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28th February 2015, 09:37
Made a spin. Good time of Becx!

Indeed for Princen, no problem in SS3 for him it was not serious ;)

28th February 2015, 11:12
Loix retired, broken crankshaft.

28th February 2015, 11:43
Langenakens, van Woensel and Fast Freddy already out :mark:

28th February 2015, 11:56
what kind of stage is this? airfield?

Princen is flying,won ss 5 as well

28th February 2015, 13:19
engine problem for Tsjoen

28th February 2015, 18:24
Princen have won almost all stages.More than a minute from 2nd crew

28th February 2015, 18:48
He lost over 40 seconds on the last stage but it was still enough to win by a big margin. Positive point is that all five PSA R5 finished!

28th February 2015, 20:42
He lost over 40 seconds on the last stage but it was still enough to win by a big margin. Positive point is that all five PSA R5 finished!
He was probably cruising, although when he passed somewhere in the middle in front of us, he was on speed.
Really, really happy for him! A clear warning for Fast Freddy!

28th February 2015, 22:22
He lost over 40 seconds on the last stage but it was still enough to win by a big margin. Positive point is that all five PSA R5 finished!

At least Princen had a brake problem on last stage and Tsjoen complained about power loss (turbo?).

We saw a good rally, I will write a full report tomorrow or Monday, when I find the time.

28th February 2015, 22:30

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10995755_10153058735693686_4269077672809127793_o.j pg

28th February 2015, 23:06
Happy for Princen :) He has quite a strange career, now it's time to be back in business, at equal car ! (like Guigou in France, he looks like he stayed too close from Renault, and "spoil" his career due to this).

1st March 2015, 00:00
Photo from Tsjoen tests
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11013501_859727590755342_6552658806725887602_n.jpg ?oh=6741c7429704f42fd724e37a722876a2&oe=5595C3C6&__gda__=1434437292_c3d149649c5967f2d8994e756ff6820 6


1st March 2015, 09:45
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY6ni2uFVDo Nice video from yesterday. ;) Wasn't a bad start of the season. A bit too dry for the type of stages in my opinion (except the gravel parts on SS Zepperen of course). I'll post some resume and photos later.

1st March 2015, 10:21
I hope Kris Princen will become the "Belgian Paolo"(Andreucci)of Peugeot now :D

1st March 2015, 10:37
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20haspengouw%202015_zpslwa6w85u.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyqAP7k073s)

1st March 2015, 10:42
I hope Kris Princen will become the "Belgian Paolo"(Andreucci)of Peugeot now :D

The car already has the looks. :p I doubt he could have won if Loix didn't retire, of course, IF. Well deserved victory for them. It's good to finally see him driving with a proper car in good conditions (lots of testing etc), he sure is driving in the best circumstances at the moment. I hope Cherain and Tsjoen can pick up the fight when they get used to the cars more. Both drivers started a bit unprepared, Cherain changed team only just more than a week ago, and Tsjoen knew he was going to drive for just over a week as well. Cédric Cherain said it's a big step from Fiesta R5 to DS3 R5, the DS3 is much more nervous, the Fiesta was much easier, more predictable.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10864003_1028056613872891_5137979705023869283_o.jp g

1st March 2015, 11:23
Zepperen was quite rough, maybe on the limit on some parts, check this video:

1st March 2015, 13:28
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB7d_tUK_mw&feature=youtu.be Onboard from Zepperen. As you can see this stage isn't made for cars with tarmac set-up... ;)

1st March 2015, 13:45
Cherain drives with one hand.

1st March 2015, 13:53
Cherain drives with one hand.

Yes. Not sure if it's posted here, but a part of the time-loss of Tsjoen, Cherain and Grooten is caused by them using a short gearbox in stead of the longer one (which was used by Princen and Verschueren).

Nice video of JM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPHzSPGFRgw&feature=youtu.be

1st March 2015, 15:06
Since last year, I try to share my splits on twitter from the stages.

Here is a comparision of the (quite chaotic) SS10 Zepperen 3:
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8567/16681288211_10b393c960_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rq4XPr)rallystopwatch (https://flic.kr/p/rq4XPr) by HaCo81 (https://www.flickr.com/people/99967306@N02/), on Flickr

My splits were taken right before the last corner.

Even if you don't have a twitter account you can follow the splits here: https://twitter.com/hashtag/RallySplits

1st March 2015, 17:25
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10420747_10152609607771423_7487311136058414865_n.j pg?oh=8d661102c6fae5513c2da98f9a043dbb&oe=5575AF2A&__gda__=1434901820_ffa1f99ab76e1c5e850387a19f05352 1

1st March 2015, 17:28
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20haspengouw%20histo_zpsal3evvuq.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFY8ng_6oXE)

1st March 2015, 17:40
Rwd historics are much nicer to watch!

1st March 2015, 18:43
Photos Rally van Haspengouw online on www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123045/sized_IMG_6791_1_zps3oyre5nw.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123045/sized_IMG_6791_1_zps3oyre5nw.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123045/sized_IMG_6704_1_1_zpsunr8axxx.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123045/sized_IMG_6704_1_1_zpsunr8axxx.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123045/sized_IMG_6574_zpsqecn6x9m.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123045/sized_IMG_6574_zpsqecn6x9m.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123045/sized_IMG_6926_1_zpsx6qcu1gk.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123045/sized_IMG_6926_1_zpsx6qcu1gk.jpg.html)

1st March 2015, 19:17
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10420747_10152609607771423_7487311136058414865_n.j pg?oh=8d661102c6fae5513c2da98f9a043dbb&oe=5575AF2A&__gda__=1434901820_ffa1f99ab76e1c5e850387a19f05352 1

Ouucch! What a waste on such a good car..!!

1st March 2015, 19:41
Ouucch! What a waste on such a good car..!!

Well, it wasn't wasted :D

1st March 2015, 21:13
The car survived quite well :p

1st March 2015, 22:09
Since last year, I try to share my splits on twitter from the stages.

Here is a comparision of the (quite chaotic) SS10 Zepperen 3:
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8567/16681288211_10b393c960_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rq4XPr)rallystopwatch (https://flic.kr/p/rq4XPr) by HaCo81 (https://www.flickr.com/people/99967306@N02/), on Flickr

My splits were taken right before the last corner.

Even if you don't have a twitter account you can follow the splits here: https://twitter.com/hashtag/RallySplits

Used it too regularly yesterday, works very good!!

2nd March 2015, 10:45
my vidéo of rally van haspengouw 2015:

brc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cfr7VOHiZGk

criterium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la1S2yTj3QU

2nd March 2015, 21:38
My little report of the first rally of the Belgian Championship 2015. It was a good rally for us, saw some decent action and fast passes.

Loix (Skoda S2000): Only saw him passing once, didn't look fast there... But had the scratch on that stage by a real big margin (I don't know anything about rally). Without his retirement, he would have won for sure.
Princen (208 R5): Good rally, some mistakes in the beginning (we saw one, a braking on gravel where he put 2 wheels on the grass and spon) but won easily in the end. I think he should be able to fight with Loix later on in the season (depending on the speed of the Fabia R5 ifcourse)
Snijers (Porsche): Didn't convince me, hadn't any concurrent in his class and retired pretty early on.
Verschueren (DS3 R5): Used his experience with the car from last year to finish a very fine 2nd! Could finish quite high in the championship, but will not take the title.
Tsjoen (DS3 R5): little rusty, barely any preparation, got a puncture and some ECU software problem. I expect him to become faster later in the season, maybe an outsider for the title, but I don't think so.
Cherain (DS3 R5): Disappointed about his performance. Seemed to struggle a lot with the behaviour of the car, seemed much faster with the Fiesta last year. I hope he improves during the year, because he has the speed, and can challenge for the title.
Grooten (DS3 R5): Carefull beginning of the season, he should improve a lot during the year.
Becx (Fiesta R5): Suprise of the rally, lot faster then with the DS3 R3 last year. Some mistakes and a puncture, but could improve during the year.
Van Woensel (Lancer WRC): Fast from the beginning, could have won even without Loix' retirement, but suspension collapsed on SS2).
Allart (Fabia WRC): good rally with a well-deserved 3th place.

