS dinosaur! Google Documents would be ideal. I'll sort out the points award criteria in tabular form and if there is still no sign of Mark replying by Monday next, let's go ahead so the system is launched and up to date before Mexico.

5th February 2014, 15:19
I think it should not be too difficult if you know how MS Excel works?

Anyway, we will keep waiting patiencely. :)

I´m not good at Excel. but can manage it. If you like you´d put down a programme and join a couple of forum members and we all together could get the PIckems result?

Thanks Per, as Y is local to me in London it will be relatively easy for us to thrash this matter out! Rest assured, Pickems will survive!

6th February 2014, 18:20
As I said before I'm not going to leave it as it is now (after this especially: viewtopic.php?f=98&t=160164&start=600#p1185895 (http://www.motorsportforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=160164&start=600#p1185895)). Here is my open letter to administrators and moderators of this forum. I will not carry any more further actions regarding this topic but I can not just sit and let someone spit in my face.

viewtopic.php?f=98&t=160164&start=600#p1185895 (http://www.motorsportforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=160164&start=600#p1185895)

I apologize to Mark to start with this again but I don't want to just let it be.

On 16th January I was banned without any written reason. On 19th January after I was unbanned by Mark I sent a message to Brother John who banned me to ask him why he did it. Today it is 2nd February. I have never received any answer. Since I know what he wrote to some other moderators (but never to me) I decided to make my message public.

I also would like to ask Brother John to leave his moderator function as he is not acting how a moderator is supposed to do.

12th February 2014, 20:54
I think it should not be too difficult if you know how MS Excel works?

Anyway, we will keep waiting patiencely. :)

I have converted Sweden Pickems entries into an excel spreadsheet which I can pass onto someone who knows how point system works to add in points calculations, Sorry I do not know how the points system for pickems works

Spreadsheet has one entrant per row with 8 columns being
Entrant names,
Entry date,
1st driver,
2nd driver,
.... ....up to
7th driver,
8th driver

12th February 2014, 23:01
I have converted Sweden Pickems entries into an excel spreadsheet which I can pass onto someone who knows how point system works to add in points calculations, Sorry I do not know how the points system for pickems works

Spreadsheet has one entrant per row with 8 columns being
Entrant names,
Entry date,
1st driver,
2nd driver,
.... ....up to
7th driver,
8th driver

I will send you a PM about pickems. Edit you have them disabled... :)

Anyway, I have a working version of excel sheet to calculate pickems with some guidance from Mintex on points, so if you send me that it should be quick to calculate results.

12th February 2014, 23:54
Hi Makinen Fan, I tried to activate PM's but as a new member to forum I do not have enough access rights or privlidges.
Are you on twitter ? if so I am @kiwiWRCfan on twitter. Maybe we can swop emails addresses using twitters Direct Messaging

13th February 2014, 01:55
KiwiWRCFan and Makinen_Fan are in email contact and working towards Sweden Pickems results despite having a 12 hour time zone difference.
Rallying a global community working together :-)

13th February 2014, 05:25
Mirek, on your side!

13th February 2014, 10:48
KiwiWRCFan and Makinen_Fan are in email contact and working towards Sweden Pickems results despite having a 12 hour time zone difference.
Rallying a global community working together :-)

With profound gratitude from the rest of the WRC Pickem community.

13th February 2014, 12:59
KiwiWRCFan and Makinen_Fan are in email contact and working towards Sweden Pickems results despite having a 12 hour time zone difference.
Rallying a global community working together :-)

Thanks for the input KiwiWRCFan.

Finally the Pickems are processed and published here:
https://googledrive.com/host/0B-w-sR5YA ... ckems.html (https://googledrive.com/host/0B-w-sR5YAekRc3pyZTlRTm9aSjA/WRCpickems.html)

If anyone finds any inconsistencies please let me know!

13th February 2014, 14:43
Nice job with the pickems! Thank you.
EDIT: As this is a bar - 2 beers each of you :D

14th February 2014, 08:07
thanks Stefan I enjoyed that Friday night beer - mega appreciated - Cheers

27th February 2014, 02:27
Is Mexico likely to provide an indication of how much Neuville's driving can 'carry' the Hyundai for the next few events at least?

27th February 2014, 04:04
How long before Novikov is back with a Hyundai for 'marketing reasons'?
Hyundai/ Kia are increasing sales in Russia.
http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/na ... 147834.htm (http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2013/12/602_147834.htm)
or will Nov be back when Toyota start up.

2nd March 2014, 11:52
Marcus is currently doing Vasaloppet. He has still about 26km to go and is expected to finish around 14.30CET.

You can follow him live at http://results.vasaloppet.se/2014/?pid=tracking
Where it says Favorites enter his number: 4959

25th April 2014, 11:06
I´ve noticed we have all times in GMT nowadays. If I remeber correct it was in CET back in the good old days...

25th April 2014, 11:08
I´ve noticed we have all times in GMT nowadays. If I remember correct it was in CET back in the good old days...

25th April 2014, 13:19
I´ve noticed we have all times in GMT nowadays. If I remember correct it was in CET back in the good old days...

We are a world-wide forum based in UK, CET is not considered a universal reference time. :) (Decision of British admin and mods)

25th April 2014, 13:21
I´ve noticed we have all times in GMT nowadays. If I remember correct it was in CET back in the good old days...

We are a world-wide forum based in UK, CET is not considered a universal reference time. :) (Decision of British admin and mods)

25th April 2014, 16:00
We are a world-wide forum based in UK, CET is not considered a universal reference time. :) (Decision of British admin and mods)

To be fair neither is GMT any more.

Nowadays the reference time is called UTC (universal time coordinate) which though happens to have the same time as GMT. ;)
Brits also seems to stick to the old AM/OM time format, while the more civilized world uses the 24 hour clock. ;)

26th April 2014, 00:12
I´m not saying this or that. Only the thing my quoting time was before the same as CET (eg. the timezone I live in)

26th April 2014, 08:23
Ah, didn't get that, Per - must be another factor that Mark hasn't corrected. Nobody noticed I double posted my answer to your double post question, don't know why I bother!

26th April 2014, 13:34
Go to Settings in the top right corner of the screen, then look for General Settings on the left. Scroll down to find your time zone settings.


26th April 2014, 13:40
Go to Settings in the top right corner of the screen, then look for General Settings on the left. Scroll down to find your time zone settings.


So easy... Thanks!!

27th April 2014, 11:57
Hi everyone.
Rather than start a new thread with my query I would post here. I am an avid scale model builder and am currently about to start building some 1:24 scale Group B rally cars. Once the builds are finished I like to display them with photos signed by the men and women who drove them as a small personal momento.

I am after a few of our beloved 80's rally legends and wondered if anyone can steer me in the right direction to get in touch with the following people to ask if they would sign me up a photo. Walter Röhrl, Markku Alén, Timo Salonen, Björn Waldegård are the drivers who I have model kitsets for and would love to be able to display the photos with the completed kitsets.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



5th May 2014, 10:52
@JanVanvurpa: Did you visit the Oregon Trail Rally last weekend? Looked as it was a great event listening to Colin Clark who was present among others?

6th May 2014, 21:16
Hi everyone.
Rather than start a new thread with my query I would post here. I am an avid scale model builder and am currently about to start building some 1:24 scale Group B rally cars. Once the builds are finished I like to display them with photos signed by the men and women who drove them as a small personal momento.

I am after a few of our beloved 80's rally legends and wondered if anyone can steer me in the right direction to get in touch with the following people to ask if they would sign me up a photo. Walter Röhrl, Markku Alén, Timo Salonen, Björn Waldegård are the drivers who I have model kitsets for and would love to be able to display the photos with the completed kitsets.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Aaron mate, you will get more help if you post that on Rally Models Thread ;)


20th May 2014, 14:12
I have been listening to the Capito Podcast on proposed final stage top 10 shoot out for WRC. I need a stiff drink, make it a double. While you are pouring line a couple more up. This might get rather messy.

20th May 2014, 18:25
@JanVanvurpa: Did you visit the Oregon Trail Rally last weekend? Looked as it was a great event listening to Colin Clark who was present among others?

Nej, fan. I was in the machine shop making suspension--driving a lathe and a mill..as usual.. duty calls, I have to pay the mortgage, and people are depending on me for parts...

