View Full Version : Remembering 9-11

11th September 2012, 06:52
May we never forget the victims or this tragic day. Here is the best tribute video for 9-11 made by Budweiser. It is an amazing and touching video...


11th September 2012, 10:16
On the radio they were discussing the world response to the attacks, and the world's solidarity with the citizens of the US that immediately followed the attacks. Something I feel has been totally forgotten by most, and far more important than some shot of animals bowing their heads.

Two highlights I found especially moving today are of a candlelight vigil held in Iran, [url=http://shabhaft.blogfa.com/post-134.aspx]شب Ù‡Ù

11th September 2012, 13:30
A prayer to remember those who lost their lives, those who lost loved ones!

11th September 2012, 14:33

If you cant appreciate that video, than something is wrong, Im sorry but it is very well done and tasteful. Instead of appreciating a great video done by Americans, you bring up a paper from Iran, which is not a peaceful country, close to having nukes, threatening Israel and us ???? I dont get it my friend.

Alfa Fan
11th September 2012, 15:07
Is it not time to stop bringing this up every year yet? It's been 11 years?

11th September 2012, 15:26
New here so I won't add my two cents to danicafan only that you missed the whole point of the post by the Ugsquirrel

11th September 2012, 15:27

If you cant appreciate that video, than something is wrong, Im sorry but it is very well done and tasteful.

No. Clearly if you think the majority of the world's countries showing unity and compassion towards the United States is outweighed by a beer ad, something is wrong with you.

Instead of appreciating a great video done by Americans, you bring up a paper from Iran, which is not a peaceful country, close to having nukes, threatening Israel and us ???? I dont get it my friend.

I'll let you try to figure it out.

11th September 2012, 15:39
No. Clearly if you think the majority of the world's countries showing unity and compassion towards the United States is outweighed by a beer ad, something is wrong with you.

I'll let you try to figure it out.

I never said people rallying up for the United States and showing support wasnt more important than an ad... I dont know where you got that. I simply posted a great video tribute and instead of you saying it was a good video, you made a subtle bad remark about it. And then you post a paper from another enemy country, Iran...That part I dont get it. Iran doesnt like America anymore than Afghanistan or Iraq. That to me was disrespectful.

11th September 2012, 15:56
Danica, it is you that is showing disrespect.

9/11 was not solely an American tragedy but a world one. What happened was Evil and the World community shares sympathy with America. To disrespect others that express sympathy in their own way just because that haven't lauded praise on your post and continue to refer to people as 'enemies' is systematic of a deeper underlying issue that is a barrier to Peace.

Remember all victims of terror, oppression and terrorism with the dignity they deserve and share a moment of thought to understand the reasons behind these attrocities so we may never see their like again.

11th September 2012, 15:59
Um, I don’t understand DanicaFan… were you genuinely posting to initiate a commemorative thread for the events of 9/11 or were you trying to solicit admiration for the video you posted?

I do think you misunderstood theugsquirrel’s post, the content of which, IMO, was quite humbling. He did not post anything showing malevolence to the U.S.A or its allies; quite the opposite. In fact he included quite an admirable post from a French newspaper which you seem to have purposefully ignored.

11th September 2012, 16:47
Um, I don’t understand DanicaFan… were you genuinely posting to initiate a commemorative thread for the events of 9/11 or were you trying to solicit admiration for the video you posted?

I do think you misunderstood theugsquirrel’s post, the content of which, IMO, was quite humbling. He did not post anything showing malevolence to the U.S.A or its allies; quite the opposite. In fact he included quite an admirable post from a French newspaper which you seem to have purposefully ignored.

You did not understand "Danicafan"'s ( what sort of person would have a screen name like that?) post snarling at a reminder that once---a long time ago, the whole world was as shocked and angry ---and resolved as we were ONCE an long time ago, before the darkest, most evil parts of the American society usurped the feelings and tried pretty damn good to use the feelings of shock and yeah terror, to their own political advantages ----

because it is incoherent, because HE is what those in power who wanted to use the post 9/11 feeling for their evil ends, used to accomplish their goal. And it is blind hate, that's why you don't understand it.

He is the same as the hijackers. Not one thing different except the name of who they hate.

The terr'ists were too hate filled to bother thinking of the difference between PEOPLE and Government,
this piece of work blithely calls Iran "another enemy country" (another? I didn't know "we" had any "enemy countries" ).
being too full of hate to bother to think of the difference between People and BLUSTER of one part of a Government.

The reason I don't bring up anything about 9/11 is because it fuels these hate filled savages like DanicaFanboy, people no different that the Hijackers, and it reminds me of how their hate and blindness destroyed that brief brilliant world-wide feeling of solidarity everybody was filled with, and the resolve to get something done..

