View Full Version : Greek Grand Prix

3rd October 2012, 01:57
"Despite data showing Greece is heading for its sixth year of recession, the government is pushing ahead with constructing the track in Xalandritsa, near Patras.
The total cost of the project will be €94.6m (£75.6m) and it is hoped the circuit will be able to host a Formula One race in the future."
- The Telegraph, 2 Oct 2012
Greece to spend almost (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/9580361/Greece-to-spend-almost-100m-on-building-F1-track.html)

Apart from this being one of the more bonkers stories I've ever read, what with Greece being practically broke and having to beg for money from Germany, the idea of Greek GP might be a good one.
People don't remember that the 2004 Olympics was actually surprisingly well run and that the facilities were completely world class. Maybe a track in Greece would be built according to the best standards possible because the country is looking to show itself off after such a period of economic turmoil.

Then again it could be just another dream made of fairy floss, smoke and popsicle sticks.

3rd October 2012, 14:21
According to what we hear on the news, the Greek government is now subordinate to the Germans... maybe the DTM teams fancied a Mediterranean holiday home :)

3rd October 2012, 18:35
Greece already cost us Europeans a lot of money, if that GP is ever gonna happen than I assume that I'll get everything for free when I'm gonna visit it....

donKey jote
3rd October 2012, 18:44
If I, as a German taxpayer, get free tickets and a signed Alonso shirt...

no, even then a Greek GP would still be a very bad, stupid, unconscionable idea until they are out of the crisis :crazy:

donKey jote
3rd October 2012, 18:47
People don't remember that the 2004 Olympics was actually surprisingly well run and that the facilities were completely world class.

During the two weeks, yes. Pretty derelict now (at least the ones we used for a product launch a couple of years later), after all they cost :dozey:

4th October 2012, 03:50
It's not April 1st anywhere in the world, is it? :rolleyes:

4th October 2012, 13:41
That's like not having grocery money to feed your children or pay the mortgage and coming home with a new mercedes to live in. They might as well build some big garages, homeless folks need places to live.


Dave B
4th October 2012, 16:44
Nigel, I witnessed a girl talking about having to get a crisis loan.... she was using an iPhone 5. She made Greece look positively sensible.

7th October 2012, 17:23
Hmmm a country that begged Europe for help and ruined its own economy, whilst still owing so much debt!! Yes of course, they should build a GP circuit and pay to host a race. Greece has virtually no connection to F1 in the past and this is really a very stupid idea. A Gp will not create the revenue needed to rebuild this fallen country IMO.

Nah, Bernie will suck the profit out of it. But you know how Bernie loves those corrupt, broken down, backward third world countries......

7th October 2012, 17:24
That's like not having grocery money to feed your children or pay the mortgage and coming home with a new mercedes to live in. They might as well build some big garages, homeless folks need places to live.

don't talk about my relatives like that....

donKey jote
7th October 2012, 18:17
corrupt, broken down, backward third world countries......
Austin :andrea: :p

7th October 2012, 18:30
don't talk about my relatives like that....
The word going around is that you had a "greek marathon" with donkey's missus. :uhoh: :bandit: :p :
Well, that's what I heard.... :angel:

7th October 2012, 20:30
This is a very stupid idea. I and people in other EU countries should have a veto over this, since we're currently paying all the bills the Greeks have.

donKey jote
7th October 2012, 20:37
Well, that's what I heard.... :angel:

You heard wrong... that was with your sister. Sheesh what some people are prepared to "do" for a couple of tickets :crazy: :andrea:

7th October 2012, 22:28
:s tareup: touché :p :