I have mixed feelings about the Oregon event and the Oregon organisers.. The event has about 205-210 km SS but it is a total of 4 full days there.. oddly enough there was also a small event in California---160 mil söderut--had same SS miles and they did the whole event in 1 day.....a satisfying meal, inte smulor sprid tunnt.

Also the event organsiers are convinced that there's something worthwhile in running cars around a local roadrace track....so all Friday is devoted to waht is in reality playing and it's really pitiful to watch---then when all that was done everybody had to transit 120 km out East just to turn in the time cards and sit in an empty parking lot on the edge of a village of maybe 400 people for 20 minutes..then go home miles away to nearest motel. Va fan är det me det?

Then Saturday the bulk of the SS miles was on some insanely fast nearly straight stages with instructions like
"1200 6 R, 950 6 L, 1000, 5L, 1300 6 R...." and average speeds of over 130 km/hr....because of straightness, not heroic driving...

Sunday however was fun according to all..There were climbs up and dopwn and lots of "40 2 L, 30, 3 R, 35 2 L" type driving..You know where you actually have to turn the steering wheel ---everybody said "Wish there was more SS like that more often"

I MAY be co-driving for a friend in a moth or so in his newly build Audi which I made the suspension for and helped with advice on the motor build..We hsall see--there's more annoying medical things lurking. Det är ett helvete att bli gammalt.

20th May 2014, 19:23
So you mean you´ll have to do a medical search before going co-driving? Or is it worse? Nice to hear some comments on the rally in Oregon even if you weren´t there.
A really do like your mixed english/swedish/norska/finska replies. You must be a language genius.

8th June 2014, 11:35
Having a crutch on picture, what have Bosse done to his leg?

4th December 2014, 18:50
I guess politics should be confined to Bar Talk. Get yourself a pint, have a read of this blog about Politics within WRC teams. Who will have something to say on this matter ?

4th December 2014, 23:32
Good reading and exciting prediction of what can happen in 2015

20th December 2014, 18:20
Is it at all possible with Kubica that the Citroen drives are still a possibility?
I think that only Yves Matton can answer to this question.

May I ask, who the hell is N.O.T.? :D A rally manager or something like that, or just nobody who has a lot time to complaining on the internet?

20th December 2014, 18:34
He is the smartest ladyboy on this forum.

20th December 2014, 19:44
May I ask, who the hell is N.O.T.? :D A rally manager or something like that, or just nobody who has a lot time to complaining on the internet?

1. N.O.T. is the biggest expert in this forum, he can estimate the difference between the cars by just looking testing videos, he is able to tell their loss or win per one stage km in 0.00001 s exactness. :-P

2. He is also able to see if the driver has some future in WRC or not, 99.99% of the cases he is right:-P

3. He is also among a few forumers who can say things how they actually are by using some colourful expressions. and I must say that this third point is the most truthfull among the three;-)

20th December 2014, 20:37
I think that only Yves Matton can answer to this question.

May I ask, who the hell is N.O.T.? :D A rally manager or something like that, or just nobody who has a lot time to complaining on the internet?

you got your answers i presume... you can refer to me as God if you like... i will allow it.

20th December 2014, 21:28
1. N.O.T. is the biggest expert in this forum, he can estimate the difference between the cars by just looking testing videos, he is able to tell their loss or win per one stage km in 0.00001 s exactness. :-P

2. He is also able to see if the driver has some future in WRC or not, 99.99% of the cases he is right:-P

3. He is also among a few forumers who can say things how they actually are by using some colourful expressions. and I must say that this third point is the most truthfull among the three;-)

You forgot to mention that he has never entered, never will enter, and dares not contemplate ever entering any for of competition in his life, that being the basis of his expertise...
100% knowledge un-touched, unspoiled by human experience...

20th December 2014, 21:33
It is usually miserable failures that end up blaming the teams they rented cars from...

Many drivers in the past did not have the proper equipment but by spending more money they advanced their careers like latvala and Hirvonen.

To end this silly talk about that Kubica guy, first of all he is a bit too ugly to become a champion in a sport like WRC, ERC is ok, ugly men can succeed there.

Second in the situation he is in he cannot do much... he has a budget and when you do not have skills its only the money that can boost your career, so if he is getting this AA team car it is because the money were not enough for a Citroen or an Msport, why you want to complicate things ?? you do not possess the brains to solve complicated problems so keep it simple...

20th December 2014, 21:35
You forgot to mention that he has never entered, never will enter, and dares not contemplate ever entering any for of competition in his life, that being the basis of his expertise...
100% knowledge un-touched, unspoiled by human experience...

life it self is a competition... you compete every day in your life about everything.

When you married your wife you earn her from someone else (and visa versa).... when you took your job you stole it from someone else... when you bought those shoes at 50 euros you did it because some poor kid from a 4th world country was not good enough to be like you and ended it up making your shoes while being oppressed... you showed that 12 year old who is the boss...

It is not necessary to be 1 second faster than someone with the same hobby like you to say you are in a competition...

20th December 2014, 21:44
Kubica has choosen Astyle because he wants to drive on Pirelli tires which are supposedly cleary faster than Michelins.

LOL of the day...

20th December 2014, 22:18
To end this silly talk about that Kubica guy, first of all he is a bit too ugly to become a champion in a sport like WRC, ERC is ok, ugly men can succeed there.

I was just checking list of registered drivers into ERC and you are not entered there. Why?

20th December 2014, 22:21
I was just checking list of registered drivers into ERC and you are not entered there. Why?

as i said ugly people are ok for the ERC that's why...

20th December 2014, 22:30
You forgot to mention that he has never entered, never will enter, and dares not contemplate ever entering any for of competition in his life, that being the basis of his expertise...
100% knowledge un-touched, unspoiled by human experience...

It's not necessary. It is enough to be Loeb fan, and You can be expert how much miserable every Rally driver in history back and forth is compared to the ONE.

20th December 2014, 22:39
All this wonderful pub talk. Wonder if a pub fight would had broken out already

20th December 2014, 22:39
I've just registered to write I never seen bigger idiot like N.O.T before on any forum. Trying to take House M.D off or what?

20th December 2014, 22:39
It's not necessary. It is enough to be Loeb fan, and You can be expert how much miserable every Rally driver in history back and forth is compared to the ONE.

it always helps to have your standard high enough when comparing things...

20th December 2014, 22:41
I've just registered to write I never seen bigger idiot like N.O.T before on any forum. Trying to take House M.D off or what?

ok... i am now officially a members magnet and i demand a cut from the advertisement millions the owner gets...

20th December 2014, 22:47
it always helps to have your standard high enough when comparing things...

So what is Loeb standard for. I have some thought about some standards established by various drivers for, including Loeb, but I can't say for sure he is the greatest of all times, just for the number of the titles, I need more.

20th December 2014, 22:49
ok... i am now officially a members magnet and i demand a cut from the advertisement millions the owner gets...

Is it really necessary to continue with this nonsense? Everybody please stop this pointless babbling.

I've just registered to write I never seen bigger idiot like N.O.T before on any forum. Trying to take House M.D off or what?

It says a lot about Yourself when You call somebody an idiot in Your very first post on the forum. Please think about it before You post something again...

20th December 2014, 22:52
So what is Loeb standard for. I have some thought about some standards established by various drivers for, including Loeb, but I can't say for sure he is the greatest of all times, just for the number of the titles, I need more.

just form the fact that from all the things Loeb achieved you consider just his 9 titles in order to categorise him as the best of all times shows you are a person that you do not dig deep when tackling questions... your kind is not worth any kind of discussion...

Number of titles means very little... Biasion has 2 and he is the biggest JOKE ever.. i rate people like mathew wilson and antony warmbold higher than him.

20th December 2014, 22:54
Is it really necessary to continue with this nonsense? Everybody please stop this pointless babbling.

i think it is far more entairtaining than the stupid babbling the kubica kids make about which kind of car is going to turn into scrap the coming season... but yes.. you should make the pub talk a sticky and maybe if the moderators were not useless they could move things around.

20th December 2014, 22:56
It says a lot about Yourself when You call somebody an idiot in Your very first post on the forum. Please think about it before You post something again...

Mirek you are a nice guy... you should not take what people say too seriously especially in a forum about motorcar racings... you will live longer.

