View Full Version : Motor Sports and prejudices - Only a Continental View?

31st March 2012, 15:53
In Germany the chance is given to place motor sports in a "Dialogue on Future" with the federal chancellor Mrs. Merkel (deadline 15 April 2012). Motor sport suffers from prejudices, which break through on licensing procedures and cause their unlawful obstruction. We have to fight against those trends and actually we have the chance in

the Dialogue on Future (http://www.motorsport-foerdern.igsz.de)

as mentioned before by supporting it (counted anonymusly, no registration needed, "Captcha" sometimes a bit tricky) with the black button "Ja ich unterstütze diesen Vorschlag".

The text of the entry, which should be supported, may be translated as follows

Promote motor sports (MS) as a sport of physical bodily performance, work against a stigma of MS ex officio

MS is often burdened with prejudices, this must come to an end.

The explanation of the "Dialogue on Future" includes the topic "the image of ourselves (....) in the eyes of the world" and the questions "How can we strengthen our virtue? How can we envolve "Made in Germany"?"

Both works poorly, when it slows down caused by home-made barriers. Among those barriers we find prejudices (one is maintained even ex officio - but, as usual with prejudices, unfounded) like

(1) "Motor sports (MS) is furious driving."

MS is subject to strict regulations on competition, technology and environmental management. Those regulation are unwholesome for racers, practisind furious driving.

(2) "MS is not nonprofit"

The facts show that MS is competitive physical bodily performing sports and a relevant decision of the Federal Fiscal Court also gives evidence that motor sport is charitable.

(3) "Sports activities in the natural landscape regularly comply with the requirements on recreation and natural and scenic experience. Exercising sports in nature and landscape is compatible with the provisions of (§ ....) "Federal Nature Protection Act", unless they are (....) [No. 7] supported by means of combustion engines" (Advisory Council for Environment and Sports (http://www.bfn.de/0323_beirat.html), Fed. Department of Environmental Affairs - BMU 9/2001)

Contrary to this ex officio statement, MS is usually carried out in a way that it

● first does not violate or contradict the provisions of the regulations concerning nature conservation (especially biodiversity) and second beyond this

● in relevant known cases MS is even beneficial to the fullfillment of the goals fixed by these regulations.

Remember, that mad national political or legal trends may effect as mad trends on European level. The results may burden motor sports in other countries as well as actually in Germany. Fight the dangers on European level as early as possible!

Some thousands of votes could be helpful.

Relevant experience from UK may be interesting for me, as concerning e.g. forestal aspects.

31st March 2012, 16:57
Ok, but, Erm, what?!

1st April 2012, 22:24
Ok, but, Erm, what?!


1st April 2012, 23:19
Ok, but, Erm, what?!


Its obvious to me..... :o

er........ :confused:

no Ok actually I'm with you.... :dozey:

I have no idea either. :(

Rudy Tamasz
2nd April 2012, 12:05
I kinda get what the gentleman wants from us. There's some sort of public discussion in Germany 'on issues'. Tilman obviouslly wants to piggyback on it and promote a positive image of motorsport that some people do not share for whatever reason.

I don't think I'm gonna sign it. I'm not German and I'm not a believer in such forms of activism, either, although I don't disagree withe the message.

2nd April 2012, 15:19
Poor translation of the original text :s