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7th January 2013, 14:26
Never too early to start a thread on Rally Finland...

Here's a link (http://yle.fi/uutiset/mm-rallia_ei_ajeta_enaa_lahden_jokimaalla/6437710) (Finnish) to a little newspiece that states for the first in public (at least I haven't saw any) that this year's edition will use stages in Lahti region as has been the case in 2011 and 2012 as well. Let's just hope they'd add a stage or two there, making it more proper than last year's excursion. However, SSS Jokimaa, the lame trotting track stage, is most likely not to be used because it never really reached the popularity it would demand to be worthy to build.

There's also some rumouring that extra event Vetomies (Gr.F) would make a return, which of course has meaning only to ones spectating the event live. Perhaps another extra rally with old 4WD cars too...

RG1 should be out some time in late February, I think.

11th January 2013, 11:55
RG1 should be out some time in late February, I think.

Can´t wait.... :bounce:

20th January 2013, 12:46
Strong rumour:

SS1 Himos (with that ski hill stadion part)

and then towards Lahti

20th January 2013, 13:10
Siim Plangi told that NORF is in his plans with Evo 10 R4 if I am not mistaken

20th January 2013, 16:08
Strong rumour:

SS1 Himos (with that ski hill stadion part)

and then towards Lahti

After Himos it could be Hassi...

20th January 2013, 17:27
Strong rumour:

SS1 Himos (with that ski hill stadion part)

and then towards Lahti

If any Finnish forumers listened to that radio show last Monday (Yle Urheiluilta) with some talk about this year's edition, it was mentioned that Lahti leg should include stages near Lahti as well as stages on the way there and on the way back. SS Himos would clearly fit that picture, where as SS Hassi is more difficult if Ouninpohja will be run again (not impossible though, of course). There are stages to choose from near Lahti, then most likely SS Mynnilä on the way back. I would whole-heartedly welcome SS Himos back, but I guess there have been reasons why it hasn't been included in the rally last two times. We will see.

20th January 2013, 18:06
[quote="Hartusvuori"] I would whole-heartedly welcome SS Himos back, but I guess there have been reasons why it hasn't been included in the rally last two times. QUOTE]

Why is that?

21st January 2013, 06:30
I would whole-heartedly welcome SS Himos back, but I guess there have been reasons why it hasn't been included in the rally last two times.

Why is that?

I've only heard rumours, so in public I'd like to leave the matter to those that know it in detail. But in my opinion the stage could hardly be considered as bad by organisers, if you look at it from sporting point of view (challenging stage with different kind of parts, prooved to be a decisive stage few times in mid 00's) or from organisational point of view (central location, with end part in ski loops making it a proper forest stage + kind of SSS).

30th January 2013, 20:06
MM-ralliin uusia erikoiskokeita Päijänteen länsipuolelle - Moottoriurheilu - ESS.fi (http://www.ess.fi/?article=401539)

Here's a recent interview with clerk of the course Kai Tarkiainen (in Finnish, of course). It doesn't say anything in detail, just comfirms the fact that they are planning more stages between Jyväskylä and Lahti (west side of Lake Päijänne). They are talking about new stages, but is that new-new stages or new compared to last year, it's up to how the journalist have interpreted the answers. We'll know for sure only when RG1 is out. But there won't be any changes for part back on the east side of Lake Päijänne, so most likely that's SS Mynnilä then. Also, I don't remember hearing anywhere that those Lahti stages would be on Thursday.

31st January 2013, 20:31
Afaik there has not been many stages near the west side of lake Päijänne so it would be interesting. The map below is from 1994. I t would be of course better if the stages would be closer to Päijänne but with some or all of the stages 18, 19 and 24 the distance is between 90 – 110 km from the west side of the stages to Lahti.

From the west side of stage 24 it's about 95 km to Lahti, from the west side of stage 18 it's about 110 km to Lahti and from the west side of stage 19 it's about 90 km to Lahti.

The east side of Päijänne has been used much more. The second map is also from 1994 and the third is from 1988 (In 1998 there was 39 stages and 500,18 SS km :) ). Stage 5 is part of Mynnilä.




5th February 2013, 20:16
Look at this...
Tusen Sjöars Rally 1984 WRC - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEgnE2OrNHI) Finland 1984 :-)

10th February 2013, 20:34
Will the Shakedown be run on Thursday or is it possible that it will be on Wednesday?

10th February 2013, 22:05
Will the Shakedown be run on Thursday or is it possible that it will be on Wednesday?

It´s yet to be announced. Wait until end of this month...

25th February 2013, 12:06
Route schedule for this year's NORF should be published this or next week, I believe.

In AKK's magazine (from last week) it says that there'll be rallying for 4 days from Wednesday July 31st (QS) to Saturday August 3rd. Rally will start on Thursday August 1st with "more stages than it've been lately". SSS Killeri will be run as last stage of the day on Thursday and Friday. Killeri on Thursday for sure means a different kind of approach to Lahti stages than in 2012, or then it'll be like in 2011 with Thursday afternoon near Jyväskylä and Lahti stages then either on Friday or Saturday. No other stage names mentioned than Killeri.

On Friday and Saturday there'll be sub-event Vetomies and Nelivetomies (4WD). I don't know exactly how these are run or regulated, but they mention "vintage WRC cars" in the article so.... we'll see :-)

25th February 2013, 19:18
We´ve booked Sokos hotel at Paviljonki on wednesday until thursday. Hope they don´t start too early on Thursday though. I´m thinking of having a gadering on Sokos hotel bar wednesday evening for our forumers. How about that? Room for changes possible of course.

28th February 2013, 19:51
No news on the route yet.

However, it was announced that Tuulilasi magazine will provide the official spectator's guide this year, as they did for the first time last year. However, VM will do their own guide too. Let's see what will follow...

28th February 2013, 20:31
No news on the route yet.

However, it was announced that Tuulilasi magazine will provide the official spectator's guide this year, as they did for the first time last year. However, VM will do their own guide too. Let's see what will follow...

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :hot: :hot:

4th March 2013, 10:17
Route and maps to come this week. RG1 end of March.

6th March 2013, 17:56
Route and maps to come this week.


7th March 2013, 05:51
The total length of the route is 1567,87 kilometres. It comprises 23 special stages, which add up to 327,34 km in all.
Neste Oil Rally Finland route 2013 - Rally as its purest (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/en/36826.aspx)

7th March 2013, 06:18
Thursday 1.8.2013

Start+RF Paviljonki

SS 1 Himos 1 5,50 km, 12:15
SS 2 Torittu 1 8,40 km, 13:40

Refuel Padasjoki

SS 3 Koukunmaa 13,68 km, 15:18

Regroup & Refuel Padasjoki

SS 4 Torittu 2 8,40 km, 17:34
SS 5 Himos 2 10,20 km, 19:00
SS 6 Killeri 1 2,06 km, 20:30

Service Paviljonki 45 min
Total: 48,24 km

Friday 2.8.2013
Service+RF Paviljonki 15 min

SS 7 Jukojärvi 1 22,50 km, 9:48
SS 8 Palsankylä 1 13,92 km, 10:56

Refuel Höytiä

SS 9 Mökkiperä 1 13,64 km, 11:41
SS 10 Lankamaa 1 23,30 km, 12:44

RG+Service+RF Paviljonki 13+30 min

SS 11 Jukojärvi 2 22,50 km, 15:36
SS 12 Palsankylä 2 13,92 km, 16:44

Refuel Höytiä

SS 13 Mökkiperä 2 13,64 km, 17:29
SS 14 Lankamaa 2 23,30 km, 18:32
SS 15 Killeri 2 2,06 km, 20:30

Service Paviljonki 45 min
Total: 148,78 km

Saturday 3.8.2013
Service+RF Paviljonki 15 min

SS 16 Surkee 1 14,95 km, 8:26
SS 17 Leustu 1 9,90 km, 9:24

Refuel Jämsä

SS 18 Ouninpohja 1 33,01 km, 10:32
SS 19 Painaa 1 7,30 km, 11:50

RG+Service+RF Paviljonki 13+30 min

SS 20 Surkee 2 14,95 km, 14:04
SS 21 Leustu 2 9,90 km, 15:02

Refuel Jämsä

SS 22 Ouninpohja 2 33,01 km, 16:10

Regroup Jämsä 30 min

SS 23 Painaa 2 (PwrS) 7,30 km, 18:11

Podium Paviljonki 20:00
Total: 130,32 km

7th March 2013, 06:24
Great info thanks :up: about time to start my trip-plan :D

7th March 2013, 07:01
Jukojärvi and Lankamaa are driven to opposite direction than last Year...

7th March 2013, 07:23
How are Surkee or Leustu run - direction, I mean? Also interesting to see how Himos is made, if for second run it makes a loop of 5+ kms drivers will drive twice with - was it - 30 second intervals. Always nice to have new old stages too.