20th December 2014, 22:57
Mirek is absolutely right, this is pointless discussion. Probably there should be a thread for Kubica (the fastest F1 driver in Rally), finally, and all this go there.

20th December 2014, 23:02
just form the fact that from all the things Loeb achieved you consider just his 9 titles in order to categorise him as the best of all times shows you are a person that you do not dig deep when tackling questions... your kind is not worth any kind of discussion...

Number of titles means very little... Biasion has 2 and he is the biggest JOKE ever.. i rate people like mathew wilson and antony warmbold higher than him.

Well just to finalize this arguing - Loeb has achieved a lot. For me though, he is not the most professional Rally driver. He has driven Citroen only, and that is far for call him professional.

About Biasion, yes, may be backed up strongly by Lancia, but to tell someone has driven Group B car on the limits a joke, yes, it is not worth the respect of the opinion.

20th December 2014, 23:12
nice to see that there is life in the moderators...

steff you finalised this argument by ignoring the facts in your head long long time ago...

20th December 2014, 23:35
Ι like NOT because of his clever expressions and phrases he uses. sometimes i dont like the way he speaks but he never says bullshits(sometimes he says).the problem is that he is very rigid to his opinions so its a little bit difficult to discuss with him,otherwise i think he is nice person(i just suppose until i meet him and change my mind).

20th December 2014, 23:37
Ι like NOT because of his clever expressions and phrases he uses. sometimes i dont like the way he speaks but he never says bullshits(sometimes he says).the problem is that he is very rigid to his opinions so its a little bit difficult to discuss with him,otherwise i think he is nice person(i just suppose until i meet him and change my mind).

Truth is rigid.... lies are fragile...

21st December 2014, 00:11
steff you finalised this argument by ignoring the facts in your head long long time ago...

Well, my name is Stefan, You being Greek probably know what does it mean, it comes from this region.
Secondly to write someone's name with capital letter is not just a matter of respect, it also a grammatical rule, You claiming know everything and being objective should know that.

About Loeb has been lot written in this forum, I don't want to go back, just express an objective opinion. Rally is full of history and characters, there is not universal rule to call someone greatest, and continuously ignore and insult all other Rally drivers, without some part of them Loeb would be nothing, just for one. He has lifetime contract with Citroen, ok fine by me, just not enough to call him the greatest of all times (despite the numbers in his "achievements").

BTW admiration for setting high standards, there is lot more to be achieved anyway. Good night.

21st December 2014, 00:33
Unfortunately i am greek although i do not want to or feel like one... but yes your name is of that origin. your nickname is stefanvv... i do not see a capital N on it... so...

The only way someone would change a team would be for Money or because someone has a better package to offer...

nobody changed teams/jobs/wives/countries just to prove himself... so your way of looking into things about him is wrong... so you are wrong... and you should be sad about it.

21st December 2014, 00:42
I recently joined the forum and I like it a lot, we all have the same passion and the need to express it, one does it different than the other; it's character, Intelligence , home language and education you see...So there are endless talks about Kubica, Solberg and Loeb. And Ogier. Some like it some hate it. It is as it is, a forum.
Waiter, can I order a drink please?

21st December 2014, 00:47
I recently joined the forum and I like it a lot, we all have the same passion and the need to express it, one does it different than the other; it's character, Intelligence , home language and education you see...So there are endless talks about Kubica, Solberg and Loeb. And Ogier. Some like it some hate it. It is as it is, a forum.
Waiter, can I order a drink please?

you can have as many drinks as will turn you into a bar brawler because that "we all share the same passion, lets join hands and sing songs of peace and dance and make babies" is not alpha male wolf stuff and not fit for the sport.

21st December 2014, 00:49
i do not see a capital N on it... so...

My nick name is the least important of what I meant. I meant all of Your posting about the persons involved in the discussions in question. As we know a nickname can be anything though, most of the time it doesn't really matter for the publicity, but my is not what You wrote for sure.

The only way someone would change a team would be for Money or because someone has a better package to offer...

nobody changed teams/jobs/wives/countries just to prove himself... so your way of looking into things about him is wrong... so you are wrong... and you should be sad about it.

I don't want him to be in another team when he was competing, I don't need to. Just expressed opinion that driving other (team/make/group/class) car is important for me to judge someone’s abilities. That's all.

21st December 2014, 12:11
To end this silly talk about that Kubica guy, first of all he is a bit too ugly to become a champion in a sport like WRC

I am reading this for third time today and I am laughing with tears http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/crying-with-laughter.gif

21st December 2014, 12:46
This bartalk wouldn´t have been able in the original environment of a bar. Too loud and screaming wouldn´t have got anything to hear. This bar is better.

And I´m enjoying every quote - from newcomers to the oldtimers. And N.O.T. - you are absolutely unbeatable in the way you reply. Alpha male huh?

21st December 2014, 13:16
....... And N.O.T. - you are absolutely unbeatable in the way you reply. Alpha male huh?

Omega more like!!! ;)

21st December 2014, 13:51
Male issues should be discussed on other forums. Or buy a Viking helmet. I stick to Motorsport, in case other issues I'm not bothered;)

21st December 2014, 14:54
Male issues should be discussed on other forums. Or buy a Viking helmet. I stick to Motorsport, in case other issues I'm not bothered;)

This is a bar Ounin .. ;)

21st December 2014, 18:01
Ι like NOT because of his clever expressions and phrases he uses. sometimes i dont like the way he speaks but he never says bullshits(sometimes he says).the problem is that he is very rigid to his opinions so its a little bit difficult to discuss with him,otherwise i think he is nice person(i just suppose until i meet him and change my mind).

Actually, really it is not just rigidity, the disgusting thing with NOT is the constant un-relenting, non-stop CONTEPT he spews FOR EVERYBODY...99% of drivers, 99% of teams--and 99% of people here and what makes it particularly just flat unacceptable is we al know he is some life-time stundent--and has IN THIS WORLD WE ARE TRYING TO DISCUSS never even dared to attempt to be even a "village driver" that he spews such hate on..pretty rediculous for a nobody-ever-was-or-ever-will-be to criticize so viciously others who have tried.

The opinions---if you can wade thru the ridiculous contempt, are often OK, but who has the desire to read so much hate?

21st December 2014, 18:18
if you do not like common sense and reason and you name it hate, you can always barrow your head in the sand... it is a very well established technique.

21st December 2014, 18:36
May be some champions have bad influence to some people, who knows:confused:

22nd December 2014, 10:26
well just in case JVV and NOT kick off I'm standing behind the bar with my metaphorical baseball bat and sawn off shotgun.
Don't wan' no trouble in this bar!! (#southern states yokel guffaw)

22nd December 2014, 11:17
John and N.O.T would make a good commentator team

22nd December 2014, 12:30
John and N.O.T would make a good commentator team

For what sport? Wrestling?

22nd December 2014, 13:14
In a bar this kind of talk from N.O.T. might be accepted. But like John says, N.O.T. should be more humble in his way of commenting in the ordinary topics. I would also agree with JVV that our little greek god has quite commonsensed quotes now and then.

22nd December 2014, 19:06
John and N.O.T would make a good commentator team

The Finns here all say I swear too much---in Swedish.

And not nearly enough in Finnish...

Makes iit difficult to comment consistently if you're searching for words.

I could see it now: Häcki Hälarna just crash heavily and which do you say?
(is it paaaaska or viiiiiituuuun!?? decisions! )

I do try to do my best.....:arrows:

22nd December 2014, 19:13
John and N.O.T would make a good commentator team

It would end up in a fight for sure. Survival of the fittest..

22nd December 2014, 20:59
Guys, cheer up. Have a cold one.

With N.O.T you just have to load mindset that omits nearly all the colourful expressions, so you could focus more on what he is saying. Okey, Loeb the God thing may get tiresome, but I guess all of us that kind of topics. I guess recent example would be the Kubica supporters.

And about the John-N.OT commentator team. I doubt they'd use force. Both are passionate about the same sport, both have their own style (John's Scandi-English, Scandinavian would be too long and N.O.T's vivid expressions and blunt spoken style). Have some faith :D

But anyway ...

Merry Christmas!

22nd December 2014, 21:23
I just hope we don't have to live the rest of our Rally lives with Loeb's achievements. Listening to NOT though we seem to be doomed. His decade is over, move on...

