View Full Version : Driver of the Race.

29th July 2012, 14:46
For me its Lewis and Kimi tied.

donKey jote
29th July 2012, 14:47
yep, Kimi and Ham, in no order :up:
special mention to Senna and Alo :bandit:

29th July 2012, 14:48
Yep, Kimi and Lewis.

29th July 2012, 14:49
Alonso :s ailor:

29th July 2012, 14:50
Hamilton - 30sec ahead of Button! Who is it who's the expert on tyre wear?

29th July 2012, 14:52
The Boss

29th July 2012, 14:54
Before I saw this thread I was going to give it to Lewis and Kimi equal.

Lewis drove perfectly all weekend and exceeded the teams expectations. He controlled the race, the pace and his tyres perfectly. The team did their job and all round, it was faultless.

Kimi was great and the team got him out in clean air when they needed to. His charge was exciting and just fun to watch. Also, I've never heard him speak so much!!

Garry Walker
29th July 2012, 15:00
Driver: Hamilton, Kimi. Both drove wonderful races.

Dave B
29th July 2012, 15:00
Senna gets my honourable mention for quietly getting on with it and bagging some more points for Williams, but Hamilton was simply the man of the whole weekend :up:

29th July 2012, 15:04
Driver: Hamilton, Kimi. Both drove wonderful races.


29th July 2012, 15:06
Yeah Alonso did as well as he could again. Massa was pretty much on his pace yesterday, but today fell 12 sec behind. I think this is actually a good track for Massa despite 2009, yet for him to still be behind Alonso shows his team-mate's class.

What Kimi might say:
"Welltheracewasnottoobadtodaybutwewillsee." :)

I think Kimi is 48pts off Alonso now with 9 races to go...

Spa is next. :)

What Schumacher might say:
"Naturally this wasn't quite the result we were hoping for today. Nevertheless, we are optimistic of a good performance next time out at Spa.

What Button might say if asked what went wrong today:
"Ahh I don't know. I had MASSIVE understeer".

29th July 2012, 15:08
Raikkonen for me, proved his class again. :)

29th July 2012, 15:08
The Boss

What's Bruce Springsteen got to do with this? :p

For me, Hamilton, Kimi and Senna; Vettel drove a clever race as well on a day where the Red Bull clearly wasn't the fastest car out there.

29th July 2012, 15:11
As I posted above my Drivers of the Day are:

Lewis Hamitlon - Was so fast all weekend and drove a calm race under pressure a bit like Alonso last week.

& Kimi Raikkonen - Showed great pace to jump to 2nd even with some KERS problems and a slow start.

Other Mentions:

Grosjean - Although he dropped a place, he drove well and showed he is improving and can handle it with the best.

Alonso - Did a solid job to finish ahead of a Mclaren and Red Bull in a slower car and stablize his championship lead.

Senna - Great drive from Bruno. He was miles ahead of Pastor and drove calmly to match the pace of the front 4 teams and mixed it with them after the stops.

Kovalainen - Done another solid job. Finished ahead of Kamui and was for large periods only 10 seconds behind Toro Rossos at about half way.

Pic - He won't get noticed but although Glock spun once he still finished around a minute off Pic. So I think the young frenchman is doing a much better job here than we often notice. de Ambrosio and di Grassi were always struggling against Glock, but Pic is beating him quite reguarly.

29th July 2012, 15:16

in that order

29th July 2012, 15:19
For me there is only one - Kimi

Grosjean - Although he dropped a place, he drove well and showed he is improving and can handle it with the best.

Grosjean impressed up to a point but ultimately lacked killer instinct and faded at the end.