Otherwise, Colsoul (EvoX grN, no rythm but still fast), Streel (EvoVIII grA, very spectacular driving style), Diels (M3 E36, very spectacular too), Vandenberghe (BMW 130i, clean but very fast, 9th overall with even a 5th time, only 2nd time in the car) were other names that stood out.

Young guys weren't very impressive in this rally. De Maerschalk (DS3 R3) was fast on some places, but I expected more from him. In R2, Geussens, Pacolet and Dolfen (no Junior) were fast but nothing special. Level in Junior category will be quite week this year i'm afraid...

Next up, the return of the Spa Rally in 2 weeks. Quite similar entry list, with Bonjean (Impreza S12 WRC), Casier (Fiesta R5) and some GT cars added.

2nd March 2015, 22:07
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11025950_10152609607576423_4938835081224165524_n.j pg?oh=4d3f7311db4ed3814d526f297d5c2e1e&oe=557DB2DA&__gda__=1434911397_794bfb80cb2230db14d278740e7d9bf 8
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Paulo Freitas
4th March 2015, 12:46
Hi guys, it's been a long time since my last visit to motorsport forums :p

I'm planning to go to TAC Rally, anyone knows where I can find a map with the stages??

Thanks in advance :)

4th March 2015, 13:38
Hi guys, it's been a long time since my last visit to motorsport forums :p

I'm planning to go to TAC Rally, anyone knows where I can find a map with the stages??

Thanks in advance :)

I am afraid it is still a little bit to early for the stage maps of this years TAC rally. You can send me PM if you are interested in last year's stages, mostly they don't change much. I think by the end of the month the stages will be public.;)

4th March 2015, 14:59
My little report of the first rally of the Belgian Championship 2015. It was a good rally for us, saw some decent action and fast passes.

Cherain (DS3 R5): Disappointed about his performance. Seemed to struggle a lot with the behaviour of the car, seemed much faster with the Fiesta last year. I hope he improves during the year, because he has the speed, and can challenge for the title.

Cherain => no pre tests, first time in the DS3 R5, new team just before the rally => 2x scratch + 3x 2° time. Made some mistakes, but the speed is there. When he gets used to the Citroën he will probably beat Tsjoen & Verschueren! We will see!

5th March 2015, 19:19
Has anyone here ever visited the Rally de Hannut?? I am interested in going this Sunday but I can't find the exact timing. Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance...

5th March 2015, 21:50
Has anyone here ever visited the Rally de Hannut?? I am interested in going this Sunday but I can't find the exact timing. Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance...

I've been there 20 times. Stages are not the best in Belgium but usually, the entry list is ok.
I'll send you the timing as soon as I have it.

Andre Oliveira
5th March 2015, 23:28
Need help of Belguim specialists. One team on Portugal bought an Astra of Opel Team Belguim in 2002, used by Bruno Thiry. Someone know wich events they did, and pictures?

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t35.0-12/11025480_10202559678512631_346276640_o.jpg?oh=cb37 b4368b4b30c6d37385bd5dcb9034&oe=54FB8ED0&__gda__=1425754724_71a980dfcbe46af3677fe4951a491c9 b

Andre Oliveira
7th March 2015, 13:50
They told me that bought the car from french driver with french plate.

7th March 2015, 13:57
Good question... Bruno Thiry did a season (1993) with Opel Astra from Opel Team Belgium, mostly international events. But to find somebody who knows which event was done with which chassis will be nearly impossible I think. Don't forget it's 22 years ago and it's likely most of the people who worked for the team then aren't doing anything in rallying anymore... ;) I think the only chance is to get in touch with Bruno Thiry or Stéphane Prévot themselves, if you are extremely lucky they may remember something from it, both had a long career. :)

8th March 2015, 19:00
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20hannut%202015_zpsz2xemg2i.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ7yGd6hg30)

Fast Eddie WRC
9th March 2015, 00:16
Just watched the 1st round on Motors TV... nice to see so many drivers in the latest R5 cars this year.

Hope we can see this in the UK next year when the British Championship comes back !

9th March 2015, 20:58
Pics from Rallye de Hannut 2015 online on www.bvrallypics.be

http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123046/sized_IMG_7577_zpss0fnqhog.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123046/sized_IMG_7577_zpss0fnqhog.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123046/sized_IMG_7489_1_zpsnglepy2r.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123046/sized_IMG_7489_1_zpsnglepy2r.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123046/sized_IMG_7273_zps5hb8swrc.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123046/sized_IMG_7273_zps5hb8swrc.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123046/sized_IMG_7721_1_zpsuh5p9ags.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123046/sized_IMG_7721_1_zpsuh5p9ags.jpg.html)

12th March 2015, 11:55
So Spa Rally this weekend... :)

http://spa.rallyresults.be/spa-rally - Live results can be found here.
Entry list:

6 stages (2x3SS) are run on friday, first at 16h15. The first one is next to the circuit of Spa-Francorchamps, and is also using some roads around it, for me at least half of the stage is way too fast. Second stage is more technical with some gravel part, third is the well-known Clémentine. Less than half of the well-known gravel in the forest is used there, but before that part (last 3km before finish) the stage looks exciting as well, nice roads. On saturday 15 stages (3x5SS) are on the schedule. 2 stages are known from the old "Boucles de Spa", for the 3 other stages you need to go to the Condroz-region, the most Western stages of Spa Rallye are close to the most Eastern of Condroz. So a few stages (in my opinion 2 stages) are very similar to those of Rallye du Condroz. There are a few brutal gravel sections, and drivers are already fearing that punctures could play an important role in this event... Weather should be dry.

http://www.sparally.com/sites/default/files/files/SR%2015%20Engagés%20BRC.pdf Entry list for modern cars. Most important drivers for top positions are Loix, Cherain, Tsjoen, Princen, Verschueren, Casier, Becx, Grooten with S2000/R5, with WRC we have Van Woensel, Allart and Bonjean. In GT we have Snijers, Lejeune, Vanparijs and Claerhout. This event is the first event of the Belgian 208 Rally Cup as well, so quite a few R2 cars (including Bux, De Cecco, Geusens etc).

http://www.sparally.com/sites/default/files/files/SR%2015%20Engagés%20HBRC.pdf Entry list for historic cars. Not many drivers but some interesting names. Marc Duez is driving a BMW M3, in FINA colors! The car is similar to what he was driving some 25 years ago. Also interesting is Swiss driver Florian Gonon who is starting with an Escort MK1. Also François De Spa, man from the region, is someone to be watched. :)

12th March 2015, 11:56
https://scontent-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10308931_10153164665529173_3934171317303442383_n.j pg?oh=231a39c92bbdaf20416e4ac198346d5a&oe=55B7CAC4

Nice design for Bonjean's S12 WRC. :)

12th March 2015, 22:34
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIVpwKmq06U&feature=youtu.be Nice video from shakedown.

13th March 2015, 09:17
Great day to look forward to, we are going Saturday, hope there won't be too much abandons the first SS's on Friday. Very very good entry list even better than Haspengouw, I think even ERC would wish an entry like this...

13th March 2015, 15:13
I'm waiting for the first cars to arrive on the first stage, weather is awesome! I'll be posting splits again.

13th March 2015, 15:24
This is the link for the splits: https://mobile.twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=%23RallySplits

13th March 2015, 15:55
Thanks, great weekend ahead.
Mouthwatering entry for GT thread as well : 4 Porsche's entered

13th March 2015, 18:44
Loix and Princen have been on their own league so far.

13th March 2015, 18:44
Loix and Princen 20 seconds faster than the others on SS3!

13th March 2015, 19:18
And now in the dark, not everyone runs that well in the dark.

13th March 2015, 19:29
Do I remember right that Clementine is largely gravel stage?

13th March 2015, 19:36
Do I remember right that Clementine is largely gravel stage?
Only last 3km or so this year.

On Haspengouw you could also see Loix was superior on first run of Zepperen, Princen made a mistake on that stage.

