View Full Version : The "I hate when that happens" thread #firstworldproblems

race aficionado
10th September 2012, 17:38
Don't you hate it when you have the keys in the "wrong pocket" and your hands are full and you want to open the door ?

By wrong hand I mean that if you are a righty and your keys are unfortunately on the left side of your body . . . .
any way, it just happened to me and I hate when that happens! :dozey: :D

10th September 2012, 17:43
I have my home and work keys on opposite ends of my key chain. Whenever I try to open my office with the house key in the morning I know it's going to be a long day.

Also when someone parks their bike in my usual spot at work.

10th September 2012, 19:23
I really hate when you buy stuff that you need on a trip but when you start looking for it,
you realize that you forgot that thing at home. :( :|

race aficionado
10th September 2012, 20:08
:) I've gotten two good laughs after reading your posts. :)

10th September 2012, 21:02
Went to the grocery store Saturday and checked the list meticulously to be sure I didn't miss any of the sale items we need. Got to the check out and realized the mfg coupons were still on my desk.

10th September 2012, 23:08
Both my sister-in-laws were in town last weekend. I hate when that happens.

11th September 2012, 18:24
Don't you hate it when you have the keys in the "wrong pocket" and your hands are full and you want to open the door ?

By wrong hand I mean that if you are a righty and your keys are unfortunately on the left side of your body . . . .
any way, it just happened to me and I hate when that happens! :dozey: :D

A couple of days ago I was getting ready to go out. Had the keys to my bike in my hand. Got my stuff together, still had the keys in my hand. Got all my kit on, still had the keys in my hand. Went out to the bike, no keys anywhere. Spent fifteen minutes looking for them before I gave up and took the spares. Took me another two days to find them. How does that happen?

11th September 2012, 20:29
This evening I decided that after spending near on £300 on roof carrier for my bike and bringing it to England that I really should take it for a spin, otherwise it's a complete waste. So off I go and drive to Hamsterley about 50 minutes away, and pay the £3 for the car park and jump out excitedly.

Got changed, took all the straps off the bike, unscrewed the bolt holding it on and...... nothing. Couldn't get it off!! Tried everything but it wouldn't budge, turned it a thousand times and nothing. I'm totally fuming!!!

It's booked into the dealer on Friday for a check up anyway so hopefully they have a low roof....

12th September 2012, 07:15
I hate it whenever I come on this forum and see it's almost dead.

Rudy Tamasz
12th September 2012, 13:41
I don't hate it, but I get worked up when people around me put too much drama into something that I consider ordinary. Yesterday my mom told me that the grass grew way too high around our country house. She sounded like it was the Apocalypse in progress and dandelions were the vicious creatures from the dark side. I am not quite excited to hear the gloomy tales of dandelion disaster when I'm having my lunch.

12th September 2012, 14:02
I hate it when you tell your other half to let you know how their medical appointment goes and they just dont bother. All I need to know is whether his wrist is still broken or fixed. It's a simple enough answer to communicate.

12th September 2012, 14:17
I hate it when you tell your other half to let you know how their medical appointment goes and they just dont bother. All I need to know is whether his wrist is still broken or fixed. It's a simple enough answer to communicate.

Maybe he's angry you didn't bother to accompany him at the doctor....

12th September 2012, 15:36
I hate it whenever I wear pants that do not have a rear pocket where I generally keep my wallet, because there is a sense of security that comes from the feeling of that bad boy against my fine @ss.
I also hate it when I go on a hike and stash my keychain in one of several, either pine needle, or ivy covered areas of my property so I can spontaneously break out into a jog or sprint as my endorphins move me. Then after ruminating my way through an excellent runner’s high, I return to find I have no recollection where I left them.
This is partly due to having oldtimers. :arrowed:

12th September 2012, 15:58
I hate it whenever I wear pants that do not have a rear pocket where I generally keep my wallet, because there is a sense of security that comes from the feeling of that bad boy against my fine @ss.
I also hate it when I go on a hike and stash my keychain in one of several, either pine needle, or ivy covered areas of my property so I can spontaneously break out into a jog or sprint as my endorphins move me. Then after ruminating my way through an excellent runner’s high, I return to find I have no recollection where I left them.
This is partly due to having oldtimers. :arrowed:
There are two things which go bad when you age. The first one is your memory and.........I forgot the second. :p

12th September 2012, 16:07
I hate it whenever I wear pants that do not have a rear pocket where I generally keep my wallet, because there is a sense of security that comes from the feeling of that bad boy against my fine @ss.
I also hate it when I go on a hike and stash my keychain in one of several, either pine needle, or ivy covered areas of my property so I can spontaneously break out into a jog or sprint as my endorphins move me. Then after ruminating my way through an excellent runner’s high, I return to find I have no recollection where I left them.
This is partly due to having oldtimers. :arrowed:

Yeah what the hell is the idea of shorts with no back pocket? Or they move the ONE back pocket around--sometimes here, then there? Madre dios!

