View Full Version : The Zombie Apocalypse has Begun. Miami police shoot naked man eating face

27th May 2012, 04:14
Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/26/2818832/naked-man-shot-killed-on-macarthur.html#storylink=cpy)

The Zombie Apocalypse has begun---where else but Florida?

Always thought there was a lot of walking dead in Florida but now we see the truth:

Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim

The body of a naked man shot dead on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami on Saturday May 26, 2012 is partly shielded by cars. The body was blurred in the Adobe Photoshop photograph-scanning program. Another man was taken to a hospital. The men reportedly were running across the bridge naked. The man in photo is near the westbound causeway ramp onto Northeast 13th Street. MARSHA HALPER / Miami Herald Staff
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One man was shot to death by Miami police, and another man is fighting for his life after he was attacked and his face allegedly half eaten, by a naked man on the MacArthur Causeway off ramp, police said.

The bloodshed began about 2 p.m. when a series of gunshots were heard on the ramp, which is along NE 13th Street, just south of The Miami Herald building. Witnesses said a woman saw the two men fighting and flagged down a police officer who was in the area.

The officer, who has not been identified, approached and saw that the naked man was actually chewing the other man’s head, according to witnesses. The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him. The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots.

Read more here: Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/26/2818832/naked-man-shot-killed-on-macarthur.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy)

In a text message, Javier Ortiz, spokesman for Miami police’s Fraternal Order of Police, said the officer who fired the fatal shots was “a hero.”

“Based on the information provided, our Miami police officer is a hero and saved a life,’’ he said.

Sergeant Altarr Williams, supervisor of Miami police’s Homicide Unit, said a man doesn’t have to be armed to be dangerous.

“There are other ways to injure people,’’ Williams said. “Some people know martial arts, others are very strong and can kill you with their hands.’

Read more here: Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/26/2818832/naked-man-shot-killed-on-macarthur.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy)

"And on the third day he rose again from the dead...."

Who has stocked up ammo, water, food and generators?

How is this Obama's fault?

27th May 2012, 19:57
And 28 days later...

27th May 2012, 22:41
And 28 days later...



28th May 2012, 01:06
sex sex sex ?????? (http://www.hovalot.info/) ?????? (http://www.hovala.co.il/) ?????? (http://truckin.co.il/) ?????? (http://shenua.co.il/) ?????? (http://eliezer-relocations.com/) ?????? (http://www.hovalot.asia/) ?????? (http://eliezer-relocations.com/) ?????? (http://hovalot.me/) ?????? (http://xn----1hcbjfbb7aayfnh0o.co.il/) porno porno porno

28th May 2012, 21:29
Don't worry Mark, it'll be overseas 28 weeks later.

29th May 2012, 13:06
This is awesome! Well, not for the guy who had his face eaten but for the rest of us, we get to live out our zombie apocalypse fantasies! Now, where did that copy of The Zombie Survival Guide get to?

Big Ben
30th May 2012, 09:26
They all laughed at me when I bought my killing zombies kit... suckers!

30th May 2012, 17:11
I'm just wondering which AK47 or AKM variant I should be getting... I read the Finnish version is the best but I'm sure our Finnish friends will want to hold onto all those they have, so the question is, which is second best? We need stopping power, and cheap ammuntion....

31st May 2012, 13:21
The Zombie Apocalypse has begun---where else but Florida?

How is your pal Gary Ridgway doing?

I'm just wondering which AK47 or AKM variant I should be getting... I read the Finnish version is the best but I'm sure our Finnish friends will want to hold onto all those they have, so the question is, which is second best? We need stopping power, and cheap ammuntion....

In your case I am 100% in favor of gun control.

31st May 2012, 15:28
What the hell is going on up there in the dreary North West?

A gunman killed five people in Seattle on Wednesday — four at a cafe and another in a carjacking
Suspect's family: 'We could see this coming' | Local News | The Seattle Times (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2018316552_roosevelt31m.html)

race aficionado
31st May 2012, 16:35
Oh well . . . it was fun while it lasted.

31st May 2012, 16:57
Oh well . . . it was fun while it lasted.

Perhaps the moderators will deal with troublemaker who is clearly trying to be rude and harass...

Want to place a bet?

race aficionado
31st May 2012, 18:56
I'm still waiting for Eki's response . . . . Zombied?????

31st May 2012, 19:09
I dont know if the last posts are to be taken seriously or not. However this is the first time I feel a little scared about these kind of news.

If those were just zombies I think we would be fine, they're slow and all of that. However I think unfortunately some weird experiments are going behind doors, it's amazing how much science has evolved, however it is not only used for the good and I think some governments know this and perhaps sometimes even take advantage of it.