13th March 2015, 19:38
2 Minutes before stage starts, some 0 cars did pass, so hopefully no delay. Check my splits ;-)

13th March 2015, 20:15
Tsjoen is missing and next cars appear with very slow times. Possibly Tsjoen crashed and his car blocks the road?

EDIT: Cars now coming in normal times again.

13th March 2015, 20:36
I passed service park to go to Clémentine and Bonjean Subaru was still there, probably abandoned.

13th March 2015, 20:42
Verschueren was really slow in the dark, no confidence at all. Princen and Cherain were clearly attacking., nice!

13th March 2015, 20:47
Tsjoen retired, technical problem.

13th March 2015, 20:51
So what happened to Becx and Grooten?

13th March 2015, 21:10
Allart crashed, stage is neutralised.

13th March 2015, 21:52
So what happened to Becx and Grooten?
I guess they're just slow in the dark, look at their times on clementine.

Where is Snijers?

13th March 2015, 22:15
Gearbox issues apparently.
Sucks, too much retirements already! Lets hope some of them will restart tomorrow as we go ;)

13th March 2015, 23:37
I guess they're just slow in the dark, look at their times on clementine.

When I asked they had +4 minutes in the live results. Now it is fixed.

14th March 2015, 02:44
Loix onboard

14th March 2015, 08:22
Good morning from the stages, we start the day with a... Delay. Still no 0 cars.

14th March 2015, 09:08
What happens again :confused:

14th March 2015, 10:17
Excellent spot at ss9:

On ss7 junior winner from Haspengouw went off quite hard. Don't know if they continued the stage after.

14th March 2015, 11:27
Great battle between Loix and Princen :)

14th March 2015, 11:59
impressed about Princen.

14th March 2015, 13:21
Great battle between Loix and Princen :)
Not at all unfortunately. Princen was too late at the start this morning, you need to add 1440 to his time :-( Loix should not be pushing.

Are we sure the Skoda R5 will be faster than the S2000?

14th March 2015, 13:49
Are we sure the Skoda R5 will be faster than the S2000?

I bet it will.

14th March 2015, 18:36
Excellent spot at ss9:

On ss7 junior winner from Haspengouw went off quite hard. Don't know if they continued the stage after.

You were standing next to me and I didn't know it. You can see my dad and a friend in red on the picture.
You're right, it was a good spot.

14th March 2015, 19:52
We were there too at ss9 :)

Back on our way home, pretty good day despite the delays and lot of retirements.

14th March 2015, 21:57
Fly, I was sitting in my chair :-)

I think the last stage we did, SS19, was on time lol

It was a great weekend, nice to see top drivers attacking! Also juniors Bucx an Dececco did a great job!

14th March 2015, 22:17
Since a lot of R5 this time retired with mechanical problems and only three finished I'd like to ask if anybody knows exactly what happened to them? Tsjoen, Casier, Verschueren, Grooten?

14th March 2015, 22:19
Damn, just reading why Verschueren and Van Parijs were excluded. Apparently they added a quite hidden checkpoint between the finish and start of 2 stages. Loix almost missed it as well, just saw the 0 passing it.
Shouldn't this be mentioned in the roadbook?
Van Woensel admits he was doing an illegal recce on ss2 to check the finish, apparently the organization added a chicane to the finish line (over a very tight bridge). So he agrees with the 3 minutes penalty, but the nominal times he got were way to high. One of the last stages he got a nominal time he got more than one minute more!

The region is awesome, but the delays and all the actions that were taken are not worth a Belgian championship :-(

14th March 2015, 22:25
Since a lot of R5 this time retired with mechanical problems and only three finished I'd like to ask if anybody knows exactly what happened to them? Tsjoen, Casier, Verschueren, Grooten?
Casier hit something and broke a steering arm.
Tsjoen had an off, I heard he complained about the rear end handling of his DS3, it is too loose (since Haspengouw apparently)
Verschueren excluded. But did break another drive shaft on day 1, had to do the second run of Clementine with fwd, I think he had this problem in previous rally as well.
Grooten, I heard he had a puncture, not sure.
Princen had to replace gearbox, why he got 1min40 penalty time.

Quite ok for R5 reputation ;-)

14th March 2015, 22:31
Tsjoen https://flic.kr/p/rBo5sP

15th March 2015, 08:47
Pitty all these problems on the R5s by PSA once again :(

Fantastic results by Gino Bux and Cédric de Cecco :bounce:

15th March 2015, 12:21
Coming back to retirement of Grooten. He had a puncture, replaced the wheel, later in the same loop he punctured again. He had to do a stage almost completely on the wheel. When he was going to service, maybe 500m from Service In, the wheel broke... Anyway I'm a bit disappointed by his performance in Spa as well, expected something better from him.

Seen a great event, beautiful fast stages. A lot of variety, on places you had open fields and could follow the cars for kilometers. On a place we could already see the next car coming before the previous one disappeared. Other places are in forest. Some roads are wide, some extremely narrow, bumpy/flat, gravel, uphill, downhill, everything is in it. A few parts were similar to what you can find in Barum Rally. Some gravel parts were too brutal in my opinion.Also the itinerary allowed you to see a lot of stages (we did 4 on friday night, 8 on saturday), if you didn't mind driving a lot.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10863805_1036987012979851_8326519918385340361_o.jp g

Competition-wise this wasn't a good event. Some great battles, that's what we had. Freddy Loix in huge battle with Princen, before Princen got the penalty. I hope Princen can improve a bit more for when Loix will have the Fabia R5, because it will be quicker, probably only a few seconds on each stage. The organizers failed in every aspect. Chris Van Woensel (Lancer WRC) decided to stop after he lost some 3 minutes due to notional times for stages he couldn't drive because of accidents. With his WRC car he was starting behind the first R2 cars... Verschueren, Vanparijs and some others were excluded for missing some time control. A time control which Freddy Loix would have missed if he didn't see the 0-car stopping there in front of him!... Many things went wrong, leading to even more retirements than you usually have, but ok... Let's hope RACB will do something about it, but I expect nothing.

15th March 2015, 14:21
Nice shot!

My photos are also online




More at our Facebook Page (http://facebook.com/rallymedia) or our Website (http://www.rallymedia.nl/images/2015/sparally/sparally.html) !

Joost his video also online already:


15th March 2015, 14:24
Tommeke: Those 3 minutes for Van Woensel are not a notional time. They are a penalty acc. to Article 20.2. That's written on the result page. I have no idea what it is in Your national regulations but somebody here wrote something about illegal recce of SS2.

15th March 2015, 14:42
Tommeke: Those 3 minutes for Van Woensel are not a notional time. They are a penalty acc. to Article 20.2. That's written on the result page. I have no idea what it is in Your national regulations but somebody here wrote something about illegal recce of SS2.

He actually got a penalty for illegal recce, but also got several times really bad notional times.

15th March 2015, 15:10
Yes. These drivers got 3min penalty: Snijers, Van Woensel, Bonjean, Bouvy and Claerhout. They were all caught on the same stage (SS2/5) on friday morning. It's worth mentioning that official recce is always the weekend before the event, and organizers have put some hay bales on this stage that weren't mentioned in the roadbook, logically, drivers notes weren't correct. I would be very surprised if they were the only drivers who had a look at the stage on friday. It would be better if organizers check on illegal recce longer before the event. What I like is that the organizers give a time penalty in stead of a financial penalty. Last years sometimes there were penalties, but for some drivers 500 euros penalty isn't a big deal...

Both Van Woensel and Hermann stopped after SS8. On SS4 they got +36,7s. On SS6 1m04,6s. On SS7 +54,8s. It's normal they didn't agree on this, in normal conditions Van Woensel would lose maybe 20s on these stages together...

15th March 2015, 15:28

15th March 2015, 16:41
http://sporza.be/cm/sporza/videozone/v_opvallend/1.2271748 Amazing onboard with Freddy Loix on SS Clémentine 1, it's incredible how they do it, also big respect for the codriver! The stage was delayed by 45mins which caused it to be run in almost dark, and almost no drivers had their big light pods on. Somewhere after 4mins the most interesting part starts, from there to the finish it's all gravel, and they are driving with tarmac set-up. This year it was dry and then it's quite compact gravel, the grip level is quite high. You hear Freddy talking and saying many things like "a fond", "couperen" etc, those are things in notes that must change or that have to be added for the second loop. Also interesting to hear at the finish that he thinks he didn't do a good stage...