29th July 2012, 15:22
How can it be anyone other than Kimi? :confused:

29th July 2012, 15:26
Because, on average, the Lotus was the fastest car out there and Kimi came second :p

29th July 2012, 15:49
honorable mention to senna

who I have dogged all season and still think is on a hot seat
but today he drove very well

29th July 2012, 16:03
Because, on average, the Lotus was the fastest car out there and Kimi came second :p

Okay, so i have to admit that i expected Kimi to at least attack Ali G. instead of coasting to a second, but to gain as many places as Kimi did, was most impressive out of all drivers. Ali just hung on. :(

29th July 2012, 16:07
Hamilton for a fast fantastic weekend ,and Kimi,for a brilliant drive .I now think Kimi is back in the groove,mind you I did tell him on FB ,that if he was not on the podium I would kick his ass !

29th July 2012, 18:05
Okay, so i have to admit that i expected Kimi to at least attack Ali G. instead of coasting to a second, but to gain as many places as Kimi did, was most impressive out of all drivers. Ali just hung on. :(

The Lotus was the best car out there today and I think McLaren gambled on qualification more than race pace knowing how difficult it is to pss here. Saying that, he did a great job controlling the race and managing his tyres.

Kimi drove fantasticly today and gets joint driver of the day. They were both the class of the field.

29th July 2012, 18:55
Kimi & Hamilton were the drivers of the race for me. Senna also drove the best race of his F1 career.

29th July 2012, 20:00
Aside from those at the front I'd echo nominations for Senna and Pic.

Senna may not have the win but he's gathering good points for Williams and this time he improved his qualifying performance.

Pic is showing very well against an experienced teammate and doing everything he can with the tools at his disposal.

Mia 01
29th July 2012, 20:35
Kimi! Kimi!

29th July 2012, 21:03
Aside from those at the front I'd echo nominations for Senna and Pic.

Senna may not have the win but he's gathering good points for Williams and this time he improved his qualifying performance.

Pic is showing very well against an experienced teammate and doing everything he can with the tools at his disposal.

I said earlier about Pic. People joke and often ignore the 2 back teams but Pic has done a great job this season and could well get a chance at a better team. Although I am not sure who.

29th July 2012, 21:08
Pic - He won't get noticed but although Glock spun once he still finished around a minute off Pic. So I think the young frenchman is doing a much better job here than we often notice. de Ambrosio and di Grassi were always struggling against Glock, but Pic is beating him quite reguarly.

Agreed, he did a good job as he's been doing much of this season. Not that anyone would notice.

Otherwise Kimi and Lewis. If I had to pick one I'd pick Kimi who had KERS problems for most if not all of the race.

29th July 2012, 23:12
Driver of the race, probably the obvious one - Hamilton. Honourable mentions again to Grosjean. He obviously backed off in the latter part of the race but kept some speed in reserve to hold off Vettel. I dont mention Kimi, because his move on Grosjean IMO was a tad aggressive considering they are team mates, and TBH I expected him to hunt down hamilton and overtake him at the end of the race. Still a very good performance from Kimi, and I still hope he can get a win by the end of the season.

29th July 2012, 23:14
Agreed, he did a good job as he's been doing much of this season. Not that anyone would notice.

Otherwise Kimi and Lewis. If I had to pick one I'd pick Kimi who had KERS problems for most if not all of the race.

I forgot about the lack of KERS. Never the less Kimi did a very good race today!

29th July 2012, 23:20
If I had to pick one I'd pick Kimi who had KERS problems for most if not all of the race.

Where is this coming from?
Why is everyone saying it?

From the race, and what was said he only had the KERS issue for the first lap due to the two formation laps - or have I missed something?

30th July 2012, 01:49
I, too was hoping that Kimi had KERS problems throughout the race, yet Kimi said it was only during the first few laps (which didn't help him much).

N. Jones
30th July 2012, 04:20
I'd give it to Lewis as he drove very well.

30th July 2012, 04:38
Hamilton and the Lotus duo, though Grosjean loses a point or two for a bit of over-driving at times.

30th July 2012, 04:45
DotR goes to Hamilton and Kimi equally. Both were supreme. No wonder Kimi was Lewis' favourite driver before he got into F1 ;-)

Honourable mention to Senna (keeps doing a good job and bringing in points), Alonso (increased his lead at the overall table despite not having the fastest car) and Pic (showing some good signs).