As for forgetting the keys when you're all Natural High™ from running, if you'd planned ahead, you could have ripped your knees to shreads 35 years ago and keep getting knee operations , then you would have an excuse for not running and therefore you wouldn't need to find the keys..

Always expect the unexpected! THAT is the secret (clashing organ keys)

12th September 2012, 16:15
I hate it whenever I wear pants that do not have a rear pocket where I generally keep my wallet, because there is a sense of security that comes from the feeling of that bad boy against my fine @ss.
I also hate it when I go on a hike and stash my keychain in one of several, either pine needle, or ivy covered areas of my property so I can spontaneously break out into a jog or sprint as my endorphins move me. Then after ruminating my way through an excellent runner’s high, I return to find I have no recollection where I left them.
This is partly due to having oldtimers. :arrowed:
I bought myself some new chinos from Asda (Walmart's UK subsidiary) and I find that the back pocket is too shallow to take my wallet. It comes out when I sit down or when I'm driving - AAARGH! Should've gone to Marks & Sparks and paid twice as much

12th September 2012, 16:29
I bought myself some new chinos from Asda (Walmart's UK subsidiary) and I find that the back pocket is too shallow to take my wallet. It comes out when I sit down or when I'm driving - AAARGH! Should've gone to Marks & Sparks and paid twice as muchThat sir is an eventuality I never considered, and an absolute nightmare in my way of thinking. :grenade:

I try to stick to only Levi Brand Jeans. I won't tell you what I used to pay for them. :(

12th September 2012, 16:32
Strange you aren't happy. I buy all my clothes from ASDA and I'm always delirious with joy :mark:

12th September 2012, 17:40
I try to stick to only Levi Brand Jeans. I won't tell you what I used to pay for them. :(

Since you're in the US and we're in the UK probably about 1/3 to 1/2 of what we have to pay...

12th September 2012, 20:59
Since you're in the US and we're in the UK probably about 1/3 to 1/2 of what we have to pay...
It's now 50 plus bucks for a pair of basic jeans. That's why I buy Lee and Wrangler now.

12th September 2012, 23:02
Don't you hate it when on a cold morning, you deploy a missile, it makes a big splash in the sea and the water jumps and hits your hatch...? :hmph:

:erm: :uhoh:

13th September 2012, 07:22
I hate it whenever I wear pants that do not have a rear pocket where I generally keep my wallet, because there is a sense of security that comes from the feeling of that bad boy against my fine @ss.:
I know it would never happen but just in case you'll ever come to Bucharest remember to keep your wallet somewhere else. :laugh:

I also hate it when I go on a hike and stash my keychain in one of several, either pine needle, or ivy covered areas of my property so I can spontaneously break out into a jog or sprint as my endorphins move me. Then after ruminating my way through an excellent runner’s high, I return to find I have no recollection where I left them.
This is partly due to having oldtimers. :arrowed:
That's easy to solve. Instead of several places choose just one. I used to hide the keys in a pipe.

13th September 2012, 07:37
Thanks for that Gadgi. Why didn't I think of that? ;)

13th September 2012, 09:02
It's now 50 plus bucks for a pair of basic jeans. That's why I buy Lee and Wrangler now.

That's not that much even for me. I paid about 35 for a trivial Yessica pair.

13th September 2012, 13:02
I know it would never happen but just in case you'll ever come to Bucharest remember to keep your wallet somewhere else. :laugh:

Funnily enough, when on holiday I don't keep my wallet in my hip pocket. But at home I'm [wrongly?] more trusting - admittedly usually with a coat or jacket on over the top.

In Greece last year I had left the wallet behind and had a couple of notes in my back pocket. Someone brushed against me and I felt the money fall to the ground (luckily I was wearing shorts). I picked it up, put it back in my pocket thinking I'd somehow dropped it - and it fell out through a neatly cut hole!

13th September 2012, 13:36
I know it would never happen but just in case you'll ever come to Bucharest

Clear vision, or as the French say: "Clairvoyance" Gadji? :kiss: :facelick: :angel:

13th September 2012, 13:49
Nah... You don't need paranormal capacities to know that this city can't attract people except for gypsies and peasants.