15th March 2015, 17:15
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgfSt5EemG8 Lucky moment for a spectator when Florian Gonon lost his wheel...

15th March 2015, 20:08
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20Moorslede%202015%20Highlights_zpstkhzrogg.jp g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWBwFBK1oEs)

16th March 2015, 06:38
my vidéo of spa rally: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hCUfA9zjdY

16th March 2015, 08:43
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20moorslede%202015_zpsc3ow7ivq.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Hww6PCUFw)

16th March 2015, 10:05
Photos Spa Rally 2015 online on www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123047/sized_IMG_7818_zpsoh2nmwml.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123047/sized_IMG_7818_zpsoh2nmwml.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123047/sized_IMG_7976_zpsxbjh6s4r.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123047/sized_IMG_7976_zpsxbjh6s4r.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123047/sized_IMG_8071_zps3mka4hir.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123047/sized_IMG_8071_zps3mka4hir.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123047/sized_IMG_8155_1_zps7nuzmwuh.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123047/sized_IMG_8155_1_zps7nuzmwuh.jpg.html)

16th March 2015, 16:49
Photos Rallysprint van Moorslede online on www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123048/sized_IMG_8564_1_zpsvhobpkgu.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123048/sized_IMG_8564_1_zpsvhobpkgu.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123048/sized_IMG_9360_1_zpsavn8acdx.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123048/sized_IMG_9360_1_zpsavn8acdx.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123048/sized_IMG_8627_1_zpsthbuoi2z.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123048/sized_IMG_8627_1_zpsthbuoi2z.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123048/sized_IMG_9020_1_zpsnobghydw.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123048/sized_IMG_9020_1_zpsnobghydw.jpg.html)

16th March 2015, 22:50
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20moorslede%202015%20histo_zps5irp9eqw.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZZfNxWP6kI)

18th March 2015, 08:18
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20crash%20moorslede%202015_zpstpjgukkr.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puux5GFhJ_A)

28th March 2015, 14:52
my video spa rally 2015

29th March 2015, 20:09
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20ardennes%202015_zpswltryilb.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Ww4k9v2mI)

30th March 2015, 15:03
TAC Rally pre-entrylist ;)

6th April 2015, 13:51
TAC Rally pre-entrylist ;)

Not as good as the first two rallies. Unfortunately, these names are not part of the TAC Rally
Armand Fumal
Bernd Casier
Bob Colsoul
Cédric de Cecco
Chris van Woensel
David Bonjean
Pieter Tsjoen
Stephan Hermann

7th April 2015, 11:52
Pics Rallye Sprint de Marchin 2015 online on www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123049/sized_IMG_9502_1_zpscka8nyj2.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123049/sized_IMG_9502_1_zpscka8nyj2.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123049/sized_IMG_9744_1_zpsldlhxwip.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123049/sized_IMG_9744_1_zpsldlhxwip.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123049/sized_IMG_9836_zpst4zugel7.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123049/sized_IMG_9836_zpst4zugel7.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123049/sized_IMG_9561_1_1_zpsy9nwsua6.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123049/sized_IMG_9561_1_1_zpsy9nwsua6.jpg.html)

7th April 2015, 22:22
I'm going for the first time since a long time to the TAC. Does anyone know where I can find the maps of stages, or does anyone have it ?

And does anyone know good spots ?

Thank in advance !

8th April 2015, 12:18
Not as good as the first two rallies. Unfortunately, these names are not part of the TAC Rally
Armand Fumal
Bernd Casier
Bob Colsoul
Cédric de Cecco
Chris van Woensel
David Bonjean
Pieter Tsjoen
Stephan Hermann

Armand Fumal: ex-circuit driver who isn't doing a full championship. Instead he wants to do some WRC rounds this year on asphalt, like Germany and France.
Bernd Casier: he doesn't has the budget for a full season. He will drive only a few rallies this season. Ypres is sure.
Bob Colsoul: for years, he is only competing in his home rally, the Rally van Haspengouw.
Cédric de Cecco: I don't know why he isn't at the entry list. For sure he will do the Rallye de Wallonië at the end of this month and the Condroz at the end of the season.
Chris van Woensel, David Bonjean: both are angry that WRC cars had so many notional times in Spa. In the worst case, we won't see them again in a round for the Belgian national championship this year...
Pieter Tsjoen: he is now co-driver of Stéphane Lefèbvre for probably 3 rounds in the BRC: Wallonie, Ypres and the Condroz.
Stephan Hermann: he was also angry due to notional times in Spa and he hasn't the budget to compete in the full championship. Very fast driver in an old Punto, but he lacks budget. We will see him in his home rally, the East Belgian Rally in September. Other rallies depends on his small budget.

8th April 2015, 23:21
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20TAC%202015%20shakedown_zpspznehb6w.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ykx3iiDF7k)

9th April 2015, 10:23
Pictures Shakedown TAC Rally 2015 online on www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123051/sized_IMG_9990_zpswjel6ghd.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123051/sized_IMG_9990_zpswjel6ghd.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123050/sized_IMG_0148_1_zpsnpezmtdl.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123050/sized_IMG_0148_1_zpsnpezmtdl.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123053/sized_IMG_9934_1_1_zps3588y1o8.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123053/sized_IMG_9934_1_1_zps3588y1o8.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123050/sized_IMG_0169_1_zpsbdhiiu6s.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123050/sized_IMG_0169_1_zpsbdhiiu6s.jpg.html)

9th April 2015, 19:08
Video Shakedown TAC Rally - 2015


10th April 2015, 08:21
Cédric Cherain not starting in TAC, he will do Rallye de Wallonie, and after that only a limited BRC-programme... 9 events in a national championship is simply too much, especially when the average length of an event is around 200km SS.

Paulo Freitas
10th April 2015, 15:31
I will be there tomorrow... hope to enjoy a nice Rally!!! It will be my first time in Belgium (for a rally...)

Really looking forward to see Van Parijs and Snijers with the Porsche...

10th April 2015, 16:01
Cédric Cherain not starting in TAC, he will do Rallye de Wallonie, and after that only a limited BRC-programme... 9 events in a national championship is simply too much, especially when the average length of an event is around 200km SS.

200kms/rally with a rentend R5 is too much for national rallies. Is like doing 9 Ypres Rally during the season!
This extension of kms could be just for the rallies with more prestige like Ypres and Condroz.
IMO, the ideal would be to have events around 120kms.

11th April 2015, 08:10
To follow TAC Rally http://www.tac-results.be/ ;)

11th April 2015, 08:41
Loix a lot quicker than Princen in the first stage: 13 secs! The rest is far behind. It's wet on the stages.

Verschueren already made an excursion off the stage and lost over 3 mins.

Claerhout in the Porsche had an off as well, since then the stage is neutralised, on facebook you read comments about fire, not sure.

11th April 2015, 08:45
Not much left of the Porsche :(
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11059492_972648736080110_100796966706005589_n.jpg? oh=13e5fd7428e60c4b3b44f095b7dd52a1&oe=55E576D3&__gda__=1437283878_ed262e399dc93fdff2c0ea54365a9e7 8

11th April 2015, 08:46
Crew is ok!

11th April 2015, 13:04
Slowly Sideways crash...
https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11146239_10153234343259507_3640374130615303772_n.j pg

11th April 2015, 13:05
And another one...

11th April 2015, 13:21
You won't believe it, one more... https://www.facebook.com/rallylovers/photos/a.10150596691514507.400866.197385889506/10153234346799507/?type=1&theater

11th April 2015, 20:43
Well, I enjoyed the trip !
Loix really impressive. Fast, and, what made the difference : clean.
Princen pushed, pushed, pushed ... too much. always on the limit, we clearly saw he was losing time.
Beckx, I was really surprised. He expected him like a slow gentleman driver, but he was quite fast.
Verschueren and Grooten very slow, not at ease. Maybe the DS3 R5 is a difficult car to drive ...
Cornelis quite surprising for me too. I know he was correct with Impreza WRC, but here he was quite fast.

