View Full Version : Aaaaahhh Atko!!!

2nd April 2007, 01:16
I've been following Chris ever since I lived in Australia and had seen him many times in person on rallies. I know the boy can drive and he shows us glimpses all the time. You cant do the things he does and not have the talent. But this is the worst rally for him (i think) since he started. Off the pace, and his first real car destroyer of a crash.
You make it hard sometimes Atko.
I'm sure he'll show everyone what hes made of, I just hope its sooner rather than later when the fatory drive may dissapear.

2nd April 2007, 09:07
It's a pity. Started so nicely in MC with the old car, good also on snow (although the usual distractions) ... some people already thinking that Solberg was actually a slower driver than him ... and now this, not only off the pace but also a disaster crash. He needs to clean his minds soon and rise.

2nd April 2007, 10:19
I hope Argentina will be the best rally for him to prove he's not back in his "black days" like last year :(

2nd April 2007, 12:25
It looked like a pretty tricky place where he went off. Stohl and Armindo also stumbled there.

Brother John
2nd April 2007, 12:28
It looked like a pretty tricky place where he went off. Stohl and Armindo also stumbled there.

Because they were too fast at that place!

2nd April 2007, 12:33
Because they were too fast at that place!

Most of the offs result from going too fast, not too slow. :p :

2nd April 2007, 15:29
I wonder who will replace Atkinson next year?

2nd April 2007, 15:57
I wonder who will replace Atkinson next year?

Do you think Atko will leave swrt after this season?

2nd April 2007, 16:25
I would say he needs to be delivering points on a regular basis to stay. He also has a good relationship with Suzuki though doesn't he?

2nd April 2007, 16:29
Atko will do graet results later this year, just wait and see.

How many offs JM Latvala has had in WRcars?

2nd April 2007, 17:07
Atko will do graet results later this year, just wait and see.

How many offs JM Latvala has had in WRcars?

A lot of them, but the guy was very fast, IMO Atkinson is not so fast.

2nd April 2007, 17:15
who else will drive for subaru than if Atko goes???

2nd April 2007, 17:42
who else will drive for subaru than if Atko goes???
If they want to continue the same trend, then they should take Duval :rotflmao:

2nd April 2007, 17:50
who else will drive for subaru than if Atko goes???

Gardemeister :s mokin:

Gardemeister needs(and deserve) a works car!

2nd April 2007, 18:18
Gardemeister :s mokin:

Gardemeister needs(and deserve) a works car!

Hopefully not.

2nd April 2007, 19:11
if they really want to save salary money and get a good popularity boost they should hire galli. i just hope atko will do better this year. ireland might be a good one for him! when i was watching the monte i was hoping that the hirvo/atko battle would be what the future (when petter, marcus and seb retire) holds with sordo as well.

2nd April 2007, 20:27
Gardemeister :s mokin:

Gardemeister needs(and deserve) a works car!

Why not Harri Rovanperä ??? He's free too !! :D

2nd April 2007, 20:44
My toughts this rally are... This is the last year for Atkinson. He is loosing time of Solberg. It is looking like he is not fast... but if we look to the Hirvonen story.
Maybe is it not the driver, the Subaru made for Solberg.

Atkinson can better try a private Focus. (Like Hirvonen did in '05)

2nd April 2007, 20:57
I've always defended Atkinson in the past because I usually enjoy his driving style and skill on snow. However, I'm not sure SWRT will want to keep him much longer due to his slow progress, repeated mistakes and inability to challenge Loeb/Grönholm/Solberg. Toni Gardemeister would be a safer bet for manufacturer points if they were to switch mid-season.

2nd April 2007, 21:05
Why not Harri Rovanperä ??? He's free too !! :D

No,no... Gardemeister really ;)

Why do you react like that to him? Because the results is doing? Even with an outdated car, wich was never fast, he makes some outstanding times and performances, and he is a reability pilot! do not make mistakes.
In 2005, with the focus, made great results and was much faster than Kresta. Was also faster than Mikko...even so, Ford chosed Mikko for 2006.
I have no doubt that if he would have an C4 or a Focus2006, he would fight for the podium! :s mokin:

2nd April 2007, 21:11
I don't think Gardemeister has the killer instinct. But I'm sure he'd do much better than Atko.

2nd April 2007, 21:24
I hope non of the Finns get Atko's seat at Subaru.