13th September 2012, 13:55
At least one and probably two of my younger sisters have visited :dozey: :wave:

13th September 2012, 14:04
two of my baby sisters

Wow! Large family you have....

Wonder if when they came back they still had their wallets...

13th September 2012, 14:32
Wow! Large family you have....

Wonder if when they came back they still had their wallets...
I'm pretty sure that they as well as my other three siblings, their better halves, and offspring only had trouble in that arena in Italy

13th September 2012, 14:39
Maybe they were in Budapest... :laugh:

Coming back to the thread ( before some moderator will pull our sleeves ) I hate when people come to Bucharest but say they're in Budapest.

13th September 2012, 14:42
i know which ones that took vacations in Eastern Europe and have been to Budapest silly!
"Silence is foolish if we are wise, but wise if we are foolish"

I hate it when complete strangers act in a prejudicial manner. ;)

13th September 2012, 14:48
Maybe they were in Budapest... :laugh:

Coming back to the thread ( before some moderator will pull our sleeves ) I hate when people come to Bucharest but say they're in Budapest.

Sort of like people who keeps mixing up Sweden and Switzerland.

It even happen to our king once. He was in the small town called Arboga where held
a speech. He started the speech with "Dear Örebroare".

The thing is that Örebroare is what we call persons living in the city of Örebro, which 45km west of Arboga. :rolleyes:

I am pretty sure that he hated when that happened. ;)

13th September 2012, 14:52
i know which ones that took vacations in Eastern Europe and have been to Budapest silly!

There were spaniards who bought tickets to Europe League final in Bucharest but booked plane tickets for Budapest. Imagine their faces when they landed there.

13th September 2012, 15:00
There were spaniards who bought tickets to Europe League final in Bucharest but booked plane tickets for Budapest. Imagine their faces when they landed there.That my good woman is an indictment of some Football enthusiast’s and not Spaniard's, No?

13th September 2012, 16:37
How about when your wife asks you to pick up some item and you ask "is there going to be omething I'll ned to know" and she says no.

When you get to the store there are 40 different types of the product she is asking you to get. Grrrrr!

13th September 2012, 17:12
At this particular moment I really hate the attitude of three attorneys, two of which are family members!
Lawyers are only surpassed by real estate agents in pushiness!

13th September 2012, 17:36
It's now 50 plus bucks for a pair of basic jeans. That's why I buy Lee and Wrangler now.

Its about £70-80 full price here so you pay half what we pay.

Thats another thing I hate, having to pay vastly different prices in different countries for exactly the same product.

14th September 2012, 09:14
I really really hate when my stomach decides to revolt on me. :\ :s :mad:

14th September 2012, 10:03
That my good woman is an indictment of some Football enthusiast’s and not Spaniard's, No?

I don't accuse anybody. Who knows? Maybe one day I'd like to go to Palma de Mallorca and book tickets for Las Palmas. :laugh:

14th September 2012, 13:46
I really hate it when I vomit a little inside my mouth. :s tareup: ;)

15th September 2012, 15:30
I hate it on an overcrowded metro when your crushed in, and people keep shoving there bags into you.

18th September 2012, 14:59
I hate when I ask for coffee with no sugar but when I get to my office I find it's sweetened to nearly a syrup. They're training a new girl who isn't on the ball, yet.

18th September 2012, 15:14
Just can't get the staff :|

19th September 2012, 19:14
i really hate when the rain messes up speedway races. Been waiting for over an hour for the semi final
between Piraterna and Dackarna to begin. It got delayed because of rain.

20th September 2012, 08:52
i really hate rain .

Fixed that for you.

20th September 2012, 13:14
How about:
Arrive at Goodwood for the Revival, walk 5 yards from the car, find I haven't got my wallet.
Search the ground, search the car - still no wallet; spend the day at Godwood worrying about where I may have lost it and unable to buy anything (a beer, expensive fast food, motor racing books, automabilia, period clothes, fake Aston Martins etc).
Get home and find it on the bedside table.

Day ruined for no real reason.

20th September 2012, 14:14
What is supposed to be a natural thing like going to a pharmacy with a drug prescription can sometimes turn into a nightmare. There were 4 type of medicines on the list and one of them was impossible to find. Whenever I found it they have only one bottle and I needed two. After 3 days of running from shop to shop I finally found a pharmacy where they got 2 bottles but ...fatality.... they hadn’t another medicine from the prescription. One of the chemists was so kind to check for other shops of their network and found only 2 shops on the outskirts of the city. In the 4th day finally some chemist ended my torment by ordering them special for me. On the 5th day I was called to the shop to take them and...fatality...they asked for my mother’s ID which of course I hadn’t with me.