Altogether, looks like some groundwork must be done about the route. Now bring on entries... :-)

7th March 2013, 07:36
I like that route! Very good.

7th March 2013, 07:42
How are Surkee or Leustu run - direction, I mean?

Surkee is first stage after SP so I think that it's same direction than last year.

Generally quite short stages. Ouni is only over 30km stage and then Jukojärvi and Lankamaa are over 20km. All others are less than 15km. It's a little disappointment for me...

7th March 2013, 13:07
So QS is on Wednesday on Ruuhimäki?

7th March 2013, 13:37
So QS is on Wednesday on Ruuhimäki?


8th March 2013, 00:16
The first thing I noticed were how short most stages are!

But nice to see Ouninpohja back twice again :)

8th March 2013, 15:43
Any maps ..... to dreaming.....first days of August.......

8th March 2013, 17:49
The power stage has a suitable name, Painaa = press / push. :)

16th March 2013, 19:11
Ari Vatanen's son might drive NORF this year:

Max Vatanen rallissa mukana jo ensi vuonna? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz7DX6cxSME) (only in Finnish)

So, Kubica's rally calendar includes rally Finland. I'm looking forward to see him driving here.

28th March 2013, 17:08
Rally guide published.

Competitors - Neste Oil Rally Finland (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/en/competitors/)

28th March 2013, 18:33
Rally guide published.

Competitors - Neste Oil Rally Finland (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/en/competitors/)

Has ever SS2/4 Torittu used in Finnish Rally Championship or F-Cup?

28th March 2013, 19:01
I don’t know about F-Cup but it was used in NORF 1985.

28th March 2013, 19:45
I don’t know about F-Cup but it was used in NORF 1985.

In 1984 too :) So... no chance for onboards. Maybe that's even better :)

29th March 2013, 18:05
Torittu has also been used in 1978 and 1983.

The another new old stage Painaa has been used in 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986. :)

juwra.com**|**Rallies - Finland (http://juwra.com/finland.html)

30th March 2013, 16:53
So what about Itenary for NORF?

I would have wanted some more new stages, and more mileage...

It seems we´re getting more and more Mickey Mouse stages even in NORF...

31st March 2013, 14:50
At least it's more mileage than last year. But for sure the stages appear something we are very used to. Torittu and Himos are new, Painaa kind of new and some other well known stages are run reversed, so it's something.

Looking from spectator point of view, it's okeyish. Thursday is more friendly with schedule, no need to drive south of Lahti nor stay on stages near midnight. For Friday 3-4 stages is possible, same for Saturday. And even if stages are same, there are plenty of corners and jumps to choose from.

31st March 2013, 19:38
At least it's more mileage than last year. But for sure the stages appear something we are very used to. Torittu and Himos are new, Painaa kind of new and some other well known stages are run reversed, so it's something.

Looking from spectator point of view, it's okeyish. Thursday is more friendly with schedule, no need to drive south of Lahti nor stay on stages near midnight. For Friday 3-4 stages is possible, same for Saturday. And even if stages are same, there are plenty of corners and jumps to choose from.

For sure. But my expectations were a lot more. Though I´m sure it will all be very nice in the end.

How about torittu stage? Anything nice at that one?

Our plan is to do recce on Torittu, Himos (which I believe they will run down the ski slope) and Painaa on our way from Helsinki up to Jyväskylä on Wednesday. Painaa by the way, will be very fast up to first junction, then thru the big trees for 200 m and right on small road for a couple i kilometers, to the left in junction which was so hard for many drivers (amongst them Sandell) coming from reversed direction. Then only a couple of hundred meters and finnish. I´m I right??

1st April 2013, 08:54
One main reason why route is like it is comes from teams... They don't want remote services. COC Tarkiainen asked about teams that what kind of rally they want and now it is like they wanted... Without remote service there is no chance to do more stages. Of course there is a chance to drive more different stages but there is very difficult to find totally new stages near Jyväskylä... All possible stages are driven many times in previous years. Second reason is that organizers want that most of the spectators stays where they are all day. There are so many spectators that if everyone moves to another stage there is hell of a traffic jam...

1st April 2013, 09:35
Second reason is that organizers want that most of the spectators stays where they are all day. There are so many spectators that if everyone moves to another stage there is hell of a traffic jam...

Well, moving between stages is for me at least always fun, you never know will you be on time or not for the stage you're going to. And staying at the same place for the whole day is a bit like watching circuit racing.

1st April 2013, 18:29
Well, moving between stages is for me at least always fun, you never know will you be on time or not for the stage you're going to. And staying at the same place for the whole day is a bit like watching circuit racing.

There are people that go spectating rallies and people that read this forum and go spectating rallies. Of course moving between stages, planning it all, is always more than half of the fun :-)

1st April 2013, 21:34
There are people that go spectating rallies and people that read this forum and go spectating rallies. Of course moving between stages, planning it all, is always more than half of the fun :-)

Well, this is the reason why I just love winter rallies. I was together with one friend and our equipment was: Primus, 10m long rope, shovel, 2 pairs of cross-country skis, snowshoes :-) We used them all! For one stage we parked the car on the parallel road, took the skis, found some snow-mobile tracks 1.5 km skiing, then we changed our skis to snowshoes and jumped on the snow-piles :-) That was quick, fun and comfortable!

2nd April 2013, 08:55
Well, moving between stages is for me at least always fun, you never know will you be on time or not for the stage you're going to. And staying at the same place for the whole day is a bit like watching circuit racing.

Of course it is... That's the way I like i also but that time is gone in Rally Finland. Unfortunately... I think that problem is not those true rally fan's who chance place from the stage to stage... Problem is when all other 70-80% of spectators are going to do the same...

4th April 2013, 12:57
Extra events for Rally Finland, Nelivetomies (old WRC and FIN R 4WD) and Vetomies (Gr.F, 2WD) will be run joint with the main event this year. 4WD oldies will run in Friday and Saturday between WRC cars on all stages run twice. On Saturday 2WD Vetomies drivers will run after 4WD Vetomies drivers on each of the 4 stages. Maximum entries are 30 for 4WD and 50 for 2WD, altogether 80. Top drivers from Suomi Cup (FRCs oldies cup) and F-Cup will get priority in the entries so that all the best would be tackling the stages.

Vetomies is back! (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/37026.aspx)

4th April 2013, 13:07
Extra events for Rally Finland, Nelivetomies (old WRC and FIN R 4WD) and Vetomies (Gr.F, 2WD) will be run joint with the main event this year. 4WD oldies will run in Friday and Saturday between WRC cars on all stages run twice. On Saturday 2WD Vetomies drivers will run after 4WD Vetomies drivers on each of the 4 stages. Maximum entries are 30 for 4WD and 50 for 2WD, altogether 80. Top drivers from Suomi Cup (FRCs oldies cup) and F-Cup will get priority in the entries so that all the best would be tackling the stages.

Vetomies is back! (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/37026.aspx)

15th April 2013, 22:43
Tuesday till sunday, we found some Student Dorm in Jyvaskala to stay :)

19th April 2013, 00:24
One main reason why route is like it is comes from teams... They don't want remote services. COC Tarkiainen asked about teams that what kind of rally they want and now it is like they wanted... Without remote service there is no chance to do more stages. Of course there is a chance to drive more different stages but there is very difficult to find totally new stages near Jyväskylä... All possible stages are driven many times in previous years. Second reason is that organizers want that most of the spectators stays where they are all day. There are so many spectators that if everyone moves to another stage there is hell of a traffic jam...

Having one stage near Lahti makes things look the opposite though. It´s only a very long liason down to Lahti and could instead render in new stages.

19th April 2013, 09:37
Having one stage near Lahti makes things look the opposite though. It´s only a very long liason down to Lahti and could instead render in new stages.

Last year it was more like that. Now it's one short stage and one proper stage on the way to and back from Lahti. Of course there could always be more, but this year's Thursday schedule much more logical than last year. SS Himos in its new form is okeyish spectator stage, kind of like SS Laajavuori. First half of the stage is basically hillclimb, and once you get on top, there's only one way - down. There are few corners worth considering on the first part. The downhill part was hard to recce now as it's still covered in snow (or was two weeks ago).

20th April 2013, 11:25
I saw him live in Portugal last weekend, and truelly he is very fast as the guy who drove for a first time on a gravel

13th May 2013, 18:50
COC Kai Tarkiainen tells a little more about how SS Himos 2 will be run. So, there'll be heats of 5-7 drivers starting the stage with 30-second intervals. The 5 km stage will be run in two loops and once the last driver of each heat will start the second loop, a new heat will start.

It's 2,5 kms uphill and then of course 2,5 kms downhill, so hopefully timing will be good for each heat, perhaps something between 2,5-3 minutes is right for one loop. Of course this leaves a lot of questions, both sport and safety related, but nevertheless, it'll be interesting to spectate live. Tarkiainen says the downhill part, a newly remade service road on the ski hill, will be "wild experience" for the drivers too. Rally Radio was today making their recce and said via FB that it's not yet possible to drive the downhill part with road car. Once I'll see the downhill section I'll make a decision whether to do SS Torittu and SS Himos 2 on Thursday or both runs of Himos.

