View Full Version : WRC3 bug list

14th October 2012, 21:07
No games are perfect at release date, including WRC3. As Milestone have been extremely hard to get in contact with ever since they started making the WRC games, and we know they regulary read this forum, I thought it could be a good idea if we would post bugs we experience with WRC3 here. Hopefully Milestone will pay attention and make fixes in future patches. MARK: This is not a wishlist thread for WRC 4. Is this thread worth making a sticky of, LCD?

Remember to write which version you are experiencing problems with, and be as specific as possible when describing the bug.

Version: Playstation 3.

* Game freezes now and then at garage screen in Road to Glory, and also when loading a stage. I have experienced this five times over approximately 8 hours of gaming.

* Head to Head events (against the "bosses" in Road to Glory: Car will not leave startline if you drive with a manual gearbox. The car will only roll backwards, and is impossible to get into gear. The only way to drive in this mode is by selection a semi-automatic gearbox at the start, so the car launches off, and then change back to manual again.

* No car engine sound: A handful of times I have experienced that cars don't have engine sound at all on the start line. This has happened with: Citroën C4 WRC, Citroën DS3 WRC and Renault Twingo R2.

* Crackling sound: Certain stages in Finland and Wales make the car engine sound crackle horribly.

* Graphical glitches: Driver holding an invisble steering wheel when driving the Subaru Impreza WRC 07. Car liveries in Road to Glory sometimes change between stages.

* Menu text turns into white boxes. This has happened once, and affected the gauge, splits, time and the rest of the HUD while driving too. Only solution was to restart.

Please join in and help make the game as good as possible! :)

14th October 2012, 22:15
Hey Andy / Milestone!

PC problems.

Just installed WRC 3 on my high end PC! It looks like a great game!!

BUT it's a MAJOR BUGG in the menus of the game! Look at this and please fix a update very soon!

It's a frustrating thing to have!

I will play the game much more and then I will write a revview of the game!

But please Andy / Milestone. Fix the bug in the menu!!

14th October 2012, 22:26
Like Dag says... I have similar problems! And the menu lags like hell but the game does not!

And no, my PC fix this game easily...

I really hope Milestone or Andy read this soon so the can fix this with an update!!

An example, when I push F2 to setup my G27 for feed forceback and more I cant shift between all the options with arrow-keys and so on! And the menu lags like hell as I say!

Fix it please! ;)

15th October 2012, 07:50
A couple of bugs so far on the pc:

1. The control directional buttons of the photo editor camera are very sensitive.
Camera moves to quick, with just a little tab of the keyboard buttons. Xbox version Is OK.

2. Car's selected photo Is taking quite a long time to load In the cars selection menu.

3. At some occassions, the rays of sun look weird, like bright thin lines, mostly when you face the sun.

3. Sometimes, while driving, there Is a strange sound like a piece of metal Is scalping the road (?)

4. Some people have reported, sometimes when they start a race, one of the front head lights Is broken.

5. I think Ι have noticed some cars, have always the back stop lights lit, like your foot Is In on the brake.

Great thread Benniz. Let's keep It clean by posting bugs only. ;)

15th October 2012, 09:45
In PC version:

The shadows lags a bit under replay and the car itself "jumps" sometimes / like little bit quick lag in corners, looks fun but it's not how it's going to be?

And this is not happend under race mode!

I dont know if it's supose to be this way but, the Mini WRC has the Fiestas dashboard!?! ;) It's strange...

It's a lot of bugs in the PC version, a lot.

15th October 2012, 18:14
It's very quiet in here? I wonder if Andy or someone from Milestone has notise that we have a lot bugs in our PC and console versions??

15th October 2012, 19:07
Hard to say. Milestone better be on top of the bug issues with the game, considering they have released a game with quite a few flawes. I won't expect any activity from Andy on this thread as he only is responsible for the marketing of WRC3 in the UK, and not a part of the dev. team. Hope LCD opens a thread for wishes and contructive criticism towards WRC4 soon!

15th October 2012, 19:13
Let's sum up as many bugs there are. Try to be as specific as possible.
I am sure a patch will be released, not very soon though.

15th October 2012, 21:18
Having problems with WRC3 and my Logitec Driving Force Steering wheel - seemed OK at first but then after making a few changes started doing very strange things - adjustments don't work any more - unusable now:-(

16th October 2012, 00:23
Opponent levels cant be set to highest! its a bug!

16th October 2012, 01:41
That's so funny, because I can do that but can't do other stuff in options!

16th October 2012, 11:43
'WRCthegame' official facebok page wants your bugs report!
WRC the Game | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/wrcthegame)

16th October 2012, 15:27
And it's done! That was nice, then a update will arrive soon?

20th October 2012, 11:49
The rims on some cars don't look good (pc version)


20th October 2012, 15:37
It's alot of bugs and things that is wrong in version 1.0... It's surprising that they realized a not finish product.

But with some updates and DLC :s then this game will be a very good one!

And WRC 4 most be awesome with this big step that Milestone has taken with this game... :P

21st October 2012, 17:57
I am not able to set the AI to the hardest difficulty either. Again PS3 version.

21st October 2012, 18:29
In Head to Head challenge, co-driver starts reading pacenotes while car Is waiting In the start
and when It starts, after some meters he says 'Great, Go-GO-GO'!!! :p

21st October 2012, 18:44
Not sure if this is a bug, but where is the manufacturers championship in championship mode?

22nd October 2012, 07:58
Not a bug. Manufacturers standings didn't make It for this one. :(

22nd October 2012, 12:15
PS3 - No bugs noticed (at least not enough to annoy me) in about 7 or 8 hours of gaming. This may only because I bought FIFA13 around the same time and may have suffered from bug overload!

