View Full Version : Getting to be a joke

12th November 2012, 23:34
BBC News - Viewpoint: Should executives get 'rewards for failure'? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20295998) So basically he gets shoved out of his job for no real reason and now people are going to crap on him because he gets what he is legally entitled to :dozey: Something's wrong here......

13th November 2012, 00:00
When Ross McEwan was given a £3.2m golden handshake by RBS (which incidentally was also with taxpayers’ money) he hadn't even worked a single hour there. Yet because Entwistle worked for the BBC, he's fair game.

Actually from the outside, a lot of this looks like the hawks circling because commercial interests hate the BBC and want to see it destroyed. We've seen similar rumblings in Australia and it was stated policy in the US Presidential election to cut public broadcasting loose.
If the BBC is cut a thousand times, it would certainly make the Tory-Lapdog coalition think about selling it or dismantling it. That seems to be the unwritten agenda here.