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19th January 2013, 23:31
You believe that Citroen with Loeb cruising 3 days hadn t got proper tyres?If Loeb with his driving style had such a problem what about the others?

Frankly I don't know what tyres Loeb had for the final 2 stages of the Rally. I just know VW drivers saved their tyres whole 3 days, to be able to finish the Rally properly

19th January 2013, 23:36
I wanted to tell you that first two passes were not that bad at all as the third would have been. Yes, these were difficult conditions but not undriveable. Who crashed?
Novikov? he did the same in Spain and twice in France in 2012, both in a really bad conditions. This is the area he still needs to practice a lot.
Latvala? He does it in every kind of conditions and with different car makes ;-)
Hänninen? 0 practice on wet snow conditions. sh*t happens.

Tyres, look at Novikovs studs. I didnt see any missing studs after his crash. they were ok. Same about Latvala. That means, speed was not OK.

In overall, it was veeery nice, spectacular and interesting rally.
Did you noticed that 6 different car makes made it to top 10? Citroen, VW, Ford, Skoda, Peugeot, Mini!

19th January 2013, 23:39

I must admit, this is surprise for me (didn't check the whole 10)

19th January 2013, 23:44
As for Novikov's studs after the crash, they just look too worn for me, in a matter of speaking - completely ineffective.

19th January 2013, 23:45
Frankly I don't know what tyres Loeb had for the final 2 stages of the Rally. I just know VW drivers saved their tyres whole 3 days, to be able to finish the Rally properly
You dont know how many tyres left for Citroen,but vw was able to finish the rally properly.....with Latvalas 2 flat tyres,and Ogiers driving style more aggresive than Loebs...

19th January 2013, 23:47
One solution solves it all - Summer time and the livin' is easy!

No white stuff, cold, ice, icicles, ruts all the fuss etc., but... little or no drama at all.

Then again - Not good, huh!

19th January 2013, 23:52
You dont know how many tyres left for Citroen,but vw was able to finish the rally properly.....with Latvalas 2 flat tyres,and Ogiers driving style more aggresive than Loebs...

Not Citroen - Loeb. Perhaps he could finish the Rally properly too, but I'm not convinced for the whole team. And Ford were probably in the worst condition, but agree, Latvala with 2 punctures was worse than Ogier in tyre choice

19th January 2013, 23:52
So tell me, why do they choose such stages then? Why do FIA want such a dangerous rally in the WRC if we those security problems even from the start? Just tell me.

Proper tyres for every possible weather should be a must i RMC. This time it was stupidity from the beginning.

Now goodnight everyone.

Sleep not.
I'm with you on this one.

19th January 2013, 23:53
Not Citroen - Loeb. Perhaps he could finish the Rally properly too, but I'm not convinced for the whole team. And Ford were probably in the worst condition, but agree, Latvala with 2 punctures was worse than Ogier in tyre choice

so how you know that Ogiers tyres were at better conditions than Loebs?
explain it can t understant.

19th January 2013, 23:55
....Proper tyres for every possible weather should be a must i RMC. This time it was stupidity from the beginning.

Now goodnight everyone.

Ahaaa, that's the problem, isn't it?

19th January 2013, 23:56
so how you know that Ogiers tyres were at better conditions than Loebs?
explain it can t understant.

You miss the point, I don't speak about Loeb in the first place. Perhaps he had no worse tyres than Ogier...

19th January 2013, 23:59
In general - why FIA (or organizers, I don't know) doesn't allow proper tyres to be used in these extreme conditions (couldn't Monte Carlo has them?)? And why the best possible tyres teams have are not preserved by them till the very (bad) end?

20th January 2013, 00:07
I believe when such circumstances could appear they should allow proper tyres from the very beginning, as well. I think, Bluuford, that the line in this case was crossed many times before the cancellation.

A must - In case of force majeure circumstances proper tires should be allowed!

Prisoner Monkeys
20th January 2013, 00:12
Were power stage points awarded for the final run through the Col de Turini, or is that not happening because the final stages were cancelled?

20th January 2013, 00:19
Were power stage points awarded for the final run through the Col de Turini, or is that not happening because the final stages were cancelled?

No PS points as it appears

20th January 2013, 00:30
How safe are the safety (zero) cars with a front-wheel drive only
(2wd) given the severe weather forecast and the conditions itself :colour: :arrow: :!:

20th January 2013, 00:32

20th January 2013, 01:39

20th January 2013, 01:40
different aproach at this corner from top drivers


20th January 2013, 01:47

20th January 2013, 01:49

20th January 2013, 01:56


P.S. "Very sorry for your bad luckhttp://www.motorsportforums.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif".

20th January 2013, 02:08
P.S. "Very sorry for your bad luck :p :".

This appeared not to be his Rally anyway, may be next time in Sweden, who knows :confused:

20th January 2013, 02:12
The Polo moves great :)

20th January 2013, 02:36
Another great video by Citroen to celebrate the win. I really like the way it start, how they honour the people who are behind the scenes:


20th January 2013, 02:48
Correct. It is Red Bull produced. All countries get the version with Paul King but the commentators different depending on language.

But if one country like Russia for axample can cut and add in extra stories or coverage. Or Finnish for Finland and MTV. But they don't make the video. Red Bull Media does.

20th January 2013, 02:57

20th January 2013, 03:06

20th January 2013, 04:58
Timing problems - nothing to do with RMC organisers
Cancelled stages - it happen on other rounds also sometimes
Look for the positives also. We had some in the past days.
and one of the most photogenic rallies so far.

20th January 2013, 05:59

20th January 2013, 06:41
Edit: wrong thread :mark:

20th January 2013, 07:43

that cut was not marginal. neuville is unlucy and something broken (he has monroe stickers it is a suspension make) at suspention not as expected way.

20th January 2013, 07:47
that cut was not marginal. neuville is unlucy and something broken (he has monroe stickers it is a suspension make) at suspention not as expected way.
Monroe is one of his personal sponsors. It has nothing to do with the suspension on the Fiesta WRC... ;)

20th January 2013, 09:26
last plan at the end did you noticed how he cornered? :eek:

minimum steering input. not oversteering. absolutely perfect


P.S. "Very sorry for your bad luck :p :".

i think there is more interviews on that channel. i like it.

Another great video by Citroen to celebrate the win. I really like the way it start, how they honour the people who are behind the scenes:

it is very nice but without subtitles to these videos they are worthless for me and being too nationalist. i dont say, they should talk english, but just spare some more minutes to put english subtitles, which is very easy to do on youtube.

20th January 2013, 09:58




More photos from Col de Turini stage HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=1115)

20th January 2013, 10:36
JML crash


20th January 2013, 11:01
Aquaplaning, just enjoy the ride...

20th January 2013, 11:04
latvala's crash in Col de Turini


20th January 2013, 11:04
The top of the Turini was rarely so tricky and slow. We understand now better driver's words.


Martin Luijk
20th January 2013, 11:09
latvala's crash in Col de Turini


Just a stupid mistake. He is pushing in the wrong time. Everyone is backing off. But mister Latvala ...

20th January 2013, 11:09
Aquaplaning, just enjoy the ride...

Its snow, ice and rain in one place. Come to Ukraine to learn driving such a roads ;) Especially on pavement

20th January 2013, 11:16


20th January 2013, 11:23
Sometimes I do not understand Novikov. It is clearly visible that this car will not make it to the end.. why he needs to make more damage to the car? It is very clear that with missing wheel it is not allowed to drive outside the stages. OK.It is hard to accept that it is over for him indeed.

20th January 2013, 11:31
Its snow, ice and rain in one place. Come to Ukraine to learn driving such a roads ;) Especially on pavement

Yes i know that, i`m just saying he couldn`t do anything there.

The conditions were equal to everyone and as a competitor he`s always traying to get the best result, for example on that stage Buffier was 52.7s faster than Loeb...

20th January 2013, 11:34

20th January 2013, 11:34
Sometimes I do not understand Novikov. It is clearly visible that this car will not make it to the end.. why he needs to make more damage to the car? It is very clear that with missing wheel it is not allowed to drive outside the stages. OK.It is hard to accept that it is over for him indeed.

He could not know what actually the damage is from inside. Why give up so easily when the car is still able to move somehow. Better reach the end of the stage and then try to repair it - remember Ogier at Spain 2010. This is (or at least initially used to be :( ) the spirit of RALLY.

20th January 2013, 11:41
Precisely! ;)

20th January 2013, 11:42
Well, when the car moves 10 km/h and you have still nearly 20 km to go then it is rather easy to park it for a moment, go out and see if it is possible to repair it or reasonable to move forward.

20th January 2013, 11:44
122 pages in this thread as somebody already pointed out. Which was the last rally to create such an interest on this forum? I guess none for last couple of years. Monte Carlo is unique, You might love it, You might hate it. It's up to You but You can't ignore how incredibly popular it is compared to most of others in the calendar. It was most discussed event on this forum even when it was "only" in IRC.

If we compare Monte Carlo with the other events, it has an enormous advantage. Scheduled to be the opening round of the Championship, which has happened almost always the rally has been part of the calendar (I believe 1989 was the only exception), means that rally fans have been waiting for the rally for months. At the first rally we can see the teams' new signings as well the new cars, as happened this year in the Monte with the Polo. There are few things we like more than a new rally car (maybe only those girls we saw some pages ago :D ). If you add the unpredictable conditions of the stages and roads that have been used in a rally for more than a hundred years, we have the perfect recipe.

20th January 2013, 11:49
Last WRC season alone there were 9 stages canceled. Last time a stage was canceled in Rallye Monte Carlo was in 2006 which is 7 years a go.