20th September 2012, 16:27
It sounds like a real hassle to get some pharmaceutical grade Ecstasy in your little corner of heaven :) ;)

race aficionado
20th September 2012, 16:57
What is supposed to be a natural thing like going to a pharmacy with a drug prescription can sometimes turn into a nightmare. . . . . . and...fatality...they asked for my mother’s ID which of course I hadn’t with me.

That sucks.
My son was prescribed ADHD medicine and that drug is $o popular that when we went for our first refill, no pharmacy that we've visited has it in stock. :mad:

21st September 2012, 08:07
It sounds like a real hassle to get some pharmaceutical grade Ecstasy in your little corner of heaven :) ;)

My problem is that my mother benefits of free of charge medicines ( not all of them and for some we still have to pay some compensation ). The discount is payed from the budget so you need a prescription with all those free medicines you take during a month. The prescription will remain at the drug store so you have to buy all medicines at the same time. Usually I have no problems in getting them but now she has to take a new one which I can't find. Ironically, before taking the prescription I bought them at random and always found it.
Some years ago we faced other problem. Drug stores had a limit to support free or partially compensated medicines and you had to run from store to store to find one that still was under the limit.

Taking the prescription from the doctor was another "entertainment" episode as I had to stay 3-4 hours at a queue. Now I changed the doctor and sort the problem in 5 minutes.

As for the Ecstasy in my little corner of heaven ( ??!!?!), until last year the shops that sold "ethnobotanicals" or spice-drugs or whatever they're called were as many as the mushrooms after a rainy day....

21st September 2012, 09:25
FWIW I did a little research. Apparently MDMA (Ecstasy) is used at about the same rate in Romania as the U.S, but we don't hold a candle to the U.K. in this arena ;) :

Ecstasy has been tried by between 0.3 % (Romania, 2007) and 8.3 % (UK (England and Wales) 2009/10) of the adult population. 14 of 23 reporting countries have ecstasy life time prevalence rates between 1 % and 3 %
EMCDDA | Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) (http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/mdma)

In 2009, an estimated 760,000 people (0.3 percent of the population) in the United States
MDMA (Ecstasy) | DrugFacts | National Institute on Drug Abuse (http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/mdma-ecstasy)
BTW I can't say I have ever tried it.

As for the pharmaceuticals your mother needs I do sympathies with your plight. I really do hate it when I'm an insensitive prick :mark:

22nd September 2012, 18:48
One thing that I REALLY REALLY hate---and it has become extrm,ely widespread as ther logical and resoning abilities of certain sectors in the US has plummeted----is when somebody -----from a bimbo clerk at a bank to ordinary hulk cop to better educated cops to the idiots which do not Guard Our Borders, but annoy everybody---asks for "I.D." and then--it happens--when presented with a nice clear government issued ID, say ---as they pause from their chewing the cud----
THIS IS EXPIRED.......in the most annoying combination of whining and annoying nasal puzzlement that only American idiots can do and return to chewing their bubble gum looking at you with blank empty eyes.

You point out that, let's say driver's licence is "expired in its capacity as a LICENCE TO DRIVE A CAR" and since the current request for "Identification' has NOTHING to do with driving a car, and there is a nice pretty photograph and a NAME , that it does a pretty good job as IDENTIFICATION..

"Oh no it's expired....."

The higher the ratio of intelligence to power, the more the idiots seem to fixate on the expired part.

I had a clearly mentally retarded cop at an impound yard in Massachusetts which a car of mine which had been stolen ---and found same night--- who kept whining about a second piece of ID---and when I pointed out that is was for INDENTIFICATION---and there was a nice photo and the name matched ---he moans/whine but how am I supposed to KNOW its really you?

I looked again and one of those flukes, in both the driver's licence and whatever the other thing was I was wearing the same green shirt as I was then wearing----

"Weeeeeelllll I don't know............"

23rd September 2012, 11:37
Watching Doctor Who when Professor Brian Cox makes a guest appearance and he doesn't say "and that's amazing"

23rd September 2012, 12:26
Did he say "Billions and Billions"?

