View Full Version : May contain nuts ....

Hazell B
3rd April 2007, 19:52
An old joke maybe, but the labels on things these days are beyond laughing at now.

I bought a washing machine yesterday as I'm sick of beating clothes on a rock in the river. It's label read, in large blocks caps no less, "THIS APPLIANCE HAS BEEN TESTED WITH WATER!!!"

What? What? Water? :eek:

Not chicken soup? Not orange Dulux paint?

Whatever next :rolleyes:

3rd April 2007, 20:02
I remember before I went off to uni, on a pack of tesco's eggs it said "Warning, Contains egg"

I just had a look at some in the fridge, they don't have that message anymore :p :

The classic is the message on the bottom of a product that says "do not turn upside down"

3rd April 2007, 20:22
The thread title should be put up below the forum banner... :p

Sorry, someone had to get that one out of the way early.

3rd April 2007, 20:26
Hazell is nuts! Oh, you have heard that already?

Captain VXR
3rd April 2007, 21:29
Even better, on a Swedish chainsaw:

Do not attempt to stop chain with hands or genitals :eek: Does this happen somewhere? :eek:

3rd April 2007, 22:17
Korean Hand knife: "Keep out of children!"

3rd April 2007, 23:29
On a box of matches I have it warns me that "Fire Kills Children". Guess us adults are safe then? And why does my deodorant can warn me not to place it on a painted surface?

3rd April 2007, 23:58
Sometimes I wonder whether all of these examples are just made up to make the current day seem stupid and have people remember the good old days when spaghetti grew on trees and people were much more intelligent.

4th April 2007, 00:52
I remember buying a can of lighter fliud back in the days when I was cool and had a zippo lighter. It had a label on the back which said 'Warning! Contents is Flammable' :\

4th April 2007, 01:38
I have some "Hedge Trimmers" (cordless) on the instructions, it says do not run while trimming...why would I want to??? :)

4th April 2007, 02:05
And why does my deodorant can warn me not to place it on a painted surface?

This is why:


Proud teenager blown away by the Lynx effect

Jayme Edmonds ended up in intensive care after his car exploded into flames.
A teenager's new car exploded when he used deodorant spray to polish his dashboard and then lit a cigarette, igniting the aerosol's fumes.

Jayme Edmonds suffered burns and spent three days in Rotorua Hospital and nine more days off school recovering after the blast in his uninsured $3000 vehicle.

The doors blew out and the windows shattered - the windscreen was found metres away down the driveway of his home.

Joanne Edmonds, mother of 16-year-old Jayme, said her family had been traumatised by the incident.

Jayme had gone to his car just before midnight - dressed only in his boxer shorts - to have a cigarette and listen to his stereo. In the car were two bottles of Lynx deodorant. "All my mates use it, we all take it around in cars. Others use Impulse," said the Western Heights High School student.

Both bottles had been left in the car, in the hot sun, all day.

Jayme's Honda Prelude was a recent purchase and he was worried about some paint stains on the inside door. He began spraying from the aerosol can on to the car and rubbing the stains off with a towel, he said.

"Then I lit the smoke and this big ball of fire went up.

"I knew my hands were burned because I picked up this towel to try to save my stereo, only the towel was on fire. It was a blur. I just remember all the heat coming up my body."

The explosion shattered two windows of his father's van parked about 3m away and woke up the neighbourhood. "I've never heard anything so loud in my life," Mrs Edmonds said.

Jayme singed his hair, eyebrows and nostrils, but it was about half an hour before he realised the extent of his injuries.

His mother took him to hospital, where he ended up on an oxygen machine in intensive care.

Unilever Australasia spokesman Nick Goddard said the deodorant was clearly marked "highly flammable".

"Lynx is designed to attract members of the opposite sex, but not in this way. We hope the young man is not too seriously hurt."

Maybe it's just a kiwi thing... :s

Hazell B
4th April 2007, 20:11
Hazell is nuts! Oh, you have heard that already?

Only for the last 39 years Eki :laugh:

Curryhead, I've run with petrol hedge trimmers. It's dangerous I know, but the claxon was due and I had a competition hedge to finish laying. Still didn't win, but then again I never do :p :

Zovirax ..... "Do not use on genitals"

4th April 2007, 20:41
This is why:


Maybe it's just a kiwi thing... :s

But was it a painted surface? So still... why shouldn't I put my deodorant can onto a painted surface?