Even in Moto GP or in F1 they shorten races. Even in an ultimate thing like Dakar they canceled two legs...

This cancelled stages were very logical in Dakar this year. There were two French riders who were on top of the results and it is organized by a French organisation. Last year Peterhansel hit a motoracing driver very hard in the mud, but he wasn't DSQ, he even didn't get a penalty.

I feel the same with the Monte-Carlo: French driver, French team, French marque on top of the results and 4 Citroëns in the top 5. Maybe Citroën paid a bit to the FIA and the Monte-Carlo organizers to cancel these stages to have such good final results. It is not the first time that Citroën should do illegal things in the Rallye Monte-Carlo, remember the 2002 edition.

In MotoGP they cancel or shorten the races only when there is a Spanish rider in the first position, as example see the Malaysian event in 2012.

In F1, they even don't race in the rain in the past years, so that is not a real sport anymore for me.

20th January 2013, 11:53

20th January 2013, 11:58

20th January 2013, 12:03

20th January 2013, 12:05
JML crash


Ouuussshhhhh! That was heavy impact. Could have happened to anyone... Thjough I don´t understand you guys putting "Like" on that one. Maybe because the clip was up, hopefully not because of Latvalas´unluck...

20th January 2013, 12:12
What temperatures were being experienced at the Monte this year?

20th January 2013, 12:20
I don't how right is the google translation, but
" After two passages, while people are there for six hours, they are soaked and cars pass 30 km / h in front of them, they say it will be nice to have a drink."
Since when Turini has became so boring... :confused:

Last year I was on Col de Gidaussart (hope it's written well). There were ten centimeters deep ruts in solid ice on which it was raining. In my corner Loeb was driving 30 km/h in those ruts. So did some others except Solberg who went off and some crews from down the field. It was really extremely boring to watch.

30 km/h was the average speed of finished the stage ;)

The average speed of the slowest stage (first part of Turini) was 57 km/h. 30 was just an exaggeration in the speach.

20th January 2013, 12:24
incar crashes from Hanninen and Novikov


20th January 2013, 12:25
Well, when the car moves 10 km/h and you have still nearly 20 km to go then it is rather easy to park it for a moment, go out and see if it is possible to repair it or reasonable to move forward.

I agree with this. But his adrenaline was very likely too high for rational thinking, as you mentioned.

20th January 2013, 12:26

20th January 2013, 12:26
So tell me, why do they choose such stages then? Why do FIA want such a dangerous rally in the WRC if we those security problems even from the start? Just tell me.

Because Col de Turini is the most famous and one of the oldest stages in the history of rallying. It has been run for more than 100 years.

20th January 2013, 12:36
Ouuussshhhhh! That was heavy impact. Could have happened to anyone...

It's the exit of Moullinet. Just two or three corners after start. One would not expect a driver like JML to crash so early in the sage. But ok, **** happens. The main thing is they are unhurt.

20th January 2013, 12:47
Because Col de Turini is the most famous and one of the oldest stages in the history of rallying. It has been run for more than 100 years.

But that´s not an answer. History over security? No.

Organizer always have to take action to any problems that may appear. In advance. Now they didn´t. Just let everything go. As for 100 yrs ago...

That is not the level safety measures should be handled.

20th January 2013, 12:53
Rallyper, cool down now.

If we'd go for 100% safe and security we will be allowed to watch rally only via video.

20th January 2013, 12:53
Official English highlights from final day:

Part 1-


Part 2-

WRC 2013 Monte Carlo Day 4 - Part 2/2 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8TdB6iQxm0&feature=em-uploademail)

20th January 2013, 13:16
Novikov at exactly same corner as Latvala


20th January 2013, 13:20
Ouuussshhhhh! That was heavy impact. Could have happened to anyone...

Did happen, Novikov crashed at same place...

20th January 2013, 13:24
Did happen, Novikov crashed at same place...

At least he was a bit slower. I think Neuville would have crashed in the same way there, had he made it to the start of this stage.

20th January 2013, 13:24
road are cleaned exactly like in Lviv (my city)

20th January 2013, 13:25
another video from Latvala crash


20th January 2013, 13:28
But that´s not an answer. History over security? No.

Organizer always have to take action to any problems that may appear. In advance. Now they didn´t. Just let everything go. As for 100 yrs ago...

That is not the level safety measures should be handled.

So after the night Turini was brought back in 2009 it was run 10x successfully and the 11th run was canceled and You act like it was the end of the world, eh? They canceled 6 stages last year in Portugal, every year there are canceled stages in Argentina. So what? Will we kick these rallies out of the calendar? It's part of the game and it has always been part of the game. It doesn't mater if it's usual terrible weather in Argentina or too few access roads in France, or people hidden in wineyards on dangerous places in Alsace or anything else. These are circumstances which make some events more difficult to organize.

What matters is that the iconic events and stages appeal to the public much more than uniform maybe non-problematic events of the modern WRC. You want to get rid of legendary stages like Col de Turini on which the history of rallying started. OK, on same safety basis we can immediately kick out Ouninpohja because it's dangerous as hell. We can kick out El Condor because there is always bad weather. We can kick out Whaanga Coast because somebody could fall into the sea. We can kick out panzerplatte because the hinkelsteins are dangerous. And in the end we will be sitting at home watching videos of Walter Röhl climbing up the Turini and crying about the good old days...

20th January 2013, 13:29
Rallyper, cool down now.

If we'd go for 100% safe and security we will be allowed to watch rally only via video.

I´m perfectly under control. But I´m also kind of logical. If things are judged in a way (for example the route for RMC 2013) you´ll have to stick to that. If safety can´t be upheld, you do something different, not just letting things go and say to yourself: "we could of course stop the race in half or the two last stages" or just like that. That´s not logical and shouldn´t be a way to solve problems.

That´s why I´m thinking of the way it ended up as a big shame which only gained one carmaker. You have decided to do RMC in any conditions choosing the route. Then stick to it and Bouffier might have won... Who knows?

20th January 2013, 13:46
I´m perfectly under control. But I´m also kind of logical.
No, you're not. But that's my impression.

20th January 2013, 13:47
So after the night Turini was brought back in 2009 it was run 10x successfully and the 11th run was canceled and You act like it was the end of the world, eh? They canceled 6 stages last year in Portugal, every year there are canceled stages in Argentina. So what? Will we kick these rallies out of the calendar? It's part of the game and it has always been part of the game. It doesn't mater if it's usual terrible weather in Argentina or too few access roads in France, or people hidden in wineyards on dangerous places in Alsace or anything else. These are circumstances which make some events more difficult to organize.

What matters is that the iconic events and stages appeal to the public much more than uniform maybe non-problematic events of the modern WRC. You want to get rid of legendary stages like Col de Turini on which the history of rallying started. OK, on same safety basis we can immediately kick out Ouninpohja because it's dangerous as hell. We can kick out El Condor because there is always bad weather. We can kick out Whaanga Coast because somebody could fall into the sea. We can kick out panzerplatte because the hinkelsteins are dangerous. And in the end we will be sitting at home watching videos of Walter Röhl climbing up the Turini and crying about the good old days...

Let´s stick to the subject. Safety.

If these conditions are known to appear, then use proper equipments; for example tyres. You´re right about "this is the way they´ve doing it for yrs" and that´s why they´re using such out-of-date tyres. So proper tyres is what it is about. You know no one should ever dream of doing Rally Sweden with the tyres they use in RMC, would they. I suspect even FIA shouldn´t allow that. But in RMC it´s OK. You know where I´m getting?
Yes, Ouninpohja should be kicked out if they only had to use old tyres with patterns from annudazumal, that´s for sure.

20th January 2013, 13:48
No, you're not. But that's my impression.

Myabe I´m from another age than you...? (Following RMC since beginning of the 60´s)

20th January 2013, 13:57
Rallyper, you are not logical! They have they cancelled the Turini last year? Of the years before that? No! So how on earth could they predict that it would happen now? The weather was just extremely bad this year... No one can change anything about that and no one could predict that when they made the itinerary months back!
Good luck in organising a rally for 100 years without having to cancel a single stage...

20th January 2013, 13:59
Let´s stick to the subject. Safety.

If these conditions are known to appear, then use proper equipments; for example tyres. You´re right about "this is the way they´ve doing it for yrs" and that´s why they´re using such out-of-date tyres. So proper tyres is what it is about. You know no one should ever dream of doing Rally Sweden with the tyres they use in RMC, would they. I suspect even FIA shouldn´t allow that. But in RMC it´s OK. You know where I´m getting?
Yes, Ouninpohja should be kicked out if they only had to use old tyres with patterns from annudazumal, that´s for sure.

With the big number of fatal accidents last year some people on this forum said "tyres should provide less grip, the cornering speed is too high now".
The conditions are same for everyone, and so are the tyres... A stage should not be banned because it is too dangerous for the drivers, it is part of the sport, and something can happen everywhere... If you ban Turini for safety issues, you can ban practically each stage in Monte Carlo. Talking about Finland, Ouninpohja may be dangerous, but the other stages in Finland are almost just as fast and in every corner something can happen... And if they would drive it on worse tyres, the speed would be lower, so the risk of having a accident with serious injuries would be lower, no? ;)

Endless discussion with nothing to win, the risk is part of the sport, and if you want to take out all risks, you kill the sport...

20th January 2013, 13:59
But that´s not an answer. History over security? No.

Organizer always have to take action to any problems that may appear. In advance. Now they didn´t. Just let everything go. As for 100 yrs ago...

That is not the level safety measures should be handled.