Happy Holidays. Janner is coming.

22nd December 2014, 21:58
That would be an excellent commentary team....'and now we will watch the sick dog, gentlemen losers, hanging on to their sad lives, turn off world'......then a bizarre comment from John about motorcross being a sport which makes you colder than rallying.

Both great guys, both misunderstood. I like them both and their opinions are usually almost to the point.

23rd December 2014, 10:09
That would be an excellent commentary team....'and now we will watch the sick dog, gentlemen losers, hanging on to their sad lives, turn off world'......then a bizarre comment from John about motorcross being a sport which makes you colder than rallying.

Both great guys, both misunderstood. I like them both and their opinions are usually almost to the point.

Almost to a point!

I tell the innocents over here "I have a lot of great answers and brilliant ideas.....they may not the exact answer you need or a brilliant idea for your problem today, but that's not my fault! They're still great answers!

24th December 2014, 09:48
Merry Christmas guys!!!


24th January 2015, 07:10
The Canadian Russian known as Crazy Leo talks LOeb vs Ogier from inside a bar
Moderators if this is not the right thread please move to a more correct thread

12th March 2015, 16:05
Will BBC and Clarkson get the issue fixed, or will we see Top Gear on another channel?
If new channel - what channel do you think?

12th March 2015, 16:13
Will BBC and Clarkson get the issue fixed, or will we see Top Gear on another channel?
If new channel - what channel do you think?

Nothing's going to happen. Top Gear = £££££££££££££££££ for BBC. And I still think I need more pound sterling symbols, because it really can't be emphasized enough how much Top Gear makes for the network.

If Clarkson pulled this stunt as the host of some middle-of-the-road show that doesn't get much ratings, he'd likely be fired on the spot. Or at worst, his show would be cancelled. But he's not. He makes the BBC a shit-ton of money, so all he gets is a week's suspension, nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

journeyman racer
14th March 2015, 23:39
Deep down, we know Rally>Circuit racing. I'm intrigued to read the opinions of hardened Rally fans of this post, on another site I'm on?


15th March 2015, 02:27
Ask Kubica - I like the epigram 'F1 drivers perfect the same corners hundreds of times, WRC drivers have to perfect 1000s of corners once'. The cojones required by the top WRC drivers in addition to comparable skill sets put them way ahead in my book, and I have been a circuit racing fan longer than I became a rallying fan.

journeyman racer
15th March 2015, 03:56
That's a good start. But I want some more ammunition, from more hardened Rally fans, before I start trolling those other guys.

I'll bring up what I think is a good point. The cars are all specialised. But I think circuit racing car, particular F1 with all the downforce, is so far from conventional driving, that it may tread a line where it isn't even a legit driving competition. Even with some Touring, or V8Supercars. The input into them is so much, that you kind on have to become a specialist driver to excel in them.

With Rallying. The cars may be easier, and it may be less punishing physically. But it's a more conventional as a car goes. In circuit racing, your the driving performances may not accurately reflect your ability. In Rallying, I think this is less the case. In circuit racing, Fernando Alonso is better than Jamie Whincup, but I'm not sure Alonso would beat Whincup in a V8Supercar. In Rallying, the World Champion would definitely be superior driver to a domestic champion.


15th March 2015, 08:42
I'll bring up what I think is a good point. The cars are all specialised. But I think circuit racing car, particular F1 with all the downforce, is so far from conventional driving, that it may tread a line where it isn't even a legit driving competition. Even with some Touring, or V8Supercars. The input into them is so much, that you kind on have to become a specialist driver to excel in them.

The input a driver must excel in Rallying is much more than any circuit racing. It's not only the variety of corners, but surface, grip levels, risk management. As defined in Nose end first thread - the "toolboxes" are more a driver must learn to handle. Not to mention the need of co-driver and the good co-operation with him.

With Rallying. The cars may be easier, and it may be less punishing physically. But it's a more conventional as a car goes. In circuit racing, your the driving performances may not accurately reflect your ability. In Rallying, I think this is less the case. In circuit racing, Fernando Alonso is better than Jamie Whincup, but I'm not sure Alonso would beat Whincup in a V8Supercar. In Rallying, the World Champion would definitely be superior driver to a domestic champion.

Less punishing physically? Then You probably don't know about the marathon Rallies in Group B days. As for conventional driving, I don't agree at all, no left foot braking and Scandinavian flicks in conventional driving just for one example.

15th March 2015, 09:58
Re the physicality issue: don't think little Lewis would cope on a gravel stage with the power steering failed, and there are many other challenges of endurance, even in the modern style of WRC, that the drivers have to face.

15th March 2015, 10:31
The input a driver must excel in Rallying is much more than any circuit racing. It's not only the variety of corners, but surface, grip levels, risk management. As defined in Nose end first thread - the "toolboxes" are more a driver must learn to handle. Not to mention the need of co-driver and the good co-operation with him.

Less punishing physically? Then You probably don't know about the marathon Rallies in Group B days. As for conventional driving, I don't agree at all, no left foot braking and Scandinavian flicks in conventional driving just for one example.

Oh yes, remember that great athlete that won the World Rally Championship 30 years ago

15th March 2015, 11:04
May I ask what is such penis measurement contest good for? It's old as hell and nobody ever won it. If the only purpose is trolling than it doesn't require any serious inputs...

15th March 2015, 14:48
May I ask what is such penis measurement contest good for? It's old as hell and nobody ever won it. If the only purpose is trolling than it doesn't require any serious inputs...

penis measurement contests show who has the bigger one... thats what they are good for... odd question i must say for a rally forum... but here is your answer.

If you are fat, ugly married with children with no life and dreams and hopes for the rest of your life F1 is a good sport... you see all these ladyboys parading around in their makeup and hairs product and you relate somehow... then you makeup myths about stamina, physical skills, driving skills ects ects and you discuss them with other lowlifes and it is fun because you forget you are an incompetent human being that got fat and ugly and you did not have the courage to take control of your life... (that is not directed towards you mirek, you are a demigod true to rallying standards of life, only the penis answer was for you since you asked)

and on the other hand we have rallying which is the opposite...

15th March 2015, 14:57
Oh yes, remember that great athlete that won the World Rally Championship 30 years ago

That is an extreme case example of course. Rallying require some significant physical training nowadays as well, though not that much as 30 years ago.... Ask Sordo why he missed Sweden

15th March 2015, 15:00
30 years ago rally drivers were girls compared to the ones of today... they were losing rallies from women, biasions, scared men and smokers....

15th March 2015, 17:50
What's wrong with Biasion?

15th March 2015, 18:55
What's wrong with Biasion?


15th March 2015, 19:00
No, seriously. What was his problem? He won championships so it sounds strange you say that. Is it just your opinion or is it shared in the rally community? In the second case I'm interested even more.

15th March 2015, 19:22
I can't find anything wrong which can't be found in all ages of WRC. He was quick with 037 and with Delta HF

15th March 2015, 19:29
I can't find anything wrong which can't be found in all ages of WRC. He was quick with 037 and with Delta HF

Yeah, me too, can't find anything wrong in him. Maybe he was referring to the fact he was a cautious driver, or to his bad relationship with ford. Or more probably it was just one of his eccentric statements that I should not take seriously.

15th March 2015, 20:25
If you are fat, ugly married with children with no life and dreams and hopes for the rest of your life F1 is a good sport... you see all these ladyboys parading around in their makeup and hairs product and you relate somehow... then you makeup myths about stamina, physical skills, driving skills ects

Well. I never ever quote the greek geek, sorry for that.
Jenson button has done the ironman several times, so your point is really not a good and valid point.
Google ironman, in case you are NOT enlightned...

15th March 2015, 20:31
Yeah, me too, can't find anything wrong in him. Maybe he was referring to the fact he was a cautious driver, or to his bad relationship with ford. Or more probably it was just one of his eccentric statements that I should not take seriously.

I'm not aware about bad relationships with Ford. What was the problem?

15th March 2015, 21:15
Don't know exactly what was the problem but it's known he wasn't happy there. If I remember well when he was in Ford he won only in Greece, Delecour was faster than him in the Escort and the car wasn't developed too much compared to others.