Hazell B
4th April 2007, 20:45
Because deodorant has something in it similar to paint thinners and it may just slightly fade the paintwork. Or blow up :eek:

4th April 2007, 22:26
I just love the idea of a 16 year old owning a Honda Prelude and going out to have a ciggie in it in just his boxers after midnight, all with his parents knowledge :laugh: Is it just me? :\

4th April 2007, 22:32
Some of these signs make me want to do it more. When I finished Sixth form, I burned all of my books (I'd kept them all since Year 7, purposefully) and chucked in 2 batteries. Unfortunetly, nothing happened.

Scuderia ferrari
4th April 2007, 22:33
I am racking my brains trying to think of some, i have defiently seen some, but can't remeber them

5th April 2007, 05:40
I just love the idea of a 16 year old owning a Honda Prelude and going out to have a ciggie in it in just his boxers after midnight, all with his parents knowledge :laugh: Is it just me? :\

Well, it may be just you. It's quite a common practice over here... :p

5th April 2007, 06:17
on a bag of mixed fruit "why not try tossing over your favourite cereal"

5th April 2007, 07:25
I just love the idea of a 16 year old owning a Honda Prelude and going out to have a ciggie in it in just his boxers after midnight, all with his parents knowledge :laugh: Is it just me? :\

Yeah, I liked that too. But when I re-read the news, I didn't find evidence that the parents knew that he went for a ciggie.

But one day I'd like to meet that guy who, despite being on fire, takes a burning towel and tries to save his stereo. Modern day hero. :cool:

5th April 2007, 09:20
I remember being very amused by a bottle of supermarket own brand fizzy apple juice some years ago. On the label was a picture of some apples, which said next to it: 'Serving suggestion'. That would be a challenge.

Similarly, the 'serving suggestion' on a cucumber I once bought from a supermarket was... to slice it and put it in a salad.

5th April 2007, 09:36
Slightly off-topic, but my work colleague uses a brand of hand cream called Hand Relief.

5th April 2007, 13:26
Slightly off-topic, but my work colleague uses a brand of hand cream called Hand Relief.


5th April 2007, 14:19
i dont get it.. :s :

5th April 2007, 14:33
Never mind :uhoh: ...

5th April 2007, 14:55
i dont get it.. :s :

Me neither. :s mokin:

5th April 2007, 15:16
Jesus H. Christ! :p :

5th April 2007, 17:25
And why does my deodorant can warn me not to place it on a painted surface?

I've never noticed that before. But on checking my aerosol cans, it says exactly that. I don't have any polished surfaces near where I keep them, so I'm safe. :p :

I remember the idiots as school who used to make flame throwers from cans of Lynx Africa and cheap lighters. :s

5th April 2007, 17:46
Deodorant flamethrowers are fun :erm:

5th April 2007, 18:13
Deodorant flamethrowers are fun :erm:

I second that! :D

I remember the idiots as school who used to make flame throwers from cans of Lynx Africa and cheap lighters. :s

I once had a classmate who didn't need a Lynx Africa whatsoever, just a lighter and his mouth did it for him...

... and no, it wasn't bad breath that caught fire.

6th April 2007, 05:45
from the ones I remember:

Head & Shoulders bottle: Instructions: use on hair

A battery: Don't lick or eat( :eek: )

6th April 2007, 07:51
Head & Shoulders bottle: Instructions: use on hair

Which means: use pretty much everywhere(as humans have hair nearly everywhere on their bodies) :s mokin:

6th April 2007, 08:05
Deodorant flamethrowers are fun :erm:
But incredibly difficult to make from deodorant sticks. :p :

There is one warning that has always made me chuckle, on some wall heaters it says "do not cover" in Finnish, Swedish and for some odd reason also in Norvegian, i don't remember the Swedish, but in Norvegian it's Må ikke tildekkes, it's the only real Norvegian I know and sometimes I find myself saying it over and over again... :)

It was even a question in a radio show few months ago, "What is Må ikke tildekkes in Finnish, and the caller even knew it, apparently he had a similar heater in his room. :D

6th April 2007, 08:14
But incredibly difficult to make from deodorant sticks. :p :
Yes. I've not mastered deodorant stick flamethrowers yet :p

6th April 2007, 08:24
I guess sticks would make good torches though.

Captain VXR
6th April 2007, 09:48
Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding - product will be hot after heating