13th May 2013, 19:13
I know that on gravel it's a bit different case due to the dust but for example shakedown in Barum rally has been plenty of times run in 30 seconds intervals even when it was like 5 km long and I don't remember anyone complaining.

13th May 2013, 19:20
I know that on gravel it's a bit different case due to the dust but for example shakedown in Barum rally has been plenty of times run in 30 seconds intervals even when it was like 5 km long and I don't remember anyone complaining.

I'm more worried how it'll work when driver comes for second loop and there might be driver in front with less than 30 seconds. Finnish rallysprints run with 30 second intervals on snow, tarmac and gravel and in most times, dust is not an issue.

14th May 2013, 18:55
Who is going to win ? :)

14th May 2013, 21:07
I'm more worried how it'll work when driver comes for second loop and there might be driver in front with less than 30 seconds. Finnish rallysprints run with 30 second intervals on snow, tarmac and gravel and in most times, dust is not an issue.
I think that biggest problem is that road is new and there is suppose to drive totally 3 rounds/240-300 times... New roads are usually quite soft in first few years so it's not going to be fun for last cars...

14th May 2013, 21:16
I think that biggest problem is that road is new and there is suppose to drive totally 3 rounds/240-300 times... New roads are usually quite soft in first few years so it's not going to be fun for last cars...

It'll absolutely be soft, of course based not a real experience. Considering it's a road that's underneath a ski slope from November to April, it's not a normal road. Even the normal road on Himos area are soft, Was it 2009 with that one right-hander and around 20 offs....?

15th May 2013, 01:16
It'll absolutely be soft, of course based not a real experience. Considering it's a road that's underneath a ski slope from November to April, it's not a normal road. Even the normal road on Himos area are soft, Was it 2009 with that one right-hander and around 20 offs....?

I was there... :) It was not a normal road for Himos stages though, very narrow and loose compared to the faster sections on Himos stages, of course depending on which course and roads that are choosen on Himos.

15th May 2013, 11:21
Even the normal road on Himos area are soft, Was it 2009 with that one right-hander and around 20 offs....?
It was 2008... It wasn't very soft part. Small road and start went quite bad but worst part of that stage(Vaheri) was in middle section. Small road and lot of stones... I was co-driver that year in VW Polo and I think that main reason why there was so many off's was that in recce there was lot of dust... During recce weather was very hot and all roads was very dry. On that stage we were 2nd or 3rd car in recce and we saw that this right hander tightens a little over the crest. And when we did our second lap in recce there was so much dust that visibility was only 20-30m... We knew that it's impossible to do good pacenotes and see that it tightens... We told our friends that go to watch in that corner... And in rally we put some heat to our nearest competitor and told that now we start to push because they were about 30sek ahead of us... They rolled in that right hander;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

15th May 2013, 13:00
He, he... It was very soft in that corner. Particulary after 50 cars. The tracks were about 20-30 cm deep, but not for the first cars of course. I remember Mikko and Loeb hanged with left rear in ditch. But JML went off. After having had a bad start first day he should take the pace second day but this was first stage in the morning and he lost about one minute because he got stuck.

And Aava hit a small tree and did a 180 degree in his sudden stop. After that every car more or less was in that ditch, which became less dangerous but still made those running too fast big problems. Will never forget that morning in Haveri...

Me and my son did our own recce there two days before and my son said this is going to be tuff place. While I had a bend about 500m away. When coming to that stage on race-day every local guy was there with ropes and gloves, so we knew directly we should stay at that place...

16th May 2013, 10:16
The official Rallyradio (YLE Rallyradio) went to SS Himos with Rally Finland's Deputy Clerk of the Course Kari Nuutinen. Comments are of course in Finnish but at least you can get a glimpse of the special stage.

Yle Ralliradio: Himoksen EK-esittely | Yle Keski-Suomi | Tv | Areena | yle.fi (http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1916862)

16th May 2013, 16:27
The official Rallyradio (YLE Rallyradio) went to SS Himos with Rally Finland's Deputy Clerk of the Course Kari Nuutinen. Comments are of course in Finnish but at least you can get a glimpse of the special stage.

Yle Ralliradio: Himoksen EK-esittely | Yle Keski-Suomi | Tv | Areena | yle.fi (http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1916862)

Can you kind of put it in Youtube, because I don´t think it´s sent abroad of Finland?

16th May 2013, 17:22
Can you kind of put it in Youtube, because I don´t think it´s sent abroad of Finland?

Edit: It worked alright when I started from yle.fi.

16th May 2013, 17:22
Works in the Netherlands ;)

20th May 2013, 15:47
A new way of transportation to a spectator area or as spectator areas are called in Finland, animal stall. :)

Rally Finland ‏@RallyFinland (https://twitter.com/RallyFinland)2h (https://twitter.com/RallyFinland/status/336458132551262208)
Ever taken a skilift to watch #WRC (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WRC&src=hash) rally in summer? Never mind, we'll soon fix that! #Himos (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Himos&src=hash) #RallyFinland (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23RallyFinland&src=hash)

Support event:

Rally Finland ‏@RallyFinland (https://twitter.com/RallyFinland)4h (https://twitter.com/RallyFinland/status/336418772170727424)
Waiting for the first 2-litre turbo #WRC (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WRC&src=hash) entry to our support event Nelivetomies! Will it be FIN, SWE, EST, GB, ITA, FRA...?

20th May 2013, 17:03
A new way of transportation to a spectator area or as spectator areas are called in Finland, animal stall. :)

Rally Finland ‏@RallyFinland (https://twitter.com/RallyFinland)2h (https://twitter.com/RallyFinland/status/336458132551262208)
Ever taken a skilift to watch #WRC (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WRC&src=hash) rally in summer? Never mind, we'll soon fix that! #Himos (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Himos&src=hash) #RallyFinland (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23RallyFinland&src=hash)

Support event:

Rally Finland ‏@RallyFinland (https://twitter.com/RallyFinland)4h (https://twitter.com/RallyFinland/status/336418772170727424)
Waiting for the first 2-litre turbo #WRC (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WRC&src=hash) entry to our support event Nelivetomies! Will it be FIN, SWE, EST, GB, ITA, FRA...?

Well, i never did it in Finland OldF, but i took skilift to go and watch one SS in Rallye du Mont Blanc. But i must say that most of lifts are open over there in summer due to mountainbike downhillers. :D

20th May 2013, 17:48
One of the first years in Germany you even had a skilift to a stage if I'm right :)

28th May 2013, 08:31
Rumours tweeting that Ott Tänak might start in Finland with Fiesta WRC. Tänak Attack would be nice addition.

1st June 2013, 13:11
Estonian Kristen Kelement has started the entry to rally Finland with his co-driver Timo Kasesalu.
I googled him and he has been driving some rallies in his home country and also some rallysprint.

https://akk.autourheilu.fi/Public/Kiti/Competition/CompetitionOpen.aspx?id=3368&edit=0 click "osallistujat" to check the entries.

1st June 2013, 14:41
But where is Fabrizio?

3rd June 2013, 14:01
But where is Fabrizio?

The Fabrizio is in :D

4th June 2013, 06:26
The Fabrizio is in :D

And looks like he continues on the line with co-driver nicknames :)

10th June 2013, 12:37
Yazeed al-Rajhi and Edoardo Bresolin entered with Fiesta RRCs.

10th June 2013, 12:58
Another video from YLE Ralliradio, this time the well-known QS Ruuhimäki: Yle Keski-Suomi, Ralliradion EK-esittely. | Yle Keski-Suomi | Tv | Areena | yle.fi (http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1943328)

At the famous jumps straight there's been some trees cut down: not much difference for drivers, but better view for spectators.

11th June 2013, 21:14
Fernando Albes @ fernandoalbes 11m
M-Sport expected q Party has at least 6 R5 running in Finland. Evans, Aksa, Kruuda, Brynildsen Ketomaa ...

11th June 2013, 21:25
6th - Tanak?

11th June 2013, 21:46
6th - Tanak?

Would be the obvious driver, no?

11th June 2013, 21:58
Rumours were talking about a WRC Fiesta for Tanak in NORF.

11th June 2013, 23:45
Well, I suppose the boy Wilson might be the 6th.

13th June 2013, 19:21
I found this (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151669429175733&set=a.212426225732.174439.206160890732&type=1&theater) via facebook and it looks really intresting.Althought i will not be in finland to follow the rally i would be glad to know some details about this endeavour.

13th June 2013, 20:11
I found this (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151669429175733&set=a.212426225732.174439.206160890732&type=1&theater) via facebook and it looks really intresting.Althought i will not be in finland to follow the rally i would be glad to know some details about this endeavour.

