View Full Version : New to this forum. Shout out saying hello

7th January 2013, 14:50
Hello. I am new to this forum. I am seeking audience feedback and discussion for understanding fan metrics and audience behavior related to road racing type events. In lay terms, I mean I want to know what YOU think. American series, American fans, American tracks, American drivers, and American teams. Your opinions and insight will help drive my business. I'm a young student, a young professional, and a new industry junkie. Road racing series and events are of particular interest to me. If it happens on a road racing course or circuit in the United States, its on my radar.

Please introduce yourself, or chime in to help me understand the climate. Peace ~N

7th January 2013, 15:06
Road racing what? Motorbikes, bicycles, go-karts?

Other than that, WTF are you on about?

7th January 2013, 23:06
Hello. I am new to this forum. I am seeking audience feedback and discussion for understanding fan metrics and audience behavior related to road racing type events. In lay terms, I mean I want to know what YOU think. American series, American fans, American tracks, American drivers, and American teams. Your opinions and insight will help drive my business. I'm a young student, a young professional, and a new industry junkie. Road racing series and events are of particular interest to me. If it happens on a road racing course or circuit in the United States, its on my radar.

Please introduce yourself, or chime in to help me understand the climate. Peace ~N

Welcome ! This is the Indy car board and as such, with the series and organization being in the dumps, the fans discouraged, and having a dead zone off season - this board is deader than a doornail, maybe a new post gets entered about every two or three days. Come back in a week or so and read the 2 new posts.

9th January 2013, 03:32
To Mark. Are you an Admin here in this forum? Do you always treat newbies in such a fashion? Welcome and 'WTF?' Rude soggy wipe! Glad you're not in the room. The stinch of something dead and all.... :o

To answer your question, not even sure why... Yes, I like anything that happens on road tracks or big circuits. Over here in America we have other types of racing, liek oval. To all others who welcomed me, thanks and I am happy to be here, despite Mark. ~N

9th January 2013, 11:22
Accept my apologies, we get a lot of, lets say, non-genuine sorts around here posting introductions very similar to yours!