View Full Version : And They Say This is a Free Country

17th December 2012, 20:14
It appears that cbssportsline.com doesn't have much of an appreciation of my sense of humor.
Just have to vent, sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry.
As the Americans on this forum know College Football post season bowl games have started and continue through the first week in January, and have been a big part of our sports culture for a century going back to the first Rose Bowl in 1902. This Thursday our SDSU Aztecs play Brigham Young University in the not very prestigious Poinsettia Bowl. I post on that site under the nom de guerre; MisterAlcatraz. I am appalled I tell you that they have refused to post the following comment by yours truly. BYU is a team that we have not beaten since the 1940's. It is affectionately referred to by Its Mormons as "The Y"

I'm starting to get geeked about this upcoming game. I'm curious how many "Sons of Montezuma" are willing to fully commit through bold action there support of our Fighting Aztecs? Being that Mitt Romney, among his other degrees has a BA from "The Y", and coincidently owns a rather nice home in La Jolla, I would like to enlist a strike force wearing black and red (perhaps all black and a hint of red may be more practical to achieve this mission) that upon giving BYU a through beat-down (which would include a one point victory) pepper his palatial mansion, with red and black toilet paper. Between the lot of us pranksters we should manage to lob at least one roll over his property wall. In the interest of fair discloser, in reality we may stand a fair chance of being blown away by the secret service, but I think the reward is worth the risk. I understand that most of the posters on this page probably feel like they are too young to die, however I am 58 and have probably lived the better half of my life. What sayeth thee? Perhaps we should make a preemptive strike, and execute this mission the day before the game. It will surely be televised in hospital rooms, and even the downtown jail. I want to hear from the ibwaterman's, the yanks1's, the Commonsenses, and the rest of all ya' 'awl so called Aztec supporters on this board. Hell fire... I'd be willing to fly in Hattie, and two coach for the mission. The way they schooled us on what an elite Division 1 Hoops team was on the Roundball page, only to have to surrender when we dashed right into the sweet 16 and were a hair from the elite 8, LOL. That’s the kind of blind commitment that could surely lead a mission of Napoleonic proportions even if it is mercenary on their part......Who is with me?

17th December 2012, 20:49
Was the reason tl;dr ? :D

17th December 2012, 23:37
[quote="the Mark-star"]Was the reason tl] I was given no reason, but I have read longer comments on those boards.
I was perplexed momentarily when I first tried to open this thread and you wouldn't take it, but I assumed that it was because of your spambots, and when I changed the address to something unlinkable it loaded just fine, which I'm sure is a big relief to everyone on this forum. :dork: ;)

18th December 2012, 02:48
Oh, they probably took that as an actual provocation of action against a former candidate for the presidency, not seeing one inkling of sarcasm or lighthearted school spirit. I drove to Durham NC to TP the university president's residence before our annual game against Duke several times.

18th December 2012, 03:42
Oh, they probably took that as an actual provocation of action against a former candidate for the presidency, not seeing one inkling of sarcasm or lighthearted school spirit. I drove to Durham NC to TP the university president's residence before our annual game against Duke several times.Are you a Terrapin by any chance?

18th December 2012, 11:34
Lobbing bog rolls is littering and an invasion of personal property. Mitt would be well within his rights to pop a cap in your fanny and 99% of God fearing Merikans would support him.

The only way to obtain support for your venture would be to dress in Camo clothing, drive there in a Humvee and unleash a barrage of ballistic firepower on his homestead in the time honoured tradition of 'shock n awe'.

Then at least you get the NRA wondering which side to come down on; a failed Republican or a honest Countryman standing up for free speech, protecting democracy and good ole fashioned murder :D

18th December 2012, 15:05
Lobbing bog rolls is littering and an invasion of personal property. Mitt would be well within his rights to pop a cap in your fanny and 99% of God fearing Merikans would support him.

The only way to obtain support for your venture would be to dress in Camo clothing, drive there in a Humvee and unleash a barrage of ballistic firepower on his homestead in the time honoured tradition of 'shock n awe'.