Those are Crosscarts, rather new thing in Finland but has found a lot of interest. Looks very fun and it can be raced in normal roads like in rallying. Killeri is actually quite lame track to try it ;)

Here's a short video from the winter.

Finnish Crosskart Challenge - Saukkolan EK 3.3.2013 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPXENKf84V8)

13th June 2013, 21:57
Vallario -- Lancer EVO X
Lappi -- Skoda S2000
Al Ketbi --- Skoda S2000
Saliuk --- Skoda S2000

17th June 2013, 10:51
Now something of slightly bigger interest: an onboard video by Yle Ralliradio from the basically all-new SS Torittu: Yle Keski-Suomi, Ralliradion Toritun EK-esittely | Yle Keski-Suomi | Tv | Areena | yle.fi (http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1950925)

Stage with a name Torittu appeared last time in 1985, but this stage shares only a couple of kilometres with that, and now to opposite direction as well. Of the current entries, perhaps Fabrizio de Sanctis is the only one that have driven Torittu before :-)

For me it looks little difficult from spectating point of view. Lots of flowing, fast bends, nothing really particular, but of course you can't get the feeling how a stage is from a video. Big part of the stage is on a narrow road. Also about the wider road towards finish, they say there are corners with loose gravel in it.

17th June 2013, 11:01
Also, Jarkko Nikara commented for FRC's Facebook at the end of last Saturday's event in Laihia, that he aims to get Mini WRC for next FRC event in Kouvola in order to test for NORF.

Last week FRC rules were added with a part that all events should allow new generation WRC cars as an extra class, also with non-homologated parts.

20th June 2013, 10:40
Hayden Paddon appears now in the entry list with Fabia.

Also ****matie's Bertelli with Fiesta RRC.

20th June 2013, 20:53
I could see on NORF website that my favourite finnish singer Paula Koivuniemi will perform on Saturday evening after pricegiving ceremony!!
I´m so happy, now we´ll stay on the show and then after that heading to Turku for the sunday morning ferry to Stockholm. :dozey:

21st June 2013, 15:56
I could see on NORF website that my favourite finnish singer Paula Koivuniemi will perform on Saturday evening after pricegiving ceremony!!
I´m so happy, now we´ll stay on the show and then after that heading to Turku for the sunday morning ferry to Stockholm. :dozey:

You must be joking?

I'll get out of SP as soon as she starts her show...

21st June 2013, 19:06
You must be joking?

I'll get out of SP as soon as she starts her show...

Depends on age you know. Maybe you liked Leningrad cowboys better?

21st June 2013, 19:26
Depends on age you know. Maybe you liked Leningrad cowboys better?

Not that either..

And I don't think age has nothing to do with that...

Someone likes daughter someone mother and even grandma has fans too...


21st June 2013, 22:30
Not that either..

And I don't think age has nothing to do with that...

Someone likes daughter someone mother and even grandma has fans too...


Well, I like grandma´s and grandpa´s such as Eric Clapton, Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder, rather than today´s screaming youngsters. Even Jorma Kääriäinen would be nice at Paviljonki... ;)

Mad cat jnr
24th June 2013, 09:55
Does anyone have any information for spectating? Like ticket prices, where is best to possibly stay and anything else. Looking at possibly coming over to watch.

24th June 2013, 10:41
Does anyone have any information for spectating? Like ticket prices, where is best to possibly stay and anything else. Looking at possibly coming over to watch.

Rally pass is €65 this year. Tickets - Neste Oil Rally Finland (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/en/tickets/)

For accomdation, better make quick decisions as it's starting to get late. Anywhere near Jyväskylä (south, south-west better), Jämsä (north, north-west better), Korpilahti or Keuruu is good.

Detailed information about spectator points comes as spectators' guide is published. Past years it've been only available in print.

24th June 2013, 14:17
Fernando Albes @ fernandoalbes 11m
M-Sport expected q Party has at least 6 R5 running in Finland. Evans, Aksa, Kruuda, Brynildsen Ketomaa ...

First Fiesta R5 in the entry list and that's Robert Barrable.

Also first WRC car on the list and that's Martin Prokop.

24th June 2013, 14:33
First Fiesta R5 in the entry list and that's Robert Barrable.

Also first WRC car on the list and that's Martin Prokop.

How come I don't see Barrable in the list?

24th June 2013, 14:34
How come I don't see Barrable in the list?

21st entry, so second page if you have only 20 shown for one page.

24th June 2013, 14:53
21st entry, so second page if you have only 20 shown for one page.

Alright, problem solved! Thank you :D

Mad cat jnr
26th June 2013, 09:26
I cant see him either? And I can only see 1 page of entries?

26th June 2013, 11:39
38 entries so far... Try to refresh or something...

Here is link again:


26th June 2013, 12:45
Some DS3 R3Ts now, Fisher, Campedelli, Chardonnet, Della Casa. Also Tidemand, Pärn and Tempestini in their R2s. Apart from Prokop, so far VW trio have entered with WRC. Entries close next Monday.

Vetomies event have still some room as well. Some spectacular drivers there already, like Sjölund, Rampanen, Kauppinen, Kuhanen, Bäck, Hapulahti, ... Vetomies entries will close tomorrow.

26th June 2013, 14:30
Vetomies event have still some room as well. Some spectacular drivers there already, like Sjölund, Rampanen, Kauppinen, Kuhanen, Bäck, Hapulahti, ... Vetomies entries will close tomorrow.
In the Vetomies, do we expect any old WRC cars?

26th June 2013, 14:39
In the Vetomies, do we expect any old WRC cars?

I don't know is the entry sheet for Nelivetomies (4WD) same as for Vetomies, but at least in Vetomies there are only few 4WDs at the moment. I'm having doubts that the "historic WRC" event would succeed. The rules were also changed so that current FIN R 4WD cars are accepted as well, meaning newer cars such as Evo IX and Evo X too can do "NORF light edition".

26th June 2013, 18:28
In the Vetomies, do we expect any old WRC cars?

I heard that Seppo Kopra will run it with Corolla WRC

26th June 2013, 18:38
Visiting since 2002. Filming since 2005. Retrospection - memories and nostalgia. :)
Jumps and crashes. SD quality.

KKSF video:


26th June 2013, 22:26
Great video :) . lol :D - WRC Finland 2005-2012 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=G7azErg05x8#t=381s)

27th June 2013, 08:16
Dmack Autotek's entry with Fiesta R5 is in, but crew line is empty. This could be the one for Brynildssen?

27th June 2013, 09:20
Dmack Autotek's entry with Fiesta R5 is in, but crew line is empty. This could be the one for Brynildssen?

And Brynildssen it is with Maria Andersson.

27th June 2013, 12:40
Looking good, 57 entries so far and the final entry hour is known to be the rush hour, so I think there may be even over 100 entries this time!

27th June 2013, 12:49
Visiting since 2002. Filming since 2005. Retrospection - memories and nostalgia. :)
Jumps and crashes. SD quality.

KKSF video:


Very nice video, a lot of places to which also I have been to. Memories :)

27th June 2013, 12:51
Looking good, 57 entries now and the final entry hour is known to be the rush hour, so I think there may be even over 100 entries this time!

From russian rally forum - Lukyanuk will drive NORF. Let's wait for him in entrylist.

27th June 2013, 13:49
What is NORF ?

27th June 2013, 13:51
What is NORF ?
Neste Oil Rally Finland

27th June 2013, 13:59

27th June 2013, 14:44
Why are there some many #47's in the list?

27th June 2013, 15:14
any news mates????


27th June 2013, 15:37
any news mates????

I would be highly surprised if Tommi would drive. Maybe it's marketing about his entrance to the Rally Hall of Fame. But then again he just celebrated his 49th birthday and Finnish drivers have a tradition to drive NORF when they're around 50...

Andre Oliveira
27th June 2013, 15:52
Top cars confirmed until now #eWRC-results.com (http://ewrc-results.com/startlist.php?e=6538&t=Neste-Oil-Rally-Finland-2013)


27th June 2013, 15:57
Ten times Dmack Fiesta R5s without crews there (+Eyvind). Must be some kind of mistake.

Arska, remember there's still exactly four days left to enter.

Lukyanuk has entered Estonia, so maybe Finland too. Highly hope so.

27th June 2013, 20:28
52 entries altogether for Vetomies and Nelivetomies. Tero Salminen with his fast Volvo 240 in there, as well as flamboyant Veli-Matti Saarelainen in Punto S2000 and Seppo Kopra, renowed driver instructor, in Corolla WRC. I think that decent enough entry for this side event. If I get to see them once, it's cool, however Rally Finland is for WRC.

27th June 2013, 21:02
I would be highly surprised if Tommi would drive. Maybe it's marketing about his entrance to the Rally Hall of Fame. But then again he just celebrated his 49th birthday and Finnish drivers have a tradition to drive NORF when they're around 50...

