View Full Version : Everyone loves the weekend .....

Hazell B
1st April 2007, 19:27
...... until monday morning :mark:

What's the worst part of the weekend?

Sunday morning hangover, mowing the lawn while 'er indoors points out your stripes are wonky, next door's children screaming from 7am each morning or knowing you're back at work tomorrow?

Brown, Jon Brow
1st April 2007, 19:32
Well it's not to bad when you work on weekends and are then on easter holidays on monday :D :D :D

1st April 2007, 19:33
Right up to Sunday afternoon I like weekends (well if I'm not working that is)... as soon as I've had my roast dinner, my thoughts turn to working the next day... that's the crappy part of the weekend: knowing that works just around the corner.

1st April 2007, 20:56
Students don't go out more at the weekends, we go out whenever we can ;)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: There's something every night. In actual fact I'm rather fond of Sunday's, as my SU club says 'Sunday's for Sleeping (SOS)'

Time for another nap.......

Ian McC
1st April 2007, 21:01
Right up to Sunday afternoon I like weekends (well if I'm not working that is)... as soon as I've had my roast dinner, my thoughts turn to working the next day... that's the crappy part of the weekend: knowing that works just around the corner.

Indeed, Sunday night is the worst part, though of course not next weekend ;)

1st April 2007, 21:05
Well it's not to bad when you work on weekends and are then on easter holidays on monday :D :D

I agree :D :D :D

1st April 2007, 21:10
What's a weekend? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Firday, Saturday, Sunday...they're all pretty much crap...

1st April 2007, 23:26
5am on Sundays when the neighbour's rooster starts waking me up. Not pleasant :mad:

2nd April 2007, 00:43
Sunday afternoon, nothing to see on crappy TV, any motorsport events is already over and have to wake up at 6AM tomorrow :mad:

R. Mears
2nd April 2007, 00:47
I have to work 50% of the weekends. But then I'm off a couple days during the week. You can always get a 2nd job to solve the weekend problems. :D

2nd April 2007, 01:04
The worst part of the weekend is on a Sunday when you realise that tomorrow is Monday and the whole week starts again :p :

2nd April 2007, 03:46
I dislike Sunday evenings, when your mind goes through all the work you needed to do for the following morning but just didn't quite get round to doing. Sunday evenings will also be forever linked to dire episodes of 'Last of the Summer Wine' which I used to have to endure as a child.

2nd April 2007, 04:19
man, i love the weekends.... it's THE time to work in the garage!

2nd April 2007, 09:29
I take each day as it comes and just enjoy the fact that I'm alive and able to enjoy it. The weekends are just days when I can do things I enjoy a little more than work but even Monday's can be enjoyed.

2nd April 2007, 20:25
For me, the worst part of the weekend is that moment when you realise that it's passing very quickly, and that you're not making the best use of the precious free time.

2nd April 2007, 20:43
I work alternate Sundays as a clay pigeon shooting referee and I always feel a bit rubbish when I have to get up early on a Sunday. Once I'm there I tend to enjoy it, except when it rains. It's the getting up that's the hard part.

3rd April 2007, 14:34
Same **** different day, you just have to try to enjoy each day whatever you face.

3rd April 2007, 14:57
...... until monday morning :mark:

What's the worst part of the weekend?


The worst part? 5 pm Sunday evening. I'm already thinking about what I need to do at work the next day. :mad:

Ian McC
3rd April 2007, 19:36

Quite a bunch of depressives on here! :p :

Hazell B
3rd April 2007, 19:46
In that case I'll change the mood!

Getting up at silly o'clock (before dawn, so it alters with the weather) on a sunday morning is what I dislike. It's my one day actually having to work (I've a market to attend) but the end of the morning, when I get home and count the takings, makes me happier as a rule. Monday's not a worry, I can go back to waking up late and being my usual lazy self :p :

6th April 2007, 21:15
Long weekend woo :D

Not that it makes much difference to me... :( :erm:

6th April 2007, 23:06
Bank holidays have always seemed pointless to children and lay about students, they always fall on pretty much the same dates as holidays...

7th April 2007, 00:03
well i spent £70 last nite! just what you want when you've only made £80 that week!

7th April 2007, 11:30
£70?! Please tell me you were gambling and not drinking!

8th April 2007, 17:29
Fruit machines/food/pubs/clubs

London aint cheap mate!!