View Full Version : F1 Clips

21st September 2012, 21:16
Now let me say first off. I know some won't be interested in this thread and some may see it as pointless, but I was watching some old F1 clips and it was bringing a smile to my face about the old days.

So I thought it would be good to have a thread where us F1 fans can post any old videos, clips or photos of F1 for others to see that they may not have come across or seen for a few years. As i often look at stuff from 90-91 onwards as that was when I started watching F1.

Feel free to move this thread if any mods feel it should be elsewhere, but I wasn't sure if it should be here or history???

Now this is for any age of F1. So if you watch a video from 2002 and it brings back memories put it on, likewise if you find some rare footage from the 50s whatever.

Just a thread for F1 action videos for fun.

I'll start with the video that inspired me. The backmarker Minardi in 2001 lapping the old Hockenheim. Bliss


The guy who put this on has a lot of Quali laps from 2001. Nice to see the old cars again.

21st September 2012, 21:19

Not the place to discuss it, but the non DRS days. I love it. The old Jordan Honda v BAR Honda battle.

21st September 2012, 21:32
Also we were talking about race bans.

This was one of the last before Grosjean for bad driving wasn't it. Irvine for this move.


21st September 2012, 22:31
Oh is 2001 ancient history already? I remember it so clearly like it was recent. *feels old* :(

21st September 2012, 22:36

In relation to discussion on other thread.

Gaston Mazzacane, some great onboard from Spa 2000. That Minardi was a good car, I think it just suffered from a poor engine. He is so tentative with the car when compared to the top cars today.

22nd September 2012, 02:05
@ aki13

Good thread and I like the idea that it is in the main F1 discussion board rather than the History board (nothing wrong with the History board, I lurk there a lot), and I have a question for anyone with an answer - what motor was the Minardi running at Hockenheim in the first clip?

Its a shame that they dont use the old Hockeneimring, it was a fantastic circuit and fast as. Many memorable moments on both four and two wheels (Piquet and Salazar, Swantz and Rainey for two examples).

22nd September 2012, 02:24
Hmmm it seems that the above comment is a reference to me. I've noticed quite a few people have been having a problem with me thinking that events of 18 years ago went under History rather than current F1.

The Minardi 2001 was called a "European" but as far as I know it was the same Ford that they ran the year before - the old works 1998 engine that Stewart (Red Bull) used. I think it had 745hp, almost 100 down on the BMW that year. It wasn't known to be very light either...

Yeah I miss the old Hockenheim too, as it had character, and it was something a bit DIFFERENT! Also, there no traces of Tilke on it, though he did build the new section. I think the new track is quite good for one of his. It's sad that the old track has been dug up and now it's all just grass surrounded by trees.

22nd September 2012, 09:48
A couple of rare bits of footage here. The Forti Ford was maybe the slowest car to regularly race in the last 30 years, due to the lack of Pre Qualifying and 107% rule. Some clips of Moreno struggling on.


22nd September 2012, 09:48

22nd September 2012, 09:50

22nd September 2012, 09:53
From the minnows to a classic, that to be honest I had never seen before, having only watched F1 since 1991.

1982 Long Beach: Gilles v Keke


22nd September 2012, 10:26

22nd September 2012, 10:27

22nd September 2012, 10:43

22nd September 2012, 10:50

22nd September 2012, 11:03

love this video!

23rd September 2012, 04:23
No rj, not aimed at you, in fact I am in agreance to a point, so can I propose that clips posted in this thread be from this century only? With occasional exceptions if they go to illustrate a point?

Waddyal recon?

23rd September 2012, 04:34
No rj, not aimed at you, in fact I am in agreance to a point, so can I propose that clips posted in this thread be from this century only? With occasional exceptions if they go to illustrate a point?

Waddyal recon?

Arrrrrrgggg - double post!!!!

23rd September 2012, 12:26

and there, very much in flames, is Jacques Laffite's Ligier. That's obviously a turbo blaze, and of course, Laffite will be able to see that conflagration in his mirrors... he is coolly parking the car somewhere safe ~ Murray Walker.

23rd September 2012, 12:34

23rd September 2012, 12:50
Fantastic clips there. This is the sort of thing I was thinking of. Awesome.