23rd September 2012, 12:35
I hate how the rest of my family are on diets, so there is no bacon to be had for me on a Sunday morning :(

23rd September 2012, 17:07
So buy your own bacon! Eesh!

race aficionado
23rd September 2012, 17:41
Did someone say bacon??? :hot:

24th September 2012, 08:29
1.Bought some trousers 2 years ago and used to wear them at shopping. After a year of wearing them I entered a shop without any problem but when I left the shop alarm tingled and imagine my embarassment. I thought it’s from the shirt so next day I went to a mall quite far from my home wearing the same trousers. When I attempted to enter the first shop the entrance alarm started to tingle and I had to go home with the tail between my legs.
2. Traveling by train in my country is an unforgetable experience as trains may have delays even from the start. This summer I took the train on the route Mangalia-Bucharest ( 268 km ). In the past due to endless repairs of the railway it could last even 8 hours but this year they announced it’s ready and it would last 4.30 hours. The train was supposed to leave at 13.30 but arrived at the platform at about 14.00. Then it stopped a thousand times ( despite being charged at an inter-reggio price ) and arrived in Bucharest at 19.30. The candy on the funeral cake was when the air conditioned failed and for an hour we were trapped inside at 40 C degrees outside. As if it wasn’t enough after 3 days I took again a train to Campina. There are only 90 km and I thought it would be a pleasant trip but...surprise: the train left Bucharest with a delay of 1 hour.

24th September 2012, 15:04
We have trains like that in Britain as well. Particularly on Sundays (or all weekend) when they do line repairs.

25th September 2012, 18:17
I hate how the rest of my family are on diets, so there is no bacon to be had for me on a Sunday morning :(

J4MIE i my condolences ;) :

Drought blamed for expected bacon shortage | Turn to 10 (http://www2.turnto10.com/news/2012/sep/25/drought-blamed-expected-bacon-shortage-ar-1184585/)

25th September 2012, 19:55

25th September 2012, 20:03
Drought. That's a larf.

25th September 2012, 20:33
We could ship it over to them Mark :D

Rudy Tamasz
26th September 2012, 13:46
Ain't it crap when I've had a good coffee, a decent lunch and a refreshing walk and I am full of energy but all I can do is get back to the office and do boring paperwork?

27th September 2012, 14:26
I hate it when I spend a load of time, researching and pricing up stuff that I can't afford. Spent much of the last day deciding which road bike I want, what cycle computers will work with it and everything -- there's no way I can afford it, modern window shopping I suppose :D . I've done the same with computers, fish tanks, you name it ;)

race aficionado
27th September 2012, 14:31
I hate it when I spend a load of time, researching and pricing up stuff that I can't afford. Spent much of the last day deciding which road bike I want, what cycle computers will work with it and everything -- there's no way I can afford it, modern window shopping I suppose :D . I've done the same with computers, fish tanks, you name it ;)

Dreaming is good - I do as you do . . . . you should see what I would like to spend for my next editing system set up. it's a beauty but as for now . . . . the one I have will do.

donKey jote
14th October 2012, 05:58
I hate when I crawl out of bed at stupid hours in the morning to watch F1, set everything up...

and find out it doesn't until an hour later :mad: :p

14th October 2012, 09:30
Back in the day they'd often have a fly away race on the same Sunday the clocks changed. It often required a bit of maths to work out when to get up!

race aficionado
14th October 2012, 18:17
I hate when I crawl out of bed at stupid hours in the morning to watch F1, set everything up...

and find out it doesn't until an hour later :mad: :p

. . . . and then Vettel wins! :blackeye:

bad Donkey!


15th October 2012, 15:27
I hate it when sitting on a crowded bus you see a lady standing, but aren’t quite sure if she’s pregnant or is just a Walmart-queen with a beer-belly. Do you do the gentlemanly thing, at the risk of offending her, and offer her your seat, or do you continue to sit there like a donkey? :erm:

15th October 2012, 15:44
I hate it when sitting on a crowded bus you see a lady standing, but aren’t quite sure if she’s pregnant or is just a Walmart-queen with a beer-belly. Do you do the gentlemanly thing, at the risk of offending her, and offer her your seat, or do you continue to sit there like a donkey? :erm:

Stand up, but don't offer her the seat. That way you both end up standing.

15th October 2012, 17:05
True, but without making some kind of gesture some other standing passenger would likely take the seat :mark:

donKey jote
15th October 2012, 17:14
do you continue to sit there like a donkey? :erm:

I always stand for a lady :erm: :andrea:

15th October 2012, 18:29
I hate it when some purchase, my mountainbike in this case, causes a ripple effect in my bank account. First the bike, then some equipment and tools, then some clothes, then some protective gear and now a bigger car with a tail hook for transporting the damn thing. Atleast i've done my part in blocking recession in my country. :D

15th October 2012, 19:41
Haha. Yeah same. I buy my bike then I need front light, back light, second back light, powerful front light, cycle computer, another cycle computer, bottle cages, bidons, helmet, saddle bag, pump, allen keys (many), external battery for phone, puncture repair kit, shorts, t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, cycling jerseys, gloves, hook to hang the bike on the wall.