The junior rules has done his effect again. Allart stopped because each times he joined the DS3 R1 starting in front of him ...

12th April 2015, 10:14
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20TAC%202015_zpsscstnbit.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60GOXI0FSnk)

12th April 2015, 11:03
Video TAC Rally - 2015 (HD)


12th April 2015, 16:05
Photos TAC Rally 2015 en ligne sur http://www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123054/sized_IMG_0305_zpsm8tene5a.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123054/sized_IMG_0305_zpsm8tene5a.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123054/sized_IMG_1126_zps1hgnurvo.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123054/sized_IMG_1126_zps1hgnurvo.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123054/sized_IMG_0831_zpsnhy5lwyf.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123054/sized_IMG_0831_zpsnhy5lwyf.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123054/sized_IMG_0607_zpsvrk9uhov.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123054/sized_IMG_0607_zpsvrk9uhov.jpg.html)

12th April 2015, 17:18
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20TAC%202015%20historic_zpsug5jfwkr.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGaoFk2MBSQ)

12th April 2015, 21:23
We had a pretty good day too! Too bad about the rain, seemed to slow everybody down a lot.
Best drivers were Princen and van Parijs for me.
Short video of van Parijs --> https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=818648784889759 !






More at our Facebook Page (http://facebook.com/rallymedia) or our Website (http://www.rallymedia.nl/images/2015/tacrally/tacrally.html) !

15th April 2015, 15:45
My video of the TAC Rally Tielt 2015!

http://i58.tinypic.com/10psems.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAw4b8DxNng)

1. Loix-Gitsels (Skoda Fabia S2000)
2. Princen-Kaspers (Peugeot 208 T16) +25,9
3. Lefevere-Vangheluwe (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X) +1:40.4
4. Cornelis-Debaeke (Ford Fiesta R5) +2:15.7
5. Becx-Van Barschot (Ford Fiesta R5) +3:35.3
6. Van Parijs-Heyndrickx (Porsche 997 GT3) +5:08.6
7. Vandenberghe-Maes (BMW 130) +6:26.8
8. Demaerschalk-Eelbode (Citroën DS3 R3T) +6:44.4
9. Stouf-Erard (Porsche 997 Carrera RS) +7:09.7
10. Verschueren-Hostens (Citroën DS3 R5) +7:50.2

16th April 2015, 20:47
My pics from TAC :







More here : http://www.ewrc.cz/ewrc/fotogalery.php?events=21862&fotograf=277

22nd April 2015, 11:23
http://www.velvetmotion.com/automobileclubnamur//rallye/brc2015_fr.php Entry list for Rallye de Wallonie is growing, 7 R5s, 2 S2000s and 3 (older generation) WRCs so far. If it's dry we need to keep an eye on Jean-Pierre Vandewauwer with the BMA 997 GT3 as well.

23rd April 2015, 11:26
Some great news! Stephan Hermann becomes official Opel driver in Belgium. He will drive a rented Adam R2 in Wallonie, from events later on he will drive an Adam R2 purchased by Opel Belgium. For people who don't know Hermann, he was driving a self-made Fiat Punto the last few years, very fast and spectacular guy. He is codriven by Achim Maraite (former and first codriver of Thierry Neuville).

Source: http://www.autonews-magazine.com/blog/?p=43462

23rd April 2015, 17:11
Will Kevin Demaerschalk drive in Wallonie :confused:

23rd April 2015, 18:43
Some great news! Stephan Hermann becomes official Opel driver in Belgium. He will drive a rented Adam R2 in Wallonie, from events later on he will drive an Adam R2 purchased by Opel Belgium. For people who don't know Hermann, he was driving a self-made Fiat Punto the last few years, very fast and spectacular guy. He is codriven by Achim Maraite (former and first codriver of Thierry Neuville).

Source: http://www.autonews-magazine.com/blog/?p=43462

Superb news!!

23rd April 2015, 19:01
Will Kevin Demaerschalk drive in Wallonie :confused:

Not sure, he said a month ago he had budget for 6 rallies and was searching for more budget for more rallies and upgrade to DS3 Max. Hermann with Opel R2 seems own construction with his sponsors, support of Opel Belgium was a wrong report it seems.

23rd April 2015, 19:38
Not sure, he said a month ago he had budget for 6 rallies and was searching for more budget for more rallies and upgrade to DS3 Max. Hermann with Opel R2 seems own construction with his sponsors, support of Opel Belgium was a wrong report it seems.
Pitty about missing Opel support, but still a very nice addition to the R2 field!

26th April 2015, 22:00
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20difficult%20monteberg%202015_zpsuekx9b3i.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF6d4tAYH0c)

27th April 2015, 21:01
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20monteberg%202015_zps3e2k1c7b.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo20zMny7Oc)

28th April 2015, 07:46
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20monteberg%20historic%202015_zpssp9at8gq.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ-eWjVKo6A)

1st May 2015, 23:40
Rallye de Wallonie started tonight. Live results can be found here: Lefebvre is in a small lead after the first two show-stages. His driving style was very agressive, very different from what I've seen earlier from him in DS3 R5.

2nd May 2015, 00:41
A few photos from tonight:

https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/11206779_1066326486712570_2255110411669882519_o.jp g

https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/t31.0-8/10857195_1066326340045918_8236966845355777405_o.jp g

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/11154919_1066326430045909_5948993190606607182_o.jp g

2nd May 2015, 09:30
Really nice first pic of Namur :)

2nd May 2015, 17:02
A Skoda Fabia leads in Wallonie, but not an S2000 or R5. How Retro!

2nd May 2015, 21:50
This is the other Fabia :
Picture of Pedro Boel
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11210411_1014841111867813_4675011689105010303_n.jp g?oh=752d56699dee8ab15ac4672a13811425&oe=55C3D9AC&__gda__=1440398483_35f66a3105dfbc1672c06c7771084f9 e
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11210411_1014841111867813_4675011689105010303_n.jp g?oh=752d56699dee8ab15ac4672a13811425&oe=55C3D9AC&__gda__=1440398483_35f66a3105dfbc1672c06c7771084f9 e

2nd May 2015, 23:56
Loix was very very lucky

3rd May 2015, 00:17
Loix was very very lucky

last pass from ds3!!! who is he?

3rd May 2015, 00:18
Stephan Hermann - Opel Adam R2 on the limit - Rallye de wallonie 2015


Cédric Cherain - on the limit (Day 1) Rallye de Wallonie 2015


JUMP Van Parijs - Wartet - Rallye de Wallonie 2015


3rd May 2015, 00:30
JUMP Van Parijs - Wartet - Rallye de Wallonie 2015


great stuff

3rd May 2015, 03:55
last pass from ds3!!! who is he?


3rd May 2015, 06:54
What happened to Lefebrve and Princen?

3rd May 2015, 11:02
Stephan Hermann - Opel Adam R2 on the limit - Rallye de wallonie 2015


Cédric Cherain - on the limit (Day 1) Rallye de Wallonie 2015


JUMP Van Parijs - Wartet - Rallye de Wallonie 2015


Great! Just the people at the jump pf Van Parijs shall think more where to stand. Behind the jump with no place to run. It's quite suicidal...

3rd May 2015, 13:35
Great! Just the people at the jump pf Van Parijs shall think more where to stand. Behind the jump with no place to run. It's quite suicidal...

Every year same problem there, surprising enough that there didn't happen dramatic already. Anyways seems that many go on the limit this weekend. Sad I had to miss this rally, thanks to an idiot..

3rd May 2015, 13:51
Video highlights Rallye de Wallonie 2015!

http://i61.tinypic.com/351er2g.jpg (https://youtu.be/PkpNJif1p18)

Click on the photo or here - https://youtu.be/PkpNJif1p18

3rd May 2015, 15:33
Photos Rallye de Wallonie 2015 ---> Click here for the photos (http://www.rallysupport.nl/index.php?id=290)





3rd May 2015, 15:50
Loix won in the end, Allart in the Fabia WRC dropped a lot of time today so maybe had a problem.