That was the bigger tragedy than ours on 9/11, bigger by 30-50-60 times.. Just took more time and a trillion, three to do.

11th September 2012, 17:01
janvan, it's clear you dont live in the US.

You are completely off-base here. If you think America has no enemies, you are lying to yourself and you know it! I was not showing hate. I simply posted a great tribute video to a tragic day in history and then Uglysquirrel makes a hidden attack on it but brings up Iran. Im sorry Iran is full of radical muslims (terrorists) who hate America and everything that isnt Islam.

If you havent been paying attention, Iran is about to create nukes and they have threatened Israel. This is scary stuff. The terrorists in this country will do anything to spread thier "hatred" on the world.
I hate no one but I hate acts of violence that terrorists do. It is unexcusable. But I know in the end, God will be the final judge on these people.

11th September 2012, 17:16
janvan, it's clear you dont live in the US.

You are completely off-base here. If you think America has no enemies, you are lying to yourself and you know it! I was not showing hate. I simply posted a great tribute video to a tragic day in history and then Uglysquirrel makes a hidden attack on it but brings up Iran. Im sorry Iran is full of radical muslims (terrorists) who hate America and everything that isnt Islam.

If you havent been paying attention, Iran is about to create nukes and they have threatened Israel. This is scary stuff. The terrorists in this country will do anything to spread thier "hatred" on the world.
I hate no one but I hate acts of violence that terrorists do. It is unexcusable. But I know in the end, God will be the final judge on these people.
Before you say anything more can I suggest you follow the link that Uglysquirrel posted and pause to reflect. The candlelight vigil in Iran was in memory of the 2977 victims and NOT the 19 terrorists.

11th September 2012, 17:43
janvan, it's clear you dont live in the US.

You are completely off-base here. If you think America has no enemies, you are lying to yourself and you know it! I was not showing hate. I simply posted a great tribute video to a tragic day in history and then Uglysquirrel makes a hidden attack on it but brings up Iran. Im sorry Iran is full of radical muslims (terrorists) who hate America and everything that isnt Islam.

If you havent been paying attention, Iran is about to create nukes and they have threatened Israel. This is scary stuff. The terrorists in this country will do anything to spread thier "hatred" on the world.
I hate no one but I hate acts of violence that terrorists do. It is unexcusable. But I know in the end, God will be the final judge on these people.

I do live in the US, I was born here. But I have lived and worked in a number of countries and worked by lots of people---some of whom were considered "OUR enemies", that Poooof! suddenly the same people were not our enemies. And worked and knew and even married some who were supposed to be our valliant allies, and then Pooof! suddenly they are "our enemies"....then they are something else.

So I wasn't aware that I had any enemies----excpt people who hate others they have never met and had a cup of coffee or tea and shared a ciggie---
Gee lets see you hate millions of people who you have never met---sounds like youre ready to slaughter anybody some vooddooo voice tells you to.

At least we agree on one this where you said
"The errorists in THIS country will do anything to spread their hatred.. on the world"

Yeah...pretty frank admission; the US has military troops in how many countries? 123?

And I thought it was a beer ad.

race aficionado
11th September 2012, 17:48
We will have grown as a nation when we finally move on.
By moving on I don't mean to forget the terrible tragedy that happened 11 years ago but to go past it in a way that we don't carry this weight of anger and hurt as part of our nation's identity.

May all the victims of 9/11 rest in peace and may their loved ones also find peace in their hearts.

11th September 2012, 17:50
We can never forget 9/11 as it was horrendous to watch on Television,in fact when i came home the news was on ,and at first I thought I was wartching a film.I dont ever want to witness sights like that EVER again.The other reminder for us ,is that it is my grandsons birthday (He is 10 today),he is a really bright star to us ,and he was born on the first anniversary of 9/11 .So horrific memories of that fatefull day ,and i really do hope that most if not all of the perpitrators of that horrific massacre are also now dead .

Garry Walker
11th September 2012, 18:17
I never said people rallying up for the United States and showing support wasnt more important than an ad... I dont know where you got that. I simply posted a great video tribute and instead of you saying it was a good video, you made a subtle bad remark about it. And then you post a paper from another enemy country, Iran...That part I dont get it. Iran doesnt like America anymore than Afghanistan or Iraq. That to me was disrespectful.
There are times when saying nothing is better than saying something and looking stupid. This was one of those times for you.

We can never forget 9/11 as it was horrendous to watch on Television,in fact when i came home the news was on ,and at first I thought I was wartching a film. .