They did cancel the stage. That's security over history. Cancelling the stage is valid and very effective security measure. And they probably had planned beforehand when to cancel as the cancellation came quite early. And little controversy is always part of the Monte Carlo.

In my opinion we even didn't lose much of the race because everyone would have been driving basically as slow as possible.

20th January 2013, 14:07
Let´s stick to the subject. Safety.

If these conditions are known to appear, then use proper equipments; for example tyres. You´re right about "this is the way they´ve doing it for yrs" and that´s why they´re using such out-of-date tyres. So proper tyres is what it is about. You know no one should ever dream of doing Rally Sweden with the tyres they use in RMC, would they. I suspect even FIA shouldn´t allow that. But in RMC it´s OK. You know where I´m getting?
Yes, Ouninpohja should be kicked out if they only had to use old tyres with patterns from annudazumal, that´s for sure.

So You are jumping to another subject pretending You spoke about this one from start? Why shall I play this game with You?

Do You know that narrow winter tyres are allowed in RMC? All 2WD cars use them. Why 4WD can't is a question but I doubt it's because of the organization. Why there are no proper rain asphalt tyres in WRC? Because FIA allows only one pattern for all asphalt tyres or 4WD cars. Remember how in Ireland drivers used snow tyres because they had no appropriate rain tyres and they were not allowed to cut those they had? Was it a mistake of the Irish? I guess the real reason is in FIA and in their sometimes strange decisions.

By the way You can't use Swedish studs with asphalt surface bellow ice and snow. Those tyres would be destroyed in just few kilometers plus there would be a lot of damage to the roads.

20th January 2013, 14:11
...hopefully not because of Latvalas´unluck...

Most definitelly not, I don't like such things to happen to any driver. The clip just gave us view of what really happen, Latvala was very unlucky there, true the speed was high, there was slush exactly on the corner and that made the difference with other drivers who passed this place safely, but if he didn't hit that tree that heavily, probably the damage wouldn't be so bad, may be only few scratches...

20th January 2013, 14:17
...but if he didn't hit that tree that heavily, probably the damage wouldn't be so bad, may be only few scratches...

You saw what happenend to Novikov at that corner...not just scratches ;)

20th January 2013, 14:24
With the big number of fatal accidents last year some people on this forum said "tyres should provide less grip, the cornering speed is too high now".

That was for asphalt only I think

20th January 2013, 14:27
You saw what happenend to Novikov at that corner...not just scratches ;)

Now I did, I didn't while writing it ;) Yes, Novikov's one can be considered more lucky, at least didn't crash that heavily and still drove couple of more kms :)

20th January 2013, 14:27
Myabe I´m from another age than you...? (Following RMC since beginning of the 60´s)
And yet again, your point is not valid at all. It's like sayin' that I have driven vehicles 50 years, hence I am better (faster) driver than you.
Yes, you have some experience, but to me your comments are at least stubborn and with no logic (well, twisted logic) to me.

Yes, it was a pity that stages were cancelled, but to say that only RMC was to blame is ridicilous as there were several and severe factors which caused this decision to happen.

And I find amusing that to some people always there has to be someone to blame. It's life, get over it now.

20th January 2013, 14:45
And yet again, your point is not valid at all. It's like sayin' that I have driven vehicles 50 years, hence I am better (faster) driver than you.
Yes, you have some experience, but to me your comments are at least stubborn and with no logic (well, twisted logic) to me.

Yes, it was a pity that stages were cancelled, but to say that only RMC was to blame is ridicilous as there were several and severe factors which caused this decision to happen.

And I find amusing that to some people always there has to be someone to blame. It's life, get over it now.

Yep, I will. Things could have been handled in a different way. They didn´t. We all know one carmaker won to that. The attending people on the two last stages, and not talking about you and me sitting at home, were disappointed.

Many aspects in same subject. You´re in the game then it´s only to play. The organizer knows the safety issues very well. But didn´t take care of it in many ways they could have done.

Now I´m leaving the subject and looking forward to Rally Sweden, among many regarded as the fastest rally of them all (with proper tyres) ;)

20th January 2013, 14:50
Now I´m leaving the subject and looking forward to Rally Sweden, among many regarded as the fastest rally of them all (with proper tyres) ;)
Wise decision my friend ;)

20th January 2013, 15:02
So You are jumping to another subject pretending You spoke about this one from start? Why shall I play this game with You?

Do You know that narrow winter tyres are allowed in RMC? All 2WD cars use them. Why 4WD can't is a question but I doubt it's because of the organization. Why there are no proper rain asphalt tyres in WRC? Because FIA allows only one pattern for all asphalt tyres or 4WD cars. Remember how in Ireland drivers used snow tyres because they had no appropriate rain tyres and they were not allowed to cut those they had? Was it a mistake of the Irish? I guess the real reason is in FIA and in their sometimes strange decisions.

By the way You can't use Swedish studs with asphalt surface bellow ice and snow. Those tyres would be destroyed in just few kilometers plus there would be a lot of damage to the roads.

It is OK for Swedish type tyres used here, unacceptable, but I still think this could be handled little better - more tyres with studs to be allowed when the conditions are as such, or may be even narrow tyres could be better. For just one purpose - safety

20th January 2013, 15:07
Hi All !
I don't often leave comments on the forum but follow all the experts regularly. At the beginning of the rally this forum had over 800 people following it. That's brilliant but also not good news for the WRC as it means that all those people couldn't find what they needed on the WRC site or any other official media.
To the Rally... S Loeb as brilliant as ever. S Ogier Good drive and with a new car and a regular drive. Then the rest Sordo very good too. makes you wonder how many rallies he would already won without team rules. Hirvonen, very disapointing, very slow but not supprising, JM Latvala, disapointing but service as usual. Then to the Ford boys. More proof that M Wilson chooses the drivers by the lack of money he has/the amount of money drivers or sponsors bring. Neuville, useless, Novikov OK but back to crashing, Ostberg, painfully slow and he's the N°1 driver! Hanninen, finally given his chance but very irregular. Peter Solberg must have been laughing all weekend and thanking Qatar for chucking him out. He is lucky not to be in such an amateur team. The Ford team used to joke about always picking him up with the brake down truck but it seems different drivers same result. Must be the team then.
Finally, great photos, videos, info from everyone on the site. Keep it up for WRC 2013, you're all great. Thanks.

20th January 2013, 15:08

20th January 2013, 15:14
On the bright side - WRC 2013 Monte Carlo Day 4 - Part 2/2 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=T8TdB6iQxm0#t=480s)

Bring it on Sweden now!

20th January 2013, 15:18
Novikov at exactly same corner as Latvala


Just look spectators, very smart place for watching ... suicidal

20th January 2013, 15:44
I don't know how the FIA works, but in the US, its not whether rally cars can clear the stage determining if a stage is cancelled. If ambulance and safety crews cannot access the stage with some level of ease to reach an injured crew or spectator, then the stage is cancelled.

Martin Luijk
20th January 2013, 16:00
It's the exit of Moullinet. Just two or three corners after start. One would not expect a driver like JML to crash so early in the sage. But ok, **** happens. The main thing is they are unhurt.

I think that's just the problem. Loeb, Ogier and other drivers knew they had to back off in that kind of conditions. Latvala and Novikov realized it only three corners later. But on that time it was too late.

Are there other videos of that particular part of the stage? I would like to compare the speed of Loeb and Ogier to the speed of Latvala and Novikov in that corner.

20th January 2013, 16:04
Before everyone gets angry in here read the official decision.

The two stages was cancelled due to a road block.
Safety issues isn't mention...

20th January 2013, 16:06
I think that's just the problem. Loeb, Ogier and other drivers knew they had to back off in that kind of conditions. Latvala and Novikov realized it only three corners later. But on that time it was too late.

Are there other videos of that particular part of the stage? I would like to compare the speed of Loeb and Ogier to the speed of Latvala and Novikov in that corner.

Just for the record the drivers behind Latvala were warned as his car was still on the road.

Martin Luijk
20th January 2013, 16:10
You saw what happenend to Novikov at that corner...not just scratches ;)

Novikov had hit exactly the same tree ;)

20th January 2013, 16:23

Fast Eddie WRC
20th January 2013, 16:36
JML crash - ouch !

That was a proper impact, much worse than Novi...

Looks like his luck has moved with him from Ford to VW. :(


20th January 2013, 16:47
Looks like his luck has moved with him from Ford to VW. :(

Last year some people were saying that Ford's "nervous by default" chassis made him (and Solberg) leave the road so often, let's see if the Polo has the same factory defect. :D

20th January 2013, 16:52

20th January 2013, 16:58
Ouuussshhhhh! That was heavy impact. Could have happened to anyone... Thjough I don´t understand you guys putting "Like" on that one. Maybe because the clip was up, hopefully not because of Latvalas´unluck...

Because it was a big one and nobody was hurt, because it's useful to see a mistake from outside the car because it helps to understand the accident and could prevent others under the same conditions, because I like to see that this sport is now more secure than ever (despite recent facts), ...

Besides, I'd call bad luck when something happens once. Twice is a coincidence. When something happens to you three times is unlikely, very unlikely four times. However, it's the fifth or sixth time that JML has a problem here.

20th January 2013, 17:02
I missed Juho descending Col de la Fayolle (0:33:eek :) . Besides, that bridge at SS5 couldn't be narrower:


20th January 2013, 17:24
Improvements like this is what we want, although I'd rather it separately and full. Sordo vs Ostberg starting Sisteron:

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151268468745678&set=vb.35390480677&t ype=2&theater

P.S. Sordo knows his stuff (on dry tarmac)!

