View Full Version : Belgian woman ends up in Zagreb after GPS failure

16th January 2013, 09:32
Belgian Woman’s GPS Leads Her on 900-Mile Detour

Talk about taking a wrong turn. Sabine Moureau, a 67-year old woman living in Wallonia, Belgium, was headed to pick up a friend at a Brussels train station when she programmed her GPS to show her the way there.

Moreau reportedly told the Belgian paper Het Nieuwsblad that she let the navigation system take over, shutting her mind off. “I was absent-minded so I kept on putting my foot down.” It wasn’t until she hit Zagreb, Croatia’s capital — a day later — that she realized something was seriously wrong.

Though Moreau doesn’t seem sure of which countries she passed through, she would have had to go through Germany, Austria and Slovenia to end up in the Central European country. According to the paper, Moureau was forced to fill up her gas tank twice and stopped to sleep for a few hours on the 900-mile journey.

“I switched on the GPS and punched in the address. Then I started out. My GPS seemed a bit wonky. It sent me on several diversions and that’s where it must have gone wrong… I saw tons of different signposts, first in French, later in German, but I kept on driving,” she told the paper. Her original destination should have only taken an hour.

She later was reunited with her family, which had reported her missing, and friend, who managed to find alternate transportation from the train station — but only after Moreau made the journey in reverse.

Read more: Belgian Woman (http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/01/15/belgian-woman-drives-900-miles-instead-of-90-thanks-to-her-gps/#ixzz2I857fkL6)

Big Ben
16th January 2013, 12:06
Conveniently they forgot to mention the woman was suffering from alzheimer

race aficionado
16th January 2013, 12:15
And that she had an iPhone 5. ;)

16th January 2013, 18:38
I'm surprised someone lacking any intelligence at all was able to turn a GPS device on and get that far.

What about here having a driving license? This is what bothers me most, there's lost of stupid people driving cars around cause having a driving license nowadays is a right not a privilege anymore and everyone seems to get one no matter how bad they are at driving.

17th January 2013, 07:21
What about here having a driving license? This is what bothers me most, there's lost of stupid people driving cars around cause having a driving license nowadays is a right not a privilege anymore and everyone seems to get one no matter how bad they are at driving.

Maybe she's not a bad driver. Looks like police hadn't any reason to stop her during her journey.

I can even accept she was absent-minded ( God only knows how many times I took the subway in the wrong direction :devil :) .
In my opinion there's something else that's weird. She could quietly continue the "sleep of her mind" until croatian border where the Schengen Space ends. I'm sure she was asked at least for an ID card and she could suspect there's something wrong. However she kept on driving till Zagreb......

17th January 2013, 22:12
Something fishy here. Surely she would notice road signs changing and border crossings.

Mind you I once missed Windsor Castle while driving past it. :o :p :

17th January 2013, 22:53
- Honey, where were you yesterday?
- Uhhmmm... the evil GPS made me drive for 900 km! I certainly was not meeting someone in a motel somewhere!

17th January 2013, 22:56
Maybe she's not a bad driver. Looks like police hadn't any reason to stop her during her journey.

You would be surprised to know that in most of the EU you only get pulled over by the police for driving to fast or for driving the wrong way on the highway, for the rest they just do not care.

I can even accept she was absent-minded ( God only knows how many times I took the subway in the wrong direction :devil :) .

Well, at least you do not drive a car. Well done.

In my opinion there's something else that's weird. She could quietly continue the "sleep of her mind" until croatian border where the Schengen Space ends. I'm sure she was asked at least for an ID card and she could suspect there's something wrong. However she kept on driving till Zagreb......

Yep, you can not cross the Croatian border without an identity check and without answering a couple of questions.

17th January 2013, 22:57
- Honey, where were you yesterday?
- Uhhmmm... the evil GPS made me drive for 900 km! I certainly was not meeting someone in a motel somewhere!

She's 67, whom should she meet in a motel?

18th January 2013, 09:11
She's 67, whom should she meet in a motel?

Her toyboy?

Her lifetime secret lover?


18th January 2013, 12:19
She's 67, whom should she meet in a motel?

I don't know if this should be a different thread - but at just what age do you consider that people will (or should) be no longer interested in (capable of) sexual activity?

18th January 2013, 12:23
I don't know if this should be a different thread - but at just what age do you consider that people will (or should) be no longer interested in (capable of) sexual activity?

....and I have another curiosity: motels are just for sex?

18th January 2013, 12:48
....and I have another curiosity: motels are just for sex?

Only if they quote an hourly rate ! ;)

18th January 2013, 13:06
Only if they quote an hourly rate ! ;)

What does one do for the other 55 mins???????? :D

18th January 2013, 13:37
What does one do for the other 55 mins???????? :D

Attempt to move again after your back locks in a spasm!!

18th January 2013, 21:32
Moving is always good.

23rd January 2013, 15:04
:laugh: Love it too!