View Full Version : Obama Has To Go

16th September 2012, 17:45
This is probably my first political thread I have ever started. I dont make them because of how ugly they can get. But this point in time, I have to. This is serious business. I dont want to offend anyone but I am speaking the truth and thats that....

Obama HAS TO GO. This guy is a Socialist/Communist, however you want to call it, pretty much the same thing... Government controls everything.

First off, the Government is for the people, here to protect its people, not run the people's everyday life.

Im not a big Romney fan either but he is definitely the better choice and my opinion, the only choice we have. We CANNOT afford 4 more years of Obama. My favorite candidate we had was Herman Cain, for those of you wondering.

But these recent attacks on US Embassies, lack of Israel support and Iran situation has really got me upset.

Mr. President....Attacking US Embassies is an act of war and you are doing nothing to defend them or America. He wont meet with the Israel Prime Minister but invites the Egypt Muslim Brotherhood leader over here ? Why, I have no understanding of that. He apologizes to Islamic countries about our beliefs in Islam but doesnt defend us when they attack our country's beliefs and way of life. Disgusting.

And in America, we all know his failures here..

Record National Debt over 16 trillion dollars. He has increased the National Debt more than all other presidents combined!
Unemployment higher than ever
Oil Prices high
Ruining the healthcare system
Lack of Military Support
Not defending our borders
Not enforcing illegal immigration but insteads caters to them, lets them stay here, work, get driver's licenses, etc...
Our Nation's credit rating has dropped to AA-

I could go on and on but I wont. America will fall if he stays in office another 4 years. I am a veteran and to see this country being destroyed by him is very upsetting and depressing.

race aficionado
16th September 2012, 18:03
Good for you for expressing yourself but there is another thread dedicated to the presidential elections in the U.S. of A.
You can vent there.

16th September 2012, 18:32
Please use the existing thread.