View Full Version : My American brothers! Lay down your arms....

29th March 2007, 20:03
....head south of the border and get yourself an XBox 360 :cheese:

Mexico City (Mexico) The new mayor of Mexico City is offering criminals a free Xbox 360 (http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/2007/03/29/xbox_360_gun_amnesty/#) for every handgun, and a free PC (http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/2007/03/29/xbox_360_gun_amnesty/#) for higher caliber firearms such as assault rifles, that are handed into police in an amnesty, according to Reuters.
The move is being trialled in one of the more dangerous neighborhoods in the city and will be extended elsewhere if it proves a success. Already 17 handguns have been handed in, with the ex-criminals walking away with an Xbox (http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/2007/03/29/xbox_360_gun_amnesty/#) 360 with which to conduct crime and mayhem in a less destructive virtual environment.


29th March 2007, 23:13
I'm doing an Italian oral on this news article, I didn't realise that they were giving out 360s :eek:

31st March 2007, 01:36
right if I had a ****ing gun I could have all the Xboxes and PC I want

jim mcglinchey
31st March 2007, 12:54
Did you know that the Columbine murderers became crack shots mainly by hours of "training " on video games. Maybe its not such a good idea handing out free simulators to dangrerous gunmen.

2nd April 2007, 02:34
erm... I don't think that's true.

I have shot many many evil Nazi Germans on PS2, and also have shot in real life(not to anyone) a very old Garand rifle.

both are completely different things

2nd April 2007, 06:40
erm... I don't think that's true.

I have shot many many evil Nazi Germans on PS2, and also have shot in real life(not to anyone) a very old Garand rifle.

both are completely different things

Very correct. I'm a crack sniper shot on SOCOM. But in real life I couldn't hit a barn door with a shotgun from 5yards away.

R. Mears
2nd April 2007, 07:20
Very correct. I'm a crack sniper shot on SOCOM. But in real life I couldn't hit a barn door with a shotgun from 5yards away.
I could. :D
Never played a video game in my life and doubt I ever will.

jim mcglinchey
2nd April 2007, 15:57
[quote="jso1985"]erm... I don't think that's true.

Strange as it may seem, it was reported on a documentary about Columbine that I watched one night that one of the weapons was fired say 22 times, and about 12 kids were hit with it. Thats a frightening ratio, and its believed that the little b+++++ds honed their skills at the Galleria.

2nd April 2007, 16:59
Very correct. I'm a crack sniper shot on SOCOM. But in real life I couldn't hit a barn door with a shotgun from 5yards away.

Just saw off the barrel and use double ought buck and you will be fine!!

2nd April 2007, 21:21
So they had a good accuracy, but from what range were they shooting?

I can drift at 100mph on Project Gotham Racing, I don't think I could do the same thing irl :p :