3rd May 2015, 16:16
Rumours are Loix clocked in late and recieved a 20 second penalty.

Not really rumours anymore now..

3rd May 2015, 16:24
Rumours are Loix clocked in late and recieved a 20 second penalty.

Not really rumours anymore now..
Big discussion now. Loix doesn't agree with that decision according to him he followed the roadbook correctly but stand in front of a closed barrier..

3rd May 2015, 18:14
Feeling really sorry for Princen, what a stupid unlucky off for him:
Lucky he was faster than Loix, good for his confidence, but he should have won.

Stupid end of rally, really hoped Cherain would win, but not at all this way!

3rd May 2015, 18:16
Princen over the limit:

3rd May 2015, 18:18
Another angle of Princen abandon:
The jump right behind is the same of the video of Van Parijs Porsche in previous video.

3rd May 2015, 18:18
A shame indeed, he wasn't very happy himself either.614

3rd May 2015, 19:17
And here is also the pretty hard crash of Becx:

Hope he can repair his car for Bocholt!

3rd May 2015, 19:19
Video's keep on coming, here's the small crash of Van Parijs:

3rd May 2015, 19:21
Now this is nice, I bet Loix didn't know about his penalty at that time, but very nice anyway:
https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11138641_811763358900610_659474643384388779_n.png? oh=ab52c8264c20979ba923be3444efbf29&oe=55E2C832

Best Belgian championship since a very long time!

3rd May 2015, 19:41
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20wallonie%202015_zpsi1pighca.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bvDmwQTQkY)

3rd May 2015, 19:47
My photos of yesterday are online!






As usual more at our Facebook Page (http://facebook.com/rallymedia) or our Website (http://www.rallymedia.nl/images/2015/rallyedewallonie/rallyedewallonie.html) !

3rd May 2015, 20:14
@Martijn, also saw your video, and just like your pics: great work, thanks for sharing!

3rd May 2015, 20:38
Skoda has sent a protest, this means the results are suspended until further decision is taken.

3rd May 2015, 20:49
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkHMGfFg1Ig This is why everybody likes the GT cars. :D

3rd May 2015, 21:01
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkHMGfFg1Ig This is why everybody likes the GT cars. :D

yeah, but also good drive from Van Parijs as well

3rd May 2015, 22:00
Crash Becx - Fiesta R5


4th May 2015, 14:23
Pics Rallye de Wallonie 2015 online on www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123056/sized_IMG_2320_zpsvt3v8msv.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123056/sized_IMG_2320_zpsvt3v8msv.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123056/sized_IMG_2691_zps8zeewhhe.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123056/sized_IMG_2691_zps8zeewhhe.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123056/sized_IMG_2802_1_zpsejpcmpqp.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123056/sized_IMG_2802_1_zpsejpcmpqp.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123056/sized_IMG_3005_zpszxneoggu.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123056/sized_IMG_3005_zpszxneoggu.jpg.html)

4th May 2015, 19:17
Video Rallye de wallonie + Crash becx fiesta R5


4th May 2015, 21:39
Video Rallye de wallonie + Crash becx fiesta R5


Thx, very nice....I'm more and more fan of Belgian championship....

5th May 2015, 12:28
It was a great rally this weekend. One of the best rallies I've ever seen (in my small career, have to say :p )

Not only in front (saw an incredible pas by Lefebvre in a forest, literally got goose bumps) but also in 2WD. And best thing was, fight continued till the very last stage!

Hopefully next rallies will be as good. But entrylist for next round (Sezoensrally in 2 weeks) is very weak up till now.

5th May 2015, 12:29
I'm really looking forward to Ypres. It's going to be awesome.

5th May 2015, 14:00
Nice onboard of Benoit Allart in the Skoda Fabia WRC


Mad cat jnr
5th May 2015, 14:06
I'm really looking forward to Ypres. It's going to be awesome.

Me too, hopefully we wont roll the car into a telegraph pole on SS6 this year!

5th May 2015, 18:29
Nice onboard of Benoit Allart in the Skoda Fabia WRC


And one with the winner Cédric Cherain in wet conditions.


6th May 2015, 16:58
It was a great rally this weekend. One of the best rallies I've ever seen (in my small career, have to say :p )

Not only in front (saw an incredible pas by Lefebvre in a forest, literally got goose bumps) but also in 2WD. And best thing was, fight continued till the very last stage!

Hopefully next rallies will be as good. But entrylist for next round (Sezoensrally in 2 weeks) is very weak up till now.
Yes it was really a nice rally!

My highlights of the Rallye de Wallonie 2015: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKg_nOi9iqE

http://i58.tinypic.com/9tpe03.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKg_nOi9iqE)

6th May 2015, 18:37
Wow! :)

6th May 2015, 21:31
Some great pictures:

https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11149308_812366208842522_332310618210162648_n.jpg? oh=779ea17ad015c0d15ef6cb0016abdf80&oe=55CC164E
https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11196243_812367395509070_6304322663985167545_n.png ?oh=c1999023c4bd93048b4238b5fc10c61a&oe=55C2E33A
https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/11138074_812367622175714_1885008757656803687_n.png ?oh=4d9a15b24cf8f8149dbae5e03cf8c089&oe=55E05E04
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11210446_812367422175734_8564252299785622401_n.png ?oh=a101ded0210851666c85eb176546fa3e&oe=55BF5E85&__gda__=1439044318_a811dbd3025848e6053b9bd895a556e c
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11233535_812367095509100_6644385818578051476_n.png ?oh=1c4302f04be9b1094bfd9a7a136ca57c&oe=55CB7544&__gda__=1443642620_4a999c5b742492987f097cc6163d277 4

Full album here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.812365998842543.1073741876.181112608634555&type=3

6th May 2015, 21:57
Lefebvre onboard

7th May 2015, 09:42
Crash of Loix on onboard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu7brkIqLY4

And Loix SS27: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7D0ZwTU-2fM

9th May 2015, 09:22
to the belgian friends: what did they say Loix and Gitsels about checking car was ok adn temperatures etc? thanks

9th May 2015, 10:02
to the belgian friends: what did they say Loix and Gitsels about checking car was ok adn temperatures etc? thanks

During crash:
Loix: "oh shit"

Loix: "Sorry"
Gitsels: "We are on the road"
Loix: "Yes but it is broken"

Gistels: "Look out you're not stuck"
Loix: "Check temperature"

Then image switches
Loix: "Unbelievable the car still goes"
Gistels: "Unbelievable, temperature is ok"

The rest are notes ;)

10th May 2015, 21:02
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20estinnes%202015_zpscw4g6fn3.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMM3ZCRgkZI)

12th May 2015, 19:29
Does anybody know what engine Belgian rally GTs drive?

3.6 - 3.8 - 4.0 tuned / cup / restrictor?

13th May 2015, 13:31
During crash:
Loix: "oh shit"

Loix: "Sorry"
Gitsels: "We are on the road"
Loix: "Yes but it is broken"

Gistels: "Look out you're not stuck"
Loix: "Check temperature"

Then image switches
Loix: "Unbelievable the car still goes"
Gistels: "Unbelievable, temperature is ok"

The rest are notes ;)

thanks ;)

15th May 2015, 11:11
Tomorrow there's the Sezoens Rally in Belgium, 5th event (of 9) in the championship. The event has around 30% gravel which isn't bad, but apart from that it has the most boring stages of the championship. Chris Van Woensel with his Lancer WRC is favourite for the win. Benoit Allart starts with his Fabia WRC. Loix will drive the Fabia S2000 for the last time, R5-competitors are Princen (208), Verschueren (DS3), Serderidis (DS3), Becx (Fiesta) and Irish driver Stephen Wright (Fiesta). This event has a weaker list, which is a bit logical, as the calendar counts too many events...

Very nice design for Loix, with the statistics on it (clearly inspired by the DS3 WRC of Loeb in Alsace a few years ago).

Live results can be found tomorrow through the link at the bottom of this page: http://www.sezoensrally.be/nl/toeschouwers/

15th May 2015, 21:12
I am not agree with you Tom that Chris van Woensel is the favourite. I spoke to him today and he said me that he didn't drove a km since the Spa Rally, more than two months ago. There was also no test for him and we know that Princen and especially Loix can test a lot. Van Woensel also said that he has new Yokohama tyres and that Loix and Princen are the favourites for the victory.

