View Full Version : Plebgate

20th December 2012, 13:44
Anyone interested in this story?

Looks like a Police officer with a key crucial role within the Met, has deliberately set out to smear the Government chief Whip, causing him to resign.

We know the Police are sometimes guilty of bending the Law in a semi-circle but this is taking corruption to whole new level isn't it.

20th December 2012, 14:28
It's a worrying story that is emerging. I haven't yet caught up with the Dispatches episode on this yet, but I will tonight as Domestic Management is out on the razzle.

It appears that an officer has fabricated a story/evidence to back up another. They clearly did not consider CCTV footage.

WHen you cannot trust the law to uphold the law, it is deeply concerning IMO.

20th December 2012, 14:34
This doesn't surprise me at all.

The amount of coverage this incident got originally was ridiculously exaggerated. I knew something was fishy with it.

Coming at a time when the Hillsborough cover-up was announced, it seemed convenient timing for the police to suddenly be "the victims" and this was given far too much air time.

Our police force is really under the cosh at the moment, and rightly so - it needs massive reform.

20th December 2012, 18:25
It's a very strange story on several levels. If Andrew Mitchell knew he was completely innocent, why did he resign? Why did he offer no alternative as to what he did actually say? From the other side of the coin, it just goes to show how apparently easy it is for the police to fit someone up. And what today's arrest in relation to the case, of someone not in the police force but who apparently was involved in 'intentionally encouraging or assisting an offence of misconduct in a public office on or around last Friday', is all about I have absolutely no idea. Most odd.

Also open to question is how the police can justify having 30 officers on this inquiry. It does seem rather a lot, unless, of course, a large number of people were involved on the police side.

21st December 2012, 10:48
Well you should never trust the Police,as I am sure they are just as corrupt to protect their own as any other family is!BUT this is a worry,as we then ask how many others have been fit up ?
My big problem is with the new Police Commisioners,who are on 100K ,then recruiting 6 or7others to "help". We all expected the PC job would be that they were there to watch,for irregular activity within the police,so that is rooted out corruption,but one on TV last night was trying to get the police paid more money!Are they not there to SAVE money ?

21st December 2012, 11:21
You would think that the gates of Downing street are covered from every angle by CCTV and I assume microphones as well. In fact, probably one of the most closely monitored area in Britian.

What was this Officers thinking??? It's a sad indictment of the calibre of Met Offers that they try to fit up someone like this. You can't get the quality of corrupt coppers these days.

21st December 2012, 15:12
Made me feel a bit guilty about spoiling my ballot at the recent elections. Saying that, my PCC did bring on board his mates.

22nd December 2012, 16:02
The way I read it is that the police took exception to his attitude and thought 'right, we'll get him for this' and exaggerated the story to finish him off.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that Mitchell did swear at the police (which I believe is a crime?) and admitted to doing so. The way the press get into a frenzy about anything these days that was probably enough for him to lose his post anyway.