View Full Version : riding in a three seater F1 car

21st November 2012, 20:48
If you ever get the chance, go for a ride.

It was incredible. Before the ride, I was interested and thought it might be fun. However, I like to do the driving when it comes to going fast, soooooooo.....

But after the ride, all I can say, it can not be described, you must experience the thrill for your self and learn a little bit more about what it takes to drive one of these things.... :eek: :D :eek:

The view from the seat is low ( how can the driver see???), the braking pins you to the harness and you can not breathe...well just do it if you get the chance.

donKey jote
21st November 2012, 20:52
pics please! :bandit:

21st November 2012, 20:55
i dunno how...maybe the doc can post some of us getting ready to go. He might set up something.

21st November 2012, 22:58
Was this the Pirelli one with the Belgium driver?

22nd November 2012, 20:30
Was this the Pirelli one with the Belgium driver?Yes Knockie that is the one. As for images I have just fewer than 1,000 to sort through, as well as many videos to edit. This is not a strong point of mine, and I don't know when I will have a proper set complete. I did not want to make a big deal out of this on this forum. Suffice it to say it was everything I was hoping it would be, and more. It was very intense, with the added event of Didier Theys having to abandon one of the two when he caught the engine on fire. I do have distant pictures of the fire, and one of Didier sitting with an ice pack on his elbow, but it is not "all that". Actually Markabilly and I were lucky that we were in the first group (8am Fri), and got the third ride to go out in that group, as there was a delay while they were getting the stricken car off the track, which left Martin Plowman with double duty, and I suspect many in our group, and the group after us which arrived at 10am missed both practices that day as we only had time to grab lunch and get to the track for FP2 with very little time to spare If you are really interested in the particulars of what the experience includes there is a link that explains it in detail that I posted earlier which also includes a gallery, and I will post it again. If you want evidence that this is something that we actually participated in, for now you will just have to be content to take us at our word or remain skeptical. That part isn’t important to me.

About Our 3-seater and Conquest Racing (http://formulagpexperience.com/3seat.php)
We rode with Martin Plowman in Chassis No 1, as I said No 2 (the black one) was disabled.

22nd November 2012, 23:04
Well markabilly and Doc - I am insanely jealous and stoked for you both at the same time - a little bipolar perhaps, but :D

Will wait for any pics - editing and stuff ain't my strong suite either.

23rd November 2012, 04:36
Sounds like a really fun experience. And Dr GR, I don't think anyone questioned that you or Markabilly did it, they were just wanting some photos of your fun.

On a similar note, does anyone know if the McLaren two seater car still exists?

donKey jote
23rd November 2012, 08:45
I'm insanely jealous and happy for you both too. And glad you got Billy to codrive with you :up:
Did he squeal? :p

23rd November 2012, 08:58
Donkey, that is hilarious! Reminds me of the one and only time my wife (then girlfriend - she obviously has a short memory) came for a ride in the hills near the city we live in (Adelaide AUS - great rider roads) on my 900ss - screaming and beating my shoulders and kidneys all the way.

25th November 2012, 08:08
pics please! :bandit:
or onboard video :p :

25th November 2012, 10:36
Had a ride in the Minardi 2 seater, my neck was sore for a week.

Would do it again and again and again, was awesome.

Heaps better then the ride in the DJR V8 Supercar, I kept telling the driver to speed up, he said it won't go any faster, this was at 260kmh :)



29th November 2012, 23:28
Here are a few pics from the three seater ride I took in Austin. I really wasn't as horrified in the first pic as I look ;) . The last is of Didier Theys icing his elbow after he jettisoned from the burning car in the previous picture :p :
3 seater - Imgur (http://imgur.com/a/KHn33)
If the last 2 images do not appear try clicking in the top right corner of its space :uhoh:

donKey jote
30th November 2012, 06:36
cool :D
I can't believe you scribbled out your name on the certificate just to post the pic though :dozey: :D