I'm sure that's not everything and I sti short of a few things! I reckon I must have spent a similar amount to what the bike is worth in accessories!

15th October 2012, 20:42
I hate it when some purchase, my mountainbike in this case, causes a ripple effect in my bank account. First the bike, then some equipment and tools, then some clothes, then some protective gear and now a bigger car with a tail hook for transporting the damn thing. Atleast i've done my part in blocking recession in my country. :D
Just like having a baby - and at 30 years old the eldest is still costing us money!

15th October 2012, 20:57
Same as janneppi and Mark here, except I rarely bother to use the stuff anyway :( :p :

15th October 2012, 21:15
Haha. Yeah same. I buy my bike then I need front light, back light, second back light, powerful front light, cycle computer, another cycle computer, bottle cages, bidons, helmet, saddle bag, pump, allen keys (many), external battery for phone, puncture repair kit, shorts, t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, cycling jerseys, gloves, hook to hang the bike on the wall.

I'm sure that's not everything and I sti short of a few things! I reckon I must have spent a similar amount to what the bike is worth in accessories!

Did you buy the bike to get yourself in shape? Well, then you're still ahead because you saved the cost of a gym membership and all the extras that that entails.

Did you buy the bike for commuting to work? Well, then you're still ahead because you saved yourself the cost of gas & parking or bus fair.

Did you buy the bike purely for the pleasure of riding it? Well, then you would've been better off buying a bottle of wine & a dozen roses for the missus. :D

16th October 2012, 15:41
I managed to buy a bike and not spending all that much in different gear and stuff. I just added lights, a big fat lock, a bell and that's it. Of course it is not a mountain bike or nothing of the sort, it is the kind of black, town bike you see on films.

16th October 2012, 16:31
... it is the kind of black, town bike you see on films.

Donney? :eek:


18th October 2012, 15:03
Hey where did you get that pic???? I would be highly pleased if you would cease to display it publicly! :p

race aficionado
19th November 2012, 02:14
Today I hated the fact that I am almost ready to concede that I will never, ever be in good shape again.
I once use to go the gym, ride my bike around Central Park, play football (soccer)

Today I was playing with my 8 year old nephew and playing tag in the park and after 5 minutes of running I was wheezing and not feeling very athletic.

Pretty sad really . . . .

And I don't smoke nor drink alcohol.

so kudos to Mark (and his bike) and the other forum members that keep themselves in shape.

Don't let it happen guys, it's happening to me and I blooming hate it! :(

19th November 2012, 08:34
Eeeerrrrhhh... well, round is a shape, isn't it? :erm:

19th November 2012, 09:24
that is so so bad and I do hate it too

19th November 2012, 09:33
Me, in shape? That's a larf. I still got out of breath running around with my 1 year old !

19th November 2012, 11:30
Don't let it happen guys, it's happening to me and I blooming hate it! :(

Never too late to get a bit fitter though!

My pet hate, women in shopping queues.

Men take it as an affront to our masculinity if we haven't already calculated the price of what we're buying and haven't prepared the exact change to minimise the time we spend at the tills.

Women though seem to act surprised when the cashier actually has the temerity to ask them for money and then start an endless hunt for their purse, taking everything out of their handbag and carefully counting out the coins while the queue behind them builds up.

You'd have thought with all the practice they get they'd have got the hang of it by now....

19th November 2012, 11:46
Yes, I used to get annoyed by this when I worked at a newsagents. Long queue of customers, all wanting to be served as quickly as possible. Most of the time it's very fast, "80p please". "Here's £1", "20p change; thankyou!". But the odd one gets a load of stuff, watches patiently while I ring everything up and *then* and only then, start looking for their money, which is always at the bottom of their bag, grrr.

These days it's more -- why doesn't this VM connect to the internet, I mean I've got the network tagging right, wait, is it the MAC address?

19th November 2012, 12:12
My pet hate, women in shopping queues.

Women though seem to act surprised when the cashier actually has the temerity to ask them for money and then start an endless hunt for their purse, taking everything out of their handbag and carefully counting out the coins while the queue behind them builds up.

You'd have thought with all the practice they get they'd have got the hang of it by now....