15th March 2015, 21:25
Well, the Escort RS Cosworth was their hope to beat all the competition, but it was unreliable car. Probably that has been a frustration, but it was much faster car than Sierra which he also drove. If he has hoped Escort to be the new "Lancia", this never happened.

15th March 2015, 21:28
I can't find anything wrong which can't be found in all ages of WRC. He was quick with 037 and with Delta HF

No, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with Biasion, a legend in fact, but this thread is a bar thread read; don't take stupid remarks seriously. And the people who make comparisons between the drivers of today and the ones of 30 years ago
-whitch is impossible- and call old legends pussy's is not arrogant or dumb, it's too much beer.

15th March 2015, 21:49
Oh I'm not worrying. But You're right, every age is different, and these comparisons are a bit stupid

journeyman racer
17th March 2015, 13:28
The input a driver must excel in Rallying is much more than any circuit racing. It's not only the variety of corners, but surface, grip levels, risk management. As defined in Nose end first thread - the "toolboxes" are more a driver must learn to handle. Not to mention the need of co-driver and the good co-operation with him.

Less punishing physically? Then You probably don't know about the marathon Rallies in Group B days. As for conventional driving, I don't agree at all, no left foot braking and Scandinavian flicks in conventional driving just for one example.
Marathon Rallies from the past won't count. We're just talking for a concentrated, even period. The GP drivers are cooped in, with nowhere to go. They absorb all the energy going through the car. With Rally, your arms and legs are somewhat free, so the body doesn't absorb all the energy. You can't deny the physicality of F1?

If we agree that top level motorsport has to have some relation with regular motoring. I'd also say left foot braking and Scandinavian flicks are a part of conventional driving. While you might not get away with it on public roads. It is those techniques that you need to do to hustle a standard production car around a stage. Whereas with a tarmac circuit. You can't drive a prod car the same way as you would drive an F1 car. Despite it's popularity, F1 would be less relevant than Rallying because of this.

Re the physicality issue: don't think little Lewis would cope on a gravel stage with the power steering failed, and there are many other challenges of endurance, even in the modern style of WRC, that the drivers have to face.
It'd just be a matter of conditioning?

May I ask what is such penis measurement contest good for?

It's old as hell and nobody ever won it. If the only purpose is trolling than it doesn't require any serious inputs...
That's good. Because it didn't.

journeyman racer
17th March 2015, 13:36
30 years ago rally drivers were girls compared to the ones of today... they were losing rallies from women, biasions, scared men and smokers....
He's still better than an F1 champ?

Oh yes, remember that great athlete that won the World Rally Championship 30 years ago
In theory, Timo's success, despite his "inferior" athletic ability, would make him a superior driver to someone with more success than him?

17th March 2015, 13:54
Marathon Rallies from the past won't count. We're just talking for a concentrated, even period. The GP drivers are cooped in, with nowhere to go. They absorb all the energy going through the car. With Rally, your arms and legs are somewhat free, so the body doesn't absorb all the energy. You can't deny the physicality of F1?

If we agree that top level motorsport has to have some relation with regular motoring. I'd also say left foot braking and Scandinavian flicks are a part of conventional driving. While you might not get away with it on public roads. It is those techniques that you need to do to hustle a standard production car around a stage. Whereas with a tarmac circuit. You can't drive a prod car the same way as you would drive an F1 car. Despite it's popularity, F1 would be less relevant than Rallying because of this.

To tell You the truth, I don't really care who wins that battle. As Mirek said, there never was 1, and will never be. I gave You some directions to think about if You want some arguments for somewhere else, but the truth is different for every person, just like the truth is 1 champion better than other. Everyone will have his fans, more or less.
And about marathon rallies 30 years ago, we should consider them as more real rally than nowadays, so this is valid argument. That is true f1 has much more g-forces, but that's the nature of the sport, if 1 is not well prepared for it, better not doing it. I personally can't judge from few hours in the gym every day about driving abilities.

17th March 2015, 14:18
In theory, Timo's success, despite his "inferior" athletic ability, would make him a superior driver to someone with more success than him?

Ari though this back then and thats good enough for me

17th March 2015, 16:14
Well, the Escort RS Cosworth was their hope to beat all the competition, but it was unreliable car. Probably that has been a frustration, but it was much faster car than Sierra which he also drove. If he has hoped Escort to be the new "Lancia", this never happened.

And yet 20 years after, 17 years after the World rally car version, Mats Jonsson in the SM event behind WRC, on rutted and torn up roads---sets times which beat all but top 4 current best fastest ever Heros...
Kind of odd that the car was 'unreliable"--and equlaly odd it was faster--with the biggest difference from Sierra being the length of the prop shaft and 1 section of the exhaust..
(I have Sierra 4x4 Cosworth and now what is different...and what the World Rally Car spec is)

Hmmmm 17 y.o. car, driver in mid 50s--beat all but top 4 WRC drivers.

was ist der los?

17th March 2015, 17:32
And yet 20 years after, 17 years after the World rally car version, Mats Jonsson in the SM event behind WRC, on rutted and torn up roads---sets times which beat all but top 4 current best fastest ever Heros...
Kind of odd that the car was 'unreliable"--and equlaly odd it was faster--with the biggest difference from Sierra being the length of the prop shaft and 1 section of the exhaust..
(I have Sierra 4x4 Cosworth and now what is different...and what the World Rally Car spec is)

Hmmmm 17 y.o. car, driver in mid 50s--beat all but top 4 WRC drivers.

was ist der los?

What tyres do the SM events use? Mats was quick back in the day, but not superhuman

19th March 2015, 20:45

5th April 2015, 19:39

https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/10401936_875531822504800_2835760498602796171_n.jpg ?oh=d8c058e07390b06bd798d3dedbcb9dc1&oe=55B60F94

27th April 2015, 11:06
Last night was a very slow night in the WRC Pickems forum bar. "Everyone who came in was really grumpy complaining about it being a devastating result for them" said the barman who wishes to remain anonymous.
"I just don't get it" the barman continued "the Irishbar down the road had a huge night, I even had to send supplies down to them when they ran out of Guinness early in the evening"

27th April 2015, 11:33
Last night was a very slow night in the WRC Pickems forum bar. "Everyone who came in was really grumpy complaining about it being a devastating result for them" said the barman who wishes to remain anonymous.
"I just don't get it" the barman continued "the Irishbar down the road had a huge night, I even had to send supplies down to them when they ran out of Guinness early in the evening"

Must have ran out of Irish wine as well. You know, Tullamore...

27th April 2015, 14:26
A question is in my mind for a lot of time.
Why there are more rally spectators looking at the cars through a smartphone than people looking (and living) it with their own eyes?
I mean, you don't go to a rally every day, especially a WRC round, you make tons of kms to go there all the organization and so on...You spend money and time to enjoy a unique and wonderful show and then? You watch it through a screen? I cannot understand that.

Ok, maybe you want to remember the moment, you make the video of one or two drivers, it's ok, we're in 2015, but look at live coverages or others video on the web, more than a half of spectators is watching one of the best live moment for a rally fan through a little screen.
Don't you find it weird?

27th April 2015, 20:23
It is really weird and i dont get it all, it actually pisses me really off, especially in music concerts, everybody just filming.

27th April 2015, 20:38
i dont find it weird,i just dont like to do it.
On the other side i have to say a very big thanks to all fans taking photos or videos and upload them at net.

27th April 2015, 21:24
So guys who do think is best driver of all times? Loeb or Ogier? :)

27th April 2015, 21:26
So guys who do think is best driver of all times? Loeb or Ogier? :)

none of them actually

27th April 2015, 21:33
Just kidding, mate!

27th April 2015, 21:34
Just kidding, mate!

yeah, I suspected something like this:)

27th April 2015, 21:34
So guys who do think is best driver of all times? Loeb or Ogier? :)

Loeb for now.

27th April 2015, 21:35
btw it is the right thread Rallyper:)

EDIT: the real question is what to drink for? Out of despair, or something else?

