View Full Version : Tail Loses Again

10th November 2012, 15:38
David Petraeus' OUT:

So here we go again - One or our best forced out over a piece of ass. I figure the way to defeat America is not to send soldiers just send women!
I can't imagine another country so obsessed over a little tail.

race aficionado
10th November 2012, 16:51
In the USA's political game you have to think with your right head fousto.

And please stop giving ideas to our "against us" people.

10th November 2012, 17:04
He was Race - have you seen his wife :)

10th November 2012, 17:22
He was Race - have you seen his wife :)
You're mean :laugh:

I figure the way to defeat America is not to send soldiers just send women!
Yea' but what a way to go, I hope we're invaded by Brazil! :facelick:

10th November 2012, 17:47

She's a bit on the muscular side, but I'd still hit it. Poor Patraeus!

Silly. All that raucous over a piece of ass, and even more it will leave USA vulnerable without a champ like P. at the helm.

11th November 2012, 16:31

She's a bit on the muscular side, but I'd still hit it. Poor Patraeus!

Silly. All that raucous over a piece of ass, and even more it will leave USA vulnerable without a champ like P. at the helm.

Right on Gloomy - Please line up right behind ME ! :)

11th November 2012, 20:39
Have you seen his wife though? http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/94/4b/944b8c46a269b7a5b962f837193f157f.jpg

Don Capps
11th November 2012, 22:30
....it will leave USA vulnerable without a champ like P. at the helm.

As good as Petraeus might be in some types of instances, he tends to be very much overrated by those on the outside of the Army. As Dave Hackworth might have observed, Petraeus was one of the "Perfumed Princes" of the Pentagon. The has certainly been my thinking for quite some time regarding Petraeus. From Day One, the focus of Petraeus was Petraeus and his career. He played the promotion system very well and checked all the blocks and few extra to get ahead. I am not alone in wondering when something like this would happen, the only surprise being that it took this long.

The USA will not be any more vulnerable without Petraeus at the CIA than it was with him there; we might be, perhaps, less vulnerable given the mindset that Petraeus has regarding the world.

The USA will get along just fine without David Petraeus.

12th November 2012, 11:18
To paraphase, I think what you are saying is the Military and related organisations are geared up to replace anyone instantly. The process has been developed for combat situations and the culture permeates right through the whole command structure.

12th November 2012, 11:49
I can't imagine another country so obsessed over a little tail.

You do not have a very vivid imagination. See:

Every copy of The Sun since 1969, every copy of The Daily Mail since 1971, every copy of The Daily sport ever

Besides which, Britain was already doing this 50 years ago when John Profumo was Secretary of State for War.

12th November 2012, 13:11
Besides which, Britain was already doing this 50 years ago when John Profumo was Secretary of State for War.

That was a slightly different case, Profumo was sleeping with a prostitute who counted the Soviet military attache in London as another of her clients. The scope for a major security breach was massive. I don't think the same is true of Petraeus unless there's something about this biographer I don't know about.

Don Capps
12th November 2012, 13:31
To paraphase, i think what you are saying is the Military and related organisations are geared up to replace anyone instantly. The process has been developed for combat situations and the culture permeates right through the whole command structure.

We were always made very aware that we could replaced and to accept that as part of the life we chose. Of course, some had other notions regarding this, but in the end we all moved on and someone replaced us.

To begin a discussion of US military culture and Petraeus is to open a can of worms.

Rudy Tamasz
14th November 2012, 11:06
He was Race - have you seen his wife :)

She looks like a normal 50 and smth year old lady who supported her husband's career and raised two kids. She didn't deserve a stab in the back.

That said I still think that firing someone for an affair or any other personal thing is stupid. That doesn't make the government more transparent. In fact, it makes gov't officials more vulnerable to threats and blackmailing and encourages them to hide all they can hide. In countries like France nobody would even notice it outside of the family and friends.

19th November 2012, 19:20
I figure the way to defeat America is not to send soldiers just send women!

You sure won't lose against Muslim countries! :D

19th November 2012, 19:21
That said I still think that firing someone for an affair or any other personal thing is stupid. That doesn't make the government more transparent. In fact, it makes gov't officials more vulnerable to threats and blackmailing and encourages them to hide all they can hide. In countries like France nobody would even notice it outside of the family and friends.

That's the difference between liberal Europe and the ultra conservative US.

Rudy Tamasz
20th November 2012, 11:04
That's the difference between liberal Europe and the ultra conservative US.

It's a cultural difference rather than a political one. In Europe there's a deeply rooted culture of private life, while in the USA there's a culture of publicity, when everybody wants to know everything about everybody else. People follow Petraeus story for the exact same reason that they watch Kim Kardashian's home video. That's not too conservative to me.

20th November 2012, 21:37
It's a cultural difference rather than a political one. In Europe there's a deeply rooted culture of private life, while in the USA there's a culture of publicity, when everybody wants to know everything about everybody else. People follow Petraeus story for the exact same reason that they watch Kim Kardashian's home video. That's not too conservative to me.