I'm not like this. I always have a (sick?) feeling that the queue is annoyed by my presence. I'm so sensitive that even if I see a free cashier I prefer to waste time and go to the one who already has customers just to have time to look for bags, cards, money. Not to mention that when I leave home I'm careful and arrange these items in a way that I can find them easily. I'm also so butterfingered that I push all I purchases at random in the bags because in my (sick?) mind I imagine the queue is furious I'm too slow. Then I always have different types of coins in my pocket just in case I'm asked for them. etc.etc.
The most annoying people at queues are those who try to go in front of the others and those who just look how the cashier scan all products and only at the end start to put the products in bags.

race aficionado
19th November 2012, 12:34
Me, in shape? That's a larf. I still got out of breath running around with my 1 year old !

Wait! What?? Really??? A one year old????

I hate it when Mark doesn't post pictures of his child!

I had no idea!

congratulations pops!


19th November 2012, 12:49
Well if you insist!


19th November 2012, 12:59
She's so lovely....

race aficionado
19th November 2012, 14:38
Precious! :)


I'm still smiling after adding "Really" in my edit.


race aficionado
28th November 2012, 21:41
Now that w have a thread on car lights . . . .

I hate it when - at night - incoming cars on a country road that does not have that much traffic, don't lower their high lights and blind you unnecessarily.

This would happen a lot in my home country Colombia.

I've always practiced and appreciated night driving etiquette.

Oh, and once, I will never forget, an incoming car had it's high lights on and I blinked mine lowering them and he did nothing so i put up my high lights again
and the other smart ass lit what looked like a Christmas tree of high fog lights that he had on the top of his incoming car.

I was blinded and pissed off but also laughed at the same time. He got me!

29th November 2012, 15:08
I hate it when people turn on their rear fog lights in perfectly normal nights. I guess they think it is safer but it makes me want to ram my car into their stupidly bright lights. :mad:

2nd December 2012, 23:55
Try living in a country where they're only available on high end cars and owners have no idea what they are!

race aficionado
5th August 2013, 17:20
I despise these.
What's the purpose really?
Why the torture?
I never get them on the first try.
Again: Why??????
Screen shot 2013-08-05 at 11.49.52 AM | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/88034436@N06/9442817105/)

5th August 2013, 17:44
I despise these.
What's the purpose really?
Why the torture?
I never get them on the first try.
Again: Why??????
Screen shot 2013-08-05 at 11.49.52 AM | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/88034436@N06/9442817105/)
Their explanation is they want to be sure we're human beings. :devil:

race aficionado
5th August 2013, 20:22
Their explanation is they want to be sure we're human beings. :devil:

My dog . . . . well, I don't have one, I use to . . . could do better than me on some of these squiggly text thingies.

I've failed their "are you human" test many a times then.

5th August 2013, 20:58
Speaking as one of the moderators, I wish we had something like that here to keep down the amount of automated and semi-automated spam we have to deal with.

11th August 2013, 04:28
I hate it when it's summer, it's hot and whenever you find a vacant seat on the subway train there's always a man wearing short trousers and spreading legs who doesn't care he's touching neighbours legs.

race aficionado
11th August 2013, 18:11
mmmm ..... Warm hairy sweating leg contact...... Not!

14th August 2013, 06:46
I hate it when people hog the overtaking lane at 80 km/h on the highway when all you wanna do it burn it :angry:

14th August 2013, 13:23
I hate it when people hog the overtaking lane at 80 km/h on the highway when all you wanna do it burn it :angry:
Those are rude and dangerous people. I came across one yesterday afternoon on the Washington beltway who was in the middle of three lanes and doing 20 mph less than the flow of traffic. Lots of brake lights and dangerous lane changes as a result. If you've just got to go that slow then get in the &*%$* right lane!!!

15th August 2013, 19:30
I hate when people say 'First World Problems'...there is no '1st' world!

There's the Old World, the New World and the Third World.

When did this change??!?

15th August 2013, 22:58
I hate it when I'm given the choice of an office with aircon, that is in a damp dark basement but nice and cool, or an office with a view across the city and out to sea with no aircon, that gets up to 40 celcius (104f)

15th August 2013, 23:26
I hate when people say 'First World Problems'...there is no '1st' world!

There's the Old World, the New World and the Third World.

When did this change??!?

Well if there's a third world there ought to be a second world a first world no?

In Sweden use the expressions "I-land"/ I-country (a place where all the apple fanboys live ;) ) and "U-land" / u-country.
I-country is industrialized country and u-country is "Utvecklingsland" (developing country).