Groosjean is showing some good signs as well, but today he lacked that killer instinct. Nevertheless he's doing extremely well being (essentially) a novice and having a WDC as his teammate.

30th July 2012, 09:56
Kimi just pips Lewis for me as he came from further back to challenge for the lead and the move on his team mate was robust with out contact. Lewis did good driving from the front and maintaining the lead, saving his tyres.

31st July 2012, 02:40
[quote="James Allen"]Kimi&#8217]
Is he the one to challenge Alonso in the end?

31st July 2012, 06:02
Difficult to look past Lewis and Kimi, Lewis shades it for being so fast in qually and holding off the arguably faster cars on race day. Massive mention to Senna for me, good qually and a very strong race, and for a bit who has been underperforming he is just 5 points behind Pastor (who got 25 of his 29 in one race) and just 1 behind Massa. Senna is having some pretty consisitent race results, and if Hungary is a sign of improving qualification I could imagine him passing Pastor soon. That said, had Pastor not thrown away Australia and Valencia with last lap cock ups he could be looking a lot smarter

31st July 2012, 09:27
I always thought 'driver of the race' meant just that, which makes Kimi that man imo. Remember this track is notoriously difficult to pass on and so by Hamilton/McLaren doing such a great job in qualifying on saturday, unless they had made a poor error in judgement with regards to tyre wear, their race pace was good enough to make a Hamilton win, pretty much, a foregone conclusion.

Driver of the weekend- Hamilton, great qualy performance and the correct decision by McLaren to opt for qualy pace but at the same time acheive a good balance between the two. Lewis didn't do anything wrong and managed his tyres very well but compared to the rest of the drivers on the grid, his job was the easiest and doesnt quite deserve the accolade of...

Driver of the race- No question, Its got to be Kimi, It seems that Lotus either opted for race pace or maybe dont quite have the same luxury McLaren have which forced their hand. Either way, Kimi drove superbly, the very best he could have in these circumstances.

31st July 2012, 09:48
The Lotus has a problem with it's KERS in general and cn only hrvest about 2/3 of the energy of some of the others which IMHO makes the Lotus the best car out there in my opinion. If they ever get that KERS 100% then it's going to be a vey difficult car to beat. All that bleating and moaning by Renault has worked in their favour it seems ;)

31st July 2012, 11:59
Kimi and Lewis, in no particular order. Loved Kimi's ultra rapid ridonkulous speed in the middle and last stint, and also Lewis' measured and consistent pace all throughout the race.

Both my favorite drivers, and so I spent the race deciding on who should win. A race win would have been great for Kimi in his comeback season, but Lewis needed the win to stay in the championship. Either way, my two favorite drivers finishing 1st and second couldn't have been bad either way. :D

Mclaren are still finding it kind of tough to make their tyres work during the race.

1st August 2012, 09:12
The Lotus has a problem with it's KERS in general and cn only hrvest about 2/3 of the energy of some of the others which IMHO makes the Lotus the best car out there in my opinion. If they ever get that KERS 100% then it's going to be a vey difficult car to beat. All that bleating and moaning by Renault has worked in their favour it seems ;)

Is there any source for this or what?
Everyone is saying "Kimi and his KERS" - the only thing I heard was the team radio in the beginning and then Kimi saying the same at the interview, because of the two formation laps.

Now I hear "most/all of the race" and "only two thirds" - I really would appreciate a source. Thank you.

1st August 2012, 10:19
Is there any source for this or what?
Everyone is saying "Kimi and his KERS" - the only thing I heard was the team radio in the beginning and then Kimi saying the same at the interview, because of the two formation laps.

There was also a radio message towards the end of the race, something along the lines of Kimi being told to turn down his KERS while he was chasing Hamilton so that he'd be able to use it fully when he caught up. I think the implication was they couldn't use it at full capacity the whole time, presumably because of overheating. Don't know if that's a standard thing with the Renault KERS or was a specific issue on Kimi's car in Hungary.