Having King Tommi compete is the only thing that could possibly make NORF even better than it already is.... Now if only we had McRae back!

Andre Oliveira
27th June 2013, 21:20
tfp, "Magic" Marcus

27th June 2013, 22:59
tfp, "Magic" Marcus

The Bosse! This will re-ignite the rally world! :cool:

28th June 2013, 09:48
From Facebook:

ERM at NESTE OIL RALLY FINLAND 2013 (31.07-3.08.)
with AT RALLY TEAM ...
Drivers: Oleksii Tamrazov, P.G. Andersson, Mikko Pajunen

ERM =Esko Reiners Motorsport

28th June 2013, 10:39
Here's the last of YLE Ralliradio's onboards. SS Painaa this time: Yle Keski-Suomi, Ralliradion EK-esittely, Painaa. | Yle Keski-Suomi | Tv | Areena | yle.fi (http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1961699)

28th June 2013, 11:23
52 entries altogether for Vetomies and Nelivetomies. Tero Salminen with his fast Volvo 240 in there, as well as flamboyant Veli-Matti Saarelainen in Punto S2000 and Seppo Kopra, renowed driver instructor, in Corolla WRC. I think that decent enough entry for this side event. If I get to see them once, it's cool, however Rally Finland is for WRC.
Vetomies is a good idea between stages that will be run twice. Prevents people getting bored. Especially in Ouninpohja there is more to spectate on the top drivers of Vetomies compared to some of the foreign entries with group n and 2wd cars in NORF. And from a competitor point of view you'll get to taste some of the atmosphere that separates NORF from the normal Finnish rallies.

28th June 2013, 11:38
I was sure that NORF will have more wrc entries from local drivers.Who will replace Al Qassimi in NORF?Maybe Hanninen?

28th June 2013, 11:48
Vetomies is a good idea between stages that will be run twice. Prevents people getting bored. Especially in Ouninpohja there is more to spectate on the top drivers of Vetomies compared to some of the foreign entries with group n and 2wd cars in NORF. And from a competitor point of view you'll get to taste some of the atmosphere that separates NORF from the normal Finnish rallies.

In general, it's great idea. If you spectate the rally so that you stay at one stage driven twice per day, it's superb idea. If you spectate the rally so that you run from stage to stage following the top drivers, you most likely miss Vetomies. Vetomies at the end of the day would be good idea, but now as most stages are run twice, after the second run road conditions wouldn't be much to cherish from. But for sure top 2wd drivers give you more show in the stages than average tourist Evo IX drivers. It's also a bit of calling card for Finnish national rallying, as you pointed out.

29th June 2013, 09:29
Riku Tahko is in again this year with the JCW WRC.

29th June 2013, 10:10
I was sure that NORF will have more wrc entries from local drivers.Who will replace Al Qassimi in NORF?Maybe Hanninen?

That's the big question. We'll find out after Monday I suppose.
Hanninen, Atko, Meeke etc?

29th June 2013, 12:27
I want to see Hanninen in this seat but now i read this.http://www.rallye-sport.fr/kris-meeke-en-finlande-sur-une-ds3-wrc/

29th June 2013, 12:40
I want to see Hanninen in this seat but now i read this.Kris Meeke en Finlande sur une DS3 WRC (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/kris-meeke-en-finlande-sur-une-ds3-wrc/)

In other words - Julian Porter ‏@The_Rally_Guru (https://twitter.com/The_Rally_Guru)It's great to see @krismeeke (https://twitter.com/krismeeke) getting his reward from @CitroenRacing (https://twitter.com/CitroenRacing) for all his hard work as a test driver. He will drive a DS3 in Finland.

29th June 2013, 14:44
In other words - Julian Porter ‏@The_Rally_Guru (https://twitter.com/The_Rally_Guru)It's great to see @krismeeke (https://twitter.com/krismeeke) getting his reward from @CitroenRacing (https://twitter.com/CitroenRacing) for all his hard work as a test driver. He will drive a DS3 in Finland.

I just heard this^^ very happy!

29th June 2013, 22:52
Juha Salo with Subaru R4
He drive Mitsu R4 normally

29th June 2013, 23:04
to WRC-3
#63 Jussi Vainionpää DS3 R3T
He normally uses Civic R3

30th June 2013, 08:53
will he do other races ?

30th June 2013, 12:05
From Facebook:

ERM at NESTE OIL RALLY FINLAND 2013 (31.07-3.08.)
with AT RALLY TEAM ...
Drivers: Oleksii Tamrazov, P.G. Andersson, Mikko Pajunen

ERM =Esko Reiners Motorsport

Since he enters most rallies but never starts himself, who will replace Tamrazov this time?!

30th June 2013, 12:23
to WRC-3
#63 Jussi Vainionpää DS3 R3T
He normally uses Civic R3
I wonder why they chose to drive with a ds3. No offence to foreign ds3 drivers, but the opposition would have been faster on the r2 side. Would have been a better battle :) Jussi hasn't driven rallies with ds3 or r2 cars so in that sense it doesn't matter either.

30th June 2013, 17:08
Why's there still 66 names in the entry list? It's hard to believe that no one hadn't entried for so long time, plus there is a few names more in e-WRC's list.

30th June 2013, 18:54
Why's there still 66 names in the entry list? It's hard to believe that no one hadn't entried for so long time, plus there is a few names more in e-WRC's list.

Not sure, but I guess it doesn't automatically update on the list once you've places your entry. Usually the most surprising names only comes out when the first FIA approved list comes out.

30th June 2013, 20:45
Mäkinen has appeared to the entry list!!

Sadly his first name is Kalle :p

30th June 2013, 20:45
Some more clues on Makinen's appearance in NORF:


30th June 2013, 22:01
Some more clues on Makinen's appearance in NORF:

Damn, seems no Tommi driving then. Was hoping at least vetomies, but seems to be crosscart stuff then.

30th June 2013, 22:20
NORF 2012 Rally Radio's photo competition. A nice collection of Finnish rally atmosphere :) .
Viuhahtaja ei voittanut vieläkään - katso rallikuvakisan Top 30 | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi (http://yle.fi/uutiset/viuhahtaja_ei_voittanut_vielakaan_-_katso_rallikuvakisan_top_30/6672073#gallery)

1st July 2013, 07:03
Not sure, but I guess it doesn't automatically update on the list once you've places your entry. Usually the most surprising names only comes out when the first FIA approved list comes out.

In Kiti it will updated automatically at least in Finnish drivers... I think that it just weekend... There will be 90 entrys... Now 70...

1st July 2013, 11:54
Jarkko Nikara in with Mini WRC!

1st July 2013, 11:57
Jarkko Nikara in with Mini WRC!

Lukyanuk has entered too!

1st July 2013, 12:07
Jarkko Nikara in with Mini WRC!

Which is better? To see a favourite driver attempt to get the best out of a really crap WRC car. Alternatively see them competing in something more competitive in WRC2/3 ?
I had a few words with Mr Kosciusko in the service park at Salou last November. I asked him if he was doing WRC in 2013 and in what. "Mini or Fiesta", he replied. "A Mini would be a false economy" I told him, sadly shaking my head. Glad to see he's finally taken my advice :)

1st July 2013, 12:24
Which is better? To see a favourite driver attempt to get the best out of a really crap WRC car. Alternatively see them competing in something more competitive in WRC2/3 ?
I had a few words with Mr Kosciusko in the service park at Salou last November. I asked him if he was doing WRC in 2013 and in what. "Mini or Fiesta", he replied. "A Mini would be a false economy" I told him, sadly shaking my head. Glad to see he's finally taken my advice :)

A drive is always better than no drive. I'm sure Nikara beat the hell out of the car - how much is that remains to be seen. We have Lukyanuk now in the Evo category :-)

1st July 2013, 12:37
A drive is always better than no drive. I'm sure Nikara beat the hell out of the car - how much is that remains to be seen. We have Lukyanuk now in the Evo category :-)

:up: I hope he does, Nikara is one of my favourite drivers

1st July 2013, 12:59
PG Andersson is on the list! :up:

1st July 2013, 14:36
Kubica with DS3 WRC?!?!

1st July 2013, 14:53
Kubica with DS3 WRC?!?!

While this is a nice idea JK, it isn't on the provisional entry list in English so have you seen something that confirms this?

1st July 2013, 14:57
Kubica with DS3 WRC?!?!

Well... it's little bit confusing. In entry list model is DS3 WRC, while class - "2" not "WRC", like all others WRC drivers...

1st July 2013, 15:12
There will be 90 entrys...

Sorry... I was wrong... 45 min time before entry closes and my prediction is full now...

1st July 2013, 15:19
Well... it's little bit confusing. In entry list model is DS3 WRC, while class - "2" not "WRC", like all others WRC drivers...

Yeah noticed that too, probably just a mistake.

