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1st April 2007, 22:57

HOUSE # 1:

A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or midwestern "snow belt" either. It's in the South.

HOUSE # 2:

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE # 1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.

HOUSE # 2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as "the Texas White House," it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

1st April 2007, 23:23
Dear fousto,

you can live in pig sh-- while I don't,

love xxx,

R. Mears
2nd April 2007, 00:41
Fousto, that's good!!! LMAO

2nd April 2007, 00:41
Pig **** no that is just a bi product from the bacon and eggs I will have in the morning= I will send it to you

2nd April 2007, 01:14
I take it you didn't get this information from 'cribs', then?

Rudy Tamasz
2nd April 2007, 08:10
You got them real good, mate! :)

2nd April 2007, 09:20
The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system.
Has Bush invented a perpetual motion device, or where does he get the electricity to run those heat pumps and their fans, also does he live in a dark house without any household appliances?

Besides, the Crawford ranch is a sort of a "summer cottage" for Bush, whereas Gore's mansion is his home. I wonder how much energy the White House wastes.

2nd April 2007, 12:15
I bet Bush is burning bees for electricity. They have disappeared:


Vanishing bees threaten US crops
By Matt Wells
BBC News, Florida, USA

It is officially called Colony Collapse Disorder, but a more pithy way of describing it would be Vanishing Bee Syndrome.

All over America, beekeepers are opening up their hives in preparation for the spring pollination season, only to find that their bees are dead or have disappeared.

Nobody, so far, knows why.

The sad mystery surrounding the humble honeybee - which is a vital component in $14bn-worth of US agriculture - is beginning to worry even the highest strata of the political class in Washington.

"Hillary Clinton's got interested in this in the last week or so," said David Hackenberg, the beekeeper leading the drive to publicise their plight.

"And she's not alone," he said. "There's a lot of Congressmen have called...wanting to know what's going on. It's serious.

2nd April 2007, 12:22
Has Bush invented a perpetual motion device, or where does he get the electricity to run those heat pumps and their fans, also does he live in a dark house without any household appliances?

He still uses the 25% of the electricity, which is used to power the heat pump. In general, heating/cooling account for the majority of household energy usage.

2nd April 2007, 14:35

HOUSE # 1:

A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or midwestern "snow belt" either. It's in the South.

HOUSE # 2:

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE # 1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.

HOUSE # 2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as "the Texas White House," it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

And Bush's numerous helicopter trips, Air Force One Trips, presidential motorcades etc etc are just pushing daisies out the exhaust systems ;)

2nd April 2007, 14:43
And Bush's numerous helicopter trips, Air Force One Trips, presidential motorcades etc etc are just pushing daisies out the exhaust systems ;)
True. And if he wanted to live environmentally friendly in Crawford, he should learn from Cindy Sheenan camping outside of his ranch.

2nd April 2007, 14:51
And Bush's numerous helicopter trips, Air Force One Trips, presidential motorcades etc etc are just pushing daisies out the exhaust systems ;)

True but bush compensite it to 100%, every time he open his mouth, out drops an enormous load of sh!t, for the farmers of texas to use as biological fertilizer.

2nd April 2007, 15:26
True but bush compensite it to 100%, every time he open his mouth, out drops an enormous load of sh!t, for the farmers of texas to use as biological fertilizer.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Good one Tomi :up:

2nd April 2007, 15:54
True. And if he wanted to live environmentally friendly in Crawford, he should learn from Cindy Sheenan camping outside of his ranch.

yea thanks to Cindy - Bush had to do a full cleanup on the site. When that bitch lays down a steamer it destroys the land.

I think they need to do a investigation as to whether or not she really has children. I am one of many who can't believe she could ever get anyone to screw her!!

2nd April 2007, 15:56
True but bush compensite it to 100%, every time he open his mouth, out drops an enormous load of sh!t, for the farmers of texas to use as biological fertilizer.

Great - can we make biodiesel out of this??

2nd April 2007, 15:59
Great - can we make biodiesel out of this??

aah, why bother, there is still a lot to steal from iraq.

