View Full Version : Obama praises Ozzie PM for her misogynistic rant

Valve Bounce
10th November 2012, 00:49
Just read in today's news that newly elected Pres.Obama praised our PM Julia Gillard for her misogynist rant, delivered several weeks ago, and which went viral on youtube. News outlets and TV commentators all fell for it, not realising that Gillard's rant was made to defend speaker of parliament Peter Slipper. Slipper had made disgusting remarks on text messages likening women's genitalia to Mussels, and was sending text messages to sexually harras a male staffer trying to get his staffer to have sex with him. The text messages including using the 'c' word, and bottles of mussels in this context. So when the leader of the opposition Tony Abbot moved for Slipper to resign as Speaker, our PM Gillard flipped and came out with her now infamous rant, which was praised worldwide.

You may wonder why Gillard was defending Peter Slipper. Well, Peter ratted on the opposition party to become Speaker of the lower house of parliament, permitting a member of Gillard's party to step down, thereby giving her an extra vote in a minority government. Yes! Slipper did resign from his position of Speaker a couple of hours after the "misogynist rant" when two independents told him they would not support him.

Now! all this happened weeks ago, and for Obama to catch up this late, not knowing what it was all about, and praising Gillard for her rant, makes me wonder where America is heading during the next 4 years.

10th November 2012, 02:43
It makes me wonder why someone living in a glass house is throwing stones :bounce:

Valve Bounce
10th November 2012, 09:21
It makes me wonder why someone living in a glass house is throwing stones :bounce:

Maybe that person doesn't realise the stones are covered with bird doo doo.