1st July 2013, 15:20
Juho Hanninen - Ford Fiesta WRC!

1st July 2013, 15:23
Juho Hanninen - Ford Fiesta WRC!


1st July 2013, 15:23
News In Brief: and #JuhoHänninen (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/juhoh%C3%A4nninen) & @T_Tuominen is in #RallyFinland (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/rallyfinland)!#Ford (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/ford) #FiestaRS (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/fiestars) #WRC (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/wrc) by @DovenbyHall @RallyFinland

1st July 2013, 15:42
Great news about Hänninen and Lukyanuk ! Karl Kruuda also on the list with Fiesta R5 :) makes me thinkin about ferry tickets :p

1st July 2013, 16:01
Where's Bouffier??

1st July 2013, 16:55
PG Andersson is on the list! :up:

In 207 or Fiesta S2K/WRC?

1st July 2013, 17:07
Where's Bouffier??

Anyone got any idea why Bouffier isn't present? His WRC3 drive looks a bit pointless now he's missed Monte and Finland.

1st July 2013, 17:08
Ok so there's almost a hundred entries. Is it possible to still update the list even though the time is up?

1st July 2013, 17:12
Ok so there's almost a hundred entries. Is it possible to still update the list even though the time is up?

At least Pajunen just appeared to the entry list. With Fiesta S2000. Tamrazov has entered with S2000 too, but the team has only one left now. Let's see if Tamrazov wants to drive himself or does he let Pajunen drive.

1st July 2013, 17:15
Ok so there's almost a hundred entries. Is it possible to still update the list even though the time is up?
It seems that the time was extended from 6 to 8 pm.

1st July 2013, 17:15
At least Pajunen just appeared to the entry list. With Fiesta S2000. Tamrazov has entered with S2000 too, but the team has only one left now. Let's see if Tamrazov wants to drive himself or does he let Pajunen drive.

Tamrazov has 1 Fiesta WRC and 3 Fiesta Super 2000 (he bought the third one just before Sardegna), one of them is written off now, so still two available for him and Pajunen and the WRC for PG

1st July 2013, 17:23
Tamrazov has 1 Fiesta WRC and 3 Fiesta Super 2000 (he bought the third one just before Sardegna), one of them is written off now, so still two available for him and Pajunen and the WRC for PG

Okay, this is good news :)

1st July 2013, 17:54
Tahko will drive another Mini WRC again:


1st July 2013, 18:15
Looking at the registered entries as of now I'm both pleased and dissappointed at the same time. 14 WRCs is not much, but then again on another, if you take the driver pictured above out, we have a bunch of drivers that all can do top 6 stage times I firmly believe. It won't be good for the fight for victory, that's decided with other guys, but it should be fun for positions five to ten. Still, I hope that there would be 3-4 WRCs in the list when the first FIA stamped list comes out. For example, of last years regulars, where are Ketomaa and Rantanen, perhaps some plans there.

What I'm most pleased about is of course Hänninen's entry. I hope he gets it clean and shows what he's capable of. This is it now for Juho. Good to get comfirmation for Lappi's entry too. A little comfort. It'll nice see how it goes especially with him and Paddon, add to that Kubica, Pajunen, Evans, Kruuda. Juha Salo in TMR Subaru should be speed measurement for the rest like always. And how will Lukyanuk perform in his Finnish debut? Out of the new guys, this is definitely the one I will wait the most.

Out of 2WD crews, I would like to see Bouffier in there too. Vainionpää has shown good pace in FRC last year and this year too, so how he does in R3T is nice to see (is that Vihma's car?). He won't get it easy with Chardonnet and Gilbert in the race. Nice to Cronin in action after a while. R2s have some nice names too as an extra to the usuals, Kinnunen for example. But where is Joonas Lindroos? At the start of the season this was in his talks, but...?

So, after staring at the list for a while and some heavy pondering, I've decided I might go this year too.

EDIT: Meeke! I forgot Meeke. It's decided. I will go.

1st July 2013, 18:27
But where are Ari Könönen and Mikko Lehti, who both "promised" to drive NORF this year?

1st July 2013, 18:37
Anyone got any idea why Bouffier isn't present? His WRC3 drive looks a bit pointless now he's missed Monte and Finland.

Probably lack of sponsors ... :(

EDIT: His Citroen Top Driver ambitions seem senseless, if he isn´t able to start.

1st July 2013, 18:54
Bouffier is on the list now... Lindroos didn't have a money and Vainionpää uses Vihma's car... 99 entries is great but it still can be more. Regulations said that AKK can invite some driver's to take apart in WRC2 or WRC3 as a guest drivers but I don't know who they can be... All possible young gun's are already there...
Anyway... Our name's are in that list and that is most important... I can feel the heat...

E: 100 entries... Ketomaa Fiesta R5...

1st July 2013, 18:55
Anyone got any idea why Bouffier isn't present? His WRC3 drive looks a bit pointless now he's missed Monte and Finland.

He is in !

1st July 2013, 19:46
Full provisional list: https://akk.autourheilu.fi/Public/Kiti/Competition/CompetitionEnrollListPlain.aspx?id=3368&state=1

1st July 2013, 20:01
It's going to be a cracker of a rally, isn't it?
Good to see Meeke, Cronin, Barrable and Fisher along with Juho, P-G, Evans and many others.

1st July 2013, 20:08
Also good to see Yazeed Al-Rajhi back after his crash in the Hummer

1st July 2013, 21:04
Nice battle in class 2, 23 cars

5 x R5
Ford: Barrable, Brynildsen, Evans, Ketomaa, Kruuda

7x 1.6T RRC
Citroen: Kubica
Ford: Al-Rajhii, Bertelli, Bresolin, Protasov
Mini: Gorban, Kikireshko

7x S2000 2.0
Ford: Gryazin, Hämäläinen, Pajunen, Tamrazov
Peugeot: Shaymiev
Skoda: Lappi, Paddon

4x R4
Mitsu: Virtanen
Subaru: Burger, Lehessaari, Salo

Some are tourist/gentlemandrivers but few are faster than WRC!

1st July 2013, 23:56
Nice battle in class 2, 23 cars

5 x R5
Ford: Barrable, Brynildsen, Evans, Ketomaa, Kruuda

7x 1.6T RRC
Citroen: Kubica
Ford: Al-Rajhii, Bertelli, Bresolin, Protasov
Mini: Gorban, Kikireshko

7x S2000 2.0
Ford: Gryazin, Hämäläinen, Pajunen, Tamrazov
Peugeot: Shaymiev
Skoda: Lappi, Paddon

4x R4
Mitsu: Virtanen
Subaru: Burger, Lehessaari, Salo

Some are tourist/gentlemandrivers but few are faster than WRC!

Do you think that WRC2 is now wreaked due to the car differences, judging by Ypres R5 are significantly faster than RRC which is faster than s2000, or am I talking crap? Perhaps s2000 and RRC are similar but it does sound like R5 are faster?
Even so, this lineup should provide plenty of entertainment!

2nd July 2013, 06:17
Nice battle in class 2, 23 cars

5 x R5
Ford: Barrable, Brynildsen, Evans, Ketomaa, Kruuda

7x 1.6T RRC
Citroen: Kubica
Ford: Al-Rajhii, Bertelli, Bresolin, Protasov
Mini: Gorban, Kikireshko

7x S2000 2.0
Ford: Gryazin, Hämäläinen, Pajunen, Tamrazov
Peugeot: Shaymiev
Skoda: Lappi, Paddon

4x R4
Mitsu: Virtanen
Subaru: Burger, Lehessaari, Salo

Some are tourist/gentlemandrivers but few are faster than WRC!

I heard that there would be all 6 R5 Fiesta's on start. 6 are ready at malcolm factory am I right?

2nd July 2013, 09:20
The provisional list is awesome!

2nd July 2013, 09:33
I heard that there would be all 6 R5 Fiesta's on start. 6 are ready at malcolm factory am I right?

Colin Clark said there would be 6 in NORF, so 5 is close enough I guess. Maybe the Sykora (CZ) car is the 6th that is ready or others to be ready shortly..

2nd July 2013, 09:37
Colin Clark said there would be 6 in NORF, so 5 is close enough I guess. Maybe the Sykora (CZ) car is the 6th that is ready or others to be ready shortly..

What is Kangur's car then - six or seven R5s out there, I think.

2nd July 2013, 09:40
Maybe the Sykora (CZ) car is the 6th that is ready or others to be ready shortly..

I don't think so.

2nd July 2013, 09:42
Hard to know what has been collected already or waiting to be collected, paid for etc. Papa Wilson says 20 deposits so far so.....
Are the 5 NORF cars owned by the drivers or some rented from another company?

2nd July 2013, 09:44
I don't think so.

Not one of the apparent 6 that are ready??

2nd July 2013, 09:46
Nono, the car is already with the team here in CZ but I don't think it will be used in NORF.