2nd April 2007, 16:03
yea and maybe soon we can get iran on board as well. Just think how much economic sense it would make to have cheap fuel while the free world works on the alternatives.

Mark in Oshawa
2nd April 2007, 16:20
On a serious note, it says volumes about talking about helping the enviroment, and actually doing something and NOT talking about how noble you are. First off, Bushie will live in Crawford after he leaves the White House, it is home period. Gore has 3 houses from what I read, and all are in very nice places with large sizes and the typical rich guy mansion. Also, Gore jets about the world on a private jet while telling us to preserve the earth. His paying Carbon Offsets to a company he owns to plant trees is just a pile of specious bullsh!t also. He is the same guy who wants to have rock concerts on every continent INCLUDING ANTARCTICA! How much energy and money and enviromental damage will THAT cause?

Bush may not anyone's favourite, but the guy actually lives modestly on his own outside of the trappings of office, while Al Gore seems to be bent on telling the rest of us how to live. That is ok, I can understand that, he is a libreal, and I have noticed a few of his devotees on the boards here would love to tell the rest of us how to live if given the chance. It is the curse of living in a world with naive libreals.....

2nd April 2007, 16:38
yea and maybe soon we can get iran on board as well. Just think how much economic sense it would make to have cheap fuel while the free world works on the alternatives.

i dont think you have balls for that, Iran has an army.

2nd April 2007, 16:57
i dont think you have balls for that, Iran has an army.

Dream on it is just a matter of time. what are you 12 years old or what

2nd April 2007, 17:34
Every Iranian has a sheep as a wingmate. Or a lover. But that makes them numerous and hairy opponent. Beware.

2nd April 2007, 18:13
Dream on it is just a matter of time. what are you 12 years old or what

yes about

3rd April 2007, 10:48
Dream on it is just a matter of time.

And its just a matter of time until someone returns the favour to the US :?:

3rd April 2007, 17:06
I am sure you are correct 555 but that is just the way the world is going. so lets get it on sooner than later

3rd April 2007, 19:47
True. And if he wanted to live environmentally friendly in Crawford, he should learn from Cindy Sheenan camping outside of his ranch.

Cindy Sheehan? LOL...please.

She is blinded by her new found fame at the expense of her dead son. Read her book and you'd know what I mean. Even you would realize she's a farce.

3rd April 2007, 20:00
It's certainly good that Bush lives in such a house, but why would he not want such places be made across the USA. How about a substantial tax credit for those who build new homes with such ways of preserving energy? Get a check from Uncle Sam and chop down your energy bills.

Or how about raising CAFE standards? Maybe low-sulfur diesel so the most modern of diesel engines can be sold here?

As far as Iran goes, we aren't gonna do an Iraq on them unless we want several thousand troops coming home in body bags every year. Bomb the crap out of them to they don't cause us grief again? That's coming. Being that they took a bunch of British servicemen hostage, it should have happened already.

3rd April 2007, 20:19

Bush did initiate tax credits for a number of energy saving items in homes. There are credits for qualified windows, heating and AC units, doors, etc. We'll be getting a tax break this year for the windows we replaced, and unless it gets killed (there is already talk by the democrats of taking the credits away) we will get a break next year for the new garage door.

There are also tax credits for certain hybrid vehicles. This one isn't as well thought if you ask me. You can get a credit on a hybrid truck that still gets crap for MPG, yet not get one on very efficient all gas or diesel cars.

Bush had already budgeted fairly large amounts (IIRC 1 billion plus in his first budget year) for alternative energy source research.

3rd April 2007, 20:32
unless it gets killed (there is already talk by the democrats of taking the credits away) we will get a break next year for the new garage door.

What do you need a garage door for? Your car doesn't feel cold.

3rd April 2007, 20:41
What do you need a garage door for? Your car doesn't feel cold.

With the old garage door, it sure did! :laugh:

Rudy Tamasz
4th April 2007, 07:20
What do you need a garage door for? Your car doesn't feel cold.

