View Full Version : Should Whitmarsh resign?

19th May 2012, 11:45
Martin Whitmarsh had the audacity to blame 'complex procedures' for the fuel fiasco in Barcelona last week. If I had been the interviewer I would have asked him, to explain why is it only Lewis Hamilton that has had a fuel problem TWICE in the last three seasons. And why no other driver or team has had a problem? The gaffe was the latest in a sequence of blunders that include bungled pitstops and compromising pit strategies. Lewis Hamilton should be 20 points or more clear in the championship instead of eight points adrift. Mclaren should also be leading the constructors championship. Mclaren were also the only team not to have their drivers attend the testing in Mugello, and Jenson Button would have clearly benefitted from learning more about the tyres. Given all of these things plus the track record of underachieving that Mclaren have under Whitmarsh, I think it's time for him to make way for someone else.

19th May 2012, 12:11
I can see why people are getting a bit edgy about some of the uncharacteristic mistakes that have befell McLaren this year but I feel calling for Martins head is a bit OTT.

You are quite correct that Lewis should be a good 20 points ahead of the rest this season but not because he has the best car but because he is driving the best he ever has and is wringing every '000's of a second out of the car that he can. The bungled pit stops are a mystery but something is happening that hasn't happened previously. It isn't training or competence because the McLaren boys are the best out there IMHO so I suggest we hold judgement of that as well.

I share your sentiments about the fuel situation. Martin wont come out and publicly criticise someone that's made a cock up but has defused the situation by deflecting the blame to 'procedures'. I wouldn't expect him to say anything else. It may very well be that there was a procedural issue and if so, lessons will be learned but I suspect that a misjudgement or slightly too aggressive call may more likely be the cause. McLaren win and lose as a team and aren't in the game of hanging anyone out to dry for trying their best even if it ultimately turns out wrong.

Mugello is a different shout. It's quite an uncharacteristic F1 circuit and I don't know how much benefit Jenson and Lewis would have got from being there. I, like you, suspect it may have been better getting the drivers running test programs but would there have been any real benefit derived over Gary and Olly. I think I will put my faith in Martin that it was better to run it as he did.

If the rest of the season is blighted with managerial cock-up's and unforced mistakes than we might look at this then but I feel that calling for Martin to resign is not going to change the situation, if a 'situation' really exists. It may just be a few unfortunate issues that occured at the same time.

19th May 2012, 12:51
I too think its a bit over the top to call for Whitmarsh to resign. This isn't football where managers are chucked on the scrap heap to satisfy a media hungry solution. Why are people not calling for Phil Prew, David Redding, or Simon Roberts to resign? Those men are probably more responsible for the training and day to day running of personel within the team yet because Whitmarsh is really the only name fans recognize, they call for his head. I don't think anyone should resign. It needs the team to pull together and work on the faults. Unsettling the team more is not an option.


19th May 2012, 13:45
Mclaren should also be leading the constructors championship.

Why? Because they have the quickest car?

Who do you think is ultimately responsible for delivering a championship contending car season after season? Do you think Martin Whitmarsh's management had something to do with that?

If Whitmarsh presides over a decline at McLaren just as we saw at Williams over the past decade I'd agree, sack him. This hasn't happened and your post indicates that you understand that the McLaren is yet again (yawn) the quickest or second quickest car out there, indicating his management is quite successful.

There have been a few errors over the past few races. Have you done a root cause analysis? How do you know its not just a series of human errors rather than a management or procedural flaw that lead to them? You realise that in preceding seasons where McLaren didn't make such mistake Whitmarsh was also running the team right? Surely he is therefore the right man to find the cause and correct them?

Knee jerk reactions like this call to sack Whitmarsh are probably the worst thing any team or company can do to correct a situation McLaren find themselves in now. Thats how Ferrari used to do their business back before Todt, how successful was that?

19th May 2012, 16:37
McLaren seems to have become a "nearly-team" in recent era. Incredible that the last Constructors' championship they won, dates back to 1998! This despite McLaren being a contender and front-runner most of the time since then.

But still, despite mistakes McLaren as a whole team is there or thereabouts and competing for titles. So overall (which is the most important thing, leaving specific issues aside) Whitmarsh seems to be doing a fine job. McLaren hasn't become less competitive since he took over from Dennis. And considering Ron Dennis is rightfully regarded as a bit of a legend, it is easy to forget that McLaren made some big blunders during his time as well.

19th May 2012, 23:41
Let's hope that we get a drastic improvement on the first five races of the season. If we do then I am sure Mclaren will be successful.

Mia 01
20th May 2012, 16:25
Some fans use MW as an excuse or explanation of Lewis lack of wins this year, itīs wrong.

20th May 2012, 18:50
Should Whitmarsh resign?No

20th May 2012, 19:37
Like any organization that begins (repeatedly) snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, if there are many more blunders this season, whether it's Whitmarsh or some others, I feel that someone at/near the top is going to get the ax. Fair or not, that's just how it usually happens.

20th May 2012, 23:15
I think its been more down to pure bad luck for Hamilton than anything else, way too OTT calling for him to be sacked!

21st May 2012, 01:13
... And considering Ron Dennis is rightfully regarded as a bit of a legend, it is easy to forget that McLaren made some big blunders during his time as well.