We are in for a scary scentury, I'd much rather be done with and old style bullet rather than with a wird virus or with people eating my face.

donKey jote
31st May 2012, 20:00
Quitter ! :p

31st May 2012, 21:30
Awesome, Starter has now joined the Dark Side! :vader:

donKey jote
31st May 2012, 21:34
Is that what she's called nowadays? :erm:

1st June 2012, 16:46
After breaking out in Miami it's spreading:

Alleged Maryland cannibal charged with killing, eating man's brain, heart - baltimoresun.com (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/harford/bs-md-ha-dismemberment-follow-20120531,0,4066697.story)

Maryland man charged with killing, eating man's brain, heart
Man, 21, charged with first-degree murder
By Justin Fenton, Kayla Bawroski and Kevin Rector, Baltimore Sun Media Group

8:34 p.m. EDT, May 31, 2012
The 21-year-old college student allegedly told detectives that he hadn't just killed the man who'd lived with his family for months, but had eaten his heart and portions of his brain. The victim's severed head and hands were found in the men's Harford County home; more remains were left in a trash container outside a church.

Authorities outlined the macabre circumstances Thursday in charges against Alexander Kinyua, an electrical engineering major at Morgan State University and member of his school's ROTC program, of first-degree murder in the death of 37-year-old Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie, a Ghanaian national and a former master's degree student.

And up I-95 it goes, more reports:
New Jersey man throws intestines at cops after repeatedly stabbing himself | Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/30/new-jersey-man-throws-intestines-at-cops-after-repeatedly-stabbing-himself/#ixzz1wYToVhwo)

New Jersey man throws intestines at cops after repeatedly stabbing himself
Published May 30, 2012
HACKENSACK, N.J. – A New Jersey man was in critical condition Wednesday after repeatedly stabbing himself with a 12-inch knife and throwing his intestines at cops.
Wayne Carter, who has a history of psychiatric problems, had barricaded himself inside his Hackensack, N.J., home when the gruesome event took place late Sunday, The Record reported Tuesday.
Police were called to the house after the 43-year-old was spotted cutting himself with the knife.
When they arrived at the scene, Carter refused to drop the weapon and began waving it -- along with a hammer -- at the officers. He then repeatedly stabbed himself in the legs, abdomen and neck.
Hackensack Police Lt. Timothy Lloyd told the Cliffview Pilot, "They tried to talk him down, but they were having no luck. He was slashing at them with the knife."
When he began throwing pieces of skin and intestines at the officers, they called in the Bergen County Police Department's SWAT team, Lloyd said.
By the time they arrived, Carter's intestines were "literally" hanging out of his body, an unnamed police official told the Pilot.
"The scene was a bloody mess," the official said. "The SWAT team members had to be decontaminated due to the amount of blood."
Carter was eventually disarmed after being sprayed with two cans of pepper spray and was rushed to the hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery early Monday.

I knew we should have isolated the South!

1st June 2012, 16:57
Hummm.... I think zombies are not supposed to talk to cops.

1st June 2012, 20:06
There was a story that popped up recently about a woman in Texas who decapitated her infant son and ate his brain. But it turns out the story was from 2009 - it came back up because of all these other people eating people lately. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, as it might mean that the Zombie Apocalypse actually started about 3 years ago, and we didn't realize it.

Times are crazy and people are strange.

1st June 2012, 20:31
You call them Zombies

I call them OWS/Obama supporters! :)

1st June 2012, 21:02
Solyent Green tartar

race aficionado
1st June 2012, 21:04
In your face!!!

I mean . . . off your face!!!!!

1st June 2012, 21:49
do not worry folks, Shaun will take care of it. Here is the evidence of that he will take care of it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAAHUh7QB90)

race aficionado
3rd June 2012, 03:26
As my son would say: Bath Salts??? What a buzz kill!!

Subhash Kateel: It's Bigger Than "Bath Salts" and "Zombie Apocalypses" (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/subhash-kateel/its-bigger-than-bath-salts_b_1562014.html)

4th June 2012, 19:05
It's all such awful news to be hearing about, for the first time in a long while, I had to turn the TV off and go and do something else.


4th June 2012, 20:13
What? When are you ever at home to watch TV?! :D

4th June 2012, 21:14
Canada does it with style.

Magnotta allegedly mailed Lin's severed body parts to Ottawa police and politicians, including Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who received a severed foot.

Authorities searched Magnotta's Montreal apartment, where they found a torso stuffed in a suitcase. Not all of the body parts have been recovered.

Magnotta promoted himself as a gay porn star. According to Interpol, he used several aliases, including Eric Newman and Vladimir Romanov
They export!

Luka Rocco Magnotta, the porn actor who Canadian authorities say sent the dismembered body parts of a student to Canadian politicians, has been captured in Berlin, police there said.
Luka Magnotta, Canada (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/luka-magnotta-arrested-canadian-psycho-body-parts-150652360.html)
There's an Eddie Izzard joke in there somewhere :erm:

4th June 2012, 23:25
What? When are you ever at home to watch TV?! :D

I'll have you know that I'm home until Wednesday, then off to Sunderland and back home for a whole 3 hours on Friday, then away with the family until late on Monday and back to work on Tuesday :(

And then down to Sunderland again for a job interview the day after :(

I just want an easy life!! :bigcry:

5th June 2012, 11:10
If they reach these shores we've had it. As usual our councils are completely unprepared!

BBC News - Leicester City Council 'not ready' for zombie attack (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-13713798)