20th January 2013, 17:37
Remembering a recent post, now is Elena who sends greetings to all those who think it's better for the sport that Loeb and he quit rallying:


20th January 2013, 17:40
Improvements like this is what we want, although I'd rather it separately and full. Sordo vs Ostberg starting Sisteron:

I'd love to see the like for Loeb & Ogier :)

20th January 2013, 17:45
It is OK for Swedish type tyres used here, unacceptable, but I still think this could be handled little better - more tyres with studs to be allowed when the conditions are as such, or may be even narrow tyres could be better. For just one purpose - safety

I have never said anything opposing to that. Example is not far - Jänner rallye of the ERC allows narrow tyres with MC type studs. The conditions on stages are same including slush or rain on the ice...

20th January 2013, 17:50
"What does second place mean to you?
Sébastien Ogier: I think this is the first time that I’ve been happy with second place. I am normally only satisfied if I win."

Latvala (for the crash):
"There was more wet slush than I expected on the first run of the Col de Turini stage. I was too quick right from the start, the car did not respond as I expected, and I had a big impact. One of the other cars had slid off there before me, and I ended up in his tracks. There was nothing I could do."

20th January 2013, 17:54
Turini by night, there are few words that go together better. I almost can feel the freeze and the warm!


20th January 2013, 18:00
Because it was a big one and nobody was hurt, because it's useful to see a mistake from outside the car because it helps to understand the accident and could prevent others under the same conditions, because I like to see that this sport is now more secure than ever (despite recent facts), ...

Besides, I'd call bad luck when something happens once. Twice is a coincidence. When something happens to you three times is unlikely, very unlikely four times. However, it's the fifth or sixth time that JML has a problem here.

I think I know what you mean, although circumstances varies from time to time when he goes off. But me too think it´s too often. With these conditions though and in fact several other drivers went off as well, surely with these unpredictidly surfaces, this was more unluck...

20th January 2013, 18:25
Nice to see these intimate moments (from 3:40), for example the sincerest congrats of Latvala to Ogier. How much time and efforts those mechanics have spent together on this!


P.S. JML, listen to that old wise man!

20th January 2013, 18:26
Before everyone gets angry in here read the official decision.

The two stages was cancelled due to a road block.
Safety issues isn't mention...

road blocked... by what? - aliens, spectators, snow, ice, piece of rock, accident...

20th January 2013, 18:31
road blocked... by what? - aliens, spectators, snow, ice, piece of rock, accident...

20th January 2013, 18:58

I vote for aliens too :)

20th January 2013, 19:03
Nice to see these intimate moments (from 3:40), for example the sincerest congrats of Latvala to Ogier. How much time and efforts those mechanics have spent together on this!


P.S. JML, listen to that old wise man!

Carlos looks emotional at around 5 minutes. Nice emotions indeed.

20th January 2013, 19:03
Ouuussshhhhh! That was heavy impact. Could have happened to anyone... Thjough I don´t understand you guys putting "Like" on that one. Maybe because the clip was up, hopefully not because of Latvalas´unluck...
unluck? he is a crash prone, especially at mc. we would be surprised if he made to finish.

It's the exit of Moullinet. Just two or three corners after start. One would not expect a driver like JML to crash so early in the sage. But ok, **** happens. The main thing is they are unhurt.
it is easier to crash like this in the early part of a stage in bad condition. trying to understand the grip level, having no rythm and so on..

I don't know how the FIA works, but in the US, its not whether rally cars can clear the stage determining if a stage is cancelled. If ambulance and safety crews cannot access the stage with some level of ease to reach an injured crew or spectator, then the stage is cancelled.

it is same issue all over the world in all rallies. in these conditions there is proper "first intervention vehicles", ambulances and fire turcks. cancelation of last RMC stages are because of traffic jam caused by the spectator recovery incident.



20th January 2013, 19:13

:D :D I guess this is the advisor for stage cancellation LOL

20th January 2013, 19:21

20th January 2013, 19:28
Another Turini crash
Metiffiot Citroen C2 Crash Incidente Rally Montecarlo 2013 su Turinì - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjsgdXLFy3Q)

20th January 2013, 20:01
So after the night Turini was brought back in 2009 it was run 10x successfully and the 11th run was canceled and You act like it was the end of the world, eh? They canceled 6 stages last year in Portugal, every year there are canceled stages in Argentina. So what? Will we kick these rallies out of the calendar? It's part of the game and it has always been part of the game. It doesn't mater if it's usual terrible weather in Argentina or too few access roads in France, or people hidden in wineyards on dangerous places in Alsace or anything else. These are circumstances which make some events more difficult to organize.


I can only correct you on the number of stages cancelled in Portugal last year. Three stages were actually cancelled, the second loop on Friday (event organisers had in mind what happened in 2001). Why do I remember it perfectly? It's better to suffer cancellations sitting on a sofa than waiting for the cars at a stage :( .

20th January 2013, 20:18
road blocked... by what? - aliens, spectators, snow, ice, piece of rock, accident...
Yeah, it looks like they masked by the sentence something they don't want to reveal.

20th January 2013, 20:27

20th January 2013, 20:28
Yeah, it looks like they masked by the sentence something they don't want to reveal.

Oh C'mon. Any proper rally-knowledgeable person knows that any kind of roadblock is a by default a safety concern.

If you can't get an ambulance in or out if there is an accident, then you don't run the stage. Especially night stages in poor weather when a chopper can't fly.

Take a bit of a reality pill.

20th January 2013, 20:30
yes, but roadblock has some special meaning, not general. Thats what we want to say. Especially by jokes about aliens

20th January 2013, 20:32
Especially night stages in poor weather when a chopper can't fly.

And it became clear two minutes before 17 stage start?

20th January 2013, 20:37

20th January 2013, 20:38
And it became clear two minutes before 17 stage start?

As you can see here (Rallye Monte Carlo 2013 - Information - Rally-Base (http://rally-base.com/2013/rallye-monte-carlo-2013/information-overview/)), we wrote about cancellation of stages at 20:23, what is only few minutes after leaving first car service in Monte before Turini. So I think that Clerk of the Course stopped the rally just before first car leave parc ferme.

20th January 2013, 20:51
Slush struggle:


20th January 2013, 20:54
Nice captures from the whole Rally:


Pascal 07
20th January 2013, 21:01
ES 9 :

http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/7870/17012013mtp0664jpga.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/132/17012013mtp0664jpga.jpg/)

http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7956/17012013dsc28452jpga.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/204/17012013dsc28452jpga.jpg/)

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2655/17012013dsc28672jpga.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/221/17012013dsc28672jpga.jpg/)

20th January 2013, 21:19
Clever use of external flash there, very effective.

20th January 2013, 21:21

20th January 2013, 21:29
nice photo!

20th January 2013, 21:38

eWRC.cz - Fotogalerie Rallye Monte Carlo 2013 Petr Fitz (http://www.ewrc.cz/ewrc/fotogalery.php?events=5887&fotograf=228)

20th January 2013, 21:59

20th January 2013, 22:59
Oh C'mon. Any proper rally-knowledgeable person knows that any kind of roadblock is a by default a safety concern. ...

What you see is what you get - at the surface.
What's below the surface - you'll never get to see it!

20th January 2013, 23:00
This is road leading to SS17.... and a clue to the blockage. Seems to me too many posters on here get carried away with themselves looking for a rant.

20th January 2013, 23:18
Ok, monte carlo finished, we have to wait another year now!
I think that beside the turinigate, it was a great rally!
We all have to agree that this rally has produced some of the best pictures and videos we have seen for a while.
For the turini, shame for the spectators that have spent money and waited... But a monte without turini at night... And i've been twice to MC, and all the stages are tricky for access. That is what make it famous and so rearding when get the chance to be part of it!
Loeb, business as usual, he is still from an other league
Ogier, as said before, with the polo its already a strong package. Although we will have a better idea after Mexcio.
Sordo, very good considering snow is not his favourite
Mikko, very disappointing and very concerning for the rest of the season if he wants to be WC
Novikov, shame he got trapped, he was doing his best rally so far
Latvala, don't know if the tricky conditions can be an excuse, as he his as experienced as the top 4 that didn't get trapped
Hanninen, look forward to see him on the swedish snow. Hope MC has given him some valuable experience about the fiesta
Bouffier, serious rally but lack of WRC driving was obvious
Otsberg, seemed lost since stage 1. Hopefully sweden will be better
Neuvile, ...

So now it's time to go through the pictures, and find a nice one for the desktop background!

20th January 2013, 23:28
Here you have some more to choose:


20th January 2013, 23:42
Ok, monte carlo finished, we have to wait another year now!
I think that beside the turinigate, it was a great rally!
We all have to agree that this rally has produced some of the best pictures and videos we have seen for a while.
For the turini, shame for the spectators that have spent money and waited... But a monte without turini at night... And i've been twice to MC, and all the stages are tricky for access. That is what make it famous and so rearding when get the chance to be part of it!
Loeb, business as usual, he is still from an other league
Ogier, as said before, with the polo its already a strong package. Although we will have a better idea after Mexcio.
Sordo, very good considering snow is not his favourite
Mikko, very disappointing and very concerning for the rest of the season if he wants to be WC
Novikov, shame he got trapped, he was doing his best rally so far
Latvala, don't know if the tricky conditions can be an excuse, as he his as experienced as the top 4 that didn't get trapped
Hanninen, look forward to see him on the swedish snow. Hope MC has given him some valuable experience about the fiesta
Bouffier, serious rally but lack of WRC driving was obvious
Otsberg, seemed lost since stage 1. Hopefully sweden will be better
Neuvile, ...