2nd July 2013, 09:54
I didn't think it would be, just assuming it was one of the 6 that are ready.

2nd July 2013, 10:08
Colin Clark said there would be 6 in NORF, so 5 is close enough I guess. Maybe the Sykora (CZ) car is the 6th that is ready or others to be ready shortly..

My bad, wasn't Clark, was Fernando Albes.

2nd July 2013, 10:11
Lappi news at his pages:

Rally Finland is something special, especially for Finnish drivers and fans. Lappi will be entered as a privateer in WRC2 by Even Management's Skoda Fabia Super 2000 run by well-known Austrian BRR-team.

Esapekka Lappi : Welcome to Esapekka Lappi website (http://www.esapekkalappi.fi/)

2nd July 2013, 10:13
Lappi news at his pages:

Esapekka Lappi : Welcome to Esapekka Lappi website (http://www.esapekkalappi.fi/)

Says: "Lappi will be entered as a privateer in WRC2 by Even Management's Skoda Fabia Super 2000 run by well-known Austrian BRR-team."

2nd July 2013, 10:22
Speaking about Clark, I remember a tweet a month ago...

Colin Clark ‏@voiceofrally (https://twitter.com/voiceofrally) 28 May (https://twitter.com/voiceofrally/status/339270813268205569) Hearing from a very well placed source that Ott Tanak will do at least one WRC round this year. Probably Finland and probably in a Ford WRC

2nd July 2013, 12:39
Where can we find start list for Vetomies in NORF?

Andre Oliveira
2nd July 2013, 12:49
Hard to know what has been collected already or waiting to be collected, paid for etc. Papa Wilson says 20 deposits so far so.....
Are the 5 NORF cars owned by the drivers or some rented from another company?

2 for Markko Martin Motorsport

2nd July 2013, 12:54
Where can we find start list for Vetomies in NORF?

https://akk.autourheilu.fi/Public/Kiti/Competition/CompetitionOpen.aspx?id=3304&edit=0 then click "Osallistujat".

2nd July 2013, 13:02

I´m new at this forum. We are going to Finland Rally next month from Spain, and I have got some dudes about tickets and maps for rally.
When we buy the tickets, can We buy a guide for rally? with maps and spectacle zones like Germany rally?
Which zones you recommend for the rally? We want see overjumps and drift.

Thank for the support, Jose.

2nd July 2013, 13:26
When we buy the tickets, can We buy a guide for rally? with maps and spectacle zones like Germany rally?

Yes. You can buy rally passes from many Neste Oil stations (here's a list which stations sell those tickets (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/liput/nesteoilasemat/)), it costs €65 and is valid for qualification stage and all special stages + service park. You can buy spectators' guide from Neste Oil stations or any other shop with a decent news stand. This year official guide is with magazine Tuulilasi (costs around 10€). Vauhdin Maailma magazine also makes an unofficial guide, last year it had better maps and tips, but nothing in English. Also, official is official, very valid info about parking and those spectator zones (or spectacle zones, that should be the feeling at least afterwards).

There are several iconic and well-known places in the rally, as well as many equally great but not as well-known. Of the well-known places, qualification in SS Ruuhimäki, jumps near the end of the stage. On Friday, SS Palsankylä, huge jump near midstage. On Saturday, SS Ouninpohja, 150 jumps bloody everywhere, out of which most well-known, The Yellow House jump, at around 5 kms. Those places are no secrets and can be very crowded early on.

2nd July 2013, 13:26

I´m new at this forum. We are going to Finland Rally next month from Spain, and I have got some dudes about tickets and maps for rally.
When we buy the tickets, can We buy a guide for rally? with maps and spectacle zones like Germany rally?
Which zones you recommend for the rally? We want see overjumps and drift.

Thank for the support, Jose.

Hello and welcome to the forum!

You can buy a guide from R-Kioski, which are located all over the town. The logo has blue and white stripes with ''R-Kioski'' reading on it. The rally guide is published by Vauhdin Maailma (VM on the cover of the magazine) and it includes some maps, driving instructions, entry list and also some tips about where to go.

If you want to see jumps I'd recommend you to go to the legendary Ouninpohja stage, which is driven twice on Saturday, though you might have to be there very early before the stage starts due to traffic jams. The Ruuhimäki shakedown is also a great place to see big jumps. If you want to see some show and drifting then you should go at least to Killeri super special. It's driven on Thursday evening.

Hope that helped :)

2nd July 2013, 21:56
101 entries now (WRC-3 driver Parli is latest new)

3rd July 2013, 11:27
From Italy:

Bertelli - Dota (Fiesta RRC) - WRC2
Bresolin - Pollet (Fiesta RRC) - WRC2
Frisiero - Peruzzi (Lancer EVO 9)
De Santis - XXX (Lancer EVO 9)
Gini - Lunardi (Subaru STi)
Campedelli - Fappani (Citroen Ds3 r3T) - WRC3
S.Tempestini - Pulpea (Skoda R2)

3rd July 2013, 11:46
Wow, rumours are that Makinen will drive Al-Attiyah's Fiesta, and even Colin Clark said this on twitter: "I heard he will definitely be in a WRC car, paid for by the organisers!"

Let's see...

3rd July 2013, 12:20
Wow, rumours are that Makinen will drive Al-Attiyah's Fiesta, and even Colin Clark said this on twitter: "I heard he will definitely be in a WRC car, paid for by the organisers!"

Let's see...

I'm very skeptical about this...

Mad cat jnr
3rd July 2013, 12:28
Its a shame that M-Sport havent given the shoot out runner up a chance, Hugo Allreno, he seems very quick in a R2.

3rd July 2013, 13:23
Wow, rumours are that Makinen will drive Al-Attiyah's Fiesta, and even Colin Clark said this on twitter: "I heard he will definitely be in a WRC car, paid for by the organisers!"

Let's see...

Maybe car is on Neste Oil - colours.. Like Juha Kankkunen´s car 2010

3rd July 2013, 13:24
I'm very skeptical about this...

M-Sport has already said via Twitter that there is no truth in the rumour:

Finland isn't on Nasser's calender hence no entry and no truth in that rumour we're afraid... #WRC

3rd July 2013, 16:25
Wow, rumours are that Makinen will drive Al-Attiyah's Fiesta, and even Colin Clark said this on twitter: "I heard he will definitely be in a WRC car, paid for by the organisers!"

Let's see...

if he drive, it will not be with Ford or any japanise brand.
time will tell, but I´m skeptical!

3rd July 2013, 16:32
Hardly Korean...... :)

3rd July 2013, 16:46
Hello from Greece!I am a huge fan of motorsports and especially wrc!I have the chance to win a contest with a prize a trip on the Finland s rally.I have taken a photo on our rally,Acropolis, and i entered on that contest.So if you can like and share my pic to win the prize.So whoever wants to help me he can contact with me to give the link of the contest.Thanks :D

3rd July 2013, 20:46
Karl Kruuda Fiesta R5 Livery


4th July 2013, 08:40
"What's very important for me, though, is that expectation is kept in check - this is my first event in a long time."

Kris Meeke: Finland Citroen WRC seat is best opportunity of career - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/108519)

4th July 2013, 16:07
Entry list is available: http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/attachements/2013-07-04T17-25-55253.pdf

4th July 2013, 16:33
Best entry so far this season. Should be 14 crews doing, or at least should do, the qualifying stage, no?

4th July 2013, 16:39
so no Tommy.

4th July 2013, 17:58
so no Tommy.

No he's not... Yet... If he is going to be there, he'll pop up in that list just before recce...

But like some one said, highly unlikely that he's going to be there...

4th July 2013, 18:12
I cant wait to see the battle of the fins against ogier

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

4th July 2013, 18:15
so no Tommy.

and without Seb

Andre Oliveira
4th July 2013, 20:31
eWRC-results.com (http://www.ewrc-results.com/startlist.php?e=6538)


5th July 2013, 05:55
Rally Guide 2 published http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/attachements/2013-07-04T23-21-11253.pdf

5th July 2013, 08:04
well very nice Entry list. but AL-KUWARI is missing and kubica i would like to see the battle between kubica,lappi,al rahji. al kuwar,protsov.. wrc looks more intence than the WRC's i cant wait.

5th July 2013, 08:35
well very nice Entry list. but AL-KUWARI is missing and kubica i would like to see the battle between kubica,lappi,al rahji. al kuwar,protsov...


Here is full entry list and as you can see Kubica is there... AL-Kuwari is only one who's missing from your list...

5th July 2013, 11:55
so no Tommy.
AUTOhebdo.fr | WRC – Mäkinen ouvreur en Finlande (http://www.autohebdo.fr/rallye/wrc/breve-26-1-62545/050713-wrc--m%C3%A4kinen-ouvreur-en-finlande)

5th July 2013, 14:49

5th July 2013, 17:07
MTV3 called Mäkinen in the beginning of the evening (today).

