View Full Version : ~~~, Let The Tilde Revolution Commence!

2nd April 2007, 06:11
I love ~

Please insert ~ everywhere!

2nd April 2007, 09:32
No! For ~ is evil, it is the sign of the chicken in Uzbekistan, and must therefore be destroyed by ^

2nd April 2007, 10:39
what the ~~~~?

2nd April 2007, 12:28
(~~) check this smiley out in yahoo messenger,found out about it from a friend

2nd April 2007, 12:30
What's the point of it? :confused:
The only thing you can do with it is the letter Õ and that's it...

2nd April 2007, 18:49
I use it all the time. It makes an ideal delimiter :D

donKey jote
3rd April 2007, 00:23
Qué coño! What the heck, I use it all the time too. :~ :s :p

3rd April 2007, 01:23
Qué coño! What the heck, I use it all the time too. :~ :s :p

~ is essential, without it we wouldn't be able to write "año", and we would have trouble with the result ;) :p :

3rd April 2007, 01:58
Down with ~ !!! All his tracks look the same.

3rd April 2007, 02:34
Useful for El Niño perhaps? And I believe ~~~~ produces one's 'signature' on Wikipedia...

race aficionado
3rd April 2007, 15:53
As of now, I am a confused tilde user.

Mind you, I was born and raised in Colombia, S.A. and tildes have been part of my life since I can remember.

And since I can remember, a tilde was always this:
é not ñ.
The symbol on top of the n is a squiggle, it's the symbol we can thankfully use when differentiating arse from year - ano / año.

tilde, I have always thought, was used to accentuate the word at a certain letter.
For example:
me la cagué, or
estúpido, or confundí . . . . etc.

Any way . . . . 51 years on this planet and still learning, or should I say, still confused and totally clueless . . . .

:s mokin:

3rd April 2007, 16:10
~~~~ look something that fell down from a donkey's ass.

3rd April 2007, 16:40
As a (hopeless) Spanish learner tought by a (hopeless) Galician teacher with a Catalan name, I was told that a tilde was the name for all Spanish accents and was just simply the Spanish word for accent :confused:

3rd April 2007, 21:04
is the name for the graphical accent(the one you need to write).

although I have no clue what's the name of ~ in spanish :s


3rd April 2007, 21:06
although I have no clue what's the name of ~ in spanish :s


3rd April 2007, 22:53
I thought the umlaut is the two dots, e.g. ë ?

4th April 2007, 01:06
Does this warrant a poll? Umlaut vs Tilde - Whose cuisine will reign supreme? Bang a gong we are on! :D

4th April 2007, 01:11

4th April 2007, 01:53
^ Rules!
^ Rocks!
~ Sucks!
Now you know where I stand.

4th April 2007, 02:37
The problem with the UK is that your ~'s are on the wrong part of the keyboard. Viva la US/International keyboard!

4th April 2007, 02:43
They are very lucky to be on the UK keyboard at all. They suck!!
(Am I not right, CarlMetro?)

Are you seriously saying, Daniel, that you prefer ~ to ^ !!!!!! If you are, come out and say so.

4th April 2007, 07:21

Ä - thats an umlaut as far as I know....
~ - tilde

Drew, so all accents are called tildes ? never heard that :confused:

I thought its just called acentos en español

4th April 2007, 09:51
^ is a circumflex accent

4th April 2007, 10:00
Ä - thats an umlaut as far as I know....
~ - tilde

Drew, so all accents are called tildes ? never heard that :confused:

I thought its just called acentos en español

Acento is the word for stress and therefore also used to mean ´, but the proper name is tilde.

As you know all the words have a stress but not all have a tilde.

4th April 2007, 10:40
Ah ! so the written acento is called a tilde (i.e when the word does not follow the usual rules of stress...e.g la razón)

4th April 2007, 10:41
Ah ! so the written acento is called a tilde (i.e when the word does not follow the usual rules of stress...e.g la razón)

4th April 2007, 11:26

Azumanga Davo
4th April 2007, 13:05

Ah crap. Wrong orientation...

4th April 2007, 14:05
They are very lucky to be on the UK keyboard at all. They suck!! (Am I not right, CarlMetro?)

Indeed :up:

Come the revolution ^ will be king ;)