So now it's time to go through the pictures, and find a nice one for the desktop background!

Ha, and hopefully we will have better timing in Sweden! as what happened was a disgrace at WRC level.

20th January 2013, 23:48
This is road leading to SS17.... and a clue to the blockage. Seems to me too many posters on here get carried away with themselves looking for a rant.

This is the COC Decision - > http://www.rallyliveresults.com/acm/documents/4/COC%20DECISION%20No6.pdf

21 century. No explanation. No details.

Who is it about?
What happened?
When did it take place?
Where did it take place?
Why did it happen?
How did it happen?

Isn't he supposed to be an inteligent, expressive and well educated type of person.

20th January 2013, 23:49
Ha, and hopefully we will have better timing in Sweden! as what happened was a disgrace at WRC level.

We all forgot the timing issues among all the fuss, but SIT better fix those, because it is not all about the drivers to have split times, in fact I would prefer they don't and just doing their race as much as they like and can. For example Ogier at SS1 didn't had split times and he was really surprised at the end of it. This is what we want to see.... But back to the timing, these should be acurate, because it is not all about multimedia, sometimes security might be an issue too, and I really hope this wouldn't happen.

21st January 2013, 00:04
JML's crash was brutal: Monte 2013 - A Video PlayList on Dailymotion (http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x2fpcp_rtype7_monte-2013/1#video=xwweii)

21st January 2013, 00:17
This is the COC Decision - > http://www.rallyliveresults.com/acm/documents/4/COC%20DECISION%20No6.pdf

21 century. No explanation. No details.

Who is it about?
What happened?
When did it take place?
Where did it take place?
Why did it happen?
How did it happen?

Isn't he supposed to be an inteligent, expressive and well educated type of person.
Loeb explained that the road section towards the start of turini stage is a narrow road, with spectators car parked on either side, leaving room for 1 car width only.
As some spectator started to leave turini after 1st pass, people going down, crew gravel going up = road blocked

21st January 2013, 00:18
JML's crash was brutal: Monte 2013 - A Video PlayList on Dailymotion (http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x2fpcp_rtype7_monte-2013/1#video=xwweii)
Latvala crash is indeed brutal. Good to hear that crew is ok...

21st January 2013, 00:40
Loeb explained that the road section towards the start of turini stage is a narrow road, with spectators car parked on either side, leaving room for 1 car width only.
As some spectator started to leave turini after 1st pass, people going down, crew gravel going up = road blocked

The COC must state the reason for stopping the rally not Loeb or anybody else doing the clerk's job instead.


21st January 2013, 01:26
So after the night Turini was brought back in 2009 it was run 10x successfully and the 11th run was canceled and You act like it was the end of the world, eh? They canceled 6 stages last year in Portugal, every year there are canceled stages in Argentina. So what? Will we kick these rallies out of the calendar? It's part of the game and it has always been part of the game. It doesn't mater if it's usual terrible weather in Argentina or too few access roads in France, or people hidden in wineyards on dangerous places in Alsace or anything else. These are circumstances which make some events more difficult to organize.

Yes, this is true, but you have to wonder how on earth it was possible to run, say, the 1986 event over 34 stages with no stage cancellations, while in 2013 two of just 18 stages ended up being called off. Something's not right there.

What matters is that the iconic events and stages appeal to the public much more than uniform maybe non-problematic events of the modern WRC.

Absolutely. Just think how many more people could experience this appeal if rallies were again allowed to be run over longer routes, more stages and more days.

21st January 2013, 01:32
Yes, this is true, but you have to wonder how on earth it was possible to run, say, the 1986 event over 34 stages with no stage cancellations, while in 2013 two of just 18 stages ended up being called off. Something's not right there.

Probably because in 1986 they didnt care about emergency services access or spectator safety or competitor safety......

21st January 2013, 06:59
You have a point there, so why FIA sacrifice the most important thing - safety?

This was the plan. Citroën knew the last stages would be cancelled.

21st January 2013, 07:00
As the picture on the previous page shows.
How do you all expect to get rally cars to the stage. The clark of the course saiz road blocked, thats explanstion enough. We all rember the travel chaos on the Network Q Rally GB, around Sweetlamb Hafren in the mid 90s. Then we had a double width road, and the WRC cars had trouble getting through. All though i dont belive any stages were cancelled, they were run up to an huor late. That was not possible with the Monte, as the stages were all ready late.
There was just no way of getting cars up to that stage, not with spectators trying to leave, and come back down the mountain.
Maybe 3 runs was too many over Turini, its a great Monte stage yes. BUt maybe a morning run, then a night run, with enough time in between for spectators to move.
Or, if you spectate Turini, maybe stop people leaving till after the last car, of the last run.


21st January 2013, 07:57
A half an hour before Es16 starts, i was not allowed to drive the last 8 kilometers to reach Moulinet. The road was blocked to allow ambulances to descend.

As for the cancelled stages, i was told the vast majority of spectators gave up after es16 as loads and loads of frozen rain started to fall. No over choice to cancel for the clark.

21st January 2013, 08:15
Has anyone found any high res (1080P) pics which could be used as a wallpaper?

21st January 2013, 08:16
The COC must state the reason for stopping the rally not Loeb or anybody else doing the clerk's job instead.


Next time he will say that Mr De La Pierre blocked the road in his red Peugeot 306 with licence plate ....
Really, a roadblock, isn't that an explanation??

21st January 2013, 08:26
i am started to be annoyed about this cancelation of stages situation.
if there is few spectators, you cry sport is dying, if there is too much spectators you cry when stages canceled. be sensible. get over it. no one can predict such a mess on the road section. organizers rely on "traffic police" and road section crews to solve the jam. but when it happens you postpone the start? it was already done and then stages canceled.
too many spectators came up with their cars, parked both sides of a very narrow road, only one car width left, it has to flow one way only but when some of them gone wrong way, it is blocked.

21st January 2013, 08:31
This was the plan. Citroën knew the last stages would be cancelled.
So now what? Conspiracy that Citroen have influenced the coc to cancel the stage as they had no tyres left???
Come on....

21st January 2013, 08:50
A half an hour before Es16 starts, i was not allowed to drive the last 8 kilometers to reach Moulinet. The road was blocked to allow ambulances to descend.

As for the cancelled stages, i was told the vast majority of spectators gave up after es16 as loads and loads of frozen rain started to fall. No over choice to cancel for the clark.

think this explains everything. Maybe the ambulance is more importatnt getting out of the stage, and not rallycars getting into the stage.
Rember spanish spectator broke his leg.


21st January 2013, 08:51
IMHO RMC2013 was very difficult and demanded rally due weather conditions how for competitors so for organisers and canceling last lap was pretty correct and human decision. First thing is a safety element and people lives, we are witnessed last years tragedies during motorsport events ... will be rallies ...

21st January 2013, 09:11
Only organisers are to blame for cancelation. I couldn't find any info about getting to the stages, which road sections will be closed.where and when, when and where celbration will be hold etc. No even one guide on the website. Access to Col de Turini for SS16 was a joke, Gendarmerie stoped all the cars some 8 km before the stage and you had an option to walk 8 km or turn back even there was lots of space as hundreds of cars left Col the Turini. If they blame traffic jam for cancelation they should predict that in the first place and prepare road section for rally cars or just escorte them as in other rallies( that's only 45 cars). Funny thing to say but in 2008 fans were escorted from Lucerne to Col the Turini in groups of 20-30 cars to avoid traffic and chaos. Looks like rally funs are the least important factor of rallies these days, no TV coverage, no guides, shamble with split times, comparing to F1 or even ERC now, WRC seem to be ellite "sport" for chosen ones.

21st January 2013, 09:19
Yes, this is true, but you have to wonder how on earth it was possible to run, say, the 1986 event over 34 stages with no stage cancellations, while in 2013 two of just 18 stages ended up being called off. Something's not right there.

In 1980' there were far less cars. I guess that for moving the same number of people half of the cars were used. Anyway using twice more stages usually helps to spread people to more locations while less stages leads to concentration of them.

21st January 2013, 09:27
With all these problems with traffic I think it is best Turini to be run only once in the evening, or perhaps another one in the morning earlier.

21st January 2013, 09:31
Agree. I also think that the best would be to run this section only once. Maybe they could add another stage like Col de Braus to add some kilometers.

The three passes were definitely too much.

21st January 2013, 09:37
At least road must blocked by police before running the stage and opened only after rally is finished. Is it too hard?
Another option is block completely road for private cars, but use several buses to move spectators to stage seeing points. Is it impossible?
A lot of solutions, only will is needed.

21st January 2013, 09:46
At least road must blocked by police before running the stage and opened only after rally is finished. Is it too hard?
Another option is block completely road for private cars, but use several buses to move spectators to stage seeing points. Is it impossible?
A lot of solutions, only will is needed.

You expect too much :) it is much easier just to cancel stages. Funs? Who cares about them? Organisers don't care they made hundreds or even thousands km to get there and waiting in the heavy rain.

21st January 2013, 09:53
..... Looks like rally funs are the least important factor of rallies these days, no TV coverage, no guides, shamble with split times, comparing to F1 or even ERC now, WRC seem to be ellite "sport" for chosen ones.

this is my conspiracy! :vader:
hours of days of incars, hours of helicopter recordings of days, more and much much more... what we get is 25 minutes tv coverage with very poor incars and tiny bit of others. more interviews (which is not needed to be seen, it can be heard while a good helicam is being viewed and so on-you hear them on radio, right?)
and i think, there is a group of elites to recieve all those "archive" material, it is not for public! in time some spectators become youtube broadcasterers of sport as a result. which is good for the elites, so they don't need to worry about their plot.