- Let's see what this will bring. I don’t dare to tell more about this, even to my best friends. I'm not allowed to tell anything at all, Mäkinen said mysteriously.

Mäkinen says that the case will be clear in the near future.

- Something is under construction, there are plans, Mäkinen said.

Google-kääntäjä (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fi&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fi&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mtv3.fi%2Furheilu%2Fralli%2Fuut iset.shtml%2F2013%2F07%2F1777645%2Ftommi-makiselta-lisaa-salaperaista-vihjailua---en-voi-kertoa-tasta-edes-kavereilleni)

Better be something exciting because of the mysteriousness. :)

5th July 2013, 23:51
why new entry for Lappi ?

Rallying UK
7th July 2013, 23:22
RALLY FINLAND: As Rally Finland approaches, you can re-live all the action from 2012 in videos and photos here - have a look around! Re-live the action from Rally Finland 2012! - ThingLink (http://bit.ly/18yVsXq)

8th July 2013, 15:42
Please find the interactive stage maps, itinerary, elevation profiles and 3D flights of the Neste Oil Rally Finland 2013 here:

Neste Oil Rally Finland 2013 - stages in google maps (http://www.rally-maps.com/Neste-Oil-Rally-Finland-2013) [/*:m:23yd9aup]
Neste Oil Rally Finland 2013 - 3D stage tour (http://www.rally-maps.com/Neste-Oil-Rally-Finland-2013/3D-Tour) [/*:m:23yd9aup]

http://www.rally-maps.com/img/neste-oil-rally-finland-2013-kartta.jpg (http://www.rally-maps.com/Neste-Oil-Rally-Finland-2013)

8th July 2013, 15:51

8th July 2013, 21:24
Google Earth Map NORF13 is out
Wrc Neste Oil Rally Finland 2013 (http://planetemarcus.com/saison-wrc/finlande-2013/)

8th July 2013, 22:46
Hardly Korean...... :)

Maybe a Chinese but not as a driver but….

9th July 2013, 21:09

Any updates??

I wouldn't be surprised if he turns up to NORF with a super model on each arm, wearing a t-shirt that says "All Hail To The King, Baby"

what a legend :D

12th July 2013, 10:40
could anyone give us some tips with good places with jumps; thax a lot

15th July 2013, 17:55
Nikara's Mini is it Prodrive's or Motorsport Italia?

16th July 2013, 12:28
VM (Vauhdin Maailma) rallyguide is out, BUT it´s only in finnish language!!!
good maps and stories from Mikko and J-M, but nothing in english.

so, if you don´t know how to read finnish, buy the Official Rally Guide (Tuulilasi is name of that magazine, not out yet!)

16th July 2013, 13:07
what stories?

16th July 2013, 16:48
what stories?

Not much. Just the VM-reporters' own stories from the past years. The Tuulilasi-magazine has a lot more stories and stuff.

16th July 2013, 19:02
Does anybody found onboard from Surkee SS from last year ?
I'm looking for some interesting parts on this stage but without onboard it's hard :/

16th July 2013, 19:44
Does anybody found onboard from Surkee SS from last year ?
I'm looking for some interesting parts on this stage but without onboard it's hard :/

I try to find it also but there is no none of those in youtube... My friend has it but it's in dvd.

16th July 2013, 19:50
Not a rally onboard but still an onboard.

Finland Onboards VW1.9TD: 2012 SS SURKEE NORF Neste Oil Rally Finland: Stage Filmed 2011-07-29 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9XnflGVUpc)


17th July 2013, 00:49
Talking about the WRC-2 Category, how do you guys feel about the difference in performance of the New R5 cars in comparison to the others?? Do you feel the R5 will make much difference and will they end up being the top cars with Evans, Ketomaa etc purely because of the car or skill?

17th July 2013, 05:27
Seems the consensus after Ypres Leighton was that the R5 is midway between the S2000 & a WRC car ... perhaps 2 secs a kilometres faster. That's a significant advantage and in competent hands should prove the difference.

17th July 2013, 07:07
Seems the consensus after Ypres Leighton was that the R5 is midway between the S2000 & a WRC car ... perhaps 2 secs a kilometres faster. That's a significant advantage and in competent hands should prove the difference.

But are you sure it wasn't purely the drivers..? Neuville is probably one of the top 5 drivers in the world at the moment

17th July 2013, 07:47
But are you sure it wasn't purely the drivers..? Neuville is probably one of the top 5 drivers in the world at the moment

Only the very best can match Loix in equal machinery at Ypres. To set consistently faster times requires a faster machine or Loeb ;) In any case since Loeb is not retired until after France I would place TN behind him, Ogier, Latvala, Ostberg, Hirvonen and Sordo, so not Top 5! (form is temporary, class is permanent).

Mad cat jnr
17th July 2013, 07:53
Ypres would of suited the R5's alot more as there are alot of tight junctions where the Turbo will help massively. On Finland there faster/flowing nature of the stages will help the cars be closer as the turbo wont be as helpful.

17th July 2013, 08:00
Well, he's 3rd in the driver standings, with only VW's in front, so... :) Anyway, I don't believe that the R5 is muuuuch faster than a S2000-car, it may be a bit faster, we have to see, but in Ypres it were definitely not the cars that made it so impressive... In Finland, with these fast flowing stages, I wouldn't be so surprised if a driver with S2000 can beat the R5 cars. Also drivers' opinions are very divided on the competitivity of the Fiesta R5.

17th July 2013, 08:01
In addition to MC jr's point a sick dog in an R5 won't beat a young pup (Lappi) in an S2000

17th July 2013, 08:06
Ypres would of suited the R5's alot more as there are alot of tight junctions where the Turbo will help massively.
But the R5 seem to be very slow out of corners, due to 5 speed gearbox and lack of aggressive ALS (just speculation??). So maybe there is not so much of an advantage compared to S2000.

Surely NORF is totally different in character than Ypre, so we cant really read much into it at the moment.

17th July 2013, 08:31
Seems the consensus after Ypres Leighton was that the R5 is midway between the S2000 & a WRC car ... perhaps 2 secs a kilometres faster. That's a significant advantage and in competent hands should prove the difference.

Definitely not 2 s/km. That's huge. Ogier with S2000 was often around 1-2 s/km down to top WRC drivers last year. In whole first leg of Ypres Neuville was just few seconds faster than Loix. Times on shakedown were very similar (don't forget Neuville did 6 runs and Loix only 3). Second day Loix was cruising and the comparison doesn't matter.

But the R5 seem to be very slow out of corners, due to 5 speed gearbox and lack of aggressive ALS (just speculation??). So maybe there is not so much of an advantage compared to S2000.

Yes, they doesn't seem to be fast out of slow corners. In the shakedown comparison onboard there was a slow junction followed by some 10 seconds of acceleration and both Loix and Neuville were in same place after those 10 seconds. The difference in acceleration was zero. But that applies on asphalt straight where it's easy to keep S2000 in the best rpm and also with the very latest 2013 Škoda engine which is according to my information really very strong (for NA engine). In twisty sections and on gravel torque matters much more.

17th July 2013, 08:42
Thanks. It is always something :) I have a question regarding Himos stage. Are there any interesting parts there ? When I'm looking on google street view it's look like highway :) I don't know how looks this downhill near finish, this can be interesting.

Regarding R5, Jan Sykora was using R5 Ford in last weekend in Rally Bohemia in Czech. Times was rally good he won even one stage but still Kopecky and Kresta in S2000 and Pech in Mini RRC were faster. Maybe this is becasue Sykora was using first time this kind of car and he has to get more practice.
BTW he crashed at the end of rally.

17th July 2013, 09:07
I know this won´t be significant and exact, but just for getting an idea about speed of R5: Sykora with Fabia was 0,37s/km faster than Odlozilik in same car (Fabia) during Rally Krkonose (part of czech rallysprint championship) and then after first leg of Rally Bohemia Sykora with Fiesta R5 was 0,64 s/km faster than Odlozilik with Fabia S2000. So difference on technical tarmac could be (in my eyes and I won´t be too far from true) about 0,25-0,3 s/km. Definitelly not 2s/km, not even on gravel , I don´t expect it.

17th July 2013, 12:20
Lappi and Paddon are both driving customer Fabia, not factory Fabia.
so I think R5 will be faster car than Skoda in NORF, but R5 versus RRC, hard to say.

17th July 2013, 12:34
Official rallyguide is out:
Jyväskylän MM-rallin virallinen katsojaopas ilmestyi | Tuulilasi (http://www.tuulilasi.fi/artikkelit/jyvaskylan-mm-rallin-virallinen-katsojaopas-ilmestyi)
some parts also in English!

17th July 2013, 12:51
Lappi and Paddon are both driving customer Fabia, not factory Fabia.
so I think R5 will be faster car than Skoda in NORF, but R5 versus RRC, hard to say.

Am I correct that both will have same cars from BRR?