Eki may not know that temperature fluctuations contribute to the corrosion of materials. If you don't install the door you may as well need to buy a new car sooner.

4th April 2007, 10:57
What do you need a garage door for? Your car doesn't feel cold.

Over here, to keep robbers out :(

4th April 2007, 15:15
Eki may not know that temperature fluctuations contribute to the corrosion of materials. If you don't install the door you may as well need to buy a new car sooner.
I'm not sure about the altitudes where Airshifter lives, but here, it would be worse for a car to drive it into a heated carage from -10C than to leave it outside. A better option is a open garage that stops windows from freezing up but won't melt every bit of ice in your car.

4th April 2007, 16:46
I'm not sure about the altitudes where Airshifter lives, but here, it would be worse for a car to drive it into a heated carage from -10C than to leave it outside. A better option is a open garage that stops windows from freezing up but won't melt every bit of ice in your car.
And an engine block heater and an interior heater are most likely more energy efficient than a whole heated garage. I think it's more important to have a roof to keep it dry and clean rather than a door to keep it warm.

11th April 2007, 22:41
Hey Eki
Your buddies are at it again.. Are we going to have a world wide civil war??

Explosions rock Algerian capital

The attacks in Algiers are the worst in the capital for years
Two blasts in Algeria's capital Algiers have killed at least 23 people and injured 160 - one exploding near the prime minister's office.
A caller claiming to represent al-Qaeda in the Maghreb told an Arabic TV channel that his group had carried out the attacks.

11th April 2007, 23:33
Seems a bit odd to rock the casbah on home turf...

12th April 2007, 04:37
In the typical habit of the goose-stepping Bush crime family supporters here, half truths, sloppily researched, ripped off and out of context are offered up as facts. And have been consistently seemingly out of habit.

Too bad they imitate their idols in the incompetence, and in the laziness or they would have mentioned that Gore's "home" is also his political and business headquarters and is full of dozens of staffer/workers.
Decent reporting media have all outlined the dual purpose use of the Gore "compound".

See that's the problem with the extremist fringe of the right wing here, you don't really know if they're just lazy or if they're just dishonest.

Just like their blinking cretin of a "Leader".

12th April 2007, 19:05
And an engine block heater and an interior heater are most likely more energy efficient than a whole heated garage. I think it's more important to have a roof to keep it dry and clean rather than a door to keep it warm.

I agree but since the garage is attached to the home, a better insulated door helps keep the home more efficient. I don't heat the garage at all, unless I'll be working out in it for extended periods during the cold months.

I have a block heater on my truck, but it's rarely cold enough here to even justify using it. ;)


No doubt the recent attacks were the result of the heavy US influence in Algeria. With the massive military build up and US bases, Las Vega like atmosphere lacking in moral values, and forcing a new government into place it was bound to happen.

13th April 2007, 02:28
In the typical habit of the goose-stepping Bush crime family supporters here, half truths, sloppily researched, ripped off and out of context are offered up as facts. And have been consistently seemingly out of habit.

Too bad they imitate their idols in the incompetence, and in the laziness or they would have mentioned that Gore's "home" is also his political and business headquarters and is full of dozens of staffer/workers.
Decent reporting media have all outlined the dual purpose use of the Gore "compound".

See that's the problem with the extremist fringe of the right wing here, you don't really know if they're just lazy or if they're just dishonest.

Just like their blinking cretin of a "Leader".

And the extremist fringe of the left-wing always make well thought-out and thoroughly researched posts. :dozey:

13th April 2007, 06:21
And the extremist fringe of the left-wing always make well thought-out and thoroughly researched posts. :dozey:

Well are you disputing the fact that main stream media put the supposed extreme energy consumption into a context when the jack-booted minions of the Right-wing Blogospere threw this sh!t out as facts (and it hit the Right extemist sites and AM Talk radio all at the same time---too well coordinated for it to be chance)?

Or are you merely complaining about somebody not writing stuff to your liking?http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif

13th April 2007, 08:07
People grow up and get a life. No matter what, good or bad, someone will post about G.W.Bush, the same people around here will start the bashing party with little to base their view on, like in this case.