Yeah, it was surreal. I was watching it and thinking this can't really be happening.

11th September 2012, 18:40
...Uglysquirrel makes a hidden attack on it but brings up Iran. Im sorry Iran is full of radical muslims (terrorists) who hate America and everything that isnt Islam...

That’s an ignorant and “broad brush” view.
It’s rather disturbing that just the mention of Iran is construed as an “attack”.

Theugsquirrel’s post demonstrates that, despite the recent vehement rhetoric asserted by the Iranian government, the country is home to peaceful citizens sympathetic to the victims of the tragic 9/11 events. If anything, the link in his post displays a certain level of tolerance by Iranians towards Americans, and non-muslims in general.

Perhaps if we all demonstrated a certain degree of understanding and tolerance of other cultures and faiths events such as 9/11 could be alleviated.

11th September 2012, 18:59
Is it not time to stop bringing this up every year yet? It's been 11 years?
It's not time to stop bringing this up any more than it's time to stop remembering 12/7/41. It will never be time to stop remembering and keeping a watchful eye to try and prevent a recurrence.

That doesn't mean you automatically hate all those people, Just the ones actually responsible for those acts.

11th September 2012, 19:12
bring up a paper from Iran, which is not a peaceful country, close to having nukes, threatening Israel and us ???? I dont get it my friend.

Those were spontaneous demonstrations in Iran in sympathy for the US after 9/11. How can you not appreciate that gesture from the Iranian people? Don't you think that shows the global horror felt at the events in NY that day?

There weren't even similar shows of support in America's wonderful ally Israel.

11th September 2012, 19:18
janvan, it's clear you dont live in the US.

You are completely off-base here. If you think America has no enemies, you are lying to yourself and you know it! I was not showing hate. I simply posted a great tribute video to a tragic day in history and then Uglysquirrel makes a hidden attack on it but brings up Iran. Im sorry Iran is full of radical muslims (terrorists) who hate America and everything that isnt Islam.

If you havent been paying attention, Iran is about to create nukes and they have threatened Israel. This is scary stuff. The terrorists in this country will do anything to spread thier "hatred" on the world.
I hate no one but I hate acts of violence that terrorists do. It is unexcusable. But I know in the end, God will be the final judge on these people.

One thing I learnt from the Iranian people when I travelled there was to learn to differentiate between the people and the governments that rule them. Not just because the Iranians were kind to a level beyond belief when I went pre-9/11 while even then the government was ruled by dicks but because the Iranians themselves showed me how.

I lost count of the times I was told directly to my face "I do not like what your government does but I love the British people".

Governments do not equal people especially in non-democratic countries.

Following 9/11 people globally expressed sympathy for the American people regardless of what they thought of American government actions up to that time. They all managed to tell the difference between the two. It seems that lesson passed you by. Very sad.

11th September 2012, 19:22
Yeah, it was surreal. I was watching it and thinking this can't really be happening.

I heard it on the radio first and assumed from the initial reports that it was a doddery old fool flying his Cessna into the twin towers on a cloudy day. Then I saw the first footage with the clear deep blue skies and realised something was very wrong.

Apart from the shock and horror all I could feel was that the world would never be the same again but wasn't sure how, a very odd feeling indeed.

11th September 2012, 19:26
The sad aspect of the events 11 years ago is that very few countries were left unaffected. I know that in the Rep of Ireland that the Friday after the tragic event the country held a day of morning. It meant all business came to a halt. This tradition was carried out for a number of years but I am unsure what happens now.
I find it sad that Danicafan continues to seek approval of his horses video (tremendous) and then ignores the content of the posts issued directly to him.

Does he realize that of all the Mid-East counties polled as to their like or dislike of the US, Iran came out with seeing the US in a very favorable light. More so than any of "our allies" in the Muslim world.
I still do not understand why Israel is so important to you Danicafan.I fear Pakistan a lot more than I would Iran.

14th September 2012, 15:21
I was driving to uni when it came on the radio. I didn't catch the whole story just that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Centre. I thought it must have been a light plane and then promptly forgot about it. By the time I got home that day I had seen images I will never forget. My wife was 6 months pregnant with our first son and that evening we wondered what sort of world he was coming into.

We should never forget the events of 9/11. Just as we should never forget the events that caused WWII. To forget is to 'unlearn' the lessons of these tragic events and in the unlearning we are setting ourselves up for them to happen again.

donKey jote
15th September 2012, 11:19
All very well, so long as we leave the jingoistics out of it and never forget what "we should never forget" should really mean.

15th September 2012, 14:28
burberry (http://www.burberrysalesuk.com/)