23rd September 2012, 16:34

While watching todays race, I thought about Alonso and Minardi. Here is a good example of why people even in 2001 were speaking of a future Champion.

28th September 2012, 20:33
I know we have all seen some footage of the Lola team 1997 before, but this I hadn't some footage of FP1 for Oz 1997.


4th October 2012, 03:14
I was reading another thread and came across a reference to Japan 2005, so I looked it up


I loves the internets.

6th October 2012, 20:37
As requested by jmjm :dozey:


6th October 2012, 21:13
Just in relation to what I was ranting about in the Schumacher retire thread and how people on TV & Radio seem determined to undermind Schumacher and make out he never made errors first time.


6th October 2012, 21:15
1:10 onwards


6th October 2012, 21:22

9th December 2012, 01:19
I forgot about this thread - methinks this deserves a BUMP!

These videos are great. This is too good a thread to let go of so quickly! :D

Please keep posting more Doc and Aki13. This is good stuff.

@aki13 I can hardly believe how slow those Fortis are going in the Forti vids. It can't be real! It's painful just to watch; I honestly believed they were on an outlap and didn't realise they were hotlaps!!

@Doc Oh that life of a driver vid, hahaha! And to think of how much these drivers moan, about understeer and balance (mentioning no names) and about being left alone on the radio etc :p

14th December 2012, 17:58
An exciting race for a track known for real snoozers. Mike had to make up something like 12 seconds in a 15 lap 3rd stop short fill to make the 4 stopper work. It was classic Schumacher, on the limit every lap that stint, he pulled it off with time to spare. Actually great action and a great final 1/3 of the race by Rubens, passing Button on track and Trulli at the last turn of the last lap.
Actually the 4 stop strategy was conceived by Luca Baldesari after qualifying, with the knowledge that Mike may not be able to pass on track at Magney-Coor, but Brawn made the call.
"We had nothing to lose," said Ross Brawn. "There was no risk because we were stuck in second and it would have been difficult to overtake. We needed to run in free air and to be able to use the car."Skip to 85:00
2004 Round 10 - France Grand Prix (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjE3NjY4NzQ0.html)

15th December 2012, 11:34
I forgot about this thread - methinks this deserves a BUMP!

These videos are great. This is too good a thread to let go of so quickly! :D

Please keep posting more Doc and Aki13. This is good stuff.

@aki13 I can hardly believe how slow those Fortis are going in the Forti vids. It can't be real! It's painful just to watch; I honestly believed they were on an outlap and didn't realise they were hotlaps!!

@Doc Oh that life of a driver vid, hahaha! And to think of how much these drivers moan, about understeer and balance (mentioning no names) and about being left alone on the radio etc :p


I haven't been on here for while, but I am glad you bumped it up. Especially now its the off season, when there is less to talk about and nothing to watch.

15th December 2012, 11:47
Always worth another look. lol


15th December 2012, 15:16
An instant Classic. Kimi goes for a leisurely ride downtown. :p :

15th December 2012, 17:05
An exciting race for a track known for real snoozers. Mike had to make up something like 12 seconds in a 15 lap 3rd stop short fill to make the 4 stopper work. It was classic Schumacher, on the limit every lap that stint, he pulled it off with time to spare. Actually great action and a great final 1/3 of the race by Rubens, passing Button on track and Trulli at the last turn of the last lap.
Actually the 4 stop strategy was conceived by Luca Baldesari after qualifying, with the knowledge that Mike may not be able to pass on track at Magney-Coor, but Brawn made the call. Skip to 85:00
2004 Round 10 - France Grand Prix (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjE3NjY4NzQ0.html)

It already seems strange to me to see Michael and Ross Brawn being so dominant, even though I watched all those races at the time. It seems incredible that guy with the red helmet who won so much is the same one who has struggled so much with Mercedes recently (actually not done badly at all, but disguised by bad car...).

I've also got to say I enjoy James Allen's commentary much more now than then too...

15th December 2012, 17:28

I haven't been on here for while, but I am glad you bumped it up. Especially now its the off season, when there is less to talk about and nothing to watch.