Not everybody! Not even close. BTW I've never watched Kim Kardahian's TV Show, or any videos.
As a matter of fact I couldn't even pick her out of a crowd!
I humbly suggest that you have a narrow, vague idea of the demography of the USA in terms of our social habits! :dozey:

21st November 2012, 01:32
That said I still think that firing someone for an affair or any other personal thing is stupid. That doesn't make the government more transparent. In fact, it makes gov't officials more vulnerable to threats and blackmailing and encourages them to hide all they can hide. In countries like France nobody would even notice it outside of the family and friends.Petraeus resigned he was not "Fired". According to the reports I read The President refused it at first.

Mr. Obama did not accept his resignation right away. “He told him, ‘I’ll think about it overnight,’ ” the administration official said. After months on the road, the disclosure of a career-killing extramarital affair from his larger-than-life C.I.A. director was the last thing that Mr. Obama was expecting, the official said.

The president, officials said, did not want Mr. Petraeus to leave. But he ultimately decided that he would not lean heavily on him to stay. On Friday, he called Mr. Petraeus and accepted the resignation, “agreeing with Petraeus’s judgment that he couldn’t continue to lead the agency,” a White House official said.
Citing Affair, Petraeus Resigns as C.I.A. Director - NYTimes.com (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/10/us/citing-affair-petraeus-resigns-as-cia-director.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0) The Americans I associate with do not express the same level of interest in a man tasked with the job of leading the CIA to a shameless, talentless tramp.

21st November 2012, 18:10
Isn't this the guy that Hannity and Beck and the rest had a hissy fot over the betrayus issue.
Now, their silence is deafening.

By te way Mr Dunnel. I did not have to look it up. Hope you're happy and my alter ego as somone suggested earlier.

Before I go, Danicafan has a chance since she is leaving her hubby, or has already left.

21st November 2012, 20:43
It's a cultural difference rather than a political one. In Europe there's a deeply rooted culture of private life, while in the USA there's a culture of publicity, when everybody wants to know everything about everybody else. People follow Petraeus story for the exact same reason that they watch Kim Kardashian's home video. That's not too conservative to me.This is true about American culture. If it can be turned into a soap opera, then chances are that all else gets thrown out the door. This is a simple tale of adultery that's been turned into a national scandal.

I think this may be because Americans are so tied down to televisions, and it's pervaded their culture. It's a disturbing trend due to the fact that most Americans get their daily fill of politics from a talking-head rather than actually reading articles from respectable news sources.

21st November 2012, 21:20
This is true about American culture. If it can be turned into a soap opera, then chances are that all else gets thrown out the door. This is a simple tale of adultery that's been turned into a national scandal.

I think this may be because Americans are so tied down to televisions, and it's pervaded their culture. It's a disturbing trend due to the fact that most Americans get their daily fill of politics from a talking-head rather than actually reading articles from respectable news sources.

You are an American born and raised here. Do you include yourself in that group? It is true of a large segment of our society but only a plurality AFAIK.

22nd November 2012, 07:32
This is a simple tale of adultery that's been turned into a national scandal.

In my opinion ( which is generally wrong ) simple tales are associated only with ordinary people....

22nd November 2012, 17:20
You are an American born and raised here. Do you include yourself in that group? It is true of a large segment of our society but only a plurality AFAIK.Of course I include myself in that group. I'll be eating turkey today and watching football as well. I'm just trying to write as an outsider looking in because I think that gives me a better perspective.

22nd November 2012, 18:48
Of course I include myself in that group. I'll be eating turkey today and watching football as well. I'm just trying to write as an outsider looking in because I think that gives me a better perspective.

Fair enough. I will say that there are many Americans that take the word of talking heads with an agenda at their word. However you can not condemn television as a media, the same political scientists that write "articles from respectable news sources,” also do interviews on television news. Also these “respectable news sources,” are read by a lot of Americans wouldn’t you think? Entertainment and politics do cross many lines in this country. It’s up to the individual to separate them. Your post made it sound like you didn’t think these Americans exist, I apologize if that was not your intent.
I also think our country is too diverse to lump people of extremely different life experiences together. Many of us draw a very distinct and discerning line between important matters of state and those of media created celebrities.
Have a happy holiday :)

Rudy Tamasz
23rd November 2012, 07:03
I also think our country is too diverse to lump people of extremely different life experiences together. Many of us draw a very distinct and discerning line between important matters of state and those of media created celebrities.
Have a happy holiday :)

I didn't mean to offend you, Dottore. I know media cannot brainwash all reasonable individuals, no matter how hard they try. If you belong to that reasonable bunch, good for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

23rd November 2012, 22:52
It's a cultural difference rather than a political one. In Europe there's a deeply rooted culture of private life, while in the USA there's a culture of publicity, when everybody wants to know everything about everybody else. People follow Petraeus story for the exact same reason that they watch Kim Kardashian's home video. That's not too conservative to me.

You've got that absolutely wrong.