I suppose you lot live in a more environement friendly house than Bush, you lot, and being motorsport fans is making you better than him from a green POV?

BTW, good point fousto.

13th April 2007, 12:51
Well are you disputing the fact that main stream media put the supposed extreme energy consumption into a context when the jack-booted minions of the Right-wing Blogospere threw this sh!t out as facts (and it hit the Right extemist sites and AM Talk radio all at the same time---too well coordinated for it to be chance)?

Or are you merely complaining about somebody not writing stuff to your liking?http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif

There are two sides to every story. I'm merely pointing out that both sides of politics have their share of extremists that won't accept an alternate point of view, not just the right.

You might want to stop the insults. It reduces your posts to sounding like little more than the extremist rantings you profess to dislike.

13th April 2007, 14:08
"Cyberspace is - or can be - a good, friendly and egalitarian place to meet" - Douglas Adams.

"On the other hand, it is - or can be - a good place to say what the **** you like without getting thumped or shot" - Me.


14th April 2007, 02:47
There are two sides to every story. I'm merely pointing out that both sides of politics have their share of extremists that won't accept an alternate point of view, not just the right.

You might want to stop the insults. It reduces your posts to sounding like little more than the extremist rantings you profess to dislike.

What insults?
seriously. Calling the people who put up junk they know to be false unethical, and worse is not an insult.

but really I have no idea what you are referring to so help me out a bit and explain where I insulted anybody.

(and my post was a response to THIS thread, where your comments seemed to be, to me anyway, as simple general complaint, and not specifically related to this thread about the false manufactured "News" put out by some extremist Right wing "foundation" and repeated instantly all over the place.
That's why I asked if you were merely complaining about a point of view that you (seemingly) don't agree with.

I will comment that its an interesting, and consistent ploy of the Right wing to characterize anything not in total agreement with "this week's Talking Points" as a rant or insults, usually like your comments, in an attempt to seize a perceived moral high ground.

Particularly when they are defending something morally indefensible, for example somebody spreading what is known to be lies.

14th April 2007, 03:52
You haven't insulted anyone? Well, let's see. First we have:

In the typical habit of the goose-stepping Bush crime family supporters here, half truths, sloppily researched, ripped off and out of context are offered up as facts. And have been consistently seemingly out of habit.

Just like their blinking cretin of a "Leader".

Then we have:

Well are you disputing the fact that main stream media put the supposed extreme energy consumption into a context when the jack-booted minions of the Right-wing Blogospere threw this sh!t out as facts (and it hit the Right extemist sites and AM Talk radio all at the same time---too well coordinated for it to be chance)?

What insults?

In two posts you have compared people who support Bush to Nazis. That's pretty insulting to most people.

Particularly when they are defending something morally indefensible, for example somebody spreading what is known to be lies.

It's only indefensible from your point of view and is no more immoral than what the Left get up to. Neither side of politics are squeaky clean and both have agendas to further.

I don't like Holier-than-thou preachers who can't argue a point without resorting to petty name calling. If you don't agree with the point that fousto was making with his thread then tell us why. So far all you have done is tried to "shout" down anybody who disagrees with you.

14th April 2007, 07:17
Oh, come now Hawkmoon, fousto and Janvan can't help it, they are carved from the same wood, only difference is that at times, foustolino manages to be funny. ;)

14th April 2007, 07:26
Oh, come now Hawkmoon, fousto and Janvan can't help it, they are carved from the same wood, only difference is that at times, foustolino manages to be funny. ;)

The other difference is that fousto has no pretensions and says what he thinks, which as you say, can be funny at times. :)

14th April 2007, 16:26
Oh, come now Hawkmoon, fousto and Janvan can't help it, they are carved from the same wood, only difference is that at times, foustolino manages to be funny. ;)

Wrong - he is carved from balsa wood - light in the step and blows with the wind!!!!

Hey what kind of wood does not float

Natalie Wood

Mark in Oshawa
14th April 2007, 21:12
I will just have a few thoughts ( while I get an unexpected few hours at home before heading back out again ).

