View Full Version : A drama filled morning..

24th April 2012, 18:26
I live in South Ayrshire right out in the sticks. A guy in a purple Fiesta with a smashed in front end came flying up my drive this morning, skidded to a halt, stones flying everywhere.. that pissed me off a bit.
He was in his early thirties, had a tatoo on his neck and a cracking, yellowing black eye.. sweating like a rapist and looked as dodgy as ****. He said he had slid on some oil, gone off the road and needed some water for his leaking radiator. I agreed to help and got the hose out but it was pouring out as fast as it went in. He was eyeing up our Celica asking if it was fast etc and looking through the window (Presumably to see if the keys were in it). When I'd gone inside to talk to Kirst he must have been scouting round the other side of the house as he mentioned the kids quads for some reason . I told him to fill the 5 gallon drum I gave him with water and take it with him to help get him to the next town and to take it really easy.

Meanwhile I heard a helicopter flying nearby and noticed that the guy quickly moved in to the side of the house to remain unseen by it, I looked over the field to see that it was a police helicopter and realised that he was probably on the run.. The mrs came outside to set off for work and I made sure I stayed with her with my pickaxe close at hand incase he tried anything.

I was having difficulty closing his bonnet and said I was going to go and get a big screwdriver to prise the catch forward.. I thought better of it and told him I couldn't do it and that he was just to crawl down the road at 10 mph or his bonnet would fly open. He thanked me again and flew off wheelspinning down the drive and went flying off the opposite way I'd told him to go, his bonnet immediately flew up and wrapped itself round his windscreen :D

I imediately phoned the local cops they took all the details, his registration number etc and they spoke with the operations desk while I was on the line who relayed the info on to the chopper which then went off away after him. He'd stopped at the next farm down the road looking for string to hold his bonnet down lol , Scot had just told him to F-off as 2 police cars came flying down the road... the guy abandoned the car and tried to run away on foot but he was quickly caught near the quarry thanks to the chopper.

Meanwhile my Mrs on her way into work had been pulled over at what effectively was a police roadblock further down the road asking if she had seen a purple Fiesta.. "Yep, she replied "he is up at our house" and off they went blues and two's on.. She tried to phone me to get me to keep him there for as long as I could but didn't have a signal.

The cops phoned me back later to thank me and tell me that they had picked him up.. I still don't know what he has done but it must have been pretty serious. WHen Kirst got into work others had witnessed him being chased by the cops on the road up from Barhill... he must have cut off down our road and lost it at the humpback bridge/corner a mile down the road.

An exciting morning for a change!

I've since heard through the grapevine that he'd carjacked someone at knifepoint. I'm just glad he never tried it with either of us but kinda wondering why not.

24th April 2012, 18:50
vop would have put a 9mm slug in his head :p :

24th April 2012, 19:37
You don't get that every day - hopefully he won't remember where he was :s

24th April 2012, 20:20
You don't get that every day - hopefully he won't remember where he was :s

Yep, thankfully. Well I didn't cross him as far as he is aware.. and the quads will be getting moved and a second heavy duty chain through them. He'll be jailed for a year or two so hopefully will have forgotten about them by the time he gets out.

24th April 2012, 21:22
Once saw a car with 4 young kids in ,caught up at traffic lights in Headingley Leeds.The police were coming down the road with blues and twos on .But this guys blocked in behind an old guys newish car,so he blows his horn to get the old guy too move,but its still on RED,so the kids bashed him out of the way,by hust bumping into the rear of the guys new car,eventually he pulled forward and they shot away with the police on his tail .

25th April 2012, 02:54
And that would have been bad, how?
:rolleyes: :D

Sorry, just pulling your leg.

Because any good pistol packer knows a 9mm is just a mouse fart. Several rounds of .45 ACP hollow points are much more effective. :)

Sounds like an interesting close brush Zico. Just be glad the idiot didn't try anything at your home.

I got in a chase on the highway once on the way from work. Kept hearing sirens and looking not seeing any cops. The highway was packed and next to impossible to change lanes. Next thing I know some guy in an old truck comes over from the right and is driving strange, when I finally see lights and realize they are after the guy in the truck. The crazy part was most of the highway gave them maybe 30-40 yards and got right back up to speed. I don't know if they were just idiots or hoping to watch the rest of the chase. I left plenty of space, thinking you don't want to be in the middle of the arrest situation when the guy obviously had reason to run.

They finally got enough cops on scene and blocked the highway off, and then spun him.

25th April 2012, 15:10
vop would have put a 9mm slug in his head :p :

I would have used my 460 mag Smith and Wesson

25th April 2012, 16:09
It's interesting the man didn't have the stomach to try anything with you. All the fight must have gone out of him from the original robbery and chase.

25th April 2012, 16:38
It's interesting the man didn't have the stomach to try anything with you. All the fight must have gone out of him from the original robbery and chase.

He was definately thinking about it.. he asked if I was on my way out to go off to work (presumably I'd then have my car keys in my pocket).
I was bigger than him, he saw the weights bench in the barn he asked if I did weights.
He was asked how fast the Celica was..
Kirst later said she was sure she'd heard the Celica door opening/shutting and asked if it had been me.. it wasn't. Again- He was looking for keys?
He also asked if there were any more houses further down the road, presumably to find an easier option?

I can only imagine that the fact that he wasn't sure if we had our keys on us and that Katie was also in the house must have made him think twice about holding a knife to our throats, country people often have guns too.

If he had held a knife to my throat I'd just have given him the keys for the Celica and laughed at him as he tried to figure out the aftermarket thatcham imobiliser, that I still have problems with, I doubt he'd have managed it, the dogs would have been let out immediately and if he tried to get back out the car he would have had to get past me, my pickaxe handle and the two dogs.. I think it would have worked out in our favour. ;)

25th April 2012, 17:22
I've got an unassembled Kinder Egg toy in the car...that's about as exciting as I think my day will get :D ....in fact it's about as exciting as my life gets, the only story I have close to Zico's escapade was once when I were in Gordano services we saw some guy leaking blood from his ear and what looked like two different families going mental at each other in the car park. One group got into their gold Merc and sped off, pulled a handbrake turn and started heading back to the other group. Everyone jumped out the way but then one of them got a golf club (looked like a driver/3 wood) out the boot of their car and was doing a toreador act, jumping out of the way and smacking the car with the gold club. Needless to say I sat quietly in the car and waited for it all to cool down a bit.

25th April 2012, 19:01
I had an angry exchange with a Frenchman who ignored a give way sign and who I had brake heavily to avoid. Dum-de-dum....

Nice story, Zico. Lucky no-one was hurt. I hope tomorrow morning it's back to normal.

26th April 2012, 15:08
Great stuff Zico.

26th April 2012, 22:49
Nice one Zico, one less thieiving scumbag out there!