Then at least you get the NRA wondering which side to come down on; a failed Republican or a honest Countryman standing up for free speech, protecting democracy and good ole fashioned murder


The only eventuality that concerns me is the edge it brings my alma mater, and the sense of participation that college students, and alumni have toward their institution's teams. Mitt is currently living in this residence (This is the one that has the elevator (lift) for automobiles leading from his driveway to a subterranean garage that accommodates 12 cars) I know this because he has been sighted in the area, once pumping his own gasoline at a self service station a few weeks ago, and at a movie theater in the Carmel Valley community of San Diego this past weekend. He has never been a public figure as he is a recent transplant. His necks of the woods in the good ol' USA are Utah Michigan, and Massachusetts. I don't expect non American cultures to understand that these kinds of hijinks are common in the U.S. although generally not practiced by participants of my age, but I am a bit of an adrenaline junky. As I stated about two or three gun violence threads ago, I have never owned a rifle or a hand gun, and have never been in a situation where I was required to or felt the necessity to for self protection, or taking up arms to defend the integrity of our Republic from the forces of a government resorting to tyranny, as one Naval Task Force could bring any serious rebellion by the majority of our citizens to its knees while only enlisting conventional weapons. Having said that I've lived an active enough life to be of a firm conviction that I stand a slightly higher probability of being shot dead by a member of law enforcement than a hostile, or deranged citizen. I simply don't fear the fear. Police use of deadly force on alleged perpetrators in the commission of a crime in the San Diego area are extremely rare, and are almost always not necessary. Police in San Diego do not shoot their victims they generally empty their clips into them, usually in plain site with generally multiple officers shooting what turns out to be someone not in the possession of a firearm, and their marksmanship is generally poor. As for hunting let me start with angling. I used to be an active freshwater fisherman and even had my catches chronicled in the San Diego Union Tribune on two occasions and I was not looking for recognition in either situation. About hunting; their isn't much in this region and it takes a huge commitment to actually find a legal size Buck in San Diego county where hunting is legal. There is a pathetic amount of fowl hunting largely because we just don’t have enough fresh water impoundments to go around for boaters, fishing, sailing, including sail-boarding skiing, and rowing sports. Also the main U.S Olympic Training Center for outdoor water-sports occupies one of the largest of our few reservoirs, although fishing is still allowed. I'm a reasonably accurate archer, and if there was an abundance of game in the area, or I chose to make the financial commitment of outfitting and traveling for hunting my weapon of choice would be a crossbow for the simple reason (like angling) for me part of the recreational benefit and strategy for success is to simultaneously seek remote relatively rarely traveled and consequently naturally beautiful tranquil settings where the last thing I want to hear are sudden loud explosions that are produced by Firearms. BTW any of you freakin’ Cannucks or Eskimos that want to invite me up for some musky, pike, walleye, bass steelhead salmon, trout, and etc. PM me if you dare. :)
This is my first and smallest of the Largemouth Bass I’ve caught over 10lbs imgur: the simple image sharer (http://imgur.com/hQh99) (caught July 1971 at Miramar Reservoir, City of San Diego). By the time I caught the next one over 10 I had already had a strong conviction that I would never make a trophy out of an animal of any sort for any reason. Oh yes I should probably mention that I am extremely skilled with a fillet knife.
BTW I did manage to get that comment posted on the cbssports message board for SDSU Football. It hasn't been up long and there is yet to be any other comments posted after it. But there is a very high likelihood I would be arrested, or at least cited if I tossed TP into Mitt's yard for the simple reason that he is not directly associated with the team, plus the city could use the money from the littering fine, but if I get any takers I am willing to go for it :crazy:

The only way to obtain support for your venture would be to dress in Camo clothing, drive there in a Humvee That would be the mind-set of a meth-head :laugh:

18th December 2012, 15:32
I was given no reason, but I have read longer comments on those boards.
I was perplexed momentarily when I first tried to open this thread and you wouldn't take it, but I assumed that it was because of your spambots, and when I changed the address to something unlinkable it loaded just fine, which I'm sure is a big relief to everyone on this forum. :dork: ;)

Let me explain something to you. CBSsportsline,com is a PRIVATE COMPANY. They are under no legal or moral obligation to post whatever you want to post. You don't have a right to come into my home and espouse your views without my permission. If I invite you in you are still obligated to abide by MY RULES and if I don't like what you say I can make you leave. So can CBSsportsline.com.

That is what freedom really is.

18th December 2012, 15:52
Let me explain something to you. CBSsportsline,com is a PRIVATE COMPANY. They are under no legal or moral obligation to post whatever you want to post. You don't have a right to come into my home and espouse your views without my permission. If I invite you in you are still obligated to abide by MY RULES and if I don't like what you say I can make you leave. So can CBSsportsline.com.