27th April 2015, 21:51
So guys who do think is best driver of all times? Loeb or Ogier? :)

Good job Rallyper! Loeb for me but I can't judge too much since I didn't "live" Loeb era and can rely only on almanacs

27th April 2015, 21:55
Good job Rallyper! Loeb for me but I can't judge too much since I didn't "live" Loeb era and can rely only on almanacs

Someone has said "The history is written by the conquerors", but it wasn't me:)

27th April 2015, 21:57
Good job Rallyper! Loeb for me but I can't judge too much since I didn't "live" Loeb era and can rely only on almanacs

you were lucky... it was quite messy.

women screaming, kids looking for their dads, men deteriorated into nagging women and Finish blood and remains everywhere... it was hell son... hell on earth... i can still hear the agonising voices of Legends/young hopefulls/challengers and their dog fans... few of us survived and embraced the new god the rest are just infidels tormented until this day just by hearing his name of having a glimpse at his shadow... dark times kid... dark times...

27th April 2015, 22:01
You're right about one thing N.O.T. - "dark times"

27th April 2015, 22:03
you were lucky... it was quite messy.

women screaming, kids looking for their dads, men deteriorated into nagging women and Finish blood and remains everywhere... it was hell son... hell on earth... i can still hear the agonising voices of Legends/young hopefulls/challengers and their dog fans... few of us survived and embraced the new god the rest are just infidels tormented until this day just by hearing his name of having a glimpse at his shadow... dark times kid... dark times...

The "only true god" as Melisandre should have said?
Btw I'm not a kid, I said I didn't live it but I was well alive, I just didn't pay attention to rally, I used to waste my time with football and such things. The funny thing btw is that I used to live in a town near Olbia and I had the rally Sardinia Service Park 10kms from home. Such a pity...
Sorry for the divagation, you probably don't care about it but this is Rally Bar thread so I guess I'm allowed :D

27th April 2015, 22:07
Only one remark. You're mistaken the word God with some other definition.

27th April 2015, 22:14
Why don't you like him? Seriously...
I mean I don't like Ogier but I have no problem to say that he is the best and probably he will be remembered as one of the best

27th April 2015, 22:22
Don't like Loeb? I suppose? Well I don't have problems with his titles and so on, just don't think he deservers so much credit, that is all. Perhaps no one else does for the moment, Rallying has been through different eras and periods, some of them quite incomparable with each other. My point generally is that every era/period deserves it's own "heroes" if You might like to call them (well in my definition Loeb is not actually fitting in it).
In general there just can't be just "one" of them.

27th April 2015, 22:28
you were lucky... it was quite messy.

women screaming, kids looking for their dads, men deteriorated into nagging women and Finish blood and remains everywhere... it was hell son... hell on earth... i can still hear the agonising voices of Legends/young hopefulls/challengers and their dog fans... few of us survived and embraced the new god the rest are just infidels tormented until this day just by hearing his name of having a glimpse at his shadow... dark times kid... dark times...

Wanna have one more beer? I know - you had enough already, but one more wouldn´t hurt, right?

27th April 2015, 22:29
Why don't you like him? Seriously...
I mean I don't like Ogier but I have no problem to say that he is the best and probably he will be remembered as one of the best

answer is at post #386 read again.

27th April 2015, 22:36
Wanna have one more beer? I know - you had enough already, but one more wouldn´t hurt, right?

i prefer the tears of the fans of the fallen legends.... sweet like nectar... nothing beats sadness in a glass.

27th April 2015, 22:44
answer is at post #386 read again.

I thought so. Nothing any time to argue for..... Barman, a beer each please......

journeyman racer
6th May 2015, 14:29
I thought Kankkunen was the best of all time so far?

I was competing in a motorkhana during the weekend. It could be called an Autotest or solo elsewhere in the world. I was told it was Paddy Hopkirk that invented this discipline. Is this true?

8th August 2015, 23:02
Not much room for mistakes.

Kristian Sohlberg ‏@Krisse_Sohlberg (https://twitter.com/Krisse_Sohlberg)Aug 7 (https://twitter.com/Krisse_Sohlberg/status/629652396617166848)
A bridge on stage in #Rally (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rally?src=hash) #Vyborg (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Vyborg?src=hash) #Russia (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Russia?src=hash)..need to have a good line, or what u think? #rally (https://twitter.com/hashtag/rally?src=hash) #teaching (https://twitter.com/hashtag/teaching?src=hash) #bridge (https://twitter.com/hashtag/bridge?src=hash)


8th August 2015, 23:08
Russian constructions are usually strong, so good line should be enough

9th August 2015, 00:02
But what will happened if the lines are not good enough?

9th August 2015, 00:48
But what will happened if the lines are not good enough?
Then Ogier will jump in and complain.

9th August 2015, 01:34
Not the right place to go sideways.

9th August 2015, 08:42
But what will happened if the lines are not good enough?

Then the organisers can pile some broken timber before the bridge and throw some handfulls of dirt on it and they have instant Action Section... Hyppi! Maybe light a fire and do like Globular Rally Cross with their man-made ramp jumps..Excitement!

Or they could give Viipuri back and then you guys could fix it!

9th August 2015, 10:47
It looks crazier than it is I think. The bridges of El Condor are not wider, they just don't look so bad :)

11th August 2015, 08:20
Grab a beer folk, pull up a bar stool, it's time to begin the silly season discussions.
Did you hear the one about the Aussie journo who reckons an Irishman could replace a Welshman in a team from near the Scotland England border in 2016.

11th August 2015, 09:18
Grab a beer folk, pull up a bar stool, it's time to begin the silly season discussions.
Did you hear the one about the Aussie journo who reckons an Irishman could replace a Welshman in a team from near the Scotland England border in 2016.

Erm, in short NO.

The only one of the three mentioned who M-Sport would 'sign' is the chap who has money. He's also the one who's reached his full potential, and is the slowest of the three.

18th August 2015, 18:21
some statistics

Stage winners in 2015 #WRC

1 Ogier 53
2 Latvala 27
3 Meeke 11
= Mikkelsen 11
5 Neuville 7
= Tänak 7
7 Ostberg 6
= Kubica 6
9 Loeb 5
10 Paddon 4

Rally leaders
1. Ogier Sébastien 63
2. Latvala Jari-Matti 25
3. Paddon Hayden 15
4. Mikkelsen Andreas 14
5. Meeke Kris 12
6. Loeb Sébastien 6
7. Tänak Ott 4
8. Neuville Thierry 2
9. Sordo Dani 1
= Prokop Martin 1
= Tidemand Pontus 1

1st September 2015, 20:56
Just finished dinner and I'm lying in the sofa with my girlfriend and a fresh beer, and I'm watching this video as well.
Can't share my gf but the video yes.

Enjoy it. Cheers. :)


2nd September 2015, 11:33
Anyone know some more details about how contracts between business men and drivers are made in the past. How payback will be done? Morgage or just interest rates?
If you´re not a lawyer it is not easy making up such document to be 100% coverage of a deal, if you get what I mean.

16th September 2015, 12:56
Pull up a bar stool, grab a beer and catch up on Coff's harbour service park gossip http://www.rallysportmag.com.au/home/wrc/9892-2015-rally-australia-ramblings

30th September 2015, 23:41
vw excepth the 2nd map for emission tests,had and secret map for launch control

30th September 2015, 23:47

8th October 2015, 02:05

This Is The Last Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Ever :( - https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4&v=gnimq8huscM


http://s5.postimg.org/j801gy75z/efed.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4&v=gnimq8huscM)

8th October 2015, 05:43

This Is The Last Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Ever :( - https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4&v=gnimq8huscM


http://s5.postimg.org/j801gy75z/efed.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4&v=gnimq8huscM)

That was good. Thank you for posting it.

8th October 2015, 14:01
A few on here have known that I have had a close encounter with the Big C and I'm glad to say I got the all clear. So it's back to competing for me. Missed doing Rally OZ, was a bit of a keyboard warrior during it, but have 5 rallies in the next 7 weeks. On the plus side lost a few kg.



9th October 2015, 00:13
A few on here have known that I have had a close encounter with the Big C and I'm glad to say I got the all clear. So it's back to competing for me. Missed doing Rally OZ, was a bit of a keyboard warrior during it, but have 5 rallies in the next 7 weeks. On the plus side lost a few kg.


What car are you planning on using Ray?

9th October 2015, 11:36
A multitude of different cars. Will be doing Zero car duties in an N14 Subaru at Tumut state round on the 17th. A Subaru GC8 at Oberon on the 31st then into an Evo for a tarmac event, then back to the Series 1 RX7 for the Mt Hotham tarmac event. Followed by the best of all a 1974 911 RS for the Historic Alpine Rally on gravel.