2nd April 2007, 23:00
I hope Atko will get his first victory this year and stay in SWRT but this is just a dreams

3rd April 2007, 00:59
I don't think SWRT will throw away Atkinson considering all the effort they are putting into him (i.e. sending him to train with Tommi or to Ireland last year). There is clearly a difference in SWRT committment into Atkinson unlike in 2004 with Hirvonen. And as a Subaru fan, I can live with what Chris has done so far....

3rd April 2007, 01:06
I hope non of the Finns get Atko's seat at Subaru.

If i was the Subaru Boss i would hire Paasonen just to piss you off... :D :D :D :D

3rd April 2007, 01:07
As I said in the Portugal thread, I think it would be good for Atko to leave SWRT.

I don't think it's coincidence that Hirvonnen did poorly at Subaru and now Atkinson is suffering the same fate. I say leave and try a Focus or a Xsara. Going to Suzuki may not be such a good idea, as they are going to take a few years of development unless they are committing the same sort of resources as Citroen/Peugeot did.

If he does get the axe from SWRT, they'd be mad to get Garde. They need to find someone to replace Solberg when he retires in a few years and Garde will be retiring at the same time. That's not a very good succession plan.

3rd April 2007, 05:26
If he does get the axe from SWRT, they'd be mad to get Garde. They need to find someone to replace Solberg when he retires in a few years and Garde will be retiring at the same time. That's not a very good succession plan.

Well Garde and Mikko has the same manager, after the way they treated Mikko, do you really belive he would even try to get Garde a seat from Subaru??

3rd April 2007, 07:42
Subaru as an entire team are in quite a mess right now, which makes it hard to pinpoint what will solve their problems.
And getting rid of Chris won't solve any problems of theirs.

3rd April 2007, 07:54
If they want to continue the same trend, then they should take Duval :rotflmao:

Nice one :p

3rd April 2007, 08:04
As I said in the Portugal thread, I think it would be good for Atko to leave SWRT...

To go where ? :confused: Do you really think he can easily find another seat ? sorry but I don't :)

3rd April 2007, 09:18
To go where ? :confused: Do you really think he can easily find another seat ? sorry but I don't :)

Of course he find. Australian Rally Championship or even PWRC because this year the level is high.

3rd April 2007, 09:32
Of course he find. Australian Rally Championship or even PWRC because this year the level is high.

I am talking about a WRC seat ;)

3rd April 2007, 09:40
He was being chased last year by a few teams including Ford. Maybe a move to them when Marcus hangs up the gloves. Mikko and Atko in the same team would sure ruffle a few feathers.

3rd April 2007, 09:49
I do hope all comes for together this year for him and that he stays with Subaru... and that Subaru gets back on the pace! If he is replaced next year I dont think that they'll put someone established in the seat (like gardemeister), its not Subarus style. They haven't been too interested in the manufacturas title for years now. they'll want someone younger and cheaper to build up as a world champion.
I dont know about next year but Subie is obviously looking at Pastrana for the future (if he shows the speed of course), and they are sticking pretty close to Rossi as well.
In the mean time, GO ATKO!

3rd April 2007, 10:14
I am talking about a WRC seat ;)

Almost impossible. Only if a australian sponsor wants to help Atkinson.

The guy had a lot of promises and i also believed that he could be a world champion in the future, but i think he lost a lot of time stayed on the same level. It seems he stoped the progression.

3rd April 2007, 10:24
To go where ? :confused: Do you really think he can easily find another seat ? sorry but I don't :)

In a works team? No I don't think so. Unfortunately his backing comes from Sube Australia, so he doesn't even really have the option of going privateer in either a Focus or a Xsara. Which leaves Suzuki, mainly because of his previous ties with the company. Don't think that would be a good move either.

So he's got to lift his game at Subaru somehow or he is finished.

3rd April 2007, 11:46
How about Eugene Donnelly to replace Atko next year?

He`s almost young, almost experienced in WRC level and almost gravel expert. Smile

3rd April 2007, 12:44
I dont know about next year but Subie is obviously looking at Pastrana for the future (if he shows the speed of course), and they are sticking pretty close to Rossi as well.

Imagine Pastrana and Rossi together, one of the most useless line-up ever seen :rotflmao:

But of course Subaru would be sure winner in media exposure :p

3rd April 2007, 13:43
How about Eugene Donnelly to replace Atko next year?

He`s almost young, almost experienced in WRC level and almost gravel expert. Smile

Almost humorous....