No prob :)

Here's one that was painful to watch - it was horrible, to sit and watch helplessly as this happened... :(
It was yet another inherited victory for Villeneuve which he just totally took for granted with his attitude, like every single victory of 1997, it was inherited. Hungary went with Argentina (Panis), Spain (Panis being held up badly), Silverstone (Schumacher and Hakkinen's mechanical problems), Austria (Trulli had engine problems thru race, eventually terminal, and Hakkinen went out on lap 1 from strong lead), and the Nurburgring (another galling breakdown for Coulthard and Hakkinen yet again - simultaneously!!)

Damon Hill Hungary 1997
Damon Hill wins almost Hungaroring 1997 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adZD6xAFM0U)

I can't find a video in English, or with Tom Walkinshaw's reaction, which was heartbreaking, even though as Hill supporters we didn't like how he had been shouting at Damon in 1997 etc. In hindsight I think Damon totally deserved it: If I was diverting a huge amount of budget to a driver who demanded a massive pay because he was world champion (taking ALL the credit for Adrian Neweys' car which is the only reason he had a chance!) and that driver just tooled around not making an effort and being beaten by Diniz, I would be pretty ticked off too!

This was the 3rd race in a row that a famous 'first ever' victory was denied by unreliability. For me this really added to the story and the human side of the sport. When Hakkinen would finally win a race, it would be all the sweeter for him having missed out so much at Silverstone, Austria and the Nurburgring. It was more the fact that Fisichella retired with a puncture with a few laps to go at Hockenheim, than the almost winning drive itself, that inspired me to become his fan that day.

This 'human' side is now sadly missing as F1 is now like the XBox where all the front running cars are expected to finish, and it is unusual to have a retirement.

15th December 2012, 18:25
I've also got to say I enjoy James Allen's commentary much more now than then too...

At that time I wasn't watching the races live via proxy from the UK. My only reference was the U.S. broadcast that was absolutely transfixed with counting down until Mike had reached the pit stop delta time on his third stint. After finding this broadcast I was so impressed as McLaren and Williams were really upon hard times, and Ferrari was so dominant that this broadcast went into depth about what made Ferrari tic, and really highlighted many personnel including in-race commentary from Luca Colliani (I probably spelled that wrong). I have to say it was a top notch job, and extremely informative, with meaningful interviews with not only Todt, Brawn, and Mike, but several other key players for Ferrari. It was probably hard for some UK viewers to appreciate, not even considering the ones that had tuned the season out, but real F1 enthusiast's were treated to an orgy of motorsport broadcast brilliance.

15th December 2012, 18:29
Here's the brilliant English ITV version with Damon, Walkinshaw and Murray & Martin too - from 1:05.00

1997 Round 11 - Hungary Grand Prix (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUwMzgxODc2.html)

15th December 2012, 19:36
Here's the brilliant English ITV version with Damon, Walkinshaw and Murray & Martin too - from 1:05.00

1997 Round 11 - Hungary Grand Prix (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUwMzgxODc2.html)

Brings back memories. Damon Hill was probably one of the most underestimated Grand Prix drivers of all time. Not the fastest but as a whole package...

15th December 2012, 22:25
Brings back memories. Damon Hill was probably one of the most underestimated Grand Prix drivers of all time. Not the fastest but as a whole package...

Yah you're probably right actually. I think I was a bit harsh above. Maybe not with his application in '97 but his talent in general. I hear Damon only started driving at 24 or something! WOW! In that case, he did really well; especially considering he was already around retirement age when he won the title. It's a shame that in later years he didn't always seem to be making an effort all the time.

But Bruno Senna is now showing how tough it is to miss a massive chunk of learning in karts. I believe Damon when he said he thinks it puts you at a distinct disadvantage - in fact I imagine it's even more of a disadvantage than that! This is maybe why Eddie Irvine thought he was the 2nd best driver going - because he was doing everything he did minus a decade or 2 of karting experience that his rivals had.

Damon also ran strongly in Brazil (on for 6th) and pretty well in Argentina. He especially shone at Jerez where he was on course to be on pole before hitting traffic. He started 4th, just +0.058sec off those 3 with the identical time.

16th December 2012, 11:20
Yes, it is a shame how Damon's career petered out, especially at Jordan. But I don't think you can put a car like an Arrows in those positions just with good tyres. The car went from the back of the grid at the start of the season to nearly winning a race and then later nearly a pole position within the space of one year. One year later Damon moves to Jordan and they win their first race, coincidence?

