View Full Version : It's hard to believe that it's almost over..

8th September 2012, 11:48
I have no problems with a racing series having just 10 races per year or so. It does seem unusual that 2012 IndyCar ends so soon. The races are too tightly spaced, specially after Indy 500. There were so many races, one per week, that I honestly couldn't keep up with some of them. I don't understand why did there have to be some many races in June, July, etc, specially considering how hot our summers are. I remember the Texas race weekend was so stupid hot. It would have been better if that race was among the last ones.

9th September 2012, 05:27
One could argue that it is better to end now before the NFL and the NCAA kicks into gear, Major League Baseball enters their playoffs and the NBA starts up thus relegating the ICS series into even more insignificance.

9th September 2012, 11:17
Back in the early part of the 90's they used to run from March-September. Its only when CART started getting up towards 20 races the season started ending in late October/early November.

Although it does seem a bit early for it to be ending after all these years of finishing in October though.