So a bit of a mixed bag, really looking forward to the Alpine Rally as we should be a top 10 car.


9th October 2015, 18:25
Ten boring seasons behind us... :P

9th October 2015, 20:21
I think they are less than ten... far less, the Gronholm-Loeb battles were nice and most of the championships were close, same goes with Hirvonen up to 2010. So its just 5 years, my prediction is we are going to have a few more boring ones unless Ogier forgets how to drive, latvala learns how to drive and the competitiors of VW learn to build proper rally cars all of which seem a bit hard to happen... but we will see.

9th October 2015, 20:27
Must say I agree with you. But also have to say that winner was known before the season had started except 2006 when citroen was kinda privateer... Anyway it started to be sleepy before every round...

9th October 2015, 22:33

9th October 2015, 23:49
CRASH Markku Alen: Lancia Delta S4 - Rallylegend 2015: Shakedown - GHrallyemotion

Suspension problem... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbENqncKxMc

Edit: Link to more vids - https://www.facebook.com/nettirabbi?fref=photo

Rally Power
10th October 2015, 01:27
A video on the GT drivers "balls issue"


10th October 2015, 04:53

Like someone said on that pic on FB: No, the restrictor was too small! hahahaha

10th October 2015, 21:19
That's a good one but the one on this pic also on FB is stop /spot/ on...

"The stop sign must have worked" :)


11th October 2015, 01:37
PAHAHAHAHA that's friggin' hillarious!

11th October 2015, 21:46
I will just leave this here..


11th October 2015, 22:37
My new socks... :D


16th October 2015, 10:52
Has anyone a (easy) way of calculate restrictorsize?
Or can anyone help me with it?:)

16th October 2015, 14:58

16th October 2015, 23:36
Video Rollout VW WRC 2017 - http://www.rallye-magazin.de/videos/rallyfun/rollout-vw-wrc-2017/

17th October 2015, 01:25
Group B Short Movie Officially Released: Group B (Trailer) - (c)NFTS 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd-GH-NIVGM


17th October 2015, 19:13
A despondant Welshman walks into a bar where an Englishman was hanging out alone.
"You got nothing to celebrate" says the Englishman
"Not yet, but Elfyn is competing in Wales Rally GB in just a few weeks" says Taffy as a smile returns to his face

17th October 2015, 19:32
A despondant Welshman walks into a bar where an Englishman was hanging out alone.
"You got nothing to celebrate" says the Englishman
"Not yet, but Elfyn is competing in Wales Rally GB in just a few weeks" says Taffy as a smile returns to his face

Thw Welsh have the rugby world cup to cheer for still...

17th October 2015, 19:36
Thw Welsh have the rugby world cup to cheer for still...

opps just lost to SA at Q finals... oh well...

20th October 2015, 08:22
I noticed a while ago, but have only thought to ask on here, regarding WRC drivers in the late 90's early 2000's who weren't wearing full flame-proof overalls and often wore only t-shirts. I'm assuming this only happened on events where it was quite hot.

Can anyone who was around at the time explain what the rules were regarding this?
Why was it allowed? and when was it outlawed?


20th October 2015, 13:14
Had a fun day playing in the new Subaru NR4 on Saturday. Awesome bit of kit. Ran as Zero car for State round here in NSW and actually beat Nathan Quinn on one stage, he finished 14th at Rally Australia.

The car is a bit of a weapon, built by Possum Bourne Motorsport in NZ, can buy from a Subaru dealer now, base model $38000 without cage and you can option up to $160000 which includes Reiger suspension. Will be interesting to see how they go against R5 cars.


Rally Hokkaido
20th October 2015, 14:56
AFAIK, the Organisers of WRC Rally Indonesia and some other APRC rounds applied to the FIA for special dispensation on wearing long-sleeve flame-proof overalls on the grounds of extreme heat inside the cars affecting the drivers. I haven't heard of it being permitted in recent years in APRC Rally of Malaysia, which is usually held in very hot and humid conditions.

20th October 2015, 16:48
Had a fun day playing in the new Subaru NR4 on Saturday. Awesome bit of kit. Ran as Zero car for State round here in NSW and actually beat Nathan Quinn on one stage, he finished 14th at Rally Australia.

The car is a bit of a weapon, built by Possum Bourne Motorsport in NZ, can buy from a Subaru dealer now, base model $38000 without cage and you can option up to $160000 which includes Reiger suspension. Will be interesting to see how they go against R5 cars.


$38,000 and only $160,000 more?
What a deal. I think I 'll run out and buy two....

Any details of any technical junk-n-stuff? What's the cost of the gravel Reigers? Any idea of travel in those?

20th October 2015, 20:43
AFAIK, the Organisers of WRC Rally Indonesia and some other APRC rounds applied to the FIA for special dispensation on wearing long-sleeve flame-proof overalls on the grounds of extreme heat inside the cars affecting the drivers. I haven't heard of it being permitted in recent years in APRC Rally of Malaysia, which is usually held in very hot and humid conditions.

It is not permitted in FIA events.
It is permitted in the Malaysian national events

21st October 2015, 21:37
Nah.. bar talk.. lets do it in proper way. I just had a prompt meeting in Athens for two days.. Is there any place where you can get proper beer in Athens? I was looking Acropolis and thinking about Acropolis rally and finally.. why noone offers good beer here? Or do you drink wine only there? I was so happy to get good beer today in the morning at 6:30 AM on Lufthansa flight :-) I wait suggestions for the next time, because there might be next time for me..

21st October 2015, 22:46
next time make a call bluuford. Beers from me.

23rd October 2015, 19:25
Walter Röhrl crashes Porsche 918 Spyder

He could get away but "Pedal to the metal" got him in trouble this time.

http://s13.postimg.org/gsbrmmz9z/image.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLVyRAt2cxbxtnvQfmmYjFMDSs4d1XSC-v&v=1vjkHeAT0KA)

23rd October 2015, 19:31
Nah.. bar talk.. lets do it in proper way. I just had a prompt meeting in Athens for two days.. Is there any place where you can get proper beer in Athens? I was looking Acropolis and thinking about Acropolis rally and finally.. why noone offers good beer here? Or do you drink wine only there? I was so happy to get good beer today in the morning at 6:30 AM on Lufthansa flight :-) I wait suggestions for the next time, because there might be next time for me..

In greece we just drink cheap lagers and supermarket wines... the places that serve proper beer are limited.

25th October 2015, 19:22
next time make a call bluuford. Beers from me.

OK! I will remember it, you know, sometimes I drink many beers :-P

25th October 2015, 19:37
OK! I will remember it, you know, sometimes I drink many beers :-P

no problem mate!http://www.petrolheads.gr/images/smilies/smooth/drinks.gif

26th October 2015, 04:46
Autosport doing fine, as usual!


26th October 2015, 06:03
Autosport doing fine, as usual!


Better late than never..eh?

26th October 2015, 06:12

VolkswagenMotorsport ‏@VolkswagenRally

... here U go. Condition was: all team members spend money before & AM can decide for what charity it is for.

the guy is Andreas chief mechanic

16th December 2015, 06:15
I think i need some help to understand how forum life works
Dimviii, janvanvurpa, danon and Bluuford are all "Senior Member"s of the forum but N.O.T. is a "God"
How does that work ?
Is it something to do with being Greek ?
I think I may need a stiff drink to help me understand this.

16th December 2015, 09:03
NOT just thinks he is THE God.

It is a specially assigned title, while 'Senior member' and other titles are based on the number of posts. There are also other members with special titles.

16th December 2015, 09:05
You can change it for yourself in the forum settings.

16th December 2015, 14:34
You can change it for yourself in the forum settings.
only if you are God you can.

16th December 2015, 16:40
Like Tom said, You can change it Yourself. I did it myself too.


Check this link or go this way: Settings -> Edit profile -> Custom user title

16th December 2015, 19:35
A link to vote for your rally driver of the year : http://www.lemagsportauto.com/rallye-quel-est-votre-meilleur-pilote-de-2015-votez/13534/ :)

20th December 2015, 18:37
WRChair :D - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6Cq78zYKzs

20th December 2015, 19:24
finally the forum is back! its was down for two days, at least for me

20th December 2015, 19:30
and for me too.