17th December 2012, 08:48
Here's the brilliant English ITV version with Damon, Walkinshaw and Murray & Martin too - from 1:05.00

1997 Round 11 - Hungary Grand Prix (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUwMzgxODc2.html)

That was truly brutal as hell, and all other things being equal without that failure at the end of an otherwise brilliant drive, it would have (arguably) changed the outcome of the WDC. :angel:
I have to say I am overjoyed to have discovered this video site, it will give me the fix I need (unseen full race UK broadcasts with full prerace commentary) to help get through the next 89 days. :cool:

22nd December 2012, 19:16
Some cool vids rigt here !

28th December 2012, 00:17
Adding my echo to the voices previous, giving this thread a bump during the off season is a good idea - especially that "YOUKU" site, rjbetty. At last something to use up the bandwidth that I let slip on a monthly basis ;)

28th December 2012, 15:46

I think this is what Webber was trying to accomplish at Valencia ;)

4th January 2013, 21:11

A reminder of how driving in F1 has improved over the years.

4th January 2013, 23:35
A reminder of how driving in F1 has improved over the years.

Yeah! Narain Karthikeyan comes in for a lot of criticism but things like this show he's actually a talented driver (amongst 23 even more talented drivers).

9th January 2013, 05:58
A reminder of how driving in F1 has improved over the years.

Who was that guy? I was watching him drive the wrong way on the exit of the racing line and wandering "what is He doing?", then he spun and I snorted coffee through my nose (nearly) :s panner:

10th January 2013, 09:26
Who was that guy? I was watching him drive the wrong way on the exit of the racing line and wandering "what is He doing?", then he spun and I snorted coffee through my nose (nearly) :s panner:

Dominico Schiattarella, Simtek 1994

12th January 2013, 20:03
really impressive!!!

Wasted Talent
12th January 2013, 20:49
Yes, it is a shame how Damon's career petered out, especially at Jordan. But I don't think you can put a car like an Arrows in those positions just with good tyres. The car went from the back of the grid at the start of the season to nearly winning a race and then later nearly a pole position within the space of one year. One year later Damon moves to Jordan and they win their first race, coincidence?

No, no coincidence. As you say Damon was very under-rated (and should have been a double world champion), perhaps due to the family name and the relative lack of junior formula time.

Pretty much like Jenson, they are more typical of British drivers in style than Lewis (ie Hill, Stewart, Clark, Moss.......)


13th January 2013, 00:33
sorry about the Benny Hill theme....but it is an amusing little clip :D

Korean Grid Girls Cause Felipe Massa to Crash - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PpCUfiXY0TA)

13th January 2013, 00:48
Alright - this isn't strictly an F1 clip - but it's pretty cool. Some people have skills I can only imagine possessing...

World smallest V12 engine - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3KdpzL3Hkk)

13th January 2013, 00:54
This one is actually related to F1 - I must have one of these!!!!

MotorConcept: Flat 12V - FERRARI 512TR - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzPvPowrm6M&feature=endscreen&NR=1)

(BTW - its raining and I can't do any gardening, so I am trawling youtube to mitigate boredom - for the sake of the rest of my family...)

15th January 2013, 01:24
Here is a real treat — coverage of the 1965 Monaco GP.


17th January 2013, 00:52

Saw this on teevee when I were a lad.. AJ was my hero then. He and Villeneuve.

17th January 2013, 01:17

It's no wonder Enzo was his biggest fan.

21st January 2013, 23:51
Some rare archive here, from the non-championship Lombank Trophy race at Snetterton in 1961.

East Anglian Film Archive: Lombank Trophy Meeting, Snetterton, 1961 (http://www.eafa.org.uk/catalogue/213370)

23rd January 2013, 15:40
List of BBC F1 Classic series (NB "extended" from the '80s/90s were the full highlights broadcast): F1 Grand Prix Highlights (http://www.tobypereira.co.uk/highlights.html)

1967 German GP

1967 Formula 1 German Grand Prix (1 of 4) HQ! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5IXFo0huuw&list=UL)

1975 German GP (no commentary)

F1 - Nürburgring Nordschleife 1975 - 1 of 5 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYeIieulC8U&list=PL65A07706FD701AFB)

29th January 2013, 23:42
Very cool video's. Keep em coming!