23rd October 2012, 16:54
Hi. I tried to buy wrc on the internet and the payment was ok but when I started to download an error came up saying that the wrc3.exe file has viruses on it or is broken. And if I try to download with seperate files it says that insert disc 1 but I don't have a disc because I bought it online , so I let him to search for the file but it doesn't find it. So I put the file to a pacific folder and it still does not find it. Please help because I'm very frustrated . I downloaded with nexway.
If you can help, Please do
Installation bug :D

28th October 2012, 03:59
I'm experiencing bad frame rate issues on certain stages (like mexico's town area) with WRC3 on the xbox 360 version. It's only ever in cockpit mode. From first loading a stage up, it's not TOO bad and only happens now and then (like driving through puddles and when there's a lot of detail in the scenery) It's usually always the same spots.
But one really odd thing i've noticed, on some stages, if you either restart a stage after finishing it, or restart it after driving about three quarters of the stage, then the frame rate becomes REALLY awful. Like 5 to 10 frames a second or something, and stays like that in cockpit view for the whole stage. The only option is to back out of the whole rally or stage and start again.

28th October 2012, 21:34
Blimey reading this thread makes me glad that im not getting the game straight away! I really hope they are paying attention and get all these issues sorted by xmas :p

3rd November 2012, 12:06
Some bugs already mentioned here that I've already noticed as well:

- Sometimes, at the start of the stage, the left headlight is already broken;
- When selecting a car on Road to Glory, it takes a long time to load it;
- It's impossible to set opponents level to highest. I select highest level, press "Enter", but it automatically sets it to 1 level down from highest.

Some other things that I've noticed:

- Co-driver gives you wrong pacenotes, sometimes the corner is actually easier (or harder) than he says. I've also noticed some corners where he gives you the wrong direction, like saying that it's a right corner when it is actually a left.
- Pacenotes are usually read way too late, and sometimes I'm already at a corner when the co-driver reads the note, specially on fast stages;
- There was a stage in Italy where the co-driver simply shut up for a while, I had to make 3 or 4 corners without pacenotes. Maybe he got something up his a**, like Timo Rautiainen in Turkey 2004 :p ;
- There's a stage, also in Italy, with a timing bug. One time, going to the last sector I was already 7 seconds down, but when I finished the stage I was 8 seconds faster than anyone else, gained 15 seconds (!) in just a few corners.

Right now I can't remember anything else, but if I do I'll post it here.

4th November 2012, 12:41
You can change the timing of the pace notes in settings, I always have mine set to 'in great advance' as I like a lot of warning. It's also common for pace notes to be a bit wrong in rally games, in the old WRC games and the DiRT games too you can't really rely on them. It's also not a bug.

When he stops talking it's usually after you've paused it or have had a crash.

5th November 2012, 08:08
* Crackling sound: Certain stages in Finland and Wales make the car engine sound crackle horribly.

Ehhhh, that is not crackling sound from engine, that is stones from the gravel that hits the underside of the car, so this is totaly wrong.


5th November 2012, 08:16
Ehhhh, that is not crackling sound from engine, that is stones from the gravel that hits the underside of the car, so this is totaly wrong.

Soap I s right. I had reported that as a bug too, but It Is Indeed the sound the metal underside of the car makes, when scraping the ground.

7th November 2012, 21:39
Having played for around 2 hours today on the PS3 I have found no bugs. Can put it at full difficulty fine, no issues with loading screens or co-driver. Have to say I'm impressed so far.

15th November 2012, 19:14
loads of bugs on this one but i have to say i have enjoyed playing a unfinished game lol, it comes to something when someone else has to step up and finish for them (ec sim hardwares) milestone you need to send these guys a cheaque im getting feedback on there progress of fixing most your problems and adding new fetures on there facebook page you have your own website that i pop on most days looking for some news of an update (no one wants to see new videos on your site) they want there broken game fixed!!!!!!!

30th November 2012, 09:03

30th November 2012, 09:04
je viens d'envoyer le scan du texte ci dessus concernant mon bug wrc3 - y a t il un patch et qui peux m'aider ? remerciements anticipés

30th November 2012, 09:26
Navarone, si tu a besoign de aide, il faut que tu ecrie en englais... Surtout par-ce-que c'est la langue officiel de cette forum ;)

Please do use English language if you need help thank you ;)

30th November 2012, 10:49
have just sent the scan of the text concerning bug lun. Wrc3 - yat he(it) of patch not and Who Can use? Early(anticipated) thanks

30th November 2012, 10:58
On the career(quarry) which I have just begun when I continue the game(set,play), registers on the screen: wrc stopped of worked - a probleme made that the programe stopped of worked and is going to close who can help me?

30th November 2012, 10:59
I have Windows 7 home premium 64 bits - installed(settled) memoire ram: 4.00go and a video card(map): georce gt 520

6th December 2012, 19:47
nose sembla interesant!

6th December 2012, 19:48
depen pero de les dates en que es fagi i sipodeu tambe no?

14th January 2013, 13:42
I have found a bug that I think no-one has noticed here before me. When playing with semi-automatic gears the car suddenly swifts gears backwards even to N or R. The engine also screams when the 1st gear's on (I can't swift it) and the car moves forward at around 20 km/h. I've tried to swift the gears but it's no use. I can't drive with manual gearbox.

28th January 2013, 13:25
I can´t believe how long they are using on getting this patch sorted. Not that it matters too much though, I stopped playing the game two weeks after release.