Ok, first off, before anyone labels me a right wing kook (Eki and Tomi think I am carrying the water for Bushie, but really, I am pretty much objective and pro-freedom and democracy first off), I think the example at the start of the thread says it all.

I point out Gore's hypocracy and I will accept while he does some business from his home, it still does not wash with this other 2 mansions and his use of a private jet to be everywhere in hours. It still does NOT hold water that he wants to have a concert actually on Antarctica, ( although likely this idea will die a quick death due to logistics ).

Many people in the enviromental movement have allowed their movement to be hijacked. Hijacked by the political left, and radical libreal movement. These people are more about being seen as onside with the enviroment than actually doing anything concrete to make the enviroment better. What is more, they are all about demonizing anyone who doesn't agree with them. The name calling on this thread is more evidence of this. People with inadequete arguments tend to name call and give out platitudes about how they are right because the other side are idiots.

IT is FAR more complictaed than that, and global warming is FAR more complicated than many of those like Al Gore make it. Al Gore hasn't the first damned clue about global warming except he knows how he can maybe use it to get his name back in the papers. Oh he believes in it alright, but all that he believes is being fed to him by the radical leftest who have hijacked many scientests ( who fall along to avoid having their funding cut ), or have some belief that it is all man's fault. Every time it seems there is a new trend, it is always the fault of either 1) the US, 2) the Western way of life or 3) Capitalism. Whether it be global warming, human rights abuses, wars, global poverty, it is always laid at the feet of those by those who would eagerly hijack the agenda of every western democracy.

Do I think these people actually believe in what they say? Oh, yes they do, because they have always wanted to buck the system. Whether it be the anti-war groups, the carbon offset crowd, the UN is always right crowd, or whatever ( anti George Bush crowd ); they all have a vested interest and desire to gain political power by not actually competing in the arena of ideas fairly and honestly and getting elected. Oh if they can get elected, they will hide or obscure many parts of their agenda to get elected, but THAT is their goal. They don't care how they do it, as long as they do it. Fine, some would say all parties do that.

I guess what I object to is the intellectual dishonesty that has come from this and the blind faith they are always right. On here, I have never doubted that we have global warming. Canada is one of the nations that has noticed this, and we know that something is happening. Now, to say that it is man's fault, well we only have to have seen the BBC's "Great Global Warming Swindle" and read some of the work done by the hard scientests who still don't agree to know that it isn't cut and dried that man is causing it and when you see Mars's temp has risen the same as hours, one must believe that it is related to an increase in the sun's power more than anything else.

The Global Warming fanatics, and the rest of the left have to get it into their heads that their so called moral crusade is repugnent and useless. Like their weak and rididculous Kyoto treaty (Any treaty that doesn't stop or slow greenhouse gas growth from China and India is useless), it isn't about results, it is about being onside with their movement and what THEY want. They have failed to push this agenda in the US, and they will find out in Canada that it likely wont fly either. Call us names, call us what you want, but people who go to work every day and just earn a living have better things to do, and more common sense than beathing their gums in pointless and feckless protests against whatever today's cause. I bet within 10 years, some of the same people beating the drum for global warming policy will be on to another agenda......

It is sad...you want a better world, make a policy that makes sense, get elected and effect change instead of creating mass hysteria.

Al Gore hasn't figured that out....he is content to try to brainwash kids with his "Truth" and scare the hell out of them about something they may not have any control over....that isn't making an argument, that is brainwashing....

Mark in Oshawa
14th April 2007, 22:11
My apologies on the spelling errors, I didn't have the opportunity to do an edit in the 10 minutes after I posted...

14th April 2007, 22:17
My apologies on the spelling errors, I didn't have the opportunity to do an edit in the 10 minutes after I posted...
That happens to all of us, so don't worry, we know what you mean.

Mark in Oshawa
15th April 2007, 00:05
Eki, you and I have crossed swords a lot on here, but I thank you for acknowleding that. I know my head and thoughts always seem to outrace my fingers, and I have to go back 5 minutes later to edit with a cleared mind....this time, I didn't have the chance.