15th May 2015, 21:37
I am not agree with you Tom that Chris van Woensel is the favourite. I spoke to him today and he said me that he didn't drove a km since the Spa Rally, more than two months ago. There was also no test for him and we know that Princen and especially Loix can test a lot. Van Woensel also said that he has new Yokohama tyres and that Loix and Princen are the favourites for the victory.
Well Wim, with such car we expect him to win. :-)

15th May 2015, 21:38
It's easy to put the pressure on someone else their shoulders. I know Van Woensel will attack from the start, because he's that kind of driver.

15th May 2015, 22:24
It's easy to put the pressure on someone else their shoulders. I know Van Woensel will attack from the start, because he's that kind of driver.

He certainly has the talent, if the car is reliable... I know the first split we took on the Haspengouw Rally he was 4,4secs faster than Fast Freddy.

16th May 2015, 09:51
Cvw confirming the expectations, a victory would be nice for his sponsor Yokohama.
Just did the first stage which was 3 laps around a nice stageloop, really good view there. It's a new stage, well done by the organisation.
Now I'm at beek-bree, famous stage, quite close to the finish at some nice gravel part.
Must be really hard to pick tires, it's raining a little bit.

16th May 2015, 17:38
Van Woensel crashed while leading and Princen is also out from second. Loix now leading in front of Verschueren. What happened to Princen?

16th May 2015, 17:41
Clutch failure.

16th May 2015, 17:48
CVW apparantly hit a spectator, but only hurt his leg fortunately. Scary moment when I read about it.

Really, really disappointed for Princen, he was doing so well.

16th May 2015, 17:50
From the event website:

De Mitsubishi Lancer WRC ging aan hoge snelheid van de baan, raakte een paaltje aan de buitenkant van de baan en schoot terug naar de binnenkant, waar de Mitsubishi een toeschouwer raakte. De onfortuinlijke man werd afgevoerd met een gebroken been.

De Mitsu WRC went off at high speed, hit a small pole at the outside of the road en flew back to the inside where the Mitsu hit a spectator. The unfortunate man was taken to hospital with a broken leg.

16th May 2015, 22:00
So 13th victory for Loix in his last 35th Fabia S2000 start. This time he was a bit lucky but that's how it goes.

1. Loix (Fabia S2000) 1:30:52,5
2. Verschueren (DS3 R5) +1:12,4
3. Wright (Fiesta R5) +2:34,7
4. Allart (Fabia WRC) +3:03,5
5. Faes (Evo IX) +4:04,5
6. Snijers (Porsche 997 GT3) +5:19,8
7. Serderidis (DS3 R5) +5:28,7
8. Van Iersel (Evo X) +6:31,6
9. Dilley (DS3 R3 Max) +7:46,2
10. Becaert (Evo X) +8:06,7

17th May 2015, 09:31
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20sezoensrally%202015_zpsltwhrssi.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs-US18yizQ)

17th May 2015, 10:18
Video Sezoens Rally online (HD)


17th May 2015, 12:27
My photos are online now too!





As usual, more at our Facebook Page (http://facebook.com/rallymedia) or our Website (http://www.rallymedia.nl/images/2015/sezoensrally/sezoensrally.html) !

17th May 2015, 12:54
Fast gravel stages in Belgium combined with some rain made it great circumstances for this rally. My video!
http://i61.tinypic.com/2duwkl0.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9Z78WR2WjE)

17th May 2015, 16:47
Photos Sezoensrally 2015 online on www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123058/sized_IMG_4566_zpso0nqhfxa.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123058/sized_IMG_4566_zpso0nqhfxa.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123058/sized_IMG_4102_zpssyq9fsh2.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123058/sized_IMG_4102_zpssyq9fsh2.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123058/sized_IMG_4153_zpsjlhysrcz.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123058/sized_IMG_4153_zpsjlhysrcz.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123058/sized_IMG_4335_zpst21mvywn.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123058/sized_IMG_4335_zpst21mvywn.jpg.html)

31st May 2015, 20:34
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20ORC%20Rally%202015_zpsuxtnlpjp.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMFGxyrAUmI)

31st May 2015, 21:14
I saw a big crash in a local rally today. Luckily, crew was OK!


1st June 2015, 18:12
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20ORC%20Rally%202015%20historic_zpsjxmw6qgd.jp g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzhhGTTb8mc)

1st June 2015, 19:16
ORC Rally - 2015 (HD)


Hard crash from tony clements - Mitsubischi Lancer


4th June 2015, 21:47
Test day asphalt For kris princen in the north-east of France:


14th June 2015, 17:40
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20rally%20van%20wervik%202015_zpsjc5rsdua.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBMAa6SW_T8)

14th June 2015, 20:49
Photos Rally van Wervik 2015 online on www.bvrallypics.be


http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123060/sized_IMG_6090_zpsy7qwjddz.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123060/sized_IMG_6090_zpsy7qwjddz.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123060/sized_IMG_6327_zpsik9tqzx7.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123060/sized_IMG_6327_zpsik9tqzx7.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123061/sized_IMG_6708_zpsnu590hxg.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123061/sized_IMG_6708_zpsnu590hxg.jpg.html)
http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg25/rallymen123/rallymen123060/sized_IMG_6250_zps4oor3k8t.jpg (http://s244.photobucket.com/user/rallymen123/media/rallymen123060/sized_IMG_6250_zps4oor3k8t.jpg.html)

15th June 2015, 18:47
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20rally%20wervik%202015%20historic_zpszqmfvycx .jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hWz5Z4bkaE)

24th June 2015, 23:54
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20Ypres%20historic%20rally%202015%20shakedown_ zpsnyccw9s2.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-VocgYOmQ8)

12th July 2015, 21:45
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20tbr%20rally%202015_zps6yktoedv.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER6RgWWlJeQ)

14th July 2015, 18:49
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf%20tbr%20de%20buze%202015_zpsilcrr1xz.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHW4_05ozDg)

21st July 2015, 21:30
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20solre%202015_zpso5zbw4in.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La_ZWP8YiU0)

8th August 2015, 20:10
https://scontent-bru2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11828813_301161426721128_2622582900340242906_n.jpg ?oh=2a499eb7b244140bfb1a45389a31caea&oe=567F792F

New car for Dutch driver Hermen Kobus. He's going to drive a small event (Rally van Staden) in Belgium next week as preparation for Omloop van Vlaanderen (BRC). He's a well-known driver in the Belgian championship for several years now. In speed I think he could be close to Loix (he was with fiesta S2000), but sure he will need time to learn the car and to get back in the rhythm, his last event was Rallye du Condroz last year, I think.

8th August 2015, 20:13
Finally! Looks good with black wheels. I wonder if the Kumho tyres will be a handicap though?

8th August 2015, 20:19
No Omloop I believe, we just got the email with press-release. Staden, Barum Rally, Hellendoorn Rally (NL) and East Belgian Rally this year.

8th August 2015, 20:20
Ok, so what I heard was wrong. Great to see Kobus do something in ERC. :)

8th August 2015, 20:23
Their ambition is to do as much rallies in the European Championship next year as possible.

8th August 2015, 20:45
Their ambition is to do as much rallies in the European Championship next year as possible.
Wow, great news!

9th August 2015, 10:40
Great indeed! It will be awesome to see him on our stages :)

12th August 2015, 12:48
Marius Aasen starts in Rally Staden too, in preparation for Germany!

16th August 2015, 07:52
video rally van staden


16th August 2015, 13:50
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20kobus%20staden%202015_zpsyax0wjsb.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciKk_UtgoNg)

16th August 2015, 20:04
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20rally%20staden%202015_zpsafguxkf3.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdTNBgQ9WgA)

18th August 2015, 13:20
Onboard with Kobus:


26th August 2015, 11:13
4/5 September the Belgian championship will continue in the Omloop van Vlaanderen.
We will see a nice number of R5's at the start of the event. Loix with the Skoda, Princen continues the championship with the Peugeot, Verschueren with the Citroen, then we will also see 2 Fords from Floral Racing (Van Rompuy and Duquesne) and J-Motorsport should start with a Citroen as well. Normally this would be Lefebre and Tsjoen as his co, but it looks like Lefebre will have other obligations that weekend, let's hope they find another fast driver.
Serderidis will start with a DS3 WRC.