21st January 2013, 09:53
Nice photo of the conditions on Turini


21st January 2013, 10:08
Agree. I also think that the best would be to run this section only once. Maybe they could add another stage like Col de Braus to add some kilometers.

The three passes were definitely too much.

That's good idea too.

21st January 2013, 11:25
So now what? Conspiracy that Citroen have influenced the coc to cancel the stage as they had no tyres left???
Come on....
:p No, that was the deal done to make sure Citroen entered Loeb for Monte. Why else put those stages in the night? Both Citroen and the organizers knew those stages would be cancelled. so Citroen never had too save tires for them.

21st January 2013, 11:40
Access to Col de Turini for SS16 was a joke, Gendarmerie stoped all the cars some 8 km before the stage and you had an option to walk 8 km or turn back even there was lots of space as hundreds of cars left Col the Turini

It was possible to reach Moulinet by Col de Braus (20km) . I choose to wait for them on the road section cause i was short in time but it was possible.

Fantastic rally anyway.

21st January 2013, 12:06
At least road must blocked by police before running the stage and opened only after rally is finished. Is it too hard?
Another option is block completely road for private cars, but use several buses to move spectators to stage seeing points. Is it impossible?
A lot of solutions, only will is needed.

I’ve once going to a stage in NORF with a bus but I don’t think I want to sit in a bus on those roads and in those conditions. :s hock:

21st January 2013, 12:24
Probably because in 1986 they didnt care about emergency services access or spectator safety or competitor safety......

Well, there are many other examples I could have cited. The 1985 RAC, for example: 65 stages, of which three were cancelled on, if I remember correctly, exactly those grounds. Still a significantly better ratio.

21st January 2013, 12:26
With all these problems with traffic I think it is best Turini to be run only once in the evening, or perhaps another one in the morning earlier.

Anything to reduce the number of stage repetitions and encourage the use of more different ones is fine by me.

21st January 2013, 12:29
In 1980' there were far less cars. I guess that for moving the same number of people half of the cars were used.

Yes, a very reasonable point.

21st January 2013, 12:56
With all these problems with traffic I think it is best Turini to be run only once in the evening, or perhaps another one in the morning earlier.

That would not help at all. Notice that 2 Turini stages went ok, if some fans decided to move they normally shouldn't be allowed to get anywhere near. Organisers supposed to prepared for that. The narrow aproach to Turini finish were closed from 13:00 till the end of the rally and there wasn't any problem with spectators.

21st January 2013, 13:04
That would not help at all. Notice that 2 Turini stages went ok, if some fans decided to move they normally shouldn't be allowed to get anywhere near. Organisers supposed to prepared for that. The narrow aproach to Turini finish were closed from 13:00 till the end of the rally and there wasn't any problem with spectators.

That kind of is my point actually. The spectators watched these 2 stages ok. But for the 3rd pass (and weather becoming worse, top drivers retired), they've decided to go home, since already watched one night stage, and that was the problem I think.

EDIT, besides one more different stage nearby would reduce the traffic and spectators on just one stage.

21st January 2013, 14:14
If you do all stages only once, there will be even more traffic...

21st January 2013, 14:27
If you do all stages only once, there will be even more traffic...

Let alone, that doing the stages only once, grows the cost for the organiser (different s.s. crews, chronos etc) skyhigh...

No repetition is not the solution... I 'd say that better planning and proactivity would really help...

21st January 2013, 15:18
There are no slicks in WRC ;)

I heard several times word "slick" from Paul King, Seb. Loeb etc.
In MC 13 review

21st January 2013, 15:24
JML's crash was brutal: Monte 2013 - A Video PlayList on Dailymotion (http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x2fpcp_rtype7_monte-2013/1#video=xwweii)

They were out of line and it was immidetlly crash.

21st January 2013, 15:38
I heard several times word "slick" from Paul King, Seb. Loeb etc.
In MC 13 review

yes,by the word ''slicks'' they mean the asphalt tyre,which rightly is not a slick tyre.Slick tyre is the type of tyre they use at circuits with full rubber thread.But plenty of people at rallies use to call them slicks,the asphalt pattern tyres

Ogiers interview
Sports | Ogier : “De belles promesses” (http://www.ledauphine.com/sport/2013/01/21/ogier-de-belles-promesses)

21st January 2013, 15:47
yes,by the word ''slicks'' they mean the asphalt tyre,which rightly is not a slick tyre.Slick tyre is the type of tyre they use at circuits with full rubber thread.But plenty of people at rallies use to call them slicks,the asphalt pattern tyres

Ogiers interview
Sports | Ogier : “De belles promesses” (http://www.ledauphine.com/sport/2013/01/21/ogier-de-belles-promesses)

Of course this term can be stretchable - here Loeb meaned Super Soft tyres, on other Rallyes these would become Hard Tyres.

21st January 2013, 15:58
Let alone, that doing the stages only once, grows the cost for the organiser (different s.s. crews, chronos etc) skyhigh...

No repetition is not the solution... I 'd say that better planning and proactivity would really help...

To me, at least, an 18-stage event in which stages are repeated several times is simply not how a World Championship rally should be.

21st January 2013, 16:03
this is my conspiracy! :vader:
hours of days of incars, hours of helicopter recordings of days, more and much much more... what we get is 25 minutes tv coverage with very poor incars and tiny bit of others. more interviews (which is not needed to be seen, it can be heard while a good helicam is being viewed and so on-you hear them on radio, right?)
and i think, there is a group of elites to recieve all those "archive" material, it is not for public! in time some spectators become youtube broadcasterers of sport as a result. which is good for the elites, so they don't need to worry about their plot.

Have you ever tried to go through such a huge amount of video in a very narrow time frame?

21st January 2013, 16:16
Just came back last night from a fantastic Rallye Monte Carlo, with three days of great action on snow covered roads. Despite the last day being kind of a disappointment because of the cancellation, i think organisers took the best decission. The conditions were terrible on those two stages and neither the drivers or the spectators were having fun there. But this fact cannot destroy the fantastic action on the previous three days. I have been plenty times in Monte Carlo rallye, but i must admit that this years edition is the best i ever saw. And once again Seb Loeb came out of it as the absolute master. The way he reacted on Ogier's besttime in first stage was absolutely amazing and i think he is the only one out there that can control a rally in that way.
Also great performances by Ogier, Novikov and Sordo. I saw some fine action by Latvalla as well, but sometimes very much on the limit. Disappointments were Hirvonen and Ostberg, i expected much more of them, especially in those conditions. Neuville was doing some good times, but was unlucky to abandon. For me it looked like he wasn't cutting more then others. Hanninen was setting some great times, but most of the time he looked very fast, but times weren't following.
Little bit same story for Bouffier, sometimes good, sometimes not so good.
Alltough guys like Prokop, Wiegand, Burri and Kosciuszko finished inside top 10, i wasn't at all impressed by their performance, not fast at all. Pitty Lappi wasn't able to show his speed as he allready left the rally after 2th stage (i think).
I was having doubts when i was leaving to Valence, but i must admit that i don't regret at all that i was in Monte Carlo Rally this year. :D

21st January 2013, 16:25
Loeb explained that the road section towards the start of turini stage is a narrow road, with spectators car parked on either side, leaving room for 1 car width only.
As some spectator started to leave turini after 1st pass, people going down, crew gravel going up = road blocked

I know I´m stubborn. People from my part of Sweden are known for stubborness...

But why wasn´t this situation predicted from organizers?????

21st January 2013, 16:45
yes,by the word ''slicks'' they mean the asphalt tyre,which rightly is not a slick tyre.Slick tyre is the type of tyre they use at circuits with full rubber thread.But plenty of people at rallies use to call them slicks,the asphalt pattern tyres

Ogiers interview
Sports | Ogier : “De belles promesses” (http://www.ledauphine.com/sport/2013/01/21/ogier-de-belles-promesses)

What I meant was that unlike in other rally championships there is only one common pattern in WRC so to call it slicks is a bit strange even in our rallying terms where slicks are no proper slicks :)

What would You call slicks in Germany? All those tyres have same pattern and those supersoft which You would You use for rainy conditions are basically what is called slicks here in Monte Carlo.

That's why I find it misleading.

21st January 2013, 17:39

21st January 2013, 18:01
Have you ever tried to go through such a huge amount of video in a very narrow time frame?

i do. facebook.com/Rallivideo. just 3-4 friends working on hours of footage just at the end of the day. it is broadcasted via youtube in a very short time. it is possible to do via TV and youtube. with digital HD recording, there is no problem at all.
but some years ago, it was recorded on tape, and converting them to digital took some time.

21st January 2013, 18:18
i do. facebook.com/Rallivideo. just 3-4 friends working on hours of footage just at the end of the day. it is broadcasted via youtube in a very short time. it is possible to do via TV and youtube. with digital HD recording, there is no problem at all.
but some years ago, it was recorded on tape, and converting them to digital took some time.

Ah, a fellow countryman of yours (I presume you're Turkish) sent me the link to the 2012 season highlights clip. Some very nice shots ;)

May I ask what's the amount of footage and the turn around time?

Yeah, tape is awful. Capturing is a nightmare with a lot of tapes.

21st January 2013, 18:45
I know I´m stubborn. People from my part of Sweden are known for stubborness...

But why wasn´t this situation predicted from organizers?????

Because it is impossible to foresee the future.

Besides most of the times you have to do your best and hope things don't go wrong. There's always a chance for things to get messed up, most of the times nothing happens, others it does.

It is impossible to predict or control every single aspect of life or sports, even more so in a winter, snowy, rainy and extremely popular mountain rally.