Most notably China in 2007 which to this day I still find difficult to swallow and forgive Ron Dennis

21st May 2012, 04:07
As Jens pointed out, McLaren haven't won a WCC since 1998 and only 1 WDC since 2000. That gives them 1 title out of the 24 awarded since the turn of the century. Ferrari were rightly ridiculed for their long run without a drivers title and McLaren are currently experiencing a similar run of incompetence or misfortune, call it what you will. Why do I bring this up? Because Whitmarsh has only been running the team for a small part of this period. If Whitmarsh should be fired then so too should Ron Dennis have been fired (admiittedly difficult when he owns the team) becuase his recent results weren't really any better in terms of championships.

The fact is, under Whitmarsh's reign McLaren have been contenders. They rebounded from the difficult 2009 season better than Ferrari (I can't believe I just praised McLaren over Ferrari! I think I'm coming down with something) and have been contending ever since. Whatever problems McLaren have aren't due to a lack of leadership from Whitmarsh.

21st May 2012, 04:13
Why is nobody talking about Sam Michael? Isn't he now in charge of track side operations???

21st May 2012, 09:31
Most notably China in 2007 which to this day I still find difficult to swallow and forgive Ron Dennis

I think that Ron really messed up the whole 2007 season.

21st May 2012, 10:50
Or they could go back in time and fire Adrian Newey as a chunk of the time without success involved cars designed by him! The team need to pull their fingers out, not fire a scapegoat IMO. Sam Michael hasn't been in the job 5 minutes so I don't see any reason for his head just yet.

Yes, it makes no sense for Whitmarsh to resign since he's already given up responsibilty for the race weekend operations where the "gaffes" occurred, and it makes no sense for Michael to resign since he hasn't been in the job long enough to do anything about it.

21st May 2012, 12:03
I wouldn't say that Sam Michael hasn't been there long enough to have influenced their operations. He left Williams and joined McLaren before the end of last year. He's had a full winter and 5 races to get his hooks into the team. That's long enough to mark his mark.

Having said that I don't think McLaren need to fire anybody. Every team stuffs up on occasion. This is nothing more than a few Hamilton fans getting frustrated by his bad luck and looking for someone to blame.

Big Ben
21st May 2012, 13:23
Yes. It's obvious he's stealing gas.... and then the fire in the Williams garrage... enough said :rolleyes: .

21st May 2012, 13:44
I think MW should be commended for his brutal honesty for his strategical faux at the Spanish GP. If Sam Michaels was Competition Director at another and the same thing occured I can well imagine him taking the blame.

McLaren seems to have become a "nearly-team" in recent era. Incredible that the last Constructors' championship they won, dates back to 1998! This despite McLaren being a contender and front-runner most of the time since then.

I team like McLaren don't care about the WCC. It's all about the WDC. Was winning the WCC in 1999 the antidote for Ferrari's 20 years of hurt?

Mia 01
21st May 2012, 19:56
Why is the problem Hamilton fans? There's a few on this thread with the same view point as you including myself. I think the calls are more likely from McLare n team fans rather than those of a specific driver. I just hate getting generalized and thrown amongst the whingers. Not picking on you hawkmoon, its just there is a similar thread on another forum started by a Vettel fan and a lot of the contributors are Button fans lol. This frustration will pass.. :)

Nobody really blame you henner. Last year the calling for a scapegoat was even louder, and most accused Martin. Note that that year Jenson beated Lewis with 43 points.

22nd May 2012, 03:23
I wouldn't say that Sam Michael hasn't been there long enough to have influenced their operations. He left Williams and joined McLaren before the end of last year. He's had a full winter and 5 races to get his hooks into the team. That's long enough to mark his mark.

TBH I'm no fan of Sam Michaels, his stewardship of the williams team had them in the doldrums for a while.
Now he joins Mclaren and guess what? the trackside team is sucking and lacking in quality.
And Williams is running much better without him

22nd May 2012, 03:25
This is nothing more than a few Hamilton fans getting frustrated by his bad luck and looking for someone to blame.

bad luck is one thing, stupid errors are another thing and folks have more than a right to be annoyed by them.

22nd May 2012, 13:44
bad luck is one thing, stupid errors are another thing and folks have more than a right to be annoyed by them.
Maybe I should change the question to 'Should Whitmarsh resign for hiring Sam Michael', or 'Did Sam start the fire' !!! Jokes aside, I really hope that Mclaren get their act together because this season is becoming an embarrassment. Also hope the Williams folks hurt in the fire are fully recovered or recovering well.

22nd May 2012, 23:35
I share your pain CV but there is no quick fix. Jens is right that McLaren haven't delivered to their potential over the last decade or more. They are the best team in the world and yet seem to fall at the final hurdle most of the time.

There are some excuses like the FIA 'attitude' to Ferrari and bias against Ron but I think those times are over now and we have a level(ish) playing field.

We have a good car this year. t may not be the outright quickest but it's good enough, with the right team decisions and taking into account the 2 Drivers we have, to win both titles. I will be McLaren at the end of the season whatever happens but you get the feeling that this year really is a Golden opportunity.

31st May 2012, 22:45
Well Mclaren are still doing their best to loose both championships. Not giving Hamilton the hurry up call and allowing Vettel to overtake was unforgivable. And the launch control issue seems to have surfaced again. I still maintain the management needs a good looking at.!!

I am now hoping for better team and car performance in Canada.