20th December 2015, 20:40
2 days of sadness

20th December 2015, 20:43
Guys, admit that You just can't plan Your time :p I spent whole yesterday by driving and today by some Christmas shopping. I nearly didn't notice the forum was off as it was on when I logged in today :D

20th December 2015, 20:43
Two days when you had the chance to live a real life (whatever that is)

20th December 2015, 23:42
Bring back a piece of time - "The 100 Miles Of Amsterdam"
I did a few pics and vids with my phone tonight of those old but great cars.

I'll post a vid later on...




21st December 2015, 00:22
Are you Dutch Danon? Or just visiting. I read it was in Haarlem.

21st December 2015, 00:46
Are you Dutch Danon? Or just visiting. I read it was in Haarlem.

Just visiting... ;)
I did the pics and the vids a couple of ours ago in Amsterdam.
Possibly they pass by Haarlem.
The video is uploading in youtube... 60 min remaining...

21st December 2015, 02:02
So old but yet so great machinery and a magic Christmas atmosphere.

Rally Amsterdam Pre-War Car 100 Miles - http://www.the100miles.com/index2.php

(click on image to play the video)
http://s5.postimg.org/gumser747/100_milesy.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNmUBcC1zeE)

23rd December 2015, 12:13
these photos are from Meekes father garage.


24th December 2015, 16:40
Merry Christmas for all!!!

24th December 2015, 18:55
Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

24th December 2015, 20:51
British rally driver banned for two years for doping/getting happy:


25th December 2015, 08:56
Merry Christmas all, hope Santa brings new rally cars or even time off to go to a rally.



25th December 2015, 13:25
Dunno how many of you have seen this... so damn awesome!

Dear santa, I have been a very good person this year and... yeah!

25th December 2015, 14:49
Marry Christmas and happy 2016 to everyone.

Rally Hokkaido
26th December 2015, 06:11
So, is this the thread for reporting romance between two WRC drivers gossip?

26th December 2015, 21:40
So, is this the thread for reporting romance between two WRC drivers gossip?

A gentleman does not kiss and tell.
What happens on the Stages
Stays on the stages..:imubash:

26th December 2015, 23:54
So, is this the thread for reporting romance between two WRC drivers gossip?
You mean Molly Taylor and Kevin Abbring? :D

27th December 2015, 01:06
British rally driver banned for two years for doping/getting happy:


I've always wondered if there are any control to rally drivers at all levels for doping.
Never heard of controls not even in the WRC. But doping can really help drivers to keep more concentration, have more stamina and improve performance. Is there some policy, checks or something similar?

Rally Hokkaido
27th December 2015, 03:44
A gentleman does not kiss and tell.
What happens on the Stages
Stays on the stages..:imubash:

OK, as I am trying hard to be a gentleman, I'll comply with your wish so as not to upset your delicate feelings ;-)

27th December 2015, 06:38
OK, as I am trying hard to be a gentleman, I'll comply with your wish so as not to upset your delicate feelings ;-)

OK now that formalities are dispensed with, you can tell us..We won't whisper a word to any others...
Dish the dirt?

Were they caught In flagrante delicto??

Any of the ubiquitous WRC photographers catch any of the action?

With perhaps some tastefully scenic leaves in the right places..

27th December 2015, 09:02
I've always wondered if there are any control to rally drivers at all levels for doping.
Never heard of controls not even in the WRC. But doping can really help drivers to keep more concentration, have more stamina and improve performance. Is there some policy, checks or something similar?

Every year they test some people after Ypres Rally. In 2014 2 drivers were caught and had a ban.

27th December 2015, 09:03
OK now that formalities are dispensed with, you can tell us..We won't whisper a word to any others...
Dish the dirt?

Were they caught In flagrante delicto??

Any of the ubiquitous WRC photographers catch any of the action?

With perhaps some tastefully scenic leaves in the right places..

If it is about Molly Taylor and Kevin Abbring, they are open about it on facebook....

27th December 2015, 10:50
I've always wondered if there are any control to rally drivers at all levels for doping.
Never heard of controls not even in the WRC. But doping can really help drivers to keep more concentration, have more stamina and improve performance. Is there some policy, checks or something similar?

Swedish Rally has routinely swabbed drivers for many years from what I have heard.

27th December 2015, 13:27
If it is about Molly Taylor and Kevin Abbring, they are open about it on facebook....

https://scontent.fath3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12376176_1081843221850085_3245580359607464330_n.jp g?oh=10fab514d87680a188ac1e3f0d37af6c&oe=5714F9B8

Rally Hokkaido
27th December 2015, 16:06
Apologies for raising your blood pressure, but no WRC paparazzi with long lenses were involved! As M. Dupanton states above the couple merely posted a selfie beach pic on Fadesbook. Oh, and there it is, courtesy of dim8-san.

27th December 2015, 16:48
I've always wondered if there are any control to rally drivers at all levels for doping.
Never heard of controls not even in the WRC. But doping can really help drivers to keep more concentration, have more stamina and improve performance. Is there some policy, checks or something similar?

On WRC and ERC level, doping checks are normal. During last 15 years I remember lot of similar checks. I remember once on Rally Bulgaria they took six crews from top ten after first leg.

27th December 2015, 17:58
On WRC and ERC level, doping checks are normal. During last 15 years I remember lot of similar checks. I remember once on Rally Bulgaria they took six crews from top ten after first leg.

Thanks PLuto and all the other guys who answered. I've never heard of such checks but fortunately they're doing controls. Shame on crews found positive.

28th December 2015, 18:55
Apologies for raising your blood pressure, but no WRC paparazzi with long lenses were involved! As M. Dupanton states above the couple merely posted a selfie beach pic on Fadesbook. Oh, and there it is, courtesy of dim8-san.

Well off season, what are rabid rally fans supposed to do but speculate and gossip?
Showed my wife the photo and she said "Oh goodness! They have the same nose, same chin, same mouth, same forehead!"
Photoshop? Or reality?

28th December 2015, 22:49
Do we have a Dakar 2016 thread somewhere? If not we should make one!

28th December 2015, 23:16
http://www.motorsportforums.com/showthread.php?35499-Dakar-2016 :)

31st December 2015, 20:21
Happy new Motorsport year in 2016!

And hopefully many tight fights out there, and also good discussions in here!!

1st January 2016, 00:52
Happy New Year guys!!!

http://s5.postimg.org/uy0qnk1qf/vwny.jpg (https://twitter.com/vwrallytheworld/status/682620034087256068)

7th January 2016, 12:31
Merry Christmas to our fellow forumers and to the world celebrating the day. :)

Mk2 RS2000
11th January 2016, 03:55
Congratulations to Hayden Paddon and Katie Lane on their engagement announced today

23rd January 2016, 05:48
Barman has arranged extra supplies of Guinness for the weekend. Guinness was very popular with some celebrating fans Thursday night and again Friday afternoon.

25th January 2016, 23:19


26th January 2016, 07:49
Ogier is going to become a father. Best wishes to him and his wife.

28th January 2016, 11:17
Newspaper Helsingin Sanomat 50 years ago 27.1.1966

Rauno Aaltonen (13.658 votes) was selected as the most popular Finn by a vote organized by the magazine Viikkosanomat.

Second was Timo Mäkinen with 11.408 votes. Third was Esko Kivimäki (“quiz expert”) with 11.347 votes and fourth president Urho Kekkonen with above 10.000 votes. Totally 100.000 votes was given.


Those were the days.:)

28th January 2016, 14:48
Edit deleted post

4th February 2016, 14:33
Just seen there's been a Hollywood movie announced today starring Keanu Reeves called 'Rally Car'


The Chinese co-production is note-worthy I guess but if you read the article it really doesn't sound promising...

4th February 2016, 20:57
... if you read the article it really doesn't sound promising...

Politely said yes

20th February 2016, 07:09
Barman can I have a red bull please. I'd like to drink it while watching the 52 minute Rally Sweden highlight show on Red Bull TV http://www.redbull.tv/episodes/AP-1KT1SDBDW2111/sweden

20th February 2016, 10:54

Historic rally livestream now. They have discovered the amazing technology of picture in picture stage end interviews. Now if only WRCplus could find out about that...