21st January 2013, 18:53
I see that the WRC coverage is still being composed by amateurs. How hard can it be to compile a day's worth of footage from the top runners into a 1-hour segment? There's barely any footage of the cars actually competing, but more fluff interviews and Paul King gabbing me into a deep sleep.

21st January 2013, 18:54
Sordo for all the remaining rallies confirms Matton

“Dani needs to win a rally this year and we make a deal 30 minutes ago and now he has to manage it,” he said. “He showed this weekend he has the pace and he will fight and be in the leaders for the Championship.
“Okay Mikko had his difficulties but I am confident for the Championship and for Sweden I am sure he will fight for victory. Mikko did his job. It was difficult for him in these conditions, but he managed them,” he added.

World Rally Championship - News - Citroen boss hails Monte winners (http://www.wrc.com/news/citroen-boss-hails-monte-winners/?fid=18234)

21st January 2013, 19:02
Just a quick thanks to all who have posted videos and photos over the last few days, really is much appreaciated in the UK media black out.

I shalll leave the idiots and little girls to cry over the last 2 stages now as its pathetic ranting about it 2 days later ;)

Roll on Sweden! :D

21st January 2013, 19:12
Sordo for all the remaining rallies confirms Matton

“Dani needs to win a rally this year and we make a deal 30 minutes ago and now he has to manage it,” he said. “He showed this weekend he has the pace and he will fight and be in the leaders for the Championship.
“Okay Mikko had his difficulties but I am confident for the Championship and for Sweden I am sure he will fight for victory. Mikko did his job. It was difficult for him in these conditions, but he managed them,” he added.

World Rally Championship - News - Citroen boss hails Monte winners (http://www.wrc.com/news/citroen-boss-hails-monte-winners/?fid=18234)

That was quick, hmmm....

21st January 2013, 19:28
Ah, a fellow countryman of yours (I presume you're Turkish) sent me the link to the 2012 season highlights clip. Some very nice shots ;)

May I ask what's the amount of footage and the turn around time?

Yeah, tape is awful. Capturing is a nightmare with a lot of tapes.

yes i am :)
i don't know the exact number but i can say a lot of hours per race, even without onboards. (because turkish dirvers are pretty shy about their onboards, i don't know why) you can ask via facebook page, about how many hours of video per rally. there is also a youtube channel: youtube.com/rallivideocom

21st January 2013, 19:44
I see that the WRC coverage is still being composed by amateurs. How hard can it be to compile a day's worth of footage from the top runners into a 1-hour segment? There's barely any footage of the cars actually competing, but more fluff interviews and Paul King gabbing me into a deep sleep.

I think the programs were good and a lot better than last year. Keep in mind that there were not really long days at the Monte, if you have to present a show of 30 minutes with just 3 stages that day it is likely to include not too much action. The time needs to be 'filled.'

21st January 2013, 19:52
best video by far! lol at the end!


Pascal 07
21st January 2013, 20:01
ES 6 & ES 9
http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/3538/img5861m.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/img5861m.jpg/)

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/9844/img5945bo.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/221/img5945bo.jpg/)

http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/638/img6434j.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/img6434j.jpg/)

<Page 6 (http://motors-photos.com/monte-carlo-by-julien.htm)>

21st January 2013, 20:08
What do you think about Prokop's performance?

I'd definately put some of it to DMack. Of course just my personal speculation. If they do not have good enough R&D to provide top gravel tyre I can't understand why would they have even that good special type one.

21st January 2013, 20:17
What do you think about Prokop's performance?

I'd definately put some of it to DMack. Of course just my personal speculation. If they do not have good enough R&D to provide top gravel tyre I can't understand why would they have even that good special type one.

I think he was struggling the whole Rally with lack of grip. But finishing in the points is not bad at all.

21st January 2013, 20:37
What do you think about Prokop's performance?

I'd definately put some of it to DMack. Of course just my personal speculation. If they do not have good enough R&D to provide top gravel tyre I can't understand why would they have even that good special type one.

vkangas while tyres seems to be round and black,is impossible for a new player to be even near in terms of speed with old players(Michelin-Pirelli)
example...Michelin currently working with Citroen Racing,M-sport,Vw motorsport with Loeb ,Ogier,Sordo,Latvala,Hirvonnen.
Dmack renting Ketooma,Prokop,for some rallies here and there is not going to be near NEVER.
Simply Michelin is much more faster tyre and will evolute faster and faster cause of plenty of teams with best drivers and data from every single wrc rally.Data that Dmack will not see at 10 years.

21st January 2013, 20:49
vkangas while tyres seems to be round and black,is impossible for a new player to be even near in terms of speed with old players(Michelin-Pirelli)
example...Michelin currently working with Citroen Racing,M-sport,Vw motorsport with Loeb ,Ogier,Sordo,Latvala,Hirvonnen.
Dmack renting Ketooma,Prokop,for some rallies here and there is not going to be near NEVER.
Simply Michelin is much more faster tyre and will evolute faster and faster cause of plenty of teams with best drivers and data from every single wrc rally.Data that Dmack will not see at 10 years.
You just said what I thought but did not have energy to write it :) . Any clue what the difference really is?

21st January 2013, 20:53
You just said what I thought but did not have energy to write it :) . Any clue what the difference really is?
difference? which difference you mean? sec/km? difference at production of tyres?

21st January 2013, 21:16
difference? which difference you mean? sec/km? difference at production of tyres?
Yep, the sec/km or other equivalent "speed" difference in typical rally conditions.

21st January 2013, 21:29
Yep, the sec/km or other equivalent "speed" difference in typical rally conditions.

dont think that you can measure exactly sec/km.Different drivers,which circumstances? gravel,snow,tarmac,mud?
also we have to compare same compound.I say same compound cause Dmack at Wales had a softer compound than Michelin.Same if i remember right at Argentina?
Another point is that when the temperatures go high(Greece ie) the gap inreases.
Only the same driver at same stage, same day can measure it.Think that Prokop,Ketooma for sure know the difference from their tests,but for sure they are not going to give it to public.

21st January 2013, 21:33
best video by far! lol at the end!

Hehe, the lol happened on a place where he built two snowmen (one snowman and one snowwoman precisely :D ) in 2010 :p :

21st January 2013, 21:41
dont think that you can measure exactly sec/km.Different drivers,which circumstances? gravel,snow,tarmac,mud?

also we have to compare same compound.I say same compound cause Dmack at Wales had a softer compound than Michelin.Same if i remember right at Argentina?
Another point is that when the temperatures go high(Greece ie) the gap inreases.
Only the same driver at same stage, same day can measure it.Think that Prokop,Ketooma for sure know the difference from their tests,but for sure they are not going to give it to public.

I can't say what is true but let's take something of Prokop's own words.

Prokop himself said that DMack concentrated in development of asphalt tyres and there was almost no development of wide winter tyres compared to last year. They didn't expect whole Monte to be run on them. Nobody expected that because such thing happened maybe in 1980'...

On the other hand he said they did very good job with the asphalt tyres. He said they are much better than last year.

Anyway his comments through the rally were still something like "we try to survive". "Hyenas in the action."...

Let's see further.

21st January 2013, 21:54
Mirek dont forget that Prokop will not say the truth,or if you want the whole truth when Dmack gives him free tyres/money etc
Its good that a new tyre supplier wants to burn money at wrc,but the way they do it doubt if they will manage something.

21st January 2013, 22:01
... Anyway his comments through the rally were still something like "we try to survive". "Hyenas in the action."...

two contradictory statements

21st January 2013, 22:03
best video by far! lol at the end!
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... V5DB5Dv52o (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV5DB5Dv52o)

Absolutely brilliant, The Juho Hannien show!

21st January 2013, 22:22
two contradictory statements

Did Prokop kick your dog or steal your chickens?

21st January 2013, 22:31
best video by far! lol at the end!

wow, the first shot with the helicopter is epic! and some very sideway actions. can't wait for sweden!
lol for the end as well...

21st January 2013, 22:31
Loeb vs Ogier


21st January 2013, 22:32
Really, really tricky conditions:


21st January 2013, 22:49
Please stop quoting a certain member, it makes the 'ignore' button useless.

21st January 2013, 23:00
Would like to see Loeb's and Ogier's passes at the place where Novikov and Latvala crashed for comparison ;)

21st January 2013, 23:01

22nd January 2013, 00:12
Next time he will say that Mr De La Pierre blocked the road in his red Peugeot 306 with licence plate ....

... and the Model Year :D

Really, a roadblock, isn't that an explanation??

"No way back. You're blocked" - Is that enough explanation to you?

One subconsciously wanna know what caused it in order to find one's way out.
The COC's decision is open to question in the way that is written in case any of the teams wanted to contest against it.

None did it!

22nd January 2013, 00:24
The one factor which no one seems to be thinking of in terms of the Loeb v Ogier battle is that Loeb is driving a car now in its 3rd full season and therefore has a handling profile on competitive stages which is just what he wants unlike Ogier who is driving a car on its 1st competitive event.........I love the fact that we finally have someone who can take it to Loeb and has the team fully in support.

Just got to hope that the FIA back off and allow rally to flourish again been a long time since the 2003/4 seasons which saw F1 slip to 2nd of the global championships

22nd January 2013, 01:13
Sainz said on a Spanish TV that he himself warned Latvala before starting the Turini: 5th is enough. He adds that the Finn had an obvious mistake caused by reaching the bend too fast. It seems that VW reproached JML for the accident.