For victory we hope to see a big fight between Loix and Princen. Let's hope a third driver can battle with them.


Verstuurd vanaf mijn ARCHOS 80G9 met Tapatalk

26th August 2015, 13:18
What pace we can expect from van Rompuy?

27th August 2015, 16:52
I have no idea what to expect from him.

So Lefebere confirmed not to start. But 2 extra Ford R5's: Wright and Vanneste.

Allaert again with Fabia WRC, maybe a candidate for overall victory.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ARCHOS 80G9 met Tapatalk

27th August 2015, 20:01
Unfortunately Beckx sold his Fiesta R5, he will start in a Fiesta R2.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ARCHOS 80G9 met Tapatalk

28th August 2015, 09:17
I have no idea what to expect from him.

So Lefebere confirmed not to start. But 2 extra Ford R5's: Wright and Vanneste.

Allaert again with Fabia WRC, maybe a candidate for overall victory.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ARCHOS 80G9 met Tapatalk

Vanneste will not start due to professional reasons.

29th August 2015, 18:12
And also forfait for Allaert (lost his driving license in previous rally due to speeding).

30th August 2015, 09:50
Unfortunately Beckx sold his Fiesta R5, he will start in a Fiesta R2.

Did he sell the fiesta because he will buy another car (fabia) instead?

30th August 2015, 17:36
About Van Rompuy: He started in rallying with a Fiesta R2. Wasn't slow, but quite inconsistent. Then he switched to a old Opel Kadett. Then had a ban for 1 year (smoking stuff before Ypres Rally) and now he will make his comeback, straight in to an R5 car.
Strange carreer, but he has the money for sure!

About Becx: Apparentely Weijs Motorsport offered him a nice price for his Fiesta and he just sold it. He will buy something else, but doesn't know what yet. I would think it will be an R5 again.

30th August 2015, 21:37
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20crash%20kasterlee%202015_zps9xjua0f7.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNJwItOHtU8)

31st August 2015, 10:39
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20Kasterlee%202015_zpshbznxobs.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRE65zU5V8Q)

4th September 2015, 22:40
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20omloop%20high%202015_zpsvwaus0zj.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR7UQcVlgyY)

5th September 2015, 00:18
http://www.rallyresultaten.be/Omloop2015/Results/Moderne/uitslag.html Results of Omloop van Vlaanderen can be found here. Princen in a small lead ahead of Freddy Loix. The Fabia R5 doesn't have the perfect setup yet, still some work to do. On some bumpy places PSA R5 cars were handling it much better.

5th September 2015, 13:11
Princen hindered by troubles again, loosing too much time now, battle is over :(

Surprised by speed of Verschueren!

5th September 2015, 20:42
Some very strange stage times through the day. What happened, weather changes?

5th September 2015, 21:08
Yes, there was some rain this afternoon after a sunny morning.

6th September 2015, 08:34
Video online (Omloop van vlaanderen)


6th September 2015, 09:57
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20omloop%20mod%202015_zpsz3ehvsu7.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oxuM-h2vpE)

6th September 2015, 12:44
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20omloop%20histo%20201_zpspsxrsolz.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1DPSzKzdZk)

6th September 2015, 20:52
Results 56. Omloop van Vlaanderen:
1. Freddy Loix/Johan Gitsels (Fabia R5) 1h50'27"5
2. Didier Duquesne/Filip Cuvelier (Fiesta R5) +3'15"4 - best result ever for Duquesne in the BRC.
3. Jourdan Serderidis/Frédéric Miclotte (DS3 WRC) +4'39"4 - best result ever for Serderidis in the BRC, first time in a DS3 WRC.
4. Filip Pyck/Pedro Plancke (Lancer Evo 10) +4'45"5 - winner in Group N.
5. Guillaume Dilley/Louis Louka (DS3 R3T Max) +5'32"7 - winner in 2WD category and 2nd overall in the championship now.
6. Kevin Demaerschalk/Bram Eelbode (DS3 R3T) +5'39"8
7. Tom van Rompuy/Bert Feys (Fiesta R5) +5'40"2 - first time in a R5 car.
8. Bert Coene/Petra de Duytsche (Lancer Evo 10) +7'19"7
9. Tobi Vandenberghe/Bjorn Vanoverschelde (130i) +9'30"9 - winner of the 'M Cup'.
10. Stefaan Stouf/Joris Erard (911 RSR) +9'31"2 - winner 'Historics'.
11. Stephan Hermann/Achim Maraîte (Punto) +9'54"1 - Hermann really deserves a chance with a bigger car, but he lacks budget...

Most important retirements were again for the PSA R5 cars: Kris Princen (208 T16, mechanical), Vincent Verschueren (DS3 R5, oil pressure), Irish driver Stephen Wright (Fiesta R5) and in the Historic class Paul Lietaer (Legacy RS, mechanical).

Loix must only finish in the next BRC round, the East Belgian Rally at the end of this month, to have a 3rd consecutive Belgian title.

7th September 2015, 12:31
Even if he doesn't finish or starts in East Belgian or Condroz, he will be champion. Dilley has to win overall with his DS3 R3 in both East Belgian and Condroz to take the title...

Anyway, it was a interesting start of the rally with scratches from Loix, Princen and Verschueren. Unfortunately, the big fight was over way to soon...

Hopefully, reliability will be better for PSA Cars in East Belgian Rally. Should be a nice entrylist and nice battle there!

13th September 2015, 20:51
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20leptines%202015_zpsev1zt5od.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LmpIq-Q8Qw)

17th September 2015, 08:14
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf%20onboard%20leptines%202015_zpsmvmiydvc.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jePFwETRq8)

20th September 2015, 22:06
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf%20aarova%202015_zpscfzpzktl.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiS53RZRXoQ)

21st September 2015, 10:14
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf2%20aarova%20histo%202015_zpsvaeq1nlw.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkxM1jWft00)

21st September 2015, 21:19
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q695/freddyzonnebeke/sf%20aarova%20onboard%202015_zpsmneftida.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCAEdRUS82w)

22nd September 2015, 20:55
Great Entry List for this weekends East Belgian Rally, penultimate round of the Belgian Championship:
4 WRCs: Grooten (C4), Van Woensel (Lancer 05), Allaert (Fabia) and Sturbois (Corolla)
7 R5s: Loix and Kobus (Fabia), Cherain and Verschueren (DS3), Princen (208), Van Rompuy (Fiesta)
1 S2000: Hermann finally get the opportunity with a top-car (Fabia S2000 from Orsak)
RWD: Van Parijs (Porsche) vs the BMWs
FWD: Dilley, Arellano (DS3 R3), Fernémont, Geussens (Fiesta R2t), Wagemans, De Ridder (208 R2) etc.

Should be a close fight at the top on very fast stages!

You can follow it on www.facebook.com/tacrally or http://www.tac-results.be/ (live resultats on Saturday)

23rd September 2015, 10:18
Great Entry List for this weekends East Belgian Rally, penultimate round of the Belgian Championship:
4 WRCs: Grooten (C4), Van Woensel (Lancer 05), Allaert (Fabia) and Sturbois (Corolla)
7 R5s: Loix and Kobus (Fabia), Cherain and Verschueren (DS3), Princen (208), Van Rompuy (Fiesta)
1 S2000: Hermann finally get the opportunity with a top-car (Fabia S2000 from Orsak)
RWD: Van Parijs (Porsche) vs the BMWs
FWD: Dilley, Arellano (DS3 R3), Fernémont, Geussens (Fiesta R2t), Wagemans, De Ridder (208 R2) etc.

Should be a close fight at the top on very fast stages!

You can follow it on www.facebook.com/tacrally or http://www.tac-results.be/ (live resultats on Saturday)
We will go watch this one. Very nice entry list!

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