9th February 2013, 16:28
Great ones

19th February 2013, 19:45
In relation to the how hard can it be thread.

I completely forgot that we had this level of driver in F1 this recently. I know its only Free Practice, but still.

16 seconds off the pace.


7th March 2013, 07:13
I was reading the Motorsport magazine website and came across this little clip.


Interesting as I was there in 1985, and was only boring the pants of someone about how the V8SC should be using the whole old F1 track - never gonna happen now, but it would be cool.

Anyhoo, enjoy! :)

24th March 2013, 16:04
From todays Malaysian GP. Poor Quality but two examples of Donkey of the Race material. :rolleyes:


28th March 2013, 17:35
Considered to be the closest F1 finish ever, Monza 1971 was also set the record for the fastest, a record that stood for 32 years. And holy "Il Mantovano Volante", check out the power slide by the BRM at 0:25 :eek: :up:


3rd April 2013, 11:47
Not strictly an F1 car, but it is a Grand Prix car :vader:


Again, Phillip Island. Some days, that place is better than Disneyland.

11th May 2013, 08:58
At this race of the season I always remember back to this drama.


11th May 2013, 09:02
Also despite the year on the video being wrong. It looks like the 2000 Prost to me.


A chance to compare the final corners from the old days

28th October 2013, 00:04

This made me laugh. Kimi Rocks. :p

28th October 2013, 00:05
Shame all the old links have failed since the move from the old thread.

6th November 2013, 20:54

Where F1 started. Nice video this, footage of the first F1 race in 1950.

6th November 2013, 22:31
Very cool video Steve!

6th November 2013, 22:49
I am trying to tone up my knowledge of F1 pre 1990 which is when I have roughly watched from. I know more than the casual fan, like us all here do but I feel I want a complete F1 picture so I have been looking at the 1950 season and watching highlights of the 1950 season.

The cars look fantastic. I just get the feeling of wanting to have a go in one.

The Talbot Lago's were slow, but look great.

As I go through the seasons, I may post some more that intrigue me.

7th November 2013, 00:37
I think it is pretty amazing that they were averaging over 90mph with those skinny tires and no real down force :eek: :cool:

7th November 2013, 09:57
@ Steveaki13 - great post. Love the old style British voice over and music, very evocative of the times.

1st May 2014, 13:30

The legendary first few laps at Donnington 1993. Worth seeing again as we remember the 20 years since his death.

Race starts at 3 minutes after formation lap. To go from 5th at turn 1 to leading at the end of lap 1 and then to pull away from the almighty Williams 10 odd seconds in the next 2 laps is amazing.

1st May 2014, 16:04

Saw this on teevee when I were a lad.. AJ was my hero then. He and Villeneuve.

Love that one. Too bad DRS has now ruined battles like that :(

11th May 2014, 07:26
Has anyone posted this great video yet? (apologies if so)

I saw it on Joe Saward's site. It's reeeeeeally good!


11th May 2014, 08:57
Nice. I am not sure though the Red Bull is actually faster than the 2004ish Ferrari as thats the time F1 cars were at their fastest.

Anyway thats splitting hairs. :D

11th May 2014, 09:01

11th May 2014, 09:35
Reposted specially for the GP today. Hakkinen's horror last lap in Spain 13 years ago. (I know I cant believe it either)


11th May 2014, 09:36
Alot of the old links dont work anymore, but if you cut the URL and paste it into the URL bar it still gets you there.

11th May 2014, 09:40
A review of the 1953 Swiss GP.

*Note at around 4:20 the mention of how tricky cobble stones make F1 racing. :p


11th May 2014, 09:46
1954 Italian GP


15th May 2014, 20:46
Great battle that may have been posted before but the link is probably lost.

The epic battle starts somewhere soon after the initial 1st lap footage. I remember ITV were on a break when this happened live. So we only saw a 4 second clip of the last section.


16th May 2014, 03:46
:stareup: I miss that little monkey :)

20th May 2014, 15:51
Great battle that may have been posted before but the link is probably lost.

The epic battle starts somewhere soon after the initial 1st lap footage. I remember ITV were on a break when this happened live. So we only saw a 4 second clip of the last section.


Ah, the good old days without DRS :)

21st May 2014, 14:13
Cool vid.