3rd April 2007, 15:20
Atko must stay in SWRT subaru suit to his style of driving just subaru must get better

3rd April 2007, 18:34
IMO it's a bit early to discuss whether he would or should continue with SWRT next year. Let's wait at least until mid-season. Chris definetely is fast, only probably lacks of confidence (still hasn't been able to prove himself properly) and consistency - not equally quick everywhere. Btw, has he driven the Rally of Portugal ever before? That might give some answers.

Also he is not that much behind Petter at the moment in points and still hasn't lost all chances to fight against him.

3rd April 2007, 23:21
Being Australian I don't want to see Chris leave or be sacked but if that does happen then I agree with ST205GT4, they would be mad to go for Toni as he is not a young replacement for Petter. I am interested to see that no one has suggested Jari-Matti.

3rd April 2007, 23:30
If we are to be premature and write off Chris's chances with Subaru in the future, how about the NZ Rally Champion Richard Mason as his replacement? He also tested with Suzuki along side of Chris a few years back but lacked the backing to take up the offers at the time. Since then he has matured and has certainly proved his ability.

tra 2006 bh
9th April 2007, 04:17
Many people seems to say the Atko isn't performing well, but doesn't that also come down to how well his car is performing? I didn't see Petter Solberg getting and good results last year. If Atko had a car as reliable as Citroen do you think he would've won a few titles & be placed higher up the in the championship?

9th April 2007, 07:19
Only if he keeps it on the road.

9th April 2007, 07:57
C'mon guy's he is just learning the car :)

9th April 2007, 08:12
Being Australian I don't want to see Chris leave or be sacked but if that does happen then I agree with ST205GT4, they would be mad to go for Toni as he is not a young replacement for Petter. I am interested to see that no one has suggested Jari-Matti.

I am going to be very surprised if Latvala is not the guy who replaces Gronholm at Ford.

I am stumped thinking of any guys that would drive that Subaru in the event that one or both of the drivers leave or get fired within the near future.

9th April 2007, 10:19
I agree with Malllen. Wilson's and Latvala's co-operation has gone for years already. I truly believe Wilson has the first option to use when it comes to Latvala.

9th April 2007, 12:00
Number one problem with Chris is that he drives differently than other top guns.
Number two: His notes were not that good.
Number three: His co-driver was not reading notes well.

9th April 2007, 14:12
God I just love you armchair experts. What a bunch of tossers.

9th April 2007, 16:55
Number one problem with Chris is that he drives differently than other top guns.
Number two: His notes were not that good.
Number three: His co-driver was not reading notes well.
I very much agree with number 3 Pentti.

To TKM. Pentti has won one more WRC event than you ever will and there's no need to be rude.....

9th April 2007, 19:44
God I just love you armchair experts. What a bunch of tossers.

Such an articulate statement. I think Pentti may disagree with you.

9th April 2007, 19:53
Number one problem with Chris is that he drives differently than other top guns.
Number two: His notes were not that good.
Number three: His co-driver was not reading notes well.

So #2 & #3 can be changed and improved with experience, but how about his driving style??? I'm not a specialist on judging people's driving style, so I can't say if that is something Chris can imrpove or he has to change his way. Are you suggesting Chris to change his driving style or to get more experience???

10th April 2007, 10:03
In which ways is his driving style different? I am not an expert either on that matter.

10th April 2007, 11:14
In which ways is his driving style different? I am not an expert either on that matter.

Other people keep it on the road lol!

10th April 2007, 14:05
Number one problem with Chris is that he drives differently than other top guns.

Please explain! Also, do you think his pace note problems that you see will be solved by a new co-driver?

10th April 2007, 14:35
Chris is a good driver and his season opening in Monte Carlo was a lot of fun to look, but then it went wrong again. I think it has been discussed here in this forum about his pacenotes and it´s always possible to improve that. The main question at this moment is who ´will be the new co-driver and how will they manage.

10th April 2007, 14:51
His notes are old fashion meaning speed first and then corner direction.So that can be fixed.His new co-driver have to read like Timo. Different voices.
He should also copy how Petter does in entry of corners. Simple really. If he will do these things in future, he might beat Petter. Petter's note are that good either.

10th April 2007, 15:01
Thanks pentti.

10th April 2007, 15:36
His notes are old fashion meaning speed first and then corner direction.So that can be fixed.His new co-driver have to read like Timo. Different voices.
He should also copy how Petter does in entry of corners. Simple really. If he will do these things in future, he might beat Petter. Petter's note are that good either.