That is what freedom really is.

Thank you Tony they posted it. And thank you for explaining the obvious as that thread title was worded that way to lure uninformed bashers from foreign countries, and Americans as well (I call it trickeration :s tareup :) to think they found another thread to feed on like Seagulls diving on dead anchovies.
But while I have you here, who do you like in the BCS Championship Game? I think "The Tide" will maim the "Crying Irish" :s mokin:

18th December 2012, 16:01
cap in your fanny

The old contraception tactic eh, spiffing! ;)

18th December 2012, 19:29
The old contraception tactic eh, spiffing! ;) 'ello! I'll thank you this is a serious subject!! :mad:

Two days until the Poinsettia Bowl in S.D. Apparently they are expecting the place to be infested with more of those polygamist's than pagan worshipers of Montezuma at the Q. I think this game is happening just in time. I have it on good authority by anthropologists at Universidad de Yucatan that recent collaborations with Egyptologists’ channeling Jean-Francois Champollion strongly suggest that the apocalypse that will happen on the 21st can only be averted by the spirit of the last Aztec god, Montezuma defeating his counterpart Mayan; Mitt Tutulfeldwitz http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/jaynareynolds/walljew.bmp via proxy. The final two Petroglyph translations have been cracked, although some scholars dispute the exact meaning of: "Mission ValleyQ". If the forces associated with the Mayans prevail on December 20th enjoy the rapture. I think the first best insurance that you are included is to just get completely naked with the exception of your Nike running shoes for the remaining few hours until the 21st.
San Diego State Aztecs - NCAA College Football - CBSSports.com (http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/teams/page/SDGST/san-diego-state-aztecs)

Before The Deluge - Jackson Browne - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPCFVLgdc2Q)

18th December 2012, 20:31
Same as I can decide who / what is posted here ;)

18th December 2012, 23:40
are you a terrapin by any chance? Loud and proud (and pissed at our administrators for jumping to the big ten!).

I'm PISSED we will no longer be in the ACC for Basketball and I hate loosing our ACC conference games with our biggest Lacrosse rivals, UNC and Virginia. The ACCis all effed up anyway at this point, so I guess it really doesn't matter any more, but it still sucks! I'd muc hrather follow my team to Miami, Tallahassee, and the rest of the east coast states than Minnesota, wisconsin, and the rest of the mid west. I'm an East Coaster and I hate the change.

With the dumba$$ they hired as a head coach, we're guaranteed to get our ass kicked in football for decades no matter who we play, so I guess we might as well sink another $50-100 million into our staduim so all the visiting teams fans can come watch the gridiron carnage. They are going to need all that big ten money, because the AD has pretty much alienated the entire contributing alumni fanbase. They lost my sizeable annual donations and my football season ticket order altogether.

19th December 2012, 03:26
^^ I feel your pain. We are moving to the Big East for Football :rolleyes: But our basketball team that has been in the AP top 20 for 19 consecutive weeks, and has a 29 game winning streak against teams in California, is vacating the Mountain West for the Big West which is really a lateral move. But The Big East has Rutgers, Louiville, and Cincinnati bailing all of a sudden, and if we had just sat tight with our region with the addition of Boise State, BYU being an independent that could realign with us, the emergence of Utah St. Fresno St. Nevada Reno, San Jose St. the Rocky Mountain schools and possibly TCU would come back. The immediate benefit is only a couple million dollars a year to fly through 3 time zones to play the likes of UCF, East Carolina, Tulsa, and other mid majors that are not any better than who we already had on our schedule. Now my trip to Vegas to watch them beat down on the Running Rebels is toast and that weekend orgy is no more. I’m don't travel very far afield for SDSU because going to Reno is a 11 hour drive, San Diego to Colorado St. and Fort Collins for Air Force, are far afield as Minnesota, and Wisconsin are for you, and just as effing cold in the winter. I'm a Big Southern Cal. type guy and I've been quite comfortable since 1960 when we moved here from Coral Gables Fla. Yes both my parents did graduate school at the University of Miami in the mid 50's. I’m used to being able to wear short pants 364 days a year in S.D. and have warm mild summers. But at least SD’s programs are on an upswing, although your program is a tier higher than ours, even if you suck right now. It is too bad because you were coming on in football just a couple years ago. Watch us take down BYU Thursday night. ;)
I'll be viewing.