16th August 2013, 11:43
I hate when old pensioners choose to do their shopping in Obor Market on Saturdays and Sundays although they have all the time in the world to do it during the rest of the week. Not only they move slowly but also each of them is carrying a huge trolley blocking access or hitting your legs.

16th August 2013, 14:38
I hate when old pensioners choose to do their shopping in Obor Market on Saturdays and Sundays although they have all the time in the world to do it during the rest of the week. Not only they move slowly but also each of them is carrying a huge trolley blocking access or hitting your legs.

I hate it when people rush out on payday to do their shopping and clog up everything when I just want to grab some milk and a few odds and ends. People load up their trolleys and max out their credit cards with crap they don't need and can't afford in the first place!

17th August 2013, 19:46
I hate it when I go to the petrol / gas station and can't decide whether to stop filling when the quantity of fuel reaches a round figure, or when the price reaches a round figure.
However, I really hate it when the pump stops because the tank is full, and I can't do either of the above!

19th August 2013, 04:39
I hate it when the thing I but that I don't really need, goes on sale at 1/2 off the day after I buy it

19th August 2013, 07:59
I hate it when I'm trying on clothes and have to see myself in the mirrors of the C&A dressing rooms.

9th September 2013, 16:17
I hate that my daughter now has to be at the bus stop for school at 6am. This just isn't right!

9th September 2013, 16:18
6am? Is she commuting to a school 100 miles away?

9th September 2013, 16:54
6am? Is she commuting to a school 100 miles away?

She is in an academy program and doesn't go to the local school. It's not that far away really, but the bus routes are longer due to not picking up many kids in any given location. Here high school students start the day earlier regardless, so the combination doesn't allow for much sleep.

She knocked out hard a couple days after her first week. Myself and wife did the same today after getting her moving. :)

I really shouldn't complain, Virginia Beach has a very unique approach to advanced education in the public schools so she is well ahead of the curve. They even create classes when needed for the kids that are advancing beyond their grade level, even in the advanced classes and academies. Even within the "regular" schools they have specialty programs for both gifted and struggling students.

I just hate the 5am wake up time. :angryfire

9th September 2013, 17:42
I just hate the 5am wake up time. :angryfire
You have my simpathy.
I did it for years at my first job. I had to take 2-3 buses/trams +a lot of walking till work.

10th September 2013, 00:25
I caught the 6.04am bus from my village to Edinburgh where I worked for about 4 years. Now I can't be bothered with the 25 minute drive :s

10th September 2013, 22:45
It's too hot to bike to work. I've been taking the train for two days!

11th September 2013, 16:31
I hate it when sitting on a crowded bus and the bobble-head seated next to you falls asleep and leans against you :dozey:

11th September 2013, 17:45
I hate it when sitting on a crowded bus and the bobble-head seated next to you falls asleep and leans against you :dozey:
Even if it's a young pretty girl? :confused:

11th September 2013, 17:51
It's never a young pretty girl. It's invariably some lazy loafer whose diet is high in garlic :s

11th September 2013, 18:22
I hate it when a forum has to change and when you hover the cursor over a thread title it no longer displays a preview of the first post in that thread :p:

19th November 2013, 20:02
I really hate when you are cleaning your apartment because you have a visitor and
the vacuum cleaner breaks down. :mad: :mad: :angryfire :angryfire

I have had problems with my internet connection for almost a week and
there is a technician from my ISP coming to my apartment tomorrow and
now my vacuum cleaner have broken down. :rolleyes:

19th November 2013, 20:46
I hate to watch our national football team losing again.

19th November 2013, 21:40
drawing now Gadjo

19th November 2013, 22:19
But lost. Sorry about that. I would have preferred you to Greece. No offense Odykas

19th November 2013, 23:40
But lost. Sorry about that. I would have preferred you to Greece. No offense Odykas

:kiss: That's so sweet.....
Yeah.....I reckon our bunch of idiots is everybody's dream about possible adversarries in WC groups. :p
So adio Rio! At least next summer I'll spend a holiday without bothering about football matches.

20th November 2013, 00:07
But lost. Sorry about that. I would have preferred you to Greece. No offense Odykas


20th November 2013, 00:35
#like :p

20th November 2013, 15:24
I hate it when I get all worked up for a good game of rugga with our beloved Springboks, only for the opposition to provide no challenge whatsoever in a one sided borefest and can't even test the scoreboard. Yes, I'm referring to the bloody Scots :p: The Scots were lucky to score zero!!!! :D