16th April 2007, 09:40
Hey Eki
Your buddies are at it again.. Are we going to have a world wide civil war??

Explosions rock Algerian capital

The attacks in Algiers are the worst in the capital for years
Two blasts in Algeria's capital Algiers have killed at least 23 people and injured 160 - one exploding near the prime minister's office.
A caller claiming to represent al-Qaeda in the Maghreb told an Arabic TV channel that his group had carried out the attacks.
Looks like the US won't open their consulate in Casablanca today, maybe not tomorrow or even soon. Well, they'll always have Paris:


U.S. Shuts Consulate in Casablanca After Bombings

Sunday, April 15, 2007

RABAT, Morocco — The U.S. closed its consulate in Casablanca indefinitely on Sunday to review security a day after a suicide bombing beside the building, the U.S. Embassy said.

A second bomber on Saturday detonated his explosive belt in the same street, just yards from the American Language Center where English is taught. A woman was injured in one of the blasts but only the bombers died.

The attacks were Morocco's first since five simultaneous homicide bombings in Casablanca in 2003 which killed 33 people and a dozen bombers.

The blasts in Morocco and twin car-bombings in neighboring Algeria on Wednesday that killed 30 people suggest that Islamic extremism is rekindling across North Africa.

16th April 2007, 18:25
Mark, that was a great post.

The issue of environmental concern has been hijacked by the hardcores, those that truly do hate capitalism. I have yet to figure out why this is, but then again I don't get a lot of the things the environmental guys do. I point to what happened to Bjorn Lomborg as what happens when these hardliners get challenged by somebody.

Al Gore was a genius in jumping on this issue, because Gore the Bore has become something of a superstar thanks to an An Inconvenient Truth and the media frenzy that followed it. As a guy trainign to be a journalist, the media should be ashamed at how they looked at that movie, and the agenda behind it.

17th April 2007, 13:28
I always love to read Janvanvurpa's posts to see how long it take him to use the terms "jack-booted", "goose stepping", "marching lock step", or "parroting their leaders". You read one of his posts you pretty much have read them all.

Same with Eki, always spinning and re-directing.

17th April 2007, 18:39
I always love to read Janvanvurpa's posts to see how long it take him to use the terms "jack-booted", "goose stepping", "marching lock step", or "parroting their leaders". You read one of his posts you pretty much have read them all.

Same with Eki, always spinning and re-directing.

Glad you finally figured out the implied humor.
Nobody really says "jack-booted", or "goose stepping", or "marching lock step".

It's a bit of turn around.
See? Just like no sane person uses words like "evil doers", "axis of evil", and "islamo-fascists".

See there is no serious dialog, since all sides are too entrenched, and seem more interested in scoring "points" or hits on the "enemy", then all that remains to do, especially when simple questions remain purposely unanswered, is satire and parody.

As for somebody feeling insulted personally by me obviously satirically calling some unidentified theoretical person a "goose-stepping Bush crime family supporter" I liken it to more or less equivalent to somebody walking to the door of a bar, and shouting "hey Asshole!".

If you turn and answer "What?" don't blame me.

17th April 2007, 20:13
Glad you finally figured out the implied humor.
Nobody really says "jack-booted", or "goose stepping", or "marching lock step".

It's a bit of turn around.
See? Just like no sane person uses words like "evil doers", "axis of evil", and "islamo-fascists".

See there is no serious dialog, since all sides are too entrenched, and seem more interested in scoring "points" or hits on the "enemy", then all that remains to do, especially when simple questions remain purposely unanswered, is satire and parody.

As for somebody feeling insulted personally by me obviously satirically calling some unidentified theoretical person a "goose-stepping Bush crime family supporter" I liken it to more or less equivalent to somebody walking to the door of a bar, and shouting "hey Asshole!".

If you turn and answer "What?" don't blame me.

Oh, I won't blame you. I am sure your issues go much deeper than that. ;)