22nd January 2013, 02:52
Once upon a time there was a guy named Colin McRae
nicknamed by some - Colin McCrash. People loved him and still do.
And despite all the accidents he had the Lord protect him and kept him safe in one piece and he did it - WRC Chapmion.

Nowadays a guy called Jari Matti Latvala
nicknamed by some - Jari Matti Crashvala
is set to be the next to crash or beat the rest - but never second best.

Lord keep him safe.


22nd January 2013, 06:11
Would like to see Loeb's and Ogier's passes at the place where Novikov and Latvala crashed for comparison ;)

I can guess it would be slower than Novikov/Latvala and following the lines, this place is looking dangerous in these conditions.

22nd January 2013, 08:54
To me, at least, an 18-stage event in which stages are repeated several times is simply not how a World Championship rally should be.

A real rally is not depending on the repetition of stages, which in most cases are unavoidable (for many reasons). To me, as a rally driver myself here in Greece and as a spectator, more annoying are the loooong liaisons of hundreds of kms (like in MC) rather than one or two stages being repeated twice, if this is for better safety or for more efficient planning of the whole event...

22nd January 2013, 10:39
wrc.com "Wilson excited by stage-winning squad"
i guess the next one will be (hopefully) "Wilson excited by young talent Neuville finishing a rally" sorry belgium fans.
unfortunately i think wilson's season will lack a bit of excitement and satisfactions...

22nd January 2013, 11:37
wrc.com "Wilson excited by stage-winning squad"
i guess the next one will be (hopefully) "Wilson excited by young talent Neuville finishing a rally" sorry belgium fans.
unfortunately i think wilson's season will lack a bit of excitement and satisfactions...

Kind of disagree, Wilson's squad was going quite well until it fell apart on Turini. Hanninen and Ostberg should go quite well in Sweden and as for the rest of the championship podiums are a real possibility on all the remaining rounds.

22nd January 2013, 12:35
Kind of disagree, Wilson's squad was going quite well until it fell apart on Turini. Hanninen and Ostberg should go quite well in Sweden and as for the rest of the championship podiums are a real possibility on all the remaining rounds.

i am not sure about hanninen perform well in sweeden but mads is my favourite to win. or second best to loeb.

22nd January 2013, 15:56

22nd January 2013, 16:15

Ino-photoderallye | Wix.com (http://infophotoderallye.wix.com/benoit#!vierge/c1y7g)

22nd January 2013, 18:26
One things amazes me. Loeb and Ogier can hardly be more different. It was not so visible here as I can't remember Seb I. to ever drive so spectacular but especially on gravel events which they did in same cars it was like a day and night. Loeb very effective, very precise, perfect lines etc. while Ogier very wide, very brutal, by sight very risky. But in the end both set similar times and both mostly finish.

It was often said that JML or Solberg can't fight Loeb because they are driving too brutal way, too sideways etc. but isn't that what Ogier does? It was also often said that clean driving is the key to succeed but isn't Loeb almost alone to drive like that? Sordo is probably the only one similar from top. I can't say I like Ogier but I love the fact he shows that it is possible to be reliable and to win events by crazy driving.

PS That's nothing against Loeb. He is just sometimes a little bit too perfect and I can't imagine watching 20 Loebs on stage :)

22nd January 2013, 18:40

more nice photos here
eWRC.cz - Fotogalerie Rallye Monte Carlo 2013 Nikos Katikis (http://www.ewrc.cz/ewrc/fotogalery.php?events=5887&fotograf=180)

22nd January 2013, 18:46

eWRC.cz - Fotogalerie Rallye Monte Carlo 2013 Ivo Nesrovnal (http://www.ewrc.cz/ewrc/fotogalery.php?events=5887&fotograf=43)

22nd January 2013, 18:47
It has been said before that the Polo tends to understeer on entrance and oversteer on exit (based on the MC test) so maybe that's why Ogier and Latvala have to use a wilder driving style.

The we have Hänninen who was quite spectacular and sideways in MC, I don't know (of course) nor have heard any comment about the reason, but I like it.

Sordo is much "cleaner" but I have the impression he's going to a more aggressive style, maybe it was the conditions or maybe it come from having to drive the Mini, which is not as developed as the DS3.

Anyway I like this sideways trend and I hope it remains for a long time.

22nd January 2013, 19:48
One things amazes me. Loeb and Ogier can hardly be more different. It was not so visible here as I can't remember Seb I. to ever drive so spectacular but especially on gravel events which they did in same cars it was like a day and night. Loeb very effective, very precise, perfect lines etc. while Ogier very wide, very brutal, by sight very risky. But in the end both set similar times and both mostly finish.

It was often said that JML or Solberg can't fight Loeb because they are driving too brutal way, too sideways etc. but isn't that what Ogier does? It was also often said that clean driving is the key to succeed but isn't Loeb almost alone to drive like that? Sordo is probably the only one similar from top. I can't say I like Ogier but I love the fact he shows that it is possible to be reliable and to win events by crazy driving.

PS That's nothing against Loeb. He is just sometimes a little bit too perfect and I can't imagine watching 20 Loebs on stage :)

Nobody said Latvala is not quick, he is very quick, unfortunatelly often beyond the limit, which Ogier likely is not doing. Solberg, also quick, but too many mistakes from him lately.

22nd January 2013, 20:06
Does somebody know a site where i realy can find some hd-res pics from this rally!

22nd January 2013, 20:43


22nd January 2013, 20:45
Ostberg say that in the first Turini Was in Road mode!!!

22nd January 2013, 20:53
Prokop said same too.

22nd January 2013, 20:57
Does somebody know a site where i realy can find some hd-res pics from this rally!

eWRC.cz - po všech stránkách rally... (http://www.ewrc.cz/ewrc/fotomain.php)

22nd January 2013, 22:08
Ostberg say that in the first Turini Was in Road mode!!!

Was a incredible conditions!!

22nd January 2013, 22:20
It has been said before that the Polo tends to understeer on entrance and oversteer on exit (based on the MC test) so maybe that's why Ogier and Latvala have to use a wilder driving style.

The we have Hänninen who was quite spectacular and sideways in MC, I don't know (of course) nor have heard any comment about the reason, but I like it.

Sordo is much "cleaner" but I have the impression he's going to a more aggressive style, maybe it was the conditions or maybe it come from having to drive the Mini, which is not as developed as the DS3.

Anyway I like this sideways trend and I hope it remains for a long time.

I was not particularly speaking about Monte Carlo or Polo. The difference was most visible when Loeb and Ogier drove same cars...

About Hänninen. He used to be pretty flamboyant with the S2000 too ;)

22nd January 2013, 23:15
I have seen the drone in some of the videos, here is some footage from it.

Drone-Work at the Rallye Monte Carlo 2013 -- MAKING OF-- on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/57940210)

Impressive and novel technology for WRC shame that music is used in the video. I think Ken Block used one in his videos in a US rally before, but that one was a RC helicopter.

23rd January 2013, 01:00


23rd January 2013, 01:03


Rally Hokkaido
23rd January 2013, 05:53
History of devolution: Lamarckism claimed that environmental factors such as taking drugs or alcohol would produce degeneration in the offspring of those individuals, and would revert those offspring to a primitive state.


23rd January 2013, 07:02
I have seen the drone in some of the videos, here is some footage from it.

Drone-Work at the Rallye Monte Carlo 2013 -- MAKING OF-- on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/57940210)

Impressive and novel technology for WRC shame that music is used in the video. I think Ken Block used one in his videos in a US rally before, but that one was a RC helicopter.

That's also an RC heli. I doubt that WRC reviews will start to hire helicam crew(s) because they are rather expensive. I know that in Estonia their daily rate is near 2000 euros. Would imagine that in Western Europe it is even higher.

But stunning images :)

23rd January 2013, 09:45
That kind of camera RC helicopter was used to take images in Czech championship already in 2008 or so. I remember a funny moment when on a loooong straight one driver was saluting to the small helicopter and crashed into a wineyard in a junction coming after a crest. There was an onboard of that moment :)

23rd January 2013, 10:05
One could also notice on that historical pic of Audi that they had the option of using narrow tyres. The conditions with slush are only bad when only option is very wide tyres.

So for next RMC (if there´s gonna be any in WRC) one option should be narrow tyres with, let´s say 200 studs, of cours not swedish ones.

23rd January 2013, 10:27
One could also notice on that historical pic of Audi that they had the option of using narrow tyres. The conditions with slush are only bad when only option is very wide tyres.

So for next RMC (if there´s gonna be any in WRC) one option should be narrow tyres with, let´s say 200 studs, of cours not swedish ones.

I've heard Sainz saying that cut tyres could have avoided this year's accidents at the Turini.

23rd January 2013, 10:28
One could also notice on that historical pic of Audi that they had the option of using narrow tyres. The conditions with slush are only bad when only option is very wide tyres.

So for next RMC (if there´s gonna be any in WRC) one option should be narrow tyres with, let´s say 200 studs, of cours not swedish ones.

I noticed that too. In fact I can't imagine 500+hp beast with any other tyres in these conditions. You must be veeeeeery careful with the throttle.

23rd January 2013, 10:40

23rd January 2013, 10:53
http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/s480x480/6107_516311575057603_1386446362_n.jpg :)

23rd January 2013, 11:38
Just three weeks before in FIA ERC and the most similar event...


And this is what they did with wide tyres when it was allowed to cut (photo of Hänninen's car from 2009). All centre pads are cut out and so is every second side pad.


23rd January 2013, 12:07
So what did they gain cutting every second pad on the outside when pads between the two cut lines are blocked? Iguess they didn´t win anything on that. Rather on the contrary.
They should have cut pads between them as well to gain performance in slush.