Petter seems to have more info in his notes than some of the other drivers? Is that true? Think it affects his performance?

10th April 2007, 16:50
It's very temting to put a lot of info but you are only doing 80kp/h when you are checking notes.Then you do 180 things happens so quickly that's difficult for driver to get it all inn.Also co-driver is not able to repeat important bits.

10th April 2007, 17:42
But Pentti, don't you think putting the corner direction first break the flow and rhythm of the notes? Depends on the language used, though. For me, direction first is logical in Estonian or Finnish, but breaks the flow in English. It can be practiced though I guess but making notes that are hard to follow is the main culprit IMO.

10th April 2007, 18:41
I reckon that placing the car on the correct side of the road before the corner is more important than knowing if it is a 4 or 6 bend (but I'm just guessing). Besides the problem you are referring to seems to be more grammatical than any other thing. If we consider the numbers 1, 2...6 as adjectives than the logical way to say it in English would be 4 right, 2 left and so on. But they are not really adjectives, so there's no real need to place them there.

(again just guessing)

10th April 2007, 22:01
I always call the direction first, once you get into sync with your driver it works quite well.

The main thing that I find helps for each rally is to utilise shakedown to get into a rythym with your driver.

Will be interesting to see who Chris's new nav is, rumour that it's someone with recent ARC experience (means it still could be me :) )


11th April 2007, 06:58
I always call the direction first, once you get into sync with your driver it works quite well.

The main thing that I find helps for each rally is to utilise shakedown to get into a rythym with your driver.

Will be interesting to see who Chris's new nav is, rumour that it's someone with recent ARC experience (means it still could be me :) )


Good luck to you if that's the case. Sounds like Ben is strong candidate though...

11th April 2007, 08:29
Pentti what is it that you see that Atko does differently to Petter on entering corners?

11th April 2007, 14:08
Pentti what is it that you see that Atko does differently to Petter on entering corners?Small flick.He discovered this by accidently two or three years agao in Swedish Rally.He had lost most of front studs so the car was understeering badly.To compensate he tryed flicks and for his big surprise it worked.He has used this style since as Marcus have been long time.Loeb has just started that style.I guess C4 does not turn so well.I told Mikko about this again after Monte this year and he has changed also since.Seems to work.It's not always necessary quicker but it's much safer.

11th April 2007, 14:18
But Pentti, don't you think putting the corner direction first break the flow and rhythm of the notes? Depends on the language used, though. For me, direction first is logical in Estonian or Finnish, but breaks the flow in English. It can be practiced though I guess but making notes that are hard to follow is the main culprit IMO.There is many practical reasons to have direction first.Nothing to do different styles. Think about it.You are making notes and all you see direction but not speed yet.You have to wait until third of corner to decide what speed.So that's order.Often you do not need to put all corners in my system.Let's say there is small corner right before tight left.In my system you do not need to put that right at all.So all you do, you concentrate to that difficult left.Less info more co-driver can repeat.Other system you can't do that.There are other reasons too like as driver you rember best what was last said.

11th April 2007, 14:28
Spot on Pentti with what you just wrote, too much info can be dangerous at high speeds. You see some drivers with very complex notes and they struggle or have some major offs.

I like the idea of keeping it simple.


11th April 2007, 18:45
Small flick.He discovered this by accidently two or three years agao in Swedish Rally.He had lost most of front studs so the car was understeering badly.To compensate he tryed flicks and for his big surprise it worked.He has used this style since as Marcus have been long time.Loeb has just started that style.I guess C4 does not turn so well.I told Mikko about this again after Monte this year and he has changed also since.Seems to work.It's not always necessary quicker but it's much safer.
So Petter no flicks - is he still a train driver? I know Petter says he thinks sideways is slow(er) and from his days in hillclimb and rallycross he drives "racing style" - Is this what you mean Pentti?

Brother John
11th April 2007, 19:36
Spot on Pentti with what you just wrote, too much info can be dangerous at high speeds. You see some drivers with very complex notes and they struggle or have some major offs.
I like the idea of keeping it simple.


I think Petter have also too much notes! :confused:

12th April 2007, 09:54
So Petter no flicks - is he still a train driver? I know Petter says he thinks sideways is slow(er) and from his days in hillclimb and rallycross he drives "racing style" - Is this what you mean Pentti?No. opposite.Petter does flicks now.